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!DowN/N3yMY 05/10/12(Thu)02:59 No.19050382 File: 1336633170.jpg-(133 KB, 450x600, fc6d6479b948bb4f4adbbe8d33d880(...).jpg)
 After giving Kraus instructions to keep the Girls suitably supplied with cookies and drinks, you ignore the tiniest sense of danger you felt, settle yourself into a beach chair and pull out a book.
----------------------------------------------- "That's how that thief of a sage, my enemy, can alter and falsify things," answered Don Quixote; "thou must know, Sancho, that it is a very easy matter for those of his sort to make us believe what they choose; and this malignant being who persecutes me, envious of the glory he knew I was to win in this battle, has turned the squadrons of the enemy into droves of sheep. At any rate, do this much, I beg of thee, Sancho, to undeceive thyself, and see that what I say is true; mount thy ass and follow them quietly, and thou shalt see that when they have gone some little distance from this they will return to their original shape and, ceasing to be sheep, become men in all respects as I described them to thee at first. But go not just yet, for I want thy help and assistance; come hither, and see how many of my teeth and grinders are missing, for I feel as if there was not one left in my mouth." --------------------------------------------
As you turned the page, a pair of strong arms snaked around your body and pulled you close from behind.