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!Q7t.srvWZ6 05/11/12(Fri)22:00 No.19072533 File: 1336788027.jpg-(579 KB, 2816x2112, 16_ocean.jpg)
You then decide while your on the ground in her timezone, you decide to call your mother, and chat with her for a short while about various things, including how handling your finances are going, and she gives you standard-issue grief about going to Japan instead of seeing your mother.
When you're done, you return to find Anna has returned from wherever she scooted off too. As you sit back down in the waiting area, you decide to ask something that's been bugging you for a while. "So, Anna," You begin. "What's up with the romance novels?" She shrugs. "Simple pleasures. When you deal with all the complex and cerebral stuff I do in the daily course of my school-life, you gotta have something to do to relax." You nod slowly, then examine the cover of the one she's busy perusing. Well, might as well get your questions out of the way. "Okay, forgive me if I'm being rude, but, aren't you gay?" You ask. She snorts, and looks up from the book. "So? A girl doesn't have to be straight to enjoy a romance novel. " You think about it for a moment, then say, "Okay, fair point." "Though now I'm curious," Anna continues, "How you knew that, since I don't think I've ever actually stated as such in your presence." You're about to play the Wizard card (Well, okay, Psychic), when Roxane looks up from her computer a bit surprised. "Why, is it supposed to be a secret, or something?" Anna looks at her, then looks back at you. "Okay, now I'm curious how *she* knows." "SRMD is hyper-intuition as well. They're very good at picking up on small details and social cues. The other reason why she's terrifying." You explain. Roxane beams at you.
Then you go look at the Pacific Ocean for a while, because why the fuck not. |