/qst/ Thread Archive

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December 2015
44232331Ceaseless Tides Quest 1Oren Fisher takes an examination that will determine if he can escape his destitute life on his home planet.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-18 4 
44270563Ceaseless Tides Quest 2Oren acts out his role as guardian during The Festival of The Innocent, enjoys the festivities with people from his past, and says good-bye to his home.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-20 5 
44346930Ceaseless Tides Quest 3Oren wakes up from stasis, lands on Saredo, and begins exploring the Academy.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-24 5 
44412410Ceaseless Tides Quest 4Oren ventures through the academy with to meet with the rest of his squad, and gets to know them.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-28 3 
44470406Ceaseless Tides Quest 5Oren tours the academy with Luca, finds his new home, and gets in some target practice.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-31 3 
January 2016
44528933Ceaseless Tides Quest 6The first class is attended, and then Oren heads out on his first mission.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2016-01-03 2 
44612022Ceaseless Tides Quest 7Oren returns home from his first mission, and spends the following day trying to clear his mind of it.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2016-01-07 3 
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