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December 2016
880502Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 2Well Chem is... quarantined and probably dead. But in better news, the monster is HYPE.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-01 6 
892922Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 3This ritual just will not end. Also, the world might be teetering on the apocalypse. But we meet SPOILERS for the first time this quest.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-04 3 
923655Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 4With a Dragonslayer on board, we get brutal and go on a rampage. We ocmplete the ritual, but at what cost? Conspiracies abound!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-13 2 
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