/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2016
46670983Lady Knight Quest 2Isabella is taken to the order's facilities instead of the capital, where she interacts further with the princess.Lady Knight Quest, Collective Game2016-04-15 0 
46901117Lady Knight Quest #3Lady Knight Quest #3 : A quest about a princess and her lady knight bodyguardQuest, Lady Knight Quest2016-04-26 0 
July 2019
67213231Dramatic Dame DuelistsOP presents the idea of a setting where honor duels among highborn ladies have evolved into dramatic spectacles of swordplay and pageantry.worldbuilding, brainstorming, nobles, royalty, swordplay, sword fighting, sport, martial arts, lady knights2019-07-13 20 
December 2019
70071839Which genre of setting has the best girls?Anon's discuss which genre has best girls, devolves into Arthurian Lady Kight and Squire Boy lewdsLady Knight, Girls, Lewd, Writefags, Fetish, Cyberpunk, Arthurian2019-12-30 0 
December 2023
5805575The Lady Knight's Quest #1In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2023-12-01 30 
January 2024
5855948The Lady Knight's Quest IIIn which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2024-01-20 22 
March 2024
5915513The Lady Knight's QuestIn which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One...The Lady Knights Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip2024-03-18 20 
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