/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2023
5785555Naruto Quest: Feeling BlueYou are Otomo Mizutani, a little guy who lives in a blue world.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2023-10-12 26 
January 2024
5879060Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #2And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-01-01 18 
February 2024
5925330Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #3Blue his house, with a blue little window.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-02-14 11 
April 2024
5966789Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #4And a blue corvette, and everything is blue for him, and himself, and everybody around.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-04-01 9 
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