/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2011
14080098Pokemon MtGOP tries to concoct a working fusion of Pokemon flavor and Magic the Gathering rules, with /tg/'s help.Pokemon, Magic, Custom Cards2011-03-01 1 
October 2012
21035897Magic: the BeareningAn anon posts some bearly editted token. /tg/ exercises it's right to bear arms and signs up for the oncoming bearpocalypseMagic, mtg, bears, custom cards, Magic: the Bearening, awesome, 2012-10-08 9 
August 2013
26813598MTG custom Shrek unsetAnon posts his friends custom MTG cards, with a heavy Shrek vs. Peter Griffin theme. So bad they're fantastic.Magic: the Gathering, mtg, Shrek, custom cards, oc2013-08-25 17 
August 2024
93568321Reflections: What could have beenAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 1 
93613125Reflections #2: Gruul editionAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 0 
93662606Reflections #3, The trilogy ends hereAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 0 
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