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!w68jcmPgR6 09/24/10(Fri)16:49 No.12209821 File1285361355.png-(249 KB, 1000x1000, Journal71.png)
 Your name is Carbine, Bro. your gun's name is Curly Sheperd.
On the day of Sesame Street's 45th birthday, Curly Sheperd was released from a box under your bro's bed.
To date, Curly has had 68 confirmed kills since this morning.
Numbers help you think. Keeps you grounded. Otherwise you'd be festering on the fact that you just killed more Americans than you did the enemy.
the enemy
Who the fuck's the enemy. There's so fucking many of them. Friends however.
Yes, if you had friends as much as you had bullets, you would be surviving on a six shooter.
That means you have 6 friends.
one of them is Dominic.
the other is your girlfriend working the radio station.
The other 4 died in the desert.
But this fucking kid has been holding out really fucking well so far. You're glad that you reserved a spot for him in your zombie team.
You even kept an ARMAGEDDON ARMORY for such an event. Because you know that Dominic is the only person here that's on the fucking level and wierd as he is , he does nothing to please a bunch of fucking asshats that doesn't even know where they are on the map.
Speaking of which, what the fuck is he doing now... |