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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/02/12(Thu)21:29 No.17782450 File1328236199.png-(165 KB, 1093x741, animasheetv1-7.png)
 >>17782296 (New Loyalty added, Friends) (Botch the Perception check)
You try and look around for Johnny, or the others, but there's so much noise, and flashes of light, and chaos. People are moving in a wave back toward the rear entrance. You can see a couple of the club's security guys, gorilla shaped men in suits, ineffectually firing a couple of 9mm pistols at the attackers.
Then a couple of the guys open fire on the crowd, in fully automatic bursts. Bodies hit the floor, and for at least the third time tonight, you feel a little sick. A couple of stray rounds even hit the second floor, somewhat near you.
(2x7 on the Stability check)
You manage to remain rational. You'll have to act soon, as some of them will surely notice you and fire at you if you hang around up here. Each Van unloaded half-a-dozen guys, and has a driver. But the guys don't look too tough, apart from the body armor.
(Now that we're in a combat situation, probably should bring up Willpower. You can spend willpower to gain a bonus to making checks, to reduce damage if your harmed, to stay alive when mortally wounded, or wake up if knocked unconsious, along with other things. If you hit 0 Willpower, though, you take penalties to checks, and wont be able to use your powers.
You can regain willpower equal to your base will by resting a full night, and gain points by following your Loyalties and Passions, in equal amounts to the numbers listed by them. Certain other heroic actions net willpower. Careful though, failing Stability checks, or turning your back on Passions or Loyalties, will reduce willpower.) |