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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/12/12(Sun)00:57 No.17907580 File1329026260.jpg-(121 KB, 1000x833, 1328148913898.jpg)
"Everybody has magic," Trude tells you. "It's just that men, and most women, don't have enough to actually manifest it externally. Magic is..." she examines the ceiling, musing. "Life energy isn't exactly the right term, because it doesn't drain you or anything, but that's the closest I can come up with. It's just another kind of energy, something innate to the self, to any living being. That's why the talents are unique and found in bloodlines -it's no different then a family with kids good at math, or whatever." She shrugs. "Witches just happen to be really good with magic."
She leans forward, looking concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Totally," you say, and toss back your schnapps before your shock can permanently lock your jaw in a stupid drooling position. "So, uh, right, energy, you were saying?"
"Yeah," Trude says. "Just like gasoline or whatever. You can measure it, manipulate it, use it to power things - it's nothing mysterious." She laughs. "Is that how you men see us witches? All mysterious?"
"That's how we men see all women, period," you reply. "Can't make heads or tails of 'em."
"'Specially when we have actual tails."
"Quite," you say, buying time for your mind to spin. |