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!!V73EN+A6MJw 03/02/12(Fri)18:34 No.18179198 File: 1330731287.jpg-(467 KB, 2000x2000, BattleMap.jpg)
 A slight surge courses through your form as you don your custom void suit, your cogitators relinquishing their dominance as you indulge in the excitement filling your flesh brain. With great care you inspect your suit's carapace for flaws, marveling at the creation's form as it protects your remaining flesh. Satisfied, you grab your lasgun and head for your bridge. You note your flesh brain's surge of pleasure at the thought of this ship being your own. Frankly, you'd have built a better Hazeroth.
Your XO, Athe, gives you a nod as you enter the bridge and make your way toward your captain's chair. You savor the feel of your new chair as she collects the ship's status verbally. Your MIU floods the information across your memory banks, making the action pointless, but sometimes the unaugmented persons that surround you need such pointless things. Perhaps upgrades are required in the future. "Captain on the bridge! All stations report your status! Engineering!" "Reactors online, void shield stable. Damage control teams at their stations, sir." "Helm!" "Helm ready" "Weapons!" "Weapons hot and heavy!" "Augers!" "Augers beginning sweep" "Damage Control!" "All stations reporting go"
"Captain, your ship and squadron await your orders." |