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!DowN/N3yMY 03/07/12(Wed)22:49 No.18247366 File: 1331178573.jpg-(23 KB, 264x268, 0d2d6dfd035963dafd517fc240660f(...).jpg)
 You think for a bit before answering, "I... I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it, but -" you begin, "Any girl can leave whenever they want to. I'm not trying to own or control anyone." "I'm also not going to up and leave anyone, though. If one girl wants me all to herself, well, I think she'll either have to settle for sharing or find someone else." She looks in to your eyes, taking in every word you say. "As much as the prospect pains me, I would rather refuse one person I'm not yet with than hurt those that I am." You are both lost in your own thoughts by the end of this.
The sun finally sets, streetlamps begin to to on one by one, evening has come.
She's the first to talk. "Hey, let's head home. Sitting on this bench all night isn't exactly my idea of a da- conversation."
[ ]sure [ ]other? |