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!DowN/N3yMY 03/14/12(Wed)08:53 No.18323061 File: 1331729629.jpg-(75 KB, 500x500, 645.jpg)
 >kenji >then touma
"Hey Kenji, I was just wondering." you ask your nearly-blind classmate. "Who's your handler?" "It's Hank." "Hank?" "Action Hank. You've never met him before? Big black guy, panther tattoo, bitching beard. He's also on the security team with Commander." "Nope, can't say I've met him before." you tell him. "I'll introduce you next time. Right now he's off fighting alien mind-controlling prostitutes in the BLX Sector." "Awesome. I'll look forward to that." you tell him.
"Hey Touma." You say as you bump fists with him. "I hope you don't mind me asking but, what exactly was that ability you were using? You cancelled Sakuras spells, you deactivated my sword, hell, I say you catch lightning." "That? I think they called it the Imagine breaker. I have no idea what it is, it just stops majaik and shit." he answers you as he flexes his right hand. "It can cancel pure magic, but for larger concentrations of it, I need to do it bit by bit." "It's also the same reason I can't use a device even after I was sent here from Academy City." "Ah." you tell him "What about your impressive fighting skills then? We're you trained?" "Nope. Just pure experience on the streets man. I had to fight against some crazy shit back home, form delenquents with guns, to a crazy middle schooler tesla coil. I guess all the fighting improved me bit by bit."
WHAT NAO OH MASTER BUTLERS? >>18322988 You have the Sinatra cover LP, and a player for it. |