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!DowN/N3yMY 03/21/12(Wed)02:32 No.18401287 File: 1332311564.jpg-(277 KB, 527x812, 96126a96e355dcee715af42181ddf8(...).jpg)
 >>18401213 >>18401212 "Kraus," you tell your device "Start recording and transfer everything into the locket." "NO PROBLEM CONCIERTO-DICK."
You begin playing. A sweet song, a loving song. A song that seems ageless. You play your heart out for Nanoha. Joy, love, affection, companionship all in one song. You put in the memory of your first dance. Of that first kiss, of that fireworks display you put on for her at this very lake. The melody just seems to go on and on forever.
After you finish playing, and Kraus transfers the song into the locket, you record some simple phrases in it. "Good morning." "Good night" "I love you." "Nanoha" As an aside, you put in, "BOOOOOOOM!" to be activated whenever she says the world 'explosion'.
You think if you have something else to add: