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the refusal
04/07/12(Sat)16:40 No.18612352 File: 1333831246.png-(47 KB, 448x676, totem.png)
 rolled 6, 16, 17, 4 = 43
>>18609267 The Ta'Mirel saw this spirit, all of them. And as one it was refused, but with a true response. The Lem survived, and always have, they fought and became strong. The word was theirs once. If they wanted it, it would be theirs again. The lem left their response come morning. They would be ready for war, but it would be one their terms. -------- the lem used the horn of the Ramel blood gorger. Its horn left wounds that did not close. On this they attached a rib from an alpha ramel. Ensured Death and Strength with the longest reach. This was their message. In symbolic ritual each Lem tied a sinew rope to the massive spear. one by one. "we are powerful allies, and horrific enemies. Stand with us, or be crushed beneath us spirit." ------------------------------ One evening a lem used their simple musical tendon string instrument to fling a rock, then another, then a tooth...the invention was shown to other lems, and quickly the group began to study and experiment with different configurations, projectiles, until their musical instrument was weaponized. The lem have also continued to researching advanced weaving, and Lem scouting parties continue to attempt to capture wild Cydex and Ramel.
rolling to see: if the Ta'mirel's response to the spirit gets acknowledged. to see how well the new ranged weapon works. to see about the lems continued efforts into armor crafting, and how well their herding is going. ---------------------- oh, as a side not the Ta'mirel are putting those damn totems up everywhere now. They are feeling kinda driven to action after the threat. |