/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2018
57632629Kamigakari Thread translation and storytimesAnon comes through with scans. Help with translation and character sheet use and development. Misfits in Osaka continues Shizune is awkward.Kamigakari, character sheet, translation, books, scan, google docs, storytime, Ito, Misfits in Osaka, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons2018-02-01 2 
July 2022
5294551Modern Blue Goblin (Mythic RPG)Muhammad Saiful, a violent blue goblin, explores Singapore. A Google Street View quest. Collective, Google Street View, Modern, Random, RPG, Satire, Singapore, Wux2022-07-02 4 
June 2024
6015486Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG)Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children.Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy, Google Street View, Horror, Modern, Mythic, Nyarlathotep, Paranormal, RPG, Wux2024-06-22 13 
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