/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2019
3143230Hyrulean Prince Quest: ProloguePrince Rohdan of Hyrule starts on a quest to find his vanished sister Zelda after his father's paranoia grows strong enough to spark war.Collective Game, Legend of Zelda, Hyrulean Prince2019-01-03 4 
November 2021
5013309Warped Cycle: Rise of Ganon #1The Spirit of Demise is reborn! To protect our family from harm, we flee in to the mountains. Training montage happens and we fight a Lynel.The Legend of Zelda, Hyrule, Gerudo, Ganon Quest, OP of Power2021-11-30 3 
May 2023
5641798The Fall of HyruleMatthias soldier of Hyrule begins his career in a most unexpected wayFall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2023-05-28 7 
August 2023
5694766The Fall of Hyrule #2Matthias finds himself in the Gerudo occupied city. He must find a way out and deliver the info he carries to the crown prince.Fall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2023-08-11 6 
October 2023
5778030The Fall of Hyrule #3The Siege of Hyrule Castle ends and Matthias and company hit the road heading to KakarikoFall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2023-10-31 6 
February 2024
5883078The Fall of Hyrule #4Matthias reaches Kakariko and begins his Sheikah training while the Hylian Royal Family prepares to fight back.Fall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2024-02-16 7 
May 2024
5970548The Fall of Hyrule #5Jinom goes on a whirlwind diplomatic tour to drum up support for Hyrule Fall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2024-05-16 2 
September 2024
6057324The Fall of Hyrule #6Queen Hilma goes on the search for the Kingdom's moneyFall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2024-09-02 2 
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