/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2013
24908691Game of Thrones Quest: Iron and HateLord William Bordain returns to action after a hiatus, to begin planning an extravagant weddinggame of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-05-19 22 
25041888Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 2The returned Knock-Off Game of Thrones Quest continues, with William finsihing up his wedding preparations, his wife slapping him, and a surprise from Tywin LannisterCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-05-26 22 
June 2013
25184770 SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST: "I STOPPED COUNTING" EDITIONLord Bordain finally greets Lord Oberyn Martell, King Robert Baratheon and chats with Jon Arynn.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-02 21 
25328855IRON AND HATE QUEST 4: THE QUICKENINGWe bro out with Jaime, and then beat the shit out of some people at the Tournament, before our sister breaks our heart.game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-09 21 
25457068Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 5The Tourney continues. We fight Willas Tyrell, and get knocked unconscious. A brief shitstorm, before we have a surprisingly happy ending.game of thrones, Collective Game, Knock-Off, Iron and Hate Quest2013-06-16 21 
25724950Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 7We meet up with our captains, unveil our plans, learn Arban's backstory, and make our wife happy.Collective Game, game of thrones, Iron and Hate Quest,2013-06-30 21 
July 2013
25862511Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 8William chats with those close to him, impregnates his wife, starts several ambitious plans, and hires 4 men to do 1 job because he's made of DIAMONDS.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-07-07 22 
25998631Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 9Page finally updates the opening info. WE get called out for ignoring our hillmen allies, and hire an architect to build them nice houses. Then, on our way to the Eyrie, bandits attackCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-07-14 23 
26277273Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 10We drive back the bandits, make our way to teh Eyrie, and begin to plot. Page goes AWOL from the death-sleep.Collective Game, game of thrones, Iron and Hate Quest,2013-07-28 22 
August 2013
26417703SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 11: I CAN'T FIND 10 IN THE ARCHIVES!William initiates intrigues in the Eyrie, inspects an invitation by Littlefinger, and ingratiates himself with the upper crust.Collective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-08-04 20 
26551133SONG OF IRON AND HATE QUEST 12: Bordain's Dozen!William goes home, goes hunting, and gets his Dogs sorted outCollective Game, game of thrones, Knock-Off Quest, Iron and Hate Quest2013-08-11 21 
July 2015
41083063Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 16Page returns, and we finally leave Lynderly with our parting gifts of three dogs, a trade deal, and a child.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones. Iron and Hate Quest2015-07-08 20 
41228750Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 17William rides to House Corbray, has the worst flashback in history, and then a nice meal. Page poisons himself accidentally.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-07-15 20 
41377099Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 18William wraps up with the Corbrays, gets hit on by the Waynwoods, and gets the hell out of Dodge.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-07-22 13 
41529757Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 19Page misnumbers the thread, we meet Yohn Royce, and FINALLY GET HOME.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-07-29 15 
August 2015
41675760Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 20William trains his squire, and finally makes that mercenary company he's always wanted. We meet the RL Karban!Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-08-05 20 
41816038Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 21William finally advances the timeline, and tries out his new toys.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-08-12 16 
41980548Song of Iron and Hate Quest part 22William builds his lands, his wife gives birth, and somehow Page ends up holding a baby.Collective Game, Iron and Hate, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest2015-08-20 17 
November 2015
43552315Song of Iron and Hate: Gold and Glory #1We join Finn and the mercenaries as they negotiate their first contract, and stab a dude.Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate, Collective Game, Iron and Hate Quest2015-11-09 15 
January 2016
44554092Song of Iron and Hate: Gold and Glory #2We meet our captains fully, get the idea for medieval times, and receive a worrying dinner invitation.Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate, Collective Game, Iron and Hate Quest, Gold and Glory2016-01-04 13 
April 2016
46801114Song of Iron and Hate: Gold and Glory 3Page returns, and we spend the day learning what the hell's been going on in the last 24 hoursCollective Game, Game of Thrones, Iron and Hate Quest, Gold and Glory2016-04-21 13 
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