/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2008
3230017Scriptarius Custom Christmas ModelsScriptarius creates a Warhammer 40k model version of Santa and creates a gingerbreadnought with delicious results.Scriptarius, Santa Model, Christmas, 40k Custom Models, Gingerbreadnought, Santa2008-12-23 20 
December 2009
7286867Adeptus Evangelion ReleaseBlack Mesa Janitor delivers /tg/ a Christmas present. A 263 page supplement for Dark Heresy based on the Evangelion anime. Someone give that guy a hug.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, Christmas, supplement2009-12-26 29 
December 2011
17310428Scriptarius Christmas Thread IVScriptarius returns for his traditional xmas thread with a 1:1 gingerbread Chainsword and some minisScriptarius, Christmas, Gingerbread, Conversion2011-12-24 11 
17319966The Forgeworld NoellHappy Emperor's Daychristmas, writefaggotry, 2011-12-24 13 
17330530Dungeons the Dragoning Book 2Lawfulnice give a Christmas present to all of /tg/: Dungeons: The Dragoning: 40,000: 7th Edition: Book 2: For a Few Subtitles More and a new edition of the core rulebookHomebrew, Dungeons the Dragoning, Christmas2011-12-26 92 
December 2012
22184178Scriptarius Christmas Thread VScriptarius returns one last time for the final annual xmas thread with a gingerbread Baneblade.Scriptarius, Christmas, gingerbread, conversion, 40k2012-12-23 22 
22214092Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1A fuming mad magical girl makes plans to teach her stupid friends about true holiday cheer and MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS2012-12-25 38 
22244846Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2A determined magical girl decides on what presents to buy for her fathead friends and finds out that some things aren't MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS at all.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-27 37 
22263174Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3An out of breath magical girl continues her mission to bring the christmas cheer to her officio while dealing with painful memories and concerned loved ones.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-28 38 
22278963Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4A maximized magical girl meets her very own clone while her companion meets her very own... leg? the time for presents is upon us!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-29 38 
December 2013
29066144Christmas Special #1 A Very Pym Christmas Presented by DeadpoolPeter Parker Quest, Pym Christmas Quest, Collective Game, Marvel, Cosgrove2013-12-25 23 
January 2014
29376249Christmas Special #2A Very Pym Christmas Presented by Deadpool (part 2)Peter Parker Quest, Pym Christmas Quest, Collective Game, Marvel, Cosgrove2014-01-09 24 
December 2014
36876217Loli Talker Quest Christmas SpecialImouto has a Christmas mission!Collective Game, Loli Talker Quest, Christmas, Nee-san2014-12-20 6 
36893886Loli Talker Quest Christmas Special ContinuedAn imouto continues her quest to save Christmas.Collective Game, Loli Talker Quest, Christmas, Nee-san2014-12-21 7 
36895856Kantai Collection Quest Christmas Special Part 1The shipgirls have come to bring holiday cheer, and there's Christmas presents, or is it?Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest2014-12-22 -4 
36945618Kantai Collection Christmas Special Part 2The plan to save Christmas is underway! No? Then won't you do it for a Scooby Snack? Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest, Hakarl. Scooby-Doo, Scooby Snax, Scooby Snack2014-12-24 -4 
37003255Loli Talker Quest Christmas Special FinaleThe conclusion of the the Christmas Special!Collective Game, Loli Talker Quest, Christmas, Nee-san2014-12-28 3 
37026473Esper Quest: Christmas/Winter Holiday SpecialIt's a bit too late to call it a Christmas special, but it's still the winter holidays, right? We start with Feito-chan so the QM can hint that her relationship with her mother has improved greatly.Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, CHRISTMAS, SNOWBALL FIGHT, HAPPY HOLIDAYS2014-12-29 5 
January 2017
969319Slasher Quest: Cabin of Carnage 1Its slay-bell season in this installation of Slasher Quest. 4 teenagers. 1 private island. 1 killer dressed as Santa Claus.Collective Game, Questguy, Slasher Quest, Slasher, Holiday, Christmas, Santa2017-01-05 2 
December 2018
3117261Warship AI Quest Part 2Shakedown cruise, met Tametomo, activated code. Fever dream self repairs, made(?) Persephone, and old memories return. Confusing stuff.Warship, AI, Athena, Naval, Space, Persephone, Tametomo, Christmas2018-12-26 6 
63652697Can the Sister Save CandlemasA Sororitas along with a bunch of Guardsmen try their best to save the 40k version of Christmas from a DEldar Grinch and 40k Hans Gruber.40k, humor, IG, SoB, Candlemas, Christmas, Grinch, Die Hard2018-12-26 3 
January 2019
3134247Warship AI Quest Part 3Opened Freya's letter, celebrated the solstice, and got ready to fuck up some pirates.Warship, AI, Athena, Naval, Space, Persephone, Tametomo, Freya, Christmas2019-01-02 5 
3127848Ghoul Quest: Trick or Treat 2 Trick or Carol!Trick or Treat returns! Who's at the door? Open it and see!Ghoul Quest, Ghoulquest,collective game, Halloween, Christmas, Holiday, Questguy2019-01-08 1 
December 2023
91312886Tallarn on an Ice WorldA Christmas themed greentext where an unlikely alliance is formed to stop a Khornate ritual40k, IG, Tallarns, Skitarii, Slaanesh, Khorne, Orks, Chaos, Valhallans, Felinids, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2023-12-31 3 
January 2025
94653077Tallarns on an Ice World 2Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Valhallans_on_a_x_world for links to all threads40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2025-01-04 2 
94653077Tallarns on an Ice World 2Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Valhallans_on_a_x_world for links to all threads40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2025-01-04 2 
6151529Yule QuestA gingerbread elf must pay a dodgy debt with a dangerous journey o collect magical cookbooks.Christmas, Yule, Festivus, Elves, Fantasy, Gambling, Adopted Quest2025-01-30 0 
February 2025
6155384Luftpanzer Quest Langenachtfest SpecialA Holiday themed extra conclusion- An eventful end of a year for Reinhold Roth-Vogel.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Luftpanzer, terrible romance, Christmas Special2025-02-02 1 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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