/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2009
5731244Tau story, main body and a new memeJohn gives us his new rough draft for the main story. And a new meme is born: Slicktau and Fattautau john writefag scribe story damiris inquisition slicktau fattau2009-09-05 6 
May 2011
14975165Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 1Sir Scribe wants to attempt to create an LoZ RPG system. Anons mention of the d20 LoZ RPG. Sir Scribe replies, 'Well, we'll just have to make this one BETTER, won't we?' /tg tries to answer the challenge. So far, bare-bones of three proposed attributes system, based of the Triforce.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-19 6 
15007189Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 2Continuation of creating a homebrew ZRPG.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-22 6 
15015368 Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 3Further continuation of creating a homebrew ZRPGLegend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-23 8 
15029972Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #4Sir Scribe's vision continues to take form as /tg/ demonstrates its ability to get shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-24 6 
15051875Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5In which shit continues to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-26 5 
15069694Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5More shit getting done. Mostly refinement of the skill system and working on magic. Also some drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-28 5 
15091730Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #76th thread was mislabeled as 5. Shit continues to get done, particularly in the combat section.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-31 5 
June 2011
15170866Legend of Zelda RPG #9Thread #8 404'd without an archive. Shit continuous to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, Shit gets done2011-06-07 7 
15229712Legend of Zelda RPG #10The RPG continues to take shape. The real crunch begins.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-12 9 
15253114Legend of Zelda RPG #11More rules, more art, more progress.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-15 11 
15290183Legend of Zelda RPG #12Magic and equipment gets expanded upon.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-18 8 
15334060Legend of Zelda RPG #13Shit continues to get done. Magic and music are discussed, and races are revisited and expanded. Also some more new artwork.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-24 6 
15375622Legend of Zelda RPG Thread 14Steady progress is made toward getting this thing playtestable. Some discussion of settings and fluff, rules for songs, a few new techniques, and more!Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-26 6 
15396589Legend of Zelda RPG 15Compiling, designing, and editing techniques is the focus of this thread, with a few new mechanic ideas and artwork as well.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-06-29 6 
July 2011
15433135Legend of Zelda RPG #16Techniques and Magic gets worked on, and the RPG inches towards being playtest-ready.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-04 6 
15496100Legend of Zelda Thread #17In which development and discussion continues, along with the odd bit of nice drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-12 6 
15560584The Legend of Zelda RPG - Thread #18Steady progress is made, particularly regarding magic and music. Also the first bits of feedback from playtesting, and of course some lovely artistry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-15 7 
August 2011
15759263Legend of Zelda RPG development #21Some tweaks and revisions to existing techs and spells, a thorough review/fleshing out of the weapon system, and more - /tg/ gets shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-04 6 
15846057Legend of Zelda RPG development #22Some touches on magic and songs, finishing weapon properties, and development of an improved character sheet.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-10 3 
15957628The Legend of Zelda RPG development #24Finally starting to work our way out of the productivity slump, progress is (slowly) made. A system for "foraging" for rupees and supplies is devised, a basic framework for item prices is laid down, and principles of dungeon and boss design are discussed.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-24 3 
May 2016
136946Local Man Visits Earth QuestLocal Man Royce Arnolds has a pretty awful day. While trying to eat like a king, he finds... Love?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-16 1 
143945Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt2Royce Arnolds starts his quest a year later, fully committed to Lynell Martin and seeing the Confederacy. Will he like what he finds?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-18 1 
151486Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt3Royce stands in the lawless Leuans Colony, a weird artifact in his hands and a strange task from the horrifying Matryoshka. Fun!Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-21 1 
June 2016
204794Praeses Pater, Survivor of DomusTake on the role of a BELLATOR, a warrior engineered to be unkillable. A Space Marine, or Doomguy? A mix, really.Collective Game, Black Scribe, Praeses Pater2016-06-03 1 
231920Praeses Pater, pt2 - Field CommanderPraeses Pater has now taken up arms, and is the Field Commander of Domus. Marshalling forces, he's the best hope the planet may have.Collective Game, Black Scribe, Praeses Pater2016-06-07 1 
January 2017
973449Rune Inscriber Quest #0We're introduced to the protagonist - Balthazar Grayson. A rune inscriber. Things escalate rather quickly.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-01 3 
996514Rune Inscriber Quest #1We interrogate our captive and make some assurances.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-10 1 
December 2017
2137308Luna Quest Thread 1Luna has the absolute worst birthday.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2017-12-18 10 
January 2018
2182236Luna Quest Thread 2The end of the beginning.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-07 4 
2231661Luna Quest Thread 3Luna attends to some guestsStar Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-22 3 
February 2018
57923494Tale of the Promethean HeistersTheBlackScribe storytimes his favorite campaignhalo mythic, promethean heisters, theblackscribe, storytime2018-02-13 15 
April 2018
2442687Star Vs Quest Mk A1Third Impact but it's just a prank bro.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-04-09 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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