/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2022
5285615Air Wing Commander QuestThe start of the Great War, the Bergen Scourge, and Lieutenant-colonel Helene Valmont command over 14e Escadre Mixte "Liberté"Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2022-07-01 12 
August 2022
5328080Air Wing Commander Quest. #2Valmont's time on leave is quite busy despite supposed to be time for her to relax. After, the initial build up for a major offensive.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2022-08-06 8 
September 2022
5371396Air Wing Commander Quest. #3The offensive to retake Daloyaume, the invasion of Lothring, and an investigation of a string of murders.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2022-09-24 7 
November 2022
5417726Air Wing Commander Quest. #4In which Helene Valmont spends the entire thread speaking to pilots of Rouge for information on a serial killer instead of giving orders.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2022-11-14 7 
January 2023
5477321Air Wing Commander Quest. #5A conversation with Calantha, the second battle of Leeuwenborg, and the introduction of the Vérany C.2Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2023-01-05 7 
February 2023
5519409Air Wing Commander Quest. #6The battle of Tilhof, the unveiling of the tank, and a vast amount of new aces.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2023-02-15 7 
April 2023
5585446Air Wing Commander Quest. #7Visiting Liliane and Ermengardis in the hospital, and uncovering l'As' secret.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2023-04-05 11 
May 2023
5638690Air Wing Commander Quest. #8Wrapping up a chat with Ermengardis, the winter stalemate of the war on the western front, and a special operation for a bomber.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2023-05-23 7 
January 2024
5855537Air Wing Commander Quest. #9The bloody Battle for Eberding, new aircraft, and the murders begin again.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2024-01-20 11 
March 2024
5907594Air Wing Commander Quest. #10The D.IV “Havik” claims it's due and a tragedy strikes Escadron Vert.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2024-03-13 6 
May 2024
5961845Air Wing Commander Quest. #11The continuation of conversations with Vert's pilots and the initial visit with escadron Violet's Commandant.Air Wing Quest, Biplanes, Aircraft, Strategy, Collective Game, Great War,2024-05-08 5 
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