/qst/ Thread Archive

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February 2023
5545313Dragon Ball: Legacy #1Wyald Honta, 10 years old, sets out from home to explore the world. He meets Azalea, Barbar, and Harum. Bravely kills 5 evil beings, 1 dino./qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-02-17 13 
March 2023
5577138Dragon Ball: Legacy #2Honta trains under mutaito, mail-dates Love, freezes at Yunzabit, crushes Korin's training, disbands pirates, and breaks Baba's things!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-03-17 12 
April 2023
5610471Dragon Ball: Legacy #3Honta wins Baba's fights, learns various things, meets a Kami, trains under and kills Garlic, sexes new fairy gf, acquires Paradise Herbs!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-04-12 7 
May 2023
5645493Dragon Ball: Legacy #4Honta distributes paradise herbs to friends and his family that he hasn't seen in 9 years. QM's life gets in the way, so it's a shorter o/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-05-31 6 
July 2023
5698020Dragon Ball: Legacy #5Honta trains under Kami, Piccolo makes a grave mistake and unleashes Evil upon the world, Garlic's spirit and Honta team up and save the da/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-07-31 3 
September 2023
5743643Dragon Ball: Legacy #6Honta hunts down the remaining treasures, reunites with Tento, learns about a mysterious statue, assembles a research team, doubts cyborg!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-09-27 5 
December 2023
5818541Dragon Ball: Legacy #7Honta discovers strange energy eminating from cursed statue, goes to Otherworld to get expert opinion, meets pencil-pushers and dead enemies/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-12-14 4 
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