/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2021
4883824Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #2Blair meets new friends and is embroiled in the midst of a religious uprising.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-07-21 37 
September 2021
4932214Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #3Blair assists with the retrieval of a legendary weapon and finally becomes a Pegasus Knight.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM2021-09-01 33 
October 2021
4992636Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #4Blair captures an old enemy, and the Battle of the Eagle and Lion begins.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-10-30 34 
December 2021
5051145Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #5Blair helps put an end to the war with the Western Church, and a new enemy reveals themselves.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-12-22 34 
February 2022
5101333Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #6Blair returns home to put down a rebellion, reconnect with her benefactor, and learn of a new war soon to come.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-02-07 35 
April 2022
5167550Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #7Blair returns to the monastery, has her first kiss, and finds herself at the whims of a dangerous foe.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-04-01 33 
May 2022
5226959Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #9The Black Eagles face off against Kronya and Solon in a blow-out battle in the Sealed Forest Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-05-22 35 
June 2022
5287645Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #9The End of Part 1. (This is the real Thread #9. The prior one is Thread #8)Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM,2022-06-30 34 
August 2022
5333731Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #10The start of Part 2, we dub our merc company The Blackwings, rescue Dimitri, slay a Almyran Warlord, and reach the present time.Collective Game, Treehouses QM, Fire Emblem, Three Houses2022-08-11 30 
September 2022
5380178Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #11Blair meets with Claude, gets a lead on the enemy, and finds herself fighting for her life in a haunted forest.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM,2022-09-21 25 
November 2022
5423927Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #12The Blackwings conclude their battle in Edmund Woods. Blair learns the secret history of the world and accepts a dangerous new mission.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2022-11-23 24 
December 2022
5491640Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #13Jane captures an old enemy, and the Battle of the Eagle and Lion begins. Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2022-12-14 24 
January 2023
5486816Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #13Blair reunites with her old flame and returns to Garreg Mach.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-01-08 24 
February 2023
5540566Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #14The Blackwings venture to Ordelia and find themselves contending with one of the Seven Sages of Agartha.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-02-25 23 
April 2023
5595564Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #15The battle in Ordelia reaches its climax and Blair picks a new side to support.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-04-17 21 
June 2023
5648666Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #16The Battle of Gronder FieldFire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-06-04 21 
July 2023
5690950Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #17The Blackwings encounter an army of foreign raiders.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-07-30 23 
September 2023
5735501Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #18Blair comes to the aid of Garreg Mach and encounters another Sage.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-09-20 23 
November 2023
5781612Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #19Blair recruits new members into the Blackwings and enjoys a final respite before the war’s fated conclusion.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-11-01 21 
December 2023
5828344Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #20The Knights of Seiros invade Enbarr, and the Blackwings face off against the Hellwings.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-12-23 21 
February 2024
5880793Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #21Blair returns to Rusalka, and the final battle begins.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2024-02-10 23 
March 2024
5935897Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest: FINALThe conclusion of Blair's story.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2024-03-24 33 
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