/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2023
91014901Valhallans on an Anchor worldThe Valhallan 545th are redirected to an Anchor world to reinforce other regiments40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, tyranids, dark angels, writefaggotry, mordians, felinids, beastmen2023-11-29 5 
December 2023
91097573Valhallans on an Anchor World Part 2The Valhallan 545th and their allies fight chaos and tyranids while an Inquisitor goes on a secret mission40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, tyranids, deathwatch, writefaggotry, mordians, felinids, eldar, harlequins2023-12-08 4 
91312886Tallarn on an Ice WorldA Christmas themed greentext where an unlikely alliance is formed to stop a Khornate ritual40k, IG, Tallarns, Skitarii, Slaanesh, Khorne, Orks, Chaos, Valhallans, Felinids, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas2023-12-31 3 
June 2024
92886259Valhallans in a BuildingThe Valhallan 545th raid a Munitorum building to find the clerk who keeps giving them bad missions. Chaos tries to intervene.40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, writefaggotry, felinids, titans, inquisition, slaanesh, khorne, tzeentch2024-06-01 6 
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