/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2020
4476525Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 1In which we meet Jakob Absol, lord of the swamp, inter our father, have a vision of our own death, and go to a partySwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-10-09 18 
4486372Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 2Minor Lightning Stroke, apply directly to the foreheadSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-10-21 10 
November 2020
4501524Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 3The first day of lordshipSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-04 8 
4520521Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 4The First BattleSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-15 6 
4533170Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 5In which Jakob receives the delegation from the Ryd Mountains and interrogates the Night HuntersSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-11-28 7 
December 2020
4550865Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 6Battle plans, catfights, and the basic rundown on MihtoismSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2020-12-09 6 
January 2021
4564094Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 7The TrialSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-01-03 6 
February 2021
4595830Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 8Well, Well!Swamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-02-06 2 
March 2021
4638311Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 9The aftermath of the Well and arrival at Kidney LakeSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-03-05 2 
4682032Swamp Lord Quest #10In which O-Tora and Daisuke cross bladesSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-03-14 2 
May 2021
4735471Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 11Ignore the description of the last one, it's WRONG! Mea culpa! After taking the Sunken Tower, Jakob deals with victory and new treacherySwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-05-02 2 
4793657Swamp Lord Quest, Episode 12A council of war and a short breakSwamp Lord Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Jakob Absol2021-05-29 1 
February 2022
5112768Forklift Operator IsekaiGolden Dorifto becomes forkknightforlkift, soyjak, isekai, collective game2022-02-21 1 
September 2023
5729109Adventrarous Time: a tale of grief and coomYou are fan and you are ready for some Adventrarous Time (the most deranged quest I've seen in a while, surprisingly enjoyable).Adventure Time, fan, jak, Marmelade, ice Craig, the land of oh, Adventrarous Time, The Real Pendleton Ward, David Duke2023-09-04 9 
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