/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2016
16387Shipgirl Commander 1.0You are a failed applicant to the Admiralty. You sit on a bench eating anpan... and wait for your bus. But the fates might have a different Kantai Collection, Heavy Dialogue, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-04 18 
56949Shipgirl Commander 2MC is sent by Tenryuu to the Admiral. Just what is it that he wants?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-08 10 
81799Shipgirl Commander 3It's time for MC to decide his Division members. But sleep beckons... and maybe something elseKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-12 9 
115418Shipgirl Commander 4It's the dawn of a new day, and the Commander undertakes his first Op, but is there more than meets the eye?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-17 6 
143052Shipgirl Commander 5With their backs to the wall, the Commander's Squad is in dire straits. Will his team survive?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-20 7 
158472Shipgirl Commander 6After the disastrous mission, Commander takes a short RnR... right?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-26 6 
176390Shipgirl Commander 7With the dawn of a new day, the Commander has to attend a conference to decide just what is going to happen to his assigned District.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-05-29 7 
June 2016
199886Shipgirl Commander 8The Vice-Admiral and the Commander enter a discussion, but not before a shocking fact is revealed.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-05 6 
213799Shipgirl Commander 9Kaga offers a solution to the Commander's problem - but is it a solution he wants? Hard R. Reader Discretion advised.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-08 5 
236567Shipgirl Commander 10The Commander gets out of bed - a week and a half later - to find a backlog of assignments. What a way to start the day.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-13 5 
254149Shipgirl Commander 11The Commander has a lot on his plate, and even more on his pelvic region. Mission time looms.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-18 5 
272318Shipgirl Commander 12The Commander earns his stripes with a completed mission. Revelations abound.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-25 5 
290747Shipgirl Commander 13It's the afternoon of Day 15. On the back of his successful mission, another period of R&R begins.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-06-29 4 
July 2016
381181Shipgirl Commander 14RnR continues, with the Commander finding out a little more of his charges.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-07-24 6 
409407Shipgirl Commander 15In which Samidare-Hunting yields a few more surprises than usualKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-07-30 3 
August 2016
426535Shipgirl Commander 16The hours go by and the Commander discovers a thing or two about his charges.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-08 2 
447917Shipgirl Commander 17Day 17 continues and it's not looking good for the Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-16 2 
478975Shipgirl Commander 18The Commander discusses things with Murakumo on just what he expects of her.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-08-29 2 
September 2016
518136Shipgirl Commander 19The Commander continues his investigation and learns that he's not as well-liked as he previously assumed. Also... it's Open Mic NightKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-11 2 
547270Shipgirl Commander 20The Admiral interrupts Open Mic Night to bring everyone back on duty. For you, Commander, it's time to suit up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-18 5 
578996Shipgirl Commander 21The mission is successful. But for you, Commander, it's back to the grindKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-09-26 5 
October 2016
614120Shipgirl Commander 22A well-known Diva looks to join the numbers. You, The Commmander, decide to look deeper into the case of the missing Battleships.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-02 5 
659764Shipgirl Commander 23For you, Commander, the day begins with a rather lusty Houshou.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-10 5 
684299Shipgirl Commander 24Scratching Nachi's itch and coming face to face with our assigned submarine, dechi.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore, Shipgirl Commander2016-10-17 6 
716450Shipgirl Commander 25It's the day you and Tenryuu have talked about for some time. A trip inland beckons!Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-10-27 3 
November 2016
777128Shipgirl Commander 26The day with Tenryuu and Iowa nears its end - It's almost time to head back to Yokosuka, Commander. Shadilay.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-09 3 
809749Shipgirl Commander 27A new day arrives on Yokosuka base. Your weekend continues, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-14 3 
827501Shipgirl Commander 28The die is cast and you're about to embark where no fat man has gone before: on a black ops mission into hostile territory.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-11-23 5 
December 2016
865063Shipgirl Commander 29In the aftermath of the mission, you learn a few things... and not all of them good, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-12-04 6 
903313Shipgirl Commander 30In which we have a very short thread which ends with the mission select screen. The Commander is back in the saddle.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2016-12-10 3 
January 2017
992737Shipgirl Commander 31The day comes to a close for you, Commander. Time to suit up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-10 3 
1028642Shipgirl Commander 32The mission begins - and there may be more than meets the eye.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-18 3 
1076971Shipgirl Commander 33You return from the successful mission, battered but otherwise alive. But your short stay in Ominato... might not be so event-free, either.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-01-27 5 
February 2017
1115768Shipgirl Commander 34You return to Yokosuka after your frightening experience with Shigure. A Commander's work is never done.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-06 3 
1142718Shipgirl Commander 35Returning from Ominato, you find yourself (unwillingly) back in the full swing of things. A busy day awaits you, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-18 3 
1181357Shipgirl Commander 36You approach the end of Day 44 at the Army Mobile Command, where you encounter faces new.. and old.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-02-28 3 
March 2017
1220722Shipgirl Commander 37It's Day 45, Commander. Time for you to settle a few things before you turn it in.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-11 2 
1245060Shipgirl Commander 38Another day comes... and with it, more problems than you're comfortable with. Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-18 2 
1272785Shipgirl Commander 39The meeting over and done with, you decide to accompany Kongou and Tenryuu Addendum: This is Day 45. Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-03-22 2 
April 2017
1311512Shipgirl Commander 40It is the morning of your weekend... you meet with The Court of Admirals for the first time.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-06 1 
1337096Shipgirl Commander 41Your trial/meeting with the Court of Admirals has its ups... and downs, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-15 3 
1373390Shipgirl Commander 42In which a whole thread is dedicated to your visit to your Senpai, the First Admiral. Oh, and Bismarck, if you're into that kind of thing.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-04-27 2 
May 2017
1424177Shipgirl Commander 43The rest of the weekend proceeds as well as it could. Many a hardship, however, remains lurking just beyond the horizon, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-05-14 3 
June 2017
1489422Shipgirl Commander 44The Super Dreadnought Musashi pulls you in - literally and figuratively - for a discussion.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-02 2 
1542999Shipgirl Commander 45It's time to go about with the rest of the day; your line of questioning with Shigure continues, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-13 3 
1571312Shipgirl Commander 46It's Day 48 and some developments are running a little more wild than you had previously expected. Hard R. Reader discretion advised.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-21 2 
1595009Shipgirl Commander 47It's a showdown with destiny - will the late Atago finally get the resting place her sister so covets? That's up to you, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-06-30 3 
July 2017
1629090Shipgirl Commander 48Apparently, after all this time, it turned out that you did believe in a higher power, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-07-10 1 
1680077Shipgirl Commander 49Due to real life circumstances, this is a very short thread with little to nothing happening. Apologies. - QM/DM/GM (MECHANIC)Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-07-29 3 
August 2017
1729094Shipgirl Commander 50Kaga's gone. Maybe for good, maybe not. Nonetheless, you must push on. War doesn't wait.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-08-10 1 
September 2017
1811598Shipgirl Commander 51You begin the first of a series of offensive campaigns, more than a little unprepared.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-09-06 1 
1880150Shipgirl Commander 52Alongside Musashi and Nachi, you move to do acquire as solid a foothold as you're able. OOC: Screw clutch rolls.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-09-30 2 
October 2017
1939932Wild Hunter, a (Failed) Digimon AdventureMechanic fails miserably to start a Digimon campaign due to his own retardation. A shining example of what NOT to do when starting a quest! Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-08 5 
1943211Shipgirl Commander 53Your mission continues, but as always, things aren't as they seem. It's the final stretch - but what lurks beneath the waters?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-17 2 
1969138Shipgirl Commander 54You wake up, dazed and confused ... but when are you ever not, Commander?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-26 1 
2005095Shipgirl Commander 55'I told you not to touch the white girl, but you didn't listen. How many times did I warn you? Masha'Allah!' - MECHANIC (GM/QM/DM)Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-10-30 2 
November 2017
2026093Shipgirl Commander 56After making an important phone call, our Commander attempts to recruit Grand Master Tenryuu.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-10 1 
2057312Shipgirl Commander 57It's the weekend, but it doesn't feel like a break at all, does it, Commander?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-23 2 
2087536Shipgirl Commander 58Thought For The Day: 'Learn to keep it in your pants, Commander. This is getting out of hand.'Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-11-30 2 
December 2017
2108195Shipgirl Commander 59The day begins with a lengthy argument, some revelations and you, once more, proving that you are the most unorthodox of the unorthodox.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-08 2 
2135337Shipgirl Commander 60"There is no try. There is only ... do."Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-25 2 
2161774Shipgirl Commander 61Your stance is apparently ... beside the rest of humanity. You choose not to be drawn into politics, yet ...Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2017-12-31 2 
January 2018
2194156Ashes of RhysodeIt's the day of your graduation, and everyone is taking their first uneasy steps ... none more so than you.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-01-15 6 
February 2018
2237365Ashes of Rhysode 2You step into the simulator, intent on following your friend's lead in cracking the exercise.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-02-01 3 
2271099Shipgirl Commander 62You sort your business out. Sorting out the District, fulfilling requests and everything else in between. Just another day, Commander.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-13 2 
2292661Shipgirl Commander 63You really shouldn't have gone drinking that night, Commander ... but maybe some TLC will get you right as rain!Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-21 3 
2314330Shipgirl Commander 64Your adventures with Samidare in dissecting the perils of leadership continue ... and you find something shocking regarding an old friend.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-02-26 5 
March 2018
2366924Ashes of RhysodeYour last day of cadet life continues. It's time so say goodbye to old friends and hopefully not embarrass yourself at the graduation party2nd Person, Mecha, Fantasy2018-03-19 2 
April 2018
2403548Ashes of Rhysode 4It's the AEGIS graduation party. Everyone's having a good time, saying their last goodbyes, knowing tomorrow is a new chapter in lives.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-03 3 
2444978Shipgirl Commander 65Or should it be Vice-Admiral now? Be it Unofficial, or Official, you have a whole new world ... of bureaucracy and tasks to maneuver.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-04-10 5 
2467355Ashes of Rhysode 5It's your first day, but may also be your last. Enemy forces come in from left and right ... and you're smack dab in the middle.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-26 3 
May 2018
2506825Shipgirl Commander 66It's a busy continuation of your responsibilities as a ... Vice-Admiral? Whatever. You're always busy, anyway.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-05-09 3 
2524039Ashes of Rhysode 6As Knight-Commander of the 401st Named Chapter, you begin your period of acclimatization as a leader to those you once called your peers.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-05-13 2 
2561073Shipgirl Commander 67It's Day 59, "Vice-Admiral". You have promises to keep, deadlines to meet and an array of tasks to sort out. The day is yours to seize.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-05-28 2 
June 2018
2602448Shipgirl Commander 68It's the weekend, Vice-Admiral. Time for you to take a well-earned ... break?Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-06-12 3 
July 2018
2690017Shipgirl Commander 69In which we find the GM's updates becomes sporadic until its too late.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-07-15 2 
August 2018
2737642Ashes of Rhysode 7More tutorials ... seriously?2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-03 2 
2775488Ashes of Rhysode 8After going over many format changes, I've decided to stick with the narrative-based style. A thousand apologies2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-18 1 
September 2018
2813911Shipgirl Commander 70Bismarck, Prinz Eugen and the First Admiral arrive for a casual visit, allowing you to catch up.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-09-02 1 
2864951Shipgirl Commander 71"Got carried away with Monster Hunter World - GM/DM/QM"Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-09-20 2 
October 2018
2901072Shipgirl Commander 72"Writer's block and GM's mercy are friend and foe locked in a dizzying dance" - Procrastinating GMKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-10-04 0 
2954051Shipgirl Commander 73In which the GM had to handle the unholy mix of 4chan bans and real life commitment. Filler.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-10-23 2 
November 2018
2994037Ashes of Rhysode 9Exploring the Yamato, you run into a few new faces.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-11-09 1 
3029298Shipgirl Commander 74A complete session? Impossible! - Everyone, probablyKantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-11-24 1 
December 2018
3045533Shipgirl Commander 75You wander around town, hoping to encounter something that's out of the norm for once.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-12-03 1 
3103035Shipgirl Commander 76Dechi fails at stealth. Apply headpats to soothe.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2018-12-31 1 
January 2019
3150395Shipgirl Commander 77Everything's beginning to settle in nicely. Tomorrow might not be such a bad day after all.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-01-22 1 
February 2019
3198982Shipgirl Commander 78We have a nice talk with Nachi and nearly fuck up our relationship with her. Again.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-02-08 1 
March 2019
3341092Shipgirl Commander 79You try to sort out the trickier nuances of your Division. An old friend gives some insight on your current ... "methodology".Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-03-27 1 
April 2019
3383449Shipgirl Commander 80The mission briefing goes as well as it should.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2019-04-13 3 
3419579Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #1Restart of the Game after QM lost his notes. This time as heir of a stellar conglomerate.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-04-22 3 
May 2019
3490570Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2Space Merchant Prince chats with Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 4 
3455650Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2 (actual)Miss archived thread 3 as thread 2. This thread we talked to Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 3 
June 2019
3536539Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #4Bedroom conversation with a female mecha fanatic.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-06-18 2 
July 2019
3587212Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #5Try to check into a hotel for the night and the hotel staff make several mistakes.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-04 2 
3630522Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #6Purchase designer clothes for two girls (one of which proposed to us)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-18 6 
August 2019
3682105Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 7The day continues.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-08-12 2 
3734252Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #8The Fishers come to Mishima with a proposal (heh)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy, Collective Game2019-08-29 1 
September 2019
3793184Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #9It's party night.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-09-26 1 
October 2019
3844362Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #10The partying continues2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-10-22 1 
November 2019
3877413Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #11More meetings, more partings ...2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-11-12 1 
December 2019
3909545Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 12The prelude to the prelude to madness.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-04 1 
3951775Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 13The invasion is under way. Hang tight, pilot.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-27 1 
January 2020
3998786Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 14The QM would like to apologize as two things happened: he went to Singapore ... and was hit by the ban-hammer. Please understand.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-01-24 0 
March 2020
4081908Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 15Combat, delays ... the usual2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-03-12 0 
April 2020
4128780Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 16In which the writer does a giveaway no one participates in ... and gets kittens.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-04-05 0 
May 2020
4189390Shipgirl Commander 81In which a doughnut proves to be most elusive.Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2020-05-10 2 
June 2020
4278149Ashes of Rhysode 18The defense of Rhysodes continues. You, Wray and the others begin the charge to what you hope to be victory.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-06-24 0 
July 2020
4304404Shipgirl Commander 82[QUEST CANCELLED]Kantai Collection, Dialogue Heavy, 2nd Person, Action, Lore2020-07-11 0 
August 2020
4332631Ashes of Rhysode 18 (Actual)Another hiatus because the QM/GM/DM actually has a big project IRL that he hopes gets off the ground.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-08-12 0 
November 2020
4494155Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #21It took us 18 months, but we're finally off Rhysode.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-11-18 0 
December 2020
4539644Ashes of Rhysode XXArriving in the Administratum, there are reunions aplenty.2nd person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-12-21 0 
April 2021
4700116Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue HorizonYou're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-04-22 5 
June 2021
4804619Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 2You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-06-11 0 
July 2021
4865172Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 3I was side-tracked by several new purchases for my game library and duly apologize for this detour. - The QM2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-07-16 0 
September 2021
4919710Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 4You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-09-03 1 
November 2021
4983794Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 5You continue your assignments for the day, playing chaperone and failure in the same stride.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-11-05 1 
January 2022
5047906Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 6[Same as the last one]2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-01-02 1 
March 2022
5146245Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 7These are your first steps ...2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-03-26 1 
June 2022
5240896Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 8Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm slow. Also, you just finished a meeting. Ain't life grand?2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-06-09 0 
July 2022
5309562The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st DrinkIn which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person, 2022-07-22 7 
August 2022
5348054The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd DrinkIn which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-08-28 2 
September 2022
5356480Ashes of Rhysode 21The Administratum, a hub for Imperial Bureaucracy2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2022-09-10 0 
October 2022
5387464The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd DrinkIn which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-10-14 2 
December 2022
5439483The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg DrinkIn which Elmer and One Two go on a detour.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-12-04 1 
March 2023
5574143Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $1In which Aug "Only Dead" Heart is sent to the Graveyard Frontier by a girl who made deal with the Devil.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2023-03-19 10 
April 2023
5607729Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $2In which Aug and Goldie traverse through the frontier in search of ill-famed El Dorado Warren: the mine of found riches and trapped souls.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-04-29 17 
June 2023
5650031Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $3In which Aug enters the fabled El Dorado Warren, gets separated from Goldie, and has to make his way from mine that wishes to keep him.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-06-10 6 
July 2023
5684431Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $4In which August and Goldie leave the El Dorado Warren behind only to be met with lead, bones, and gallows.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-07-28 6 
September 2023
5722847Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $5In which August and Goldie enter the ghostown of Ruetown to be met with a talking wanted poster, Perry, gamblers, and the sheriff's man.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-09-08 5 
October 2023
5758308Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $6In which August, separated from Goldie, confronts a woman he had killed. Instead of revenge, she demands an odd ask: slaying a Wendigo.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-10-10 6 
November 2023
5791574Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: Goldie's 50¢In which Goldie is abandoned by August to deal with a voracious pack of demonic black fur beasts on her own.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Female MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-11-10 3 
December 2023
5825689Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $8In which August, trapped in a nightmare by a twisted shade, battles for his memories by reliving the last moments of those he killed.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-12-24 3 
June 2024
6012984The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #1In which Demon King's General breaks into your house and declares you the prophetic hero destined to destroy the Demon King!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2024-06-07 3 
August 2024
6037055The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #2In which the Demon General Miranna and you breach into the Demon King’s Banefroth Citadel in search of the divining Grub Hag.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-08-11 1 
October 2024
6081348The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #3In which you and Miranna wade through the Demon King's citadel, avoiding demons, bumping into Wardens, and even the King himself!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-10-18 3 
December 2024
6120773The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #4In which you cross paths with a childhood friend, and a Demon General too, in a village cast under the curse of eternal exhaustion.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-12-04 3 
January 2025
6152350The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #5In which you alongside Demon King's ex-General Miranna journey into the fiery exile enclave of Haunted Armours to retrieve Count Whiskers.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2025-01-29 2 
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