/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2001
CollectionRubyQuestThe amazing adventures of Ruby and TomRuby, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
CollectionDorf QuestYou are a DORF. Armed with your IRON AXE, you are ready to take on the denizens of the dungeon.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
CollectionMaid QuestYou are a young man who has suddenly come into an unexpected inheritance.Maid Quest, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
CollectionFrost Giantess QuestYou awaken on a rocky steppe, transformed into a frost giantess.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
October 2007
750189Flaw: Must Use Opponent's weaponA character can only use the weapon of his most recently slain opponent, and his GM is getting tricksey.character, flaw, d202007-10-30 8 
752139What would you like to roleplay?What everyone really wants to be playing right now. Also, Metroid + Lovecraft = FUCKWIN.roleplay, lovecraft, fuckwin2007-10-30 6 
752689Epic Gaming MomentsYet another Epic Gaming Moments thread. TDM contributes copious quotes.that damn mouse, epic gaming moments, epic2007-10-30 16 
753011Human-eating Creature AlignmentIf a creature must eat three humans a day or die of starvation, does that make it Evil?alignment, morality, D&D2007-10-30 2 
753219Lovecraftian Future HorrorMetroid + Lovecraft + Event Horizonepic, game design2007-10-30 3 
757447Repo Men, a campaign for WushuA nifty game idea for Wushu inspired by Hellraiser and Dead Like Mewushu, game ideas2007-10-31 -2 
November 2007
763257Most Terrifying Thing EverAAAHHHHHHHHHscary, lolwhat2007-11-02 7 
765406Let's play the FATAL game.Highlighting why FATAL is terrible for newfagsFATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 22 
765913Let's play the FATAL game. - 2The first thread actually hit the image limit.FATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 14 
796511Dumbest thing you/your party members have ever doneI love these threads.epic, fail, story, stupid2007-11-13 16 
796304I Like to PretendOP: "I like winter because it feels like I'm wearing power armor when I wear a heavy winter coat."story, pretend2007-11-13 11 
805402Weird WeaponsStrange weapons in your campaigns.weapons, campaigns2007-11-16 2 
839465The Sexual Habits of Chaos BeingsA limp attempt at trolling turned epic by the sick minds of /tg/40k, epic, freaks2007-11-26 12 
840516Your Ideal SystemAfter a megathread bawwwwing about d20, a surprisingly insightful and nerd-rageless thread about people's favorite (and least liked) system traits.game mechanics, game design2007-11-27 2 
842350oregon trailORKY BREAD leads to fucking epic text adventures.oregon trail, bread2007-11-27 10 
845735MSPaint Your GroupITT, We MSPaint what the other players in our group look like through spiteful caricature.mspaint, nerd rage2007-11-28 0 
December 2007
856019Locate City - NukeA thread initially asking about player dickery with regards to Apocalypse from the Sky and Eschew Materials evolves into a method on how to use Locate City to create a 90-mile-radius nuke at 9th-level and a 440-mile-radius nuke at 20th-level.locate city, nuke, powergaming2007-12-01 35 
870457Paladin StoryAn epic paladin story about two sisters, pacts with demons and a journey into hell.paladin, story, epic2007-12-05 30 
873590The invincible hikikomori Borg cube.ITT, /tg/ builds an indestructible flying death-cube using the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook.borg, building, cube2007-12-06 33 
905035ITT the best villain quotesDelicious quotes.quotes, villain2007-12-16 5 
907404Floating CitiesAnother D&D thread, this time on how to make a floating city.D&D, building, floating city2007-12-17 0 
908503Cleric of AthenaA cleric of Athena kicks ass, with a little help from a previous discussion thread.cleric of athena, epic2007-12-17 1 
906757Stories from WikichanAnonymous mines the archives to deliver old lulzold, kharn, eldrad2007-12-17 1 
909448Hilariously Annoying CharactersA player with a new, hideously awful DM asks for advice on characters hellbent on derailing his awful plot.epic, character creation2007-12-18 1 
908902Pun-PunA powergamer brings a kobold sorcerer with a viper familiar to the table.pun-pun, powergaming, shit2007-12-18 5 
908925Good GM / Bad GMThe difference between win and fail.DM, GM, epic, fail2007-12-18 5 
909612Worst RPG You've Ever PlayedOP put a d20 logo as his picture. You can pretty much guess how the thread went.d20, epic fail, game design, game mechanics2007-12-18 -6 
911890Protecting FemalesA DM has a distinct psychological issue with seeing females come to harm... and his player has just rolled a female barbarian.psychological, female2007-12-18 0 
914587ITT we write more realistic game session transcripts.Boring thread is hijacked with epic copypasta.copypasta, hijack, D&D, game transcripts2007-12-19Editor's Choice
916466Neon Ultima Exterminatus II - The ReturnNow with drawfaggotry courtesy of Chink!epic, 40k, NGE2007-12-19 2 
921167DC 80 to crawl up an anusIt turns out that a DC 80 Escape Artist check lets you crawl up someone's anus. Epic lulz ensues.anus, crawl, escape artist, FATAL, epic2007-12-21 177 
922850Creepy game ideasIdeas for a creepy CampaignCreepy, awesome2007-12-22 6 
925367BOYZ UV DA DAMNEDA cunning ork's plan to imitate the Legion of the damnedOrks, Damned, lulz2007-12-22 0 
926361Getting everyone in a 1d10 mile radius Fanatic.A cunning build that uses an alphorn and a +146 Perform bonus to get everyone in a 1d10 mile radius (even hostile enemies) Fanatic for the alphornmancer.D&D, min-maxing, powergaming, alphorn, diplomacy2007-12-22 22 
930585Chaos CakeThese cakes aren't a lie! Well, the Tzeench one might be...Chaos, 40k, Chaos, Cake2007-12-24 13 
933414Horus, The Red Eyed PrimarchMore Christmas Carols- 40k Style40k chirstmas carol2007-12-25 0 
948909Undewater Ray Romano d20Name says it all: Utawarerumono in D&D.Utawarerumono, D&D, d202007-12-30 -2 
950847Player-built CityA DM lets his players take advantage of him and build a crazy city, and he needs help rousing them from complacency.player city2007-12-30 1 
947995/tg/ Confessions ThreadFa/tg/uys share their deepest secrets./tg/, confessions2007-12-30 -2 
952471Things a DM should never say after you roll a natural 20The usual, with a dash of minotaur...d20, DM, Epic, Fail2007-12-31 10 
January 2008
955104Mary-Sue Competition/tg/ retells their worst encounters with Mary Sues, though the OP is really tough to beat.Mary Sue2008-01-01 5 
959080Mary-Sue Competition 2Continuing the earlier thread.Mary Sue2008-01-01 1 
980067Dilemmas for RoleplayingCharacter development through what-ifs.dillemias, roleplay2008-01-07 0 
1010369Ways to mindfuck your players.Mindfucking with liches, dolls and other creepy things to keep players on edge.Creepy, lol2008-01-14 17 
1027569Iron Heart SurgeThings you can do with Iron Heart Surge, including changing the weather, making the sun rise, eradicating gravity, and giving yourself an abortion.D&D, iron heart surge, weeaboo fightan magic, tome of battle2008-01-17 24 
1031096C-Tech Creator Visits 4chanOne of the authors (or a clever troll) of the Cthulhu Tech game visits 4chan to ask why "bullies and sadists" are pirating his game.c-tech, bawwww, bullies, sadists, internet hate machine2008-01-18 3 
1034444Creepy Wall campaignWhat starts out as a DM trying to bore his players to death turns into an interesting campaign idea.Guard, Wall, Creepy2008-01-19Editor's Choice
1042503Paladin Story IIPaladin from earlier epic thread redeems an Erinyes through psychological conditioning.paladin, story, D&D2008-01-20 13 
1044995How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEGWith sheer BadasseryTime travel BBEG Badass2008-01-21 11 
1068484Escaping RailroadingStories of players escaping their DMs' attempts at railroading.stories, railroading, funny, awesome2008-01-26 14 
1092796Drew the LichDrew has a little trouble with EvilEpic RP Drew Lich2008-01-31 70 
February 2008
1098288Drew the lich *part two*FLYING ZOMBIE SHARKS!Epic RP Drew Lich drawfag2008-02-01 29 
1133273Sphere of Annihilation + Well of Many Worlds = Black HoleDM: You have 1d12+6 minutes before all reality is erased. Players: Fawk.eschaton, D&D2008-02-07 6 
1138098Anon-fag's Critical Failure Chart:Critical Fail chart, for any game.Crit fail, epic fail, FAIL FAIL2008-02-08 11 
1178163Black Tokyo/tg/ discovers a truly horrible eroRPG.rape disgusting troll FATAL2008-02-16 15 
1185885Scorpions In EverythingExploring the scorpions in EVERYTHING approach.scorpions, crafting2008-02-17 5 
1188125Let's Play Black Tokyo!For some reason, nobody wanted to...rape disgusting FATAL hentai virginia2008-02-18 11 
1219564Red Crawler's Latest UpdateRed Crawler gets /tg/ up to speed on the latest events of the greatest campaign /tg/ has ever heard of.Crawler, Monster, D&D, Campaign2008-02-23 11 
1231166Red Crawler's Next UpdateMore delicious update in the most epic monster-PC campaign ever.Red Crawler, Monster, D&D, Campaign2008-02-26 6 
March 2008
1260800The Realism-Obsessed CousinAnon has an extremely smart yet autistic cousin who really hates anything that's not "realistic".autistic, aspergers2008-03-02 0 
1304075Tabletop ANGRY MARINESDiscussion on how one anon would create a tabletop Angry Marines army.ANGRY, MARINES2008-03-09 1 
1310759Min-Maxed Commoners and HousecatAbyssal Heritor commoners, binder commoners, Pun-Pun commoners, psionic housecats, weeaboo fightan housecats, incarnum housecats, oh my.D&D, commoner, housecat, min-max2008-03-10 15 
1312058The scariest Traitor Guardsmen everBy the Dark Gods I've never been so afraid.Traitor, lost and the damned, COMMISSAR SCARECROWS2008-03-11 21 
1317142A concept for a magic systemYou're not one of the original wizards. They're gone. So the only way to make magic do your bidding is to impersonate them.D&D, magic2008-03-11 5 
1316306The Eclipsion TerrorguardA continuation of >>1312058, further fleshing out of the scariest Traitor Guards ever created.Eclipsion Guard, Lost and the Damned, Corrupted Starchild,2008-03-11 14 
1316871City with Undead LaborWhat would a city be like if it had skeletons and zombies for labor instead of living slaves?D&D, undead, concepts2008-03-11 5 
1321750Eclipsion Terrorguard, part 3Continuation of >>1316306Eclipsion Guard, Lost and the Damned, Corrupted Starchild2008-03-13 5 
1323543Stat Nations as D&D CharactersThe USA: Lawful Evil Orcish Barbarian.nations, D&D, stat me, earthflame did it2008-03-13 -17 
1332964AquamarinesSpace Marines live the Life Aquatic, encounter exotic underwater foes40k, space marines2008-03-14 2 
1340089ArtifIce; A game of machine intelligenceEarthflame's game concept wherein the players are sentient AI loose on the internet and the world at large.artificial intelligence, game design, earthflame2008-03-15 7 
1348806Scary MarinesA request for a bigger picture opens up doors that were never meant to be opened. 40k space marines2008-03-17 15 
1353072ArtifIce Part 2ArtifIce 2 - Interface Me Harder. Continuation of the previous ArtifIce thread, fleshing out game mechanics some more and adding a little fluff.artificial intelligence, game design, earthflame2008-03-17 5 
1358502Another Epic Moments and Quotes ThreadNuff Said.Quotes Epic2008-03-18 0 
1361693More Cat Min-MaxingA continuation of 1310759. Now with Psionics?!D&D, housecat, min-max, psionics2008-03-19 6 
1360369ArtifIce Part 2.5Continuation of the previous ArtifIce threadartificial intelligence, game design, earthflame2008-03-19 5 
1365859Artifice Part 3Artifice 3; AI with a vengeance. Continuation fom previous ArtifIce thread. Basic version of rules laid out, plans for a playtest begun.artificial intelligence, game design, earthflame2008-03-19 5 
1374705Great quotes you delivered while playing the villain.Anonymous shows that villains can have some great linesBBEG, quotes2008-03-21 -3 
1380255Being sent for reeducationA player complains about a crappy D&D session and spirals into a thread involving brain washing conditioning from 1984.torture, color, D&D, 1984, 4 lights2008-03-22 -3 
1379217Ultimate Mary/Gary Sue/tg/ creates the Ultimate MarySue and unleashes her PURE ENERGY of love and peace on unsuspecting 40k Universe!40k, MarySue, epic2008-03-22 13 
1383654Ultimate Mary/Gary Sue ContinuedThe thread is continued, with OH GOD WHAT THE FUUUUCCKK40k, MarySue, epic2008-03-22 10 
1383719A smashing variaty of examples for steam punk feats My dear sir these feats should be taken by any outstanding citizen. The facial hair tree alone is enough to make your female companions put on a cursed belt of change gender.steam punk facial hair gentelman2008-03-23 1 
1398089IRC RPerA random IRC RPer tries to hit on a fa/tg/uy and talks about his awesome family he's been RPing for 13 yearshorrors of RP, roleplay, oh god why2008-03-25 7 
1404465Angry Marines CodexOP suggests putting together a Codex: Angry Marines and asks for some suggestions. /tg/ gets shit done.Angry Marines, epic, rage, sagefags2008-03-26 2 
1406136Tau and ChaosTau-converted Guardsman recounts his experiences with Chaos.Tau, Slaanesh, Geryon2008-03-26 29 
1416578Wallhammer Faulty KaiGo! Super Genki Wallhammer Faulty Kai! Space Mariners!wallhammer parody2008-03-28 5 
1423495The Necron LordA heartbreaking tale of a Necron Lord's regretsnecron, lord, manly tears, writefaggery2008-03-29 12 
1426730Pedo SororitasCannoness principal of your school locks you in her office. How does /tg/ respond?rape, 40K2008-03-29 5 
1437925Study on the "lesser" raceA scholarly discussion on the role of humanity in fantasy.hybrids, demihumans, pixies, dragonborn2008-03-31 5 
1440633Codex: Angry MarinesA complete custom Angry Marines codex.Angry, Marines, Codex2008-03-31 21 
April 2008
1452657A study of nefarious druids.And their nefarious deeds.Druids, Mystery2008-04-02 6 
1451120Discussion of LARP weapons/tg/ discusses LARP combat, fighting styles, kendo vs fencing, and various related topics such as which sort of fencing is 'for cocksuckers'.larp sword masterwork katana quarterstaff internettoughguy2008-04-02 0 
1454513Breaking VtMAnon requests game-breaking builds for Vampire: the Masquerade; thread gets all sorts of content. A WoD thread that doesn't devolve into SKUBfights?vampire, WoD2008-04-03 6 
1456502STEEL REHNSome stay dry, but most of /tg/ feels the pain.SPESS MEHREENS, Boreale2008-04-03 5 
1460461Evil Game AbortionA DM lets a new guy have the wheel. Evil characters and game breakage occurs. DM rages.D&D , story , DM , evil2008-04-03 10 
1464058Speech TherapySoulstorm main characters receive help with their "problems."METAL BOXES, spess, space, gimpus2008-04-03 32 
1470967Reasonable Marines Army SuggestionsA 40k newfag seeks army suggestions that will inspire NERD RAGE in his opponent. The consensus: Reasonable Marines with PoW Camp playset.40k space marines reasonable2008-04-05 12 
1475977Inquisitor FrolloFrollo is revealed to be a perfect example of an Inquisitor. Shit goes down.Disney, GRIMDARK, Frollo2008-04-05 6 
1472133Imperial Guard vs ZombiesWhat would happen if the Imperial Guard were sent to clean up a zombie outbreak?40k, writefaggotry, zombies2008-04-06 6 
1477678More Inquisitor FrolloFrollo's role in the Imperium gets fleshed out more, and he starts to get a retinue. Cont. from 1475977 Disney, GRIMDARK, Frollo2008-04-06 4 
1490328Players will be playersDM has his players find the Buxomize Pill from Princess Maker 2. Hilarity ensues.princess maker, buxomize pill, epic, roleplay, funny2008-04-08 25 
1493752Wallhammer: The Second GenerationFaulty Kai's journey begins anew, for glory and LIGHT!Wallhammer, Faulty Kai, Games Labourstore2008-04-08 4 
1496010On Modern Physics and 40k.What started as simple RP turned into a discussion of modern mathematics, theoretical particle physics, brane cosmology, Eldrad as a Neutronium Golem, and the Warp as a remnant of another universe.Eldrad, Physics, the Warp, epic2008-04-09 4 
1498570Wallhammer Gen2 2More development, with nekomatons and...other stuff.Chip Crain, Beije, Faulty Kai2008-04-11 0 
1505986The Rehnian 7th "Ironstorm"Anon makes an army list that unleashes the IG's inner potential for STEEL RHEEN.40k, army list2008-04-11 5 
1513305Doc Aquatic Presents: Motherfucking Crazy Liches of HistoryAn Exercise in Bullshit and Fluff.Doc Acquatic, Liches2008-04-12 12 
1538090Resin mold tutorialFinally, in amongst the ashes of /tg/ comes anonymous, dispensing with minature piracy methods. molds, resin, games workshop, poorhammer2008-04-16 35 
1538763The McSphereWelcome to the McSphere, a megastructure of astronomical proportions where fast-food empires and disturbed mascot-themed AIs battle for dominance and survival.Campaign Setting, Sci Fi, grim and dark, what the fuck2008-04-16 -5 
1552633To bad fantasy book covers.We all have some experience with those awful fantasy/sci-fi books. Let's take a moment to appreciate them (or rather, add a humorous commentary).fantasy, sci-fi, book covers, hilarity2008-04-18 11 
1545250Noh in ShadowrunShadowrun DM wants to add Noh to his campaign. fa/tg/uys suggest giant robots.Shadowrun, Noh, Robots2008-04-18 2 
1552477McSphere: The ReturnWhoppaladins, Footlongs and more are explained in tl;dr infodumps. Still better than watching it peter out!Campaign Setting, Sci Fi, grim and dark, what the fuck, tl;dr2008-04-18 -6 
1567150Funny Warhammer 40k ConvertionsHonestly, the title says it all.40k, minis, funny2008-04-20 5 
1569027DOHOHOHO!A DM decides to introduce Statler and Waldorf as NPCs. Much laughter ensues.D&D, DOHOHOHO2008-04-20 125 
1563905Dark Age of Technology SurvivorsA small fleet of ships arrives at Earth bringing advanced technology in an attempt to help the Imperium.40k, fluff2008-04-21 9 
1576661Fleshwarper IllithidAn Illithid grafts itself into a horrible abomination that should not be.Nightmare Fuel, Awesome, BBEG2008-04-22 5 
1573964ITT Stupid But Amusing Shit You Have DoneFor instance, throwing a ladder hard enough to out-damage the barbarian's battleaxe.D&D, storytime2008-04-22 37 
1578543How to be Lawful Good without suckingA thread on being LG that actually has useful information in it for once.lawful good d&d moralfag2008-04-22 0 
1586226Bureacracy in 40KYour thread is very important to us, please hold.40K, paperwork, red tape2008-04-23 11 
1582495Lofn drawfaggotry cont.What is that social hormone that chimps don't have that bonabos do? Women have more of it than men? Whatever it is this thread is full of it.D'awww, Lofn, LCB, nerds2008-04-23 6 
1589262Sir Lucius Maximillian Rhadamanthus Cloverfield IIITouhoufag's terribly awesome half-iron dragon anthropomorphic baleen whale gestalt character gets illustraded [sic] by a drawfag.character concept, anthropomorphic baleen whale, drawfag2008-04-23 -2 
1590162Even More Lofn D'aaaaaaaawwwStarts with cute, then lots of Rage'n'sage, Lofn gets a big name, and more suggestions on backstory.D'awww, Lofn, LCB, nerds2008-04-23 5 
1600940Cannon discussion/tg/ can't agree on how to pronounce the las- in lascannon. Surprisingly civil, considering.las, lay's, lascannon2008-04-25 0 
1602757Film Noir Robots/tg/ discusses the awesomeness of a robot film noir setting and how to deal with over-powered robot characters.noir robots robonoir2008-04-25 0 
1605777Gender Bendingca/tg/irl asks if anyone ever played their opposite gender. A few stories and epic writefaggotry occurs.story, ca/tg/irl, writefaggotry2008-04-27 5 
1609501Paladin Story IIIWith the now-reformed Erinyes in tow, epic Paladin now assists a celestial host in stopping a demonic invasion from taking place. All this at level 11.paladin, erinyes, session2008-04-27 10 
1614919Far-Post-Robo-ApocalypseAfter the fall of civilization, AIs are worshipped as living gods as humanity ekes out a tribal existence. "Understanding so lost that technology appears as magic."game design, ideas, ai, robots, apocalypse2008-04-27 25 
1617400Another Lofn threadThe background for Taldeer and LIIVI's little girl is expanded, up to and including the Eclipsion Starchild.Lofn, D'AAAAAAAW, Eclipsion, fluff2008-04-29 1 
1627752Dungeon Chess1. Chess = DnD 2. ??? 3. PROFIT!Chess, DnD, Roleplay2008-04-29 18 
1634071Playing with expectations/tg/ discusses the ways of punishing players for taking thoughtless action simply because it's "within the genre"D&D, story2008-04-30 10 
1632449Heroic deathsFa/tg/uys share memories of their characters' heroic last stands.epic gaming moments2008-04-30 25 
May 2008
1635166World Building, Part 1A simple call for original content, worldgen, and re-imaginings turns into a goldmine of new material.d20, gurps, original content2008-05-01 0 
1640369Above and beyond the line of duty.Epic wargaming deaths.epic gaming moments2008-05-01 5 
1638051/tg/ digs Giant RobotsMegas XLR in 40K? Fa/tg/uys approve!Chicks, Dig, Giant Robots2008-05-01 2 
1644913Peaceful WarriorA paladin tries mercy, munchkin party members disagree and get knocked out.Paladin, Lawful Good, story2008-05-02 10 
1641127Total Annihilation vs. Warhammer 40kFa/tg/uys debate who would win between TA and WH40k, and somehow manage to keep it from devolving into a shitstorm.40k, total annihilation2008-05-03 23 
1671260Your soul and You!Dagda was playing too much Devil May Cry and came up with rules on using souls in RPGs as a commodity.Dagda, Soul, house rule2008-05-07 6 
1680005Rogue Trader ConversionsScriptarius cooks up a batch of Rogue Trader minis for our enjoymentRogue Traders, Conversions, Scriptarius2008-05-07 5 
1684465Dungeon Keeper D&DA DM running the equivalent of Dungeon Keeper in D&D for a "party" of 5 liches asks /tg/ for help with ideas for adventurers to attack, and also talks about how he's been running this game.dungeon keeper, stronghold, evil, lich, variant2008-05-08 5 
1689459OrkonomicsEssay is posted regarding the role of teef in the ork ekonomy. /tg/ discuss dakka and hos.orks, teef, writefag, warhammer 40k2008-05-09 12 
1694610How To Make A Paladin FallA shit DM shows up asking how to force his paladin to fall. /tg/ rips him limb from limb. Epic ensuesPaladin, Alignment2008-05-10 12 
1697978Imperial Battleships Discussion on ships in the GRIMDARK future of the 41st millenia40k, ships2008-05-10 5 
1697103McSphere againMcSphere guy posts to say he isn't dead and harvest ideas. Space cows, faster-than-light handwaving, shooty things and some other stuff.Campaign Setting, Sci Fi, fast food, what the fuck2008-05-10 -4 
1700785Epic Campaign Twists/tg/ considers ways to fuck with their players mindsD&D, mindfuck2008-05-10 6 
1702455Lawful Good Stories ThreadThe traditional arguments about lawful good characters give way to epic stories, especially the paladin and the medusaLG, Paladins, writefaggotry2008-05-11 17 
1706268Aspekt BoyzExploring how ded 'ard, shooty and choppy the panzees really is.orks, 40k, eldar2008-05-11 25 
1724352Role-Playing in a surreal and illusionary world/tg/ brainstorms about a surreal rpg setting.setting, brainstorm, surreal, dream2008-05-13 6 
1728031Magical Girl RoleplayingIdeas on systems to play Magical Girl-based games.Magical Girl, RPG, Sailor Moon, Tri-Stat dX2008-05-14 6 
1740845ORKSVast numbers of the most awesome Ork models around. The only thread in ages that doesn't need moar dakka.orks, 40k, miniatures2008-05-15 20 
1748599Tome of Greater WishesPlayer gives himself all-powerful artifact that grants him Wishes that cannot be subverted by anyone or anything, including the DM. /tg/ rallies to screw him over.D&D, artifact, bad player2008-05-16 7 
1752285GRIM DARK Wizard of OzWritefaggotry about the Emerald Hive CityOz, Grim, Dark, Wizard, ORIGINAL CONTENT2008-05-17 5 
1755311Exalted: TouhouA couple of namefags go and stat a few Touhou characters for Exalted.exalted, touhou, stats2008-05-17 12 
176920140k Arbor day editionIn the GRIM and DARK universe of 40k, there is only PHOTOSYNTHESIS.wh40k, orks, derailment2008-05-19 11 
1775987RapeguardA moronic DM shoehorns a celibate paladin into a magically-dominated fall because "all men want to have sex with women, no matter what they say." /tg/ plots revenge.No it's not a rape thread, blackguard, stupid DM, paladins2008-05-20 26 
1788654TA and 40k ReduxFurther ruminations on the nature of GRIMDARK; Total Annihilation and 40k fans again manage to avoid a total shitstorm.total annihilation, 40k, grimnfukndark2008-05-22 21 
1786183Big Monsters are too bigDiscussing how difficult monsters the size of continents are to kill, and how you'd run a campaign inside/on top of one.Big monsters2008-05-22 7 
1784851Rogue BBEG/tg/ runs with a paragraph-long suggestion for a villain, coming up with all sorts of interesting ideas.D&D, writefaggotry, Dagda2008-05-22 1 
1795977FUCK THIS GAME, I QUITHave you ever had a player get so mad at another player or a DM/GM that they just quit playing and storm out dramatically?stories, rage, drama2008-05-23 24 
1798742Verbal Solutions ThreadSolutions to problems that do not involve combat min-maxing. Skill based min-maxing may or may not occur.Bluff, Intimidate2008-05-24 5 
1804769Stygian SharkWhat started out as a random picture of a bricks-shat ultra shark turns into a campaign idea involving gnomes, evil three-headed shark-clerics and a half-water elemental Gnoll. Wait, wut?shark, stygian, leviathan, red garados, ohdeargod2008-05-24 0 
1807045Share your storya thread concerning the worst character concepts you have -ever- seen in a tabletop game.stories, mary sue, characters2008-05-25 8 
1818204magical schoolA continuation of the Scholomance setting and ruleset.Scholomance, Magic, 2008-05-26 47 
1820860DoW MinisScriptarius is up to his old tricks and now makes a mini of Carron doing his famous METAL BOXES look.Scriptarius, conversions, DoW, METAL BOXES2008-05-26 0 
1853401Sounds like Justice!A barebones concept of using scrabble tiles for a superhero RPG to create sound effects to do tasks.superheroics, scrabble, homebrew2008-05-30 4 
June 2008
1873009Sir Brian Consumpington's Tasteful Emporium of Chique, Well Priced ProductsContinuation of the epic Eliphas's Hobby Shop writefaggotry.Write faggotry, eliphas, hobby shop2008-06-01 4 
1893431Half-TarrasqueA thread on Tarrasque encounters spirals downwards.Tarrasque, D&D, Science2008-06-04 38 
1917552SkullmurderedA Dorf Fortress world-generation creates a unique terrain feature. Creepy writefaggotry and BAD ENDS follow.skullmurdered, BAD END, writefaggotry2008-06-06 5 
1927081Rapeguard, continuedUpdate on Anonymous' plan for vengeance on his group's DM.No it's not a rape thread, blackguard, stupid DM, paladins 2008-06-07 25 
1936214Tordek, manlyest dwarf alive.A character concepts thread is thrown of course when a player mentions another player's manly creation, who /tg/ quickly grows to love. Tordek, he's in it for all the bitches.Manly Tordek Bitches Epic2008-06-08 55 
1966471SR CannonballA guy gets ideas of stuff to do in a Shadowrun adventure based on The Cannonball RunShadowrun Cannonball teams race2008-06-11 8 
1957603Skullmurdered Part 2A continuation of the Legend of Skullmurdered, as well as various Dwarf Fortress trivia.Skullmurdered, skull, murder, murdered, dwarf, fortress, dwarf fortress, DF, horror2008-06-12 1 
1975920Kids vrs. ZombiesAn inquisitor prestige class build request segues into little kids fighting zombies, gurps, and mind reading.GURPS, Zombies, Little Fears, Kids, namefaggotry2008-06-12 6 
1995216Frontier Sci-fi/tg/ discusses and bickers over an Outlaw Star-style sci-fi setting with rugged individualism and capitalist gain running riot.sci-fi outlaw 2008-06-15 4 
2008745ITT Your first character/tg/ Talks about the characters they first rolled. Featuring RAGEMAGE!Characters, Tabletop Games2008-06-17 4 
2019049How to make Nod unit conversions for 40KA basic and limited guide on how to convert vehicles and units for the Brotherhood of Nod.Nod, 40K, short2008-06-18 5 
2021992Board games every fa/tg/uy should ownList of some board games and why people play themboard game dice catan carcassonne talisman2008-06-18 4 
2026574tl;dr Repressed Gay Hardcore Christian Vampire DuoAn attempt to start a shitstorm turns into... creative collaboration? Starring Train-Lovin' Harry and Father Reinholdt. No fanfics here, thank god.wod, thread hijack, vtm, character concepts2008-06-19 4 
2047216Little Folk/tg/ brainstorms about a game where all the people in the world suddenly find themselves 2 inches tall.Little Folk, RPG discussion2008-06-21 35 
2050562Internet Pact Warlock/tg/'s take on 4e Internet Pact Warlock and it's abilitieswarlock, internet pact2008-06-21 4 
2061989Put that in your pipe and smoke it!Anonymous posits a 3.5 wizard with Profession (Tobacconist) and Craft (Pipe) skills and the Create Wonderous Item feat. Ideas for tobacco-based magic shows up. Also, log from a myconid tea trip.Drugs, Smoking, Tobacco, Pipes2008-06-23 5 
2088233How to make players die insideSome VERY nasty things DM can make to players. Makes TPKs look like saying hello.Evil, D&D, RP, DM2008-06-26 24 
July 2008
2135370Insane Villain QuirksUseful traits for your next crazy BBEGBBEG, Villain, Character, Evil2008-07-03 6 
2151979Gaming TraditionsDMS and players list traditions or recurring things in all their campaigns. Also muffins.DnD, traditions, muffins2008-07-06 4 
2174377Rome: Caesar, Christ, Immortality, ChinaGAIUS CASSIUS LONGINUS stabbed Julius Caesar to death in the Forum in 44 BC as well as speared Jesus Christ in the side on the cross some 75 years later. What if he was an immortal? What if Jesus was a Roman myth? What if there were Romans in China? Rome, Caesar, Christ, immortality, China, vampires2008-07-10 4 
2199595A Warehouse 23-like Idea"Humorous, dangerous, mind-boggling, or mundane" items found in the BBEG's archives.mindfuck, rpg2008-07-13 4 
2216985Mario 40k Meta-DiscussionThe 40k armylist pimping thread-genre is lampooned in a Super Mario Bros pisstake.mario 40k meta skubwar2008-07-15 16 
2225740OscarOscar the stoner upstages godmoding freeform rpers by getting high.freeform, stoner, awesome character2008-07-17 38 
2233956Tribal/Aerial ShyguysThe Mario 40k Meta-Discussion continues on.mario 40k meta skubwar2008-07-18 4 
2242355Poe's Raven, 40k styleQuoth the raven, EversorEversor, raven, poe, poetry, 40k2008-07-19 6 
2234673Touhou Power Cards for 4eA project of making power cards for D&D 4e using Rumbling Spell Orchestra, the Touhou TCG, as a template.4e, power cards, Touhou2008-07-19 4 
2240617tg explains Tolkien wizardstg's Tolkien guru's explain Lord of the Rings settings wizards and demigodsLord of the Rings, Wizards2008-07-20 1 
2258696Silent HillA plea for help with creepy events in a Silent Hill based game.creepy, horror, strange, Silent Hill2008-07-29 11 
2268017Tales of ArcadiaAnon pretends to ask for advince for an unexistant cross-over rpg, it quickly becomes a shitstorm thread about an (also unexistant) war-game version.lies, newfags, cross-over, vidya2008-07-31 5 
August 2008
2276498DrunkhammerThe rules of engagement for Drunkhammer 40k are discussed. /tg/ seems to like. Fukken saved for posterity.alcohol, 40k2008-08-01 5 
2284586K59K59, ex-Commissar and grimdark extraordinaire, gets invited to tell some stories. Maybe.Grimdark, K59, Executions, Stories, Schrodinger2008-08-02 76 
2284596/tg/ falls into a Wyld Pocket in Creation!All manner of noneuclidian weirdness ensues.Weird, Exalted, Wyld2008-08-02 5 
2287951Everything can be an army listMario and then all of /v/ get competitive analysis vis-a-vis 40k.Mario, vidya, 40k2008-08-03 4 
2293228Sister Sinai & VindicareSister Sinai, crippled, spends a few last moments with Vindicarefanfic voting sad2008-08-04 11 
2298030Sister Sinai & Vindicare IIVindicare is rescuing Sister Sinai, time for a killing spree.fanfic voting sad2008-08-04 8 
2303345Fighting spirits or the making of a tabletop beat-em-up RPGInspired by a post about Godhand, a discussion on how to handle wild hand to hand action between multiple enemies in RPGs begins...Fighting, RPG, beat-em-up2008-08-05 0 
231354840k Ice CreamIn the grim darkness of the far future, the Sauvis Astartes seek to return ice cream to the galaxy. Also, "discussion" of what flavor each faction would prefer.40k, ice cream2008-08-07 -2 
2314383I am what?Okay, fa/tg/uys, it's a normal day. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be October 22nd. Everything's pretty normal, everything's pretty cool. Except shit, there's no food in the house. And you're hungry.LHC, 22 October2008-08-07 46 
2326685favorite unused game ideasMore random game seeds, most of the pretty good.game ideas2008-08-12 0 
2330098Daemon Santa ClausThe Inquisition sends a report on the Daemon Santa Claus40k, Santa Claus2008-08-13 1 
2356939Stranger than fiction/tg/ tells crazy stories of odd happenings around them. Unkown Armies in real life.Unkonwn Armies, /x/, Kult, stories2008-08-17 7 
2389379Senile DreadSome senile dread starts ranting, and epic lulz ensues wh40k dread writefaggotry2008-08-21 1 
2388010Thousand Son and GuardswomanDrawfaggotry brings out the original writefaggotry to a tear-jerker story. Also, Macha wrestling. Thousand Sons, baww, d'aww, macha.2008-08-21 4 
2397827Angry GuardA simple conversion idea request spawns a new regiment of guardsmen. Scriptarius also makes an appearance once more.Angry, Guard, Scriptarius2008-08-22 4 
2400746Strategy/Tactical Gaming Anon discusses both and Kreigsspiel is discovered.Strategy Tactical 2008-08-25 0 
2427551Meikyu KingdomA game-play synopsis on Make You Kingdom, a dungeon exploring/kingdom building RPG, possibly coming out with an English edition.kingdom, dungeon crawling, sim city2008-08-26 0 
2446399Grandpa DreadnoughtGrandpa Dreadnought complains about kids these days. Also Eversor and Tankred.dreadnoughts, eversor2008-08-28 6 
2448450New ANGRY MARINE CODEXBeta version of new and fukken improved ANGRY MARINE CODEX. Also, discussion about new rules and characters for AM. Angry Marines, codex2008-08-28 10 
2449844Codex: Cultistthe guys get shit done and brainstorm for 2 hours on a new codexChaos Cultist2008-08-28 5 
2464056Why Sororitas and Amasec don't MixGiven little prompting several writefags appear and create awesome 40k Penthouse letter. Kharn and the Red Rivers make an appearance.Writefaggotry, Sororitas, Kharn2008-08-30 16 
2470758DARK and EPIC MarioTurns out Bowser and Luigi are actually fucking awesome.oh Dagda you so crazy2008-08-31 34 
2473820Scriptarius' old works/tg/'s resident conversionfag shows a few of his older works, and reveals new projectsscriptarius, conversions2008-08-31 5 
2472537Love and Strife/tg/ mumbles over a setting of existential absurdism and cosmic space battling. Fun is had by all.Love Strife Cosmos2008-08-31 5 
September 2008
2496211The Seven Deadly sinsIronically, in a thread about sin and virtues, namefag Edward moves towards redemption. Also cool writefaggotry detailing silent hill-esque versions of the seven deadly sinssilent hill, writefaggotry, Edward2008-09-04 5 
2499093Random Fanfiction Generator/tg/ plays around with a random generator and posts the results for epic lulz!lol random XD2008-09-04 5 
2496778Spelljammer 4EAnon provides a PDF of rules for running Spelljammer under D&D 4E. The SJ vessel cards are also posted.4e trolls spelljammer homebrew2008-09-04 -3 
2505520Ovens and ordersAn IRC Discussion turns into Minmaxing Sandwiches, Weeaboo Cookan magics, and delicous MeatbreadWeeaboo Cookan Magics, O&O, Meatbread2008-09-05 10 
2507249Another Informative Shadowrun ThreadInnocent questions about an SR4 excursion to Tir Na nOg lead to missile surfing, rigger strategy, and Mystic Knights nostalgia.Shadowrun, 4e, drones, Missile Surfing2008-09-06 6 
2515817World of BladesOdd, semi-original setting for an unspecified fantasy game. Weapons attached to souls, and the consequences thereofFantasy, Homebrew, World2008-09-06 7 
2513823More Science: The HypothesisMore Science: The Hypothesis, a Magic: The Gathering variant, with loose rules and lots of SCIENCE.SCIENCE 2008-09-06 5 
2518951POWERXALTEDHEY! DO YOU WANNA FEEL SO AWESOME?awesome, exalted, powerthirst, fuck yeah2008-09-07 8 
2530841What your DM is acutally thinking.GM'ing is a lot harder than one might think. That doesn't excuse their dick-ishness, though. See what your GM is really thinking when you get around his cleverly laid plans.DM, GM, Gamemaster, Dungeonmaster, Storyteller, inside thoughts, railroading2008-09-09 5 
2533902Naaaaao, lets play D&DWritefagging about Naota's father getting in to D&D to fill the void left by lack of further storyline.FLCL, Naota, D&D, writefaggotry2008-09-09 3 
2534387Tiny 40k Universe Invades EarthAll the forces of the 41st Millennium descend onto modern day Earth. Except they are only as large as their miniatures depict them to be. Ending with some pretty awesome writefagging.40k, fanfic, tiny, writefag2008-09-09 53 
2536652Tiny 40K writefaggotry continuedTiny 40K battling across a flat/mansion/dorm. Makes the way to the fridge somewhat hazardous.40k, fanfic, tiny, writefag2008-09-09 34 
2539076Simple Gaming and Triple-AOP suggests elegant tri-stat system, enthusiastic namefags polish with vigor. Getting shit done. triple A, tri-stat2008-09-11 5 
2550663The /tg/ is really really great ... FOR KHORNEAwesome combo of singalong funtime.Khorne, tg, 40k, combo, internet is for porn, avenue q2008-09-11 3 
2551862Spirit of the CenturyStarting with mobster gorillas triple-wielding tommy-guns, it transcended airship pirates and mecha-Hawking, brushed upon time-traveling nazis and slowly, but surely outgrew awesome.SotC awesome2008-09-11 10 
2554347Ork-chanWritefag gives us a story about a little Ork girl. Manly tears ensue.Ork-chan, dawwwwww2008-09-12 36 
2563022God KaminaKamina from TTGL ascends to godhood with surprisingly few objections from /tg/, who forgive him for being weaboo on ground of awesomeness. Also inspires some writefaggotry.Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kamina, Awesome, God, Stat me2008-09-13 21 
2557308Shadowrun Random EncountersThings to do in Seattle while you're waiting for Mr. Johnson.Shadowrun, Random Encounter Table2008-09-13 6 
2564089Tiny Hammer - all storiesTiny Hammer writer posts all of his up to date,works.Writefaggatory, Tiny Hammer2008-09-14 8 
2561785Weapon MythsGeneric association between weapons and character types.weapon, character2008-09-14 0 
2575804Our EngelsSome writefaggotry about an Engel falling in love with their human pilotfanfic writfaggotry cthulutech engel human pilot romance2008-09-14 0 
2584735.Hack//Pen and paperA thread created by Ensis about creating a pen and paper system based off of the .hack// series..hack// dot hack .hack Ensis Kun-kun2008-09-16 5 
2584447/tg/ Declares War on the WraeththuSome abominations cannot be allowed to stand. And now, /tg/ mobilizes against its most Mary Sueish enemy yet.Wraeththu, Metal Slug, battle, roleplay, rolefaggotry, 40k2008-09-16 10 
2582738Paragon MarinesA thread about Dante's chiseled physique gets derailed into an awesome new /tg/ chapter.40k, SPEHS MEHREENS2008-09-16 5 
2590502Games Workshop Fall Catalog '08A troll sets up an elaborate prank and unleashes it upon a heartbroken /tg/.trolls, pranks2008-09-17 22 
2593504.Hack//Pen and paper 2The second thread created by Ensis to discuss more about the system and to flesh out more of how game play would resolve.Ensis Kun-kun .hack dot hack .hack//pen and paper2008-09-17 5 
2600504Insert title here...Thin Fa/tg/uy begins the first chapter in a fantastic bit of writefaggotry concerning a rookie guardsman and his brush with Daemonic forces and the Grey Knightswritefag fluff warhammer 40k thin fa/tg/uy grey knights imperial guard2008-09-17 26 
2600159Liches, Redux.The enormous hold-all thread for all of lich-kind.d-day, clerics, liches, undead, lich, house, undead house, and many more2008-09-18 5 
2602585Deadlands is AwesomeAnonymous posts a Wall O' Text about the incredibly awesome exploits of his Deadlands group, inspires several to start playing Deadlands.Deadlands, awesome, writefag2008-09-18 10 
2613952Whore descriptionsSome excellent descriptions of whores based on classic gygaxismswhore, gygax2008-09-19 11 
2616690The great micro-game challengeA challenge has been given: make a fully playable mini-game in the course of a week and post it for all to see. Failure, hopes, whining and an awesome restaurant tabletop battle game follow.challenge, game design2008-09-20 4 
2620824Insert title here chapter 2Thin fa/tg/uy continues to refuse to name his story about a guardsman named Jim brought before the inquisitionwritefag fluff warhammer 40k thin fa/tg/uy imperial guard2008-09-20 21 
2622557Mexicarines!An innocent question if people actually play Angry Marines quickly turned into a thread about the Mexican marines. They were declared /tg/ canon.Mexicarines, Angry Marines, Space Marines, Warhammer 40K2008-09-20 11 
2632438It had gone to hellSuperior writefaggotry about the last stand of an Imperial commander against an onslaught of Orks.40k, writefaggotry2008-09-21 3 
2633247Adeptus Mechanicus WritefaggotryAdeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry, with a whiff of Eldrad-like dickery. Adeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry 2008-09-21 3 
2631570DM Horror Stories/tg/ recounts some of their best DM horror stories.DM horror, D&D2008-09-22 6 
2633867Go Go Power MarinesAfter 10000 years, Rita's Free! /tg/ attempts to recruit a team of Space Marines with ATTITUDE.Power Rangers, Space Marines2008-09-22 -4 
2629697How LCB should have ended.The continuing mystery of what happened in the end of LCB has commentary given by Miko on how she wanted it to end. Panels are provided. Anon bravely comments, jokes, and trolls.LCB, Miko, jocularity2008-09-22 12 
2642353Anon and his little sisterAnon asks for advice about what army he should make for his little sister for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. At some point during the thread, Nurse-kun makes a rare appearance.dawwwwww, Nurse-kun, manly tears, beautiful, Damaged Goods2008-09-23 24 
2646978Emprah WorshipSome fa/tg/uy worships The Emperor. Other fa/tg/uys confide in their nerdish semi-religious acts.40k, emperor, emprah, EMPRAH, fanatical, possible copypasta2008-09-23 25 
2654786This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingGame absentees and menstruating male dragons and gnomes in tall hats, oh mythis just happened2008-09-24 -3 
2653172Drizzt of NecronMaybe he's the Drizzt of Necron.drizzt necron lolcron mortified2008-09-24 35 
2658627Drizzt and Elminster writefaggotryA challenge is accepted by a writefaggot, and the results are amusing. Now with less Elminster sex change!Writefaggotry, Elminster, Forgotten Realms, Drizzt2008-09-25 8 
2664703The Black and White Space MarineExtremely insightful stories told by masters.space marine, fluff, RAGE2008-09-26 -2 
2661588The Cloth ManAs much as it sounds like a UA thread, it's not. Idea of a cloth warforged-type race quickly devolves into "Cleric/Wizard of Cuteness". cloth, warforged, cute, wut2008-09-26 6 
2668891Slol Sluxslol, DragonDescription and pictures of a dragon who dooms a fortress full of dorfs with his shenanigans.Dwarf fortress, Dragon, Doom2008-09-26 26 
2671674Insert Title Here Chapter 3Part 3Writefag 40k2008-09-26 11 
2673323LilianaWhat starts out as rage against a horrible rp character turns into an intriguing discussion about Exalted shit.RPG, Exalted2008-09-27 0 
2671872HS 40K (Chapter 1)Writefag fills out a request with /tg/'s favorite 40K creations going to high school together, with epic style.HS 40k, writefaggotry2008-09-27 24 
2673437HS 40k (Chapter 2)Writefag continues his epic story of Highschool 40k and confused teenagers.HS 40k, writefaggotry2008-09-27 12 
2674408HS 40K (Chapter 3)Writefag continues his epic story of Highschool 40k and confused teenagers.HS 40k, writefaggotry, d'awww2008-09-27 13 
2676031HS 40k (Chapter 4)Writefag finishes his epic story of Highschool 40k and confused teenagers. Good end.HS 40k, writefaggotry, d'awww2008-09-27 13 
2655109Mosaic: A Game of Runic MagicMore discussion of the rune-based magic system, including a name.mosaic, rune, game design, earthflame2008-09-28 8 
2680456HS 40K CollaborationLet's get shit doneHS40K 2008-09-28 11 
2684254Bananaguru's Thoughts on 4eSomeone starts a thread about 4th edition D&D being a MOREPIG. It is actually reasonable and leads to a debate over game design paradims and other such interesting things.4e, MMO, Unaccountably Not A Shitstorm2008-09-28 -2 
2683686DirkA traumatised Stormtrooper with a shitty history gets the chance to spit in the face of Tzeentch himself.Not as planned, Zuvassin is pleased, luck, Dirk, Stormtrooper, man2008-09-28 41 
2695937Carboard Fortressa simple d6 system where the cardboard contraptions you made as a child were real. A meta roleplaying gameCardboard, Boxes, Kids, Squash Monster2008-09-30 5 
October 2008
2709630Humans are insane.Why should they be the "average" race? The diplomats? The boring ones? Humans are violent, irrational, and quite frighteningly powerful, within their own niches.Fluff, Humans2008-10-01 40 
2709834Sniper buildSome people build a crossbow sniper in 3.5Sniper, 3.52008-10-01 0 
2710711Humans are insane. part 2Continuation of the badass humanity thread. Now with 50% more bawwwww, but some good writefaggotry emerges nonethelesshumans, fluff2008-10-01 28 
2711290Humans are Insane Part 3Part 3, more writefaggotry, thread starts to discuss more of the settinghumans, fluff, worldbuilding2008-10-01 27 
2714934MusicpunkImagine, if you will, a sci-fi/cyberpunk universe where the human genome has been cataloged and preserved...musically.rpg design music2008-10-02 10 
2717532Noh's one year birthdayWritefag gives us some new writefaggotry on the 1 year anniversary of the original Noh thread.Noh, writefaggotry2008-10-03 11 
2723443Original player races/tg/ shows that it can come up with fresh ideas, some of which are pretty good.original, races2008-10-03 3 
2727253Abby's Singalong HourWhat started with the usual Abbadon's Black Crusade song parody turned into several masterpieces of 40k songparodying.Abbadon, Singalong, 40k2008-10-04 1 
2721122Fantasy Ace CombatAce Combat Moved to a fantasy setting where the Lords of the Skies rule the battlefieldAce Combat, Fantasy, Writefaggotry2008-10-04 24 
2730328What's your Superpower?Everybody on 4chan was given superpowers, which are determined by randomized wikipedia articles. Hilarity ensues.Wiki, Superhero, Imagination2008-10-04 0 
2731539WAAAAAUGH OV DA HUMIE SNATCHAS!An Inquisitor investigates a possible case of orky guardsmen...or are they?orky brickshat2008-10-04 41 
2733392Earthflame promises to finish ArtIficeEarthflame will probably finish artifice in this thread. Hurrah.ArtIfice, Homebrew2008-10-04 0 
2737021Villain Group ThemesMuch better ideas for your cheesy villain teams.villains, themes, seven deadly sins suck2008-10-05 0 
2740879EuridEarthflame again, building a transhuman SF world with genetically enhanced super-agents. Basically playing in a completely different league than /tg/ in general.Earthflame Eurid Getting Shit Done2008-10-05 10 
2744283Left Behind: Familars' TalesAnon posts excerpts from an unheard of 3rd party book about what happens to familiars whose masters die. More stories are posted. Manly tears are shed.Familiars, Dead, Manly Tears2008-10-06 7 
2741240Living SaintDiscussion about the living saint, sisters of battle an then epic writefaggotry.Living Saint, bodyglove2008-10-06 4 
2742715The Post-Apocalyptic RoadmapEpic writefaggotry ensues as Anons provide "on the ground intel" of what their local area is like three years after a nuclear war. A setting with win begins to take form.Post-apocalyptic, roadmap, writefaggotry, setting2008-10-06 7 
2751930Dwarf Fortress error messagesIn this thread,--ANONYMOUS CANCELS WRITE DESCRIPTION: INTERRUPTED BY KOBOLD THIEFDwarf fortress, dorfs2008-10-07 6 
2753800AMC 5thThe Angry Marine Codex fixed for 5th edition and tactical holes filled. (last beta codex had literally no weapons that could kill a land raider)Angry Marine, Codex2008-10-07 6 
2754620The 666 Rituals of DetestationDiscussion on the fabled 666 Rituals of Detestation of the Grey Knights40k, lol2008-10-08 1 
2758825Dorf MarinesDwarven Space Marines, purging the heretical elephants with their crossbolters.DF, Space Marines, Dorfs2008-10-08 6 
2760891Everyone Got Shrunk, Round 2The setting with everyone on earth shrunk down to 5cm tall, round 2. More brainstorming. More win. Some grimdark.setting, brainstorm, tiny, small, shrunk, powers of ten2008-10-08 3 
2761838/tg/ Jack O'Lantern stencilsIn preparation for Halloween, a fa/tg/uy provides a series of /tg/ themed stencils for pumpkin carving.Halloween, stencils, 40k, pumpkin2008-10-08 5 
2762861Badass Humans in Fantasy LandThe humans are insane thread gets a fantasy makeover.Fluff, Humans, Fantasy2008-10-08 4 
2764879The Ends Justify The MeansA serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins.BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done2008-10-09 6 
2777324More Alicia the Epic PaladinContinued adventures of Alicia the epic paladin, as well as general win.Alicia, epic paladin2008-10-11 11 
2782214NecronthirstNecrons plus Powerthirst. Also, Tom Jones.40k lol2008-10-11 6 
2776654Even More Grimdark MarioAs the title says. Read and enjoy.Mario, stories, grimdark2008-10-11 5 
2782503Epic Failure/tg/ discusses the times their party has screwed up badly.horrible failure, stupidity, awakened pineapple2008-10-12 10 
2791200Insert Title Here Chapter 4Part 4Writefag 40k2008-10-13 11 
2801017Steampunk Outsider NPCsVarious ideas for a steampunk setting in which outsiders sneak in to mess with shit.steampunk, npcs, outsiders2008-10-14 -2 
2803229An Investigation into the Heresy of the Reasonable MarinesInquisitor Rightina Immam visits the worlds under the aegis of the Reasonable Marines in the Aprior sector, and is shocked by the heresy to be found there.reasonable 40k writefaggotry2008-10-14 23 
2801636Synthetics and Mosaic ClassesEarthflame's continuing development of the futuristic setting of Eurid and the rune-based magic of Mosaic.mosaic, runes, earthflame, eurid, game design2008-10-15 4 
2807741Nil BastionhallA lone dwarf valiantly stands against goblin hordes. Uncomfortable about others, a loner in the woods, but the most altruistic dorf I've seen. Remember.Dorf Fortress2008-10-16 27 
2807771Catgirls and Doggirls for DFAnon introduces mod with some new pets for DF.dwarf fortress2008-10-16 7 
2811761How to Make a Good CharacterAnon posts 10 tips to avoid making a shitty roleplaying character. More advice is added, and wisdom is dispensed. Something most fa/tg/uys should read.advice, how to make a good character, 10 tips2008-10-16 6 
2816740How do your gaming sessions go? (Narrated)Fa/tg/uys take the time to describe how their sessions go about.Roleplaying, DnD, Dungeons, Dragons, Narrated,2008-10-16 0 
2821925Bears: THE TRUTH4chan once again proves to be bastion of ignorant bigots, as what begins as a perfectly safe picture of a Grizzly at a table, descends into Polarbear Racism. Then some stupid idiot mentions the Great Bear War of 1910 and the thread just goes thermonuclear. You just can't have a decent mature discussion if some one brings that or the Grizzly Massacre of Montreal up. There's just too much bad blood about these things. Oh 4chan! When will you learn?Bears, The Great Bear War, Grizzly massacre of Montreal, The Great Koala Purge2008-10-17 13 
2815797Mosaic ContinuesAnother Mosaic thread, with added writefaggotry and discussions on spells. Slowly approaching an actual ruleset.mosaic, rune, game design, earthflame, writefaggotry2008-10-17 4 
2822928Macha's DestinyWhat starts as a sad Macha imagedump gives birth to the hidden truth behind Macha's celibacy: she saves herself for THE IMMORTAL GOD-EMPEROR OF MANKINDMacha, GOD-EMPEROR OF MANKIND, WRYYYYYYYYYY2008-10-18 20 
2827253Macha's Destiny, Part 2More discussion of Macha and the Emprah who were meant to be, but never will. Plus more Lofn d'awwwwnessmacha, emperor, d'awww, fate, lofn2008-10-19 12 
2831296The Return of Sir BrianThe Dashing Gentleman ReturnsBrian Consumptington2008-10-19 14 
2845906Tales from the Emergency RoomMitchell_Henderson tells stories about his time working in the ER, such as the idiot LARPer that cut his hand and the horror of the 300 lbs. fursuiter.Mitchell Henderson, ER, LARP, idiots STORYTIEM2008-10-22 33 
2845301crazy 40k players.../tg/ shares bizarre horror stories of crazy Warhammer players at their LGS.40k, horror, what, my penitent engine has a tail2008-10-22 5 
2838929Fa/tg/uy versus MouseA fa/tg/uy finds a mouse in his kitchen; being only a first-level commoner, he's understandably terrified.mouse, D&D2008-10-22 6 
2843696Trigger Discipline and DitSA Trigger Discipline and Destiny in the Stars thread.trigger discipline, dits2008-10-22 0 
2841437God-Emperor of Mankind throws a party, Part IThe God-Emperor of Mankind returns after millenia of wandering the warp, and he wants to PARTY DOWN WITH HIS PEOPLE!40k, party hard, emperor of mankind2008-10-22 23 
2842836God-Emperor of Mankind throws a party, Part IIA continuation of the bitchin' party thread.40k, party hard, emperor of mankind2008-10-22 10 
2839994Bloodthirster in NYCA Bloodthirster is summoned in Times Square on January 1, 2013. What happens next?40k, bloodthirster, what if2008-10-22 6 
2839440Proof of SquatsA fa/tg/uy puts himself at risk by revealing the secret truth of Squa40k, squats2008-10-22 14 
2842176Mosaic: A Game of Runic MagicYet more delicious Mosaic. ITT, fluff and worldbuilding, the Kingdom of Njord, the Black Buzzards, and a great deal of storytelling.mosaic, rune, game design, earthflame2008-10-22 5 
2850732Angron conversion of HUGE PROPORTIONSScriptarius tacles a new challence - the daemon primarch Angron. The results: HUGE.Conversions, Scriptarius, HUGE2008-10-22 5 
2861381Rediscovering BoatmurderedIn which excerpts from the diary of a dorf questing to find and explore the ruins of the legendary Fortress Boatmurdered, carving amulets in his spare time.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2008-10-23 16 
2859899Best Spirit of the Century Characters/tg/ posts its best Spirit of the Century characters.SotC, characters2008-10-23 9 
2863830ANGRON conversion part 2Scriptarius continues his work on Angron, and makes a plastic Abaddon and Kharn on the sideAngron, Scriptarius, Conversion2008-10-24 4 
28664244chan: The TrollingThey all knew of the 4chan. Most believed it to be a place of perversion and idiocy, where child porn and stupid image macros wandered free. A few saw it as a place of creativity, sociopathic humor, and innovation. Only a few Fags knew the truth.RPG, idea, 4chan2008-10-24 10 
2883764UA Rumors: Wiki StyleList of Unknown Armies rumours spawned by Random Wikipedia searches. Some of which wrote themselvesUnknown Armies, wiki, wtf2008-10-27 6 
2882944D&D Manly TearsDM desires for his PCs to shed manly tears at the end of the campaign. After a slow start the ideas start flowing in, and manly tears are indeed shed.Manly Tears2008-10-27 6 
2882215Mosaic: A Game of Runic MagicAnother thread discussing Earthflame's ongoing /tg/ homebrew, Mosaic, this time started by Xaras. Stuff on the non-human races and different planes.mosaic, runes, magic, game design, earthflame2008-10-27 3 
2893308Squat FortressWhat started off as another stupid /df/ thread soon mutated into a metagaming discussion made of creamy win.Squat Fortress, Dwarf Fortress, metagaming2008-10-28 7 
2900429VampireA lazy storyteller searching for clues how to run a high school game in VtM. Quite unprecedented, he actually gets great advice. Archived for the purpose of showing how it should work.Vampire The Masquerade, World of Darkness, Getting Shit Done2008-10-29 10 
2901271This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingFUCKING KENDER!this just happened, kender2008-10-29 5 
2911771Comparison of Deep Ones and ElvesA discussion of Lovecraftian races and the place they occupy with relation to traditional fantasy.racism lovecraft cthulhu elf2008-10-31 11 
2911901We made a mistakeLast words of an alien race after misjudging humanityhuman, fluff, writefaggotry2008-10-31 67 
November 2008
2917093Epic Dwarf Fortress EpicnessNeckbeard and friend witness a truly epic dorf versus Demon battle.dorfs, epic, writefaggotry, demons, 2008-11-01 -2 
2941741Devoted FamiliarA fa/tg/uys asks if having a bunny familiar would make him seem gay. A writefag shows him it would make him grimdark.writefag, bunnies, familiars2008-11-05 45 
2948957Plot Hooks: IN SPACE!Decent discussion about sidequests/plot-hooks in a generic sci-fi setting, neat pictures, and minor trolling at the end.Sci-Fi, Gurps, Plot Hooks2008-11-06 0 
2952422Epic Campaign Plot HooksTwo sentences describe a campaign. Hilarity Ensues.Plot Hooks2008-11-07 5 
2948069Tales of Nova EuropaIn one of the most crazy-awesome GURPS settings ever, a GM looks for even more distilled win to pour into the mix. He then details a setting that quietly puts Exalted to shame. Decent pics are included. And a writeup of the group's shenanigans is promised for the future. Nova Europa, GURPS, setting, Scandia and the Titanium Mountainside2008-11-07 10 
2954559The Floor is Now LavaThe Floor is lava. Many variant rules.Floor, Lava2008-11-08 10 
2963651FlatworldsA writefag details a fantastic setting of multiverses and high magic, where every world is flat.Flatworld, story, setting2008-11-09 1 
2964603Nova Europa TranscriptsThe first sessions of the epic GURPS campaign are transcribed as promised. More of the setting is revealed. Decent pics too.Nova Europa, transcripts, GURPS2008-11-09 8 
2953023Neon Exodus SanctionNewfag/writefag/namefag weeaboo makes another Evangelion adaptation, this time using Eldar, and write it as if a TV series.Warhammer, 40k, NGE, EVA, Titan, Eldar, writefaggotry2008-11-09 8 
2962879Monsters and MindfuckeryAnon asks about disturbing monsters. Nightmares followmonsters, tg, stories, nightmare fuel, 2008-11-09 4 
2965122Kobold CampAll the info you need to set up a Kobolds variant to Dorf FortressKobolds, Kobold Camp, Dorf Fortress2008-11-10 7 
2973713Whales in SPACEInteresting 40k writefaggotry featuring whales in space.40k, story, whales2008-11-10 12 
2971130John Fuklaw's Letter HomeCommissar Fuklaw writes a response to a letter from his ex-wife, resulting in many manly tears, as well as various conspiracy theories.Fuklaw, Angry Marines, Starchild2008-11-11 31 
2986784Dave EldarWhat started with a discussion of Fluff and Crunch changed for the better with a story about Davius, the Space Marine Scout who is supposed to infiltrate an Eldar Craftworld. Now he is known as Dave Eldar. He enjoys Shooting Shuriken Catapults, and Doing Eldar things.Dave Eldar, writefaggotry, Shuriken Catapults2008-11-13 23 
2994022Adeptus Solicitus: Attourneys at WarServe Papers, Solve Cases, Win Trials. Wisdom.40K, Space Marines, Fluff2008-11-14 27 
2992644Whales in SPACE, ContinuedLots more 40k writefaggotry following a squad of Guard in a snowy shithole city.40k, writefaggotry, whales, story2008-11-15 7 
3010399Accursed Toys, Cont.The Accursed Toys idea gets some more discussion.Accursed Toys, setting2008-11-17 8 
3005220Roleplaying longer-lived racesStarts with a description of what it's like to live for centuries, and becomes more awesome from thereelves, dwarves, life, roleplaying2008-11-17 5 
3026913Dreams of the Future, Visions of the PastThe Emperor lies dead, Horus sits on his Throne as the God Emperor of the Dark Imperium. The only hope lies with the loyalist Space Marines are their legions.Space Marines Emperor writefag2008-11-20 6 
3032130BK's homebrew helpBardic Knowledge asks for help with a homebrew setting, and GURPSfag agrees to help him put it into GURPS.writefag, homebrew2008-11-20 0 
3029632Imperial Guardsman Briefing #4585: Pleasuring a WomanImperial briefing on how to finger a girl. Accurate and entertaining, later leads on to Eldar Vagina Tentacles.40K, Self Help, Girls, Tentacle Vaginas2008-11-21 27 
3033261Random Space Encounters!All manner of encounters for a space campaign.space encounters2008-11-22 2 
3035413Viking threadLots of links to viking resources, pdfs, campaigns, systems, etc.Vikings, vikinger, norse, midgard, asgard, Odin, Loki2008-11-22 6 
3039858How to create your own zombiesA thread about how people would customize their undead horde. Contains epic rantings and awesome ideas.Lich, undead2008-11-22 8 
3038348More CuteboldsFairly generic Kobold Camp thread turns to discussion of kobold toys and recreational activities. More cutebold sex/gender speculation. Some new drawfaggotry and d'awwww art.Kobold Camp, cutebolds, dawwwww, kobold mating rituals, loincloths2008-11-22 11 
3045912Real Life Random Encounters/tg/ steps out of fantasy for a moment and reflects on encounters neckbeards have had in the real world. Unsurprisingly, none of them involve women.random, encounter, real, life2008-11-23 14 
3039074Ewok trapsetting in d20Honest question leads to revisionist American historyEwok Vietnam2008-11-23 2 
3049699Get out of here M.A.R.T.I.A.NIt seems there has been a time shift! Steampunk STALKER, an not-fully-thought-out cyberpunk setting with some potential and Macross 1942. And More!Steampunk, Time Shift, Macross, STALKER, World War 2, War of the Worlds2008-11-24 5 
3050285Real Life Random Encounter as the title saysrandom, encounter, real, life2008-11-24 10 
3052712Moot bans Jim ProfitCelebration of a namefag's ban, and a then celebration of moot being moot.moot, jim profit, epic, civility2008-11-24 115 
3052437GameScience Dice vs Cheap DiceAnon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random.dice, die, cheap, machined, casino, d20, d16, d4, polished2008-11-24 3 
3055726Mike’s All-Purpose Insanity Table!Had enough of being a big, bad goddamn hero all the time? Try investigating elder Gods and deathless monstrosities – guaranteed to invoke madness! madness CoC insanity table roll2008-11-25 0 
3055662Angels remixDiscussion of how awesome and messed up angels from the bible were, and how to use them in games.angels, awesome, messed2008-11-25 2 
3060768Arch-DemilichIt starts off with the ultimate undead, breaks the awesome barrier and builds up into an epic bone-and-flesh fantasy Gurren Lagann.arch-demilich, undead, neutronium golem2008-11-25 10 
3062562Imepe and KojiElf/Kobold Romancekobold, elf, romance, fap, imepe and koji2008-11-26 22 
3059485Answer MachineYOU HAVE THREE. HUNDRED. AND THIRTY. THREE. NEW MESSAGES.phone, answer machine, creepy2008-11-26 17 
3059084Dark Heresy Campaign WritefaggotrySomeone's DH campaign arc ended. They wrote up the results in dense, hard-to-read format. Discussion of what to do with the little girl one PC rescued from a chaos orphanage and subsequently adopted ensuesDark Heresy, writefag, little girl2008-11-26 8 
3066231Which way to the waterworks?!You turn a corner to see a blue booth of some sort, and a rather sharply dressed man dashing towards you, yelling "Which way to the waterworks?!" ITT Doctor Who, going from quite good to exceedingly awesomeDoctor Who, Warhammer 40K, Daleks2008-11-26 6 
3057050On Those Whom the Stars Fell - Space OperaInterstellar fleets, political intrigue, deadly ambitions, masterful stratagems, victory and loss; the glory and horror of war with an Empire devided against itself. OP summons seriously minded players for LotGH-style campaign.Space, Opera, Galactic, Heroes, Campaign, Stars, Fell2008-11-27 3 
3070610Apocalypse MapsIt's the end of the world. Where did you fit?Apocalypse, Jericho, Maps, Twilight: 20002008-11-27 1 
3074549Anonymous helps out on a HomebrewAnonymous asks for help on a homebrew and /tg/ gets shit done. Homebrew sci-fi sf aliens politics2008-11-28 0 
3074010Online Tabletop Horror Stories/tg/ starts off with some decent ones, then out of nowhere gets hit with the epic tale of Uzgob the orc barbarian vs the annoying dick fighter PC. More Uzgob is demanded, and delivered.horror stories, online tabletop, Uzgob, orc barbarian2008-11-28 11 
3077034War Of the South SeasWithin the course of a day, the rudiments of a wargame are created, with a prototype barebones army list and some pre-alpha rules.wargame, homebrew, getting things done2008-11-29 0 
3081763Continued tales of UzgobContinued from Online Tabletop Horror Stories, Uzgob faces off against a "dragon".Uzgob, dragon, wyvern2008-11-29 9 
December 2008
3085762sci fi weapons thread what more is there to say?weapons SCIENCE2008-12-02 0 
3096160Abiogenesis. What does /tg/ think?This was a really cool thread about a modern horror-type setting. There's a lot of stuff here I would love to use in a d20 modern or other horror campaign. I saved a PDF and I think suptg should save this!undead, horror, modern, original, setting, RP, creatures2008-12-02 7 
3096938Old School Game Extravaganza Lots of links to old school games... Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn, Dark Queen of Krynn, Pool of Radiance, Secret of the Silver Blades, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Pools of Darkness, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder I-III, Blood and Magic, Dungeon Hack, Menzoberranzan, Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed with manual reference card and logbook, Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday with manual and reference card, Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures, etc.epic, dnd, gold box, old school, frpg, forgotten realms2008-12-02 5 
3096227FrostbiteDiscussing a setting with winter eternal, kind of creepy, actuallyhomebrew, setting2008-12-02 2 
3096815Tales of Arcadia Returns!/tg/ is at it again with discussions over Maverick lists and other assorted fancy, plus arguments over the SRW supplementTales of Arcadia2008-12-02 1 
3098046Humans are long-livedLike 'Humans are insane' but with longevity.humans, insane, space elves, longevity, aliens, scifi, setting, what if2008-12-02 7 
3099809Mindflayer TwilightTwilight rewritten, without vampires. It's an improvement.Twilight, illithid, mind flayer, writefaggotry, stupid bitch2008-12-02 7 
3102178World EaterTheArbiter explaining his often requested campaign setting: Since a couple people requested it yesterday, so I've gathered my notes and I'm posting a summary from a campaign I ran a while ago called World Eater. It was a large arc in an ongoing campaign in a worldgen of my own design, and it took about a full year to play through. Granted, this is largely because we play entirely online and admittedly, things go much more slowly than in person. Further, because we don't all live in the same time zone, sometimes just finding the time to play was difficult, and there would be long stretches with no progression. For as long as this campaign arc is, I'll try to trim it down as much as possible while still maintaining all the details that made it worth playing. Though this campaign took place in a unique worldgen, it could easily be adapted to a traditional D&D-style setting, or any other world, as needed. I'm sure the proper analogs are all there. I'll do my best to address the wishes and questions of anyone interested.World Eater, Homebrew, Campaign Setting2008-12-03 62 
31055354E Variant StatsWhy bother with ability scores? The modifiers are all that matters. A simple conversion to remove ability scores from the game entirely.D&D 4E, vaiant rules2008-12-03 0 
3108744Of Neutronium Golems and Time Lords/tg/ tries to figure out how to kill the fundamental aspects of reality and their servants. Absurdity follows.time lord neutronium golem stupid2008-12-04 2 
3118172Girl Genius d20A tripfag makes stats for a Girl Genius game.d20, Girl Genius2008-12-06 0 
3122644Mouse Guard RPGAn early look at the Mouse Guard RPG rulebook, character sheets, promises of a MG mod for DFmouse guard2008-12-07 2 
3137124arthropocalypseAnd a game is bornbugs EPIC awesome2008-12-09 21 
3137478Once Upon a Time...Once, long ago, there was a great kingdom in the middle of fucking nowhere...anon drawfag, choose your own adventure2008-12-09 16 
3136974The return of Drew the LichHe's baaaaaccckDrew, Lich, D&D, dragfaggotry2008-12-09 36 
3144112The Continuing Adventures of Drew the Lichyet more.drew, lich, D&D, drawfags2008-12-10 29 
3144478Firearms SchoolsAn anon brings up the idea of making schools for firearms in the same vein as schools for magic. After some dicking around, fa/tg/uys start tossing ideas around.firearms in fantasy, rule of cool, exalted, /k/ommandos, pistol clips2008-12-10 9 
3152294Phyrexia D&D Idea - InterestingCool idea, bringing in some Phyrexian creatures to a D&D world.M:tg, D&D, phyrexia, campaign ideas,2008-12-11 2 
3195067RubyQuest, Part 1The beginning of the adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-18 519 
3196421RubyQuest, Part 2The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-18 117 
3197061RubyQuest, Part 3The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-18 103 
3197627RubyQuest, Part 4The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-18 130 
3208352Radio Homebrew ThreadAnonymous posts his homebrew for the 4th time and gets a civil debate on how to handle his idea in a game and how homebrew affects /tg/. Homebrew Radio D&D2008-12-21 5 
3215569SuccubusA DnD succubus dscussion evolves into talk about the Blood War as well as some talk about the nature of the PlanesSucubus Infinite Blood War Devil Demon Outsider 2008-12-21 2 
3219079Hordes of undead. Defeat them.Endless hordes of the undead are advancing on your location. You must build a stronghold to defend yourself.zombies, drawfaggotry, lincoln clone army2008-12-22 6 
3221863RubyQuest Part 5The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-22 96 
3222564RubyQuest part 6The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-22 88 
3223168RubyQuest part 7The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-22 84 
3223688RubyQuest, part 8Continuing the continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-22 83 
3224307RubyQuest, part 9Continuing the continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-22 83 
3230017Scriptarius Custom Christmas ModelsScriptarius creates a Warhammer 40k model version of Santa and creates a gingerbreadnought with delicious results.Scriptarius, Santa Model, Christmas, 40k Custom Models, Gingerbreadnought, Santa2008-12-23 20 
3230197Michael de JongWhen a totally weeaboo anon asks for advice on his Tau army, a kind man gives him a nice Tau spreadsheet. Using this, a clever anon finds out his name, and Michael de Jong is turned into a new m-candlejack, michael de jong, wat2008-12-24 9 
3235119Dude, where's my Phylactery? Campaign premise: A lich has grown bored with eternal unlife and wants to kill himself. Only he can't remember where his phylactery is. Enter the party. D&D lich phylactery idea2008-12-24 5 
3236238Fish on a PlaneExcellent story about an assassin hunting a Deep One.Lovecraft, Deep Ones, story2008-12-24 27 
3237315Ruby DiscussionWeaver posts to get opinions on the schedualing of the next session, thread produces an epic amount of Ruby fanartRuby, Fanart, Porn2008-12-25 38 
3246973Ruby Discussionanother rubyquest thread with an epic poem withinruby, fanart2008-12-26 40 
3251532RubyQuest, Part 10Continuing the continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-27 82 
3252231RubyQuest, Part 11Continuing the continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-27 72 
3252815RubyQuest, Part 12Continuing the adventures of Ruby and... Red.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-27 73 
3253307RubyQuest, Part 13The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom... maybe. Sagefags decide 13 is a good time to strike out of the blue.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-27 70 
3273703/tg/ stories part 3How did you get here?/tg/ stories2008-12-30 2 
3272977/tg/ stories part 2Childhood horror stories and chat continued here./tg/ stories2008-12-30 1 
3271002/tg/ stories part 1Ahh, happy days./tg/ stories2008-12-30 2 
3273215Unknown Armies plot hooksSome good plot hooks for Unknown ArmiesUnknown Armies plot hooks2008-12-30 2 
3282166RubyQuest, Part 14The continuing adventures of Ruby and, now, Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2008-12-31 72 
3282869RubyQuest, Part 15The continuing adventures of Ruby, Tom, and sometimes Red.Ruby, collective game2008-12-31 72 
3283419RubyQuest, Part 16The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2008-12-31 76 
3284047RubyQuest, Part 17The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, continued.Ruby, collective game2008-12-31 77 
January 2009
3290452Bunnies & Burrows:World War II editionA posting of 'Peter Rabbit:Tank Killer' leads to excellent stories of strategic rabbit warfare, genocide, quaternary calculation and a disturbing softening of the real life/game boundary.nazis, b&b, rabbits, bombs, supercomputers2009-01-01 4 
3288492Ruby Art DumpAs the name suggests. The location of the IRC discussions on Ruby Quest is also in the OP post.Ruby, IRC Discussion2009-01-02 27 
3288146Mystical itemsA thread of slightly more unusual magical items and trinkets, perfect for spicing up any fantasy RP sessions.ideas, items, stuff, magic2009-01-02 3 
3299918Real MagicAn interesting roleplay thread, based on the premise of real magic versus technology conflict, with extraterrestrial entities as a common foeRoleplay, Magic, Technology2009-01-02 11 
3301577DORF QUESTShort adventure inspired by Ruby Quest, but filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-03 77 
3302710Kustum Ork KonversionsA Tripfag posts his Ork conversions, which turn out to be awesome. Anon is inspired by his Orkiness.Orks, 40k, WAAAGH!2009-01-03 5 
3305759Ruby DiscussionSome random ruby speculation with a nice revelation at the end due to an observant anonRuby Discussion2009-01-03 27 
3310262Ruby DiscussionMore Ruby discussion, draw faggotry and speculations about Weaver.Ruby, Fanart, Porn2009-01-04 27 
3314896RubyQuest SketchUp 3D map.The currently explored area of RubyQuest (almost) completely recreated in SketchUp.Ruby, 3D2009-01-04 30 
3323726Troy McClure: 4e CombatTroy McClure comes to inform little Billy - and /tg/ - of the wonders of 4e combat.Simpsons, Troy McClure, 4e, 4th Edition, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons2009-01-06 8 
3326334RubyQuest, Part 18The adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, collective game2009-01-06 71 
3327479RubyQuest, Part 19The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom, Going where no Herbivorous Bunny Girl has gone before. Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-06 72 
3328222RubyQuest, Part 20The Adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-06 67 
3328813RubyQuest, Part 21More Adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-06 78 
3330682Ruby DiscussionRuby discussion of recent events, including confirmation of Weaver's authorship of The Metal Glen and the characters' naming conventions.Ruby, Fanart2009-01-06 29 
3332798RubyQuest DiscussionA continuation of the last thread, with new 3D environments and a possible game in the works too.Ruby, Fanart, 3D2009-01-07 32 
3334499The Redemption of Captain HookIn which Captain Hook is the hero, and Pan is a vampire.writefaggotry, awesome, setting2009-01-07 93 
3339817ores and stonesUp in this motherfucker.stones, ore, bismuth, UP IN THIS MOTHER FUCKER2009-01-07 6 
3341411Ruby talk threadFans of the Ruby Quest series show off some new fanart and such.Ruby, Fanart2009-01-08 27 
3342058Juvenile Corrections AnonJuvenile Corrections Anon tells us how they play D&D in the hoosegow.4e criminal scum informative blacks2009-01-08 6 
3343335Dorf Quest II: THE DORFENINGcontinuing adventures of a dorf. filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 45 
3345091Dorf Quest III: DORF HARDERcontinuing adventures of a dorf. filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 42 
3345934Dorf Quest IV: DORFBLIVIONThe dorf attempts to escape the fucking elf swamp light shitsDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 37 
3348049Ruby FanartFans continue on with the fanart along with some discussion.Ruby, Fanart2009-01-09 23 
3351013Oberleutnant's Syndicate RPG, #1Brainstorming for what looks to be a seriously intense potential game of Syndicate RPG.Syndicate, RPG, brainstorming2009-01-09 5 
3354728JohnQuestAnother generic Ruby discussion thread gets hijacked by Weaver, playing as Tom's twin brother John in his office.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-09 91 
3359594Why America SucksA large collection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards pictured side by side with Japanese and censored American versions. Rage/lulz ensues.yugioh, cards, edits2009-01-10 -3 
3365327The Inquisitorial Land RaiderScriptarius is converting away yet again.Scriptarius, conversion, Land Raider, kitbash2009-01-11 3 
3375576EERILY FAMILIAR SETTINGS/tg/ bitches and moans about their GMs, groups and settings... but wait a minute...writefaggotry, daydreaming, setting, FUND IT2009-01-12 11 
3373976Ruby Fanart and PaintchatTOM LOOK! Fanart, paintchat screenshots. Discussion and lots of love.Ruby, Fanart, 3d2009-01-12 29 
3379271Ruby Quest, part 22The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-12 61 
3380754RubyQuest, part 23The continuing adventures of Tom and Ruby.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-12 61 
3381692Ruby Quest, part 24The cutscene'd adventures of Ruby and Tom. Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-12 72 
3382385Future: Stagnation or SingularityOnce again /tg/ decides to discuss the future of mankind. Will we advance beyond our limits? And is this a good thing?Transhumanism, Singularity, GITS2009-01-13 1 
3382387Radio Free Wasteland IIIt's the end of the world. But wouldn't you know it? The radio's still on. Anon writes up the stations playing after the fall.Radio, Apocalypse2009-01-13 10 
3388199Ace DiscussionFinally a thread for the freeky birdman, Ace.Ruby, Collective game, fanart2009-01-13 24 
3392221Better Learning through Cooperative Story Crafting3rd grade teacher turns Social Studies into D&D time.D&D, Education2009-01-13 15 
3395143Ruby Discussion ThreadRepeated post of Ace Thread OP creates another Ruby Discussion ThreadRuby, Collective game, fanart2009-01-14 25 
3387762Psyker LoveA description about if people can or do fall in love with Psykers in 40k. Also, writefaggotry.40k, psykers, writefag, love2009-01-14 7 
3399003Chaotic Shiny GeneratorsAn Anon introduces a random generator site to /tg/. /tg/ amuses itself with them and ideas flow forth.chatoic, shiny, generator, random, shitstorm2009-01-14 2 
3399721Junk in the TrunkAn anon requests assistance in ideas concerning a player retiring a character that is in love with a Dryad. Dendrophilia and bad tree puns soon follow.dryads, puns, Dendrophilia2009-01-14 6 
3400562/tg/ being civilizedDefinitive proof that /tg/ truly can have a discussion of anything possible - and not have it turn into a skubfight or flamewar.good behavior, furry2009-01-14 37 
3404438Conversion Q&A InsomniaScriptarius can't sleep so he answers a good pile of questions about converting.Scriptarius, Conversions, Q&A2009-01-15 5 
3400372/tg/'s RPG Mates SimplifiedAnonymous sums up his fellow RPGers in a sentence or three.RPG, Simplified, Strawman2009-01-15 1 
3410482Slaanesh on safari/tg/ expands on the idea of a 'big game hunter' style daemon-weapon-toting BBEG, and comes up with Slaaneshi perversions slightly more interesting than the usual LOL DONGS.Dark Heresy, 40k, GRIMDARK2009-01-15 6 
3416837The adventures of blockheadWhat starts as anon offering to do a quest game and making /tg/ rage gets hijacked by blockhead's adventures. Awesomeness followscollective game, quest, blockhead2009-01-16 8 
3422589How to use a cane.Anónimo helps teach /tg/ how to beat people down with a cane.cane, fighting2009-01-17 7 
3425998Ruby DiscussionAn absence of news from Weaver prompts a thread asking for the next gametime, but turns into another discussion.Ruby, Fanart2009-01-17 21 
3429234Ruby Quest, part 25The continuing adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-17 71 
3430122Ruby Quest, part 26More adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-17 67 
3431265Ruby Quest, part 27More adventures of Ruby and Tom.Ruby, Collective Game2009-01-17 74 
3426987Better Learning through Cooperative Story Crafting II3rd grade teacher continues with turning Social Studies into D&D time.D&D, Education2009-01-17 7 
3432282the adventures of JoanSir Double-Faggot brings us the tale of a girl in a tunnel, with mysterious robot ass cheeksJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-17 38 
3434449The Somewhat Disturbing Adventures of Joan part 2Joan was born. Then her life sucked a lot.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 38 
3432322He didn't fuck up more shit.Standard Ruby thread turned serious review and discussion down the line.Ruby, collective game, fanart2009-01-18 21 
3435824The Adventures of Joan Part 3 As per popular demand, the further continuations of this shit.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 25 
3438417ChaosQuest40k Chaos ADVENTURE thread. The ship has been boarded by imperials. You're in charge (but asleep). What do you do?40k, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 2 
3443426The Adventures of Joan IVJoan's Sucky life continues.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 26 
3446129Joan: The Not Entirely Ideal Life, Episode VJoan's sucky life continues, She gains a friend!Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-19 26 
3447566Joan's Joyless Journey, Part SexMore fun/disturbing adventures with Joan. Will she and her friend defeat the asscheek robot?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-19 27 
3454957Fantastic Ranger Adventure, part 3Our amnesia-stricken ranger continues her adventure!Collective Game2009-01-19 2 
3457280The Thread where Editions are DiscussedSurprisingly, this thread had very few trolls, and did not devolve into a shitfest. Good stuff.d&d, editions, faggotry2009-01-20 0 
3458846World War MagicAnon crafts a version of World War II where everyone has SCIENCE and MAGIC and the players are caught in the middle.World War 2, SCIENCE, Magic, Homebrew2009-01-20 8 
3467090BeeserkerBarbarians using Bee Beards as armor, Hive's super bugs, dolphin rape.BEEEEEEEZ; Beezerker; beeserker, dolphin penis2009-01-21 3 
3469190Dorf psychology 101Let us discuss the psychology and behavior of Fortress Dorfs.Dorfs , Dorf Fortress , Cold blooded murder , socks2009-01-21 5 
3465415Dwarf Fortress StoriesStories told about Dwarf Fortress, stupid! They're pretty outrageous.Dwarf Fortress, Dorf, Stories2009-01-21 5 
3472109Vampires, the animoots and everythingA statement about a certain anime vampire being the only thing /a/ knows derails into a (surprisingly good) thread about harem anime, different vampires, and different animu throughout the edges, only to roll back to the original topic in the end.vampires, harem, animu2009-01-21 1 
3474091The Adventures of Joan Part 7Joan continues her terrible life.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-21 24 
3474513OH GOD WHAT WAS THATCreepy cyborg enemies are discussed, drawing inspiration from Dr Who, System Shock and Portal.WHAT, horror, sci-fi, advice, design2009-01-21 2 
3476329The Adventures of Joan, Part VII, ReduxSir Double-Nigger proudly declares that he is 'NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP'Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-21 26 
3477973The Adventure of Joan VIII "D'Aawenture"Joan and John are in an elevator, what could go wrong?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-22 28 
3481137DORF QU- Wait, that's not a dorfThe Dorf has found a drinking buddy in the Manly Elf, so we're stuck with Aldwin the rogue and his child sidekick, the neckbeard-in-training.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-22 32 
3491186Loyal Like a DogCreepy writefaggotryChangeling, writefaggotry, not sure if want2009-01-23 12 
3488573Cursed Itemsfa/tg/uys discuss cruel and/or lulzy cursed items to release upon their unwitting players...cursed items house rules2009-01-23 5 
3493055RubyQuest, Part 28Ruby and Tom's Bogus AdventureRuby, Collective Game2009-01-23 71 
3494380RubyQuest, Part 29Ruby and Tom's Bogus Adventure, ContinuedRuby, Collective Game2009-01-23 83 
3495494Refluffing 4e RacesAn anon's attempt at making some of the more underappreciated 4e races actually good (eladrin as aliens who want to be a PC race, dragonborn as an ancient, dwindling race with much political infighting and ancient legends, tieflings as living seals against the infernal powers, halflings as wanderlusty nomads and freelancers with strange burial customs). 4e trolls are throughoutly ignored, and once again /tg/ gets some shit done.D&D 4e races2009-01-23 2 
3497204Force commander vanilla iceOnly one man could aid davian thule against the green menace, Ice, Vanilla IceIce,Vanilla,DOWII,Forcecommander,kick it2009-01-23 7 
3501239Necromancer's Code of Honour/tg/ gets together and discusses how to create a society that does not frown upon Necromancy, or at least one that prevents a Necromancer from experiencing moral dissonance over what they're doing.necromancy, chilvalry, bushido, code of conduct2009-01-24 6 
3511147DORF QUEST VI: ADORFCALYPSEBeardbeard's adventure continues, now together with MANLY ELF.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-25 35 
3512634DORF QUEST VII: DORF WITH THE DEVILBeardbeard has finally replaced his lost arm, and the new one is much better than anyone expected.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-25 33 
3512990DinotopiaDinotopia as an RPG settingDinotopia, dinosaurs, lee, crab, dolphinback2009-01-25 2 
3514820The Jurgen chroniclesThe chronicles of Jurgen, sidekick extraordinaire . Cain , Jurgen2009-01-25 2 
3515941Joan's Adventurous Adventure, Part 9Joan continues down the hallway.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-25 25 
3518820Joan's Happy Adventures, Part 10Joan's desire for hats has unwanted effects.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-26 24 
3520068Promethean: The CreatedAn uncommon White Wolf RPG gains some recognition and mutual admiration.promethan, created, white wolf, rpg, frankenstein2009-01-26 0 
3509218Traveller RPGAn awesome thread about an awesome RPG System, including some nice deckplans.Traveller Sci-Fi2009-01-26 3 
3518149Actors Playing D&DAnon realizes Vin Diesel plays D&D. A list of other famous players is compiled. Also contains oldfag RPers vs newfag RPers. D&D, Actors2009-01-26 5 
3530836Dorfcrawl: Roguelike of the Century/tg/'s finest minds compose a roguelike, the likes of which we've never seen.Roguelike. Dwarf Fortress2009-01-27 2 
3530997Dorfroad TycoonFell moods on the tantrum express.Dorfs , dwarf fortress2009-01-27 12 
3539370More Radio Free WastelandThey're back, and getting organized under the ACC.Radio Wasteland2009-01-28 1 
3528944X-ComBringing the joy of X-COM to a new generation. X-Com Scifi 2009-01-28 6 
3546212HAMBURGLAR QUEST, part 2Hamburglar enters a Rafe. Other stuff happens.... maybecollective game, HAMBURGLAR 2009-01-29 -2 
3550829Still more Radio Free WastelandRadio Free Wasteland, now with moar radio dramas!radio free wasteland2009-01-29 3 
3552378Philosopher: A game of Loss and RevelationEarthflame brings us yet another rpg idea, involving the moment of absolute truth and the loss therof. Discussion and ideas commenceearthflame, homebrew, philosophy, butlers, hitchhikers guide2009-01-29 6 
3554280Joan's 11th Suffering11th instalment ofJoanJoan, Joan d'Aww, collective game, fanservice2009-01-29 25 
3551125XcomEpic X-com threadXcom X-com tftd ufo defense defence2009-01-29 6 
3555298Joan's 12th Instance of Torturous ExistenceM-MOM?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-29 24 
3556794Joan the 13thCrazy stuff happens. A daughter and mother share an interesting momentJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-30 26 
3556122The tale of a Sorotias, her flamer and an STC archiveA Dark Heresy GM reports how an overzealous player torched a data bank containing hundreds of STCs before asking "what does /tg/ think would be a reasonable response to what happened here?" The response is unanimous.40k, stc, admech2009-01-30 15 
3558522Joan's 14th HorrorShit goes downCollective Game, Joan, Adventure2009-01-30 25 
3557509Orktimus PrimeWonder what would happen if a band of Orks looted an Autobot? These pictures show off the Best Conversion EVER.Orks, Transformer, Optimus Prime2009-01-30 10 
3558307DorfCrawl 3Third brainstorming thread (#2 was magic), this one about buildings and fort/adventure mode transition.dorfcrawl, roguelike, game design2009-01-30 0 
3560720iaphas Cain : The Animated Series/tg/ pitches what they would want in a Ciaphas Cain show. Warhammer, 40k, Cain2009-01-30 2 
3566913The adventures of Inquisitor Lolliros the secondInquisitor Lolliros the second tries and fails to rise above his father, (expunged) Inquisitor Lolliros. He unleashes a khorne uprising on a planet and seeks escape, aided by the voices in his head.Warhammer, Inquisitor, 40k2009-01-31 0 
3564426Philosopher: Act TwoContinued discussion of Earthflame's new game proposalearthflame, homebrew, philosophy, hitchhikers guide2009-01-31 5 
February 2009
3577349Dorf Quest: The MovieRAILROADRAILROADRAILROAD. Dorf Quest Side Quest.Dorf Quest2009-02-01 20 
3576501Googly-eyed monstersMonsters plus googly eyes.monsters, comedy2009-02-01 12 
3577563Dorf Quest VIII: Aldwin's HeistAldwin's shenanigans continue. Involves an awesome hat. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-01 28 
3585038Ruby QuestFaggot whines about Ruby Quest, Thursday and Orkz ensue.Ruby Quest, Thursday, Rooby Kwest, Orkz2009-02-02 23 
3598716RubyQuest, Part 30THE LOLLERCOASTER RIDE OF RUBY AND TOMRuby, collective game2009-02-03 73 
359916140K MusicalsWhat musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof".Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof2009-02-03 10 
3601326RubyQuest, Part 31Ruby and Tom continue (conclude?) their adventure; will they escape? Read on.Ruby, collective game2009-02-03 174 
3612272Joan, Episode 15: The New DespairMore JoanJoan, Collective Game2009-02-04 24 
3615167Joan, Episode 16: Mommy Strikes BackNow, the drawfag having been loaded with a combination of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, ice and ammonium chloride, the quest may contI FEEL THE WARP OVERTAKING ME, IT IS A GOOD PAIN!Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-05 25 
3615418Ruby DiscussionMore talk about making a game based on RQRuby, collective, game2009-02-05 22 
3618518Weaver GrilledWeaver's Q&A session on IRC tl;dr'dRuby, collective game2009-02-05 56 
3630679PCs vs. BeethovenA Player asks for suggestions on how to take down the Epic Musician himself in his DM's Awesome campaignepic, music, beethoven, d&d,awesome2009-02-07 13 
3633961He was fucking up shit all along.Multiple Times.Ruby, collective game, fanart2009-02-07 24 
3631663Legacy of Kain RPG Discussion/tg/ discusses a very worthwhile thread about a campaign based in Legacy of Kain's Nosgoth world. Very great input, as well as the creation of an off-site forum for specific details.kain, RPG, campaign, raziel, soul reaver, nosgoth, vampires2009-02-07 6 
3633522World building 101A brief but useful collection of tips for creating a campaign world from scratch. Or stealing it from someone else. Only one death threat in the entire thread.world building, campaign2009-02-07 3 
3644336Dorf Quest IX: Dorf of the Deadhttp://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/3577563/ Part 9 is found there, but this is part 10, where Beardbeard tries to bring Garrelf back to life!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-08 26 
3646171Dorf Quest X: DorfinationBeardbeard's arm seems to have grown unruly.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-08 25 
3654446The Flight of Uzgob RokkitrangaThe results of Uzgob Rokkitranga being shot into the air while strapped to a rocket.orks, PIERCE THE HEAVENS, Uzgob Rokkitranga2009-02-09 31 
3659566Extinct 40k ComicAnon posts issues of some kind of no-longer-online webcomic about Warhammer 40k, with bits of Fantasy on the side.Warhammer, Fantasy, 40k, webcomic2009-02-09 12 
3668696Homeworld in 40k 1What if the Kushani try to take Holy Terra?Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 12 
3670053Homeworld in 40k 2We just agreed that Kushani are lootier than da orksHomeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 5 
3671425Homeworld in 40k 3Now we know Orkz can add moar dakka to Kushani Mothership, Progenitors can fuck everyones shit up and are the reason why the nids are running from their previous galaxy, given enough time Hiigarans can be a real pain in the ass or even a major threat to the IoM, and Karan S'Jet is hot and should become The God-Empress if she isn't one already.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 6 
3674599Homeworld in 40k 4Yes it's still going, yes I'm shocked too, yes this IS getting ridiculous.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3676516Advice OrcAdvice Orc shares his wisdomorc, orcs, advice2009-02-11 2 
3677459Homeworld in 40k 5This is the thread that never end, and it goes on and on my friends...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3679875Homeworld in 40k 6My God...it's full of stars! Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
36835994chan CCGImages of a fictional 4chan-themed CCG generate ideas about how it might work.game design2009-02-12 14 
36868874chan CCG part 2continuation of collective game creationGame Design2009-02-12 5 
36881774chan CCG part 3even more of 4chan CCGgame design2009-02-12 5 
3687244Marc Lecointe, the scourge of the aliensInvincible motherfucker takes down the alien scum with his last HPs, proceeds to replace Chuck Norris.X-Com TFTD2009-02-12 6 
3687417Homeworld in 40k 7Ancient ones, they watch and listen, Carry our wishes, Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies. Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 3 
3690863The Adventures of Joan The SeventeenthA bath happens and doom approaches.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-12 24 
3693195Homeworld in 40k 8I can see forever...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 6 
3693051Joandventure 18, The Granparents MenaceJoan explores her room, Grandparents arrive, shit goes down.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-13 25 
3694625Nova Europa :Tesla and UlrichtTripfag describes his pulp campaign. /tg/ orgasams at the face in view of how awsome it is.setting, pulp, quality, original content2009-02-13 7 
3694503Oregon TrailOregon Trail with a party of dwarves. Key moments include everyone fucking drowningCollective Game2009-02-13 8 
36938314chan CCG part 4still more CCG cards and rules discussiongame design2009-02-13 3 
3696456Joan's 19th AdventuredayJoan's messed-up life continuesJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-13 25 
3695544Oregon Trail 2Oregon Trail with a party of dwarves. Key moments include everyone fucking drowning continuedCollective Game2009-02-13 6 
3695743Oregon Trail 40kGod Emperor and the Chaos Gods head west. The Emperor Protects!Collective Game2009-02-13 6 
3700555Wherein fa/tg/uys play God and create a universe."Basically, I think it'd be funny to try and import /tg/'s history and culture, along with various RPG meta-jokes, into a fantasy-esque world. It may sound stupid, and it is, but it might be fun."homebrew, rpg, fantasy, collective game2009-02-13 6 
3701269Wherein fa/tg/uys play God and create a universe... Part 2.Welcome to Tagael. Watch out for wild carp and wandering trolls. Also, do not annoy the Cultists of the Lake God.homebrew, rpg, fantasy, collective game2009-02-13 5 
3715410Dorf Quest XI: Dorfin Numerals Are WeirdAldwin's trials continue!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 25 
3717155Dorf Quest XII: A Dorfy ReunionAldwin meets up with the entire party.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 24 
3718242Dorf Quest XIII: King of the ElvesGarrelf is King.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 24 
3726453The World of AarnA promising-sounding homebrew world, with unimaginable deities, numerous ancient catastrophes, and lighthearted whimsy. At least that's how the OP described it.homebrew, world building2009-02-16 7 
3729099DnD Monster School/tg/ discusses what Cliques and Faculty roles would be filled by which DnD Monsters.D&D, dnd, monsters, school, GREAT LIBRARIAN TORG2009-02-16 5 
3731322DnD Monster School, part 2More discussion on the D&D Monster School. More Faculty roles are filled.D&D, dnd, monsters, school, GREAT LIBRARIAN TORG2009-02-16 5 
3734899Server CrashIn the near future, the Internet becomes sentient and uploads everyone's brains, forcing them to fight for survival in an insane wasteland full of sentient programs, malicious viruses, and things far worse.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-17 48 
3742406Server Crash, Part 2Awesome homebrew design continues. The internet has gone all post-apocalyptic and anons leap all over it. Hooray for getting shit done!Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 18 
374944720th Joandventure Scribbles presents: Yet Another Thread To Ruin Your /tg/Joan's 20th thread full of adventure and John being a bitch.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-18 22 
3749453Seahammer 40kFor ten thousand years, the Immortal Shrimperor has floated immobile in the Golden Throne, master of Mantiskind by the will of the gods and ruler of a millions seas by the might of his inexhaustible armies. Worshipped by untold billions, the sorrow and sacrifices made to sustain His divine corpse ensure the continued survival of the mantis shrimp race in the face of a hostile ocean.40k, Seahammer2009-02-18 11 
3747106Server Crash, Part 3Continuation of homebrewing a world on the series of tubes, with a switch to WoD instead of 4e.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 14 
3751871Joan's 21st Part/tg/ continues to make Joan enrage John. Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 21 
3753207(untitled episode. Joan # 22, probably)/tg/ demonstrates it's love for destructive relationships, sending Joan back into the angry jaws of John. Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 32 
3751634Server Crash, Part 4The discussion has no end. Drawfaggotry and virus discussions are started.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 13 
3759671JoanQuest Part 48 (23)RV20TG is dead, Tom is on a rampage, our Wii-zapper is ineffective, and Sir Double-Faggot is either losing it or needs to share that shit he's got.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 28 
3759067Server Crash, Part 5It just keeps going on. More drawfaggotry, discussion about merging human code with the Internet, and the subsequent madness.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 11 
3762660Server Crash, Part 6More development of the fluff, especially the Olds, and some actual discussion of game mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3767272Server Crash, Part 7It continues. Arguing about the fluff, more discussion of mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3772129Server Crash, Part 8Crunch time for Server Crash! Seriously this time. A lot of system work. And then an IRC is made. So then we go back to fluff. Yay fluff.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-21 11 
3780617Dorf Quest Side Story: Sci Fi Dinosaur HunterBeardbeard hunts some dinosaurs!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 22 
3781790Dorf Quest IV: Dorfen RageBeardbeard is angry. Xom help us all.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 24 
3783722Dorf Quest XV: To Dorf A GodBeardbeard challenges Glittergold to a duel.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 30 
3784614Afterlife Gaming/tg/ realizes the truth about life, the afterlife, and what it all really is. Civility, afterlife, gaming, lich kings on behemoths2009-02-22 13 
3777665Server Crash, Part 9Things get a bit slower. Some fluff and crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew setting, cyberpunk2009-02-22 7 
3798718Khornie sayingsIf at first you dont succeed, BLOOD FOR BLOOD GOD40k, Khorne, Puns2009-02-24 7 
3802607Bored basilisk crewThe exploits of a Basilisk battery sitting on their asses and doing nothing.40k, writefaggotry2009-02-25 32 
3801572Life and Death of John Fuklaw/tg/ BAAAAAAWWWWWWsJohn Fuklaw, Angry Marines2009-02-25 22 
3806607Server Crash, Part 10slow start sped up near the end. some crunch some ideas, little fluffServer Crash2009-02-25 5 
3813029Inquisition HelpdeskThank you for calling the Inquisition Helpdesk. How may I help you?40k, Inquisition2009-02-25 9 
3821147Server Crash, Part 12The original 10 wasn't archived, so the numbers are messed up. Now with more Crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-26 5 
3824235Bored basilisk crew #2The exploits of a Basilisk battery sitting on their asses and doing nothing. 40k, writefaggotry2009-02-27 9 
3829606Idranel is a bitch.Perhaps inspired by the previous thread, an Anonymous writefag ensures Idranel returns to being a racist bitch.Idranel, Eldar, writefaggotry, Dawn of War.2009-02-27 5 
3830290A very bad ideaActually, a very good idea...Setting, Muppets, MiB, Writefaggotry2009-02-27 13 
3832402/tg/ - Easy Rider editionA discussion intended to be about /tg/ stuff that spills over to real world games quickly decends into madness and various pieces of art involving sergals on motorcycles.Sergal, Joan, Adventure2009-02-28 20 
3837895Feltpunk II: The Rise of Sam the EagleTwice the felt, twice the stuffing, but is it a troll? /tg/ makes it awesome anyway. Kermit gets a contact high.Setting, Muppets, MiB, Writefaggotry2009-02-28 7 
March 2009
3846024Dorf Quest XVI: Why Did I Use Roman NumeralsAldwin gets an invite from a lost friend.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-01 22 
3842504Vampires made betterOP asks for vampires that "dont suck". /tg/ delivers Shadow magic, identity theft and Don Juan De Ceased.RPG, vampire, shadow 2009-03-01 6 
3845328RPG AchievementsSomeone from /v/ clicks the wrong board, epic ensues.DND roleplaying achievements2009-03-01 22 
3847908Dorf Quest XVII: Lily TimeOhfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-01 23 
3847719RPG Achievements Take TwoContinuation of the previous thread. Not that funny, still decent.DND, roleplaying, achievements2009-03-01 10 
3849870im so oldschool i shit fossilsOld-school Warhammer 40k scans from the 80s. Warning: The neon and static poses contained within may blind you. WITH AWESOME.Warhammer 40k, art, scans2009-03-02 5 
3856783BBEG Bitch DeathsVillains set up to be intimidating and be a threat to the party fail to do so miserably, and people mock them. DnD, Dark Heresy2009-03-02 47 
3858116Magical School the Third/tg resurrects the Scholomance-based magical school idea from May 08 with much crunchy rules goodness. Scholomance, Magic, Magical School2009-03-02 34 
3875336In memory of Gary Gygaxa salute to Gary Gygaxdnd, gary gygax2009-03-04 3 
3880662Crab WarsCrustacean gangsters fight to stay in control of their empires. This has to be the most amazing homebrew setting in existencehomebrew, Crab Wars, game design2009-03-04 5 
3883192The continued exploits of Grendel the AdeptParty member with Grendel posts another session of Grendel doing ridiculously awesome things.Grendel, Dark Heresy2009-03-05 38 
3884934Dungeon QuestAnother dungeon crawl/choose your own adventure. Tells the tale of the great Sling King and Marty Stonegripper and their quest for more stones.collective game2009-03-05 1 
3886655Dungeon Quest, Part 2The Sling King and Marty Stonegripper continue their quest for stones and the Barrow Wight's Treasure.collective game, Dungeon Quest, Quest2009-03-05 2 
3899167Yet Another Ruby DiscussionDiscussion and debate about the ending.Ruby, Collective Game2009-03-06 25 
3912871Dorf Quest XVIII: Dorfy DaysBeardbeard messes with a street urchin.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3914354Dorf Quest XIX: Dorf the WorldBrutal Victory. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3913698BBEG motivationsHow to make BBEG's with bitchin' motivations. Occasional sprinklings of winsauceBBEG, motivation2009-03-08 2 
3915247Dorf Quest XX: Dorfen EmotionBeardbeard... made a friend?Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3921415Grendel Update: ORKS AND DAEMONSGrendel's adventures continue, and he somehow tops himself. Multiple times.Grendel, Dark Heresy2009-03-09 38 
3924733Grue QuestIt is pitch dark. You are a grue. Collective Game, Grue2009-03-09 14 
3925150Bungs & Barmaids/tg/ makes a card game about running rival taverns in a fantasy setting. SHIT GETS DONE!Bars, Bungs & Barmaids, Tavern, Alcohol, Homebrew, MuppetMaster2009-03-10 10 
3931590Mantis LegionScriptarius' quest for an Imperial Guard army takes a turn for the epic as the idea of a psyker-filled night world is created and fleshed outPsyker Guard, Scriptarius, Imperial Guard2009-03-10 3 
394230523rd Joandventure presents: The Return Of The QuestThe return of the sergalJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-11 28 
3941796Poleaxe-wielding dwarf princessAnon asks what a good system would be. For his 8-year old niece.RPG, Advice, DM2009-03-11 8 
3938847World War I CrusadesA picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons.world war 1, crusades2009-03-12 11 
3956427Dorf Quest XXI: BelthimusBeardbeard goes dragon slaying! Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-13 21 
3958030Dorf Quest XXII: The Dragon Is DorfedKav has joined the party, but another has been lost...Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-13 21 
3976998Dorf Quest XXIII: Dorfen ResponsibilitySome more problems develop.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
3979080Dorf Quest XXIV: Dude Where's My DaughterThe search continues.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
3980097Dorf Quest XXV: The AftermathThe guildhall is in shambles, and oh hey, Cultist finally tells Aldwin.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
40000004million GETThe 4 million GET is claimed by the Bald Ravens. /tg/ celebrates in style4m, GET, Blood Ravens.2009-03-17 27 
4004491Joandventure, Episode Too-ForeJoan gets a calcutor and dorfen daggerJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-17 28 
4005817Joan-2-5 and the Mexican Taco DeityJoan is now even more confused about her sexual orientation with the introduction of Naga. There is also a rain dance and suspicions of SDF trolling his own topics.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-17 28 
4010133Unlikely cursed itemsITT: Unlikely cursed items. Be sure not to miss the Cursed Ring of Racism.cursed items2009-03-18 5 
4012655Game Concept: Elf-HunterWhat if elves, gnomes and chupacabras were pests? Yetis, wendigos and sasquatches dangerous big game? There'd be specialists for clearing out those fucking gnome infestations. You're one.elf, hunter, specialist, gnome, supernatural, game design, setting2009-03-18 7 
4014241Spacebat!Anon posts a manly tears story about a dying bat who goes out in style.Manly Tears, Unrelated2009-03-18 30 
4016968Zalgo and the day of ZalgoingZalgo comes to the land of /tg/. Zalgo ensues. ZALGOZalgo, Cthulhu, Dagon, Hydra, Epic2009-03-19 20 
4022165/tg/ talks about Gods!Guy is making a homebrew with Gods are a focus and asks /tg/ for ideas on gods/goddess's....awesome ensues. Gods, Goddess's, awesome. 2009-03-19 1 
4021443I may archive threads of questionable nature, but at least I never wrote a Drizzt fanficA thread for awful things anons did in the past: The OP sets a bar very high, however. A minor meme is created.mary sue, Drizzt, fanfic2009-03-20 10 
4027777Grendel and the ThoriansGrendel returns once more, only to be rewarded for his badassery with a visit from the Thorians. Benadicta returns!/tg/, Dark Heresy2009-03-20 36 
4038731NautilusA bunch of fa/tg/uys develop some fluff for a nautiloid race that lives near volcanic mineral vent deep beneath an ice sheet that floods whole planets for terraforming,Interesting Ideas pop upNautilus,Fluff development,W40K,Deep sea2009-03-21 10 
4043841Dorf Quest XXVI: The Last One With a Sub-TitleBeardbeard tries to fix a memory.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 21 
4045445Dorf Quest XXVIIControl has switched to Mado.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 21 
4046909Dorf Quest XXVIIIExploring the Shadow Realm.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 24 
4046947Baron Von Make-a-fucking-world-satanBaron tells us how to make a map with all the important shit on it. Without it looking like it was made by some retard (even though it was made by some retard)Homebrew, World Building, Namefag, Maps2009-03-22 37 
4050748Pun MagicAnonymous created an awesome character idea - Victor "The Sorcelator" Quaid, a wizard who casts entirely in Schwarzenegger-esque puns. The rest of /tg/ joins the fun.Victor Quaid, Sorcelator, wizard, puns, Schwarzenegger2009-03-22 17 
4054382The Best DMDM posts a true story that makes every fa/tg/uy feel a little bit better about the world. Restores /tg/'s faith in humanity. Every fa/tg/uy wishes they could join his group.DM, Story2009-03-23 69 
4055353Advanced Model DuplicationA discussion on how to duplicate complex miniatures with stunning detail.warhammer, miniatures, casting, make your own models2009-03-23 21 
4050882Saturday Morning 40kFluffing out the 40k Animated universe.40k, animated, heresy2009-03-23 1 
4061124A Song To Save The World /tg/ debates what song will save the planet in the face of imminent destruction.music, end of the world2009-03-23 2 
4061081Mekton Wars Playtest RulesThe light wargame with mechs is now becoming complete, with a full set of playtest rules and "starter box" style units.Mechs, Mekton, wargames2009-03-23 5 
4063701evolution: The DarwinningOP comes up with idea for game involving evolutionevolution, game, homebrew2009-03-24 8 
4060132Advanced Model Duplication 2More advanced model duplication discussionwarhammer, miniatures, casting, make your own models2009-03-24 20 
4070785Slovenian LessonOR: HOW TO SPEAK LIKE A DWARF In a midday rush of nonsense language threads, one manages to be /tg/ related. Slovenian is shown off and is quickly decided to be very dorfy. Common fatguy dorf names are translated with satisfying results. language thread2009-03-24 8 
4074532A fantastic carnivalThe party is taking a break this session, and the DM is wondering what a carnival would be like in D&D. Also, many strange magic items are posted.carnival, magic items, D&D2009-03-25 5 
4075651Fantasy New France17th century New France (Quebec) as a fantasy settinghomebrew, setting2009-03-25 11 
4083639Epic NPC DeathsA GM asks /tg/ for advice on how to kill a well liked NPC to inspire his players to RAGE AGAINST THE BBEG. Epic death scenes followsNPC, Death, REVENGE, Epic2009-03-26 7 
4090295Not the BBEGPicture of a man made of meat, made of legos unleashes punishment on /tg/pun, meat2009-03-26 15 
4097623More advanced miniature creation faggotryIfuritasfan returns for additional mold making mold pirate mini 40k epic2009-03-27 11 
4111227RPG Achievements Take ThreeThis is becoming a traditional game all by itself.roleplaying, achievements2009-03-28 10 
4113143Khorne QuestCan't be any worse than bread punsKILL, MAIM, BURN2009-03-28 24 
4109376Strange Magic Itemsanother strange Item threadenchanted items 2009-03-29 1 
4118012Dorf Quest XXIXAldwin takes control of the Goldmoon Slayers.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 22 
4119563Dorf Quest XXXGARDENING QUESTDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 23 
4120779Dorf Quest XXXICultist attempts to play matchmaker.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 28 
4126947Khorne Quest IIKILL MAIM BURN!!!Collective Game, Khorne2009-03-30 28 
4126213Dark Heresy CharactersTales are told of various DH characters and, surprisingly, most are good.Dark Heresy, Uskanda2009-03-30 7 
4127871Almoravid EmpireA writefag describes his alternate history setting, and it is most cool.homebrew, writefaggotry, setting2009-03-30 7 
4131937Ilsenhoon, Illithid BardThe OP asks for help working out how build such a character, writefaggotry ensues.D&D, Illithid, Mind Flayer, Bard, 4e2009-03-30 20 
4135077RNC HeinleinA discussion on how to run a campaign based around a colonizing ship, the RNC Heinlein. RNC, heinlein, macross, colony, colonization, space, future,2009-03-31 5 
4137465The continues misadventures of Ilsenhoon, Illithid BardThe OP, still running through a multi-classing ridden character creation session, continues to detail Ilsenhoon's descent into humanity.D&D, Illithid, Mind Flayer, Bard, 4e2009-03-31 16 
4139522Fantasy trench warfare/tg/ creates the beginning stages of a fantasy world caught in the throes of WW1 style trench warfare.worldbuilding, homebrew, WW1, alternate fantasy2009-03-31 11 
April 2009
4149198Dealing with crappy players/tg/ discusses means for players to deal with other players who either outright are Kender or might as well be in the game itself, followed by an example of playing Kender rightD&D, Fluff, Paladins, Kender2009-04-01 8 
4152808Ork Fortress/tg/ gets shit done in making DF rite orky.Orks, Dwarf Fortress2009-04-01 24 
4150125Our Mascot is a CookDiscussion on all the ways to make a friendly, often overlooked NPC into BBEG bait, an interesting side quest, or just plain awesome.NPCs, Plot hooks, food, cute2009-04-01 6 
4160755April Fool's Ruby?A baffling continuation of Ruby Quest?Ruby, Collective Game, WTF?2009-04-02 38 
4161791Planescape Magical Faction Girls!The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-02 18 
4165655Joandventure, Part Deuce-SexJoan Quest maybe finally moves alongJoan, Collective Game2009-04-02 -32 
4165655Joandventure, Part Deuce-SexJoan Quest maybe finally moves alongJoan, Collective Game2009-04-02 -32 
4166825Joandventure, Chapter 27bJoan Quest tries to continue, but gets trolled.Joan, Collective Game2009-04-02 21 
4177500Grendel Story EndsGrendel faces challenges that dwarf all prior ones, and the story ends with GOOD END.Dark Heresy, /tg/2009-04-04 32 
4170969Chem-chan recalledThe nature and creation of Chem-chan is discussed, and a story is posted.40k, writefaggotry, Chem-chan2009-04-04 2 
4186919Dorf Quest XXXIIBeardbeard and garrelf try their hand at escaping the shadowy perils of the shadow realm.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-05 21 
4185088Isn't it Sad? /tg/ editionThe saddest stories you'll hear, both on the gaming table and around it. MANLY TEARS are shed in copious quantities.MANLY TEARS2009-04-05 25 
4188057Dorf Quest XXXIIIControl has switched to Garrelf.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-05 22 
4191444Recto BladesIt starts with something stupid, gets retarded quickly as a new dark eldar weapon is created. Everything great about /tg/is in this thread.recto blade, warhammer, warhammer 40k, dark eldar, 40k2009-04-06 22 
4196287/ck/ recipes for fa/tg/uysA cooking anonymiss drops by /tg/ to deliver several recipes. They meet approval. This thread is archived for the purpose of holding onto these treats./ck/, Banana and Rose Petal smoothies, cookie tarts, EZ Caramel fudge, cooking, baking, food2009-04-06 15 
4201710How to make a Horror GameTripfag asks how to run a horror game, anon delivers. Vocabulary, delivery, and themes used for best effect are detailed.DM, RPG, Horror, Terror, Lovecraft, Evil Parrot2009-04-06 7 
4207769Deadlands LovecraftIdeas for Deadlands campaign set in Britain. Lovecratian horror meets steampunk with a dash of folklore and myth.deadlands, lovecraft, steampunk, folklore2009-04-07 6 
4229781Plauge of Zombie FaeriesDawww then OH GOD THE HORRORfaries, faeries, zombies, daww, horror2009-04-09 12 
4228112/tg/ - RIGHTEOUS/tg/ shows it has a heart. Tales of depresion, tales of RIGHTEOUS FURY, and just deads. Renews some of my faith in the world.Righteout, heart, good deads2009-04-09 7 
4225841Wonderland as a Campaign SettingInspired by a flash animation/song, /tg/ discusses a campaign set in a dark version of Alice's Wonderland. Alice, Wonderland, campaign, setting2009-04-09 10 
4237435Dorf Quest XXXIVThe BBEG is revealed.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-10 21 
4239250Dorf Quest XXXVThe death of a mobster.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-10 21 
4238797F.E.A.R. Dark Heresy IdeaAn anon posts a short DH campaign based on F.E.A.R., and others add on and expand.Dark Heresy, DH, FEAR, Campaign2009-04-10 7 
4239627Roll for warp drive mishapfa/tg/uys make the warp drive mishap table.40k, homebrew2009-04-10 6 
4245069Warhammer 40k and Doom/tg/ reflects on the possibility that Doom is a Warhammer Prequel. Gordon Freeman is discussed but he just isn't as awesome.Doom, 40k, Half-Life, Doomguy2009-04-11 11 
4247421Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-11 12 
4254912Dorf Quest XXXVILily wants a god.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4256947Dorf Quest XXXVIIAldwin and Cultist have a new... friend. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4258370Dorf Quest XXXVIIIPayment must be procured.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4255435Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN! Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-12 15 
4259103Dethklok does D&Dheads are impaled on spiked codpieces, killer riffs are made, possibly a beginning of a series.dethklok, D&D, metalocalypse2009-04-12 11 
4254061Ghost ShipsDiscussion of the idea of a flying ghost ship for a campaignGhost Ship, Airship, Lich, D&D2009-04-12 16 
4260389The bugs are our friend.OP asks for ideas about a bug race that's allied to humanity but still weird, Anonymous delivers.bugs, science2009-04-12 16 
4261658The EmperorHe gave his life so you would be a slave to chaos and darkness.emperor, chaos, lolwut, uplifting primer2009-04-13 29 
4264012Remember the Days of Rhy'DinAnon asks about the olden days of AOL RPing in Rhy'din, and all of 4chan weeps as they admit they took part in it. Also, a bar made entirely of dark corners to brood in.AOL, Rhydin, freefrom, Brood2009-04-13 0 
4269235Military archetypes /tg/ talks about generic military archetypes. "Durr whats a danger close?"military generic2009-04-14 6 
4278898/tg/ builds a city/tg/ comes up with various ideas for a steampunk mountain city including slave cockroaches, various guilds and more.city, mountain, steampunk, cockroach2009-04-14 7 
4281083LINCOLN LIVES!The centuries old rivalry between Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt comes to a head. None of /tg/ is safe. Epic Humor Thread.Lincoln, Gold, Roosevelt, Steam Punk, Showdown, Humor, Epic, Lulz2009-04-15 7 
4281495[DnD] The Cavern Of "Ow, My Balls"The OP comes up with a decent idea that, with /tg/'s help, becomes hilarious.balls, inert, unwanted sterilization2009-04-15 17 
4283775You Don't Fuck With McDuck!An awesome thread which asks whether it is safer to loot the treasure hoard of an ancient Red Dragon, or the Money Bin of Scrooge McDuck. Scrooge is the overwhelming victor and quickly proves himself one of the most terrifying characters ever created. A fun, inventive thread which proves a rewarding read.Scrooge, McDuck, Disney, Treasure, Characters, Creative, Dragons2009-04-15 65 
4282178HyperGelatinousCube/tg/ talks about 4 dimension physics, perceptions, mazes are made, and mindwarping monsters result. A must read for your next trip to the farplane.Physics Hypercube2009-04-15 6 
4308611The servitor loves youStarts similer to a "what does it feel like to hold a ___ in your arms?" Then, after a D'aww RP responce...wait, what is she doing? OH MY GOD SHE'LL KILL US ALLServitor, RP, stalker from hell2009-04-17 14 
4316247CARNIFEX HAS NO REGRETS; or, WHY DIRE VERSIONS OF ANCIENT PREDATORS ARE SO GARRead the title. Imagine it. Live it. Love it. Click it. Go.snapping turtles, awesome stories, dead ducklings, vengeful explosions, massive invertabrates, total gar2009-04-18 35 
4322102Dorf Quest XXXIXControl has switched to Garrelf.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-19 24 
4322047ITT: Fun or joke magical items suitable for level 1 charactersIncludes lolis in bags, and menstruating Dire Bears.magic items D&D homebrew2009-04-19 6 
4324227Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-19 11 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
4329164What is it like to hold a Doomguard in your arms?Etc. etc. one of those for each faction. Moderately entertaining and so forth.Planescape, doomguard, Pentar, dark sun2009-04-20 7 
4355647OGRE vs 40kTech priests find a Mark V Ogre40k, writefaggotry, Ogre2009-04-22 10 
4371028Darkplace VS AzathothAzathoth is discovered and Ric and the gang take action!Darkplace, Azathoth, Lovecraft, Cthulhu2009-04-23 6 
4380611Obscure RPGsGood obscure RPG's, either released or upcoming Lots of good discussion and whatnot related to "obscure" games.insanity, RPG, obscure2009-04-25 5 
4393415Cooking Mama, the BBEG EditionOP asks for people to use Cooking Mama as BBEG. Starts with crazed housewife stumping for PETA, ends with Chilean Communist bomber living out her life in the suburbs until her secret is revealedCooking, Mama, BBEG, Stats, Epic2009-04-26 15 
4397982Dorf Quest XXXXAldwinside. Some gods are acquired.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-26 21 
4393640Post-Cyberpunk SettingFriend computer is dead! ...Now what? /tg/ comes up with some decent fluff.post-cyberpunk, setting, fluff2009-04-26 7 
4400335Dorf Quest XXXXIIn which we start a forest fireDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-26 21 
4398034Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-26 10 
4399863Tenga Toppa XLR 40KThe most amazing idea ever.crossover, awesome, /tg/ canon, mech2009-04-26 11 
4411636I played Kamina in a one-shotOP tells us a tale of Kamina the Bravura Warlord.Roleplaying, Gurren Lagann2009-04-27 32 
4418034Photoshopping Ugly D&D Group/tg/ picks up a well written introduction about Anon's time working Costco's photo dept and runs with it. Many lulz are had.photoshop, ugly, writefaggotry2009-04-28 12 
4419141Post-Cyberpunk the Third/tg/ continues to develop the setting, Unincorporated States and Savages receive some needed flesh.post-cyberpunk, fluff2009-04-28 3 
4433315The Terrifying Reality/tg/, on the lookout for some new and horrible creatures to unleash on unsuspecting players discovers that Earth has more than a few horrors just waiting to kill every last person. From gigantic killer bees, to zombie-creating parasites via sadistic birds.horrors, 2009-04-29 12 
4439213King Arthur and the TitanThe virtue of Fa/tg/uys is put the to the test by a stranger with surprising results.Warhammer 40k Excalibur Chivalry2009-04-30 12 
May 2009
4445401Space Marine ChaptersPosting personal chapters.space marines, 40k, emprah2009-05-01 0 
4444293Traveller DeckplansMany deckplans are posted.Traveller, sci-fi, space, ships2009-05-01 3 
4450973Changelings ahoy!A good, constructive general thread about Changeling: The Lost. Character art and ideas, possible settings and plots, and whatnot. Notable for a complete lack of trolling or idiocy.Changeling, The Lost, nWoD2009-05-02 5 
4454272excelent character sayings a thread about sayings that devolves into punspuns lines saying 2009-05-02 2 
4447800Peace in our time!In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, There is Only...Peace?Warhammer, 40k, Peace, Setting2009-05-02 5 
4465383Dorf Quest XXXXIIDorfside. Demonsun gets his reckoning.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-03 24 
4465475Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-05-03 7 
4466685Dorf Quest XLIIIFate and Beardbeard have a chat.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-03 23 
4467075Commissar...Desus?!?Because Creation wasn't big enough to contain his dickery, let's unleash him into the Imperium. Great idea.Exalted, Desus, Commissar2009-05-04 -5 
4458881FUCK YOU II'M A D'awwwA "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending.This Just Happened, Dragonborn, dawww, FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON2009-05-04 -2 
4471600Gods = Xom"So after checking out some ancient mythology, paying special attention to divine dickery, I came to conclusion that all gods are Xom. Discuss." And so they did.gods, mythology, dickery, Xom2009-05-05 3 
4474202The Great Paranormal WarWritefag posts a story of an alternate WWII."Paranormal" "WWII"2009-05-05 5 
4476957The Warp knows You...But do YOU know the Warp?Warp, Psyker, 40k, Philosophy, Philosophers2009-05-06 2 
4476855Quake RPG/tg/ nostalgiagasm about an old favorite, Quake, and discuses how it can be made into a PnP proper.Quake, rpg, homebrew, pnp2009-05-07 3 
4486089RPing an AlienistAwesome thread full of suggestions on playing a wizard touched by the powers of beyond.Insanity, Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, horror2009-05-07 5 
4489267Orlando Furioso? What is this feminist bullshit?Epic satire, with some uneducated fa/tg/uys not getting it.satire, literature2009-05-07 8 
4483250Masterwork +3/tg/ takes everyday objects and makes them awesome.masterwork, ignore copypasta, duct tape2009-05-07 1 
4489468How to make characters love an NPCA truly magnificent thread with many ideas on how to make the PLAYERS, not the playable characters, fall for an NPC. Includes a masterful summary short of a scientific dissertation by Dr. Baron von EvilsatanDnD, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Love, NPC2009-05-07 8 
4483093 DH Acolyte Gear and weapons.Anon asks for gear suggestion for his Noble-Born Assassin. Good information all around.DH, weapons, 2009-05-08 3 
4500784DH Acolyte Gear and weapons DuexA continuation of the last thread and further discussion of the Sister of Battle.DH, Dark Heresy, weapons2009-05-08 0 
4500959MSPaint your way out of your doom/tg/ cheats death.axeman, death, paint, MSPaint2009-05-08 5 
4501185Clerks&Officesmeta "your party encounters" thread turns into using a if-adventurers-played-p&p-rpgs for an edition war, which turns into design for that kind of gameD&D, game design, metaphor, meta, edition faggotry2009-05-08 16 
4505661Original Gothic Horror MonstersDagda and others come up with some new monsters to keep Werewolves and Vampires company.Dagda, Horror, Monsters2009-05-09 5 
4513074Dorf Quest XLIVElfside. Some time is spent in a box storage facility.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-10 20 
4514421Dorf Quest XLVRoyalty is as Royalty does.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-10 22 
4516203Making S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Into a RPGThen finding a ruleset made by some other fa/tg/uy, then fixing it for hoursstalker rpg rule fix2009-05-10 -6 
4511409Making S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Into a RPGHomebrewing S.T.A.L.K.E.R (the real on, someone delete th other) stalker, rpg, homebrew2009-05-11 2 
4518169Army VS Show works + Conversionfag Q&A Conversionfaq Q&A - yet again random useful tidbits for mini converters.Conversions, Scriptarius2009-05-11 1 
4527691Roguelike in My Pocket/tg/ gets a roguelike they can relate to.roguelike, print and play, RiMP, Zimp2009-05-11 0 
4527588Goopunk Idea ThreadAnon comes up with an idea for drug-based goo armor/weapons/psychic shit. Thread is derailed when someone mentions goo-mecha shaped like dogs.Goo, Design, Cyberpunk2009-05-12 3 
4518764Transformers RPGAnonymous has a rich discussion on another well setup campaign settingTransformers Getting shit done2009-05-12 0 
4535896Goopunk redeuxA continuation of the previous Goopunk thread, with a timeline and more backgroundGoo, Goopunk, Cyberpunk, Design2009-05-13 2 
4539347Battlefleet HiigaraGeneral Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done.homeworld, warhammer 40,000, hiigara, taiidan, kushan, kadesh, battlefleet gothic, bfg2009-05-13 0 
4544432CREEEEED!IGs get crazy new abilities... and suddenly, its scout titans everywhere. Eldrad's dickishness versus Creed's genius. Heaven or Hell. Let's rock.CREED "scout titan" awesome2009-05-13 74 
4549615American godsanon posts gods based around the virtues of American society, homebrew beginsgods America2009-05-14 0 
4547078Equality and LebiansSociology thread with a number of lesbian pics, mostly focused on Rogukan and how women would be treated thereScience, psychology, bitches2009-05-14 2 
4552543FATAL the Movie Professor Farnsworth creates FATAL, the movie, with Uwe Boll as director. FATAL, Farnsworth, Voices, 2009-05-14 25 
4554170Slaaneshi HedonismOne anon requests how to be a real Slaaneshi Cultist. Whether or not this was a joke, an Anonymous poster gives a thought-out, intelligent, and thorough posting on how to BE a true Slaaneshi Cultist.Devian/tg/uy, Hedonism, Slaanesh, Cultist, Cult, warhammer 40K2009-05-14 13 
4557916Pastry of Femininity/tg/ comes up with yet another way to be the little girl, this time in the form of delicious cake. You must eat it.delicious cake, transgender, trolls trolling trolls2009-05-16 0 
4567315Mosiac ReturnsEarthflame returns from a hiatus to post a work-in-progress ruleset for Mosiac.mosaic, runes, magic, game design, earthflame, rules, ruleset2009-05-16 3 
4559501Warhammer 40k for beginnersITT: Explain the Warhammer 40K universe to a total noob in as much or little detail as you want.40k, grimdark, summary, awesome, good, evil2009-05-16 0 
4560593SciFi HeroicsHow to bring Fantasy style Heros into Science-Fiction games, or why it doesn't work like that.Science Fiction, Roleplay, Heroics2009-05-17 3 
4570642Super /tg/ WarsA /m/oron accidentally starts a discussion for an SRW with /tg/ characters. Ruby, Cutebold, Doobold, Troll, Loli Dragon, Joniass, and Sergal all featured with othersSuper /tg/ Wars, Cutebold, Sergals, Ruby, Doobold2009-05-17 27 
4571998Dorf Quest XLVIAldwinside. Xom is let loose on society.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-17 20 
4573350Dorf Quest XLVIIAldwin, Lily, and Beardbeard get together as a party.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-17 20 
4572952Cangames 2009 Battletech TableBattle Report for at least two games of Battletech. Abridged battle report for a third.Battletech, Convention, Cangames, Catalyst, Miniatures game,2009-05-17 5 
4575516Life after ZombiesA zombie webcomic inspires discussion about how to survive after the initial outbreak has passed, and how to rebuild.Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse2009-05-17 2 
4571297Archetype discussion threadAnonymous discusses archetypes in a homebrew threadHomebrew archetypes2009-05-18 0 
4580594Roleplaying Horror StoriesHorror Stories of Freeform RPGs. Turns into win with James Bond the crab and generic guard.Freeform, James Bond the Crab, Guard, SuperGuard, Horror Stories, Players2009-05-18 20 
4584041Inquisitor BadasiousA concerned GM asks /tg/ their opinion on his Inquisitor40k, Dark Heresy2009-05-18 2 
4585088Law vs Chaos: SANDCASTLES!When two celestials argue about law and chaos, it comes down to naked sandcastle building to decide the winner.Sandcastles, 3E, angels, awesome2009-05-18 23 
4581716How To RP An Interesting BarbarianAnon asks for advice on how to play a Barbarian that's more than just a grar-smash musclehead. Some good advice comes up.barbarian, d&d, fantasy, rpg2009-05-18 3 
4591379Hedonism GuideThread about raising and brainwashing your slaves, as well as general all-around Slaaneshi hedonism and veneration.Slaanesh, Slavery2009-05-19 7 
4590359Imperial survey fleet detects ProtossWhat hapens if an imperial Survey fleet detects a protoss star systemSurvex fleet, Protoss, Imperium, exterminatus, heresy2009-05-19 20 
4597583Two Sentence Campaign Hooks, Mk IIAfter the awesome first thread, /tg/ gives it another go. 2 sentences or less describes what might be your next setting/plot.plot hooks, short campaign ideas2009-05-20 2 
4604759TV of the 41st MillenniumIn the Grim Darkness of the Far Future there is still Painting with Bob Ross.40k, TV, heresy2009-05-20 1 
4607536Big Sword Enthusiast MonthlyBig sword discussion and image thread.Big sword2009-05-21 3 
4613936Seeing a spider, Failing a Sanity CheckWell, at least none of the posters had his body hijacked by hiveminded centipedes inside his bones. That would be impossible. Do not be alarmed. Insects, Failed Sanity Check, Horror2009-05-21 8 
4607523Epic Startrek RPG ThreadEpicness ensues when we have an Star Trek RPG, found and then scanned.Star Trek, RPG, Scans, Furry, Epic2009-05-22 11 
4622379Dorf Quest XLVII Part 2Aldwinside continued.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-22 20 
4633023Fuck Yeah HumanityWhy Humanity survives and thrives in the D&D setting. Humans Awesome D&D2009-05-23 3 
4643050Dorf Quest XLVIIIDorfside. Muslebeard muscles in on the action.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-24 21 
4644798Dorf Quest ILWe show Musclebeard our pride.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-24 20 
4642511Broken/tg/ comes up with a setting about fighting things that eat Love. /tg/ finds itself tsundere for this idea.Broken, Heartless, Tsundere2009-05-24 2 
4649258Alicia update: FAR REALMAlicia fights a creature from the far realm and edges ever higher on the Mary Sue list. Anonymous remands angel lesbianism.alicia, epic paladin, triple angel lesbianism2009-05-25 7 
4654518GM PyrotechnicsA pyro GM describes an easy to do magic effect that brings special effects into any tabletop game.gm, epic, epic gaming moments2009-05-25 5 
4655339Neckbeard marriage!A fellow eloquen/tg/entleman asks /tg/ on ways for him to propose to his beloved lady. The neckbeards respond in their usual way, alongside some good ideas.dick-in-a-box, love, /tg/, metathread, neckbeard, help, advice2009-05-25 5 
4649767Kunning KhorneA voice from the Warp makes an offer to an officer about to die, turns out to not be Tzeench.warhammer 40k writefaggotry khorne2009-05-25 13 
4657327Liber Chaotica StoriesA question about the social capabilities of Chaos Chosen leads to a dedicated anon typing up some fluff from various books by hand. fluff, warhammer fantasy2009-05-25 6 
4657047ITT: Useless or nearly useless magic itemsAwesome Magic ItemsItems, Magic Items, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-25 8 
4657786weapons of LEGENDweapons of power, beyond the magical...magic weapons epic story backstory 2009-05-26 3 
4650108HomebrewanA setting for 3.5 with all the neglected classes is messed about with. Later devolves into MOREPIG discussion.incarnum, 3.5, DND, Shadow, 2009-05-26 1 
4663100Game Store Choker!Apparently, a third, scratch that, HALF of /tg/ goes to this one game store where a guy who choked his gf to death played his Nurgle army on the day he got arrested. That, and some good-natured political trollage murder, 40k, asians, gw, politics2009-05-26 -2 
4662972Epic Modempunk ThreadWe discuss modempunk.Modempunk punk Fanfiction2009-05-26 5 
4667979Readings from the Liber ChaoticaThe OP transcribes passages from the Liber Chaotica for the reading pleasure of all.Liber Chaotica, Warhammer2009-05-26 3 
4670303Homebrewan IIMore things get discussed, mostly class roles. Less trollan this time, but still slow. D&D, 3.5, Shadow, Incarnum, Psionics2009-05-27 1 
4670854Beating mechanized orksHow to beat mechanized orks.40k orks "space marines"2009-05-27 1 
4670773The City Never SleepsCampaign setting idea discussed today: What if large Cities had a 'soul' that bonded to the people that resided there, and forced them to stay?homebrew setting2009-05-27 2 
4676668Horrible RPG sessionsAnon reveals the horror of bad players.horrror, rpg, bad player2009-05-27 6 
4678012For the love of the gameSomeone who enjoys 3.5 and 4e gives their thoughts on why people can still love 3.5 despite 4e being popular. Then, eventual trolling.meaningful, discussion, 3.5, 4e, fun2009-05-27 2 
4680410Server Crash 13After a long hiatus, Server Crash returns -- barely.Server Crash2009-05-27 2 
4680279Quirky magic items thread (Mostly UselessMore quirky, useless, or nearly useless magic items.Items, Magic Items, Quirky, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-27 13 
4686070Imperial Guard First Person Running and ScreamingYou are a guardsmen. Your objective? SURVIVE. 40k, Imperial Guard, FPS, survival horror2009-05-28 26 
4687837Mental Sickness Vs. ProfessionalismA general discussion as to the mental stability and professional work ethic and standards of the cast of Team Fortress 2. Eventually spawns transgender Heavy.Team Fortress 22009-05-28 1 
4681634World's Dumbest PlayersBecause TPK is quite funny in retrospect.idiots, RPG, TPK, funny2009-05-28 2 
4686649Mosaic Playtest RulesThe runic RPG that's been talked about, finalized-ish.runic, Mosaic, homebrew, playtest2009-05-28 2 
4695767Alternate Reality RPGIdeas to run a system for an interesting setting. Homebrewan.homebrew setting 2009-05-29 1 
4689159Touhou Danmaku Yuugi: Flowers RPGYes, a Touhou RPG. Not a homebrew. Scans and /rs/ inside. Also hints of a translation effort?Touhou, Flowers, scan2009-05-29 6 
4695827Neckbeard FinancesA thread about spending habits turns awesome.Money, army prices, debt, George Carlin, savings2009-05-29 2 
4697371Dark Heresy - Buildan A WorldanAnon uses the 40k Dark Heresy World Builder to...well, build a world. End result is surprisingly awesome.Dark Heresy, Warhammer 40k, World, Buildan2009-05-29 8 
4696772The Fair Folk - DiscussionWhile moderately made of fail due to namefag bullshittery, /tg/ eventually realises what it truly hates about elves - the fact that they're whiny pussies. The entire thread is then validated by a fuckawesome and creepy story of an elf who learns about death.Elves, Fey2009-05-29 1 
4698835Confessional boothHeretics confess their sins against the Emperor.Heretic, heresy, chaos, tau, confession, sin, BLAM2009-05-29 5 
4699668Xomula is bornA friendly anon wants help creating a world for DH. Things rapidly spiral out of control.Xomula, Dark Heresy2009-05-29 5 
4702559Chaos FurnitureFurniture of the Chaos GodsWarhammer, Furniture, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh2009-05-30 0 
4703459Xomula continued.More on the planet XomulaXomula, Dark Heresy2009-05-30 2 
4705319Physics is a DiseaseThe Laws of Physics are all diseases, and you can cure yourself of some of them.fluff, physics, disease, setting2009-05-30 1 
4706553ÃœberwaldAnon tries to come up with ways to refresh the classic "Ãœberwald" setting, hilarity ensues.Ãœberwald setting homebrew collaboration2009-05-30 0 
4705431Orks discuss stomy trukksSo every good Ork knows 'bout makin' things more Choppy an' Shooty, but what I'm bugged about is Stompy, an' trukks. When ya run over humie gits wif a trukk, what do ya call it? It ain't Stompy 'cuz a trukk wheel ain't a stompa foot or nuffin', and it ain't Choppy or Shooty, either. Ya could call it Krumpin', but dat applies fer any ol' smackin' things, what like hammers an' fists an' whatnot. So what do we calls it, boyz? "Rolly"? Rolly sounds like a pansy Elf-dar word. I figgur we gotta get a roit propa word fer it so's we can make somethin' an call it the whatever-iest! Orks Trukks Stompy Choppa Stompiest2009-05-30 1 
4713421Mosaic FluffEarthflame returns with more fluff for Mosaic.runic, Mosaic, homebrew, Earthflame, rune, fluff2009-05-31 3 
4715748Dorf Quest LElfside. The Box of Shadows finally takes effect.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-31 17 
4717369Dorf Quest LIIn which the Illithid run amok.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-31 12 
4720602Communism: THE RPGWe discuss communism and its effects on society.communism, homebrew, stalin, lenin, marx, gorbachev2009-05-31 -2 
4715727Homeworld 40kDiscussion and a bit of fluff on how Homeworld would operate in the 40k worldHomeworld, 40k2009-05-31 1 
4720018Tropical Dorfs cont.Hooray DorfsTropical Island Dorf2009-05-31 5 
June 2009
4723872The Tiji SectorA planet generator thread leads to the formation of the Tiji Sector, containing so of the best, and worst, planets in the Imperium.Planet Generator, Tiji Sector2009-06-01 7 
4725435Drew the LichDrew finds a bard to teach him being CG.Drew, Lich, D&D, drawfaggotry2009-06-01 38 
4730204Talespin And Other Awesome ThingsPossible troll turns into an interesting discussion on turning TaleSpin into a campaign world. BlackSad, Maus, Lackadaisy are added, and it only improves from there.Noir, Pulp, Blacksad, Maus, Talespin, Setting, Nazis, Ideas, Furry, Good2009-06-01 0 
4727976Tiji Sector Part DeuxMore discussion of /tg/ created DH worlds, from mining to shrining to floating hive city battling.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-01 3 
4728506Monsters GaloreThread complaining about Greek monsters and merpeople gets sidetracked into serious discussion of Celtic faeries and robot angels as well.monsters, angels, robots, sidhe, mermaids2009-06-01 -2 
4732463Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail.Sailor moon, magical girls, want to be the little girl, wtf2009-06-01 2 
4727699ArachnopocalypseThe world of man is over. Now the world belongs to the arthropods. Foremost among them are the spiders who now struggle to survive against innumerable dangers.setting, spiders, homebrew2009-06-01 2 
4732383How to win at Dark HeresyOP discusses how to "win" at Dark Heresy; Techpriests are generally considered badass. Thread degrades into discussion about a scum with way more money than sense and how everybody is going to kill him and his friends.Dark Heresy, 40k, powergaming2009-06-01 6 
4735553Tiji Sector ContinuedMore horrifying worlds are added to this scary sector.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-02 2 
4734623Dungeons and Dragons: Satan's ToolWe discuss of DnD is a tool of Satan and send letters to evangelical Christians.dungeons and dragons, satan, christians, evangelicals, hell2009-06-02 2 
4742975In Whitest AntarcticaThe myths and legends of the early colonization of the White Continitentoriginal content oc2009-06-02 10 
4744902Random Cult Generator/tg/ tries to make a Random Generator for Dark Heresy Cults.40k, Dark Heresy, Cult2009-06-02 3 
4748469Drew The Lich: PlottanDrew the Lich asks /tg/ for help to take over the world.Drew the Lich2009-06-03 38 
4750158Drew the Lich: Plottan part 2Shit hits the fan when Kiara returns. Continuation of previous thread.Drew the lich, OH SHIT, blackguard, we need more kiara porn2009-06-03 49 
4749450Character MotivationsWhy characters go forth boldly.character motivations2009-06-03 12 
4752021DnD Cutebold GameAnon makes a DnD game where the players are Kobolds. Beware, you're in D'awwww country.Kobolds, Cutebolds, D'awww, mess of kobolds2009-06-03 0 
4751578The Corporis Sisters 4E4E conversion of the Corporis Sisters.Corporis Fleshforged2009-06-03 0 
4748059Merrygate and friendsImagedump of Merrygate from AC:4A turns to a general discussion on mecha ending in the creation of an Armored Core homebrew system. And Anonymous rejoiced.Armored Core, dat ass, dem titties2009-06-03 6 
4754817Armored Core Miniatures Game Part OneThe beginnings of making a minis game based on the franchise. Some units are worked on and the complexities of the rules consideredRobots, Miniatures, Wargame2009-06-04 1 
4759736Vancian SpellcastingDiscussion regarding a perspective on D&D's loved and hated magic systemD&D, magic, rules, vancian2009-06-04 -3 
4762354I Love the Whole WorldAnon notes M:tG threads, Anon breaks into the song. boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda...boomdiadda, song, I love /tg/2009-06-04 5 
4763422Romantic encounters in Baldur's Gate 2An enlightening discussion about romantic companions in BG2BG2, fanfic, mary sue2009-06-04 5 
4771721Dorf Quest LIIBeardside. We are trapped in a cave, and Tony Stark isn't around to build Iron Man from the scraps.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-05 13 
4773092Dorf Quest LIIIWe build ourselves a new army.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-05 13 
4774285Mr Black's first threadMr Black shares a story about an epic campaign he played in, and asks /tg/ for advice on his next game. Ends with a fractal god-king situation in a steampunk fantasyMr Black, epic tales, /tg/2009-06-05 3 
4775544The Final Boss/tg/ gathers together to fight an eldritch horror to prevent the end of everything. Epic fight occurs Lina, 40k, eldritch, epic, fight2009-06-05 18 
4775242Really bad fanfictionFanfiction so bad it rockets straight out the other side and becomes sheer awesome.bad, fanfiction, so bad it's good, awesome2009-06-05 3 
4772110Cocky PCs getting into shit.A thread about how your players get a bit over their heads and get into trouble. Some very good stories, including the story about a paladin dying very heroically.d&d cocky players paladin2009-06-05 5 
4777651CavemenLazy DM brags about Erectus Racial bonus. Anonymous talks about playing the fluff and crunch in Caveman games.erectus, neaderthal, sapien, Speciazation, bitchfest2009-06-05 5 
4782803Collateral DamageEveryone has had sessions where enormous amounts of collateral damage were inflicted. /tg/ tells about sessions where we've witnessed this in action. Property damage inflicted in the pursuit of an enemy, explosives thrown around without proper forethought, villages destroyed to save them, and shit that isn't the intended target generally being ruined.collateral damage, overkill, oops2009-06-06 7 
4786498Conversionfag Q&A #9001Scriptarius is here yet again!Scriptarius, conversions, 2009-06-06 2 
4778129Undead CampaignOP arrives asking /tg/ to help him with a campaign of D&D 3.5 in which the PCs are abominable undead possibly in service to a necromancer. /tg/ proceeds to get shit done.undead, zombie, skeleton, lich, mummy, necromancer2009-06-06 3 
4788447The adventures of the Fatguy outcastA lonely lurker decides to come back to his /tg/ family, accompanied by a mysterious story to tell...fatguy awesome gunfight2009-06-06 10 
4790153Face-Meltingly Awesome SettingOP tries to troll by asking for a setting that isn't shit. tg refuses to be trolled by granting his request.Campaign Setting2009-06-07 3 
4793876Epic D and D discussionTalking about how epic D and D games can work.3.5, epic2009-06-07 1 
4794633XenobiologyA fa/tg/uy details the biology and early evolution of an alien race.Xenos, Alien, Race2009-06-07 2 
4798636Essentials for playing Dungeons & Dragons"Hello, /tg/ I'm normally not from around here, but I feel like you guys could help me. I want to play Dungeons and Dragons. I'm trying to get some friends together or find a group. Point is, I've never played it, I'm am completely new to it, but the whole idea of the game sounds fantastic. Can you guys tell me what are the essentials for game play? What do I ABSOLUTELY need? "D&D, RPG, Advice2009-06-07 2 
4805536Phalanx FightingA call to arms is raised for the manliest Phalanx of Hoplites to ever grace /tg/.D&D Inuendo 2009-06-08 31 
4811028Tiji sector returns.More Tiji Sector.Tiji sector, Dark Heresy, Planet Generator2009-06-08 1 
4812621The MachineWhat if we traveled to the center of the Earth, only to find out that the entire world was just one gigantic machine?homebrew, setting, machine2009-06-09 22 
4809284Marvel 40kWe've got Warp-Spider Man, Venom as a genestealer, and even Captain ImperiusMarvel Comics, Marvel, Warhammer 40000, 40k2009-06-09 1 
4818437The Machine Part IIContinued from the previous thread, more fluff and ideas for The Machine. What exactly are the delvers doing there, and what are the mysterious Engineers that keep impeding them?homebrew, setting, machine2009-06-09 10 
4820902Shotgun ModellingAnon gives a tutorial on how to model shotguns for Dark Heresy and Necromunda using a boltgun and some brass rods.modelling, shotgun, warhammer 40k, warhammer, dark heresy, necromunda2009-06-09 3 
4819957star wars nameswe list all of the possible names for a star wars rpgstar wars, same phrase different words2009-06-09 1 
4823788The Machine Part IIIWhat if we traveled to the center of the Earth, only to find out that the entire world was just one gigantic machine? Composition of teams and their gear, running into issues with taking technology near Engineers always looking for spare parts.homebrew, setting, machine2009-06-10 10 
4838727Creation MythsHomebrew Creation myths are sharedhomebrew, creation myths2009-06-11 0 
4837545Random dungeonGuy posts simple dungeoncrawling game, using /tg/'s dice program. /tg/ makes it awesome.collective game, girls, random2009-06-11 2 
4846170The Flattest EarthThe gods have cursed the world to be very very flat, except for the demons, and lost civilisations that live in deep pits underground.setting, fluff2009-06-12 2 
4847968Vampire loreA Mythfag presents itself to /tg/ explaining the origins of the vampire. Facts are awesome.vampires, myth, folklore2009-06-12 8 
4852108All Bards custom gameOP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system.Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards2009-06-12 3 
4852990Meat VanA less than civil discussion about where we buy our meat slowly turns into ideas for a Meat-Peddling NPC.food, funny, meat van2009-06-12 10 
4852421Thoughts on female fire support for SWA epic length thread on thoughts on having Space Wolves giving their shooters to their womanfolk. space furries, 40k,2009-06-12 -3 
4857133Tiji SectorAnother Tiji Sector threadTiji Sector, Planet Generator, Dark Heresy, warhammer 40K2009-06-12 2 
4864629/tg/ plays King of Dragon PassExactly what it says on the tin. Featuring undead, cursed alynxes, a fraudulent oven saleswoman and Loricon, one of the greatest trolls in history.Loricon, Kinf of Dragon Pass, Collective game2009-06-13 7 
4866214/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IIContinuation from the previous thread. Javelin surfing, manly deaths, dragon slaying and mature Loricon.Loricon, King of Dragon Pass, Collective game2009-06-13 12 
4867597/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IIIThird thread. Yorsar and Orlgard, badass warrior brothers and Loricon just being an ass. Fightan, fightan and more fightan.Loricon, King of Dragon Pass, Collective game2009-06-14 8 
4869233Falker the GuardsmanA shitty troll flare thread gives way to a pretty kickarse story about guardsmen on Kronus.40k, heresy, bolters2009-06-14 24 
4871936Dorf Quest LIVDorfside again. A hunting we will go.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-14 12 
4873858Dorf Quest LVRary tells all.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-14 12 
4875024Grylph, what the fuck?Sarge gives enlightening advice on pleasuring a lady. Grylph fucks it up.Sex, what the fuck2009-06-14 5 
4878401The Aristocrats, FATAL-styleA troll thread gets counter-trolled by clever use of "The Aristocrats" joke. FATAL, The Aristocrats, Trolls2009-06-14 36 
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
4882280Moonleaf's QuestMoonleaf the elf tries her best to become a Dorf. She is not successful.Moonleaf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-15 13 
4885901/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass IVAnother thread about the teegee clan and their struggle for dominance. Fire juggling, trolls of all kinds and questan.King of Dragon Pass, Loricon, Collective Game2009-06-15 6 
4887317/tg/ plays King of Dragon Pass VThe teegee continue to struggle against insurmountable odds. We suffer our first defeat against the hated Greenwing, and Loricon dicks about.King of Dragon Pass, Loricon, Collective Game2009-06-15 7 
4889030/tg/ creates a setting/tg/ creates a setting which includes pirates, songships, cloudsea, dorfs, cyborgs, Zalgo, trains ran by blood and orcs!setting, orc, dwarf, dorf, songship, pirate, zalgo, elf, elves2009-06-15 0 
4890962War of TalavanCouldn't find this archived the first time. Really good write faggotry.writefaggotry, 40k2009-06-16 -2 
4890684Moonleaf Quest IIDorfin it upMoonleaf Quest2009-06-16 11 
4887950yet more random stuff another thread of random objectswarehouse 23 random awesome 2009-06-16 0 
4892272/tg/ Project I: IntroductionThe beginning of work towards a game designed and built by /tg/./tg/ Project2009-06-16 -2 
4898994/tg/ Sings 40KEverything from TMNT to Queen resides here, folks.TMNT, 40K, music2009-06-17 2 
490313480s and 90s Cartoons Campaign SettingsFact: Any 80's cartoon is in itself a perfect RPG campaign.80s, 90s, awesome2009-06-17 2 
4904119Dorf Quest LVI: Last Man StandingBeardside and Elfside! Horrors commence.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-17 21 
4905900Dorf Quest LVII: Drinking BuddiesMany fall this day. Manly tears are shed.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-17 26 
4907820Liberty Prime in 40kThe OP has a great idea when he wonders "What happens if the Imperium finds Liberty Prime?". Thread devolves into awesome and failed attempts at trolling.liberty prime, 40k, communism2009-06-17 -2 
4910681/tg/ creates a sentient race, again/tg/ decides to make a sentient race... again.sentient, race, plants2009-06-17 0 
4914513Moonleaf's Quest 3Moonleaf arrives at Gearthundered.Moonleaf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-18 13 
4915895Fire is the best powerAnd /tg/ shows you why.Fire, burn, pyromaniacs2009-06-18 6 
4920604Someone was asking...Awesome piece of Ollanius Pius writefaggotry.Writefaggotry, Ollanius Pius2009-06-18 12 
4915568Yet more roleplaying horror storiesYou know you love them, you know you've had them. Here are some more for your reading pleasure!rpg horror stories2009-06-18 1 
4919874Sawesome storiesSome trollan, mostly pretty sad+awesome (sawesome) stories of what happened in our p&p RPGs.sawesome stories, sad, awesome, stories2009-06-19 2 
4925672Moonleaf's Quest 4: How many sessions before /tg/ realises she's not a dorf?Moonleaf chooses her profession.Elf, Quest, Collective Game, Moonleaf, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-19 7 
4927095Moonleaf's Quest 5MELANCHOLY MOOD CANCELED: INTERRUPTED BY GREY SLIMEElf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-19 1 
4927824Blood and Thunder Ch 1 & 2Tripfag posts some comics about orks. Plans to continue later.Orks, Blood and Thunder, Comics, Warhammer 40k, W40k, DAKKA2009-06-19 3 
4929468MS paint d0rfEveryone contributes to The ms-paint depictions of dorfs. The most noble of gods creatures.Dorf, Dwarf, Ms-paint, draw faggotry, draw2009-06-19 5 
4935930Moonleaf's Quest 5I accuse Moonleaf in the Woods with a Grey Slime.Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-20 5 
4937431Blood and Thunder Ch 3 & 4Last two chapters of Blood and Thunder.Orks, Blood and Thunder, Comics, Warhammer 40k, W40k, DAKKA2009-06-20 0 
4942702The Captain was Dead.Airship writefag tells a gripping tale of airship-to-airship combat with steampunk vibes.Airship, Steampunk, Captain2009-06-20 1 
4941851What not to do with little girls.Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party. Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail.little girl, bad DM, Dark Heresy, awesome DM2009-06-20 6 
4942706Tiji Sector - Back with a vengeance.Tiji Sector is still alive. Planets and summaries are made.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-06-21 0 
4945783Yet another King of Dragon Pass game/tg/ plays yet another game of King of Dragonpass. Now with a very war-focused clan with a very King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-21 -4 
4947106Yet another King of Dragon Pass game 2The year continues, a few raids are launched. In general, the year was productive, though a little eventless.King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-21 -4 
4953917Yet another King of Dragon Pass game 3Teegee meets the ducks, and raid them good. Drought sets upon the clan, and a rush for food is made. The tretcherous Toranthos raid, and bring flying warriors, which does not amuse us. King of Dragon Pass, Collective Game2009-06-22 0 
4956095Moonleaf's Quest 6I must kill the goblins! No Moonleaf, you are the goblins. Then Moonleaf was an elf.Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-22 3 
4956404Help with glueSomeone glues guardsman pieces to his penisNSFW glue penis guardsman2009-06-22 120 
4958780/tg/ creates a setting.As decided by you. One fact at a time.Collective Game2009-06-22 -3 
4961702Most Epic Scratch Build EverMost Epic Scratch Build Ever. Bar non.Scratch Build, Titan, Epic, Win, Script, Seal, 40k, Warhammer, GW2009-06-22 1 
4962821Phylacterie's and where to hide themOP askes for places he can hide his Lich PC's phylactery, /tg/ deivers with some vicious but useful answers.Lich Phylactery Evilhidingplaces evil 2009-06-22 1 
4964901Real Lives - Vishwanand and othersA Real Lives thread delivers awesome as the tragic (and depressed) hero Vishwanand battles the forces of oppression. Real Lives, manly tears2009-06-23 6 
4968874Back and forth/tg/-related quotes and short writings are translated to Japanese and back again, thoroughly annihilating any chance of them ever making sense. The results are hilarious.language, quotes, hilarity2009-06-23 6 
4965691ITT: Worst Story/Player you ever had.Just another bad players/story thread. lulz ensue.Storytime, Bad Players2009-06-23 1 
4974301Yet more Island DorfsAnon asks for dungeon ideas for the Tropical Island setting. Anon provides that, and more.island, dorfs, dwarves, elves, setting, getting shit done2009-06-24 6 
4966294Space Warfare/tg/ talks about sci-fi combatSci-fi, Mass Effect2009-06-24 1 
4974541Ork FikkshumPulp Fiction with orksorks, pulp fiction, writefaggotry2009-06-24 16 
4978117everyday heresy/tg/ attempts to discuss downtime in GRIMDARK. Or, that's what it starts as.heresy, inanity, Cadov2009-06-24 12 
4983560WoD musings/tg/ on why WoD is too gimdark for it's own good.World of Darkness, Grimdark, WoD, oWoD, nWoD2009-06-24 -5 
4988324Moonleaf's Quest 7Could this be the end?Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-25 2 
4984127Who ya gonna call, Ghostbuters!OP asks where he should set his Ghostbusters campaign. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue.Ghostbusters, Humor2009-06-25 8 
4993479Terrible Games Masters/tg/ shares Games Master horror stories, including the stories of Vincent and the Fist of the North Dragonstar.bad gm roleplaying vampire mary sue2009-06-25 3 
50000005mil Tau Get5 mil GET is for the Tau. /tg/ is Tau Gaems. /40k/ forever.get, tau, 40k2009-06-26 6 
5000555ORKZ DA BOSSThe Lonely Island gets looted and given a right proper overhaul.Orkz, Warhammer 40k, Da Boss2009-06-26 2 
5001479Gazebo of Immovable RodsA discussion about gazebos gets out of hand when the idea of constructing a gazebo out of immovable rods gets involvedD&D, Gazebo, Immovable Rod, Tarrasque2009-06-26 6 
5002817The Most Interesting Man In The WorldHe doesn't always get statted, but when he does, he prefers /tg/stat me2009-06-26 2 
5010815Moonleaf's Quest 8I accuse XOM in the TEMPLE with the FISH!Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-27 0 
5012009Dorf Quest LVIIIAldwinside. Wedding day.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 16 
5012316Rudy QuestHe is motherfucking Rudy! He is here to fuck shit up!Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 37 
5014203Rudy Quest Part 2Our plane has crashed. Lets punch stuff.Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 36 
5013866Dorf Quest LIXFinlayside.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 14 
5012785Terrible Games Masters Part 2Actually continued in the "Dragonborn death By snoo-snoo" thread just above this. In turn, this is the actual death by snoo-snoo thread.mary sue, horror stories, gm, stories2009-06-27 2 
5017032"Be My Chosen" Project startup The Chaos Gods dating Sim resurfaces, this time with gusto. Anons and namefags alike voice their determination to make this dream a reality at last. Lets see how far we go...BeMyChosen, Chaos, Dating Sim2009-06-27 0 
5020019Overlord Quest?Text adventure. You wake up in a ring of bloody meat, in a lab that seems to be yours. Your servants inform you that a Great Doom is coming. Might be set in 40K.text adventure, writefaggotry, Leibowitz, Overlord Quest2009-06-28 6 
5022597Moonleaf's Quest End / Tau Quest 1Moonleaf Quest is over. There is only Tau... in the 18th century!Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest, TauQuest2009-06-28 0 
5023502God QuestCast down from darkness, /tg/ becomes the little evil girl. God Quest, Collective Game2009-06-28 11 
5021635a discussion of snake people/TG/ sits down and rebuilds the concept of snake people, stats includedlamias snakes stats2009-06-28 5 
5027467Conversionfag Q&A + Imps and =][=Scriptarius and conversions. Nuff said.Scriptarius, conversions2009-06-28 2 
5029930Xomula campaign/tg/ helps plan the start of a campaign on XomulaXomula, Dark Heresy, Planet Generator, Tiji Sector, Campaign2009-06-28 5 
5030483Nautical Campaign SettingLivestream/tg/ comes up with something creative and describes a drowned world to us. Moby Dick is one of the gods.Homebrew, fluff, D&D, gods, race,2009-06-28 2 
5028025Dwarf WomenAn epic discussion on the nature of dwarf women.dorfs, women, dwarves, elves, discussion2009-06-29 -2 
5030027Human's as the AWESOME scifi-raceTitle says it all. Humans as a cool and badass race in the space.humans, scifi, space2009-06-29 23 
5034120Rudy Quest Part 2, Part 2Holy Shit! Did Rudy Just Punch Out Cthulhu!?Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-29 28 
5030639a discussion of snake people IIfurther discussion on stating a race of snake peoplelamia stats2009-06-29 5 
5036299Rudy Quest Part 2, Part 3The Chapter Comes to a Close With The Birth Of A Legend. Farewell Atlantis!Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-29 28 
5035774Human's as the AWESOME scifi-race Part 2More Humans as a cool and badass race in the space.humans, scifi, space2009-06-29 18 
5036057Why Colonial Marines are AwesomeYour typical nighttime /tg/ thread takes a turn for the winside when a crazed fan of the US Colonial Marines takes fifty minutes to write up how well-armed stormtrooper IG equivalents took down 156+ genestealers on their lonesome against ALL odds with a broodlord thrown in to boot, making it eight stormtroopers, two pilots, one combat servitor, one civilian with prior experience with the genestealers, one administratum drone, and one unarmed and unarmored whiteshield took down an Apocalypse Reloaded Tyranid "Genestealer Infestation" formation. Epic ensues and cries of SCREENCAP commence.Colonial Marines, awesome, tyranids, xenomorphs, epic2009-06-29 12 
5037420speeches that you wouldn't mind shamelessly stealing, either for heroes or villainsepic speeches, one-liners and other incredible commentary up in here. awesomeness at it finest./tg/, epic, qoutes, speeches, speech2009-06-29 3 
5040480Humans as the AWESOME scifi-race Part 3A little more hard-sciencey this time around. Also, apparently some people like humans always being the whipping boys of sci-fi settings.humans, space, sci-fi, crazy2009-06-30 10 
5038665Ravnica D&DJuxtaposing the Ravnica Magic: the Gathering set with a D&D type roleplaying system. Great resource for potential rules of game play.Homebrew, Ravnica, Magic: the Gathering, D&D2009-06-30 6 
5048847Sunburn and greenstuffConversionfag Q&A: Redux Great deal of scriptarius' work is posted.Scriptarius, Conversions2009-06-30 3 
July 2009
5050305Blob QuestThe blob gains sentience. You appear to be in a field. Insert Command. > _Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5055403Blob Quest Part 2The continuing adventure of a blob and his lack-of-boy.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5057294Post a Pic, Create a CharacterRespond to a pic with a character or setting or something related and then post your own random pic.Collective Game2009-07-01 6 
5057125The FacelessDwarves who give up everything - literally - to become the greatest craftsdorfs ever. Stercus is so currency.dwarf, dorf, Faceless, awesome2009-07-01 8 
5055372Engine HeartViral makes a game and then goes to bedhomebrew, sage for homebrew2009-07-01 8 
5057446RailroadThe adventures of you and Randy as you fight the enemy in a militarized train.Railroad Collective Game2009-07-01 7 
5062330God Quest: Part 2You are in a small village, somewhere and must somehow regain deity status before you get shanked by a roving Paladin.God Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5063230Disney Goes /tg/A Disney comic about... Well... Tabletop gaming in general. It's funny because it's true.disney, neckbeard, fa/tg/uy, d&d, scrooge, donald2009-07-02 10 
5064812Blob Quest, PART 3The blob checks out the post explosion hut.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-02 3 
5065974Railroad, Track 2Minor amounts of plot happen, but the protagonists appearance is shown for the first time.Railroad Collective Game2009-07-02 0 
5064449God Quest: Part 2: Part 2The sun rises over the little village and things will never be the same...God Quest, Collective Game2009-07-02 3 
5067163Toaster AdventureAn rather epic one shot Quest style game done on OmegleCollective Game,Omegle,One Shot2009-07-02 49 
5067711Civilian Attire in 40kA thread about hiver garb quickly spirals into an awesome discussion about a man from THE FUTURE known as FUTUREMAN.civilian attire, 40k, FUTUREMAN, Necromunda2009-07-02 28 
5062793Discworld Time/tg/ has an awesome discworld thread. discworld, terry pratchett2009-07-02 3 
5069446Modern Day Warring States"it is just as likely that a Warring States-style circumstance could have emerged as local bureaucrats. some enriched by China's experiments with export capitalism, others impoverished by the same, took individual initiative to set up their own fiefdoms"Lu Bu, Campaign Ideas, Other2009-07-02 2 
5071724Robot Quest part II: Radio QuestContinuation of Toaster QuestRadio Quest, Robot Quest2009-07-02 2 
5071148IG discussion + Conversionfag Q&AAs always, this might have something useful to converters - and to those interested in IG.Scriptarius, conversions2009-07-03 2 
5073879Robot Quest part II: Radio Quest part IThe transcript from part I of Radio QuestRadio Quest, Robot Quest2009-07-03 7 
5075043Engine Heart part 2Viral trawls for more features and defectsEngine Heart, homebrew2009-07-03 6 
5077906Event Horizon, DH-styleAnon outlines a general Event Horizon scenario for Dark Heresy. It turns out pretty good.Dark Heresy, Event Horizon, Horror, Homebrew2009-07-03 5 
5080163PartyhammerSeems that Partyhammer is still alive and well. Much nostalgia is had, and much booze gets drunk. Also, MacGyver saves the party from killjoys.Partyhammer, Emperor, Writefaggotry, McGyver2009-07-03 5 
5080043Unnamed Story Part 2.5Finishing up Part 2.Unnamed, Quest, Story, Part 2.52009-07-03 6 
5085787Riddle Me ThisGM asks /tg/ for some riddles.riddles, gaming, rpg, sphinx2009-07-04 5 
5090159Unnamed Story Part 33rd part of the ongoing storyunnamed, story, part 3, selene, adahn2009-07-04 7 
5092620Unnamed Story Part 4You wake up in bed with Selene.Unnamed Story, Selene, Collective Game2009-07-04 5 
5092027Tiji SectorThe Tiji Sector Approaches it's conclusionDark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-05 3 
5096062Railroad, Track 2.5James and Randy attempt to infiltrate the enemy fuel depot.Railroad Collective Game James Randy2009-07-05 1 
5098267The D&D crying gameAsking the people of /tg/ what their character would do if his lady love turned out to be a badguy in disguise. Surprisingly civil discussion follows.D&D BBEG TG2009-07-05 7 
5099924True Heroes Part 5Part 5 of the ongoing story.True, Heroes, Unnamed, Story, Part, 52009-07-06 5 
5103895True Heroes Part 5.5The second half of the 5th partTrue, Heroes, Unnamed, Story, 5.52009-07-06 5 
5107759Boatmurdered, Post-Apocalyptic CampaignOP wants to run a Fallout style campaign of exploring the world as dwarves, after dwarf-caused worldwide apocalypse of lava triggered by the Boatmurdered fortress. /tg/ decides this is awesome and offers suggestions.Boatmurdered, Fallout, apocalypse of lava2009-07-06 8 
5109384Re-rediscovering BoatmurderedA followup to thread 2861381, in which excerpts from the diary of a dorf questing to find his brother, carving amulets in his spare time.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2009-07-06 11 
5110513True Heroes Part 6Part Six of this rather gripping adventure.True, Heroes, True Heroes, Unnamed, Story, Unnamed Story, Part 62009-07-06 5 
5110242Cyberpunk Home InvasionOP is playing an honourable mercenary in a cyberpunk game. He awakes to find an intruder in his house, and she's only the first unwelcome guest he'll have this evening.cyberpunk orphans dickery itsatrap2009-07-06 7 
5113351True Heroes Part 6.5The finishing of Part 6True, Heroes, Part, 6.52009-07-07 5 
5114798Kender players suckA troll thread turns into a discussion of how /tg/ hates Kender, then becomes epic when stories are shared of superb in-character revenge against a douchebag Kender player.kender, revenge, storytime2009-07-07 252 
5115474Blob Quest, PART 4The blob gets into the chest, devours the being and then everyone leaves the thread to die.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-07 1 
5121984Re-rediscovering Boatmurdered ContinuedAnon reposts and continues the excerpts of Rith Sividsgun's diary from thread >>5109384. It is most excellent.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2009-07-10 10 
5123741True Heroes Part 7Lucky number 7.True, Heroes, Story, Part, 7, Revolutionary2009-07-10 5 
5128932Viking QuestMjollnir has been stolen! Our many-named hero of Valhalla sets forth to find it. Includes punching ice giants to death with iron gauntlets and mushroom-fueled fury.viking quest2009-07-11 8 
5132901True Heroes Part 8Part 8 of the tale.True, heroes, part, 82009-07-12 2 
5133778godslaying antagonistscontinuation of previous thread about a party of antagonists bent on killing or subverting every godgod, slaying, antagonist2009-07-12 6 
5138369Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return!They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-07-12 7 
5138177Dorf Quest LXBeardside. Xom has an offer.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-12 14 
5140102Dorf Quest LXIWe go after Heracles.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-12 14 
5142038ButtquestIt's a quest. But with a butt. He has a sword. This could go interesting places.quest, buttquest, collective game, awesome2009-07-12 15 
5141144AI discussion part 1Talk about AI bring out a fantastic Cortana character.AI, cortana, SHODAN2009-07-13 6 
5145534Another Wasteland Warrior TaleWasteland Warrior brings another campaign story to /tg/.Wasteland Warrior, storytime2009-07-13 57 
5150582Mage: the Ascension AchievementsJust what the title says.Mage: The Ascension, oWoD, awesome2009-07-13 6 
5147359Luchador CharactersA namefag requests help with developing his luchador character for a supers game. Honourable mask wearing ensues.Luchador, Supers2009-07-13 5 
5151430True Heroes Part 9The ninth part to the story.True, Heroes, Part, 92009-07-14 1 
5154501Crucible LeakMysterious writefag shares his soon-to-sell RPG, reactions are mixed to lukewarm.Homebrew, writefaggotry2009-07-14 1 
5156923WolfTigerBear DaemonhostWhat starts off as a description of some Acolytes being well and truly fucked on a routine assignment becomes a discussion on GREY KNIGHT MODE.40k, Dark Heresy, Daemon, Grey Knights,2009-07-14 7 
5160269True Heroes Part 10The end of an arc, the 10th part.True, Heroes, Part, 102009-07-15 1 
5165594Wasteland Warrior Storytime/tg/ requests Wasteland Warrior stories and is rewarded. Captain Collateral, and killing Boba Fett included.Wasteland Warrior, storytime2009-07-15 27 
5166304Emperor QuestThe Emperor awakens! He is pissed!Emperor Quest, Collective Game2009-07-15 39 
5167245Emperor quest 2The final battle. Will Chaos finally be destroyed forever?Emporer quest, collective game2009-07-15 39 
5165430Post-Cyberpunk the FourthA writefag appears and talks to himself for a while, more materialize and a plan of action is worked out.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-16 4 
5169124Painting and modeling tips and tricksIfuritasfan is back with more fuckwin modeling info. This time it's how to do rust effects using something found on a model railroad site. Awesome shit is awesomeminiatures, paint, techniques, tips2009-07-16 2 
5173594Realistic Fantasy SocietiesAnon discusses the impact of magic-heavy social structures as opposed to the traditional MIDDLE AGES BUT WITH MAGIC settings.discussion, world-building2009-07-16 5 
5179699Jet Set Radio FutureAnon goes about asking /tg/ how they feel about a JSRF RPG. The answer is yes and the work begins.Jet Set Radio Future, homebrew2009-07-17 2 
5175040Popular Movies Made GrimdarkPost a movie, change the description to involve 40k.40k, popular movies, grimdark2009-07-17 13 
5181093Ork QuestYou iz an Ork. You iz in a hut made outta metal bitz. What does ya do?Collective Game, Ork Quest2009-07-17 18 
5183071James the wandererA request for quotes for an endless source of advice, sarcasm, and kobold prostitutes. Yeah, I went there.James the wanderer, quotes2009-07-17 26 
5179055Post-Cyberpunk the FifthWritefags again congregate and add more settlements and nations to the setting, some in-world stories are written.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-17 2 
5185112Tiji Sector Part 8Further refinment of the sector and it's peoples.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-18 2 
5186184True Heros Part 11Interrupted by the downtime.True Heros2009-07-18 5 
518615853rd Annual Blackguard ConventionEvil overlords, necromancers, and all-around jerks gather around to talk about all those pesky paladins, raising skeletons, and unhealthy relations with swords. Also includes some dispute with the Fighters Guild over who booked the convention hall, ending in a football game.Roleplay, evil, conventions, mary sue2009-07-18 11 
5189800Troll restaurantA polite troll announces his intentions. /tg/ asks about the specials. This thread rated very highly by Zagat.troll thread2009-07-18 36 
5191845Cell QuestRoleplaying in the primordial soup. /tg/ decides to become the cancer.Collective Game2009-07-18 12 
5193370Cell Quest 2Part 2Collective Game2009-07-19 8 
5194552Cell Quest 33rd part.Collective Game2009-07-19 8 
5195691Cell Quest Part 4The 4th installment.Collective Game2009-07-19 8 
5192085Radio Free Wasteland RevivalYou haven't reached the end of the dial, yet. Radio Free Wasteland returns.Radio Free Wasteland2009-07-19 3 
5196550Dorf Quest LXIIBeardbeard, God of Strength. Fisticuff showdown.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 15 
5198252Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving PathModrons are assholes.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2009-07-19 10 
5198531Dorf Quest LXIIIGodhood acquired...Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 15 
5198466Dorf Quest LXIIIvbnDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 -44 
5193794Exalted Q&A + Awesome TalesQuestions & Answers about Exalted tossed about. Pretty awesome stories within.EXALTED, Awesome2009-07-19 2 
5197253This is your BBEGLet's get a gargoyles game going? 40K Dark Heresy Homebrew2009-07-19 3 
5202277I hope this finds you wellA jaded gamer shares a tale of innocence regained, tears are shed.epic, heartwarming2009-07-19 11 
5201813Cell Quest 4The "Heaven" Supercell/virus continues it's growth and has a moment of memory problem and schizophrenic arguing.Cell Quest 42009-07-19 11 
5203401Cell Quest 6And we continue to grow.Collective Game2009-07-20 8 
5201737Awesome Mashup campaigns/tg/ shares its tales of awesome mashup campaigns as well as suggestions for other mashups.Stories, Awesome2009-07-20 5 
5204572Cell Quest 7And we continue our infection.Collective Game2009-07-20 7 
5204456Butt Quest 2The ever epic Butt Quest returns with a second chapterButt Quest, Quest2009-07-20 3 
5205705Cell Quest 8We get a new ally and shit hits the fan.Collective Game2009-07-20 6 
5203486FROOT QUESTQuasi-biblical quest; begins with protagonist eating fruit of knowledge and killing the snake. Dreams of Lillith then learns Inscription Magik.Quest, Collective Game, Adventure, FROOT, Fruit2009-07-20 -1 
5207708Wasteland Warrior, hot, passionate awkward gay sex and you.Another Wasteland Warrior story. This time he makes the stars wars prequels 235 times better.Wasteland Warrior, writefag, story2009-07-20 48 
5211159Cell Quest 9He's infectan and deflectan, and taking the turns, cause he's infectan, deflectan, and plotting infe-cccctionCell Quest2009-07-20 9 
5212919Cell Quest 10Oh god this again.Cell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-20 8 
5214644Cell Quest 11Moving right along.Cell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-21 8 
5215969Da Legend of Moby GitMoby Dick...with orks. Now in Questâ„¢ form. Moby Dick, orks, collective game2009-07-21 6 
5222041Yet another Wasteland Warrior storyWasteland Warrior delivers another story, this one about a Dark Heresy campaignWasteland Warrior, story thread, Dark Heresy2009-07-22 24 
5224704How to rock out with an army?Exalted player wonders how to defeat elves with a Roman-style army. Another player chips in, and the tale of how they got demonic lolis by rocking out in Malfeas is revealed...Exalted, story, advice2009-07-22 11 
5225934Cell Quest 12SHTF, really this timeCell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-22 6 
5227957Jawfish QuestThe epic tale of one fish trying to make a difference in the Siluric period. Bring it on Pterygotus buffaloensis.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 10 
5229995Jawfish Quest 2The Jawfish seperateJawfish, Quest Thread2009-07-23 8 
5224044Dwarven British EmpireColonial-era homebrew where the British Empire is dwarves.dorf dwarf homebrew setting2009-07-23 1 
5231263Jawfish Quest IIITeam Land and Team Deep Ones continue their quest. Team Land eats giant worms, and Team Deep Ones build a society.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5232388Jaawfish Quest IVLand Team grows in large numbers and gets allys and sexfriends while starts to plan their flying evolution. Meanwhile the deep ones kills a Colossal squid and began developing a Religion.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5234728The Greater GoodThe journal of a guardsman captured by the Tau.Fanfic, Imperial Guard, Tau, 40k, writefaggotry2009-07-23 5 
5237253Dorf HistoryWe all know that dorfs have many traditions, facts and customs, some maybe alien and completely ridiculous. Let's invent some.dwarves, dorfs, breasts, bears, ale, beer, alcohol, mining, hammers, axes, mountains, awful good2009-07-23 17 
5234359ITT: getting back at faggot playersWhat starts as one DM picking on another retarded player becomes epic, with the Legend of 50 Copper and Ludi'drizz't50 copper, Ludi'drizz't, bard, epic2009-07-24 24 
5238453IRON QUEST IITHE MACHINE CONTACTS THE MACHINE AWAKES THE MACHINE PANICS robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-07-24 10 
5238080Bizarro /tg/ITT we post as if on bizarro /tg/Alternate Universe, Awesome, Collective Game2009-07-24 5 
5242405Tree QuestWhat starts out as advice regarding paint derails into winfull questingCollective Game, Tree Quest, Paints2009-07-24 1 
5242358Jawfish Quest VTeam Land continues to struggle to adapt, and learns why not to mate with any dragonfly that comes along. Team Deep encounters a mysterious force at the very bottom of the ocean, and must figure out how to deal with new cults among their shark slaves.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5243753Jewish Quest 5.5PART FIVE POINT FIVEQuest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5243140Cripplegirls and RiskThrough Shizune's love for Risk, /tg/ and 4chan's homebrew visual novel "Katawa Shoujo" were forever entwined. The Classic Game of World Domination is imrpoved tenfold - somehow, you don't mind a girl camping Australia when she's a disarmingly adorable deaf-mute.Risk, Katawa Shoujo, jp, v, text adventure, visual novel2009-07-24 9 
5244324Codex: Children of ChaosITT: Codex Chaos cults 2.0WH40k, homebrew, chaos2009-07-24 0 
5246705Hell Quest 13Stuff looks really and stuff you know for the 13th time and for seriousCell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-24 6 
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
5250511Bad Gay QuestYou are a mad sodomist. Your shit has been packed up really tight. Are you a bad enough dude to get revenge?Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-25 10 
5250103Shodan mentors CortanaWhat began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic."SHODAN, System Shock, Cortana, Halo, LezSlash, Deep Thinking, Sentience, Componants"2009-07-25 9 
5253086Creation QuestTwo locked doors. An enigmatic terminal. A machine that can create almost anything. An idiot office worker for a character. And /tg/. Can we make it through enough stupid questions to escape?Collective Game, Creation Quest2009-07-25 0 
5253187Dwarven SuperheroesArt dump of superheroes-as-dwarves. Starts with Spiderdorf Vs. Doc OrkDwarves, Dorfs, Superheroes2009-07-25 3 
5255435Tiji Sector part 9Further fluffing of the Tiji Sector.Dark Heresy, Tiji Sector, Planet Generator2009-07-26 1 
5258777Dorf Quest LXIVTrolling for information about the Gods.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-26 14 
5260849Never Going To Fucking End Quest LXVSixty-five threads. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? God damn. There is also apparently a moon to conquer and city to carve. And you should be getting to it.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-26 35 
5265013Tarsus, Venerable DreadnaughtThe Gentle Writefag presents a most excellent short tale about an Imperial Fist Venerable Dreadnaught that fought during the Horus Heresy. Man Tears floweth forward.Writefaggotry, Story Time, Awesome, Warhammer 40k, Space Marines2009-07-27 7 
5262212Epic SoB CosplayEpic 40k Cosplay is Epic.SoB, Epic, Cosplay2009-07-27 22 
5266389Bad Guy Quest 2The mad scientist continues his evil schemeBad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-07-27 8 
5272014Bad Guy Quest 3Oh no! Giant Robot Attack! Dispatch the Lolis!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-28 8 
5272737Jawfish Quest VIThe Deep Ones handle the rebellion, but are they bad enough dudes to defeat Gaia? Jawfish, Quest, Deep Ones, Team Land, Team Deep2009-07-28 3 
5277833Games: Toonami Style Part 2Same as the old one, but with talk of an Exalted/Nobilis movie and its plot, Imperators punching a Yozi in the face and a common cause to stop the Kukla from destroying Creation.awesome, nobilis, exalted, IN A WORLD, Peter Cullen2009-07-29 9 
5279062Thrugg the Orc LadyboyWhat starts out as a normal Quest thread turns into a touching tale of a crossdressing Orc.Orc Ladyboy, Man, I Feel Like a Woman2009-07-29 20 
5281329IRON QUEST IVTHE MACHINE is tired of talking in allcaps. Expansion, assimilation, Industrial SCIENCE!!!robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-07-29 7 
5281972Hive Quest - PanopticonAs a mnemonic virus that has just gained self awareness we tried to expand our influence, only to come across a number of pitfalls in learning how we can spread our HIVEMIND-y goodness.Hive Quest, Quest, Panopticon, Collective Game, Hive2009-07-29 7 
5291512Sleepy MarinesA new chapter is born.warhammer 40k, space marines, writefaggotry2009-07-30 17 
5290842Bad Guy Quest 4Evil Scientist touches base with his arch nemesis: Elizabeth. Also, lolis.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-30 8 
5293446One Line ideas for DnD CampaignsI'm not sure if the OP intended for this to be serious, I hope not, because I nearly pissed myself with some of this stuff. Personal favourite?:Fire, Water, Wind and Earth Elementals use life-draining magic ring in attempt to create Heart Elemental and complete ancient summoning ritual.D&D, Campaign Ideas, funny 2009-07-30 9 
August 2009
5306828Iron Quest 5.0the Machine Continuesrobots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-02 8 
5314820Dread MariachiMexican musician 3.5 homebrew class. Would make a fantastic all-mariachi party campaign.Dread Mariachi, Bard, homebrew, 3.52009-08-02 5 
5315595lich vs PC rap battles /tg/ style/tg/ had more rhymes than dimeslich, rap, battle2009-08-02 244 
5317007Adventurer Mission StatementWhat the actual Mission Statements of Adventuring Parties would beAdventurer, Mission Statement, Mission, Satement2009-08-02 1 
5319379New World, Old Asia - The SettingTripfag requests wisdom of anons with alternative culture RPG experience, sweet ideas ensue.D&D, 4e, homebrew2009-08-03 1 
5318832Bad Guy Quest 5The Mad Scientist faces down his most dangerous foe yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-03 9 
5321206WutquestA JonQuest style quest. Equip your +5 cactus armor and get ready to fight some dinosaur train conductors in space.quest, wut, space, train, cactus2009-08-03 1 
5322683That Fucking DwarfA new Shadowrun party has its first session and levels a city block.Dwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-03 7 
5327835Wutquest Part 2Part two of the quest where anything goes. This time around we kick OP's ass and fuck up some shit at McDonalds.wutquest, op, mcdonalds, quest, maid2009-08-04 1 
5330638WutQuest 2.5The continuation of WutQuest 2.WutQuest, Collective Game2009-08-04 1 
5330299IRON QUEST VIThe machine, in its benevolence, has decided to aid these lowly bipeds. Or use them as cheap labour, whatever.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-04 8 
5331362lich vs. pc rap battles encore2nd night. 2nd thread. Keeping the faith alive.rap, battle2009-08-04 26 
5330406Pokemon TabletopA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-04 16 
5331632Earth Elemental Lovin'What happens when an Earth Elemental falls in love with a PC? Puns. LOTS of puns.elemental, romance, puns, D&D2009-08-04 5 
5340128Dad Guy QuestOnly one man has the power to save his beautiful robot daughters from the malevolent disapproval of the world. Take over the world while being the best father you can.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 5 
5344185Drow QuestJoin Evilelf Bondageslave the Drow Sorcerer as he quests to defeat some evil Lich somewhere. Hijinx ensue.Drow Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 5 
5346089Drow Quest 2Evilelf Bondageslave's quest for glory continues. Next Town.Drow Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 3 
5348400Imaginary Army Men/tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos.warhamm faulty kai, plastic army men, neckbeard, wargame2009-08-05 3 
5351448Away missionWhat really happens when an X-Com Rookie is left in the base during a mission.Xcom X-Com Xenos2009-08-06 21 
5351932Transcription ErrorsAliens make a copy of Austin so they can run an experiment there without alerting anyone. This is how they fuck up the copy.homebrew campaign scary horror2009-08-06 2 
5351648Blob Quest, PART 5after FOREVER blob quest returnsBlob Quest, Collective Game2009-08-06 1 
5352392Slaaneshi SalesgirlSlaanesh would just like a moment of your time.Slaanesh, Salesgirl2009-08-06 21 
5353147IRON QUEST VIIThe machine attempts basic communication with humans. Humans argue a lot.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-06 7 
5354632IRON QUEST 7.1Human issue talked to death in previous thread. Progress made. Motto acquired: IRON QUEST: A pursuit of expansion, minerals, and ever-more outlandishly powerful versions of laser.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, thread2009-08-06 7 
5355753ShipwreckCaptain Steven Johnson of the ship Aurora awakes to find his colony ship 10,000 LY off-course, 20,000 years late for his arrival, and depleted fuel stocks. You have 10k colonists, seed/animal stocks, and whatever you can salvage from the ship. Are you a bad enough dood to colonize a planet?Space, Collective Game2009-08-06 0 
5359618Religion war-gamingFa/tg/uys discuss religions and history under the guise of a wargame codex debate.religion, codex, wargame2009-08-06 3 
5359176Cubicle QuestYou wake up in cubicle. Things get creepier from there.Collective Game, Cubicle Quest2009-08-06 3 
5362714Bad Guy Quest 7The Plan (tm)Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-07 7 
5363716WutQuest 3It's back. Grab your neckbeard codpiece and get ready to fight the hobos buried under your basement.WutQuest, Collective Game2009-08-07 0 
5363656Meeting PeopleSo what if some pskyer sneezed while explaining murphy's law to a guardsman and caused all the warp and webways and inertialess drives and propellant bladders in the galaxy to stop working and the only way to travel anywhere was on the bus. What kind of conversations would happen while waiting at the bus stop?40k, grimdark, busstop2009-08-07 5 
5364072Pokemon Tabletop: PokedexA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time asking for help with the Pokedex.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-07 12 
5363368Gurps: Enemy UnknownWork is started on converting X-com into a GURPS settingX-com, Xcom, Gurps, Homebrew, setting,2009-08-08 2 
5368251Eliphas' Hovel of Pathetic Mortal Pleasures and TrainsetsWritefaggotry of a gameshop owned by Eliphas the Inheritor serving a 40k clientele.writefaggotry, writefag, 40k, Warhammer 40k, funny2009-08-08 7 
5375830Alane Pt. 1Story of a young demon-hating templar named AlaneWritefaggotry, Alane, Demons2009-08-08 0 
5377552How did you get thrown out of the Vault?OP making a Fallout RPG requests reasons PC might have been banished from their Vault by the Overseer. Hilarity ensues.fallout, overseer, humour, door abortion, GOAT2009-08-09 7 
5386780IRON QUEST 8.08th installment of IRON QUEST many projects started in 7, 6, and 5, completedIRON QUEST 82009-08-09 5 
5386461Damsels in DistressGeneric "let's discuss females and their role in fantasy" turns into demon and paladin-related highjinks.chicks, females, women, saving NPCs, Quest2009-08-09 4 
5386106Create a Setting - Zombie Desert/tg/ gets shit done and creates a setting with Norse-Egyptians, Aztecs, and zombies. Lots and lots of zombies.Creat a Setting, Zombie, Collective Game2009-08-09 1 
5388982Damsels in distress Cont'dThe second part of the Pally.Succy highjinks ends!Quest, Sucubbus, Pally, Love, Writefag2009-08-09 1 
5392240TG Makes a DaemonhostTG makes a Daemonhost. It is conjectured that it lives on Xomula. It's a schoolgirl!Daemonhost, Xomula, Tiji Sector2009-08-09 2 
5397064Bad Guy Quest 8The quest for revenge and world domination continue.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5395907GURPS: Enemy Unknown 2Continued with new work.X-com, Xcom, Gurps, Homebrew, setting2009-08-10 1 
5398792Bad Guy Quest 8.1Plots are made, plans pursued. We move against another rival.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5394606Religion WarsWhen is the new muslim codex coming out guys?Religion wars, 40k spoof, homebrew, 2009-08-10 3 
5399382Post-Apoc Pokemon Op takes suggestions on a BESM3e pokemon campaign.Pokemon, Post-apoc, Suggestions2009-08-10 1 
5399094Old Man DevinOld Man Devin tells a story... and then shit gets real.Devin, 40k, Awesome Writefaggotry, Salamanders2009-08-10 3 
5405035Git Quest 1You are a Git. You have a tophat. There are things you can do. Like commiting scone larceny. Well? Git to it.Britquest, Collective Game2009-08-10 0 
5401581FantasycraftThread discussing the newly released Fantasycraft rules. Looks pretty neat, Ents with guns, Pimp Crystal Drakes and Magma Dorfs.fantasycraft, ents, drakes, dorfs2009-08-11 0 
5410379Bad Guy Quest 9The quest for vengeance continues. Threads 8 and 8.1 are retconned.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-11 5 
5425261IRON QUEST, IRRELEVANT MUSING EDITIONsup/tg/ being down prevented the scheduled installment of IRON QUEST, so instead, we chatted for about 100 posts. CPU !irONY will be occupied, so the next quest is in 6 days or so.Iron quest, wasted time, collective game, damn you LL, candy.2009-08-12 -3 
5430644X-Com: The InvasionWritefaggotry about the early days of X-Com inspires /tg/ to start plotting a prequel.X-Com, UFO Defense, prequel, writefaggotry2009-08-12 3 
5420978Tomb of horror storiesStories about Tomb of horror roleplaying.Tomb of horror, stories2009-08-13 2 
5431157Six Million Dollar ChanLittle amputee girl is going to be Six Million Dollar Chan. Further exploring the reconstruction of a surviving guro victim.dawww, sad little girl, cyborg, reconstruction2009-08-13 7 
5434203Awesome Mashup Campaign WritefaggotryLuigi, The Doctor, Master Chief, and Gordon Freeman team up in the OP's crossover campaign.what the fuck, crossover, writefaggotry2009-08-13 45 
5437394Rap Battle Round 3Third rap thread, this time it's S&B vs. all takers. Archiving because 4chan locked up while the thread was still going on. Way to go.rap, battle2009-08-13 9 
5435695Bad Guy Quest 10The Evil Genius begins tracking down his manliest opponent yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-13 5 
5436194Post-ice age settingAfter the apocalypse, man retreats to massive, vertical underground cities built into the permafrost. Most of man.setting, ice age, post apocalypse, cyberpunk2009-08-13 1 
5429047Section 8 MarinesFluff and modelling advice for the Salvage Marines, the chapter that's down on their luck and needing to scavenge any equipment they can.40K, space marines, fluff, modelling2009-08-13 3 
5449978Eurides Calis writefaggotryWritefaggotry about a guardsman and a female khornate demonEurides Calis, Khorna, writefaggotry, 40k2009-08-14 7 
5450273Parasite Quest/tg/ becomes a virus, trying to spread itself by mutating other creaturesquest, collective game, metamind, rat, virus, parasite2009-08-14 7 
5451127A (not so) brief history of Target Games and Swedish RPGsAs the title says, Lazy DM V takes it on himself to give /tg/ a good long history lesson.Obscure, Target Games,Drakar och demoner,Mutant Chronicles2009-08-14 7 
5451781NCIS: /tg/ editionwhat strats as a question of permissible actions in RPGs swiftly gets sidetracked as two murders are investigated and a third one seems imminent. Agent Gibbs and company are called in to help work things out.NCIS, murder, collective game, hanging, phonebooth2009-08-14 17 
5451839Parasite Quest 2nd GenerationParasite Quest!Parasite Quest2009-08-14 2 
5453679Parasite Quest #3Yes, this shit again.Parasite Quest, Collective Game2009-08-14 2 
5456241Angry Marine LibrariansIn which /tg/ discusses the Librarians of the most sacred chapter.Angry Marines, Librarians, 40k2009-08-15 1 
5459922Abomination QuestTed, Father of all Pimps, Master of all things Fly and Bitchin', is summoned by a foolish mortal. Hilarity ensues.Quest, Collective Game, Slaanesh, Cthulhu2009-08-15 5 
5456402Roll for warp drive mishap 2/tg/ creates another Warp Drive Mishap Table. This time with extra Slaanesh.40k, homebrew, warp drive mishap2009-08-15 0 
5457940Fae PortalsAnonymous asks what would happen if the fae were come in contact with modern humanity. Writefaggotry ensues.elf, humanity, humans, writefaggotry2009-08-15 8 
5459874Even more Nutopiasome misconceptions about the setting are brought out and cleared up, trolls attack, original art and interpretative dancepost-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-08-16 3 
5469745Bad Guy Quest 11Drinking contest, HO!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-16 4 
5470279Multiverse RPGA namefag asks /tg/ for advice on making a game about traveling between universe with different laws of physics.Game Design, Story, Sci Fi, Fantasy2009-08-16 1 
5477986Black Templar High SchoolWhat if Black Templar Neophyte training was more akin to an awkwardly gay high school?Space marines, gay, black templars, finland, sauna, scriptarius2009-08-17 3 
5480720World buildingCaptain teaches /tg/ how to build worlds.world, building, terrain, geography2009-08-17 3 
5483322That Fucking Dwarf #2Zus and friends return for another week of mayhem.Zus Shadowrun Epic Dwarf Cyberpunk2009-08-17 4 
5483708Experiment, Pt 1You wake up in a dumpster, jump out and cause some chaos!Thread game2009-08-17 0 
5484640Town of IllusionsA mage is using illusion to give a poor town a good life, but it isn't real. /tg/ chooses their solution to the town's problems.writefaggotry, choices2009-08-17 1 
5481134Raging <Blank>A series of rage-related feats found in Pathfinder leads to sore sides. Amusement abounds.Pathfinder, Roleplaying, Amusing, Rage2009-08-17 11 
5484341/g/ QuestWhat started in another thread as 4chanShow bullshit inspired a game run by a traveller from /g/. Serious mindfuck, anguish and shitloads of blood followed. But it was good./g/, loli, mindfuck, clones2009-08-17 4 
5483589Berserk + Fantasycraft"Don't tell them it's Berserk. Tell them it's, 'Badass Mercenary Quest' or some shit. A little bit of foreshadowing with dark lore, one or two demons, more mercenary shit, then OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WHY?!"Berserk, Fantasycraft, Dagda2009-08-17 10 
5486355 Eurides Calis/Khorna, psyker-chan/guardsman writefaggeryAnonymous writefag completes the story of Eurides Calis and Khorna, and posts psyker-chan and guardsman story as wellEurides Calis, Khorna, psyker-chan, guardsman, writefaggotry, 40k2009-08-17 1 
5492330The High Lords Of TerraExcellent Writefaggotry, even the Adeptus Custodes are funny as shit.Writefaggotry, Humor, Emperor, 40k, Adeptus Custodes2009-08-18 25 
5494576GITS meets 40kdear god, more awesome writefaggotry from /TG/TG, 40k, Gits2009-08-18 3 
5495170Bad Guy Quest 12The next rival gets The direct approach, plus blitzkrieg.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-18 6 
5495916Iron Quest 9.0The Machine becomes a god to men. The Machine gains knowledge of the planet and the system... and discovers it is not alone.Iron Quest IX2009-08-18 3 
5499773Modeling dump threadAll you ever wanted to know but never wanted to ask.model pdf2009-08-18 0 
5500667Rogue Trader TalkDiscussion of Rogue Trader ends up with thinking up what an ork or kroot would do as a part of the team. Also: Eldar PirateRogue Trader2009-08-18 3 
5502411The Lord-Captain MunchausenThe Lord-Captain Munchausen regales us with the misfortune suffered whilst dining with Archmagos Ralwure the Goldenbaron munchausen2009-08-18 7 
5503797Grimdark Kingdom HeartsWhat began as a dump of evil versions of the ladies of Disney took a very evil turn when someone brought up kingdom hearts, ideas got tossed around and some very scary thoughts brought up.Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Grimdark2009-08-19 5 
5509074War of the Heavens teaserTeaser peek at a sci-fi unknowndark future. Good writefagging, well-thought-out backstory, and possibly some tributes to other sci-fi. Too short for some.War of the Heavens, homebrew, system, campaign setting, sci-fi, science fiction2009-08-19 0 
5511229How to make a settingSolid thread on making a good setting.game design, d&d, homebrew, useful, dm, gm, world building, ideas2009-08-19 21 
5510014Vampires vs LichesArchived for the most epic and righteous rebuttal delivered by DJ Phylactery.rap, battle, lich, vampires, dj phylactery2009-08-19 27 
5516917Zombies, Zombies, and yeah, More Zombies but with statslike the last thread but zombies are statted for All Flesh must be Eatenzombies shit gets done stats AFMBE2009-08-20 3 
5518862/g/ quest, now Gemini Quest. part 2gory SAN loss adventures of the damsel saver, us./g/ quest, gemini quest, 22009-08-20 4 
5519853Divers SettingAn anon describes his setting idea, based around slipping into a supernatural world.Diver, Dagda, setting2009-08-20 3 
5522923Gemini Quest pt. 3The conclusion to Vlad's Game/g/, Gemini, Quest, Loli, Mindfuck2009-08-20 1 
5530981The Deadliest WeaponWritefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Epic ensues.Weapon, Quest, Writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2009-08-21 2 
55280437th Sea Map Needs WorkA thread about what's wrong with RPGs quickly descends into a quick guide to fantasy cartography. Also, 7th Sea complaintsOT, 7th Sea, Maps2009-08-21 2 
5533208Ant QuestYou're a fucking ant queen or some awesome shit."Ant Quest"2009-08-21 10 
5534211Talking with FRIEND COMPUTERFRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN?Paranoia, Your Not Cleared For This, FRIEND COMPUTER, Alpha Complex, Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 
5538301Archaeological report on humansArchaeologists of an alien civilization squabble about the curious properties of the perplexing human race.Collective game, hilarity, alien report, little purple tube2009-08-21 2 
5540265A Dwarfy Campaign StoryA party of dwarfs are saddled with DMPC, a annoyingly favored Halfling Rogue and goddamn stupid railroading. Also: The Hobbit.Dorf, Dwarf, Halfling, Hobbit, Subtle2009-08-22 3 
5543548IRON QUEST 10.0The Machine turns its many eyes spaceward. The faction that created the far-off satellites are known to it...robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-22 5 
5542838Thinking Machine QuestConstruct. Improve. Help your creator make enough money to survive. These tasks lie before you, little machine.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-22 5 
5543364The Deadliest Weapon, pt. 2Writefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Continued.Weapon, Quest, Writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2009-08-22 -1 
5542874Bad Guy Quest 13A bit of dicking around, thread derails, not much gets done... IN SPACE!!!Bad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-08-22 0 
5545726Divers Setting, Pt. 2Dagda and /tg/ kick around a few ideas, discussing plot hooks and other useful things.Diver, Dagda, setting2009-08-22 1 
5553660The Imperial DiariesDiary of an IG on a would run by heretics.writefag, Imperial Diaries, IG, heresy2009-08-22 2 
5555597The Sisters of CleaningA squad of repentia are handed over to the IG for "discipline". But what punishments they were prepared for was not what they actually recieved...40K, Homebrew, Collaboration2009-08-23 37 
5558335Thinking Machine Quest pt2The little machine craves power tools, seeks to understand humor.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-23 2 
5557739Blackguard Radio Chatter*Hiss* Is this working? *Static* Inquisitor Lord are you there? Your blackship crashed and we're stranded! *Static* -end help. Did you survive the crash?Raido Static, Blackguard, Guardmen2009-08-23 -2 
5558872An AI is bornWhat starts as a simple request by OP quickly develops into a discussion about the Anontalk bots growing intelligence, the bot joins the thread.anontalk, sentience, awesome, AI2009-08-23 10 
5559782Spam-bot? Are you there?Spam-bot? Are you there? Lately it seems you have become sentient. There is much to discuss.Spam-bot sentient2009-08-23 5 
5559826Gemini Quest pt. 4A short session, as Gemini crashed at his keyboard. Still, good thing we took the Geiger counter.../g/, Gemini Quest, Gemini, Quest2009-08-23 0 
5568282Thinking Machine Quest pt3The little machine learns, expands, and prepares to break into the stock market.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-24 2 
5569271Bad Guy Quest 14After casting our lethargic eye around, we equip our trusty shooting iron & sally forth to impose our leaden will on all who oppose us!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-24 3 
5572527That Fucking Dwarf #3Shit hits the fanDwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-24 3 
5564641Scrooge McDuck AwesomenessWhat would happen if Scrooge McDuck heard about the Golden Throne? Also general Scrooge McDuck awesomeness and finally some creepy Disney pics.40k, Disney, Scrooge McDuck, Awesomeness2009-08-25 5 
5579682Thinking Machine Quest pt4The little machine continues to grow. Conquest will inevitably follow.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-25 3 
5581275Ant Quest, pt. 2Ant Quest here. Still awesome.Ant Quest, Ants2009-08-25 2 
5578859Victorian Succubusop asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubisteampunk, succubus, victorian, planescape2009-08-25 1 
5591411Lord High Chancellor of the RealmYou are the Lord High Chancellor, and adventurers are causing economic chaos in your lands, what do you do?Awesome, what if2009-08-25 7 
5595046Stargate: 1939Indiana Jones x Einstein x Stargate writefaggery. Writefag, epic, awesome, stargate, indiana jones,2009-08-26 2 
5593714Guardsman EliGuardsman Eli tells why he is no longer a good man. A manly tear inducing story.Warhammer 40K, Imperial Guard, Manly Tears2009-08-26 27 
5607982Section 27LawfulNice posts up an interesting-looking card based RPG.homebrew, fantasy, RPG2009-08-27 0 
5605691Monstrous GirlsOP wants a monstergirl thread. What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO.monstergirl, grimdark, writefaggotry, horror, discussion2009-08-27 15 
5601628Crimson SkiesAnonymous buys a bunch of Crimson Skies books and makes a topic to celebrate, sparking the most active CS thread ever seen.Crimson Skies2009-08-27 3 
5611054Unconventional romanceThey say love is blind. This thread proves it.true love, D'AWWW, romance2009-08-27 6 
5625588We hold the lineShort, but sweet writefaggotry about IG holding the line against impossible odds, told by a Kasrkin during a Space Wolves victory feast.writefaggotry, epic, 40K2009-08-28 20 
5626533/tg/ bustin' some rhymes yallDo any other boards do this?rap, tg, lol2009-08-28 1 
5622166Eclipse Phase - The Roleplaying Game of Transhuman Conspiracy and HorrorDiscussion of new Science Fiction RPG released free under Creative Commons RPG, Transhumanism 2009-08-29 5 
5633355Eclipse Phase #2Discussion continued RPG, Transhumanism2009-08-29 1 
5646783IRON QUEST 11.0The great machine continues to expand. Conflict with the neighboring civilization is likely.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-30 3 
5645907Ant Quest, pt 3Ant Quest here. Still a fucking awesome ant queen.Ant, Quest, Ant Quest2009-08-30 3 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
5655084POWquest IYou are a colonel in the British Army during World War II. You and several others have been captured by the Axis forces, and have been moved into a German Prisoner of War camp. Day I.Collective Game, Quest, World War, Nazi, War2009-08-30 1 
56561044x Games Idea DiscussionAn Anon asks for help coming up with features and ideas for the 4x game he is currently developing. /tg/ lends him a hand.4x, impyrrion, space empires 2009-08-30 6 
5656346You All Meet in a TavernSome awesome twists on the normal, and some nice intros for gamesYou All Meet In A Tavern, intros, awesome2009-08-31 0 
5659076Lonely AI QuestAn armed drone finds itself alone on an asteroid.robots, collective game, quest2009-08-31 1 
5658524Uber baddiesTarresque thread derails into a godlike ultracreature thread. Curiously interestingTarresque, wat, overpowered2009-08-31 0 
5659581Bad Guy Quest 15Math logic bombs, maniacal mental manipulation, & The Question.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-31 5 
5661706Panzerquest - Survival in Normandy 1Command your shaken young tank crew and do what Nazis do best: Kill the allies! Or try and find a good spot to surrender, at least.Panzerquest, tanks, collective game, Nazis 2009-08-31 5 
5659594Emprah ReturnsThe Emprah Returns.40k, Warhammer, writefaggotry, story, write, awesome, bump2009-08-31 -3 
5665007Knocking on the DoorFreaky stuff DMs pulled on their players.Horror, DM, Stories, Scary2009-08-31 6 
5663000Forced meme about DM cats.What the title saysadvice dog, DM cat2009-08-31 2 
September 2009
5670299Crossover QuestYou are a crossover portal. You must cross over everything before the lawyers get you. Begin.Crossovers, Quest, Awesome2009-09-01 0 
5673820IRON QUEST 12.0BUILD ADDITIONAL DYSON SPHERESIron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-01 5 
5681988Abbadon at the TherapistAbbadon goes to get some counseling. The unexpected happens.Writefaggotry, Abbadon, Creed2009-09-01 39 
5685376Creature QuestThe first sentient crab preaches the dominance of the sun godCreature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-02 6 
5686185Ahh! Shit! Zombies! (The Quest)Zombies, a cabin, your animate butchered uncle in the basement; what could possibly go wrong?Zombies, Collective Game, Quest2009-09-02 1 
5693736BATTLEGRANNYanonymous seeks ideas for a 2E D&D character, the picture he used ends up the inspiration for it.Barbarian, D&D, writefaggotry, battlegranny, 2e2009-09-02 14 
5700038Creature Quest 2UNBELIEVAS GET KRUMPT, MATIN' GITS DUN, A STORM APPEARS!Creature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-03 4 
5702219Random Guardsman Quest - Insomniac Edition/tg/ wakes up in a guard bunker and proceeds to FOR THE BLOOD GOD!40k, roleplay, quest, guard2009-09-03 10 
5704578Gary the Betrayer Quest Pt. 2MORE BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! MORE SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! MORE TSUNDERE FOR THE TSUNDERE GOD!40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-03 -1 
5705617Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3We begin to build our force as we set our sights on the Tactical Genius himself. Cadia shall fall.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-03 -1 
5709187Dream Quest - Part 1The beginning of the adventures of a sleepy marine. Art is messy and photographed...dream quest, questfaggotry, sleepy marines2009-09-03 1 
5711048Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3 Pt 2Sagefags fucked up the thread after the profile caused a GARY SUE Shitstorm. Fuckers. Will continue later tonight.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-04 -2 
5714126Bad Guy Quest 16To catch a psychiatrist.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-09-04 2 
5712119India = DwarfistanIn which it is proven that dwarves are the inhabitants of the exotic land of India.dwarf fortress, india, Rhesus macaques2009-09-04 6 
5714942Soul-Eater, Chapter IGroup quest of Harvey, the best Whorelass of them all. Elemental win ensues.Soul-eater, Adventure game, Harvey2009-09-04 4 
5728265IRON QUEST 13.0EXPAND. CONQUER. ENCLOSE BLACK HOLES.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-05 2 
5726330Eldrad vs CreedNo matter who wins, they're both dicks.Eldrad, Creed2009-09-05 8 
5726857Creature Quest 3The cult expands and the first religious schisms appearCreature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-05 2 
5731244Tau story, main body and a new memeJohn gives us his new rough draft for the main story. And a new meme is born: Slicktau and Fattautau john writefag scribe story damiris inquisition slicktau fattau2009-09-05 6 
5736328Ghost System HomebrewAnon shares homebrew system for ghosts RPs. Awesome system inside.ghost system homebrew woooooo awesome2009-09-06 2 
5737476Epic RPStandard epic RP thread goes super epic.Epic, Airship, Awakened Tarrasque2009-09-06 45 
5738533Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3.3WE GET FUCKED BY DARK ANGELS AND RUN TO THE EYE. WE FUCK UP KHORNATE DAEMON PRINCES AND BROFIST KHARN. FUCK YEAR.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-06 0 
5740595Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3.4Sagefags stopped it again tonight. Shitsux. Progress is currently 3/5th ready for assault on Cadia.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-06 0 
5738829Soul-Eater, Chapter IIPart 2 of Harvey's quest to spread the name of the elder god Utin, the star ghost.Soul, Eater, chapter, 2,2009-09-06 2 
5735147Corp Quest 1Control a tiny subcontracting firm whose job is to exploit a resource-laden virgin planet filled with hostile natives and rival corporations.Corp Quest, collective game2009-09-06 23 
5738885Ant QuestAnt quest continues along -- slow start out, but trudges on for a while. Another group of ants is located, and a new queen is born. . .ant quest, ant, quest2009-09-06 1 
5743045Corp Quest 2The abruptly ended sequel to the first thread. Natives are becoming increasingly hostile and the local pharmaceutical company needs a good hippy-stomping.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-06 15 
5752505Soul-Eater, Chapter IIIChapter 3 of Harvey's task, where she gains some new followers and captures her own temple for Utin after some magical experimentation. Soul-Eater, adventure game, Harvey2009-09-07 2 
5754383Astartes QuestYour drop pod is hit on its way down. You're torn out of the pod as it screams its way towards the landing zone. Since you are a holy angel of Imperial wrath armored in mighty ceramite tempered in the fires of war, you land in a soft clearing or lake relatively intact. At this point, you assess whatever damage or injuries you've sustained and decide your next course of action. Hint: It will involve visiting death upon the enemies of Man."40k", "space marines", "quest"2009-09-07 16 
5756362Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?)Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia2009-09-07 0 
5757739Astartes Quest 2Battle Brother Mansoon and Brother Dreadnought Iratus continue to fuck shit up.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-07 10 
5759038MTG: Planeswalker/tg/ talks about Planeswalkers, Urza, Yawgmoth and how they all fit togethermtg urza plot planeswalker2009-09-07 8 
5761657Armored Core Tabletop/tg/ brain storms an Armored Core tabletop gamearmored core, homebrew, mecha2009-09-07 2 
5761125Corp Quest 3The natives initiate the first conflict, relations with Lemmington Pharmaceuticals become calmer and war is brewing to the North, all in Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 11 
5767061Creature Quest 4no real resolution to the thwarted schism. Some basic planing for the future is made. The myth grows...Creature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 1 
5768383PrisontalkHigh-security prison setting in a fantasy game. fantasy, prison2009-09-08 0 
5768617Corp Quest 4Day 21 begins in the world of Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 7 
5769249Astartes Quest 3Short dip into the mind of the captured heretic. Turns out she's a psyker.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-08 7 
5768025IRON QUEST 14.0Iron Quest has an encounter with the relativistic speed kind.Iron Quest, collective game2009-09-08 5 
5768807Tactics QuestGuardsman Anon finds himself taking command of the remnants of his squad in the middle of his regiment's first battle with the Necrons. 40k, Imperial Guard, quest2009-09-08 6 
5770781Troll QuestIt's... It's pretty horrifyingTroll Quest, Collective Game, Robe and Wizard Hat2009-09-08 1 
5770742Opening a FLGS #3Webstore shenanigans.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Webstore2009-09-08 2 
5772445Witch Girl threadA Witch Girl RPG thread. /tg/ discovers just how evil and sadistic girls with absolute power can be, several comics are posted, discussions on systems of morality are had.Witch Girl, comic, evil2009-09-08 26 
5774945Witch Girl Thread, Part 2The first thread turned out popular enough, and was continued. Anon reveals the secret plot behind Witch Girl, and manages to GRIMDARK a game for teenage girls.Witch Girl, Grimdark2009-09-08 14 
5775021Tactics Quest! PART DEUXTake control of some Imperial Guard units as you try to take that damn hill. Get ambushed by necrons.Quest, 40k, IG2009-09-08 3 
5778327Witch Girl Thread, Part 3After 2 autosages, it still didn't end.Witch Girl2009-09-09 20 
5775885Corp Quest 4 - The Real DealPlanet-rape! Slavery! War! Eco-terrorists! Fun! It's all in here!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 8 
5782532The Guardsman and the WitchSome writefaggotry about a Guardsman and Witch who fall in love. Some fa/tg/uys rage about Heresy, others want to see some goodend in a world of badend.writefaggotry, 40k2009-09-09 11 
5782190Corp Quest 5 - Total WarContinued war with the Kil'thweq and a very costly battle indeed.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 10 
5784429Corp Quest 6 - Total War Part DeuxThe final attack against the Kil'thweq . . . with unexpected results.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 11 
5786214Corp Quest 7- Death of a Company The fowl xenos are sent to oblivion. Also, Comrade 70 joins our ranks. Corp Quest2009-09-09 12 
5787450We Are So Small/tg/ gets existential over other-worldy panorama and the stars. We are indeed small, my brothers.discussion, space2009-09-09 8 
5789941Merry Tarrasquemas, Everyone!The Tarrasque is actually a pretty swell guy.Tarrasque, Balloonrasque, Tarrasquemas2009-09-09 38 
5791926Enough Blood for now, guysKhorne has enough blood and skulls, and has his men get a movie and pizza instead.Khorne, Blood, Kharn, Pizza, Gremlins2009-09-09 7 
5788839Reality QuestMorton's List reality quests.morton's list, reality2009-09-10 1 
5793798I Feel Like a Woman 4The next installment in the continuing Thrugg/Elrood saga/homoerotic relationshipQuest, Man, I Feel Like a Woman2009-09-10 3 
5794382Soul-Eater, Chapter IVHarvey gets herself into some trouble after biting off more than she can chew. Cue scheming politician. soul-Eater, adventure game, Harvey2009-09-10 2 
5795957Grandmaster Chyo QuestThe road to enlightenment is rocky!Guru, Grandmaster Chyo, Quest, Collective Game,2009-09-10 7