/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2008
1231166Red Crawler's Next UpdateMore delicious update in the most epic monster-PC campaign ever.Red Crawler, Monster, D&D, Campaign2008-02-26 6 
April 2008
1586226Bureacracy in 40KYour thread is very important to us, please hold.40K, paperwork, red tape2008-04-23 11 
May 2008
1804769Stygian SharkWhat started out as a random picture of a bricks-shat ultra shark turns into a campaign idea involving gnomes, evil three-headed shark-clerics and a half-water elemental Gnoll. Wait, wut?shark, stygian, leviathan, red garados, ohdeargod2008-05-24 0 
June 2008
1917552SkullmurderedA Dorf Fortress world-generation creates a unique terrain feature. Creepy writefaggotry and BAD ENDS follow.skullmurdered, BAD END, writefaggotry2008-06-06 5 
1957603Skullmurdered Part 2A continuation of the Legend of Skullmurdered, as well as various Dwarf Fortress trivia.Skullmurdered, skull, murder, murdered, dwarf, fortress, dwarf fortress, DF, horror2008-06-12 1 
October 2008
2861381Rediscovering BoatmurderedIn which excerpts from the diary of a dorf questing to find and explore the ruins of the legendary Fortress Boatmurdered, carving amulets in his spare time.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2008-10-23 16 
June 2009
4748059Merrygate and friendsImagedump of Merrygate from AC:4A turns to a general discussion on mecha ending in the creation of an Armored Core homebrew system. And Anonymous rejoiced.Armored Core, dat ass, dem titties2009-06-03 6 
July 2009
5107759Boatmurdered, Post-Apocalyptic CampaignOP wants to run a Fallout style campaign of exploring the world as dwarves, after dwarf-caused worldwide apocalypse of lava triggered by the Boatmurdered fortress. /tg/ decides this is awesome and offers suggestions.Boatmurdered, Fallout, apocalypse of lava2009-07-06 8 
5109384Re-rediscovering BoatmurderedA followup to thread 2861381, in which excerpts from the diary of a dorf questing to find his brother, carving amulets in his spare time.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2009-07-06 11 
5121984Re-rediscovering Boatmurdered ContinuedAnon reposts and continues the excerpts of Rith Sividsgun's diary from thread >>5109384. It is most excellent.Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2009-07-10 10 
August 2009
5534211Talking with FRIEND COMPUTERFRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN?Paranoia, Your Not Cleared For This, FRIEND COMPUTER, Alpha Complex, Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 
5658524Uber baddiesTarresque thread derails into a godlike ultracreature thread. Curiously interestingTarresque, wat, overpowered2009-08-31 0 
September 2009
5761657Armored Core Tabletop/tg/ brain storms an Armored Core tabletop gamearmored core, homebrew, mecha2009-09-07 2 
November 2009
6880035Motherfucking (Dragon) Quest ThreadA dragon hatches and is greeted with the sight of a cave with several dead dragon wyrmlings. It sets out on an adventure and discovers some local history."Red dragon, Black dragon, Goblin, Wolves, Cave2009-11-27 3 
January 2010
7379840Freddie Mercury the PsykerFreddie Mercury prophesied the outcome of WH40K's endless warfreddie mercury, queen, WK40K2010-01-02 5 
7756733Redwall RPGRedwall RPG. Nostalgia ensues. Ends up with the creation of Badgerborn. Redwall, Badgers, Badgerborn, Nostalgia2010-01-25 7 
February 2010
8079986Redwall StattedLeman Russ provides racial stats for the creatures of Redwall.Redwall, homebrew, nostalgia2010-02-14 4 
8085772AVP quest pt 1Anon attempts to survive as a colonial marine in a three way clusterfuck. Lot's of running, shooting, betrayal and pissing our pants in abject terror ensues. So, business as usual in the Corps then?quest thread, collective game, aliens, predator, game over man, game over2010-02-15 5 
April 2010
9395826Jopall Indentured Regiment/tg/ discusses a long-neglected Imperial Guard regiment of under-handed, money-obsessed scoundrels. Writefaggotry is done. 40k, Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry, Jopall, Jopall Indentured Squadrons2010-04-24 7 
May 2010
9878984oWOD vs. nWOD - and rednecks.Basically what it says on the label - a debate on the pros and cons of the two systems/settings, intermixed with snippets of "life" as seen through the eyes of an unfortunate group of rednecks who somehow got Embraced into Clan Toreador.vampire, nwod, owod, rednecks, writefaggotry2010-05-18 0 
June 2010
10577311The Redeemer anonymous posts a seriously badass 40k comic from 2002. Much purging and over the top awesomeness was witnessed. Redeemer, 40k, warhammer, necromunda, hive city, purge2010-06-18 7 
October 2010
126310941001 Things to do when you're bored(If you're a cosmic level wizard)./tg/ had trouble counting sometimes.Wizards, Bored, Things to do, Cosmic Level2010-10-31 5 
November 2010
12943002Shattered Uniontg discusses how, and along what socio/politico lines the US would fragment.cool, shattered union2010-11-27 0 
December 2010
13305145The Eternal Orb/tg/ collaborates on creating a custom setting with each post adding to the world. Plotlines, BBEGs, civilizations and more are created as this melting pot of ideas comes to a boil.homebrew, custom setting, the eternal orb, eternal, orb, kollinan, The Red Lady, Halvergan2010-12-28 0 
13311710Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED ReleaseTeam AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, BMJ, Sachiel, REDACTED, Evangelion, Homebrew2010-12-28 15 
January 2011
13458341Dies the Fire: Sans Fail/tg/ takes S.M. Sterling's incredibly homosexual wiccan masturbatory fantasy series, and transforms it into a vibrant struggle between the post-apocalyptic remnants of North America. Who will endure? The Catholic New Roman Empire of California, the Communist States of New England, or the caliginous Yoeman tribes of the great plains? Only one thing is certain: Sterling is an ass grabbing moron.Dies the Fire, World Building, Rome Has Conquered, Communism, Post Apocalyptic2011-01-10 7 
13717670Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIFurther fleshing out the Shattered Sun setting. Politics and ethnicities of the Holy City detailed, theories expounded on the nature of The Other EggShattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry, phoenix, sun2011-01-31 8 
February 2011
13816299Brian Jacques is dead/tg/ spends time discussing the Redwall author's works and food. Much sad is had.Brian Jacques, Jacques, Redwall, dead author, author2011-02-08 18 
13879469Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIIA new area is discovered in the growing world under the Shattered Sun, inspiring a plot involving scheming Masters within Terec's Alchemist Guild. Also, more ideas being bounced around for your reading pleasure! Paladins? Magic? People? Non-human races, even!?Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Gateway to Hell2011-02-13 7 
14064910Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IVA return to the Shattered Sun setting in an attempt to make it more cohesive. Thus far, racial descriptions, magic types, a revisit to the more Aztec-like pygmy race, a possible aquatic race thanks to another thread, and more ideas than you can shake a stick at!Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Anchordread2011-02-27 0 
April 2011
14594217Stat LeechOP describes a character encountered in his game, with the horrific ability to absorb others' stat levels.character, game, what do, stats, 3.5, girl, DM, Pun Pun, overpowered2011-04-15 4 
14630047Gladiatrix Manager Quest IAnon challenges us to chose a lady-warrior and send her into the ring for the amusement of the crowd.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Giant Frog2011-04-18 7 
14641861Gladiatrix Manager Quest 2Gneutered does more yelling at various people, figures out how to game the system a bit, and buys a third slave. A training montage ensues, followed by more fighting.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina2011-04-19 7 
14712324Gladiatrix Manager Quest 3In which Gneutered turns down a deathmatch, coaches said deathmatch anyway, has her fighters take on a dire jackal, makes a pile of money, and gets ready for a party.party, gladiatrix, manager, quest, female, gladiator, gneutered, gnoll, lizardfolk, SSssS, Slicks, Antonina, Septimia2011-04-25 7 
14721967Gladiatrix Manager Quest 4Mostly scheming. Some partying. A bit of gladiatrix managing, of course. No fighting, uncharacteristically.Gladiatrix, Manager, Quest, Gladiator, Female, Antonina, Septimia, Slicks, SSssS, Arena, Gneutered2011-04-26 7 
May 2011
14772442Gladiatrix Manager Quest 5A lot of extremely successful fighting occurs. Also, some scheming with regards to intentionally getting slaves killed (answer: no) and sabotaging reputations of assholes (answer: yes).Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-01 7 
14784026Gladiatrix Manager Quest 6Very little progress gets made, but shit gets moderately real outside of the fights as all sides involved awkwardly and politely harass each other.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-02 7 
14830436Gladiatrix Manager Quest 7Some spying continues. Also, the fighters learn to speak gnoll (poorly), and presumably some espionage happens off camera. Also, fighting.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-06 7 
14898581Gladiatrix Manager Quest 8Very little happens due to OP's shitty sleep schedule, but the plot advances a bit. Things look good for Volcatia, but there might be more happening below the surface.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia, collective game2011-05-12 7 
14912932Rogue Trader Thread As Dumb as ThemOP describes his 'brilliant' creation in rogue trader, leaving /tg/ to wonder what the fuck he just did there.Fuck You Guys Are As Dumb As Them, Rogue Trader, Heresy, 40k, Predators, Doctor Who2011-05-13 12 
15032725Eyes of Mordred Spess MahreensNew chapter creation thingyChapter Creation, Eyes of Mordred, 40k, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-24 2 
15055851Eyes of Mordred 2Chapter creation thread 2 - fluffing out the chapterEyes of Mordred, Chapter creation, Space Marines, WH40k2011-05-26 0 
July 2011
15646309AK-47 Republic second edition!Updated rules! Redheads! Holy grails of scale-less wargaming!Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, Promotions, Drow, Redheads2011-07-21 9 
September 2011
16201448Riddle of Steel: Manfred's Coming of AgeBurrowowl moderates the adventure of Manfred there squire's quest for a whoreCollective Game, Riddle of Steel, Manfred, Combat2011-09-06 9 
November 2011
16821893Zerg Quest LXWhat do YOU think about space redneck incest?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, More pauldrons?, Space rednecks, Daleks, trolls everywhere2011-11-03 10 
17037845Concerning GoblinsAnon asks what goblins were like in the original folktales. Cue discussion of goblin lore, Red Caps re-fluffed as rebels against Faerie, and decent writefaggotry.goblins, folklore, red caps, setting2011-11-28 10 
January 2012
17708368Hippos will fuck you upAn anon remarks on the lack of hippos in the D&D monster manual. It is decided that they are too powerful to be included.Hippos, D&D, Overpowered monsters2012-01-28 7 
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
February 2012
17767638Zerg Quest LXXIIA couple of genocides surround a humanitarian effort to popularize our new eugenics program. Wait, that makes us sound like Nazis. Damn.Collective Game, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, Inbred Terrans, Nuke it from orbit2012-02-02 9 
17887197Metahuman Renaissance Quest 5The Psychic App store is downloaded, parts are acquires, SAN is checked, and mad science is doneMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, red star, the hammer, cosmic horror2012-02-11 25 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
March 2012
18230315Metahuman Renaissance Quest 18Dan absorbs some memories, then goes down to the Dreamlands for an interesting talk with RedMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-07 22 
18267508Metahuman Renaissance Quest 19Dan begins an epic battle in the center of the Dream ScapeMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-10 18 
18517205Wacky Racing 40kOp asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like? What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it. Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together?Racing, Discussion, Homebrew, Dark Eldar, 40k, Redline2012-03-31 20 
April 2012
18541552ChromeStrike RPGOP reveals his rules-light mech-based PnP game, seeking feedback.ChromeStrike, Mech, Mecha, Armored Core, Chromehounds, Mechanized, RPG, Tabletop, Original Content2012-04-02 5 
18539274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 27Dan buys COOL STUFF, then goes with Blackstone to investigate Anna's apartment. With psychic powers.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-02 11 
18562850Metahuman Renaissance Quest 28Dan continues his psychic investigations of Anna's apt. and has an interesting conversationMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-04 12 
18699563Metahuman Renaissance Quest 31Dan has a talk with Blackstone, and makes future plansMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-14 11 
18712505Metahuman Renaissance Quest 32Dan does some more research, then rolls on down to the place with the police, and talks to Miles the necromancer about the museum jobMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red star2012-04-15 13 
18747684Armored Core Quest 14: TRAINING DAYWe get some much-needed practice in the sims. Having already taken down 5 ACS without having fired a single shot, a mysterious stranger livens up the game a littleArmored Core Quest, Collective Game, Armored Core, Mech, Mecha, Mechs 2012-04-17 13 
18782564Metahuman Renaissance Quest 34Omega gets his game face on, begins CINEMATIC TIME, and the end becomes slightly more nighMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, cinematic time2012-04-20 14 
18794822Metahuman Renaissance Quest 35Dan and Ashwood get into a Biplane duel with a dragon, and shit goes DOWN. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, dr. m2012-04-21 18 
May 2012
19075436Fist of Shadow Quest 11-2The Shadow Sun reveals itself. The Student ascends. The Adept appears.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-12 13 
19101734Fist of Shadow Quest 12In which we shop, round up the party, and head for the Starry Seas... only to get ambushed in the night.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-15 11 
19149444Fist of Shadow Quest 13Our hero and his party arrive in the coastal town of Sandoval only to realize they're still not going anywhere for a while. Resolving to make some dosh to pay the ferry fare, the party (sans Khan) makes a detour to the dreaded -- and predictably dark -- Darklands.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-19 8 
19186159Fist of Shadow Quest 14In which we find FUCKING VAMPIRES. A TON OF THEM.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-22 11 
19223358Fist of Shadow Quest 15In which we lose Khan and Erin, and learn a bit about Pale Luna.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-25 9 
19310046R&B Quest 1: DOUBLE MINTDoes Two QMs make for a better quest? Is Ken not manly poetry in motion?Red Oni, Blue Oni, Ken's a boss, Collective Game2012-05-31 5 
June 2012
19366586Fist of Shadow Quest 16In which our hero becomes a narc and cleans up the streets of drugs. Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-06-05 8 
19413594/tg/ does OmegleAnons invade Omegle and fight glorious battlesOmegle, Khorne, 19F, Freddy Mercury2012-06-09 32 
August 2012
20277173Civilization Game Part 1Reborn from the dead, the Civilization game is back!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-12 24 
20319442Civilization Game Part 2We discover a new tribe and the wolf pack closes in. What is the secret of the White Wolf?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-15 10 
20348537Civilization Game Part 3The defeat of the White Wolf! All hail Trym Wolfsbane!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-17 10 
20375515Civilization Game Part 4The tribe begins to explore interaction with the strangers and makes contact with a river spirit!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-19 12 
20414059Civilization Game Part 5For the first time in quite a while, there's no crisis to be seen! Heck, even the White Wolf is... Maybe 'friendly' is too strong.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-22 5 
20436829Red Sky QuestA young girl forages for supplies in a post apocalyptic wasteland.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-08-23 27 
20443416Civilization Game Part 6A fairly uneventful few months for the tribe end in negotiations with the neighbours downstream. Cut short due to GM exhaustion.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-24 5 
20461905Red Sky Quest Chapter 2Blue meets a survivor and goes to heal herselfCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-08-25 23 
20470955Civilization Game Part 7The tribe finally leaves the stone age, moving on to using newly-discovered copper to make tools!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-26 3 
20510367Civilization Game Part 8The tribe discovers alcohol and survives a particularly harsh winter.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-29 5 
20524724Red Sky Quest Chapter 3Blue meets new people and continues her adventure in the wastelandCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-08-30 22 
20533203Civilization Game Part 9The tribe finishes construction of the village walls, just in time to face a new and mysterious threat from the grasslands!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-08-31 5 
September 2012
20557000Civilization Game Part 10Battle! The tribe is ambushed during fishing season and fights back! Is this the first signs of war?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-02 5 
20597759Civilization Game Part 11The tribe continues to prepare for war and a diplomatic stumble comes back to bite them.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-05 2 
20623833Civilization Game Part 12Armour is finally fully researched! More to the point, the tribe finally discovered agriculture..! And an ominous corpse.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-07 3 
20649198Civilization Game Part 13War! The tribe faces off against the enemy in a desperate defence of the village and comes through magnificently.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-09 6 
20686901Civilization Game Part 14A wild battle spirit appears! Trym used 'Complete Badass'! It's super effective!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-12 6 
20704145Red Sky Quest Chapter 4Blue goes on more adventures in the WastelandCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-09-13 22 
20711760Civilization Game Part 15The White Wolf is appeased and a shrine to the god of battle is built! ...After a rocky start.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-14 3 
20735358Civilization Game Part 16The tribe repels a small skirmish at their walls, then goes on an all-out counter-attack!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-16 2 
20775049Civilization Game Part 17The fight for the copper age begins, after some dialogue. Disaster strikes though! Could this be the end for Trym?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-19 5 
20800400Civilization Game Part 18By the skin of his teeth, Trym defeats the enemy champion. Short thread, but the tribe is freed from the threat of war!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-21 6 
20825648Civilization Game Part 19The tribe has its first successful harvest, Groza's priest is chosen and 4 heads of cattle are acquiredCollective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-23 2 
20866972Civilization Game Part 20A unanimous vote AND the GM is flummoxed? Is this a sign of the end times?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-26 2 
20894544Civilization Game Part 21The negotiations done, Trym gets a wife at last! Not only that, but a new goddess for the tribe?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-28 5 
20920548Civilization Game Part 22Nothing goes horribly wrong for once! The tribe makes the decision to start looking into a primitive writing system.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-09-30 2 
October 2012
20962727Civilization Game Part 23A cultural exchange, discovery of a holy site, the River Brothers get humanitarian aid and everything is wonderful.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon2012-10-03 5 
20979828Red Sky Quest Chapter 5More adventures for Red throughout the wasteland.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-10-04 15 
20990696Civilization Game Part 24Yeneth answers some questions put to her, the wise ones master writing, Chani's shrine is finished at her holy site... And the tribe faces a winter blizzard...Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-05 4 
21016170Civilization Game Part 25An attempt at free choice goes wrong, but things still manage to get achieved all the same. The sun goddess makes her appearance!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-07 2 
21057999Civilization Game Part 26Khoine, the spirit of snow, is named and forgiven by the tribe, her deadly powers sealed.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-10 5 
21083964Civilization Game Part 27Life goes pretty much normally, after the winter, though the discovery of a new tribe has everyone curious.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-12 5 
21107341Judgement TimeAn anon asks for a good system to run a Judge Dredd RPG. /tg/ quickly begins homebrewing a rules-light system based on frowning.Judge Dredd, Dredd, Judgement Time, Frowning2012-10-14 6 
21153349Civilization Game Part 28The tribe makes formal contact with some new friends! Could this be the first signs of a more advanced metal?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-17 5 
21182081Civilization Game Part 29The tribe enters a very heated debate about what to do with their new neighbours! Will there be war, or peace in our time?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-19 5 
21203058Ghost Ships, 2012OP from /k/ spawns a setting about ghost ship hunters in the 21st century.ghost, ship, setting, fluff, locker, reds, religion, exorcism2012-10-20 24 
21256972Civilization Game Part 30The tribe finally concludes its diplomacy with the River Brothers and Lion Tribe, barely avoiding a famine before the winter closes in.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-24 2 
21277517Red Sky Quest Chapter 5.5Freaky stuff happens to Blue in this chapterCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-10-25 15 
21287417Civilization Game Part 31The tribe finally pokes at basic cookery and makes some jewellery. Khoine's wrath is also kept from the village this winter.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-26 4 
21313143Civilization Game Part 32Another winter been and gone. Just as the tribe is about to start its celebrations in spring however, strangers appear from downriver!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-28 3 
21357742Civilization Game Part 33The grand springtime festival in the village! People from all over come to talk and to trade...Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-10-31 2 
November 2012
21388708Civilization Game Part 34The tribe finally negotiates for an expert bronze-smith to join them and the thread is left just before a grand tournamentCollective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-02 2 
21416282Civilization Game Part 35Chickens get! Mikuhla finally returns, the tournament is won... Could things get better?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-04 5 
21460898Civilization Game Part 36Some further diplomacy with the tribe downstream, plenty of discussion and it looks like the GM dropped the ball in the past!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-07 2 
21489023Civilization Game Part 37Mikuhla's report scares the tribe into a frenzy. In the middle of the preparations for war, the Wolf Priest at last returns, with a name too!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-09 3 
21518611Civilization Game Part 38The festival goes off swimmingly. The tribe starts to properly arm up and even create a mobile shrine! Meanwhile, it looks like the Lion Tribe may soon have a new chief...Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-11 2 
21567433Civilization Game Part 39Trym returns home early, the tribe, it seems, does NOT have werewolves and preparations for the coming battle reach fever-pitch!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-14 2 
21596250Civilization Game Part 40Much talking occurs, Trym discovers a talent for oratory, the crops struggle and the tribe goofs up. Iron Man mode is a bitchCollective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-16 5 
21625801Civilization Game Mini-Update 1A thread fails to start, but there's enough discussion here that is still relevant to the continuing quest.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Non-starter, Notes2012-11-18 2 
21673404Civilization Game Part 41The tribe prepares for the battle to come throughout the winter months, but Derrik returns with the news that they will be expected...Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon2012-11-21 5 
21703293Civilization Game Part 42The tribes plans are uncovered by their enemies! With food running low, the Riverlands Concord is signed and the warband prepares to set forth!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon2012-11-23 2 
21778405Civilization Game Part 43The warband departs, ready for... Well what do you expect? Meanwhile back home, disaster strikes with the harvest! Man, I knew they forgot SOMETHING!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon2012-11-28 5 
21809906Civilization Game Part 44The GM can't keep it together, but /tg/ understands... The Lion Tribe is invited to the village and simply adds to the oncoming famine.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2012-11-30 2 
December 2012
21869883Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers!World of Darkness, Paladin The Redemption, Paladin, Splat, The Music, Quest, Vimes2012-12-04 31 
21888636Civilization Game Part 45The tribe finally gets to the battle! Bloodshed is still pending, but the GM seems to be having fun watching everyone squirm.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-05 2 
21910156Red Sky Quest Chapter 6Blue's continued adventure in the wastelandCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-12-06 18 
21922212Civilization Game Part 46The battle continues... So damn slowly. The first casualties occur however, on both sides of the battlefield!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-07 5 
21990896Private Linda RedshirtWhat starts as somebody attempting to force a joke transforms into something beautiful.40k, Pvt. Linda Redshirt, Imperial Guard,2012-12-12 28 
21996577Civilization Game Part 47The battle rages on and casualties climb. Also, the gods have a sense of ironic humour... That's never good news.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-12 3 
22017011Red Sky Quest Chapter 7Blue's adventure continues, serious stuff happens. Maybe.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2012-12-13 18 
22023659Mechwarrior Quest ReduxThe Baker's Dozen fight off a pirate attack, and while one of their mechs is lost, choice salvage is acquired. We also tail one of the retreating pirates to their base.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-14 2 
22027765Civilization Game Part 48Casualties climb and the tribe puts all its hopes on a planned night assault.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-14 2 
22040157Mechwarrior Quest Redux #3We get into position to mop up the remaining pirate base. The fight goes well until Megamek gives us some hilarious dice. Or depressing, depending on your angle of view.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries, Saladin2012-12-15 1 
22043089Red Dragon Quest(unrelated to the old dragon quest) You are a wyrmling and your growing up (time skips are involved). Your the best and a asshole. Read the god damn quest if you want more.Collective Game, Dragon Quest, Red quest2012-12-15 13 
22056009Red dragon quest 1.5We enslave some elves, this is a major improvement in their lives. We then timeskip to the 'young' age category.Collective Game, Dragon Quest, Red quest2012-12-15 12 
22101713Mechwarrior Quest Redux 4We finish up the pirate contract, tell the Baker's their son is dead, and Tom's old friend Hartmann joins up as the new commander of Baker's Dozen.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-19 2 
22103916Civilization Game Part 49The night attack results in horrific casualties to the Riverlands Concord. With the death-toll rising, the tribe begins to look at retreat before it's too late-!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-19 3 
22139408Civilization Game Part 50The battle of the Sun People village is finally over, the tribe saved by the intercession of a goddess. What woes await them upon the warband's return home however?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-21 6 
22155558Red dragon quest 2Our brother's death is avenged and we face our first adventurers.Collective Game, Dragon Quest, Red quest2012-12-22 12 
22167163Red Dragon Quest 2.5We get some kobolds and fight a green.Collective Game, Dragon Quest, Red quest2012-12-22 11 
22267787Red dragon Quest 3We trick our sister into almost dying and install a new ruler in a nearby town. We also meet the black to the north.Collective Game, Dragon Quest, Red quest2012-12-29 16 
January 2013
22377429Civilization Game Part 51The turn FINALLY ends! More to the point, the gods reveal some very interesting information and agree to stay the wrath of the Sun People.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-04 3 
22410499Red Dragon Quest #5Fighting the rest of the adventuring party (Paladin, Rogue, Cleric). Part 4 on foolzRed Dragon Quest, dragon, red, quest, collective game2013-01-05 17 
22475611Civilization Game Part 52The tribe starts to desperately recover from the famine and the Spray Folk make another appearance. System problems prevent much getting done thoughCollective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-09 5 
22499781Red Sky Quest Chapter 7.5Blue finds herself in a familiar room.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-01-10 13 
22512346Civilization Game Part 53The Riverlands Concord is in danger of falling apart, much like the tribe itself, if the food situation gets much worse!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-11 3 
22531080Red Dragon Quest 6We make preparations for moving out, whilst dealing with our whiny elves and beloved sister.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red Dragon2013-01-12 13 
22606964Civilization Game Part 54The hunters bring down a bear for the village, though at a cost in lives. The winter is finally past and Trym (barely) manages to recover. Things are looking up!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-16 5 
22643512Civilization Game Part 55The tribe finally takes the requires steps to rejuvenate their fields and hopefully defeat the famine threatening them, before it destroys them all. It'll be close!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-18 2 
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
22663639Red Dragon Quest 7We fight a Bronze Dragon and gain some Lizardmen.Red Dragon Quest, red dragon, red, dragon, Collective Game, bronze, suahagin, lizard men2013-01-19 13 
22680270Red Dragon Quest 8We ambush a Silver dragon and strike a deal with our sister.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Silver, Kobold2013-01-20 16 
22696654Slime questTest#7 Jade slime is born. sentient and smart jade slime discovers itself and the world around itself as its creator watches and records science.Jade slime quest, beginnings, search for the red hills,2013-01-20 14 
22773961Civilization Game Part 56Harvest time rolls around and promises the end to the tribe's lean times, but what happened to the Lion Tribe? They've vanished off the face of the earth!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-25 3 
22791054Red Dragon Quest 009Tiamat shows us her favour and we suck up like the good chromatics we are.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Names, Planning2013-01-26 15 
22803291Red Dragon Quest 010The Red Dragon, a "mysterious sorcerer", foils pirate plans and moves to take control of the City.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Illusions, sorcerer, deception2013-01-27 13 
22864410Civilization Game Part 57The hard times are finally past. The tribe also manages two major milestones; agriculture and its first scraps of god-lore!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-01-30 2 
February 2013
22902103Civilization Game Part 58Another winter, a new god, this time Khoine's brother? At least the food is holding, as the tribe acquires wolves to try and tame.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-01 2 
22905526Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-01 36 
22920665Red Dragon Quest 011Having taken control of the island, the Red Dragon consolidates his power and implements his policies.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, power, gained, consolidation, policies, governing2013-02-02 17 
22995191Civilization Game Part 59A darkness descends upon the village of the Long Fangs. From the depths of nightmares rises a new foe... A demon that wears the skin of a man!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-06 3 
23011151Yautja Apprentice QuestWe kill our best friend, get selected by the gods, and ensure the continuation of our line.Collective Game, Predator, Yautja, Aztec, Yaujta Apprentice Quest2013-02-06 24 
23030890Civilization Game Part 60The tribe manages to see off the demon, but not without losses. Rest in peace, Svell. We hardly knew thee.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-08 2 
23043090Magical Girl Noir Quest 80The bravest magical girl faces the fire.Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-08 38 
23128043Civilization Game Part 61Sadly cut short due to some internet problems, but Chani retrieves her brothers body and the tribe learns of their new enemy.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-02-13 5 
23152662Red Sky Quest SpecialPink finds out about Valentine's DayCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-02-14 13 
23264987Civilization Game Part 62Well, no disasters is a good start! And hey, Mikuhla is home at long last, with a few shiny new powers!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-20 5 
23304735Civilization Game Part 63The tribe does well for a season, then meets a strange new adversary. To meet this, Trym and Derrik venture into the Deep Forest to root out the cause of the new attacks!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-22 2 
23324585Red Dragon Quest 12We prepare to give the sahuagin their comeuppance.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon2013-02-23 16 
23398185Civilization Game Part 64Trym and Derrik happen across a bear spirit who directs them on. The source of the village's troubles is partially revealed, but what is going on?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-02-27 3 
March 2013
23526520Civilization Game Part 65Trym and Derrik's journey through the deep forest continues and they are made an offer; slay the leader of the rebel fox-folk and be richly rewarded!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-03-06 2 
23646448Civilization Game Part 66Trym changes alliances, upon finding out the whole story. The target of his wrath is now the manipulative Ilfa!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-03-13 2 
23685882Civilization Game Part 67 Part 1Trym prepares for battle. Just what is with the fox-tails and the bear anyway? (Thread truncated)Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-03-15 3 
23729950Shattered Galaxies QuestPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, alien fighting, and trading.Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 15 
23736174Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, psionics unlocking, and politics!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 10 
23753721Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with space battles, xenobiology, and slimy merchants.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-19 10 
23773419Civilization Game Part 67 Part 2The battle between the heroes and the fox-folk begins! Trym faces down with Ilfa and is ready for an epic conflict.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-03-20 2 
23764381Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IVPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with boarding actions, xenobiology, and uppity pirates.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-20 10 
23807735Civilization Game Part 68Well OP can't keep a promise, but what else is new? Trym Triumphs over Ilfa, but suffers terrible wounds in the process!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-03-22 5 
23831056Shattered Galaxies Quest Part VA somewhat short thread, but trade is accomplished, and new facilities established. The future is bright!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-23 11 
23917553Red Sky Quest Chapter 8The orb is in control.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-03-28 13 
23929122Civilization Game Part 69Trym returns from the Deep Forest with the promise of a mysterious 'gift'. The tribe celebrates and this fall actually looks like it might go smoothly!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-03-29 3 
April 2013
24017022Civilization Game Part 70What looks to be a good fall harvest is interrupted by the spray folk and relations RAPIDLY take a turn for the worse when a deal is 'altered'...Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-03 5 
24056108Civilization Game Part 71Unbelievable! A turn without incident! The tribe makes some advances through winter and a small group leaves to explore the grasslands.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-05 5 
24149618Civilization Game Part 72The tribe makes more inching progress. At least the estranged tribesmen return home and a new way to defend the village is discovered!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-10 5 
24189387Civilization Game Part 73The Long Fangs launch their first real trading mission and get their hands on some honey! It proves to be an immediate hit!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-12 5 
24281541Civilization Game Part 74The tribe invents a new festival (not Christmas), creates a new granary design and Groza FINALLY makes it home!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-17 5 
24310462Predator Quest 1In which our cunnin' Pred passes his trial, discovers that spears are awesome, and that feral bugs suck at avoiding traps.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-18 23 
24329663Predator Quest 2Our brave hunter Three-Claw receives his first mission: Investigate Weyland-Yutani and Xenomorph activity on Pandora. We also bribe the quartermaster, begin our shopping spree, and go FULL TACTICOOL.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-19 23 
24348485Predator Quest Ep 3Our brave hunter Three-Claw receives his first mission: Investigate Weyland-Yutani and Xenomorph activity on Pandora.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-20 20 
24370313Predator Quest Ep 4Our young predator finally reaches the surface of Pandora after crash-landing in a lake.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-21 15 
24392364 after crash-landing in a lake. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, PredatorOur hunter fights a space-trout to the death. after crash-landing in a lake. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-22 20 
24420290Civilization Game Part 75The tribe starts work on the granary, FINALLY masters bronzeworking, if not smelting and discovered that Svell is gone for good.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-24 5 
24446806Red Sky Quest Chapter 9blue finishes what she startedCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-04-25 14 
24450823Predator Quest Ep 6We escape the lake, only to stumble upon a massive xeno hive. There were no survivors.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-25 20 
24459010Civilization Game Part 76The tribe discovers mathematics, starts looking into real animal husbandry and throws a festival for the gods!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-04-26 5 
24502825Predator Quest Ep 7We stir up some trouble and fight our first Na'viPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-28 17 
24542163Predator Quest Ep 8We enter the cavern and fight our way inwardsPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-04-30 17 
May 2013
24562412Predator Quest Ep 9We make our way through the hive to reach the queen's chambersPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-01 16 
24590290Civilization Game Part 77Mikuhla departs on a pilgrimage, guided, oddly enough, by the Sun People!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-05-03 5 
24597930Predator Quest 10In which we escape from the hive with a new hood ornament.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-03 30 
24616640Predator Quest Ep 10In which return home triumphantPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-04 23 
24634619Predator Quest 12In which our young predator joins a political meetingPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-05 17 
24573876Japanese and other foreign gamesDiscussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input.Meikyuu Kingdom, Make You Kingdom, Golden Sky Stories, Yuyake Koyake, Night Wizard, Tenra Bansho Zero, Nechronica, Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers, Maid RPG, Sword World, Ryuutama, Red Dragon, Record of Lodoss War, Double Cross, Shinobigami, Japanese gaming, Japanese TRPGs2013-05-06 10 
24685902Civilization Game Part 78What's better than berry liquor? Mead! The tribe learns of the classic drink, work on the walls continues and life is generally good!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-05-08 2 
24717998Predator Quest 13Three-Claw finishes with politics, gets rewarded several times over, and makes plans for giving out his trophies.Collective Game, Predator Quest2013-05-09 18 
24777783Predator Quest Ep 14In which we sort out our ship and do more shopping.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-12 15 
24798622Predator Quest Ep 15Pretty girls and severed heads.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-13 24 
24874032Predator Quest Episode 16In which we must gather our party before venturing forth. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-17 16 
24893293Predator Quest Ep 17In which we complete our team and ready to kick assPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-18 16 
24912872Predator Quest Ep 18I bet the Night-Prowlers are behind this.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-19 17 
24949040Predator Quest Episode 19DIVE PILOT! HIT THE BURNERS!Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-21 16 
24986548Predator Quest Episode 20In which we capture our prizePredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-23 13 
25006270Predator Quest Ep 21In which we repel boardersPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-24 17 
25025492Predator Quest Ep 22In which we uncover a conspiracy.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-25 14 
25097223Hollow Quest Redux 1 thread 1Anon rolls up Schrödinger, heir to Cheshire. We eat some souls, troll some people, and try to have fun.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-05-29 33 
25101876Hollow Quest Redux 1 thread 2We get our asses handed to us, go hide in the desert, then come back to eat some school girls.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-05-29 28 
25126423Predator Quest ep 23In which we are pursued by unknown forces. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-05-30 16 
25138543Civilization Game Part 79 part 1Despite a complete lack of activity, some interesting facts about the gods are revealed.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short2013-05-31 0 
25141908Hollow Quest Redux 2We join in a hunt, get a plant follower, then grab a bull by the horns and suplex him because we can.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-05-31 29 
June 2013
25167294Predator Quest ep 24In which we fight in space!Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator 2013-06-01 13 
25178523Hollow Quest Redux 3In which rap battles are declined, /tg/ dice happen to our plant buddy, and a moron screams about thematic consistency in Bleach, of all things.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-02 24 
25185239Hollow Quest Redux 3 Thread 2We form our plan, kill nofunigami, then debate what powers to get.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-02 24 
25188962Hollow Quest Redux 4The shinigami learn fear, we teach it to them. In the name of the voice in our head we were certain was a potted hollow plant.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-02 35 
25188450Predator Quest Ep 25In which we return to PandoraPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-02 14 
25212986Predator Quest Episode 26In which we tango with the Kraken Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-03 16 
25231076Predator Quest Ep 27In which we defeat the Kraken and stumble onto a human facility.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-04 16 
25249656.hack//AIDA and Hollow summarySummary of .hack//AIDA and hollow quest to make it easier for new players. Also questions asked and answered.Collective Game, .hack, .hack//AIDA, AzureEarth, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux2013-06-05 10 
25269743Red Sky Quest Chapter 10Blue heads off to try and find a cure for her corruptionCollective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-06-06 12 
25284338Civilization Game Part 79 part 2Much more done this time. The walls are finished, flax is found, a new expedition leaves and food is starting to dwindle again!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag2013-06-07 1 
25287093Hollow Quest Redux 5In which we become General Schrodinger, /tg/ dice tries to murder us as a Menos, and we get caught in gender shenanigans.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-07 24 
25292538Hollow Quest Redux 6Deals were made, friends were betrayed, and in the end all will decay.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, upgrade, Menos time, menos, time2013-06-07 24 
25293336Predator Quest Ep 29In which we rescue our friend.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-07 16 
25311899Predator Quest Ep 29in which we escape the facility.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-08 14 
25324824Hollow Quest Redux 7We make an inspirational speech, gain an army, then find the wolf bro and bring him into the foldCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, upgrade, Wolf Bro, Wolf, Bro, Ally, Spider2013-06-09 24 
25332088Hollow Quest Redux 8We gain some power, introduce our new allies to each other, then attack and drive a squid we named Sid insane.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-09 25 
25333474Predator Quest Ep 30In which we escape PandoraPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-09 15 
25381280Hollow Quest Redux 9We find some shortbread, meet the Soul King, find out he's a douche and we see our creepy angel friend again.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-12 25 
25407562Hollow Quest Redux 10In this episode of Hollow Quest, terror strikes as we face our most dangerous foe yet, a fight obsessed arrancar. Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-13 26 
25415484Hollow Quest Redux 11In which we return home before taking Jager hunting. Slaughter ensues and levels are upped.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-13 31 
25420622Hollow Quest Redux 12In which we meet a fabled planned character, bait is set for kneejerks, and Jaeger is an Arrancar.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-14 36 
25427667Hollow Quest Redux 13 We manage to finally finish up Hueco Mundo for now and then go back to the world of the living. Then we become Doctor Risa Schrödinger, someone able to teach Physics because why not.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-14 35 
25428883Predator Quest: Episode 31In which we save the colony Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-14 16 
25445191Predator Quest Ep 32In which we return home triumphantPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-15 16 
25456920Hollow Quest Redux 14We start teaching class, meet a delinquent and try to figure her out.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-16 21 
25454166Hollw Quest Redux recapA quick retread of our progress so far and answers to many questionsCollective Game, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, Bleach2013-06-16 10 
25481963Predator Quest: Episode 33Predator Quest: Episode 33Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-17 5 
25501500Predator Quest Ep 34In which we play detectivePredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-06-18 16 
25534026Hollow Quest Redux 15We start building an underground training place, and then the thread stalls.Collective Game, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, Bleach, implied smile, implied, smile2013-06-20 23 
25540304Hollow Quest Redux 16During which we finish our first day of practice, discover quincies are sort of passive aggressive,and speculate a lot.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-20 26 
25517110Yellowman Quest 11Yellowman and his team finally leave the world of Oglaf behind, only to land in a city with a xenomorph infestation, Weyland-Yutani mucking about, and 2 Predators who may or may not be out for trophies. This may be an improvement.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-20 9 
25647598Yellowman Quest 12The raid on the police station is concluded, there's some talk during a long APC raid, and we attempt to go meet Radical Edward.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-27 5 
25702843Hollow Quest Redux 17In which training begins and we discover more about our motley crew.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-06-29 24 
July 2013
25740843Hollow Quest Redux 18We continue our training, and get gifts from a friend to help us along. Also we learn more about the shinigami in town.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-01 24 
25739703Unnamed Evolution Game/tg/ directs the evolution of an algae blob, a blue detritivore, and a red filter feeder.Collective Game, Unnamed, Evolution, green guy, blue guy, red guy2013-07-01 0 
25780539Hollow Quest Redux 19During which we discover a folded piece of paper provides more direction than we thought, we work towards getting the nofunigami on our side, and ryouichi is still an asshole.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-03 24 
25806670Predator Quest Ep 35In which we set out for our task.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-07-04 12 
25801190Yellowman Quest 13Scott Yellowman's trip through this world is marked with critical failures and critical successes, mostly of the former variety. He leads his team to the Sewage Sub-Station, and finds no Ed, but does find the Portal.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator, Starcraft, Cowboy Bebop2013-07-05 6 
25842813Hollow Quest Redux 20We deal with a challenge to the crown, get science guy up and running, and try to expand our power base Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-06 23 
25845913Sadistic Immortal Loli Rape Victim: RecapBecause everyone knows the best part of any anime is the recap episode!Collective Game, Vampire Doll Quest, Edgy, Lolicon, Rape, Guro, erp, Redundancy2013-07-06 15 
25853032Hollow Quest Redux 21Ryouichi finally stops being a bitch and we make actual progress in our attempts to kill order itself.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-06 23 
25884258Predator Quest Ep 36In which we arrive at the Night-Prowler city. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-07-08 13 
25924967Hollow Quest Redux 22We get a pretty cool hat, see a captain, Ryouichi is still sort of a little bitch, and discover where Lucifer gets all his toys.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-10 25 
25978723Hollow Quest Redux 23We finish training and finally enter soul society and start working towards accomplishing some of our objectives.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-13 23 
26020575Predator Quest Ep 37In which we have trouble with the locals. Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-07-15 12 
26030819Yet Another Animu Fanfiction QuestI don't think we have enough of these yet, so lets throw another turd on the barbie!Collective Game, Anime, Fanfiction, /a/, Waifus, Redundancy, Too much, Why are you doing this2013-07-15 5 
26075231Hollow Quest Redux 24We sneak into soul society, have a good think on animals, and have a scene change. Also we finally get a hand puppet.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-18 24 
26118310Hollow Quest Redux 25After our vengeance is complete we discover our body may not be too stable, and continue sewing chaos into soul society.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-20 22 
26122942Fate/Fuck AgainA Grail War quest. That's new!Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fetish, Genderbender, ERP, More Grail Wars, Redundancy2013-07-20 13 
26140138Hollow Quest Redux 26We get framed for a murder after not actually killing some one. Also we meet some interesting folks.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-21 23 
26218098Hollow Quest Redux 27Things finally start getting bloody, all wizards are bad, and ryouichi is still sort of a bitch.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-25 23 
26235345Yet Another Meta Crossover QuestWe can never have enough of these! You are so, so clever for doing what has been done a million times before!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Redundancy, About as original as a Chinese knockoff2013-07-26 5 
26275015Hollow Quest Redux 28We lay the foundations for manipulating Soul Society, have a chat with the scrubs, find out more about the rebel's plans, and then back to the land of the living we go.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-28 26 
26334421Hollow Quest Redux Recap and OmakesSummary of Hollow quest Redux thus far and some Omakes. Let's all fondly remember how much of a bitch Ryouichi is.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-07-30 17 
August 2013
26376956Hollow Quest Redux 29Strange things start happening in the human world which probably have nothing to do with us breaking the seal to the palace of the soul eating monster.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-08-02 23 
26442923Predator Quest Ep 38In which we catch the culpritPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-05 12 
26461833Predator Quest Ep 39In which we go about bugging everyonePredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-06 10 
26474482Hollow Quest Redux 30The twincies seem to have gone insane, Ryouichi is still a bitch, and we meet more of our vampire enemies.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-08-07 22 
26500723Predator Quest Ep 40In which we foil an assassination attemptPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-08 8 
26519539Predator Quest Ep 41In which we get ready to do a jailbreak.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-09 8 
26537418Predator Quest Ep 42In which we spring our friend from jailPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-10 8 
26551026Hollow Quest Redux 31Never trust a candy-gram mormon vacuum cleaner salesman. Strange, strange things will happen.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-08-11 23 
26555177Predator Quest Ep 43In which we escape the prisonPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-11 14 
26594103Predator Quest: Episode 44In which we receive our next task.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-13 10 
26628419Hollow Quest Redux 32Monologue is high and quincies are sort of awful at everything. We decide to screw everyone over for laughs.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-08-15 24 
26669779Predator Quest Ep 45In which we prepare for EarthPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-17 7 
26687869Prein which we finish our shoppingPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-18 5 
26708144Predator Quest Episode 47In which we fend off an attack on our home Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-19 11 
26744169TA GIT DA PREDATORChriz Orksen and his team of grots lure in the sexual predators of the 40k universe, for the good of everyone (and their viewership ratings), waiting for that one predator that'll get their show renewed for sure!Chriz Orksen, Orks, Ork, Predator, erotica, Macha, SoB, Sister, Battle, Catch, Predator, WAAAGH!, 'flamer'2013-08-21 37 
26782831Predator Quest Ep 48In which we continue to battle.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-23 8 
26798665Predator Quest Ep 49In which we make the journey to EarthPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-24 6 
26816052Predator Quest Ep 50In which we explore EuropaPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-25 6 
26851915Predator Quest Ep 51In which we land in Dubai, and prepare to assault the Weyland HQPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-27 11 
26922907Hollow Quest Redux 33The quincy/bount problem is addressed. Also the difference between chips, crisps, and fries is discussed and no copyright infringement happens. Also we get some WD-40.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-08-31 24 
26929986Predator Quest ep 52In which we rewire some drones.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-08-31 6 
26928971Government Bureaucrat QuestWe are Nicholas Voronov, Paperwork Wizard. Collective Game, Bureaucracy, Paperwork, Red Tape2013-08-31 6 
September 2013
26949133Predator Quest Ep 53In which we head for R&D.Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-09-01 9 
27070341Hollow Quest Redux 34We display a distressingly extreme level of hate of the french and then continue cleaning up the new guard.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-07 23 
27075610Predator Quest Ep 54In which we head to the Bio labsPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-09-07 6 
27097071Predator Quest Ep 55In which we free a few drones and create chaosPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-09-08 7 
27130337Hollow Quest Redux 35We clean up the remains of the rebellion after a momentary lapse in sanity and then deal with a quincy family crisis.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-10 25 
27205648Hollow Quest Redux 36We clean up the aftermath of our "Fear and Loathing in Hueco Mundo". We regret nothing.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-14 22 
27212073Predator Quest Ep 56In which we make our way upwardsPredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-09-14 6 
27255104Predator Quest Ep 57In which we attempt our escapePredator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator2013-09-16 8 
27336719Hollow Quest Redux 37We finish off the quincies and then find things are not all as they seemCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-21 23 
27457151Hollow Quest Redux 38We get ready to storm the moon, because fuck that dude.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-28 21 
27466894Hollow Quest Redux 38.5We choose to go to the moon not because it was easy, but because we were bored.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-09-28 21 
October 2013
27572949Hollow Quest redux 39We get a hug from Jager before going into the moon. Suddenly WoDCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-10-05 22 
27729092Hollow Quest Redux 40We clear the six worlds in one shot, then fight the boss of the moon. Soon it shall no longer uselessly shine.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-10-14 22 
27920210Red Sky Quest Chapter 11The end of Red Sky Quest. Blue faces down the Ruler of the only city in the wasteland.Collective Game, Red Sky, Blue2013-10-25 10 
27923744Hollow Quest Redux 41We burn most of our fatebreakers and take down Cain. Then bonding, we are good at it.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-10-25 22 
November 2013
28055646A.I. Quest 14 Enemy of my EnemyOphion deals with the fallout of the attack on Nethlos, and as he prepares to investigate several new interesting entries, Rhea attacks.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos2013-11-02 15 
28057253Hollow Quest Redux 42We discover Sin-Fin has a pretty cool sense of humor, enter soul society, and start forming our army to fight the nofunigami+.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-02 23 
28129149Hollow Quest Redux 43We have a relaxing stroll through soul society, catching up with old friends and killing new acquaintances. We also kill old acquaintances. Really, death is sort of a running theme at this point.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-06 21 
28181332A.I. Quest 15 At What CostOphion realizes something is terrible wrong within him, and trusts a human with his very existence. Then The Guild gets tired of waiting around, and attacks UssaihuA.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos2013-11-09 16 
28236392Hollow Quest Redux 44Goodnight, sweet prince; and flights of angels sing thee to thy- oh shit angels!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-12 24 
28307635A.I. Quest 16 ReplacedOphion takes it to the ground to explore the research lab located on Ussaihu, and discovers exactly what the UGEI have been up to. And then attempts to convince a Malorian group to side with them.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Rhea, Battleship, Kronos, Malorians2013-11-16 16 
28309550Hollow Quest Redux 45We meet a new friend who we name Bitey, turn down Lucifer's offer, and score drugs. So many drugs.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-16 22 
28366337Hollow Quest Redux 46We peek into soul society, call a plan stupid, catch up with our scrubs and tell ryouichi we killed his parents.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-19 21 
28363011Fabrique Generale Quest: Nomad Edition #1We are John Varkov, medic and survivalist, as he tracks down his missing sister south of Light City and encounters the Pawn-King.Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Fabrique_Generale_Quest_Redux, Collective_Game, Quest, Post_Apocalyptic, Equity_Lord2013-11-19 3 
28422330Hollow Quest Redux 47Ryouichi finally steps up his game and choices are madeCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-11-22 20 
December 2013
28676263[REDACTED] QuestA jerkoff computer revives us to fight monsters for him.REDACTED Quest, Collective Game, Huey, Australians2013-12-06 5 
28700112A.I. Quest 18 The Wild SpeaksOphion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2013-12-07 15 
28842211A.I. Quest 18.5 Left BehindOphion speaks with Red about himself, and learns of the human concept of revenge. All the while Kronos handles an ambush in his own unique way.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2013-12-14 17 
28843986Hollow Quest Redux 48We see the end of Ryouichi's edginess, use the TaRDiS, then heal up after a birthday party.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-12-14 20 
28988382A.I. Quest 19 MemoriesOphion and Kronos investigate Atil VI more closely and discover long forgotten secrets. Some of which were probably better left forgotten.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2013-12-21 16 
29026389Hollow Quest Redux Christmas SpecialGather around and hear the story of how Risa saved Christmas.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2013-12-23 20 
January 2014
29243157Hollow Quest Redux 49We deal with situations in the real world and use our shapeshifting to be a secret agent.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-03 20 
29259753A.I. Quest 20 CalmOphion discusses the fate of Erebos, and decides to commission several new designs while investigating reports of pirate activity.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-04 15 
29330028Hollow Quest Redux 50We manage to not break Jager, discover the voice in our head has voices in his head, and invade Soul Society. Again.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-07 22 
29402841Washed up Villain quest: RedoThe beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Washed up Villain quest:Redo, Demons, Superheroes2014-01-10 3 
29416977A.I. Quest 21 StormOphion finds that his anxious feelings have merit.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-11 13 
29496760Hollow Quest Redux 51We play as Jager, then decide that fiddles are for scrubs and beat Beelzebub at poker.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-14 7 
29587084A.I. Quest 21.5 StormOphion deals with the deadly attack on Ussaihu, and is infiltrated by an old enemy.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-18 14 
29614138Hollow Quest Redux 52Jager in Wonderland. We kick destruction in the head until Jager resumes being her.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-19 20 
29632800A.I. Quest 22 QuelledOphion deals with the aftermath of Tartarus' attack, and makes several management decisions while realizing how large the universe really is.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-20 16 
29629932Red Sands ReduxWe choose a bandit leader and lay some waste in the wastes.Postapoc, Collective Game, Red Sands, Redux, NamelessQM2014-01-20 5 
29756209A.I. Quest 23 Broadened HorizonOphion takes to the task of interrogating Captain Rhea, and learns far more then he expected. Yet still the truth remains in shadow.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-25 15 
29765945A.I. Quest 23.5Ophion explores the local small world of Aquil, finding a band of strange pirate ships, and something more.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-01-25 15 
29768161Hollow Quest Redux Omake 2We explore Canon as Risa and immediately start stealing stuff and going darkside. Jager should probably be kept in the dark about this.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-25 20 
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
29910824Hollow Quest Redux 53We plan for the future and discover what has happened while we were plot rock.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-01-31 18 
February 2014
29928727A.I. Quest 24 Deep RootsOphion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2014-02-01 14 
29936920Hollow Quest Redux 54We continue catching up and then start a trip around japan.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-02-01 16 
30067529Hollow Quest Redux 55Absolutely toof brutal.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-02-07 22 
30084888A.I. Quest 25 ReawakeningKronos awakens from his quick rest, and relays to Ophion his new thoughts.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-02-08 13 
30168474A Certain Academic City Quest 5Kyril drinks, feels like he's missing a few things and obtains the Level UpperCollective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors2014-02-12 12 
30215413A Certain Academic City Quest 6Kyril gets kidnapped, tears a Saint's shirt off. Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors2014-02-14 11 
30223600Hollow Quest Redux 56Risa finds herself suddenly disarmed and Fuego has to remind the world of His Greatness.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-02-14 18 
30257582A Certain Academic City Quest 7Kyril dreams a dream, pulls of a heist but still gets busted.Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors2014-02-16 11 
30285275A.I. Quest 26 Dominant CultureOphion tackles several rather important issues facing his empire, as well as speaking with a newly birthed A.I., Metis. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-02-17 13 
30328299A Certain Academic City Quest 8Kyril challenges his teacher to a drinking contest. Kamijou gets barfed and weird out.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-02-19 9 
30335969Hollow Quest Redux 57We discover the origin of the strange happenings, then go into a tournament and see the thoughts of different characters. Butts are moderately discussed.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-02-19 14 
30412971 A Certain Academic City Quest 9.5 we help finish off AIM Burst and face the music for our JUSTICE! shenanigans. and set up a second date with the Dictator.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-02-23 11 
30453585BoatmurderedSome Swede-fag tells /tg/ a story of the time he sent his players into boatmurdured.Storytiem, Pathfinder,Exploding Dice, Shitting the queen,D20,Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2014-02-24 17 
30482084 A Certain Academic City Quest 11Party at Touma's! Kyril does some training,learns the nature of his power, and with Sagara, turn the tide on their would be assailants Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-02-26 11 
30507989Hollow Quest Redux 58We put the genie away, play with our guitar, ride a new friend and build a snowman.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-02-27 15 
30524831A Certain Academic City Quest 12Kyril's second date with the Dictator goes quite well, barring the mindwipe and accidentally staying out all night.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-02-28 9 
March 2014
30550560A.I. Quest 27 Tactical SplitOphion speaks with Kronos and several other A.I. of his and realizes it may be wise to split their attentions for now. On top of that matter, Rhea awakens.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-01 13 
30568326A Certain Academic City Quest 13Kyril deals with Aneue, and then take a Journy into the mind of Index.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-02 9 
30632245A Certain Academic City Quest 14Kyril returns to his old stomping grounds, witness failed cake bakery, plays wingman for Touma, and takes on a group of thugs solo(they never stood a chance)Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-05 8 
30675114A Certain Academic City Quest 15 Kyril's mauling of Big Spider goons is wrapped up and then later he plots a heist and acquires heist related accessories. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-07 8 
30696718A.I. Quest 28 Foreign in NatureThe strange and alien elements of the universe greet Ophion, while he attempts to deal with two fractured minds, one closer to home then the other.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-08 14 
30714054A Certain Academic City Quest 16Data acquired, sewers wandered in, Nunotaba writes more BL.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-09 11 
30698382Uredius sector thread #2Moar Ideas40k, Homebrew, Setting, Fluff, Grimdark, Worldbuilding, Uredius, Uredius Sector2014-03-09 2 
30738110Shadowrun Hacker Quest 5: OP's a tiredfag edition.Though Echo_TRACER wakes the next morning and prepares to meet with his team, OP is not yet ready to face the dawn.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest, OP is a tiredfag2014-03-10 5 
30779960 A Certain Academic City Quest 17Kyril gets phone calls,books, an invitation, a shower, a magic hair brushing, and learns Dracula is coming to town.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-12 8 
30836955A.I. Quest 29 Stubborn PastOphion 'fixes' what he can of his old friend, but it seems they have been changed by the experience, for better or worse.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-14 13 
30834264 A Certain Academic City Quest 18 Kyril agrees to house a vampire hunter for awhile, work in the junkyard, thwart a robbery, gets a drink, and (kinda sorta) joins THIEF. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-15 7 
30873591A Certain Academic City Quest 19 Kyril meets his THIEF contact, meets up with the Dictator, gets info on Big Spider, and slowly watches a BL doujin starring him and Touma gain popularityCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-17 9 
30935945 A Certain Academic City Quest 20Kyril gets serious with the Dictator, meets his temporary roommate vampire slayer, has a brief Q&A with said vampire slayer, meets an old man and will help him find his missing vampire waifu in exchange for karate lessons.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-20 9 
30945811Red Hood QuestWe become the Batman.Collective Game, Red Hood Quest2014-03-20 9 
30966144Red Hood Quest: Issue 2 Jason tries to get Tim laid.Collective Game, Red Hood Quest2014-03-21 7 
30978128A.I. Quest 30 Force of NatureOphion arrives at one of the Fringe's richest sources of gas, and realizes there is much about the universe that requires more study.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-21 14 
30981192Hollow Quest Redux 59Who ya gonna call?Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-03-22 16 
30978081A Certain Academic City Quest 21Kyril and pals confront Big Spider, pop pop pop making motherfuckers drop,covering up murders, coming to grips over the fact we popped our murder cherry, and a pep talk from the Dictator.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Director2014-03-22 6 
31081874A Certain Academic City Quest 22Kyril does soul searching, drinking, police questioning, saving his boss, and learning a little kung fu lesson.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-27 6 
31087487Hollow Quest Redux 60Oh hey Lucifer. Been a while.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-03-27 16 
31103913A.I. Quest 30 Mini-session 1Q&A, Discussion, and general talk abound, on top of a quick scene into the mind of Moira.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-03-28 10 
31127495Hollow Quest Redux 61We become noir, a pink haired thing happens, then we get more potatoes.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-03-29 12 
31140532A Certain Academic City Quest 23Kyril argues with his sikh pals, disobeys his teacher, meets a vampire, regrets meeting the vampire, gets saved, and passes out.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-03-30 6 
April 2014
31209743Peter Parker Quest: Issue #51 (Hollow Quest Redux 62)April First shenanigans: Risa Schrödinger goes to the PPQ-verse and be Spider Man.Marvel, Peter Parker Quest, Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-02 12 
31211554Hollow Quest Redux 62 (Peter Parker Quest: Issue #51)April First shenanigans: Peter Parker goes to HQR-verse where stuff may or may not happen!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, Peter Parker Quest, Marvel, Cosgrove2014-04-02 12 
31224606A Certain Academic City Quest 24Kyril is hospitalised. Business, blows and banter are exchanged within.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-03 7 
31281138A Certain Academic City Quest 25 go to a hearing, go to a lunch with the GF, and go to a meeting with magicians. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-06 7 
31368168A Certain Academic City Quest 26speak in Punjabi, accept desk job from Wizards, and go to junkyard. Also, Bored falls asleep and or loses connection. short thread.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-10 7 
31394716Hollow Quest Redux 62We get touched by an angel. Rational response? Violent angelcide. Jager gets touched by an angel too. Rational response? Well...Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-11 17 
31430469A Certain Academic City Quest 26.5 Visit work, visit orphanage, stay overnight, meet thieves guild contact.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-13 7 
31457968Red Vs Blue Quest 3OP finally decides to archive a thread so you can always relive your asskicking from Tex. What a guyCollective Game, Red Vs Blue, RVB, Red, Vs, Blue2014-04-14 0 
31454713Hollow Quest Redux 63We play dress up with jager then solve a crisis with a scrub.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-14 13 
31499656Hollow Quest Redux 64A wild edgelord appears!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-16 14 
31523119Hollow Quest Redux 65Law of the Jungle rules these parts.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-17 12 
31564006A.I. Quest 31 PerceptionOphion makes a deal with Mol, a powerful black market operator, and realizes he knows more then he's let on so far. At the same time, he deals with a significant defeat...A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-19 13 
31560864A Certain Academic City Quest 27 We are mission control. Vampires,Touma waifu #3 (IIRC) a half metal alchemist, and FIRE!!!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-19 7 
31582586A Certain Academic City Quest 28Fallout from the Misawa job, learn Kryil's reason to fight/kill, ta-ta to Teacher, and lods of emone!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-20 6 
31645677 A Certain Academic City Quest 29Bad news: Asuka gets shot. Good news: The bullet wasn't silver, it just made her mad.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-23 7 
31694673Hollow Quest Redux Recap and OmakeOverview of the quest so far and an omake thread.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-25 14 
31712772A.I. Quest 32 Opening GambitOphion begins his assault on Gaia IV in hopes of assisting the Malorian forces.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-26 10 
31721796A.I. Quest 32.5Ophion decides to assist the Malorians in their time of need, and takes over a dangerous Carrier, before trying to determine how to get back home.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-04-26 12 
31711493A Certain Academic City Quest 30Kyril goes to work and then meet Asuka's Dad... and there's a vocaroo guy for a bitCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-04-26 6 
31735516Hollow Quest Redux 66Our tails become much fluffier and leeches happen.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-04-27 12 
May 2014
31825070A Certain Academic City Quest 31Bodyguard work, beat thugs, sell info, get paid. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-01 6 
31851445Hollow Quest Redux 67Dare you enter the sticky fog?Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-02 12 
31870839A.I. Quest 33 TargetOphion handles the aftermath of his attempted insurgency, on top of dealing with a wealth of new knowledge.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-03 12 
31867879A Certain Academic City Quest 32Hang with friends, breaking the limit in a wheelchair, drunk karaoke, and learn why Asuka hasn't been answering her phone.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-03 7 
31875030Hollow Quest Redux 68All hail the Laughing God!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-03 12 
31938440A Certain Academic City Quest 33The search for Asuka begins.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-06 6 
31958291Hollow Quest Redux 69We finally conclude that everyone is Loki.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-07 14 
31998516A Certain Academic City Quest 34Dinner and then planning with Asuka.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-09 7 
32021581A.I. Quest 34 DivertedOphion's distraction proves useful, but what he does with the time bought has yet to be decided. It certainly doesn't help that there are troubles lurking within his own territory.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-10 12 
32023161Hollow Quest Redux 70Just when you thought Loki couldn't be more of an asshole...Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-10 11 
32041711A Certain Academic City Quest 35Finalization of the crew and some recce on the fight club.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-11 8 
32086459Hollow Quest Redux 71Thor is a master tactician and the dice cockslap a Loki.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-13 21 
32127296Hollow Quest Redux 72Breaking an instability, making a miracle, and punching Akira.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-15 11 
32165810A.I. Quest 35 Strike BackOphion prepares himself as the UGEI make their move, and he prepares his fleet.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-17 10 
32161774A Certain Academic City Quest 36Go to Kyril's job and then pull the big job later that evening.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-17 6 
32164932Hollow Quest Redux 73We talk to Sin-Fin and Akira has an understudy.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-17 11 
32182139A Certain Academic City Quest 37important meetings with family.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-18 7 
32228674Sacred Jewel Quest #3Our young heroine makes her escapeCollective Game, InuYasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-20 23 
32262907A Certain Academic City Quest 38 Kyril's punishment is to be in an episode of COPS: Academy CityCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-22 6 
32289127A.I. Quest 35 Mini Session 1We spend some time discussing upgrades and have some point of view switches to various NPC characters. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, POV2014-05-23 10 
32293019Sacred Jewel Quest #4Our young heroine enjoys a moonlit forest rompCollective Game, InuYasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-23 20 
32289350Hollow Quest Redux 74Fenrir round 2: Wolf vs WolfCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-23 20 
32311762A.I. Quest 36 RecognitionOphion finally deals with the impending UGEI attack, and move their way up the UGEI's threat list.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-05-24 10 
32334087A Certain Academic City Quest 39Some sights are worth dying for...Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-25 6 
32357260Hollow Quest Redux 75Operation Wolf^3 is complete, and we set a trap for an angel.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-26 12 
32418663A Certain Academic City Quest 40autoerotic asphyxiation and the stock marketCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-05-29 7 
32423613Hollow Quest Redux 76We get food poisoning. Then we unlock more old one stuff and test out our power.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-29 13 
32444207Hollow Quest Redux 77We go to the beach and our plant speaks.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-05-30 15 
32448271Sacred Jewel Quest #5Our young heroine recovers and then 'recovers'Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-30 12 
32467529Sacred Jewel Quest #6Our young heroine gets down to businessCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-05-31 13 
June 2014
32507734A Certain Academic City Quest 41The gang goes to a job interview.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-02 6 
32570627A Certain Academic City Quest 42The great loli robberyCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-05 7 
32637080Hollow Quest Redux 78We finish the beach, hang out with people, and Asmodeus gives us a potential target.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-08 15 
32634090 A Certain Academic City Quest 43Waffles for breakfast and a crit fail for lunch.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-08 8 
32680280Sacred Jewel Quest #7Our young heroine enjoys a story and some animal wranglingCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-10 11 
32696386Hollow Quest Redux 79We always choose to push the button.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-11 12 
32714337A Certain Academic City Quest 44Touman steps inCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-12 7 
32718603Hollow Quest Redux 80In which the internet is Loki.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-12 14 
32741919Sacred Jewel Quest #8Our young heroine gets annoyed, and the situation in the village gets hairyCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-13 10 
32801360A Certain Academic City Quest 45The loot drop for beating Accelerator is the custody of a loli.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-16 7 
32844448Hollow Quest Redux 81We hit third form and the tower finally appears.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-18 14 
32886539Sacred Jewel Quest #9Our young heroine meets Yura, and Snow rolls like a beastCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-20 10 
32921418A Certain Academic City Quest 46Kyril finds the time to not be clever twice in one dayCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-22 11 
32928684Hollow Quest Redux 82Mr. Smilie's identity revealed! Lola is best stalker. Sin-Fin learns how to make decisions and is not fucking terrifying for once. Mostly.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-22 14 
32982387Hollow Quest Redux 83We give Ryoko our pie and it makes her giggle.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-25 13 
33002744 A Certain Academic City Quest 47Remember kids, it's only illegal if you get caught!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-26 7 
33026367Hollow Quest Redux 84We have a date and Jager turns out to be rather popular.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-27 14 
33028055Sacred Jewel Quest #10Our young heroine toughens up, lawyers up, and blows up a centipede.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-06-27 11 
33044430A Certain Academic City Quest 48I'd like to see a bonobo drive like that Nakazawa!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-28 7 
33065818A Certain Academic City Quest 49of Parkour and PartiesCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-06-29 9 
33088090Hollow Quest Redux 85We meet Amp.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-06-30 12 
July 2014
33110447Hollow Quest Redux 86We sink Jager's battleship and hate Mendel. We hate Mendel so very much.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-01 12 
33168346Hollow Quest Redux 87Flicking people on their foreheads isn't very nice!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth 2014-07-04 13 
33172851Sacred Jewel Quest #11Our young heroine gets her new friend a stylish accessoryCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-04 10 
33193421BLEACH QUEST: REDUX #1Bleach Quest returns! The reset button is pressed and the mystery box is selected. You can't go off the rails if they where never there.Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest Redux, Cosgrove2014-07-05 28 
33209961Hollow Quest Redux 88We discover a split in the shinigami army and resolve it as best we can for now. Then we meet Raijin and decide he looks delicious.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-06 13 
33247618Sacred Stones QuestWe Joined Ephraim on his journey south to Grado and were assigned to a squad.Sacred Stones Quest, Collective Game, Fire Emblem2014-07-08 5 
33252900Hollow Quest Redux 89Soul Society's property value sure has gone down since they let the shoggoths in.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-08 13 
33274364Hollow Quest Redux 90We have our first group fight in a while. Then we save the monster.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-09 12 
33295641Hollow Quest redux 91We fatebreak while giving Azzy a leg massage, and get told the story of Solomon.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-10 14 
33323866Sacred Jewel Quest #12Our young heroine goes down the rabbithole and then becomes Naked Snake.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-11 11 
33332251Magical Girl Noir Quest 219A worried magical girl rains blueberries and death upon her enemies.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Wendy, Tiny Pete, Misaka, Red hot chili pepper2014-07-11 17 
33336481A Certain Academic City Quest 50The fall of Ilyena Torikov.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-12 8 
33339325Hollow Quest Redux 92We meet a scarecrow and learn the location of some demons. Then Shiba gets drunkCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-12 14 
33361568Hollow Quest Redux 93 plus Q&AWe go back to college and end up getting ambushed. The thread closes early for Q&A and improving the system.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-13 12 
33358654A Certain Academic City Quest 51Nothing will stop Problem Children in their pursuit of taking lolis that don't belong to them.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-13 7 
33448711Sacred Stones Quest 2We gained a new squad mate, had a fruity drink, spared with Gareth, and broke our sternum. Good timesSacred Stones Quest, Collective Game, Fire Emblem2014-07-17 5 
33470768A Certain Academic City Quest 52Adventures in babysitting and grand larcenyCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-18 7 
33476223Sacred Jewel Quest #13Our young heroine enjoys social linking. The road to despair is well traveled.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-18 10 
33519392Hollow Quest Redux 94Risa finally opens the box.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-20 12 
33519347A Certain Academic City Quest 53Wanna see what a nat 1 while handling explosives looks like?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-20 9 
33535780Sacred Stones Quest 3Breakfast with Kyle, Rematch with Gareth, and won our first sparing match against ChristineSacred Stones Quest, Collective Game, Fire Emblem2014-07-21 6 
33564419Hollow Quest Redux 95We get some information, discover why Ryoko is best scrub all over again, and get scared.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-22 12 
33582954A Certain Academic City Quest 54Kyril's ass belongs to AC, assuming Asuka's Uncle doesn't carve it up first.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-23 11 
33612084Hollow Quest Redux 96The party ends and our tech support is pretty good.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-24 13 
33633275Sacred Jewel Quest #14Our young heroine has a pest problemCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-07-25 20 
33656168A.I. Quest 37 DeceptionKronos is sent to handle matters with the unknown hacker in Malorian space. After a negotiation, and a planetside drop, it is revealed who the hacker is, and what his intentions were. Meanwhile, Apollo and Cephalus attempt to take control of Gaia IV, but things hit a snag.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-07-26 11 
33665998Pokemon QuestAlways sunny in Pallet TownPokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-26 30 
33675571A Certain Academic City Quest 55That robot handled like shit anyways. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-27 7 
33693499Pokemon Quest Part 2An autist, a retard, and a bitch continue their journey to Viridian City Collective Game, Pokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-27 21 
33713244Pokemon Quest Part 3RED, the Pokemon autist, continues his journey and cockblocks his rivalCollective Game, Pokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-28 17 
33723185Hollow Quest Redux 97We run, stop talking, and then Sin-Fin has a new kind of break.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-29 14 
33723735A Certain Academic City Quest 56 part 1Jail is depressing. So we'll just leave.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-29 6 
33730365BLEACH QUEST: REDUX #2The Quest for Dosh and Plot. BQR continues!Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest Redux, Cosgrove2014-07-29 21 
33735751A Certain Academic City Quest 56 part 2Trains are so much better than robots.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-07-29 7 
33756905Pokemon Quest #4The Gang Goes to Pewter CityPokemon Quest, Collective Game, Red, Green, Blue, Beedrill, Professor Oak2014-07-30 13 
33758287BLEACH QUEST: REDUX #3The Sword, the Stone, and the (worthless) Shinigami.Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest Redux, Cosgrove2014-07-30 20 
33778183Hollow Quest Redux 98Risa: 2 Moon: 0Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-07-31 14 
August 2014
33805313Pokemon Quest #5Red fights the Pewter City GymPokemon Quest, Collective Game, Beedrill, Red, Green, Blue, Professor Oak2014-08-01 17 
33825377A.I. Quest 38 ControlOphion deals with his invasion of Gaia IV, as both his A.I. begin to gain a foothold. Otherwise, there are a number of matters that are coming to his attention now that he has a position of power...and other's attention as well.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-02 10 
33821178A Certain Academic City Quest 57: FinaleKyril had a good run...Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-08-02 6 
33824515Hollow Quest Redux 99We return home and swoon a little before partying.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-02 13 
33848139Hollow Quest Redux 100Recap and Omake. Risa is a heart breaker and meets her daughter.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-03 15 
33865091Sacred Stones Quest 4Mel is joined by a Cleric and Thief. The thief turns out to be quite the badass.Sacred Stones Quest, Collective Game, Fire Emblem2014-08-04 3 
33922401BLEACH QUEST: REDUX #4"I really dig those Quincy Blues"Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest Redux, Cosgrove2014-08-06 20 
33989743A.I. Quest 39 New AlliesOphion deals with the after math of the Losirian rebellion, as he sets other matters in motion, and discovers new allies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-09 10 
33991756Hollow Quest Redux 101What would The Doctor do?Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-09 14 
33993656Sacred Jewel Quest #15Our young heroine watches her dog get slapped aroundCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-08-09 12 
33998929Pokemon Quest #6Did someone say shiny?Pokemon Quest, Collective Game, Beedrill, Red, Green, Blue, Professor Oak2014-08-09 8 
34011598Macross 2054 Quest Ep 1First flight, first girls, first contact.Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-10 7 
34065636Macross 2054 Quest Ep 2Second job, second plane, second survivor.Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-12 5 
34114199Hollow Quest Redux 102We put the kettle on, and a few long term projects start making progress.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-14 13 
34159187Macross 2054 Quest Ep 3Third men, three drones, third killMacross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-16 5 
34166796Sacred Jewel Quest #16Our young heroine grows stronger, while the party just grows.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-08-16 13 
34189583A.I. Quest 40 AbandonedWith a solid foothold, Ophion begins scouting out the surrounding territories and sets up his own spy network to counter the UGEI, all the while learning a bit more about the rebels on Gaia IVA.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-17 12 
34190705Hollow Quest Redux 103Akira gives us a target, we get some new powers, and then meet a talking animal who calls himself D. B Cooper.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-17 11 
34199992Bleach Quest REDUX 5Ichigo busts some heads and has a trip down Bad Memory lane.bleach, collective game, Cosgrove, Bleach Quest REDUX 2014-08-17 20 
34302957Hollow Quest Redux 104Under the sea!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-22 11 
34325085Hollow Quest Redux 105Azzy unleashed.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-08-23 13 
34321103Macross 2054 Quest Ep 4Forefathers, four drinks, fourth Boomerang. Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-23 3 
34346985Macross 2054 Quest Ep 5Dinner with Dad, Cavalry for Cavalier, and the grand opening of Jive's OfficeMacross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-24 5 
34488880A.I. Quest 41 PanicOphion deals with internal affairs-with Lightlings now orbiting Gaia IV. Likewise, he considers some of the more dangerous specimens he has locked away for study.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-08-30 10 
34511756Macross 2054 Quest Ep 6Target practice with Claudia, meeting possible buyers, and dinner with Grace O'Connor.Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-08-31 2 
September 2014
34631967Tzeentchette Quest OneshotIn which we play as everyone's favorite birdbrain, Ignitrix, in the tale of her Ascension to Lady of Change-dom.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Just as planned, Red Bull, ELH2014-09-05 -7 
34679424Macross 2054 Quest Ep 8Previous thread: >>34604759 Today was a date to rememberMacross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-09-07 2 
34797052Hollow Quest Redux 106What could possibly go wrong?Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-09-12 12 
34819097A.I. Quest 42 SleepingOphion speaks with Lawrence, from Gaia IV, and Metis over several concerning matters, before deciding how to deal with the UGEI superweapon.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-09-13 10 
34814826A Certain Academic City Quest 58The prelude to warCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-09-13 7 
34837972A Certain Academic City Quest 59We catch a glimpse of KyrilCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors2014-09-14 6 
34958258Hollow Quest Redux 107We turn down science, the festival starts, then robots. Lots of robotsCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-09-19 12 
34961193Sacred Jewel Quest #17Our young heroines nighttime adventureCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-09-19 15 
35133439Macross 2054 Quest Ep 9A fight on two frontsMacross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-09-27 2 
35134188Hollow Quest Redux 108Howl at the moon and lose an arm. It'll grow back, I'm sure. Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-09-27 10 
35138452Sacred Jewel Quest #18Our young heroine goes shopping and then gets drunk.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-09-27 10 
35211309The Rogue Trader Wants to Put WHAT on the Ship?!Red Dwarf in 40KRed Dwarf, 40K, Arnold Rimmer2014-09-30 -2 
October 2014
35246302Sacred Jewel Quest #19Our young heroines murder mysteryCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-02 11 
35287723A.I. Quest 43 FragmentsOphion must decide how to deal with the wreckage of Carnage, the experimental weapon they destroyed, that remains at Walsh.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2014-10-04 12 
35282002Macross 2054 Quest Ep 10New discoveries abound.Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-10-04 2 
35283999Hollow Quest Redux 109Of course I trust you.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-04 14 
35430005Macross 2054 Quest Ep 11Turns out it was a space station.Macross 2054 Quest, Collective Game, Bored of Directors2014-10-11 0 
35433674Hollow Quest Redux 110We learn more about Jager, and beat Mendel to the punchCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-11 12 
35439079Sacred Jewel Quest #20Our young heroine and her intreped friends go mountain hikingCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-11 13 
35458262Hollow Quest Redux 111Jager is saved! Then a perspective switch to Caede happens later.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-12 11 
35525974Sacred Stones Quest 5We pick some locks, encounter a giant spider, and run like Hell.Sacred Stones Quest, Collective Game, Fire Emblem2014-10-15 0 
35590037Hollow Quest Redux 112“So this is how I… die.” Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-18 12 
35594796Sacred Jewel Quest #21We deal with the aftermath of the wolf attack, talk with Inuyasha some, and finally reach our intended destination.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-10-18 18 
35732730Hollow Quest Redux 113Hunger:StarvingCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-25 11 
35758498Hollow Quest Redux 114Super sneakret mission begin.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-10-26 10 
November 2014
35878700Hollow Quest Redux: Risa Schrodinger's Halloween Holloween SpooktacularTrick or treat!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, Halloween Special2014-11-01 11 
36005258Sacred Jewel Quest #22Our young heroine watches a dogfight then goes to hell.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-07 13 
36023430Hollow Quest Redux 115Something something Mendel, something something bears. Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-11-08 12 
36062501Red Scorpions Child CareHave you ever wondered how Space Marines would raise newborn initiates? Neither have I, but here it is anyway.Warhammer 40000, Space Marines, Red Scorpions, Funny2014-11-11 17 
36162330A Certain Academic City Quest II #1We can rebuild him. We can make him faster, stronger, but don't give him back his eyebrows.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-11-15 14 
36164804Hollow Quest Redux 116Say hello to Death.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-11-15 10 
36189667Sacred Jewel Quest #23Our young heroine and the hunterCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-16 12 
36308485A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep2Meeting her royal highness and having a productive day of work.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-11-22 6 
36358814Sacred Jewel Quest #24Our young heroine is the best at hugs.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-24 14 
36448005A Certain Academic City Quest II #3Kyril reconnects with the Dictator by indulging in their favorite pastime - beating up thugs.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-11-29 6 
36453388Sacred Jewel Quest #25Our young heroine is the Great NegotiatorCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-11-29 13 
December 2014
36586197A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep4 The training manual says nothing about Imoutos in the field of duty.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-12-06 5 
36588762Hollow Quest Redux 117The dice and the Norse have an odd relationship.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-12-06 13 
36592314Sacred Jewel Quest #26Our young heroine goes to her "happy" placeCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-12-06 13 
36719150Magical Girl Noir Quest 248A reluctant magical girl battles against the Red Culexus.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Red Bitch2014-12-12 22 
36726542Hollow Quest Redux 118The more changes, the more stays the same. Also cyclops guy is pretty cool.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-12-13 11 
36723051A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep5Meet with a friend. and then something completely different happens, a friend meets with us!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-12-13 5 
36783496The incredible Peddlewheeler!A travelling salesdwarf attempts to sell a new fangled contraption to a rural village. The incredible Peddlewheeler!,peddlewheeler,2014-12-15 2 
36789648Sacred Jewel Quest #27Our young heroine has a visitorCollective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2014-12-16 10 
36857450A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep6HsCC-02 VERDICT gets debriefed on his mission to go to his friends' party.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-12-20 5 
36863404Hollow Quest Redux 119You're desthpicable!Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-12-20 10 
36960899Hollow Quest Redux Christmas Special 2A Risa carol. Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2014-12-25 12 
36988033A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep7Playing cards for ShieldsCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22014-12-27 5 
January 2015
37142141Hollow Quest Redux 120Risa goes out for ice cream, then bad things happen, then lewd things happen.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-01-04 10 
37132287Explaining the real world to utopia's nativesOP ask /tg/ how we would explain the IRL world and it's problems to an innocent native of a fantasy realm where bad things can't happen. Writefags arrive and heartwarmingness results.Ethics, writefags, heartwarming, evil, good, Alfred Pennyworth 2015-01-04 7 
37204608Hollow Quest Redux 121"It's not really murder if they're magical girls." -JagerCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-01-07 11 
37247822Hollow Quest Redux 122Passion for Fashion.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-01-09 10 
37265308A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep8Kyril steals the heart of an older woman.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-01-10 5 
37287102A Certain Academic City Quest II #9Sparky seems to have misplaced her sword. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-01-11 5 
37360746Sacred Jewel Quest #27 (cont.)Our young heroine returns and plays host.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-01-14 10 
37418181A Certain Academic City Quest II #10Love, violence, and betrayal most foul.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-01-17 5 
37424952Hollow Quest Redux 123Well, at least we got the cloth.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-01-17 6 
37570464A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep11Who needs Onstar when you have a ghost?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-01-24 5 
37620912Sacred Jewel Quest #28Our young heroine draws the Devil card.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-01-26 10 
37733076DBZ Human Quest #49A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to comeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Android, Trunks, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, 17, 18, Red, Ribbon, Army, Doctor, Gero2015-01-31 13 
37737479DBZ Human Quest #50Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parentsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Piccolo, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Doctor, Gero, Red, Ribbon, Army2015-01-31 12 
37726387A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep12 New Year's plans in danger?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-01-31 5 
February 2015
37825541Sacred Jewel Quest #29Our young heroine prevails and counsels a aggrieved father.Collective Game, Inuyasha, Sacred Jewel Quest, SnowLoss2015-02-04 10 
37845597Ignitrix Sidequest #5Alia and Iggy escape certain doom, only for the Bird Brain to nearly send them into the Warp healing her. Antics with Orks ensue as a result.Collective Game, Orks, The Hunt for Red Orktobrah, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-02-05 11 
37874059Handler Quest Redux Thread #1A CIA Agent gets transferred to a gas station in the middle of nowhere. We spend some time deciphering the mystery of the gas station before finally finding out what we're really doing here.Collective Game, Handler Quest Redux, MKULTRA2015-02-06 5 
37880891A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep13 We are a terrible aniki. Thank goodness for pain killers.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-02-07 5 
38042373A Certain Academic City Quest II #14An outrageous New Year to you.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-02-14 5 
38047947Hollow Quest Redux 123 ReduxI demand a redo.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-02-14 8 
38197101 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep15Matchmaker Matchmaker make me a matchCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-02-21 5 
38199325Hollow Quest Redux 124Risa is the best at self-control.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-02-21 8 
38223682A.I. Quest 45 Guilt & PityOphion rebuilds his forces after the brutal conflict with Prometheus, all the while getting a little more personal with his less than robotic allies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-02-22 9 
38355391A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep16na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na VERDICT!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-02-28 5 
March 2015
38519341A.I. Quest 46 UnchainedOphion unlocks the secrets to the being known as Erebos, and announces claim over Gaia IV. What path shall he take next?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-03-07 11 
38519138Hollow Quest Redux 125We find out to everyone's shock that Azure is a butt man. Also we cook a Hellwyrm.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-03-07 10 
38678265A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep17If the J-pop doesn't get you, the tranq darts willCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-03-14 3 
38853002A.I. Quest 47 MirrorOphion speaks with the strange newcomer he discovered recently, as well as moving further into UGEI territory while they're weak.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-03-22 11 
38970987A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep18The game is a foot! Assemble the crew!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-03-28 5 
38973715Hollow Quest Redux 126Angelic Hitman leaves Risa feeling like Angelic sHit,man.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-03-28 12 
April 2015
39111441A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep19Every hero needs a villain Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-04-04 5 
39136734A.I. Quest 48 Unprecedented PowerOphion deals with the aftermath of an explosion, and receives a message from Arman's Gate.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-04-05 10 
39151315Hollow Quest Redux: Plantbro editionPlantbro gets hurt, then goes looking for Risa.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, deculture2015-04-06 14 
39262043A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep20Everyone makes more money than HsCC-02 VERDICT Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-04-11 5 
39404705A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep21Please forgive us Camaro-chanCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-04-18 2 
39409237Hollow Quest Redux 127Death of a plant.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-04-18 7 
39547195A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep22One does not simply waltz into the US Embassy. Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-04-25 2 
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
May 2015
39695009A.I. Quest 49 New FindingsOphion takes advantage of a brief moment of piece to explore the world around him a little more closely.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-05-02 9 
39814700Hollow Quest Redux 128Jesus liftsCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-05-08 12 
39831128A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep23I'm not saying it was nanomachines but...Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-05-09 2 
39974179A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep24getting paid getting paid.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-05-16 5 
39976356Hollow Quest Redux 129In which we meet our maker.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-05-16 10 
39992979The Beginning (??? Quest)Grizzled, Drunk Old Man has a rather down Wednesday. Enter "The Red Lady"The Beginning, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven Blum, Collective Game2015-05-17 6 
40016425New Beginnings- Muse Quest 1We face our choices in the Cathedral, alongside the creeping Cosmic HorrorThe Red Lady, Steven Spike Bloom, Steven Bloom, Steven Blum, Collective Game, Muse 2015-05-18 5 
40097301Muse Quest 2Meet the Muses, Begin to change your fateCollective Game, Muse Quest, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-05-22 6 
40112872A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep25Nun shall escape!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-05-23 5 
40134653A.I. Quest 50 Leaps and BoundsAfter cycles of research and development, finally Ophion has cracked the secrets of Anti-Matter containment. With this new discovery how will he face future threats?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-05-24 9 
40136463Unexplored World Quest 1We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named TiberiusCollective Game, Unexplored World Quest, Swordmage, Tiberius2015-05-24 1 
40159063Muse Quest 3The Pursuer comes, the end of the Cathedral, and we meet an old friend. Also, jazz-offThe Red Lady, Steven Spike Bloom, Steven Bloom, Collective Game, Muse, Tarot2015-05-25 5 
40245467Muse Quest 4"Welcome to Orre" A Dusty antique store, interesting ancient murals, the blacksmithing twins, summoning awesome tarot powers, and...oh shit, it's The Pursuer.Collective Game, Muse Quest, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-05-29 3 
40260431A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep26We continue to not be cleverCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-05-30 4 
June 2015
40399240Retired Mascot QuestYou are retired, after a long and distinguished career serving the Core... And you're also bored out of your mind. Collective Game, Retired Mascot Quest, shaderic, 2015-06-05 3 
40412866Muse Quest 5The Pursuit- Short ThreadThe Red Lady, Tarot, Muse Quest, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-06-06 3 
40428751Muse Quest 5.5The Pursuit-Part 2 Collective Game, The Red Lady, Tarot, Muse Quest, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-06-07 4 
40430651HAHAHA RAPE SO FUNNY QUESTFuck off you literal shitlordsTriggered, Triggered, TRIGGERED2015-06-07 -8 
40563615A.I. Quest 51 The HarvestThe collection and use of the crystal alien as a building material is finally put into motion-with unexpected side effects.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-06-13 9 
40598342 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep27 Would rather get brain surgery than uninstall an OS. then we try to turn chickenshit into chunky salsa.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-06-15 5 
40699440 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep28 Yes, we do like hurting peopleCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-06-20 5 
40703401Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Seven Stand at ShellaThe Crystal Chronicles, the compendium of hundreds of journeys of crystal caravans. All of these stories close with a shared ending- The Brave Tragedy: Seven Stand at Shella.Collective Game, The Red Lady, Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy, Multiple POV2015-06-20 5 
40842228A.I. Quest 52 The WarpGuild space proves unsafe once more, and Ophion must look into ways to make them safe once more.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-06-27 9 
40838420A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep29Everybody hates Etzali Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-06-27 3 
40878661Joker Quest 136The team kills a flood of undead correctors while Totenaz succeeds at his hacking minigame. Daegal and Hazes start enjoying the fight and Joker doesn't fail the diplomacy roll for once.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, SQUAD MORALE RESTORED2015-06-28 10 
July 2015
40986637A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep30We unleash CADME, capture Etzali and Touma gets us back on track.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-07-04 5 
41137490 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep31Etzali gets his collar, Kyril gets brain surgery, and Kyouko fails at readingCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-07-11 5 
41186204A Tale Of Witches Chapter 45In which Sora is revealed to be a woman of many talents.a tale of witches, weisman, collective game, waking up covered in bitches, dual wielding, original setting,2015-07-19 4 
41325000Redline Quest #0You win the local Shift Race, your Mom makes you promise not to race, but relents upon hearing that you'll get a girl out of it. Or something like that.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-07-20 18 
41434107A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep32Looking into casino woes and taking two girls to lunch.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-07-25 5 
41479906Redline Quest #1You go to the National Shift, meet a cool engineer, go ABSURDLY FAST, and finish with an offer from Morosa.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-07-27 16 
August 2015
41589965A.I. Quest 53 DownfallOphion's promise to Saylor requires attention-will he keep it as promised, or not has yet to be seen. On top of matters, a disturbance is detected.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-01 8 
41587170 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 33Roll under DC30 ain't got shit on VERDICTCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-08-01 5 
41589866Hollow Quest Redux 130Risa gets by with a little help from her friends.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-08-01 10 
41626213Redline Quest #2You serve out chili, you wreck a would-be robber, and you head to the National Shift, which you'll actually be competing in this time.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-08-03 10 
41648288Redline Quest #3It's the National Shift. Lots and lots of salt is spilled.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-08-04 16 
41669205Redline Quest #4You get yourself all Dapper, make yourself the biggest man in the room, and do an interview with a journalist. Not a necessary thread, just some spacing between races.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-08-05 13 
41771635A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 34 Fucking Aztecs Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-08-10 5 
41873141Hollow Quest Redux 131 Fighting the Time DevourerCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-08-15 11 
41871575A Certain Academic City Quest 35Aztecs get fuckedCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-08-15 5 
41894078A.I. Quest 54 ClashOphion prepares his forces for the final assault from Admiral Thanatos-reflecting on many of the decisions that have brought him thus far. Will he defeat Thanatos?A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-16 7 
42008796 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 36Zombies ain't got shit on VERDICT. And then some internal affairs investigations.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-08-22 5 
42029174Redline Quest #5We arrive where the World Cup will happen, upgrade the handling on our frame, and have pizza with Arachnia.Redline Quest, Redline, Racing, Collective Game, ArtemisQM, Awesome2015-08-25 5 
42172807A.I. Quest 55 TitansOphion attempts to find some way of cracking into Thanatos' defenses-and perhaps faces the truth as well.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-08-30 11 
42169835A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 37Why you gotta be like that Grímsdóttir?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-08-30 5 
September 2015
42441831A.I. Quest Aftermath DiscussionWe take one final look at A.I. Quest, and I attempt to answer any last pressing concerns that I can. Thank you everyone that participated, and read A.I. Quest.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos2015-09-12 7 
42438810A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 38Prepping for walking in a winter wastelandCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-09-12 5 
42581819A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 39The Slumlord has been kidnapped by a Magic God. Is VERDICT a bad enough dude to rescue her?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-09-19 5 
42604899Hundred Year War QuestKuo, the wandering bender is born.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-20 13 
42620238Hundred Year War Quest 2The marathon continues.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-20 6 
42635197Hundred Year War Quest 3I have run this for over a day, I am still not tired, but I must work tomorrow.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-21 8 
42720856A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 40 Hijacking is just plane wrongCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-09-26 5 
October 2015
42859302Hundred Year War Quest 4To hell with even distribution of numbers, Kuo don't give a shit.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-03 8 
42890912Hundred Year War Quest 5Kuo goes shopping, beats an old man, almost rips off a retard, and gets a letter, I wonder who it's from?Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-05 8 
42978693 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 41The Fresh Prince of the StrangeCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-10-10 5 
43018950Hundred Year War Quest 6Hundred Year War Quest 6Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-12 6 
43069874Hundred Year War Quest 7Kuo learns some good stuff, almost kills some people on accident, and gets distracted easily.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-15 6 
43107157Hundred Year War Quest 8Circus people are assholes.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-17 6 
43107082A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 42a Guild of Calamitous Intent?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-10-17 5 
43217776Hundred Year War Quest 9Kuo gets kicked out, makes it to Ba Sing Se, and runs into an old friend.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-23 6 
43301844Tide of Ages Quest Pt1We begin life as a stone-age tribesman, set to make his mark on the tribe and the world.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-10-27 18 
43370845Hundred Year War Quest 10Kuo starts his life as Dong Rock, PHD.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-30 6 
43374935A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 43Remove teleporter seminarCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-10-31 5 
November 2015
43431452Tide of Ages Quest Pt2Despite being scorned by the elders, our stone age hero doesn't let that dissuade him. A new pair of spears is made, we begin work on the idea of a sling and our food runs dry!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-03 12 
43488184Tide of Ages Quest Pt3The thread goes unexpectedly long, after our hero, Trym, takes a hunting tripCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-06 7 
43543665Hundred Year War Quest 11Kuo manages to get invited to something, and then some cool stuff happens.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-09 6 
43543205 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 44Get that Hothead outta here!Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-11-09 6 
43564818Tide of Ages Quest Pt4Trym barely survives his duel with the White Wolf, but manages to make some new friends.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-10 7 
43594780Hundred Year War Quest 12Something unexpected happens.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-12 5 
43611904Tide of Ages Quest Pt5Trym and Elia return from the winter. Smoking meat proves harder than expected and something odd is seen in the river.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-14 7 
43625976A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 45 VERDICT vs the Fourth EstateCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-11-14 7 
43655882Hundred Year War Quest 13I have to end early, so this thread is really short.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest, Sorry2015-11-15 4 
43674344Tide of Ages Quest Pt6Elia and Trym take a trip upriver to somehow win the heart of Elia's sweetheart, but they discover something... Otherworldly.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-17 7 
43727308Tide of Ages Quest Pt7Trym goes and visits the strangers, only to return with a wife!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-20 7 
43741765A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 46Much ado about dead whoresCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-11-21 5 
43748716Hundred Year War Quest 14Kuo blows the cover, makes a mistake, and cool news about SuperHuman Legacy Quest.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-21 3 
43793865Tide of Ages Quest Pt8Trym's daughter is born in harrowing conditions and an old friend (?) makes its return.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-24 8 
43797956Fractured Galaxy: A /tg/ SettingHumanity is gone; its inheritors are locked in an eternal struggle for the greatest legacy in the galaxy.setting, sci fi, uplifts, fractured galaxy2015-11-24 11 
43813609Heritage Quest pt 1A quest set in the Heritage setting. A ceph ship captain hires a new engineer before running into trouble. Collective Game, Heritage, Heritage Quest, fractured galaxy2015-11-25 7 
43817453It's Too Late for this Shit QuestIt's 8 AM. In the last two days, you've gotten three hours of sleep. And now, someone's pounding on your door.Collective Game, Tired, Shaderic, Too Late For This Shit, 2015-11-25 5 
43821682Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With GlaivesMore writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea!Sisters of Battle, Melee only, No power armour, Order Of The Armoured Heart, Drawfaggotry, Writefaggotry.2015-11-26 3 
43845205Tide of Ages Quest Pt9As the winter wears on, there's a crime in the clan. This could cause dire repercussions later...Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-27 10 
43846241Heritage Ship Quest #2Onboard the Hot Needle of Inquiry, Captain Solomon chooses his favourite radio station.Collective Game, Heritage Ship Quest, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-11-27 8 
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
43897039Heritage Ship Quest #3Solomon makes a deal, shoots guns, and finds a new friend, all while listening to Felinid dance music.Heritage Ship Quest, Collective Game, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-11-30 7 
December 2015
43906997AVP QUEST #1A Big tiddied predator huntress and Colonial marine number 12762 start their adventure, and must escape from both Bad Blood Hunters and a Xeno Hive Collective Game, AVP QUEST, Xenomorph, Predator2015-12-01 7 
43913953Tide of Ages Quest Pt10Sera grows sick and Trym learns to regret not preparing better for winter. This year, he won't make the same mistake.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-01 9 
43970513Tide of Ages Quest Pt11The clan gets some new homes and we start seeing a little more of what the non-humans are capable of.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-04 7 
43935716Heritage Ship Quest #4The Hot Needle of Inquiry arrives at the relic site, and make a wondrous discovery. The thread is cut unfortunately short due to a sibling's car crash.Heritage Ship Quest, Collective Game, Heritage, Fractured Galaxy, Sci fi2015-12-05 4 
43985567 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 47Kyril steals his own girlfriend.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-12-05 5 
44046465Tide of Ages Quest Pt12Trym's son is born and survives. Better yet, agriculture, the first great revolution, is developed!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-09 7 
44094519Tide of Ages Quest Pt13The tribe starts the long process of cultivating the land and tries their best to domesticate the first animals in the world. Who'sagoodboy?Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-11 6 
44112003A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 48Attack of the Party PoopersCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-12-12 6 
44174232Tide of Ages Quest Pt14Soqed and Mesut both have worrying and weighty matters to discuss. The clan sees the beginning of its first real tipping point.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-15 7 
44230240Tide of Ages Quest Pt15The wolves are tamed and become faithful companions. Trym calls to the spirits and they answer. Crow is an asshole.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-18 14 
44249192 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 49We send a message to the Guild, despite their disarming personality.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-12-19 5 
44306326Tide of Ages Quest Pt16Fields are planted, but there's some concern among the players that this idyllic life will soon come to an end.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-22 7 
44346866Hollow Quest Redux X-mas EpilogueAll Risa wants for Christmas is a happy end. and maybe some lewd things...Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth2015-12-24 12 
44406724God of Creation [QUEST] part2You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. This time we created cattle, monkey guys, hung out with our cool new music/water friend, grew a tree and OHFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?!Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish, Helitaur, Fredd-Murc2015-12-28 6 
44406632A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 50New Secretary, New Arm, New Plans.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22015-12-28 5 
44430034Tide of Ages Quest Pt17Tyrm tries to push his magic too far, despite warnings and pays the price for it; he is stricken blind!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-29 7 
January 2016
44499582Tide of Ages Quest Pt18Trym's great quest is revealed! To restore his sight, he must unite the clans into a single great tribe!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-02 7 
44568050Tide of Ages Quest Pt19Trym starts his plan in motion to unite the clans and takes his first step to mastering magic.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-05 6 
44628226Tide of Ages Quest Pt20Trym barely avoids starvation, has a heart-to-heart with his daughter and hopefully starts making strides towards his quest.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-08 6 
44688844A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 51Crashing this plane with several survivors! Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-01-11 5 
44714481Tide of Ages Quest Pt21Trym makes himself a magic pimp-stick and struts out to start building ties with the herders.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-12 5 
44774805Tide of Ages Quest pt22Trym and his party arrive at the herders village and their tribal suggestions meet with limited success…Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-14 6 
44837303A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 52VERDICT wears many hats. Tour guide, Real Estate Agent, AssassinCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-01-18 7 
44862955Tide of Ages Quest Pt23Sera leaves us to learn from Soqed and Trym calls on the goddess Rhea to aid his brother's wife.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-19 5 
44925677Tide of Ages Quest Pt24Tension starts to rise in the village, as more of the herders move in.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-22 5 
45076714Tide of Ages Quest Pt25The winter festival is interrupted by the gods, but these new ones don't want sacrifice. Their demands are somewhat harder...Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-30 5 
February 2016
45134629A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 53worst traffic jam ever.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-02-01 5 
45162078Tide of Ages Quest Pt26Trym starts developing things for the clan again. Bigger and better buildings are coming and the herders seem to have become traders.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-02 5 
45217588Tide of Ages Quest Pt27Trading doesn't go so well, but Trym does gain some valuable information about the wider worldCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages, Unreliable GM2016-02-05 5 
45361825Tide of Ages Quest Pt28Trym manages to broker peace between a trio of feuding gods and saves his village from the fallout. All in a day's work!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-12 5 
45419648A Certain Academicy City Quest II Ep54 Kaoru was right.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-02-15 5 
45445013Tide of Ages Quest Pt29A heartfelt reunion with Nila, Elia and Galit get a son, goats are tamed and the village decides blood sacrifice is totally a great idea.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-17 7 
45499495Tide of Ages Quest Pt30The gods have a taste for blood now and are asking for a bigger and better temple.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-20 6 
45559949 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 55"Mercy", "Justice", and SconesCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-02-22 5 
45582852Tide of Ages Quest Pt31Ebba leaves to learn magic from the river goddess, the tribe finishes the grain store and the first work is made on the first great temple.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-23 8 
45639912Tide of Ages Quest Pt32The village gains some basic sanitation and the god of building and labour is summoned.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-27 5 
March 2016
45727106Tide of Ages Quest Pt33Trym finally starts to build a bond with his son, creates the first hymn and work starts on the temple proper.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-02 5 
45781752Tide of Ages Quest Pt34This might not bode well... A dead chief and a power struggle further up the valley could be an ill wind for the tribe.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-05 5 
45840411A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 56Amusement parks and inquestsCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-03-07 5 
45880304One Foot in the Grave Quest 1 James Mantell III get's stabbed, stabs, and Dies. Twice.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Dying twice.2016-03-08 5 
45902015One Foot in the Grave Quest 2James rises from the grave, and has a heartfelt discussion about dad. Anons confront their little sister fetish.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, OreImo2016-03-09 2 
45986406 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 57Negotiations turn explosive.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-03-14 5 
46011571One Foot in the Grave Quest 3James get's dressed, goes out and IS A FAMILY MAN. He also gets shot, and we deal with his past, Redemptor finally caves to twitter.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Path change.2016-03-14 2 
46033580One Foot in the Grave Quest 4James does a lot of fighting, and cheats like a pirate. Redemptor slowly dies and can't greentext.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, DUEL!2016-03-15 2 
46079037Tide of Ages Quest Pt35Trym acquires luxuries, realises he's set for food for a LONG time and makes closer friends with the SunishCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-19 3 
46141811A Certain Academic City Quest 58Suddenly, Peace breaks out?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-03-21 7 
46182256One Foot in the Grave Quest 5Mass confusion, Mr.Smut get's his way, and we take a day off.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Pacefism2016-03-23 1 
46163497Tide of Ages Quest Pt36A new research system, Trym starts trying to invent the wheel and the rest of the tribe actually thinks of something!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-23 2 
46203924One Foot in the Grave Quest 5.5Slices of life abounds, Redem is bloody useless at everything, and minion is trapped in spainCollective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Slice of life2016-03-23 1 
46251469Beleaguered Prince Quest #1Prince Meirion auk Gwyrren tries to save the kingdom from the rest of his inept family by fencing and playing chess... at the same time!Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-26 28 
46272730Beleaguered Prince Quest #2Prince Meirion investigates his brother's love life and fends off an attack from his uncle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-27 22 
46307292One Foot in the Grave Quest 6James gets thrown about like a ragdoll, then goes hunting.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Advanced Bear.2016-03-28 1 
46316460Beleaguered Prince Quest #3Prince Meirion decides to target his uncle's assets in retaliation for the poisoning attempt. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-29 20 
46325800Tide of Ages Quest Pt37The world's first cart and Soqed is a dirty cheat... With a little prompting from AwakCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-31 2 
April 2016
46400325Beleaguered Prince Quest #4Prince Meirion comes up with a new plan to investigate his brother and then goes to a party. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-02 21 
46378027Tide of Ages Quest Pt38Trym is seriously wounded trying to wrangle an aurochs and learns the art of druidism to recover.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-04-04 3 
46435690 A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 59Things get EXPLOSIVE with GrímsdóttirCollective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-04-04 5 
46442905Beleaguered Prince Quest #5Prince Meirion hears some unsettling rumours and decides to do something about them. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-04 20 
46549188Beleaguered Prince Quest #6Prince Meirion investigates the problems at the border. The dice gods are... uncooperative. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-09 20 
46572393Beleaguered Prince Quest #7Prince Meirion averts a war thanks to the power of political assassinations!Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-10 22 
46588954A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 60Operation Slumlord is a go.Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-04-11 5 
46696805Beleaguered Prince Quest #8Prince Meirion goes on something resembling a date and manages to last a few conversations before doing more work. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-16 20 
46615876Tide of Ages Quest Pt39After a brush with death, Trym's new potions restore him to full strength.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-04-18 2 
46842534Beleaguered Prince Quest #9Prince Meirion must placate some merchants by engaging in banditry against his uncle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-23 21 
46882906A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 61The latest in imouto technology Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-04-25 7 
46887143Beleaguered Prince Quest #10Wherein Prince Meirion's plan to satisfy the kingdom's merchants and screw his uncle over gain several additional layers of deception.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-25 20 
13092Beleaguered Prince Quest #11Prince Meirion deals fights in a duel and receives some bad news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-30 26 
May 2016
47020932A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 62Hamazura really should have said "Please."Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-05-02 6 
33444Beleaguered Prince Quest #12Prince Meirion spends some time with his family and then goes to a black market auction.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-02 25 
47045476Resistance Quest part 1Enzo Aloisi, a student in the occupied country of Awsbet, loses his brother and begins his battle of resistance against the invaders.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy2016-05-04 6 
76262Beleaguered Prince Quest #13Prince Meirion uses his contacts to put an army together. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-07 23 
88345Souls quest REDUXYou started your journey as a vessel of Ash. You are yet to find the one who brought you to this forsaken worldCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-08 2 
47152977A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 63Retirement?Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 22016-05-09 8 
97303Beleaguered Prince Quest #14Prince Meirion takes his new army out for a spin. There are... complications.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-09 22 
47153982Resistance Quest part 2Our hero Enzo liberates relics from the museum, keeping them out of the Federation's hands. His efforts to find allies are less successful.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy, Resistance Quest2016-05-11 2 
124421Beleaguered Prince Quest #15Prince Meirion meets his new employer and goes on a scouting mission. Results are mixed. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-14 26 
114242Souls quest REDUX 2The vessel of ash contiunes exploring the Ashen end forming allies and foes as he started to taste the horrors of this barren world. Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-15 2 
136820Beleaguered Prince Quest #16Prince Meirion has a day off and then meets his deadliest foe. The dice roller... the dice roller never changes.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-16 23 
159824Beleaguered Prince Quest #17Prince Meirion is ordered to take on a suicide mission, and he delivers in spades. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-21 26 
138292Souls quest REDUX 3With the help of Lishro, you conquered the fallen prince of Coris and his bride. Your time in Pilgrim's woods was brimmed with surprises..Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-21 2 
169493Beleaguered Prince Quest #18Prince Meirion wraps up his remaining business with Archduchess Aleksandra. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-23 23 
47446534Red Throat Ghoul Quest: RecapJyoti returns to tell the tale of the Red Throat Ghoulscollective game, red throat ghoul quest, undead, ghoul, graveqm, 2016-05-26 5 
163046Souls quest REDUX 4You explored most of Pilgrim's wood.You bested Wick Qurso after a couple of attempts.You barely touched the Graves of Old&the Eater of nameCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-05-27 2 
191181Beleaguered Prince Quest #19Prince Meirion gets The Talk from Myrddin. It immediately comes in handy.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-28 25 
202112Beleaguered Prince Quest #20Prince Meirion tells his father about his first relationship. Then he goes in search of a second one.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-30 23 
June 2016
187428Souls quest REDUX 5The rekindling of the age of fire has been forsaken. A new path awaits...Collective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-06-03 2 
218731Beleaguered Prince Quest #21Prince Meirion visits the Alchemists and then has a chat with his father-in-law. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-04 23 
209052Muse Quest #1A down-and-out man has a fateful encounter in a bar. The Quest to save the legendary figures, the Muses, has begun.The Red Lady, Quest, Mythology, Muse Quest, Muse, Tarot2016-06-05 1 
227440Beleaguered Prince Quest #22Prince Meirion's mother returns! Although this is her first appearance in the quest. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-06 23 
47685771Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 1A hiatus is ended and the Tribe observed. A sighting of an old friend leads to a fateful meeting and an Enlightened must fast her guilt.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-09 5 
47711368Anon's can't help but be idiotsSamefagging at its finestCrap, Tumblr, Reddit2016-06-11 -15 
244126Beleaguered Prince Quest #23Prince Meirion gets a scolding/peptalk from his mother and talks to bachelorette #12 about trains. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-11 25 
252317Beleaguered Prince Quest #24Prince Meirion prepares himself for business with Svekka. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-13 24 
47762522Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 2Investigations into the Rippers begins. A new Enlightened is welcomed and diplomacy attempted with old prey.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-14 7 
238231Souls quest REDUX 6The vessel of Ash encountered a hazed noble, the sister of the spider of the chasm and Accursed weir once more in the of the eater of namesCollective Game, Souls REDUX, Souls quest2016-06-16 1 
270145Beleaguered Prince Quest #25Prince Meirion deals with some relationship drama and spots some suspicious people. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-18 21 
279361Beleaguered Prince Quest #26Prince Meirion foils two nefarious plots before going to bed, then spends time with his family.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-20 25 
47915157Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 3Rain falls on Meldric as the Ghouls hunt and search for their enemies. New mysteries are discovered and cruel experiments are continued.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-23 5 
299417Beleaguered Prince Quest #27Prince Meirion has a business/personal meeting and later receives some troubling news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-25 23 
307540Beleaguered Prince Quest #28Prince Meirion averts a diplomatic incident with Archduchess Aleksandra. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-27 21 
48015314Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 4Fear and Claw have a meeting with the Lord-Governor while the Ghouls discover they are not alone at the mansion.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-29 3 
July 2016
48044404Dungeons of a bored LichWhat would happen if a lich didn't make a dungeon to hoard important treasure, but simply to starve off boredom? This thread happens.dungeon, lich, bored2016-07-01 15 
326421Beleaguered Prince Quest #29Prince Meirion attends a banquet and spends time with his dates.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-02 22 
48082160Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 5The Tribe meets with the Snapped Anvil to discuss their futures and get a potential convert and Fang bribes the goblins to help the tribequest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-07-03 2 
333303Beleaguered Prince Quest #30After dating five women in one night, Prince Meirion is set up on a date with ten women at the same time. Thanks, mom! Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-04 23 
350402Beleaguered Prince Quest #31Prince Meirion takes the opportunity to learn a bit more about his acquaintances and their interests. Also, cuddling.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-09 30 
357666Beleaguered Prince Quest #32Prince Meirion deals with some of his uncle's friends with varying degrees of violence and cunning.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-11 26 
374355Beleaguered Prince Quest #33Sometimes, Prince Meirion must outsource his killings. Other times, he has to do it himself. Especially if it impresses the ladies.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-16 24 
401176Beleaguered Prince Quest #34Prince Meirion deals with various family matters.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-24 21 
48485603Altered Human QuestA washed up QM decides too run again, it starts with gang violence, murder, and humorous misunderstandings.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, funny misunderstandings, attempted murder, PRANK GONE WRONG2016-07-27 4 
417579Armored Core: Broken WingThe Raven completes his first mission, then dotes on his daughter.Armored Core, AC Quest, Robots, FromSoft, Typical Harem Anime2016-07-29 2 
48517642Altered Human Quest 2Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, MIND CRUSH2016-07-30 4 
424969Beleaguered Prince Quest #35Prince Meirion has a group date with the nobility before going on a "date" with a spy.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-30 24 
424186Starship Idols Quest #1The formation of the Starship Idols GroupCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-07-30 10 
August 2016
48603061Altered Human Quest 3Mike gets a costume and an upgrade, then runs into trouble.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers,2016-08-04 3 
443568Starship Idols Quest #2The last Idol to recruit and assigning the ClassesCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-05 5 
48639509Retarded elfsPlayers need to samefag to get their overlord's wayTmblr,Reddit2016-08-05 -16 
446599Beleaguered Prince Quest #36Prince Meirion must make a waifu-related decision or the irreversible kind.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-06 25 
466886Beleaguered Prince Quest #37Prince Meirion chooses his concubines. Myrddin will be insufferable when he finds out. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-13 23 
48797605Ninja Monk QuestA water temple, an old priest, the White Fang, and the beginning of the tale of Amon Shuu, the sealing monk.The Red Lady, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Collective Game, Ninja, Quest, Monk2016-08-15 8 
465398Evo Game- New Beginnings (Thread 1)A bunch of lunatics make up nonsensical creatures. Most of them die. It is the fredanian era on the planet essari, and life is beginnning. evo, evolution, essari, fredanian2016-08-16 13 
466134Starship Idols #3Lunch time and home timeCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 3 
486355Starship Idols Quest #4Camp Sugar WatkinsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 6 
489435Beleaguered Prince Quest #38Prince Meirion chooses a second consort and moves on to the next phase of his plans. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-20 26 
494290Starborn Quest 2: FireflyYou are Purps, you kicked a foxman's ass in a dance off. As a bodyguard you decide the best thing to do is ignore your missing principle.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Dancing Queen, Magic, Hona2016-08-21 6 
48924115Ninja Monk Quest #2In this thread: Tales of the legendary sealing sages, a mysterious old scroll from our predecessor, and a journey with a stellar companioNinja Monk Quest, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-08-22 7 
506656Starborn Quest 3: Undercover OverloadPurps embraces her inner fight club as Anna. She knows when to hold 'em, but it's quiet.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-08-26 6 
510311Beleaguered Prince Quest #39Prince Meirion announces his marriage and claims a city. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-27 28 
515522Starborn Quest 4: Street SweeperPurps gets a confession rather easily. She then demonstrates what happens when emotionally crippled starborn fight normal people. Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-29 5 
518976Starborn Quest 5: There's No Turning BackEarly Archive; Purps and Hona return to Hona's home. Introspection and Snuggles occur.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Snuggles, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-30 5 
September 2016
522673Starship Idols Quest #5The Dismounted Citadel Course and a bit of drinking to go with it.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-03 5 
527483Starborn Quest 6: Fade to BlackA new foe appears, a cannibal priest of Darna. The title is appropriate.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Terminator, Death, Feelings2016-09-05 3 
548318Beleaguered Prince Quest #41Prince Meirion commissions some construction projects. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-10 24 
580799Beleaguered Prince Quest #42Prince Meirion resolves a minor trade dispute with some lazy merchants. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-17 23 
571305Starship Idols Quest #6Suits and MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-17 5 
615078Beleaguered Prince Quest #43Prince Meirion encourages trade and secures his city. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-24 21 
621475Ninja Monk Quest #3"My faith is my life, beast. You will have neither it nor this temple today.” A battle for the Temple and your life. A journey beginNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-09-26 16 
October 2016
642834Beleaguered Prince Quest #44Prince Meirion drives a hard but mostly fair bargain and receives some more good news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-01 24 
635282Starship Idols Quest #7GraduationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-02 5 
648458Ninja Monk Quest #4Three companions travel on a journey. Amon dreams of his home. A treasure is found in the river. The Blue Hawk begins her hunt.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-04 10 
661650Starborn Quest 14: Undercover OverloadWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-10-06 2 
673632Beleaguered Prince Quest #45Prince Meirion receives a visit from his mother. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-08 23 
678475Ninja Monk Quest #5: Marathon EditionAmon meets Asa and a new friend, the wandering trader Hoki. Horror and revelation awaits at Kikyō Pass. The Red Beads reveal their natuNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-11 10 
701197Beleaguered Prince Quest #46Sealed in by a snowstorm, Prince Meirion and his entourage enjoy themselves. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-15 22 
694088Starship Idols Quest #8The Last Day on MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-15 5 
710605Ninja Monk Quest 6Amon recovers from Kikyo Pass and signs a contract. The spirit of the Red Beads, Bishamon, reveals himself. We reach the Fire Temple.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-20 12 
733721Beleaguered Prince Quest #47Prince Meirion builds a militia and receives news from his spies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-22 24 
761207Beleaguered Prince Quest #48Prince Meirion makes some financial deals and greets some guests from Olstren. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-29 22 
November 2016
757443Ninja Monk Quest #8Second Fire Temple thread. A betrayal and a moonlit battle. Amon's masterwork, The Seal of Babylon, is created to combat his curse.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-04 7 
771432Ninja Monk Quest #9- Spooky EditionLast Fire Temple Thread. The Seal of Babylon is applied in a grueling ritual, seen through Rin's eyes. We...open something we shouldn't haNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-04 7 
788707Beleaguered Prince Quest #49Prince Meirion dabbles in religion for a bit. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-05 23 
781982Starship Idols Quest #9The first performanceCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-05 5 
781659Starborn Quest 20: Purple RainPurps is up and fighting with a mysterious blue coated man, the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody?Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Wounded, Combat, Rono Pass, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Wolfmen, Death, Luc2016-11-05 2 
815685Beleaguered Prince Quest #50In which Prince Meirion Prepares for war some more.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-12 21 
800699Ninja Monk Quest #10We meet a kind, middle-aged man in the woods- what could possibly go wrong? Also, we die for a little bit and uh..."welcome" Tsunade.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-15 5 
843273Beleaguered Prince Quest #51In which Prince Meirion plans his defenses. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-19 21 
829983Ninja Monk Quest #11Welcome to the Heist. Our stars for the day...? Yoru Norihime and the incomparable Asa, in attendance.Ninja Monk Quest, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-21 5 
867526Beleaguered Prince Quest #52In which Prince Meirion makes his enemy suffer before battle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-26 22 
861339Starship Idols Quest #10Photoshoots and Fleet Battlestation KnoxCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-26 6 
844292Ninja Monk Quest #12Go Beyond, Become a Hero. This is Tai's finest hour.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-27 1 
December 2016
893818Beleaguered Prince Quest #53In which Prince Meirion crushes what little courage yet remained in Olstren's army. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-03 23 
877042Ninja Monk Quest #13The end of the Heist. We resolve to become stronger, gain a legendary teacher, and have a drunken test of our abilities.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-12-05 3 
909215What Came NextWe die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together.Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Dead, Crusader, Film, Murdered, Slums2016-12-08 4 
889782European Dragon Quest 41: Fortunate Sons EditionIn this episode we do lots of SCIENCE!!!, invade Korea, intervene in Vietnam, and ditch our kid at his birthday. Fuck yeah.TriggeredQM, QuestingQM, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Vietnam,2016-12-10 2 
920754Beleaguered Prince Quest #54Prince Meirion crushes another army and meets up with Delyth. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-10 22 
912455Starship Idols Quest #11MyrmidoCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-12-10 5 
50720053THE ETHEREALS BLESS USOP is bored, does a creation thread. End result is rather amusing.creation thread, bored, tau2016-12-16 1 
945333Beleaguered Prince Quest #55Prince Meirion decides the best defense is a good offense. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-17 21 
903431Shadowrun Occultist Quest #2We do legwork to find where our target is hiding, and receive an offer from some comedians for a data switch.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 1 
919515Shadowrun Occultist Quest #3We plan, start, and finish the run, successfully pin blame on Ares, and get a sweet ride out of it.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-19 2 
953630Ninja Monk Quest #14 Part 2Masked men and crazy dreamsNinja Monk Quest, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-12-24 2 
946511Shadowrun Occultist Quest #4We give some psych advice to Rhûn, get backstory on Redd, and then go to a concert with the team, Barbie, and her psycho comedian brother.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist2016-12-26 2 
974534MARVEL Quest; Redux #0The Redux Marvel Quest, where we meet out Psychic shut in hero, Roland Nestor! Marvel, Marvel Quest, Marvel Quest Redux, Plague, Roland Nestor2016-12-26 14 
991992Beleaguered Prince Quest #56Prince Meirion wields the Stick of Violence in one hand and the Stick of Diplomacy in the other. Either way, it's a beating. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Gaming, Original Setting2016-12-31 23 
January 2017
970043Shadowrun Occultist Quest #5We figure out and foil The Fool's plan, collect on the bounty from GOD, have a Yithian trip down Time Lane, and go to Bavaria with Rhun.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-01 1 
1015594Beleaguered Prince Quest #57Prince Meirion returns home and gets to work on Degfford's education. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Gaming, Original Setting2017-01-07 21 
1016204Black Company Quest #18The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Erhus are acquired as we tune up our bro-skill for a troubled Mask.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Always Bet on Red, Erhu, Band, Wuxia2017-01-07 23 
1008484Starship Idols Quest #12Heading to Titan StationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-07 5 
992966Shadowrun Occultist Quest #6We get a glimpse of the future, see the Big D's last act, piss off our boss again, then fail to ambush a team of operators.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-07 1 
1025943MARVEL Quest; Redux #1Early Archive Edition: Roland wakes from his power nap after having fought off the Hydra squad, and decides to make a call. Plague, Marvel, Marvel Quest, Marvel Quest Redux, Roland Nestor 2017-01-09 11 
51111821Scarlet Phalanx/Red Lords Thread 1We first roll up the chapter and begin work on fleshing it out.40k, Chapter Creations, Red Lords, Scarlet Phalanx 2017-01-10 2 
1040535Beleaguered Prince Quest #58Prince Meirion deals with one of his fathers-in-law and has a bit of bad luck. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-14 22 
1039245MARVEL Quest; Redux #2 Part 1 In which Roland is picked up by SHIELD, taken to the Hellicarrier, and meets some Avengers! Marvel, Marvel Quest, Marvel Quest Redux, Plague, Roland Nestor2017-01-14 2 
1017697Shadowrun Occultist Quest #7We handoff the dream observatory to the Draco Foundation, locate and retrieve a little lost rich girl, then take a trip to Arkham.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-16 1 
1068565Beleaguered Prince Quest #59Prince Meirion begins his recovery and plots against his northern neighbour. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-21 23 
1061320Starship Idols Quest #13Back on Titan Station...Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-22 5 
1042958Shadowrun Occultist Quest #8We play cards with some Catholic priests, then take Barbie to scenic Arkham, MA. Her little sis tags along and we try to scare her straight.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-23 1 
1096277Beleaguered Prince Quest #60Prince Meirion commits intrigue and frustrates Olwen. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-28 21 
1070323Shadowrun Occultist Quest #9We follow the breadcrumb trail to an early human digitization experiment and release them to the Matrix.Shadowrun Occultist Quest, Collective Game, Shadowrun, Redd, Occultist, H.P. Lovecraft2017-01-29 1 
February 2017
1124408Beleaguered Prince Quest #61Prince Meirion plots with his wife's future vassals and sets up an assassination. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-04 23 
1116723Starship Idols Quest #14Charlie's first concertCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-05 5 
51527767Red Kings Thread 1Tg rolls up and starts to fluff the "Red Kings", a chaos marine warband from the Night Lords who are vampire piratesChaos, Warhammer 40k, warband creation, Night Lords, Red Kings2017-02-06 1 
1086281Shattered Sky Quest #1First day at school.Shattered Sky, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-02-07 2 
1126511MARVEL Quest; Redux #2 Part 2 Meme Vulture BoogalooWhere in Roland tries not to spill the spaghetti and succeeds! Marvel, Marvel Quest, Marvel Quest Redux, Plague, Roland Nestor2017-02-09 2 
51622963/tg/ fixes vampiresIn which we worldbuild genuinely intimidating and interesting redesigns for vampires.vampires, worldbuilding, monsters, redesign,2017-02-10 3 
1149350Beleaguered Prince Quest #62Prince Meirion plans more assassinations and makes some real estate deals. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-11 18 
1122937Resistance Quest pt1The nation of Awsbet has been conquered and subjugated, but Iwo Malinowski will fight for his nation's freedom.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-02-13 5 
1134502Old Republic Surveyor Quest #0 (CharGen)You are Krall Sivron, a Nautolan Surveyor with a familiar, snarky onboard AI Star Wars, The Old Republic, Sci-Fi, Space, The Red Lady, Collective Game2017-02-13 5 
1156568Old Republic Surveyor Quest 1You're being framed! With a little help from a green friend, you're ready to space Coruscant. You're not ready for the stowaway thoughStar Wars, The Old Republic, Space, Sci-Fi, The Red Lady, Collective Game2017-02-16 4 
1170828Beleaguered Prince Quest #63Prince Meirion and Myrddin engage in manly gambling and drinking during time off. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-18 16 
1160048Starship Idols Quest #15Titan Station Raid.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-20 5 
1170695Old Republic Surveyor Quest #2We land on Ryloth and discover things aren't as peachy as they seem. Part 1 of RylothStar Wars, The Old Republic, Space, Sci-Fi, The Red Lady, Collective Game2017-02-22 4 
1200055Beleaguered Prince Quest #64Prince Meirion becomes a master of enchantment for 5 minutes and then discusses his marital future. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-25 17 
March 2017
1192069Masterpiece of a Shattered GodA draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece.Collective Game, Masterpiece, Shattered, God, Masterpiece of a Shattered God, MSG, MSG Quest, Draw, Draw Thread, Draw Quest2017-03-01 1 
1200708Old Republic Surveyor Quest 2.5Gunmen open fire on the public at Ryloth! Ryloth part 1.5 (short thread)Star Wars, The Old Republic, Space, Sci-Fi, The Red Lady, Collective Game2017-03-03 1 
1226651Beleaguered Prince Quest #65Prince Meirion plans his uncle's last winter vacation and decides more kids might be a good idea. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-04 18 
1251880Beleaguered Prince Quest #66Prince Meirion does a remarkably good job of keeping his school in the presence of babies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-11 15 
1233925Old Republic Surveyor Quest #3An unexpected encounter. Tensions peak and our Jedi is forced to make a hard choice. We find out something has been tracking us.Star Wars, The Old Republic, Space, Sci-Fi, The Red Lady, Collective Game2017-03-12 2 
1244256Starship Idols Quest #16Apollo CityCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-15 6 
1276693Beleaguered Prince Quest #67Prince Meirion plans his winter vacation. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-18 16 
1293968Khornette Quest Redux 01A new Khornette is "born." See as she tames a Juggernaut and breaks into the MatreiumCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-03-23 11 
1299848Beleaguered Prince Quest #67Prince Meirion continues to plot. It's totally not an excuse to let someone else look after the babies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-25 15 
1293544Starship Idols Quest #17Naka's big debutCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-28 6 
April 2017
1320915Beleaguered Prince Quest #69We don't need a thread #68. It's a stupid number anyway. Also, Prince Meirion visits his family and commences his machinations. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-01 17 
1315615Khornette Quest Redux 02Ember begins her plan to take over Hive DesoleumCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-04-01 6 
1346006Beleaguered Prince Quest #70Prince Meirion meets some of his other in-laws and gets ready to help his big brother party. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-08 14 
1339953Khornette Quest Redux 03Ember and her minions take the Shattered Foundry in Hive Desoleum. Then she fights a daemon of Malice.Collective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-04-08 6 
1363387DaemonQuest Redux 0.41995 meets a doctor named 1241 and a deity named The Witness. The line between reality and madness is starting the thin out.Daemonquest, daeday, Daemonquest redux2017-04-14 1 
1366090Beleaguered Prince Quest #71Prince Meirion invites his brother to a party so he can mingle with the merchants. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-15 12 
1360986Khornette Quest Redux 04Ember has an audience with Khorne, then sets up a tournament among the Fleshcutters Collective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-04-15 4 
1365799DaemonQuest Redux 0.5Into the Administration Office and meeting the good boy, Steve, our Daemon duo goes into an elevator and are forced to fight for their livesDaemonquest, daeday, Daemonquest redux,2017-04-18 0 
1377074DaemonQuest Redux 0.5.51995 and 1241 meets Chief Burns and are told that their escape plan is useless until the FTL Com Satellite is repaired.Daemonquest, daeday, Daemonquest redux,2017-04-19 1 
1387453Beleaguered Prince Quest #72Prince Meirion receives excellent news about his uncle's dirty laundry. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-22 10 
1393682Khornette Quest Redux 05Ember brings Hive Desoleum to its knees, then embarks on the rest of her journey.Collective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-04-27 6 
1411133Beleaguered Prince Quest #73Prince Meirion continues to ruin his cousin's life.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-29 10 
May 2017
1420093Werewolf Reich Quest: Return to MadnessWe completely retcon WRQ and restart from the beginning as a SOVIET PENAL CONSCRIPT... Who secretly supports the old Monarchy of Russia.Werewolf Reich Quest Redone, QuestingQM, Collective Game,2017-05-05 2 
1430833Beleaguered Prince Quest #74Prince Meirion teaches his siblings about responsibility. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-06 11 
1429647Werewolf Reich Quest: Redone 1In this episode, we start a very tiny resistance movement, and play as a very aggressive Sean Connery spy from America caught by the sovietsCollective Game, Werewolf Reich Quest Redone, QuestingQM2017-05-09 1 
1445212[PROTOTYPE]:INITIAL CONTRACTIONBefore the Florida Redzone turns red, our villains make their moves and aquire the blacklight virus, and something more sinister.[PROTOTYPE] prequel blacklight redzone2017-05-12 4 
1451938Beleaguered Prince Quest #75Prince Meirion organizes his very own murder mystery! It's not very mysterious though. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-13 11 
1445601Khornette Quest Redux 06Ember duels with Usha, spills the beans about her end goal, and learns about a prophecyCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-05-14 6 
1452048[PROTOTYPE]: DeviationJacob Marshal picks up his cousin from the airport, then finds himself of Florida's new redzone. Can he survive?[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, bodyhorror2017-05-16 4 
1466842[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation 2Jacob grows stronger, fights off PRIH, and learns to fart needles out of his arm[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, bodyhorror2017-05-18 3 
1476713Beleaguered Prince Quest #76Prince Meirion does more conniving and has a family moment. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-20 10 
1447362Werewolf Reich Redone 2In this episode, we get shot as Douglas, nearly caught, but manage to survive and escape, and find out what we're becoming...Werewolf Reich Redone, Collective Game, QuestingQM2017-05-20 1 
1501136Beleaguered Prince Quest #77Prince Meirion has a double date and drills some more competence into his brother and his sister in law. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-27 11 
1490566[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - Instincts edition.Jacob busts Madison out of the hospital, Meets Alexis, finds some survivors, and terrorizes Blackwatch. Normal day in the Redzone.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, Jacob, Nina, Madison, Alexis, Blackwatch, Blacklight, Redzone.2017-05-27 1 
1478013Werewolf Reich Redone 3In this episode, nothing much gets done due to DM death, but we find a worthy opponent...Werewolf Reich Redone, Nazi Experimental Quest, QuestingQM2017-05-27 0 
1494954Khornette Quest Redux 07Ember's further adventures during the trip to EnkiduCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-05-29 7 
1494734Starship Idols Quest #17Accepting a new mission.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-05-31 2 
June 2017
1528412Beleaguered Prince Quest #78Prince Meirion spends time with the waifus and starts a singing career. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-03 10 
1522882[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 4Several people die, Madison and Nina start to recover, you see a bit of the past, Alexis give you some intel, and Jacob runs for his life.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight2017-06-03 2 
1556507Beleaguered Prince Quest #79Prince Meirion returns to Degfford and catches up with the rest of his family. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-10 10 
1535855[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 5 Prey edition.Powerful enemies are fought, a few new powers are gained, questions are raised, someone gets out of the Redzone, and your chased by a gator.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, Alexis, Zombies, Grammar.2017-06-10 1 
1549315Starship Idols Quest #19Mission to Thrace.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-06-16 1 
1578827Beleaguered Prince Quest #80Prince Meirion meets with one of his wife's future vassals and gains some support. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-17 11 
1605309Beleaguered Prince Quest #81Prince Meirion finally meets his father-in-law and decides another kid would be a good idea right about now. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-24 10 
July 2017
1627444Beleaguered Prince Quest #82Prince Meirion has dinner with his father-in-law and takes suggestions on how to fit in. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-01 10 
1647300Beleaguered Prince Quest #83Prince Meirion plans a party and receives some good news from Myrddin. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-08 10 
1621539[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 7 Cowboy From Hell (unfinished)Jacob survives an ambush by a hunter, then returns back to the safehouse to find the water line needs maintenance, and then QM gets busy.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, Alexis, Zombies, Grammar, QM interupted.2017-07-10 1 
1667267Beleaguered Prince Quest #84Prince Meirion moonlights as a pit fighter and settles some scores. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-15 10 
1663454Khornette Quest Redux 07.5Finishing up Session 7 with some further planning and a mysterious summonsCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-07-17 5 
1673632Beleaguered Prince Quest EpilogueWherein Prince Rhein mac Reagan lives up to his father's legacy. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-17 10 
1713128Khornette Quest Redux 08Shit hits the fan on the Soul InfernoCollective Game, Khornette Quest Redux, ELH2017-07-30 4 
August 2017
1724420SecondStrifeQuestYou are Xerxes. You escaped prison to journey to your brothers, all the while surviving the Second Age of Strife.DesertRedQM, SecondStrifeQuest2017-08-05 1 
1753904Doll Quest Redux - #1Chapter 1.1- Awakening. In a wooden coffin and empty street, all we find... is more questions.Doll Quest Redux, Nechronica, Quest, Collective Game, Dollmaker, Zombies, Apocalypse, Wasteland, Suffering, Mistery, Puzzle2017-08-08 4 
1777179Doll Quest Redux - #2Stranded in the remains of a supermarket by the flood, our protagonist finds herself running out of options...Doll Quest Redux, Nechronica, Quest, Collective Game, Dollmaker, Zombies, Apocalypse, Wasteland, Suffering, Mistery, Puzzle2017-08-18 3 
1757519Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 1Join Steve, a flawless person in a very flawed reincarnation adventure.Mynameismimikyu, quest, collective game, reincarnation, Steve Steverson, overpowered protagonists2017-08-19 0 
1789548Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 2You go on a date with a hot girl who also happens to be a Goddess. Also your dead and this is a reincarnation quest. PrioritiesMynameismimikyu, quest, collective game, reincarnation, Steve Steverson, overpowered protagonists2017-08-25 1 
November 2017
1997552Resistance Quest pt2At long last, Iwo resumes the resistance, making an ally of Aneta and leading a daring but unsuccessful attack on the Federation's censors.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-11-04 3 
December 2017
2112205Fantasy Soldier: The Quest [Chapter 1]The men of Lars marches off to the north to eradicate the barbarian threat it houses.Fantasy Soldier, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2017-12-06 4 
2133398Fantasy Soldier Quest Chapter 2The brave men of Lars finally launches their assault on the barbarian tribes at the heart of the mountain. More mysteries emerges.Fantasy Soldier, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2017-12-16 1 
February 2018
2245002Rainbow Tribes 2 #1game starts, new tribe is added, green gets rekt by blue & red. red and blue get cursed.Fogsworth, Rainbow Tribes 2, Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Black2018-02-01 2 
2274803Hunter Quest 1The young, unblooded hunter Ebon-Fang completes his trial.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Yautja, FishQM2018-02-12 13 
2278441The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter 1A young lady starts her apprenticeship with the great Wizard of the West. But first, meeting sone of the faces in the wizard's village.DesertRedQM, TWA, Collective Game, quest, fantasy, magic, wizard2018-02-15 2 
2305066Web-Weaver Redux, Issue #1With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. The Great Hunt begins!WeaverQM, Web-Weaver, Web-Weaver Redux2018-02-20 16 
2322907Hunter Quest 2The newly blooded Ebon-Fang goes through his ascension ceremony, gets in a barfight, almost kills his dad, and receives his first mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Aliens, Alien, FishQM2018-02-25 11 
2335608Kaleidoscope QuestA witch goes on an expedition for feathers from a roc.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Incredible Decision Making 2018-02-26 5 
March 2018
2334457Web-Weaver Redux, Issue #2 We learn a little bit about what we can do and what we are before setting out on our own path.WeaverQM, Web-Weaver, Web-Weaver Redux2018-03-02 11 
2355707Hunter Quest 3The young-blood Ebon-Fang searches an abandoned human laboratory to find out what happened to a missing Yautja tracker.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Predator, Predators, Xeno, Xenos, Alien, Aliens, Collective Game, FishQM2018-03-07 8 
2375096Hunter Quest 4The young-blood Ebon-Fang returns to Yautja Secunda and receives his next mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, FishQM, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predators, Yautja, Collective Game, Rules of Nature2018-03-17 6 
2370096Web-Weaver Volume 1, Issue #3: Along Came a Spider-ManWe meet a new Totem, we get messed up, make some friends and prepare for late night Heroing.WeaverQM, Web-Weaver Redux, Web-Weaver2018-03-17 7 
2400418Web-Weaver Redux Volume 1, Issue #4: Black, White and Shades of GreyOur little moonlit adventure goes pear shaped and we're given an offer we can't refuse.WeaverQM, Web-Weaver, Web-Weaver Redux2018-03-26 6 
April 2018
2420501Web-Weaver Redux Volume 1, Issue #5:Saturday Nights Alright For DancingWe go to a party and meet a very unexpected friend. Will it become something more? Who knows.WeaverQM, Web-Weaver, Web-Weaver Redux2018-04-03 4 
2473123Talon Mook Quest #1Follow the (mis)adventures of Talon Operative #2314 as he begins his journey in search of vengeance and sweet, sweet purple booty.DesertRedQM, Overwatch, quest,, Collective Game2018-04-19 8 
2472289Web-Weaver Redux Volume 1, Issue #6: Spider-Man vs MacheteWe go on a little camping trip with an old friend, but nothing is never as it seems.WeaverQM, Web-Weaver Redux, Web-Weaver2018-04-21 3 
2487372Talon Mook Quest #2From terrorism and slaughter of the innocent in Numbani to recruiting psychopaths and befriending an Overwatch agent. We have it all.DesertRedQM, Overwatch, quest, Collective Game, TMQ2018-04-25 8 
May 2018
2505622Talon Mook Quest #3Recruited a mechanist and a cyborg ninja, defeated Genji and prepared for our trip down under HQ.DesertRedQM, Overwatch, quest, Collective Game, TMQ2018-05-04 7 
2540756 Web-Weaver Redux Volume 1, Issue #7: Superhuman Spring Break.Our comfy adventure continues, now joined by the Titans in disguise WeaverQM, Web-Weaver, Web-Weaver Redux2018-05-12 3 
2580040ONE PIECE ISEKAI #2We finish our fight with the pirate Bellamy and learn more about the world we have found ourselves in!One Piece, Iseaki, Jolly Red2018-05-26 5 
June 2018
2594294ONE PIECE ISEKAI #3Joseph travels to a new island and undergoes the test to become a bounty hunter!One Piece, Iseaki, Jolly Red 2018-06-01 3 
2638473Soulless Quest #1Birthed as a being without a soul with the gift of [DESTINY] from a goddess, your journey begins here.DesertRedQM, SQ, quest, Collective Game, fantasy2018-06-22 2 
July 2018
2657561Soulless Quest #2: ImperialAfter much hardships, the Soulless finally reached the Imperial City, only to land yet into more trouble.DesertRedQM, SQ, quest, Collective Game, fantasy2018-07-07 2 
60665650Conquered Hell Thread 3/tg/ continues the discussion of the Conquered Hell thread, with a massive body of writing and ideas presented.Hell, Lore, Worldbuilding, Conquered Hell, Demons, Demon2018-07-09 1 
September 2018
2854865Fate/ Neverending Twilight QuestA new Holy Grail War emerges in Fuyuki CityFate, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2018-09-13 1 
2874452Fate/ Neverending Twilight Quest #2Confrontation with a certain family of magusFate, DesertRedQM, Collective Game, quest2018-09-13 1 
December 2018
3106383Fate Quest pt. 0: Character CreationIn which we generate up a Dead Apostle for the Fate/Apocrypha HGWFate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Character Creation, Ibaraki2018-12-23 2 
3110708Fate Quest Pt. 1: Boring Times in RomaniaIn which we mug the would be master of Beserker from the Red Faction for his Command Seals and set shit up in Romania.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki2018-12-23 2 
3121840Fate Quest Pt. 2: Guns, Daggers, and an OniIn which we have heartwarming moments with Ibaraki, accidentally ram our car into Jeanne D'Arc, and make an alliance with Master of Saber.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Car Autism, Holy Fuck Ibaraki What Did You Do To Karna2018-12-23 1 
January 2019
3131597Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and GunsIn which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit2019-01-05 1 
3128417Fractured, Part 1 Mutant boogalooDruskof introduces the job, the trappers are introduced and the job is performed although mind the mutants and the hive king incoming. DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-06 1 
3140837Neet Weapon Quest 1Neet reincarnates as a gunblade, teams up with a Demon Loli, and commits Goblin genocide.Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer 2019-01-06 5 
3146186Mega City Shopping Quest [REDUX]Citizen attempts to go shopping in Mega City; Dredd events occurChoose Your Own, X-Mas, Judge Dredd, 2000ad, Dork West,2019-01-09 1 
3158218Neet Weapon Quest 2We find Niph's father, get a new teammate, lose a new teammate, get placed on probation and survive an assassination attemptNeet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Collective Game, Goblin Slayer, Niph, LeFay, Chaostear2019-01-13 2 
3158019Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe hive king comes! Our trappers bag what they can before they get out. Also Gregory gets a taste of mega corp brutality...DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-16 1 
3175833Neet Weapon Quest 3Secrets are revealed, we take a test, and get a new party member.Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer2019-01-29 3 
February 2019
3181159Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe job is done and our group moves on!!!DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-02-03 1 
3207411Neet Weapon Quest 4Traveling Goblin Exterminators (and maybe dragons).Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer2019-02-07 4 
3239560Librarian on Earth: A Warhammer 40k X Highschool DxD One-Shot QuestA Blood Raven Librarian is dropped in the middle of Japan in the DxD world. What follows is what one should expect of a Blood Raven.REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Theft, Daemon Prince2019-02-16 1 
3275148Fate Character CreationFate Character Creation for a later game. Ended up making American Airline Eleven-Chan and Rasputin becoming the chosen Servant.American Airlines Eleven-Chan, REDthunderBOAR, Fate2019-02-21 1 
March 2019
3278596Librarian Dreadnought on Earth: Mk. 2Part two in the Librarian Dreadnought series. They secure the base, QM has a freak out, and expand into Japan facing worthy foes. REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Ibaraki2019-03-06 1 
3320983Fate/Mania IEleven-Chan goes on her adventure to fight in the Great Grail War. She meets Illya von Einzbern along the way.REDthunderBOAR, Fate, Eleven-Chan, Great Grail War2019-03-15 0 
3337683Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise AgainWe select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard.Bio Armored Titan, Biotech, Alien Invasion, Not Earth, Mr.C, Collective Game, That Warrior is totally coming back, Titan Gilgamesh2019-03-17 2 
3349387Fate/Mania II Character Creation & Pt. 1After the death of Eleven-Chan, the Anons take over Cold War-San and King Protea as her Servant. REDthunderBOAR, Fate, Cold War-San, King Protea2019-03-24 0 
April 2019
3389687Dreadnought IWhen a Dreadnought goes to a Fantasy WorldREDthunderBOAR, Dreadnought, 40k, Ibaraki2019-04-14 6 
65759207Fractured Singularity Thread 1Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian FederationFractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-21 11 
65850840Fractured Singularity Thread 2Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-29 2 
65965351Predator MarinesChapter creation thread makes an Iron Hands successor from a jungle world that hunt their enemies with stealth & terror tactics.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-04-30 17 
May 2019
65977935Predator Marines Part 2A continuation of the first Predator Marines thread fleshing out the glorious clusterfuck of a sector they're based in.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-01 12 
65998356Predator Marines part 3ITT, we finally get around to rolling the ork klan. Also, cyborg Xenomorph combat servitors and Jew Necrons.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-03 10 
65973574Fractured Singularity Thread 3Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-05-06 3 
66035693Predator Marines part 4We continue working on the Venaro sector, Jewish dark mechanicus, and move towards Genestealers.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-09 5 
June 2019
3577871 RepairBon Quest part 1Withered Bonnie wakes up, greets some new arrivals, and has a showdown with an age-old rival.repairbueno, collaborative game, five nights at freddys, fnaf, 5n@f, withered, toy, bonnie, repair, robots, dark, spooky atmosphere2019-06-16 4 
66704603headlines of the future/tg/ writes their ideas for the newspapers of tomorrow!future, predictions, utopia, dystopia, setting,2019-06-22 -2 
3584295PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.1Pokemon Quest based on the original games.pokemon, red, blue, PKMN, 2019-06-23 25 
3597501PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 2Pokemon quest loosely based on gen 1 gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-06-30 15 
July 2019
3612634PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 3Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-07 10 
3631808PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 4Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon GamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-13 7 
3652416PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 5Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon GamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-16 6 
3661905PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 6Pokemon Quest based on gen 1 gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-22 7 
3674447PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 7Quest based on gen 1 pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-27 6 
August 2019
3693375PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.8Quest Still based on Gen 1 Pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, Missigno2019-08-03 5 
3709072PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.9Quest based on gen 1 Pokemon games (The Finale!)Pokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, MissingNo2019-08-05 7 
September 2019
3789381Drowned Quest ReduxCharlotte Fawkins commands a legion of alligators, becomes a private investigator, and is forced to make friends.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, quest, collective game2019-09-18 16 
October 2019
3863033Body Horror Quest - 32nd VeinShu and family dive into a ghost's past to lay her to rest, and a certain bunny comes back from the dead to start her road to redemption.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, exorcism, redemption, B'ni2019-10-16 14 
3847410Drowned Quest Redux 2Charlotte Fawkins, Ace Mind Detectivedrowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2019-10-18 10 
November 2019
3879830Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #1Innerworld returns in a new, revised setting. Playing as spiderfolk, you finally take up arms against the gnolls who seek to purge you.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-09 0 
3898353Drowned Quest Redux 3Charlotte Fawkins takes one step forward and two steps back.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2019-11-18 7 
3913949Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #2The gnoll conflicts boil over several times more, and we encounter strange, dark magic harnessed by them and their god.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2019-11-30 0 
January 2020
3956599Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #3We continue to fight the gnolls, but begin to gain the upper hand with our population size. Lastly, a quick visit to Ier.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-03 0 
3985031Drowned Quest Redux 4Charlotte Fawkins is a master of social interaction.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-01-13 7 
3994136Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #4A new ally, a near wipe, and finally, a successful war against the gnolls, hopefully the first of many.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-01-18 0 
February 2020
4032689Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #5A massive civil war erupts in Nichitin, two faiths finally coming to blows...HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-02-08 0 
4046874Drowned Quest Redux 5Charlotte Fawkins continues to be a master of social interaction. Thread ends early.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-02-11 8 
March 2020
4091909Drowned Quest Redux 6Charlotte Fawkins goes urban exploring.drowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2020-03-13 7 
4142662Body Horror Quest - 40th VeinWhile prepping for an counterattack on West Alpha, Shu tries to talk Magpie out of murdering entire settlements. It doesn't end well. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Magpie, Midnight Crew, Altered Altar2020-03-28 8 
71579421Nechronica thread. Red Planet Storytime and Port StorytimeRed Planet Storytime begins. Port Storytime continues and things will never be the same. Discussion of Holics, parts, and attack types. Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, war, Red Planet, tower, mars, space, system, last stand, parents2020-03-30 5 
April 2020
4139944Innerworld Redux Civ Quest #7https://archived.moe/qst/thread/4075520/ - 6 can be found here. The civil war is over, and a golden age begins.HareQM, Innerworld Redux, Civ, Civ Quest, Fantasy, Collective Game2020-04-04 0 
4167383Drowned Quest Redux 7Madrigal Fitzpatrick deals with an evil motherfucker.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-04-16 7 
May 2020
4202441Sands of Nowhere Redux #1Nowhere welcomes a rune-plague ridden researcherSands of Nowhere Redux, sandbox, story-driven2020-05-05 2 
4199530Drowned Quest Redux 8Charlotte Fawkins meets Charlotte Fawkins. drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-05-07 8 
4250978Sands of Nowhere Redux #2 After stealing artifacts from the Empire, sneaking into off limits areas in Rover, we returned to the Middle.Sands of Nowhere Redux, sandbox, story-driven2020-05-31 0 
June 2020
4270958unAnchored #1The tale of an inhuman fruitsman in the icy wasteland of GellSTANDOQM,unAnchored,Collective Game2020-06-09 0 
4264396Drowned Quest Redux 9Charlotte Fawkins discovers her daddy issues.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-06-09 7 
July 2020
4312380Drowned Quest Redux 10Charlotte Fawkins reenacts the plot of The Hangover (2009). Thread ends early.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2020-07-14 7 
4314488ASOIAF Quest - Ironborn House GenerationWhere we create House Redhand, an ancient ironborn house and its current heir, young Victara Redhand.Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-18 5 
4322907ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 1The story of Victara Redhand begins with a disturbance by the Brothers, a band of Faithful wanting to bring down the ironborn. Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-24 3 
August 2020
4374245Tai Lung Quest 1After the defeat of the Dragon Warrior, Tai Lung finds that his life goal was meaningless and thus leaves to persue a quest of redemption.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-08-06 34 
4368291Drowned Quest Redux 11Charlotte Fawkins is a good friend and model citizen.drowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2020-08-19 7 
4391139Tai Lung Quest 2Tai Lung continues to look for work in the city, investigates a murder, and comes face to face with He Ling.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-08-24 14 
4417979Drowned Quest Redux 12Charlotte Fawkins continues to set things on fire.drowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2020-08-28 6 
4370656ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 2Part 2 where Ironboi disappearsCollective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-08-28 0 
September 2020
4420148Tai Lung Quest 3The group concludes their battle against He Ling, deliver a letter to Shifu, and embark on a sea faring adventure.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-09-17 12 
October 2020
75185467Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class releasedTranslation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Protoca, Tachi, Class, Entombed, Red Planet, mars, space, parents, settings, custom, skills, parts2020-10-07 2 
4482313Bored Dragon QuestA bored dragon tries to add some fun into her life.Collective Game, Bored Dragon Quest, Larro2020-10-07 5 
4454563Tai Lung Quest 4Tai Lung spends time in the spirit realm, returns to his friends and makes it to Zhengyi before thwarting Triad assassinations and attacks.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-10-12 14 
4466908Drowned Quest Redux 13Charlotte Fawkins ethically strangles a man and raises more questions than she answers.drowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2020-10-16 6 
4487084Archimedean Submersible Quest : IIn which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity.Archimedean, Submersible, Submarine, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Infodumps2020-10-19 8 
November 2020
4490334Tai Lung Quest 5Tai Lung teams up with the unlikest of allies to stop the Triads before discovering a mysterious town where the dead rise.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-11-12 11 
December 2020
4532495Tai Lung Quest 6While searching for the raiders, the crew takes a detour to prepare and Tai Lung becomes involved in a tale as old as time.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2020-12-16 11 
January 2021
4573463Tai Lung Quest 7As things settle down the crew make their way to the ruins of Xiqi in search of clues on the raider's whereabouts.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-01-20 7 
February 2021
4598674Drowned Quest Redux 14Charlotte Fawkins meddles with worms and Wyrms.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2021-02-09 7 
4613892Tai Lung Quest 8While searching for clues, the group find themselves fighting the very people they were tracking down. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-02-20 6 
77467554Nechronica thread. Anon asks for help GMing Nechronica. Storytime happens. Melico, Imp, & Coleo deal with the morning after the battle. Nai's intro seNechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, Nai, Nine, Ivana, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, red2021-02-22 1 
March 2021
4651931Drowned Quest Redux 15Charlotte Fawkins negotiates with criminals.drowned quest redux, drowned quest, bathic, drowned, quest, collective game2021-03-19 4 
4661030Tai Lung Quest 9The crew make their final preperations before facing the raiders once and for all.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-03-22 5 
April 2021
4706329Tai Lung Quest 10After a tumultuous few days, the day finally arrives and the crew celebrates New Years. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-04-24 5 
4714272Drowned Quest Redux 16Charlotte Fawkins wins some and loses some.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2021-04-24 5 
4722935Wings Over Atlesia5th Thread. Stanislaw continues his night defense of Baldir Base. Later, Chimera joins Werewolf Flight in a daring rescue mission...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron, 2021-04-25 4 
May 2021
4764605Wings Over AtlesiaThread #6. A vicious encounter with the Phantom ends in an ace going down. After, Stanislaw and buds head to town. And a new mission beckonsPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron,2021-05-14 6 
4758884Tai Lung Quest 11The crew continue celebrating the New Years before saying their goodbyes and continuing on their journey towards the Sacred Library.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-05-18 5 
4762987 Governor Quest: ReduxYou are the new governor of Arkuland, a colonial city born from the might of old world. Will you lead Arkuland to prosperity or ruin?Governor Quest Redux, Governor Jonathan Wells, 2021-05-18 6 
4781265Drowned Quest Redux 17Charlotte Fawkins has a fun time with her friends.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2021-05-28 4 
June 2021
4810271Wings over Atlesia#7Stanislaw deals with death. We learn our enemy moniker, and the clock ticks down. The attack on the enemy airbase begins! For Konerland!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-05 2 
4818036Tai Lung Quest 12The crew continues their ascent of the Huangshan mountains and discover the secret of the Sacred Library.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-06-16 3 
4853581Wings over Atlesia#8Stanislaw comes inches within death. We fight a war of the past. A very fat man invites us on his ego trip, and we uncover a traitorous talkPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-25 2 
4846463Drowned Quest Redux 18Charlotte Fawkins embarks on a fetch quest.drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, drowned redux, bathic, quest, collective game2021-06-26 4 
July 2021
4875099Governor Quest Redux 2Johnathon is forced to make tough decisions as he gets involved with the Strays, the natives, and foreign powers Governor Quest Redux2021-07-15 1 
4890459Wings over Atlesia#9Chimera Flight takes matters into their own hands. Stanislaw and the others track down an alleged traitor, as tension builds...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-07-16 1 
4873713Tai Lung Quest 13Tai Lung continues his training in the Sacred Library, meets new friends, and takes on more responisbilities before QM's PC dies.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-07-19 4 
August 2021
4919985Wings over Atlesia #10The time has come. Stanislaw and Chimera engage Foudre Flight. Exams get in the way. Short thread. Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron2021-08-05 1 
4908956Drowned Quest Redux 19Charlotte Fawkins is not a bad person.drowned, drowned quest, drowned quest redux, quest, bathic, collective game2021-08-09 3 
4946638Wings over Atlesia#11The Bloody Red Angel vs the Black Lightning. A battle to the death. The end of Part 1. Forwards, pilot!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-08-26 1 
September 2021
4926839Tai Lung Quest 14Tai Lung continues his busy life in the Sacred Library.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-09-07 2 
4988162 Governor Quest: Redux 3In Which we die a sad death.Governor Quest Redux, Governor Jonathan Wells, 2021-09-17 2 
October 2021
4981066Tai Lung Quest 15Tai Lung is still on the Sacred LibraryKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-10-19 5 
5018317Drowned Quest Redux 20Charlotte Fawkins is saddled with unnecessary... feelings. bathic, drowned quest, drowned quest redux, drowned, quest, collective game2021-10-31 3 
December 2021
5029358Tai Lung Quest 16Tai Lung's stay in the sacred Library gets shaken up due to a possible conspiracy.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2021-12-11 2 
5058560Drowned Quest Redux 21Charlotte Fawkins has memory problems. drowned, drowned redux, drowned quest redux, drowned quest, quest, collective game2021-12-15 3 
January 2022
5080884Tai Lung Quest 17Tai Lung makes history once again and loses a competition. Also he is still in the Sacred Library Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-01-23 1 
5092296Drowned Quest Redux 22Charlotte Fawkins performs brain surgery.drowned, quest, drowned redux, drowned quest redux, bathic, collective game2022-01-26 2 
March 2022
5153904Drowned Quest Redux 23Charlotte Fawkins takes charge.drowned, drowned redux, drowned quest redux, drowned quest, quest, collective game2022-03-05 2 
5128722Tai Lung Quest 18A great tragedy happens, ending Tai Lung's stay at the Sacred LibraryKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-03-08 1 
5180533Late Stage Cultivator QuestShort one-shot quest following an immortal through yet higher states of cultivation.Quest, Fantasy, Chinese Fantasy, Xianxia, Cultivator Story, Progression Story, Martial Arts, Overpowered, One-Shot2022-03-13 7 
5196739Drowned Quest Redux 24Charlotte Fawkins is (un)invited. Thread ends very early. drowned, drowned quest, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-03-21 2 
April 2022
5214636Drowned Quest 33In which Ellery Routh goes on a date.april fools, drowned, drowned quest, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-04-11 2 
5188480Tai Lung Quest 19Tai Lung meets an old friend and try to find out what happened.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-04-26 1 
June 2022
5257818Drowned Quest Redux 25Charlotte Fawkins follows instructions.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-06-06 4 
5242413Tai Lung Quest 20Tai Lung travels to the capital to warn the empress about the new threatKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-06-07 2 
July 2022
5296630Tai Lung Quest 21A clash of ideals happens and Madam Web is met.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-07-12 2 
5306388Drowned Quest Redux 26Charlotte Fawkins awakens her MAGYCKAL ABILITIES.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-07-17 3 
August 2022
5336114Tai Lung Quest 22Tai Lung barters for the location of his friends.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-08-10 3 
5353518Drowned Quest Redux 27Charlotte Fawkins confronts her past. drowned, drowned quest, drowned quest redux, bathic, quest, collective game2022-08-11 4 
5353610Draw your own adventureOP makes low effort quest and flakes, NewQM turns it into a early medieval fantasy adventure where MC abuses a peasant, kills a monster etc.redsek, drawfquest, medieval, fantasy2022-08-31 0 
September 2022
5376684Tai Lung QuestTai Lung meets the High priestess of Fire, and pleads his case.Tai lung Quest, Collective Game, Redemption quest, Storyteller Luo, , Kung Fu Panda2022-09-30 2 
October 2022
5404792Drowned Quest Redux 28Madrigal Fitzpatrick makes her own plotline, with blackjack and hookers. drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-10-16 1 
5394381DrawAdventureQuest 2!!!MC DillRick & friends kills some cultists, witness Cosmic horror then enter a swamp only to be pressured by entities into moral dilemas etc.redsek, drawquest, medieval, fantasy, cosmic horror2022-10-19 0 
November 2022
5441069Drowned Quest Redux 29Charlotte Fawkins speaks with the dead. Thread ends early.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2022-11-20 2 
5421166Tai Lung Quest 24A city finds itself under siege as criminals and Tai Lung search for Xin Lan. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2022-11-29 2 
December 2022
5459697Elf Maiden QuestThe story of an elf maiden's Travails as she seeks the renewal of ancient treaties between Hume, Stout, and Elf.Elf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot2022-12-22 31 
5461059Moonbase Quest #1James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV.Collective Game, Quest, LunaticQM, Moonbase Quest, Sci-fi, goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired2022-12-26 1 
January 2023
5478738Drowned Quest Redux 30Gil Wallace tries his best.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-01-02 2 
5479786Tai Lung Quest 25Tai Lung begins his assault against the various gangs vying for the city starting with the local Flying Dragons. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-01-12 1 
5505378Elf Maiden Quest #2Continuation of Lagneia, the elf maiden, and her journey to renew the ancient treaties. She finds a spear that can make people orgasm. Elf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot 2023-01-26 28 
February 2023
5527502Drowned Quest Redux 31Charlotte Fawkins is in a dark place.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-02-10 4 
5521956Tai Lung Quest 26Tai Lung takes out the second gang of the city; Alchemists, Gas and we miss MingKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-02-17 5 
March 2023
5551351Elf Maiden Quest #3Lagneia receives a very indecent proposition from a baron, fights her way through mercenaries and tries to capture an ugly nobleElf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Smut Serves Plot2023-03-06 28 
5579854Drowned Quest Redux 32Charlotte Fawkins answers more questions than she raises.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-03-20 4 
5575335Tai Lung quest 27The final gang leader is taken out, we did it Xin, We saved the city!Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-03-27 2 
April 2023
5593108Sira cannot run a brothel!A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, swordfighting, SEA inspired mythology, brothel managment2023-04-04 29 
5617784Drowned Quest Redux 33Charlotte Fawkins plays God. drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-04-25 2 
5629008Sira can run a brothel!A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, horror, brothel management2023-04-29 29 
May 2023
5618841Tai Lung Quest 28The trail to Ming leads to a dark forest. The fire Rises.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-05-07 3 
5663865Sira won’t be running a brothel!A brothel keeper confronts his past.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, brothel management2023-05-14 31 
5654217Archimedean Quest: IIIn which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Gallivanting with our Tits out2023-05-21 10 
June 2023
5657189Drowned Quest Redux 34Charlotte Fawkins takes a shortcut.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-06-05 3 
5693395Elf Maiden Quest IVLagneia the sacred prostitute makes her glorious returns as she attempts to extract her quarry from al-Fasek & his harem of deadly femboysElf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Warned for Gay2023-06-24 28 
5670248Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas2023-06-28 7 
July 2023
5660192Tai Lung Quest 29The new trio of Tai Lung, Tigress, and Xin Lan reunite with the remnants of the Sacred Library. Old friends and new wounds are found.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-07-05 1 
5671876Archimedean Quest #3In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Submersible, Submarine, Geber2023-07-10 10 
August 2023
5699684Tai Lung quest 30Tai Lung aids the camp in the forest and plans for the return of the Exarch.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-08-13 2 
5718133Drowned Quest Redux 35Charlotte Fawkins has a pretty good day.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-08-27 2 
September 2023
5737416NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest:A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-09-20 2 
5733542Tai Lung quest 31The Exarch is returned and the plans are set about to turn the tables on the surrounding dangerKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-09-24 1 
November 2023
5778180Tai Lung Quest 32Tai Lung runs his first round against the danger of the Forest.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-11-03 3 
5796950Cleaner QuestYou are Nicole Smith, a Cleaner with untapped anomalous powers. Your goal is succeed in your missions and get THAT CASH.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, schizo girls are neat2023-11-09 30 
5796133Drowned Quest Redux CODICILGod spirals.side story, drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2023-11-22 3 
5848264Walterquest: ReduxYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. You are driving your son and yourself to J.P. WYNNE HIGH SCHOOL. Your adventure is reduxed, what will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2023-11-23 9 
December 2023
5815814Unwanted Children and Forgotten GhostsA tale of a retainer, a family in its twilight years, and spirits unseen. With one heir at death's door, their lives intertwine once more.unwanted children quest, drawquest, historical fantasy, inspired by TCOAAL2023-12-12 7 
5822120VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 2-B: "INDUCTION"A CIA paramilitary officer is introduced to her new team, and later hires a military contracting firm for assistance in a future operation.Vengance Burns Red, Kate Marsh, CIA, spy, thriller, adventure, action2023-12-12 10 
5829969Cyberpunk Quest #1Kai's father, an NCPD netrunner, is killed during a cyber psycho attack on New Years - A conspiracy is afoot, and Kai seeks the truth.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2023-12-27 25 
5821537Tai Lung Quest 33Tai Lung and the crew regroup to defeat the evil of the forest once and for all. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2023-12-31 2 
January 2024
5851077Drowned Quest Redux 36Charlotte Fawkins flies solo. drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-01-01 2 
5850165Cleaner Quest #2After wiping out a gang and helping an old man with his regrets, you now have to worry about someone hunting you down. Good luck.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is rapidly approaching your location. 2024-01-11 22 
February 2024
5894868Drowned Quest Redux 37Charlotte Fawkins fails forward.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-02-23 2 
5893937Cleaner Quest #3After gambling your way out of a bad situation, you managed to kill a fed and talked to a weird abnormality. Life's looking okay so far.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole loves you.2024-02-27 17 
March 2024
5897888Tai Lung Quest 34The gang finally arrive at the Valley of Peace and try to balance rest with preparation. Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2024-03-10 1 
April 2024
5943514Drowned Quest Redux 38Charlotte Fawkins has double trouble.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-04-04 2 
5948262Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 6A young mage is forced to play diplomat in his own homeland, to confront personal prophecies, and to strike a balance between light and darkReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator, Dragonborn Antipaladin, ethnic tension, world peace, imperialism, predestination, relativism, futanari2024-04-06 6 
5944098Cyberpunk Quest #2Kai continues his search for answers, but mostly just finds more eddies and problems.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2024-04-15 11 
5944282Cleaner Quest #4After suddenly growing antlers and beating a powerful anomaly in chess, you wonder if this job is good for your health. Probably isn't!Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Nicole is totally not a furry.2024-04-15 15 
5975312Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 7Growing up means putting aside childish adventures to attend to relationships, responsibilities, and royal land reserves for 'Tips' the maReptoidQM, religion, marriage, polygamy, politics, esoteric magic, world travel, predestination, pregnancy scare, elves, italian in-laws2024-04-20 7 
5947828Tai Lung Quest 35Tai Lung and his friends begin to spend their 2 months of downtime preparing and tying up loose ends. Tai Lung starts work on his new style.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2024-04-27 2 
May 2024
5976207Walterquest: REDUX 2Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2024-05-06 5 
5985534Cyberpunk Quest #3Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, fry your own brain, cop mommy2024-05-25 5 
5982952Cleaner Quest #5After saving a rich kid trapped inside of a mine, you dive right back underground to explore a P-Corp facility. Odd habit you're developingCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Casey is a funny girl, Nicole Smith knows you're reading thi2024-05-29 14 
June 2024
5987770Tai Lung Quest 36We continue to work on our style, and discuss natural gifts.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2024-06-05 1 
5998032Drowned Quest Redux 39Charlotte Fawkins breaks and enters.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-06-09 1 
July 2024
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 12 
6041226Drowned Quest Redux 40Charlotte Fawkins breaks and exits. Slow thread.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-07-23 0 
August 2024
6033147Tai Lung quest 37In this installment of Tai Lung: Z, We meet with our friends on the other side. The story veilsKung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2024-08-06 1 
6051065Resistance Quest pt3Resistance Quest returns from the mists of time, albeit not without difficulties. In this thread: Racism!Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2024-08-25 0 
September 2024
6072720Drowned Quest Redux 41Gil Wallace fucks up. Another slow thread. drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2024-09-07 0 
6071053Cleaner Quest #7 You dealt with the Handler's ex, met an anomaly version of yourself, and killed a gigaspook and doppelganger in District 9. Life's a bitchCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Quentin and Lex are best boys, Kill all Glowniggers2024-09-12 6 
October 2024
6076977Tai Lung Quest 38Tai Lung and their friends finish their preparations and head north to Mongolia.Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung quest, Redemption Quest, Storyteller Luo, Collective Game2024-10-21 0 
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