/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

July 2009
5253187Dwarven SuperheroesArt dump of superheroes-as-dwarves. Starts with Spiderdorf Vs. Doc OrkDwarves, Dorfs, Superheroes2009-07-25 3 
October 2009
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
November 2009
6552234Superhero Ideas/tg/ comes up with excellent ideas for superhero adventures.superheroes2009-11-03 1 
March 2010
8703651X-Men New MutantsDetails of an X-men New Mutants campaign, awesome background props.Mutants, X-Men, Superheroes2010-03-21 3 
March 2011
14378085HU Revised: The Creation of FinesseOP uncovers an old copy of Heroes Unlimited, Revised Edition, and anon sets to work on the random tables and a bionics budget to create Finesse, an electric greatsword swingin' nimble cyborg hero with a chip on his shoulder and an eye out for a paycheck. Continued from a thread the previous night.HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse2011-03-27 0 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
February 2012
17779216Metahuman Renaissance Quest 1Our quest begins with our hero being named, majored, and given superpowers by a crazy bitchMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin2012-02-03 28 
17792316Metahuman Renaissance Quest 2Javelin macks on more mad science ladies, finds out about his powers, registers, makes and spends a lot of money, and gets new shiny things. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, like a sir2012-02-04 24 
17805147Metahuman Renaissance Quest 3We try to have a nice date with our new hot redheaded scientist girlfriend and immediately get held up by our first metahuman fight and the subsequent paperwork. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, javelin, Collective Game2012-02-05 23 
17875188Metahuman Renaissance Quest Part 4.5Part 4 wasn't archived, our power armor is inspected, upgrade plans are made, and metascience professors are worked with.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, Javelin, Collective Game2012-02-10 24 
17887197Metahuman Renaissance Quest 5The Psychic App store is downloaded, parts are acquires, SAN is checked, and mad science is doneMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, red star, the hammer, cosmic horror2012-02-11 25 
17989716Metahuman Renaissance Quest 7Javelin eats pancakes wit the Evokers', learns Parkour, then WE WIZARD NOW SONMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, harry dresden, evokers club, parkour, behold the wizard2012-02-18 23 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
January 2014
29402841Washed up Villain quest: RedoThe beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Washed up Villain quest:Redo, Demons, Superheroes2014-01-10 3 
September 2015
42349533Superheroes and the Law If caped and masked superheroes existed, what kind of laws would be passed in regards to them? Super Lawyers and Super Tax Agents ensue.superheroes law2015-09-07 6 
December 2015
44173628Skirmish Sketch SuperheroesThe Grinch threatens the festive spirit of New Metroville, but handily a handful of c-list superheroes were in the areaCollective Game, Skirmish, Sketch, Superheroes, Hero Builder, art?2015-12-15 5 
44269489Skirmish Sketch Superheroes II: Noodle IncidentThe vigilantes visit a noodleshop and finds it less than abandoned. Guns! Explosions! Collateral damage! ROBOTS! Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-20 5 
44391210[Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes III: Ground Control to...Opening to a strange underground mine, less explosions more gribbly terrorsSkirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-27 3 
44430030 [Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes IV: ICE DefenceDeeper we go into the alien invested mine! ICE proves more incompetent than ever.Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-30 2 
February 2016
45605012Fledgling Super QuestYou are Tom Gainer and a van has blown up in your face. Also, you have sound powers now.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-24 6 
45625087Fledgling Super Quest 2Tom hides out in the forest, climbs a tree, and is bad at his powers.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-25 3 
45637975Fledgling Super Quest .5: How and WhyIn which FSQM explains the setting and the groups and thinking withinFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, Worldbuilding2016-02-26 3 
45685162Fledgling Super Quest 3Tom trains in the woods, gains a hobo beard, and beats up and makes a new friendFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-28 5 
45707638Fledgling Super Quest 4Jim catches Tom up to date, plan a raid on a local gang, and Tom decides to be a badassFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-29 5 
March 2016
45825133Fledgling Super Quest 5QM roll poor behind the scenes. Tom and Jim do good and get food before deciding to lawyer up.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-03-06 3 
46017191Fledgling Super Quest 6Tom kills time while Jim meets his lawyer and makes some new friends and an old one. Tom becomes a ladies man for a shining moment.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-03-15 2 
46210144Fledgling Super Quest 7Shopping happens, and people try to sneak up behind Tom with varying levels of failureFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-03-24 2 
April 2016
46380621Fledgling Super Quest 8Tom goes on a mission with Cicada Killer, learns about the Husk, scores a date, and plays detective.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-01 4 
46489427Fledgling Super Quest 9Tom finished connecting the dots, makes a reference CK doesn't get, and rushes into a burning buildingFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-06 4 
46969756Fledgling Super Quest 10Early archive. After a break QM discovers an argument. Also Tom investigates an apartment.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-29 4 
May 2016
47093356Superhero Worldbuiding #1superhero general thread rolls up a team with Mutants and Masterminds, later spirals into fleshing out a whole worldwide setting.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, capes2016-05-11 4 
47104581Superhero Worldbuiding #2M&M team gets more fleshed out and drawfagged. Anons dive into making Hollywood and Vegas heroes, plus a bit around the world.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-11 4 
47137832Superhero Worldbuiding #3Next anons make up Japan with all their different subgenres and UK with Arthurian heroes and Machiavellian villains. worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 4 
47063627Superhero Worldbuilding #0the Secret Origin of Cape Worldworldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 3 
47162883Superhero Worldbuiding #4German roboticists, Oceania full of villain lairs, some more British Irregulars, and the beginning of Statesmen, 50 heroes 1 for every stateworldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 2 
47276284Super Hero Worldbuilding #10/shg/ writes up Canada full of super-political troubles and struggles what do about Koreas. A bit of United Nations superteam and etcetera.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-23 2 
47297029Superhero Worldbuiding #11Spain&Portugal as super-suppliers; political clusterfuck of Brazil; Middle East religious variations; splatter of here and there heroes.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-24 2 
47309996Superhero Worldbuiding #12Fleshing out a couple alien species; some general non-capeworld discussion; fleshing out the original Mn M team.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-24 1 
47325510Superhero Worldbuiding #13Thread focuses on fleshing out previously started characters.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-26 1 
47412930Superhero Worldbuilding #16A team of misfit teens called the Outliers is created, a randomizer for 90's characters is discussed.Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-05-29 2 
47433165Superhero Worldbuilding #17Recapping on global supers organizations; some WW2 Russia; some more random gens and other assorted conceptsCape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-05-31 1 
June 2016
47481992Superhero Worldbuilding #18More generalized discussion; also there was an attempt at cape world questrunningCape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-06-01 2 
47652513Fledgling Super Quest 11Things go bad for Tom and they don't get better, despite strong rolls for most of the threadFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-06-07 1 
47602271Superhero Worldbuilding #19Batch of expanded statesmen, general discussion. Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-06-17 2 
December 2016
916851DC Universe QuestIsaac is born, we reveal our water and ice powers and shut down a chain of BlockbustersDC Universe, Comic Books, Collective Game, Superheroes2016-12-09 7 
949682DC Adventure QuestIsaac hits the road for LA, we hit the stops along the way we only stop for the best.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-20 4 
976678DC Adventure Quest 2Our grand tour across america ends early with some help from Blue Beetle and we reach LA.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-27 2 
989432DC Adventure Quest 3We meet our dad and he tells us how we came to be.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-30 1 
January 2017
1002053DC Adventure Quest 4We take on the role of our father in a flashback to our true origin.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2017-01-02 2 
March 2017
52362299Middle Eastern Superhero SettingWorldbuilding discussion for a new setting based on middle eastern superheroes. Surprisingly civil and apolitical.middle east, culture, superhero, superheroes, setting, worldbuilding,2017-03-28 15 
June 2017
1549956Super villian quest #1we escape a high securit bus, burn down a gas station, and meet an old man who is not who he seemsVillian,quest,/qst/,Superheroes2017-06-12 3 
October 2018
2954744Homefront Hero quest: The Spider Strikes! 1The beginning of a new cape quest set in the world of the webcomic The Power of Stardust.Superhero, Superheroes, The Spider, Collective Game2018-10-22 2 
December 2018
3100401American Hero Academia Quest #5The long, grueling training exercise finally comes to an end.American Hero Academa, Boku No Hero Academia, Superheroes, Anime2018-12-29 1 
September 2019
68099411/tg/ original superheroes and superpowers/tg/ comes up with an original superhero setting's worth of heroes and villains.superheroes, setting, worldbuilding,2019-09-10 1 
July 2021
4927439Immortal Meatbag Part 0A not-so-super hero fights lots of lizards, meets an old friend. Collective Game, Superheroes, Cyberpunk, Body Horror2021-07-27 2 
August 2021
4913774Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #1You are Richard Gardener, and your wife Vicky isn’t having an affair. An affair would be easier to solve, for one thing…Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Conspiracies, Loving Wife, Pompous Psychic Terrorist Grandpa, Cool Ninja Bro2021-08-21 10 
October 2021
4974369Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #2You are Richard Gardener and finally you have gained the promotion. Nothing like a family reunion to celebrate, right ? Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Loving Husband, Loving Wife, Cool Ninja Bro, Cool watch Grandpa2021-10-06 3 
January 2022
82656869what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers?There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it?superpower, superpowers, superhero, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, M&M, worldbuilding, setting,2022-01-01 0 
June 2022
84877180Why doesn't the modern surveillance state immediately unmask the secret identities of all superheroes?The modern equivalent of Local Lordposting turns into a serious discussion on vigilantism and the state monopoly of force.superheroes, cyberpunk, local lord2022-06-18 -1 
February 2023
87563268Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things.Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-04 -22 
87612096Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3?Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-19 -22 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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