Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2010 8768815 The joys of multiclassing. In the wake of a previous thread's Final Fantasy Class-rolling mayhem, /tg/ tackles random class hybrids. The strange and awesome ideas quickly take form. Character Classes , Multiclassing , Originality , Final Fantasy 2010-03-25 2 April 2011 14612827 Marche of FFTA "The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists." Lawful Evil , Lawful Good , BBEG , troll , trolling , final fantasy tactics , final fantasy tactics advance , fft , ffta , fantasy , paladin , discussion 2011-04-16 8 14711890 Final Fantas RPG DMing advice OP asks for a RPG that has a FF feel. FFRPG is introduced and DMing advice is given. FFRPG , final fantasy , dm , advice , setting 2011-04-25 0 November 2012 21568917 /tg/ Meta Quest 113 Task Force 38 brokers a fragile alliance with the Great Crusade's vanguard fleet, Yami and Anzu are still unaccounted for, and Mihoshi wrecks Washu's Lab before we can loot it. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Sailor Moon , Final Fantasy 2012-11-14 10 21614632 /tg/ Meta Quest 114 Queen Tranquility is exorcised from the Silver Crystal, the people of the world are restored, and we build a church to Desna. This world is clean. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Sailor Moon , Final Fantasy 2012-11-17 9 June 2013 25512705 Final Fantasy Quest 1 The humble beginnings of FF Quest with trying to determine what class to be. The Sage , Collective Quest , Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest 2013-06-19 14 25532949 Final Fantasy Quest 2 The continuation of FF quest with a trip to the Bandit's Wood. The Sage , Collective Quest , Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest 2013-06-20 14 25548357 How to jRPG Anon asks for the framework and design choices behind Japanese console RPGs. Every cliche imaginable is brought up, and discussion of the genre and its mannerisms is conducted. Discussion , JRPG , RPG , trope , cliche , setting , design , Japanese , Final Fantasy 2013-06-21 16 25569558 Final Fantasy Quest 3 The one that comes after 4, but only in America. Collective Game , Final Fantasy Quest , Spiky Hair , Pizza Cutters do not make for good swords , Its not quite the same without the soundtrack 2013-06-22 7 25607831 Final Fantasy Quest 4 The hero makes for Corneria, and his destiny. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-06-24 6 25625474 Final Fantasy Quest 5 We arrive at Corneria, a lovestruck fighter in tow. Collective Game , Quest , Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest 2013-06-24 9 25663385 Final Fantasy Quest 6 The Warriors of Light come together. Sort of. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-06-27 7 25683882 Final Fantasy Quest 7 The Warriors of Light gear up and set off. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-06-28 7 July 2013 25737478 Final Fantasy Quest 8 In which the party takes a peaceful ride through the forest. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-01 2 25761950 Final Fantasy Quest 9 The party has a pleasant stay at Calim where nothing at all goes wrong. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-02 4 25776443 Final Fantasy Quest 10 A White Mage questions her faith and the party makes for Dorter. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-03 2 25796476 Final Fantasy Quest 11 Ferra proves to be no fun at all. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-04 3 25816979 Final Fantasy Quest 12 We finally reach the Witchmarsh Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-05 2 25836460 Final Fantasy Quest 13 The party meets Matoya. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-06 1 25873971 Final Fantasy Quest 14 I'm on a boat! Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-08 1 25933392 Final Fantasy Quest 15 A red eye watches as the party reaches Lodestone Cavern. Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Quest , Collective Game , The Sage 2013-07-11 2 May 2014 32191093 Garden Quest:0 So begins the tale of Leonardo Titus, a galbadian student heading to Balamb Garden. collective game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , GardenMaster-Norg 2014-05-18 15 32212164 Garden Quest 1: Siren's cove Leonardo and Selphie's Day in the city Galbadia Stronk Collective Game , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , Garden Quest 2014-05-19 12 32238729 Garden Quest:- The Discussion What was supposed the 2nd thread turned into a discussion thread Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , collective game , final fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe 2014-05-22 2 32273709 Garden Quest 2: Balamb Garden Leo's 2nd day at Balamb Garden goes Bizarre and we invoke our inner Fury. Also, the dice gods demand blood Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , collective game , final fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe,Ora Ora 2014-05-22 14 32291512 Garden Quest 3: Lions Pride Leonardo Titus's time adjusting to Balamb Continues, emotional healing is had, the plot thickens and Squall laughs. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Alternate Universe 2014-05-23 13 32317535 Garden Quest: The 2nd Discussion More discussion is had, suggestions are thrown out and there's a bit of HNNG involved. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Discussion Thread , Alternate Universe , Hnng, 2014-05-24 3 32358626 Garden Quest 4:Beacon Visions of the past, Hope for the future... and the chaos of the present. Garden Quest , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe 2014-05-26 8 32383355 Garden Quest 5: Starlight and Memories In which we find out what Selphie did all day and meet more people! Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Alternate Universe 2014-05-27 10 32427845 Garden Quest 06: Delphinus Leonardo makes his way towards Delphinus Resort. The 1st part of our Obligatory Beach Episode Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe Collective Game , 2014-05-29 7 June 2014 32493375 Garden Quest 6.5: Delphinus Resort Old Friends are reunited, hints into the past at Galbadia, STRONK Dancing is Stronk and lot's of body shots. Garden Quest , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , GardenMaster-NORG 2014-06-01 5 32615583 Garden Quest 7: Birthday Rinko's Birthday is in full effect, Leo meet's new people and proves why he was named after a Lion. Also Galbadian steel is still stronk. Collective Game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , GardenMaster-NORG, 2014-06-07 5 32743384 Garden Quest 08: Fireworks The exiting End to the Delphinus Beach Arc. Bonds are forged... GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , Crossover , Kill La Kill , Avatar , Korra 2014-06-14 6 32951447 Garden Quest 09: Forging the Blade The 1st Arc of the seeD Exam Prep begins! Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe 2014-06-24 5 July 2014 33368973 Garden Quest 10: Sonata De Balamb In the last night before clsses, Leo heads to the opera, get's purified and he finally hears the news! Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Alternate Universe 2014-07-13 7 33658683 Garden Quest 11: Seeds Of War Classes Begin at Balamb Garden Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Collective Game , 2014-07-26 6 September 2014 34708633 Garden Quest 11.5: Seeds of War A duel with Raijin, Classes, and possibly a Side Quest Mission. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe 2014-09-08 5 34824004 Garden Quest 12: Tides of Balamb Leo embarks on his 2nd side quest mission, team bonding and more dreams? And a whole lot more. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Alternate Universe 2014-09-13 5 October 2014 35514317 Garden Quest 14: Eclipse It's still the weekend, Leonardo takes it easy for once and we hang out with some people though dark clouds loom in the future. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2014-10-14 2 November 2014 35999419 Ivalice Quest 1 Our protagonist hits the road with some classmates Collective Game , Final Fantasy Tactics , Ivalice Quest 2014-11-07 5 36083066 Ivalice Quest 2 Our protagonist begins to encounter things she can't explain. Collective Game , Final Fantasy Tactics , Ivalice Quest 2014-11-11 2 36327916 Ivalice Quest 3 Our protagonist gets some confirmation Collective Game , Final Fantasy Tactics , Ivalice Quest 2014-11-23 4 December 2014 36632861 Garden Quest 14-2: Meeting Leonardo Meet's Noel Vermillion, Spars with Kimberly and heads out towards the City yet dark clouds slowly loom in the Horizon. Collective Game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , GardenMaster-NORG , Alternate Universe , Crossover 2014-12-08 3 January 2015 37273628 Garden Quest 15: Wandering Leonardo and Company Ease Noel, into daily life at Balamb Garden, Social Links,Missions and yet the storm of warfare begins to brew. GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-01-10 2 37557805 Garden Quest 15-2:Sonata Leo Embarks on several endeavors, social links continue to be formed and grow as the SeeD Field Exam Begins to loom it's head GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Garden Quest , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-01-23 2 February 2015 38007610 Garden Quest 15-3: Stanza The Lion's Pride potentially Expands, The Fire Cavren Pre-Exam's looms closer and Leo trains himself for the days to come. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-02-12 2 March 2015 38525613 Garden Quest 16: A Distant Storm. The Stage that is the SeeD Field Exam is being Prepared. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-03-07 1 38570707 Garden Quest 16.5: A Distant Storm Part 2 The Stage that is the SeeD Exam is being Prepared, Bond are forged and empowered and a new power begins to awaken? Garden Quest , Collective Game , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Alternate Universe , Crossover 2015-03-09 1 38708163 Garden Quest 17: Situation Critical The Situation in Timber reaches a boiling point and Leonardo undergoes specialized training. The SeeD Exam's are Nigh. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-03-15 2 38731839 Garden Quest 17-2: The Fire Cavern The Pre-Requisite for the SeeD Exam comes, Leo must Defeat Ifrit. Garden Quest , Collective Game , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Crossover , Alternate Universe 2015-03-16 2 June 2015 40410848 Ivalice Quest: The Five Lions War A hundred years after the original story, Ivalice is at war once again. Chemist Zaren Aphelion joins the imperial troops. Collective Game , Final Fantasy , Final Fantasy Tactics , Ivalice Quest 2015-06-06 6 40703401 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Seven Stand at Shella The Crystal Chronicles, the compendium of hundreds of journeys of crystal caravans. All of these stories close with a shared ending- The Brave Tragedy: Seven Stand at Shella. Collective Game , The Red Lady , Crystal Chronicles , Final Fantasy , Multiple POV 2015-06-20 5 October 2016 694580 A Blue Mage's Tale #1 A retelling of Final Fantasy IX. You are Tobias Alderleaf, a blue mage who goes to see a play, but winds up kidnapping the princess. Final Fantasy , Blue Mage , Blue Mage's Tale 2016-10-16 8 January 2018 2189831 Final Fantasy Comrades Quest Part 1 A former guard to the king fighting off the daemons and trying to keep the world alight. Acquired weapons and a locket. Short opener thread. FFXV , Final Fantasy , Wanks , Collective Game , Melisk 2018-01-02 2 September 2021 4950018 Final Fantasy: Choco Rider A Western-themed Final Fantasy quest Final Fantasy , western , cowboy , collective game 2021-09-18 2 July 2022 5311845 Final Fantasy: Heaven's Cataract You're Lorelai Lufaine. You wake up in a strange, new world with even stranger people. Final Fantasy , Quest , Female protagonist 2022-07-10 6 September 2022 5351830 Final Fantasy: Heaven's Cataract 2 The journey of Lorelai Lufaine continues as she meets someone who can actually teach her White Magic. Final Fantasy , Quest , Female protagonist , Heaven's Cataract 2022-09-02 2 October 2022 5385528 Final Fantasy: Heaven's Cataract #3 Lorelai's quest continues with Bucklin giving his backstory. Afterward, Bucklin and Lorelai go check on the sick prisoner. Final Fantasy , Heaven's Cataract , Quest , Female protagonist 2022-10-14 2