Thread Title Description Tags Added Score June 2008 2047216 Little Folk /tg/ brainstorms about a game where all the people in the world suddenly find themselves 2 inches tall. Little Folk , RPG discussion 2008-06-21 35 October 2008 2764879 The Ends Justify The Means A serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins. BBEG , morals , discussion , getting shit done 2008-10-09 6 January 2009 3288492 Ruby Art Dump As the name suggests. The location of the IRC discussions on Ruby Quest is also in the OP post. Ruby , IRC Discussion 2009-01-02 27 3305759 Ruby Discussion Some random ruby speculation with a nice revelation at the end due to an observant anon Ruby Discussion 2009-01-03 27 May 2009 4678012 For the love of the game Someone who enjoys 3.5 and 4e gives their thoughts on why people can still love 3.5 despite 4e being popular. Then, eventual trolling. meaningful , discussion , 3.5 , 4e , fun 2009-05-27 2 June 2009 5028025 Dwarf Women An epic discussion on the nature of dwarf women. dorfs , women , dwarves , elves , discussion 2009-06-29 -2 July 2009 5173594 Realistic Fantasy Societies Anon discusses the impact of magic-heavy social structures as opposed to the traditional MIDDLE AGES BUT WITH MAGIC settings. discussion , world-building 2009-07-16 5 August 2009 5605691 Monstrous Girls OP wants a monstergirl thread.
What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO. monstergirl , grimdark , writefaggotry , horror , discussion 2009-08-27 15 5642930 Eclipse Phase Part 3 A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threads Transhumanism , Eclipse Phase , Cyberpunk , PNP , Discussion 2009-08-30 1 5648250 Eclipse Phase 4 More of the same. Eclipse Phase , Transhumanism , PNP , Discussion , Sci-fi , AI , I wish to be the neotenic 2009-08-30 1 September 2009 5787450 We Are So Small /tg/ gets existential over other-worldy panorama and the stars. We are indeed small, my brothers. discussion , space 2009-09-09 8 5974314 Big Bad Evil Gals /tg/ discusses the idea of female BBEGs, if any of them are any good, and the stereotypes generally seen therein. A rather decent discourse, albeit with trolling here and there. Female , BBEG , stereotype , discussion 2009-09-23 -2 October 2009 6171811 Trench Setting Generic "events in the X" turns into the whole setting discussion full of ideas and characters world war , setting , ideas , trench , warfare , discussion 2009-10-07 0 November 2009 6633807 A lack of edition wars. Possibly the first and only Pathfinder discussion thread not utterly beset by trolls where discussion that was reasonable could be had. rules discussion , rules , pathfinder 2009-11-09 1 6683737 Mass Effect Discussion & ME2 Speculation Title pretty much sums it up. Some talk of a Mass Effect P&P. Mass Effect , Discussion 2009-11-13 -4 6709859 /tg/ and D&D 2nd Edition. Fa/tg/uys discuss the pros and cons of 2nd edition vs newer ones, along other oldfag concepts, with amazingly little trolling. Late Nite , D&D , 2E , 2nd , 2nd Edition , Late Night , constructive arguments , discussion , old school , oldfags , good /tg/ 2009-11-15 1 6750414 World of Derpness /tg/ discusses the most mindnumbing aspects of the old World of Darkness' metaplot. world of darkness , discussion 2009-11-18 4 March 2010 8546647 The Tower in the Dragon Attempt to troll with macrofur art turns into civilized discussion about the practical ways to resolve the situation within the D&D universe. Never change, /tg/. Dungeons and Dragons , Dragon , Tower , discussion 2010-03-13 5 April 2010 9071581 Costco survival 4Chan island converted into Costco, where /tg/ tries to survive Walmart , homebrew , discussion , 2010-04-09 -3 9161878 Spiders and snakes and cassowarys, oh my What starts as an initiative roll against giant spiders turns into a huge discussion about the dangerous little things of the world. Discussion 2010-04-14 0 May 2010 9895404 ITT: Stupid ideas you've heard from your PCs Retarded PCs, New player experiences and pony farms discussion 2010-05-18 3 9964602 Several words about WoD... "/tg/, I'm interested in getting into World of Darkness, but I hear a lot about nWoD and oWoD. Is either of the versions better than the other? What's the difference in a few words?" The fa/tg/uys have more than just a -few- words... owod , nwod , debate , discussion 2010-05-22 0 10098159 Realistic Spaceship Constraints What do you need to pay attention to when making a hard-physics spaceship? How do you dump heat? Is there really no stealth in space? space , spaceships , discussion 2010-05-28 3 June 2010 10590303 Paladins of BDSM Despite the name, this was the result of a challenge to create a Lawful Good Deity of BDSM. And surprisingly, some good discussion and plot ideas were had. Paladins , Xiombarg , Loviatar , gods , fluff , discussion 2010-06-19 16 August 2010 11574230 What's Buried Below A post-apocalyptic setting is created from the safety warnings surrounding real life nuclear waste dumps. Atomic priesthoods and underground horrors ensue. homebrew , discussion , setting 2010-08-10 10 11633488 Worst DMs Thread starts strong, then begins to stall. Then anon tells about his former flaming failure of a GM. Gming , worst , puns , more puns , discussion 2010-08-12 18 October 2010 12447189 Starship Troopers Discussion Various fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system. discussion , Starship Troopers , politics , Fascism 2010-10-15 9 12456333 Civilized weapon discussion?!? on my /tg/!? Even the troll is civilized and polite once called out. At any rate, historyfags go! epee , foil , sabre , weapons , discussion , medieal weapons 2010-10-16 3 12507912 Design Your Own Zombie Apocalypse A discussion on various zombie types, traits, abilities and plausibilities. Everything from SCIENCE!!! to "I don't gotta explain shit" Zombie , discussion , fluff , zombie apocalypse , apocalypse 2010-10-20 0 12516400 Discussion of Angels A "stat me" post winds up with an in-depth discussion of how biblical angels are eldritch-horror material Discussion , Angels , 2010-10-21 10 12526343 Bretonnia Discussion /tg/ discusses The Kingdom of Bretonnia Bretonnia , knights , warhammer , fantasy , WFB , discussion , knight 2010-10-23 2 12591492 Shi/tg/ets done Saturday Whats starts as reminiscense of old /tg/ projects that were never finished ends with the resolve to start a weekly thread to actually get shit done on these old projects shit gets done , /tg/ , discussion , homebrew , rules , crunch 2010-10-28 3 November 2010 12715002 Airship discussion The elegant gentlemen of /tg/ discuss the feasibility of airships in modern times. zeppelins , airships , discussion 2010-11-08 1 12785312 Jester Thread A discussion of Jesters are archetypes, player character, historical figures, and also as a reoccurring figure in media.
Filled with historical anecdotes and tons of Harley Quin pictures. D&D , 3.5 , jester , fool , harlequin , Harley Quin , fluff , story , funny , roleplay , character , discussion , character , history , anecdote 2010-11-15 7 12799478 Shadowrun Shadowrun fans swap epic campaign stories, character building tips, opinions on game mechanics and fanart. Shadowrun , discussion , adventure , character 2010-11-19 0 12911833 I AM VIKTOR REZNOV AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE OP asks for pics of space russians. Showing /tg/s natural ADD we quickly switch topics to Reznov worship. From there the thread derails into political debate. BUT LO WHAT IS THIS? The debate ends, and the parties agree to disagree. discussion , russia , communism , Reznov , Viktor , Call of duy , war , debate 2010-11-24 3 12975793 Complaints about Adeptus Evangelion Character death in AdEva is too much to handle. adeptus evangelion , adeva , discussion 2010-11-30 2 December 2010 13333185 /tg/ island: we get shit done edition we get shit done in describing what we would do in the classic "4chan archipelago" situation. We work out damn near everything to near-plausability island thread , archipelago , survival , discussion , collective effort 2010-12-30 3 January 2011 13378007 Apocalypse Brainstorming Coming up with some creative new ways for society to be destroyed. apocalypse , apocalyptic , discussion , brainstorming 2011-01-03 0 13404195 Any sword material you want (part 2?) Metallurgist grognards discuss possible materials to make swords out of and the reasons for doing so, among other things.
Continuation of another thread. swords , metallugy , technology , weapons , discussion 2011-01-05 1 February 2011 14021320 Ethics of Utopias Standard 40K vs Star Trek thread derails multiple times, finally ending up as various anons picking apart each other's perfect societies. utopia , discussion 2011-02-24 -3 14028916 BattleTech history and discussion Discussion of BattleTech nationalities becomes a comprehensive rundown of the BT timeline and various BT discussion. battletech , mech , discussion 2011-02-25 2 April 2011 14428415 Fish in the Fjord /tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplement Fish in the Fjord , discussion , 2011-04-01 1 14584699 Nasty Horrible Magic Systems Op wonders about magic systems that are well... Nasty and horrible. Anon delivers. magic , torture , rape , death , nasty , horrible , discussion , setting 2011-04-14 2 14569864 Obscure or Underappreciated RPGs A discussion on various RPGs which seemed to have been thrown under the rug by /tg/ and the world. discussion , meta 2011-04-14 1 14612827 Marche of FFTA "The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists." Lawful Evil , Lawful Good , BBEG , troll , trolling , final fantasy tactics , final fantasy tactics advance , fft , ffta , fantasy , paladin , discussion 2011-04-16 8 14601830 Eclipse Phase general OP posts link to Eclipse Phase PDFs. eclipse phase , scifi , science fiction , pdf , setting , discussion 2011-04-16 0 May 2011 15023363 another LARP thread afer a summer style start the thread turns out into a general larp discussion and at the and focusing into the rules of different larps larp discussion rules advice 2011-05-24 1 July 2011 15653270 What are your opinions on the Krogan genophage? Anons start discussing morality, genocide, human bias, the value of synthetic life, etc. A lot of thoughtful discussion. Discussion 2011-07-21 -5 September 2011 16204515 Unfantastic Fantasy OP wonders why modern fantasy is so earthly and non-bizarre. Discussion is had and one fa/tg/uy tells of his magi-tech setting with robo-dragons and zombie goblins. fantasy , settings , discussion , tolkien , D&D , awesome 2011-09-07 7 October 2011 16511386 The Editors: A Setting In Progress OP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , 2011-10-04 22 16529282 The Editors II We continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas 2011-10-06 10 16676293 Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFH GATHER SACRIFICES.
Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors. cthulhu , shoggoth , elder gods , gods , horror , slaanesh , sacrifices , discussion 2011-10-20 5 December 2011 17316672 The Editors III Continued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions. game design , world building , discussion , planes , Mary Sue , settings , metafiction , game ideas , Editors , The Editors 2011-12-24 8 January 2012 17679146 Oh, what tangled webs we weave. A fa/tg/uy offers a technique towards more compelling storytelling by sewing together the goals and beliefs of multiple PCs. Complete with demonstration. GM , DM , PC , advice , story , discussion , roleplaying 2012-01-26 81 February 2012 17817039 Wise Words From Veteran Adventurers /tg/ muses about what veterans would say to new adventurers. What transpires is awesome. awesome , discussion , getting shit done 2012-02-05 38 17960493 /tg/ Turns Five: A Retrospective On February 15, 2012, /tg/ celebrated its fifth anniversary with a look back at some of the board's more memorable moments. Happy birthday, /tg/. Here's to five more years. Discussion , story , birthday , anniversary , meta , /tg/ , board 2012-02-15 13 17964414 /tg/ Turns Five: A Retrospective Part 2 Too much awesome nostalgia for just one thread. Discussion , story , birthday , anniversary , meta , /tg/ , board 2012-02-16 3 18118824 MLP and WH40K Civil Discussion What begins as saging and late night cynicism changes into two divergent but equally civil discussions MLP , WH40K , 40K , Warhammer 40K , discussion , civil , civility , informational , interesting , lol 2012-02-27 13 March 2012 18163457 High Lords Discussion Title+faith in humanity. Warhammer 40k , Roleplay , Discussion , 2012-03-02 15 18254897 High Lords Discussion The discussion about saving the imperium continues Warhammer 40k , Roleplay , Discussion, 2012-03-09 6 18282927 Planetary Governor Quest: Part One Former Captain Elyssa von Braun assumes the position of Lord Governor over the planet Daysimir, but all is not well in this sector, and many things are not as they appear... Collective Game , Quest , Quest Thread , Planetary Governor Quest , Epic Win , Discussion , 40K , Warhammer , Navy 2012-03-11 33 18286800 Planetary Governor Quest Part Two We uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation Napalm Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer , 40K , Eldar , Guns , discussion , Ultramarines , Sisters of Battle , RT , Rogue Trader , Genestealer 2012-03-11 23 18517205 Wacky Racing 40k Op asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like?
What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it.
Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together? Racing , Discussion , Homebrew , Dark Eldar , 40k , Redline 2012-03-31 20 April 2012 18837867 Magical Girl Dystopia Magical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuuffff fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-04-24 21 May 2012 19043505 Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2 While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world.
Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. brainstorm , Deus vs Machina , discussion , ecologyfag , evo game , evolution game , evolution , Father , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , nongent , occasional silliness , preview , sneak-peek , Stooge , zeppelin sex, 2012-05-14 10 19085077 Magical Girl Dystopia III More fleshing out about the girls and the resistance fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-05-14 5 19119894 Magical Girl Dystopia IV The setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud. fluff , magical girls , setting , game ideas , writefag , getting shit done , dystopia , world building , discussion , magicpunk , 1984 , mahou shoujo , gene therapy 2012-05-18 2 19283964 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2 Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding. Bord Empire , discussion , drawfaggotry , Eastern Continent , evo , evo game , evolution , evolution game , FortuneHost , Gaghiel , Gantu , Govkar , Gwiliak , Indonesian Gentleman , Jungle Fever 3 , Kaze , Nad , namefags , NO TRIP , nongent , Onolkeshan , Primordial Evo , SHOGUN GLUND , Silith , Skulks , Solomon , stupid sexy Skulks… , tribal , Zal'zaz'siel 2012-05-30 6 June 2012 19406363 Parker & Johnson Inc. Adventurers join the business community, corporate shenanigans ensue. D&D , Corperation , Mimic door , Frank the Illithid , Original Content , Discussion 2012-06-08 39 July 2012 19751693 Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9 Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in! Fortune Evolution , evolution , evo , game , discussion thread , microscopic , bluegrass , namefags , science , biology , technobabble 2012-07-08 2 19993725 The Ponyverse is horrifying /tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works) My Little Pony , civil discussion , how is this even happening 2012-07-22 36 September 2012 20576660 Elder Scrolls Lore Discussion A trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/. Elder Scrolls , Lore Discussion , TES , CHIM , Amaranth , Vivec , Lorkhan , lore 2012-09-03 8 October 2012 21238842 Princess Game Discussion Follow up to the "Choose Your Princess" thread to discuss potential /tg/ creations. Princesses , Story Time , Discussion , Game Creation 2012-10-23 5 November 2012 21645749 VeloCITY Reloaded Interest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information. VeloCITY , The Wind in Your Hair , /tg/ , homebrew , discussion , Jet Set Radio , Tony Hawk , Air Gear , parkour , freerunning , rollerblade , skateboard , bike 2012-11-21 5 December 2012 21945938 Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion Thread Wrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central. Collective Game , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , South , Continent 2012-12-13 1 22037196 College Necromancy Courses In which advice is asked regarding the nature of and concepts for college-level courses on necromancy in a biased world. undead , necromancy , ideas , university , discussion , philosophy 2012-12-14 1 22257720 /tg/ gets depressed OP inquires about how to roleplay depression. /tg/ reveals all its angst, misery and emptiness in response. depression , depressing , sad , melancholy , oh god what , why , roleplay , game ideas , discussion 2012-12-29 12 22286905 Rule 63 Harry Potter /tg/ examines what the Potterverse might be like in a genderswapped world. Discussion and laughs ensue. rule 63 , Harry Potter , discussion 2012-12-30 10 January 2013 22788717 The Legions of Earth /tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother.
Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a thread Polandball , Abbadon , failure , derail , daemonette , discussion , First Founding , 40k , wut 2013-01-26 10 22781206 Fixing Naruto as an RPG setting What starts as a question about using Legends of the Wulin for a Naruto RPG ends in a thorough discussion on how to fix its many problems to make it work as a setting, as well as commentary on other shonen series and their strenght as a possible RPG setting homebrew , shonen , thread derailment , Naruto , One Piece , Soul Eater , setting discussion 2013-01-26 5 February 2013 23176588 /tg/'s Sixth Birthday /tg/ celebrates its sixth birthday on February 15 2013. Stories and memories are shared and urethras discussed. Discussion , story , birthday , anniversary , meta , /tg/ , board 2013-02-16 11 March 2013 23679659 On Childhood, Death, and Warhammer An eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out. Discussion , WFRP , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , GM , death , girl , PC , player character 2013-03-14 49 23639467 Primordial Evo: Return to East Civ Discussion Notes for the return to East Continent. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Civilization , Discussion 2013-03-21 5 23807640 Voice Acting Thread Bored /tg/ers + vocaroo = auditory hilarity/awesomeness/weirdness. Discussion , Vocaroo , Voice Acting 2013-03-22 3 May 2013 24678380 Quaker Q&A A Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place. RPG , religion , roleplay , morality , /tg/ , advice , Discussion , Real Life , All Flesh Must Be Eaten , Call of Cthulu , D&D , Vampire the Masquerade , Dogs in the Vineyard 2013-05-07 11 25088321 Blacksmith Discussion A quick update on Blacksmith Quest turns into a blacksmith-advice thread Blacksmith , Discussion , Armour , Weapons 2013-05-28 1 25007683 Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion Thread Compiling needed fluff for returning to South Continent. Collective Game , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , South Continent 2013-05-29 0 June 2013 25548357 How to jRPG Anon asks for the framework and design choices behind Japanese console RPGs. Every cliche imaginable is brought up, and discussion of the genre and its mannerisms is conducted. Discussion , JRPG , RPG , trope , cliche , setting , design , Japanese , Final Fantasy 2013-06-21 16 25642244 Naming characters A thread of useful methods and ideas for the hardest part of RPGs: naming your character. discussion 2013-06-26 2 July 2013 26044026 Primordial Evolution Game setting discussion Ironing out details on races, creatures, and civilizations. Mostly for cycling back to West Continent. Collective Game , Primordial , Evolution , Discussion 2013-07-21 1 August 2013 26426539 Pacific Rim Discussion Anons discuss Pacific Rim and cry tears for Cherno Alpha pacific rim , Cherno Alpha , RPG discussion 2013-08-04 11 26720471 Alternative Liches from other magical schools OP notes that necromancy is only one school of D&D magic with a means to immortality. Alternatives for the other school are discussed discussion , necromancy , lich , immortality , DnD 2013-08-21 6 September 2013 26897383 Primordial Evo Setting Discussion Discussing information on the creatures and cultures of Borgas IV, as well as giving 3.5 stats to some of the races. Setting , Discussion , Primordial , Evolution , Collective Game , homebrew , races 2013-09-10 1 27386067 What is the most grimdark setting? /tg/ wrestles with that age-old question /tg/ , discussion , 40k , Kult , Drakengard , Beserk , Exalted , Call of Cthulhu , call of cthulhu , World of Darkness , Drakengard , Midnight , grimdark , edgy , Grimdark , GRIMDARK 2013-09-27 5 October 2013 27607884 RuneQuest kicks all kinds of ass A pitiful attempt at trolling backfires, and /tg/ ends up talking about how awesome RuneQuest is. glorantha , discussion , Glorantha , RuneQuest , don't fuck with the ducks , King of Dragon Pass , king of dragon pass 2013-10-07 5 December 2013 28610955 A-bear-ation So what DOES happen when a bear shapeshifter gets pregnant...? bear , druid , bear warrior , abearation , discussion , bears 2013-12-03 6 January 2014 29376178 MTG Chinese "Proxies" Cont. Chinese MTG Proxies Discussion Counterfeit Magic The Gathering Discussion Chinese 2014-01-09 0 29531073 Statting Isaac Clarke /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-16 24 29557219 Statting Isaac Clarke 2 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-17 14 29567205 Statting Isaac Clarke 3 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-18 17 29588343 Statting Isaac Clarke 4 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-19 10 29673514 Build a Dragon Anon pops in to conduct a survey presenting combinations of dragon characteristics. /tg/ responds and describe what kinds of dragon they would be. Responses range from small hermit dragons who don't want any trouble to classic red terrors to benevolent mecha-dragons protecting human cities. dragon , dragons , discussion , ideas , survey , 2014-01-22 5 29713801 Statting Isaac Clarke 6 Multiple stories and discussion continue. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-23 2 29847386 Statting Isaac Clarke: Many threads later Continuance of the previous threads Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2014-01-29 2 March 2014 31000748 Magical Kingdom Writefaggotry "Scenario: You suddenly find yourself in charge of your standard fairytale kingdom. How you ended up in charge is unimportant. Maybe you're a long-lost heir misplaced by an incompetent king, maybe you're a charming hero who was for some reason given the hand of a crown princess due to generosity of an incompetent king or maybe you just killed the off the previous ruler in a revolution against his kingly incompetence. The important part is that the realm you oversee is a full-blown Disney-out-the-ass type of deal complete with rebellious princesses, braggart wannabe-heroes, charming underdog commoners, bumbling advisors, an evil sorcerer or two with perhaps a dragon on standby, an overabundance of animal companions and woodland creatures that for some reason aren't being turned into food, wish-granting fairies/gnomes/trolls and a metric fuckton of things that shouldn't talk or sing but do both.
As you might expect, the place is a shithole and on the verge of financial and socio-political ruin. How does a bad dude like yourself build this brightly colored trainwreck into a military and economic superpower feared the not-world over." writefaggotry , writefag , Hypnojew , disney , story , time , storytime , no discussion 2014-03-23 9 May 2014 32317535 Garden Quest: The 2nd Discussion More discussion is had, suggestions are thrown out and there's a bit of HNNG involved. Garden Quest , GardenMaster-NORG , Final Fantasy VIII , Collective Game , Discussion Thread , Alternate Universe , Hnng, 2014-05-24 3 July 2014 33271449 /tg/ religious discussion /tg/ has a rather civil discussion about religion, including how bullshit some of the gods can be and the idea that gods samefag. deity , deities , god , gods , pantheon , civil discussion , samefagging 2014-07-09 5 August 2014 34363650 Terrifying Argent Exalted General A standard Exalted General, rollplay bitching included. Then an anon posts a first-impressions review of a huge Lunar hack. Exalted , Lunars , Homebrew , Discussion 2014-08-25 0 September 2014 34907559 /tg/ discusses Arthurian legend King Arthur summation turns to religious theory Legend , King Arthur , discussion , myth 2014-09-16 3 December 2014 36684981 If Caesar were alive today... Would he still be a good general? A discussion on strategy and warfare in the modern age. Also, writefaggotry about Hannibal and Scipio war , strategy , writefag , Caesar , Hannibal , Scipio , generals , discussion 2014-12-11 5 February 2015 37843250 American Fantasy (Fantasy in a pre-Europe America setting) /tg/ mulls around ideas and inspiring facts about the land west of the atlantic and all its glory and curiosity before the West got a hold of it. america , american fantasy , setting , fluff , discussion , worldbuilding , collaborative , indians , native americans , atlatl , pueblo , hype as fuck 2015-02-06 2 37857929 The Old Gods Return A mention of the building of an Icelandic pagan temple leads to an interesting discussion of modern and ancient religion. Religion Discussion Pagan 2015-02-06 1 37847707 Blacksmiths daughter Discussion on what plot hooks(sometimes literally) there are using a blacksmiths daughter discussion , game ideas 2015-02-07 5 38017627 Nerd Dragons /tg/ talks about dragon nerds and how to put them in campaigns Dragons , nerds , discussion , roleplay 2015-02-14 1 August 2015 41571465 The Cuisine of Fantastical Races A thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well. worldbuilding , culture , food , drink , fantasy races , cooking , discussion 2015-08-01 10 October 2015 42816348 Yet another thread about sapient dragons .. with some valid discussions dragons , sapient dragons , dragon discussions 2015-10-03 3 December 2015 43996638 /tg/ discusses Dune Title says it all. An intelligent discussion about the favorite setting of many fa/tg/uys. Dune , Discussion 2015-12-06 8 44055218 Illusion based magic A discussion on the consequences of magic based entirely on illusion. magic , discussion 2015-12-08 5 January 2016 44529738 Star Wars: TFA Starts as an alternate timeline and leads to in-depth discussion about the movie. TFA , Star Wars , Movie Discussion 2016-01-03 0 45016873 'Merican Culture Anon asks about the differences between Europe and America. /tg/ responds with civil discussion of American stereotypes and related things. america , europe , stereotypes , discussion , BBQ 2016-01-27 7 April 2016 46369213 Horror & General spooky tg refrains from shitposting as they inform a GM good ways to spook horror , space , travel , discussion , GM 2016-04-01 1 46945911 /qst/ - Quests Feedback & Suggestions Thread An ignorant mod tries to remove quests from /tg/ Quest , Discussion , /qst/ 2016-04-28 38 46948039 Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someone discussion , lawsuit , IP , Lawyer , Marvel , Games Workshop , venom, 2016-04-28 11 May 2016 47219389 Reality is an Overrated Setting In which /tg/ decries "Real World" as being an unrealistic setting. Setting Discussion , Discussion , Campaign Setting , Comedy , Real Life 2016-05-13 18 June 2016 47494795 Group Punching Bag Thread A discussion on anons groups' punching bags, the people who get the short end of the stick. Group Discussion , Punching Bag , Story 2016-06-01 4 47922177 Jewish folklore is terrifying An anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse. folklore , discussion , mythology , myth 2016-06-24 13 August 2016 49032561 Mimics and memics Discussion about interesting things to do with mimics gives rise to a new and unexpected horror in the form of the memetic mimic. Mimic , Horror , Memes , Ideas , Discussion 2016-08-29 14 September 2016 49163480 Basing your hero/villain on Mother Teresa In which Anon has surprisingly in-depth discussions on the Church, utilitarian vs absolutist morality, and ethics in general. Religion , ethics , morals , discussion , debate , Mother Teresa , Catholic , Christianity 2016-09-05 2 December 2016 50452300 Statting Isaac Clarke 8 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion and stories ensue. The eighth thread, now with added Martian! Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-04 8 50535654 Statting Isaac Clarke 9 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-09 3 50597982 Statting Isaac Clarke 10 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-11 3 50721232 Statting Isaac Clarke 11 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-21 3 50797896 Statting Isaac Clarke 12 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-26 2 50872592 Statting Isaac Clarke 13 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2016-12-30 5 January 2017 50944677 Statting Isaac Clarke 14 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2017-01-07 2 51062658 Statting Isaac Clarke 15 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion 2017-01-08 2 51080741 Statting Isaac Clarke 16 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings. Dead Space , Stat Me , Discussion, 2017-01-12 2 February 2017 51734047 /tg/'s 10th Anniversary: A Retrospective On February 15, 2017, /tg/celebrates its tenth birthday by discussing memorable moments, and the state of the board. Here's to 10 more! Discussion , story , birthday , anniversary , meta , /tg/ , board 2017-02-16 38 March 2017 52019497 Flood in 40K Where /tg/ discusses how the Flood would do if it appeared in the world of 40K. Halo , 40K , Tyranids , Necrons , Flood , Discussion 2017-03-06 5 June 2017 53926988 /tg/ describes their characters like Dishonored's Heart /tg/ writes short descriptions of their characters in the style of the Heart from Dishonored. Roleplay , Character , /tg/ , discussion 2017-06-24 7 September 2018 61966611 Dwarven Subraces/Cultures A fantastically comfy and productive thread discussing all the flavors and permutations dwarves can have and some other interesting concepts Dwarf , Worldbuilding , Discussion , Lore , Resource , Dwarven , Subraces 2018-09-17 14 October 2018 62415310 Cripplingly Overspecialized Builds A "Stat My Waifu" question leads to some decent build discussion, and segues into other "Cripplingly Overspecialized" class builds. Discussion , 2018-10-15 6 February 2019 64368872 Can Orthodox Jews get Cybernetics? The question gets derailed by Jews, and if uplifted dolphins can convert Cyberpunk , Jews , discussion 2019-02-01 23 March 2019 65177142 What do YOU romanticize in your settings? A thread discussing what we romanticize in our settings and what elements of storytelling we find most comfy. worldbuilding , storytelling , romanticism , brainstorming,discussion , themes , ideas , settings 2019-03-19 9 April 2019 65610037 Making better monsters and people Anons create a bunch of races and monsters based on living and extinct animals, speculative evolution and some alien influences World building , Original , Dinosaurs , Races , Monsters , Evolution , Discussion 2019-04-17 6 June 2019 66709472 /tg/ discusses Tiamat /tg/ has a long discussion about Tiamat dnd , tiamat , dragon , discussion 2019-06-16 1 July 2019 67020685 Hollow Knight RPG Discussion on the Hollow Knight RPG with links to the pdf’s. Hollow Knight , discussion , worldbuilding , homebrew 2019-07-06 5 August 2019 67616337 What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ? OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion 40k , Sci fi , Awesome , Metal Hurlant , French , Old School , discussion , Lore , knights , Tanks 2019-08-11 14 September 2019 68141968 How would fantasy races adapt to modern warfare? OP posits the question: How would fantasy races adopt to modern warfare? and /tg/ answers. Warfare , fantasy , modern warfare , centaur , dwarf , elf , orc , discussion 2019-09-03 4 December 2019 70017307 /tg/ talks about being an aboleth TG talks about what to if you became an aboleth in our world. dnd , aboleth , discussion 2019-12-21 2 70073232 /tg/ talks about being a gold dragon /tg/ talks about what they would do if they got transformed intoa gold dragon. Not related with 7001730 gold dragon , dnd , discussion 2019-12-25 1 July 2020 73542223 What games can possibly exist? Anon provides detailed descriptions of tabletop play/design styles and gives game recommendations for each. recommendation , discussion 2020-07-06 16 March 2021 77961635 Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress? /tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles. ethical question , morality , alignment discussion , BBEG , Evil Overlord , Waifu, 2021-03-15 2 78221475 Fantasy Race Street Food What do the various classic races have for street food? Lore , fantasy , food , discussion , urban , races 2021-03-23 3 October 2021 81712351 /tg/ recommended literature thread A good and civilized discussion on books to get inspiration from. literature , books , discussion 2021-10-27 0 August 2022 85836814 Your medieval-era party does show proper deference to the nobility, right anon? /tg/ talks about divine right to rule in-game, evolves into a discussion about the divine right to rule and John Brown. Setting discussion , Divine right , John Brown , Unintentional slavery 2022-08-30 1 September 2022 85887781 How can OP put giantesses in his setting without being horny? /tg/ assists OP in trying to help insert giantess stuff, actually does a pretty good job. Setting discussion , Giantess , not!porn (probably) 2022-09-05 0 February 2023 87563268 Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things. Magical Girl , Anime , Kamen Rider , Worldbuilding , OVA , BESM , Setting Discussion , superheroes , magic 2023-02-04 -22 87612096 Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3? Magical Girl , Anime , Kamen Rider , Worldbuilding , OVA , BESM , Setting Discussion , superheroes , magic 2023-02-19 -22 November 2024 94392373 Your Character's New Wife People submit their characters. OP and others create waifus (and husbandos) for them. Characters , Waifus , L5R , 5E , character discussion , writefaggotry , OP is not a faggot 2024-11-22 6