/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2009
6330023Gun-punk?/tg/ discusses a new wonderful game ideasteam punk, guns, 2009-10-19 33 
6331802Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun IIContinuation of the Gun-punk? thread preceding. Wherein /tg/ homebrews a Wild West setting with a Deck comprised of 54 special guns called Cards.Guns, Wild West, Homebrew, Wild Cards2009-10-19 26 
6346221Wild Cards - part 4The Sons of the Gun ride on, this time adding details about the world the ones who hold the Cards live in.Wild Cards, guns, homebrew2009-10-20 14 
November 2009
6582471Wild Cards: Battle of tombstonethe last stand at tombstone, write-faggotry for Wild-Cards: Sons of a gunwild cards, guns, 2009-11-06 5 
March 2010
8887735/tg/ discusses firearms in 4th editionTry getting shot in the face and see how long it takes to realize your skull just imploded.Firearms, guns, homebrew2010-03-31 0 
February 2011
13961655Ops and Tactics 1.0 Beta ReleaseSweet Soul Bro finally Releases his Modern Role Playing Game System, after two years of work. Praise, hate, and questions ensue. Ops and Tactics, Homebrew, D20 System, D20, RPG, Guns2011-02-20 3 
March 2011
14083396Habitats, Biodomes, Guns, and Hard Sci-Fi in SpaceFrom elaborate sky cities in lower Earth orbit to rusty habitats drifting at the edge of nothing, from enormous biodomes across Valles Marineris to dive caves in the ice of Europa, what is it like to live in these habitats and biodomes. (Featuring extensive weapon discussion.)hard sci-fi, biodomes, space stations, miners, guns, laws, asteroids, low earth orbit, brainstorming, zero-g weaponry2011-03-02 2 
14257347Mythical GunsA thread discussing mythical guns and their properties.guns, mythical, setting, weapons2011-03-16 1 
April 2011
14540230TG RAP BATTLETry as they might, to keep up the fight, Monk pwns them all day and night.Rap battle, TG, monk, pedo cleric, gunslinger, samurai2011-04-10 3 
May 2011
14982910Making a combat systemOP asks for help on his combat system.combat system firearms guns2011-05-20 0 
February 2012
17837890The Lost Future-9 With More Guns and BigotryA revival of 17560757 with more fluff, and now art. robots, engine heart, original content, post-apocalyptic, post-apoc, guns, futuristic2012-02-08 9 
March 2012
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
18476775GITS-inspired homebrew threadA GITS and MGS inspired homebrew is plannedhomebrew, GITS, Metal Gear Solid, guns2012-03-28 6 
April 2012
18897967NearFuture Cyborg Quest 3In which Dave makes new enemies, kills said enemies with a single, well-placed punch, and then makes new friends! Also, Clippy is DEAD AND GONE FOREVER.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Futureguns2012-04-29 23 
June 2012
19489889Magical Girl Noir QuestA previously drunk and slightly amnesiac magical girl smokes cigs and witches.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, guns2012-06-15 48 
July 2012
19859151Magical Girl Noir Quest 16A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, operators operating operationally, 2012-07-13 38 
19875084Magical Girl Noir Quest 17An annoyingly sober magical girl discusses work and checks out swag. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, swag2012-07-14 38 
19919510Magical Girl Noir Quest 18A tiredly sober magical gets a little red eyed and calls for backup.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, swag, terminator2012-07-17 38 
19963787Magical Girl Noir Quest 19A bloodstained and sober magical maid girl takes on a demon with some help of a big friend and avenges a fallen little friendMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, terminator2012-07-20 38 
September 2012
20654901Tales of MCF IncOP tells tales of a group of mercenaries that always royally fuck up their missions.storytime, D20 Modern, guns, fuck ups, mercenaries2012-09-09 11 
November 2012
21478303Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises/tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored.pew pew, guns, operators, childhood, playing pretend, the original traditional game2012-11-08 13 
21685682Space Fight QuestWe join the fight against the alien Progenitors in the year 2114, and create a Psionic Research SpecialistSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps2012-11-22 8 
21744902Space Fight Quest 2Norm arrives at New Concord and meats his team before boarding a ship to engage on his missionSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game2012-11-26 6 
December 2012
21823940Space Fight Quest 3Norm begins his operation, and commences to operate. Space Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game, Operatan2012-12-01 3 
April 2013
24458756Borderlands PNP Thread #3The Andrews Sisters as Slag Harpies, a unique currency, and a frank discussion of melee weaponsBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, TORGUE, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-04-26 5 
May 2013
24593221Borderlands PNP Thread #6d6fag posts a draft, the janitor does his job for once, and we start hammering out character abilitiesBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Whack Foo, TORGUE, Claptrap, Greesy, France, Dakka, Moar Dakka, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-05-07 4 
August 2013
July 2016
400057Hitmaid Quest 3 - Conducting BusinessMaid holds staff meeting; acquiring weapons is a success after short struggleHitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Guns, Drugs, Hitman2016-07-25 2 
August 2016
501209Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch DoctorChapter One: Introducing the Witch DoctorCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-08-25 8 
September 2016
555009The Deadpan Arroyo Massacre: Part 1You are outnumbered, outgunned, and have limited ammo. Two bullets for every enemy is more than you need.Collective Game, Gunslinger, Dark Tower, Blood, Guns, survival, monsters2016-09-11 8 
544955Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #2Chapter Two: The AuctionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-23 5 
607815Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #3Chapter Three: Picking up the PiecesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-24 2 
October 2016
669091Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #4Chapter Four: Rest and PlanningCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-08 5 
704312Hitmaid Quest 5 - Party CrashingMaid follows young master to a party and saves the dayHitmaid, Assassin, Robots, Gunfights, Maids, Thief, Knives, Guns2016-10-17 2 
724667Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #5Chapter Five: Storming the MansionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-22 3 
November 2016
809604Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #6Chapter Six: The Final BattleCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-11-11 5 
January 2017
983210YouthQuest: Online EditionEvent-Bossrush happens, and we even get a bit more lore. And students engage in... Did I mention that a not-so-much-angel gets his wings?Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern2017-01-06 3 
1012240Gunsmith Quest Thread OneChi Long Qua the best GUNSMITH this world has ever seen. Also hopefully isn't dead.Gunsmith, Quest, Chi Lonq Qua, Research, Song Dynasty China, 13 Century China2017-01-14 1 
1015645YouthQuest: Tito "Dick" Dickman Baby EditionThe students prepare for the FINAL event-boss, lewdness get shut down, and the kill count goes up drastically. And that's pretty much it.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue2017-01-14 2 
1044194YouthQuest: Internal Suffering EditionThings FINALLY return to normal, but plot twists happen left and right. We also get a lot of exposition, and like that the TRUE game begins.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama2017-01-24 1 
February 2017
1086324YouthQuest: Nanomachine EditionIn the aftermath of the raid on the greenhouse, every man is free to fight their own wars again. But not for the better, but for the worse.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama, Consequences2017-02-03 2 
March 2017
1203931YouthQuest: Memories EditionWe didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Riddles2017-03-09 1 
1238810YouthQuest: Of Mice and NomadsRivals taken care of, things return to (relative) normality. New players join in, and so do... old friends? Prepare for the Last Stand!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Bossfight, RP2017-03-16 3 
1277178Vault Hunter Quest 1Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot!Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-03-20 4 
April 2017
1314992Vault Hunter Quest 2Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leaveCollective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-04-01 3 
1299020YouthQuest: Reborn - Thread ISo run that by me one more time; why is this a good idea again? I dunno, but we are back at it again, bigger and just a bit better!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Plot2017-04-09 2 
June 2017
1538564Gunslinger QuestDermot McCade enters the wasteland and promptly murders bandits, sells scalps and kicks ass. Also a mysterious gun salesman.Gunslinger Quest, cursedQm, Western, Supernatural, Post-Apoc2017-06-07 5 
1556814Gunslinger Quest pt 2.We turn in our first major bounty after murdering a fee bounty thieves. Op dies but returns triumphant.Gunslinger Quest, cursedQm, Western, Supernatural, Post-Apoc2017-06-16 2 
July 2017
1641228Vault Hunter Quest 3QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-07-08 3 
August 2017
1775701Vault Hunter Quest 4Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-19 3 
1787985Vault Hunter Quest 4.5The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-20 2 
October 2017
1993839ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #1Domestic violence and trigger happy peasantsSailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-10-22 29 
November 2017
2079999ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #3Ten heartbreaking photos that make you say "fuck having boarders and shit"Sailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-11-24 20 
December 2017
2110429ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #4What could possibly go wrong?Sailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy, 2017-12-06 20 
2136153ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #1Song of Blood and WineKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-12-10 20 
56839859Firearms advice threada /k/ommando who works with modern and antique firearms as a job offers to answer questions, kicking off weapon discussion, guns, wheelocks, historical, fantasy, weapons, modern, /k/, artillery, brass, iron, steel, weapons, bow, crossbow2017-12-13 6 
2167793ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #2Christmas TourneyKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2017-12-29 20 
January 2018
2202480ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #3Multi-chair driftingKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-01-11 10 
2235374ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #4Harrenhal bogalooKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-01-16 10 
February 2018
2264960ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #5Beating up rich kids for money: The QuestKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-02-03 10 
2301178ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #6Fucking finallyKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-02-16 10 
March 2018
2342456ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #7Operation Sea Demon is a go Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-03-04 10 
2372720ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #8Into the Lion's Den Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-03-15 10 
2406074ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #13Out of the Lion's Den (ft. Kraken War)Male Powder Fantasy, Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns2018-03-26 10 
April 2018
2449789ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #14The Man who robbed a Mountain. Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-04-12 10 
2489570ASOIAF Reincarnation: A Male Powder Fantasy – Thread 15The Maester Wars, or how I learned to stop waorrying and blow glassKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-04-24 11 
May 2018
2536403ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #16Feast Beast Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-05-19 10 
2576690 ASOIAF Reincarnation: A Male Powder Fantasy – Thread 17How hard could it be to set up a court? Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-05-25 12 
October 2018
2944233Neet Quest #5Got kidnapped, Escaped, Bought 14 guns and 100 pounds of ammo, tried to get lucky, get attacked by bear, got into a coma, came out of itCollective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Cabin, Bear, Guns, Coma2018-10-13 5 
62492676Unbreakable TritonsFa/tg/uys make a Guard Reg of kickass mariners40K, Imperial Guard, Wet, Sonic Guns, Submarines, 2018-10-16 6 
2957468Neet Quest #6We made to the Cabin after a horrible dinner, Sophia and family gets kidnapped by a gang, we join the White Brotherhood to save them.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns, Nazis2018-10-20 5 
2977030Neet Quest #7Met the SS-Team, train with them, got ambushed, came up with a plan, eat some drug pie, kill and saved everyone and dressed up as Muslims.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns, Nazis, Allahu Akbar2018-10-24 3 
2987660ASOIAF Reincarnation: Male Powder Fantasy - Thread 18Staruku-dono, give me shekels kudasai~Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy2018-10-25 8 
November 2018
2999749Neet Quest #8Got Paid, lay lowed, shot more gangsters, enrolled in UCLA to bust a drug dealer, and learn some things as well. Got Paid again. Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns2018-11-02 3 
3024341ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #19Wildlings attack. Everybody dies. Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-11-11 11 
December 2018
3057564ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #20From hunting in the woods to scrambling for a reception. Lording is hard.Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-01 10 
3091872ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #21Talking to Stannis, Talking to Manderly, building botes and future planningKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-14 10 
3129955ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #22Last Thread of the YearKnights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2018-12-28 10 
February 2019
3201066Dream Catchers (Fifth Dive pt1) [Skirmish]Down into the Industrial realm the party delves, discovering not all is what it seems and some strange new companions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, ser fuzzylad, minserva, lazer guns2019-02-02 2 
March 2019
3283178Guns, Magic and Madness IIn an highly industrial fantasy world, Amelia Weisseblume, a young idealistic cleric, is thrown into a new kind of war.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror2019-03-05 3 
3300653Guns, Magic and Madness IIAmelia and her squad experience a brutal reality of urban warfare as an unknown danger draws closer.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action 2019-03-05 2 
3317906Guns, Magic and Madness IIIAmelia and her new companion find themselves trapped in the middle of hell on earth. Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-03-09 1 
May 2019
3482620Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 23It's aliveSailors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-05-04 10 
3520295ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #24Turns out spamming explosive rounds is pretty effective against a hellenic navy Knights, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-05-20 10 
June 2019
3555742ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #25I see you at a feast, I see you with the Crown and a lot of expenses. Jesus that's a lot of expenses.Feasts, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2019-06-09 11 
July 2019
3682212Guns, Magic and Madness IV3 months later, Amelia and other survivors try to deal with their trauma as their own goverment turns against them.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-07-28 1 
August 2019
3702035Guns, Magic and Madness VAmelia rushes straight into the danger and finds herself fighting for her life yet again.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action2019-08-12 1 
September 2019
68162646Nechronica thread with storytimesTwo nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England.nechronica, storytime, story time, parts, guns, doll, system, england, british, japanese, america, portugal, atlantic, centipede2019-09-08 5 
November 2019
3904793Dovahkiin of Earth VIAsia leaves Kuoh with a new companion, returns to Rome and faces another dragon!Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Dragon, Dovahkiin, Guns2019-11-11 1 
January 2020
4015252ASOIAF Reincarnation Quest: A Male Powder Fantasy, Thread #26Back from hiatus Feasts, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-01-19 10 
February 2020
4049004Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 27That's a lot of bloodDoctors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-02-02 10 
4087341ASOIAF Reincarnation: Male Powder Fantasy, Thread # 28Bad dice Doctors, Quest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy,2020-02-21 11 
September 2020
4432008Male Powder Fantasy - Final Season #1 (Thread 29) Guess we're backQuest, Collective Game, ASOIAF, Guns, Male Powder Fantasy2020-09-01 8 
September 2021
4933229Western Quest(ern) 1Gunslinging adventures in the west. We break out of jail, cause trouble and then break our horse out of the impound lot.Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern)2021-09-09 12 
November 2021
4990214Western Quest(ern) 2We infiltrate horse racing track to expose the owners dastardly schemes. What is this stuff the feed to the horses?Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern), jockey2021-11-03 7 
December 2021
5050544Western Quest(ern) 3We win a race, beat up some tourists, and Karen our way into a pizzeria's employee-only area.Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern)2021-12-27 7 
February 2022
5094409Western Quest(ern) 4We put an end to the plague of awful fast food and also the horse lobotomization powder production at the Hippodrome.Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern), animatronic, laboratory2022-02-08 9 
April 2022
5174303Western Quest(ern) 5We deliver finishing blow to the sinister plot carried out within the Hippodrome. Who are the Architechium and what are they planning?Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern)2022-04-11 6 
May 2022
5227129Western Quest(ern) 6After fending off an unwanted guest, we go shopping, ride a boat, and engage in corruption of a miner.Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern),2022-05-24 6 
June 2022
5286113Gunship QuestYou work for the suppression bureau as a gunship pilot. Animated.Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-06-24 20 
July 2022
5281599Western Quest(ern) 7Our Leadkeeper tour guide gets kidnapped by derrongs, so we search the Underglock to find him.corruption of a miner. Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern)2022-07-01 5 
August 2022
5317832Gunship Quest IIYou terminate something with too many arms and start recruiting your team. QM will continue once he stops being a faggot. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-08-02 10 
September 2022
5391397The LIGHTNING SEAPRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows Made into wounded wings.collective game, quest, cyberpunk, gilgamesh, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, spaceship, sword, sorcery, guns, poem, poetry, dystopia2022-09-02 0 
5371325Gunship Quest IIIYou recruit a team, upgrade your bird, and make an accord with something questionable. faggot. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-09-21 12 
November 2022
5417723Crossing the RubiconKicker, a herreras claw of the Great Mountain's Grand Army, is on a mission in bug territory.fantasy, drawquest, dinosaurs, guns, bugs2022-11-20 0 
December 2022
5428920Gunship Quest IIIYou look for a recon team and kill some mushrooms. QM flakes out early. Animated, Sci-Fi, Original Setting, Gunship Quest2022-12-02 5 
August 2023
5701851An Old Man's QuestThe First Thread, where Fredrick fights a strangely formed horde that is assailing the town of Oxenhall.Old Man Quest, Fantasy, Guns2023-08-11 3 
October 2023
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
June 2024
6037279UPYRPRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land, But what was lost lingers in the blood. quest, collective game, horror, vampire, LA, noir, guns, urban gothic, romance, drama, occult, supernatural, beach, dystopia, collapse2024-06-16 1 
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