Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2008 1552633 To bad fantasy book covers. We all have some experience with those awful fantasy/sci-fi books. Let's take a moment to appreciate them (or rather, add a humorous commentary). fantasy , sci-fi , book covers , hilarity 2008-04-18 11 June 2008 1995216 Frontier Sci-fi /tg/ discusses and bickers over an Outlaw Star-style sci-fi setting with rugged individualism and capitalist gain running riot. sci-fi outlaw 2008-06-15 4 November 2008 2948957 Plot Hooks: IN SPACE! Decent discussion about sidequests/plot-hooks in a generic sci-fi setting, neat pictures, and minor trolling at the end. Sci-Fi , Gurps , Plot Hooks 2008-11-06 0 3074549 Anonymous helps out on a Homebrew Anonymous asks for help on a homebrew and /tg/ gets shit done. Homebrew sci-fi sf aliens politics 2008-11-28 0 January 2009 3474513 OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT Creepy cyborg enemies are discussed, drawing inspiration from Dr Who, System Shock and Portal. WHAT , horror , sci-fi , advice , design 2009-01-21 2 3509218 Traveller RPG An awesome thread about an awesome RPG System, including some nice deckplans. Traveller Sci-Fi 2009-01-26 3 April 2009 4323748 Creative Ship Names /tg/ discusses ways to amuse and confuse with starship names. sci-fi 2009-04-19 16 May 2009 4444293 Traveller Deckplans Many deckplans are posted. Traveller , sci-fi , space , ships 2009-05-01 3 June 2009 4966294 Space Warfare /tg/ talks about sci-fi combat Sci-fi , Mass Effect 2009-06-24 1 5040480 Humans as the AWESOME scifi-race Part 3 A little more hard-sciencey this time around.
Also, apparently some people like humans always being the whipping boys of sci-fi settings. humans , space , sci-fi , crazy 2009-06-30 10 August 2009 5509074 War of the Heavens teaser Teaser peek at a sci-fi unknowndark future. Good writefagging, well-thought-out backstory, and possibly some tributes to other sci-fi. Too short for some. War of the Heavens , homebrew , system , campaign setting , sci-fi , science fiction 2009-08-19 0 5530981 The Deadliest Weapon Writefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Epic ensues. Weapon , Quest , Writefaggotry , Sci-Fi 2009-08-21 2 5542838 Thinking Machine Quest Construct. Improve. Help your creator make enough money to survive. These tasks lie before you, little machine. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-22 5 5543364 The Deadliest Weapon, pt. 2 Writefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Continued. Weapon , Quest , Writefaggotry , Sci-Fi 2009-08-22 -1 5558335 Thinking Machine Quest pt2 The little machine craves power tools, seeks to understand humor. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-23 2 5568282 Thinking Machine Quest pt3 The little machine learns, expands, and prepares to break into the stock market. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-24 2 5579682 Thinking Machine Quest pt4 The little machine continues to grow. Conquest will inevitably follow. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-25 3 5648250 Eclipse Phase 4 More of the same. Eclipse Phase , Transhumanism , PNP , Discussion , Sci-fi , AI , I wish to be the neotenic 2009-08-30 1 October 2009 6144666 Captured rogue planet WorldBuilder starts, well, building a world. Biology, geology and planetology discussions abound as fa/tg/uys debate on the conditions under which a planet travelling millions of years would be captured in the solar system. Includes a huge stellar body almost PLOUGHING THROUGH JUPITER. worldbuilder , science , sci-fi , planetology , custom setting 2009-10-05 1 6312668 Dead Space Civilizations Humanity takes to the stars, and finds vast alien civilizations... that have committed complete, utter suicide. What can be that horrible out there that a whole world decides to pull the trigger on their collective heads? And how do they do it? sci-fi , science fiction , horror 2009-10-18 30 November 2009 6857658 Issues in SCI FI! Science, Science Fiction, and Settings. sci-fi , settings , hard science fiction , nerds 2009-11-25 2 December 2009 7151010 Future Humanity interesting ideas for futuristic human civilization? Covered in this thread: interactions with other alien species, a bio-engineered caste, no humans-you are the cthulu, and HUMANITY FUCK YEAR.
Sci-Fi , Epic , Humanity Fuck Yeah 2009-12-16 5 January 2010 7374586 Mars colonization /tg/ discusses the fineries of a potential Mars colonization effort, and brainstorms how to go about terraforming it. Some SCIENCE! and good settings inside. Also included : elitist vat-grown baby-murdering Martian pricks. sci-fi , mars , colonization , settings , terraforming 2010-01-01 3 7381445 Alien namefags An initially pointless thread unfurls into a bizzare mishmash of alien species all discussing their opinions of humanity. Hilarity ensues. Aliens , Sci-fi , Roleplay , Namefag Circle-jerk 2010-01-02 6 7380901 Space Arks Generation ships float through space between civilisations sci-fi , space ships , setting 2010-01-03 7 February 2010 7899282 All wormholes lead to Rome The basics of an alternate history wherein Rome expands to the stars. In the glorious mighty future, there is only the Republic. Homebrew , Sci-Fi , Settings , Rome 2010-02-03 11 March 2010 8506441 Infrared Squid & Radioactive Jellyfish The creation of the Zxyksi, uplifted squid who communicate with infrared radiation. They were uplifted for entertainment and fell into the dark ages. Zyxksi , Squid , World building , creature , sci-fi 2010-03-10 3 8785191 Titaen AE setting thread /tg/ praises the awesomeness that is Titan AE and decides to make a game to it as a setting as a collaborative work. titan ae , sci fi , sci-fi , collaborative, 2010-03-26 8 April 2010 9031381 Final Stand BGM Op requests "Fuck you, I'm not going gentle into that good night" music " /TG/ delivers in spades. awesome , cyberpunk , sci-fi , roleplay 2010-04-07 3 9221037 HUMANITY, FUCK YEAH rides again THIS TIME, IT'S PERSONAL. And a combination of compilation of previous works and new material. humans , HUMANITY , HUMANITY FUCK YEAH , sci-fi , aliens 2010-04-16 6 9376812 Village Drawing RPG Space! Village Drawing Thread ... in Space!
In which OP starts of the new Village as the beginnings of a colony on a barren moon-like rock deep in space. Village , awesome , sci-fi , colony , in space 2010-04-23 23 9437724 /tg/ recommended Science Fiction reading /tg/ recommends a ton of great SF books. Books , sci-fi , SF , Science Fiction , sci fi , literature 2010-04-26 4 June 2010 10520878 Free Tabletop ruleset Sci_fi More fluff, factions starting to be fleshed out, questions answered. Awesome , game , sci-fi 2010-06-16 1 September 2010 12130366 My best horror RPG Atmospheric recollections of disturbing sci-fi horror. nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime 2010-09-18 136 12189134 Space Weirdness Thread 2 Some more surprisingly original and creepy ideas for a campaign set on a possibly-haunted spaceship. Space , Sci-fi , Horror , Eldritch , AI , weirdness , mindfuck 2010-09-23 6 12248169 LegoSpace Take every Lego space theme. Toss them together in a blender. Add backstory and backstabbing. The result is this setting. homebrew , lego , space , sci-fi , campaign setting , writefaggotry , The Goddamn Duck 2010-09-28 12 October 2010 12430453 Space Horror thread A bunch of great ideas for how to run a horror game in space. Space , Sci-fi , Horror , weirdness , mindfuck 2010-10-14 3 12566665 Fantasy Races in Sci-fi /tg/ plots out alternative takes on archetypical fantasy races transplanted into a science fiction setting.
OP concedes to not giving a fuck. sci-fi , fantasy , elves , orcs , dwarves , IN SPAAAACE 2010-10-26 1 November 2010 12642940 Skirmish Quest A game pitting a squad of clones against terrorists, xenos, and a wealth of other foes. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2010-11-01 12 12683190 Skirmish Quest Part-2 The Clones face off against waves of disgusting and merciless xenoforms. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2010-11-05 11 12689140 Skirmish Quest Part-2.2 The Clones continue the fight against the foul Xenoforms, hoping to clear Aggoria of their filth. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2010-11-05 8 12696704 Skirmish Quest Part 4 Will our soldiers cleanse Aggoria once and for all? Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-06 8 12716245 Skirmish Quest Part 5 Episode 5: -High Command- Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-08 5 12730648 Humans are... OP asks what makes Humans truly unique among potential life in the universe. A great analysis of hard science and sci-fi ensues. Mild humanity fuck-yeah as well. sci-fi , humanity , humans , aliens , life , science 2010-11-09 31 12743039 Skirmish Quest Part 6 Episode 6: Zerospace to Move Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-10 5 12874636 Skirmish Quest Part 7 Episode 7: Armor at Blacksad. Clones duke it out in our first mainly-armored engagement. Skirmish Quest , Collective Thread , Sci-Fi 2010-11-21 5 12885838 Skirmish Quest Part 7.5 Episode 7 Part 2: Armor at Blacksad. The battle continues, as Brave attempts to board a giant death tank. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-22 5 12910261 Skirmish Quest Part 8 Episode 8: Capture the Flag. Fierstrom suggests Bravo has a live "simulation" of capture the flag. Two clone squads compete for the flag - R00's panties. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-24 5 12922254 Skirmish Quest Debriefing: Azimuth Debriefing before the Naval/Ground battle on Azimuth, a high gravity moon of Blacksad. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2010-11-25 3 12923668 Skirmish Quest Part 9 Naval/Ground battle over and on the moon of Azimuth, as the clones battle the Makarians once more. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-25 6 12954519 Skirmish Quest General We get updates on stats and some pretty new pictures. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-28 3 12958796 Skirmish Quest Part 10 Chapter 9: Homefront. Bravo receives a distress signal and goes on a rescue/containment mission at the city of Hearth on the Colony of Homefront. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-29 7 12975246 Skirmish Quest General 2 We get some fluff on the background and players get to write stories. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-11-30 3 December 2010 12995135 Ain't No Stealth In Space A discussion of how to construct space-based ships and weaponry which would be capable of actually hiding in space. Emphasis on actual physics/engineering Sci-Fi , Space , Getting Shit Done 2010-12-02 4 13009863 Skirmish Quest Part 11 Bravo moves to the offensive at Homestead, finding themselves deployed underground to attack a newly forming bug hive. Skirmish Quest , Collective Thread , Sci-Fi 2010-12-03 5 13029158 Skirmish Quest General Thread 3 Lots more rules fleshed out this time around, along with an establishment of a command structure. Usual fluffing as well. Skirmish Quest , Collective Quest , writefaggotry , Sci-Fi 2010-12-05 2 13042506 Skirmish Quest Part 11.2 Second Phase of the Homestead Offensive. Bravo rides an underground train. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-06 3 13056440 Skrimish Quest General Thread 4 Squad formations, roleplaying, and some decent draw-fagging. Skirmish Quest , Collective Quest , writefaggotry , Sci-Fi 2010-12-07 3 13069575 Skirmish Quest 11.3: The Hive Bravo Force penetrates the Hive, unfortunately their nuke is set to detonate a little earlier than planned. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-08 10 13095516 Skirmish Quest 11.4/General Thread: Extracting Bravo General thread, players end up rping Bravo as the Major digs them out of an irradiated hole. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-10 3 13119166 Skirmish Quest General 6 (5 is tunnel extraction) A couple of elaboration or writefagging about the ZeroSpace/SkirmishQuest setting by players and Oribital skirmish quest , quest , collective game , sci-fi , clone 2010-12-12 3 13196209 Skirmish Quest 12: King of the Hill Bravo plays a virtual reality simulation of King of the Hill and discovers that some members have mutated powers. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-18 5 13207075 Skirmish General/RP Thread 7 Bravo gets some new recruits. And one of them is blue! Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-19 3 13211777 Skirmish Quest Bravo takes a mission from the Overseer and proceeds to blow everything up. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-19 3 13218826 Skirmish Quest General 8 Turns out that even IF Bravo has no concept of subtly, they can still pull of a Black Ops mission without pissing off High Command.
Also the usual fluffin' and storytime. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-20 3 13243356 Skirmish Quest General Thread 8.2 More talking, RPing. Not much fluffing, but much more storytime. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2010-12-22 3 13346845 The Engineers OP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices. Dead Space , Engineers , setting , space , sci-fi , scifi , world building , writefag , writing 2010-12-31 11 January 2011 13363712 Skirmish Quest 14: Garukan Dangerous In which the clones of Bravo launch an attack on superior forces to obtain a very important VIP. ALSO CYBER SPACE CHIMERA SQUID? Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-01-02 3 13377799 Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 9 We get new classes, and promises of upgrades for Bravo. Also a review of the near-failed mission. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-01-03 3 13404436 Skirmish Quest 15: Tsiang Tibler Shipyards Bravo goes to the shipyards as promised and finds pirates ransacking the place. Pirates vs. Spec. Classes + Spec. Class droids = annihilation. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-01-05 3 13409823 Skirmish Quest 15 Debrief Debrief. Planning and more RP. Also a little tactical talking. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-01-06 3 February 2011 14031951 Skirmish Quest 23C Bravo goes into the city to take down Makarian AA, barely succeeds. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-02-25 3 March 2011 14081361 Skirmish Quest General 17 More of the usual general thread stuff. Colton's favorite thread yet! Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-03-01 2 14083396 Habitats, Biodomes, Guns, and Hard Sci-Fi in Space From elaborate sky cities in lower Earth orbit to rusty habitats drifting at the edge of nothing, from enormous biodomes across Valles Marineris to dive caves in the ice of Europa, what is it like to live in these habitats and biodomes. (Featuring extensive weapon discussion.) hard sci-fi , biodomes , space stations , miners , guns , laws , asteroids , low earth orbit , brainstorming , zero-g weaponry 2011-03-02 2 14102674 Rebellion Quest 8 Selling guns and shooting stuff. sci-fi , rebellion , quest , viva la revolicion! 2011-03-03 1 14120608 Skirmish Quest 23F: Culling While part of Bravo deals with Anti-Air emplacements, the rest are sent to investigate the disappearance of a Special Forces Squad. All is not as it seems... Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-03-04 3 14141001 Skirmish Quest General Thread 18 A general thread for general SQ stuff. Planning for the rest of the invasion, NCA's, so on... Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-03-06 2 14168483 A Skirmish of Little Importance. In the fringe of Federation controlled space a planet rebelling against Federation control comes under attack by ODF forces. The REG garrison fights back for all they're worth. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-03-08 1 May 2011 14829225 Praise the Walkers OP thought up of a post-apocalyptic future where the warmachines of the apocalypse gets worshipped by human survivors. Interesting fluffmaking happened. Did I mention about what happened to the space colonization projects, and the bioweapon-turned-symbiote? homebrew , post-apoc , sci-fi , world building , walker 2011-05-06 8 14824271 Skirmish quest 28 - The Cost Bravo goes to the Penavol system to rescue one of their own. Skirmish Quest , SQ , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2011-05-06 3 14996575 Skirmish Quest 29 - Lost is found Bravo breaks into the Tabernacle and fights through waves of blues. They use the POWER OF THE SUN and their missing comrade is rescued. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-05-21 2 July 2011 15476554 Peg-Leg Dave's story Peg-Leg Dave tells about a baaad "hard" sci-fi setting and how he proceeded to make it a little better awesome , Peg-Leg Dave , sci-fi , future , storytime , homebrew 2011-07-05 33 15539838 Iron Hearts A successor to the popular Skirmish Quest, raw recruits are put to the test against a ravenous army of undead. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-07-11 24 15640568 Humans are Engineers We aren't the warriors, we aren't the diplomats, and we aren't the jacks of all trades. Turns out we're builders. Humanity , Humanity fuck yeah , Sci-Fi , awesome , ideas , cool ideas 2011-07-20 18 August 2011 15897590 /tg/ lives in space old spacers, engineers and pest controlers share stories short stories , sky filled with thunder and fire , space , sci-fi 2011-08-12 12 16031628 Simple Starship System for RPG OP has just started designing a simple starship system for use in a Science Fiction RPG, and he wanted to get some opinions. Discussion ensues. sci-fi , RPG , science fiction , missiles , lasers , development , dev , game new , design 2011-08-23 2 November 2011 16902577 IRONHEARTS War Room: HinzerHaus Debrief Secrets get revealed as the contents of Hinzenhaus are explored Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-11-11 5 16985534 Miniature Lines Fa/tg/uys comment on different miniature lines and suggest high quality examples to OP. Lots of nice stuff from some little-known lines. Miniatures , modelling , fantasy , sci-fi , hobby 2011-11-22 5 December 2011 17148493 Cyberpunk Quest 1 Ryan Semken, Nightlife Ops, is sent to steal some data from a facility and steals a little girl instead. sci-fi , Collective Game , Cyberpunk Quest , cyberpunk 2011-12-09 21 17161307 Cyberpunk Quest, Topic 2 We flee with the little girl, then the RNG goes mad, but it's ok because we kill the man with a cannon for a arm in the end. sci-fi , Collective Game , Cyberpunk Quest , cyberpunk 2011-12-10 11 January 2012 17582311 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 1: The Battle of Nirvana With the fate of the Hellghast's final mission left unknown, we go now to the other side of the conflict, the Voss Empire, some time before the war between Ragnyll and Voss. We join the Voss on the field of battle, as they race to secure the last remaining heir of an ancient and powerful bloodline from the clutches of a savage cult. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-01-18 11 February 2012 17982923 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of Heaven's Gate, Part 2 The Terrible Children press their attack, as dickery from Upper Command cuts off the Terrible Children from any sort of reinforcement from the Voss regular army. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2012-02-17 6 18035221 Iron Hearts Warroom: Heaven's Gate Action Report In the aftermath of breaching Heaven's Gate, the Terrible Children lick their wounds, upgrade their armaments, and yet again ready themselves for the next assault. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2012-02-21 4 18131279 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 6: Battle of Dar Village A fresh batch of recruits to The Terrible Children embark on a peacekeeping operation after bandits are sighted outside a village in newly conquered Voss territory. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-02-28 14 March 2012 18151339 Iron Hearts Warroom: Dar Village Action Report As the Terrible Children welcome the surviving recruits into the unit, more upgrades are had and the next assault is planned. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-01 8 18233660 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond The Terrible Children are tossed into the fray once more, fighting for control of a Kashir air base floating in the clouds. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-07 6 18279217 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond, pt 2 The Terrible Children press their assault against the Kashir, all the while beating back attacks from both the land and the sky. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-11 6 18328385 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Heaven Pond Action Report In light of the unintended destruction of the airbase, the Terrible Children debate on their next course of action. Meanwhile, the Science division argues on what applications their newly discovered wonder metal can be used for. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-15 6 18411027 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 8: The Silvia Crisis As news reaches the Young Prince's ears of a Skyland having disappeared, the Kashir mount an offensive into Voss land. Will a detachment of regular army mooks, led by a handful of soldiers chosen from the Terrible Children, be able to hold back the assault? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-22 11 18460001 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Silvia Crisis Action Report Their defense of Silvia successful, the Terrible Children prepare to enter the tattered ruins of the crashed floating island. Varmach purchases are made, the first masterclass is unlocked, and the Captain gets into a catfight with the Marshal. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-29 7 April 2012 18544436 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 9: The Raid on Gorgon Fortress What dangers await the Terrible Children when they launch an assault on the Skyland fortress felled in the defense of Sylvia? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-04-04 6 18744841 Thomas the Space Engine OP comes to /tg/ asking for help with his homebrew setting. It is a setting where in his words: the players get to play a small fleet of sentient, mostly self reliant warships that also have android Avatars. homebrew , GM , sci-fi , A.I , Space Engine , spaceship , space ship , space , sentient ships , The Archivist 2012-04-17 12 July 2012 19690742 Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 3: The Peace Incident The members of the Exodus Eagles Cloven task force infiltrate the Voss Empire's capitol city to retrieve an high-value individual, all the while trying to keep their cool in the face of arrests, military parades, assassins, and sewer gators. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-07-02 7 August 2012 20140083 The only human on an alien space station Not star trek, not mass effect. The one human on a space station full of freaky aliens looks for love aliens , humans , lonely , sci-fi , writefaggotry 2012-08-02 29 October 2012 21139217 03 analysis A thread about a dickish DM moment gets derailed as /tg/ dissects an image of a cyborg slicing apart a skyline. Remember: don't post images more interesting than your topic. Cyberpunk , Dearail , Picture , Cyborg , Sci-Fi 2012-10-16 13 November 2012 21685682 Space Fight Quest We join the fight against the alien Progenitors in the year 2114, and create a Psionic Research Specialist Space Fight Quest , Military Sci-Fi , guns , space wizard , SpecOps 2012-11-22 8 21744902 Space Fight Quest 2 Norm arrives at New Concord and meats his team before boarding a ship to engage on his mission Space Fight Quest , Military Sci-Fi , guns , space wizard , SpecOps , Collective Game 2012-11-26 6 December 2012 21823940 Space Fight Quest 3 Norm begins his operation, and commences to operate. Space Fight Quest , Military Sci-Fi , guns , space wizard , SpecOps , Collective Game , Operatan 2012-12-01 3 January 2013 22605595 Scifi Quest 3: Quest Hard w/ a Vengance We get the empress to safety, bake her muffins, get contacted by James, and meet a rebel defector with advanced augs. Collective Games , Sci-fi , Sci-Fi Quest , Unit07 2013-01-17 5 22715392 Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1 We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered. Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Occult Intelligence , Lovecraft Mythos , Science Fiction , Fantasy , Weird Science 2013-01-22 5 22745010 Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2 Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station. Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Occult Intelligence , Lovecraft Mythos , Science Fiction , Fantasy , Weird Science 2013-01-23 5 February 2013 23054188 Pariah Quest Episode I We meet our psionically gifted hero Kylan Arvus and watch as he escapes from a doomed colony ship. Pariah Quest , Collective Game , Insomnia , Psion , Sci-fi 2013-02-09 13 23239395 Pariah Quest Episode II In which we, accidentally, turn ourselves into a hybrid to end all hybrids. Pariah Quest , Collective Game , Insomnia , Psion , Sci-fi 2013-02-18 13 March 2013 23487618 Pariah Quest Episode III Kylan meets the Board of Directors and finds out that he pulled a Rip van Winkle. Pariah Quest , Collective Game , Insomnia , Psion , Sci-fi 2013-03-04 8 23616444 Pariah Quest Episode IV In which Kylan attempts to go on a date. Pariah Quest , Collective Game , Insomnia , Psion , Sci-fi 2013-03-11 7 23721663 Pariah Quest Episode V In which Kylan finds that everything has gone to hell. Pariah Quest , Collective Game , Insomnia , Psion , Sci-fi 2013-03-17 7 23945081 Rogue Broker Quest: A Net Gain Oneshot we play a broker in the Net Gain world, who uncovers corporate secrets linked to a strange girl. what follows is a tale of revenge, a bit of romance, and one late-night quest. Net Gain , Rogue Broker Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi , One-shot 2013-03-30 10 April 2013 24506736 Changing the Mass Effect Plot Good discussion on what to add and remove to run a good mass effect PnP Mass Effect , Sci-Fi , Shepard , Collectors , World Building 2013-04-29 6 May 2013 24928926 Martian Death Quest The original author of the Martian Death Quest returns Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG,nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime 2013-05-20 16 June 2013 25227267 X-Com Tabletop Ideas OP asks for help with running a tabletop rpg based on X-COM. /tg/ delivers. X-com , ideas , sci-fi , game ideas , rpg 2013-06-05 6 August 2013 26604934 Let's Build a World /tg/ has an imagination and creates a unique setting from absolute scratch. world building , original content , fluff , sci-fi , shamanistic horseshoe crabs 2013-08-14 12 26646664 Let's Build a World 2 /tg/ continues to build the Winder Civilization world building , original content , fluff , sci-fi , shamanistic horseshoe crabs 2013-08-17 3 September 2013 26940376 Space Knights A setting where you're an Arthurian knight in space fantasy world building , sci-fi , space fantasy , original content , game design 2013-09-01 6 27263830 Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Some aliens get all in a kerfuffle over the scary humans who are appearing back on the galactic stage. Intrepid reports seek to calm fears. writing , writefag , sci-fi , science fiction , humanity , aliens 2013-09-17 38 27281042 Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 2 The continuing saga of the expedition into human space. writing , writefag , sci-fi , science fiction , humanity , aliens , Blind Aliens , BlindSlug 2013-09-18 35 27368507 Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 3 The gang fights off the Zealots and obtains the Human Specialist! writing , writefag , sci-fi , science fiction , humanity , aliens , Blind Aliens , BlindSlug 2013-09-23 29 27419751 Naming the Last Battleship A standard mix of silly and serious names sci-fi , spaceship , naming, 2013-09-26 8 27439808 Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 4 The Sly Jiggle encounters a convenient source of free fuel and a convenient nest of hostile craft. writing , writefag , sci-fi , science fiction , humanity , aliens , Blind Aliens , BlindSlug 2013-09-27 25 October 2013 27938758 Abandoned Spacestation Ideas /tg/ gets together to brainstorm ideas on stuff to find in a space derelict. Both spooky and hilarious answers follow. Traveller , Stars Without Number , Diaspora , space , game ideas , sci-fi 2013-10-26 10 November 2013 28206596 More New HFY Some previously un-archived screencaps, a bit of OC, discussion HFY , sci-fi , aliens , Humanity Fuck Yeah 2013-11-11 6 January 2014 29578811 New Novellas A lot of screencaps, but among them are new content, and two (so far) good long OCs HFY , sci-fi , aliens , Humanity Fuck Yeah , OC 2014-01-18 15 29893430 Disney Villains in the Star Wars universe /tg/ discusses roles and power levels of Disney Villains in the star wars universe, also Gaston Disney , Sith , Star Wars , writefag , sci-fi 2014-01-30 11 April 2014 31300908 Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration One You are Clark Weston.
You're a prisoner.
And you're very, very bored.
You also suspect that the two facts might be related convict cyborg quest , Herbert , sci-fi , cyberpunk , collective game 2014-04-07 9 31539315 Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration Three Part 2: convict cyborg quest , Herbert , sci-fi , cyberpunk , collective game 2014-04-18 1 31583480 Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration Four You are Clark Weston. Incarnation of genius, rifle maestro and the happiest husband in the world. WHY IS OUR WIFE SO CRAZY. convict cyborg quest , collective game , Herbert , cyberpunk , sci-fi , AI , power armour , military 2014-04-20 3 May 2014 32353617 Fantasy/Sci-Fi Machine Civ Quest Part 3 We start in medias res, as our bots make preparation for a bandit invasion, amidst a contest of stealth against dark elves, encounter Dryads, and explore ancient laboratories deep under us. Collective game , Fantasy , Sci-fi , civ quest , machine 2014-05-26 1 July 2014 33479047 Gundam Wing Quest 06: The Devil Epyon Treize Unleashes his personal gundam The Epyon GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Gundam Wing Quest , Mecha , Sci-FI ,Gundam , Alternate Universe 2014-07-18 3 33503541 Gundam Wing Quest 06-2: The Demon Epyon Heero Recovers from his time in the Gundam-00 Universe, Treize Calls us out and Zech's pulls a Char. Gundam Wing Quest , Collective Game , Gundam , GardenMaster-NORG , Alternate Universe , Crossover , Sci-Fi , Mecha 2014-07-19 5 August 2014 33710707 Martian Death Quest Supplemental Resources Anons compile a list of resources and atmosphere suggestions for running a MDQ. nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime , Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG , Atmosphere , Resources 2014-08-01 1 33972395 Gundam Wing Quest 07: Battle Station Libra The Meteor Wars continue to Escalate in Earth and Space while KRIEG prepares themselves for the battles to come Gundam Wing Quest , Collective Game , GardenMaster-NORG , KRIEG , Gundam , Crossover , Mecha , Sci-FI , 2014-08-08 6 October 2014 35407266 Shitty Spaceship Quirks In this thread, ideas are brainstormed for various quirks and oddities that crews of old rustbucket spaceships might have to deal with on a regular basis. If there is one thing we know about this universe, it is that /tg/ loves itself its rusty, retro sci-fi grittiness. space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , quirks , old and busted 2014-10-10 32 November 2014 35928090 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 1 /tg/ steps into the captain's chair of Skyship Crutch4, tasked to evade the rebel fleet and deliver vital data to the Federation. The good captain and his Engi crewmates cross the first sector of their journey, which mostly involves shooting their way through rebels and pirates. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , Engi , sci-fi 2014-11-03 8 35967775 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 2 Captain Tom Henderson of the Skyship Crutch4 continues his journey into an Abandoned Sector, murders countless space whales, and meets a new friend. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , Engi , sci-fi , Lanius , Slug 2014-11-05 5 35986024 Makin' a Game Working on designing an RPG about ridiculous over the top Sci Fi Bullshit. SciFi , Sci Fi , Sci-Fi , Ridiculous , Space Vikings 2014-11-06 0 36006672 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 3 Captain Hinderson takes his new Slug buddy through a friendly Engi-controlled sector, which turns out to be not so peaceful on account of a Mantis invasion. On the plus side, the wrecked battle fleets and less-than-formidable Mantis warriors allow the Crutch4's crew to collect quite a bit of salvageable scrap, some nice new weapons, and even a third Engi crewmember. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Mantis 2014-11-07 1 36090000 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 4 Our ship makes its way through another sector of space, this one controlled by the Rebels. There are more friendly faces than expected, but our crew's efforts to aid them leave little time for reaching the exit. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Rebels 2014-11-11 1 36164622 Shitty Spaceship Quirks: The Sequel Even more wonderful ideas for the beat-up and broken spaceships that /tg/ loves. space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , quirks , old and busted 2014-11-15 7 36214791 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 5 We take a trip through Zoltan space, where we experience their teachings of peace and harmony, and pick up several deadly new weapons. Also we meet a new crew member. Also there are lots of rebels. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Zoltan 2014-11-17 0 36276282 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 6 The ship travels into a Slug-controlled nebula. Fortunately, their resident Slug crewmate Dr. Mr. Derek is able to help navigate through the dense astral clouds. Unfortunately, the sector seems unsettlingly empty, apart from the occasional band of murderous pirates and the ever-intrepid Slug merchants. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Zoltan 2014-11-20 0 36231345 Shitty Spaceship Quirks: Again Yet more ideas for the broken-down flying jalopies that /tg/ calls spaceships. Quirks , space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , old and busted 2014-11-20 4 36308425 Positive Starship Quirks Positive spaceship quirks to set off the shitty ones. Quirks , space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , positive , new hotness 2014-11-23 2 36361032 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 7 We make it through the rest of the Slug nebula. Though we barely survive an encounter with some very dangerous pirates, we survive and recover. The Slugs are not so friendly in the latter half of the sector, trying to cheat us and strip our ship for scrap, but they aren't nearly as much of a threat. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug 2014-11-24 2 36454859 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End) We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Rebels , Mantis , ending , bad end 2014-11-29 1 December 2014 36646467 Fallout Quest #2 Our hero escapes the toxic jungle of O'ahu, sails to Maui, and meets some strange new people. Fallout Quest,Collective Game,Fallout , Hawaii,Sci-Fi,Post-Apocalyptic 2014-12-09 10 36990938 The Return Of The Son Of Shitty Spaceship Quirks TheBaneblade is back with a belated Christmas edition. space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , quirks , old and busted 2014-12-28 6 January 2015 37496518 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 02 The cold reality. The queen has her HIVE set up, it now can finally rest as her nutrient supply grows. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-20 7 37513274 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 03 A dish best served Our queen grows her hive, has her new set of worker go out and then encounters a new creature, it ends badly. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-21 5 37556573 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 04 the queen's gambit The queen tries a hail mary and sends out the best workers it has for food, they face many challenges only to realize its not enough. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-23 6 37598686 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 05 the lone road The hive tries to expand its operations, meets an old foe, learns of new lands. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-25 5 37710957 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 06 A precipice and Wolves Things are looking up for the hive, until a strange objects falls from the sky. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-30 6 37733489 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 07 Of Keeks and Bugs A news species is found, captured, and almost eaten. Strange blurs fly in the sky. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-01-31 5 February 2015 38340170 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 08 A Tale of Two Keeks The queen finishes her second farm sends a scouting party east, loses a flying scout to god knows what. Decides to start farm 3. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2015-02-27 6 March 2015 38775234 ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 2 Bit faces the aftermath of his second qualifier, his sister spends the night and Ms Shank makes a deal. Digital Connection Quest , ARCHLight Quest , Amateur League , Fragment , Collective Game , Future , Cyberpunk , Sci-Fi 2015-03-18 3 38856800 ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 3 Bit explains what sleep is to an AI, and fights a banana split. Digital Connection Quest , ARCHLight Quest , Amateur League , Fragment , Collective Game , Future , Cyberpunk , Sci-Fi 2015-03-22 3 April 2015 39096605 ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 4 Bit arranges an upgrade with an Avatar designer, Beatie practices her music career, and Ms Shank tells Bit about a startling reality of someone close to him. Digital Connection Quest , ARCHLight Quest , Amateur League , Fragment , Collective Game , Future , Cyberpunk , Sci-Fi , Drama 2015-04-03 7 39244894 ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 5 Bit has anxiety about the first qualifier as he chooses a publisher to give him an edge against Iron Angel. Digital Connection Quest , ARCHLight Quest , Amateur League , Fragment , Collective Game , Future , Cyberpunk , Sci-Fi , Drama 2015-04-10 3 39389521 ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 6 Night Lancer faces off against Iron Angel in the Sequoia wood. Digital Connection Quest , ARCHLight Quest , Amateur League , Fragment , Collective Game , Future , Cyberpunk , Sci-Fi , Drama 2015-04-17 2 July 2015 40955013 Spore Quest (1) - Spore Rising Anons take up the life of an alien spore and its attempt to take control over the crew of the vessel, which mostly go unimpeded. For now... Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-02 16 41039197 The Spore Quest (Ep. 2) - Theft of the Glimmering Golden Galleon In this episode of Spore Quest: the spore tries to infect the rest of the ship, and Richardson plays around in engineering! What could possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-06 12 41102092 The Spore Quest (Ep. 3) - Life on the Fringe With the Golden Galleon under its control, the spore contemplates changing the crew into more ideal forms, and where it will consume its next bounty. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-09 15 41187824 The Spore Quest (Ep. 4) - Its First Steps The spore begins expanding its information and control of the Joker system, and decides how to proceed with the Golden Galleon's transport mission. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-13 15 41400061 The Spore Quest (Ep. 5) - A Gas of A Time The Spore deals with the newly-acquired and newly-vacated Charlie gas refinery, and tries to figure out its next move. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-07-23 10 August 2015 41632407 The Spore Quest (Ep. 6) - Celestial Navigation The Spore is given a secret mission by the FMC. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-03 10 41979698 The Spore Quest (Ep. 7) - The Terror From the Deep The hosts of the spore invade and terrorize the staff of the Gates-Lyon outpost and the Surveyor of Opportunity. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-20 6 42034396 The Spore Quest (Ep. 7.5) - Submarine Subversion The spore continues its takeover of the Surveyor of Opportunity, and the Gates-Lyon Research Station. Collective Game , Spore Quest , hivemind , alien , sci-fi 2015-08-23 6 September 2015 42388226 Awakened Quest #1 The protagonist is born, goes sledding, and discovers a tunnel. collective game , clones , sci-fi , subterranean , urban 2015-09-09 4 42506748 Awakening Quest #2 We emerge from the tunnels, kill another man, and check our divine mouthpiece. collective game , clones , sci-fi , subterranean , urban , awakening quest 2015-09-15 3 42581195 Awakening Quest #3 From dawn til dusk. Also, we're exiles now. collective game , clones , sci-fi , subterranean , urban , awakening quest 2015-09-19 2 42766893 Awakening Quest: The Ivory Tower A one-shot from Awakening Quest, we very nearly die by the 6th update awakening quest , future , sci-fi , clone 2015-09-28 3 October 2015 42833034 Awakening Quest #4 We boot up and shut down early. collective game , clones , sci-fi , subterranean , urban , awakening quest 2015-10-01 1 42838716 Death Among the Stars Quest 1 An ancient and weakened undead lord has been released after eons of imprisonment by unlucky miners Quest , Lich , Sci-fi , fantasy , aliens 2015-10-02 39 42894004 Death Among the Stars Quest 2 The colony of Horizon's Drop gets new visitors from the Osjiic Empire, Jadyk begins hunting the local wildlife lich , sci-fi , space opera , undead , fantasy 2015-10-05 25 42964341 Death Among the Stars Quest 3 Jadyk deals with a group of Osjiic soldiers and learns more about them and the Galaxy. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-09 23 42972766 Expendable Quest Thread 1 (subject typo) Quest about being a disposable clone in a private military force, in medias res, tactical focus, d20 quest , clone , d20 , sci-fi , pmc , expendable , collective game , expendable quest 2015-10-11 2 43002507 Death Among the Stars Quest 4 Jadyk leads his newly created troops in an attack against an Osjiic outpost, hunts some more, creates several new types of weapons, and grows his forces some more. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-11 22 43093720 Death Among the Stars Quest 5 The much-talked about Pirates make an appearance and Jadyk is there to help them up when they are shot down. Jadyk makes new minions and discovers a new threat or possible opportunity quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-16 21 43130020 Death Among the Stars Quest 6 Osjiic and Dagger Pirate forces are scouted and raids launched on both. The Pirates are tricked into attacking the Osjiic. Jadyk and his forces then lead an attack against the base while the time is opportune quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-18 21 43222657 Death Among the Stars Quest 7 Jadyk reaches out for the Wormstar and senses...something. New weapons and a new force for his army are created. The Osjiic are whittled down and a safehouse constructed. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-23 21 43260445 Death Among the Stars Quest 8 The colony and Osjiic fall before the might of Jadyk. A powerful ally is created and many things researched by the insatiable Think Tank in preparation for returning enemy fleets. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-25 21 43357512 Death Among the Stars Quest 9 The new fleet grows and learns more adaptions taken from the world. Jadyk receives a visit from the mysterious Masked entity. The undead go to the moon! quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-10-30 26 November 2015 43489122 Death Among the Stars Quest 10 Jadyk learns more about the history of his old ally while preparing his forces for the incoming fleets. Jadyk finds he has a talent for puns. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-06 21 43525788 Death Among the Stars Quest 11 The Osjiic and Dagger fleets arrive within the system and launch into a fierce battle. Jadyk sabotages and tricks the fighters before ambushing them himself and claiming the survivors for his growing empire. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-08 21 43612721 Death Among the Stars Quest 12 The survivors of the conquered fleets give a short history and insight into their cultures and the state of the galaxy. Jadyk personally visits the scorched planet to investigate the mysterious alien ruins. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-13 21 43643541 Death Among the Stars Quest 13 Jadyk receives a visit and gift from the Masked. Encounters an alien device. Speaks with the Sunscale and learns more of his past. Jadyk's inner circle grows. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-15 21 43760118 Death Among the Stars Quest 14 Contact is made with the Plainsrunners. Nekris is sent to explore a nearby system with the first spaceship. Explores an asteroid belt and a moon, discovers strange and deadly aliens. Jadyk enhances the Think Tanks and sends the living to work to earn their keep. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-11-22 18 December 2015 43934165 Death Among the Stars Quest 15 Nekris continues his investigation of the nearby system, discovering an ancient crashed frigate. Jadyk speaks with the Osogo leader for the first time. Much kelp is grown. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-02 17 43970661 Death Among the Stars Quest 16 Jadyk's Generals yearn for battle and conflict and he agrees with their sentiments. Nekris excavates a crashed ship while Agona begins establishing the first off-system outpost. Eyegores are sent to scout nearby systems, discovering something quite strange in a hazardous system. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-04 16 44006553 Death Among the Stars Quest 17 Nekris inspects a new world and saves a group of locals from the native wildlife, bringing them to Jadyk for a talk. An Eyegore scout moves too close to a world and become the first casualty in dealing with the Confederacy. Think Tanks create aquatic troops to explore alien oceans. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-06 14 44097319 Death Among the Stars Quest 18 On the planet Rukor the Predator Nekris comes under attack by a new enemy. The waters turn dangerous and Nekris prepares to hunt. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-11 15 44135453 Death Among the Stars Quest 19 Agona witnesses a bizarre monster and Nekris hunts down the Sunscale Divers, launching into battle. Jadyk assists with research and builds up defenses. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-13 14 44271638 Death Among the Stars Quest 20 An Eyegore scout witnesses a battle between the Osjiic and Ahkam forces. Armies are built for the Generals and Lorgul begins work on a new ship. Agona expands her grasp on the stonestar moon. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-20 15 44449662 Death Among the Stars Quest 21 Jadyk commands his generals to launch their campaigns sabotaging and attacking the Ahkam worshiping aliens and watches a visitor to the strange planet overgrown with plantlife quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-30 11 44469507 Death Among the Stars Quest 21.5 Jadyk returns the Ructu to their home with gifts and knowledge. Contact is made with the plant-manipulating Armatocere and plans for a formal introduction. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2015-12-31 11 January 2016 44483129 Experiment Quest 1 A blank slate finds herself trapped with freaks, scientists, and worst of all, herself. Collective Game , Experiment Quest , Sci-Fi 2016-01-01 5 44528483 Death Among the Stars Quest 22 Capitol ship research is completed. The sudden appearance of an Ahkam fleet in orbit over the world of Rukor leads to new developments. Nekris starts a guerrilla war against the Ahkam forces and Lorgul completes work on his personal ship. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-03 14 44675582 Death Among the Stars Quest 23 Advancements in technology are made, numbers crunched. Nekris terrorizes the Ahkam. Jor is sent as a diplomat to meet the Armatocere quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-10 13 44777807 Death Among the Stars Quest 24 Jadyk remembers the past. Introductions and trade are made between the Necrotic Armada and it's "allies" quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-15 13 44825842 Infinite Stars Quest 1 A young ship captain looks to the stars to make their mark on the galaxy... Infinite Stars Quest , Space , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2016-01-17 23 44813425 Experiment Quest 2 A scared, still nameless experiment meets herself, witnesses child brawls, and is betrayed. Collective Game , Experiment Quest , Sci-Fi 2016-01-17 3 44822904 Death Among the Stars Quest 25 The New Necrotic Armada launches an ambush on the Ahkam force investigating their destroyed ships boarding them in a vicious battle. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-17 14 44852820 Trench Quest #1 Where WW1 is still going, the protagonist gets resurrected as a Trench Walker and butchers the enemy. Trench_Quest WW1 Sci-fi Collective_Game undead 2016-01-18 4 44926441 Death Among the Stars Quest 26 Jadyk speaks with a new ally. A Leviathan appears on Rukor. A new Necrolyte Legion is formed. Much research is gained quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-22 12 44966726 Death Among the Stars Quest 27 Plainsrunners continue their pilgrimage. Eyegores report their findings on new systems and the Necrolyte Legion is sent to invesigate one. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-24 12 45075422 Death Among the Stars Quest 28 Nekris observes the Necrolyte Legion and their efforts to take control of the derelict military facility from its reanimated guards. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-29 14 45117835 Death Among the Stars Quest 29 Jadyk takes on new recruits. Research is traded and much is gained from the Confederate Facility. Jadyk and Nekris go fishing. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-01-31 11 February 2016 45221035 Death Among the Stars Quest 30 The Beast of Rukor is tracked and guided home. Stonestars progress rapidly and traps are planned. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-05 11 45264259 Death Among the Stars Quest 31 The Lich-Lord makes a bet with the Masked. Think Tanks excel. A child is welcomed and Marked. Decoy attacks are made. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-07 16 45275945 Failing Utopia Quest I make quest. It's fine,I guess. Early archive. Collective Game , Sci-fi , Failing Utopia Quest 2016-02-07 -4 45364435 Death Among the Stars Quest 32 The Armada prepares for the upcoming battles. Refugees are taken in, much infrastructure made, and strange undead met. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-12 13 45405395 Death Among the Stars Quest 33 Aid is given to the Ructu with help from the Armatocere. Jor meets the Plainsrunners. Plots against your enemies are well in motion. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-14 13 45501608 Death Among the Stars Quest 34 Jadyk speaks with the Armatocere about common enemies and makes even more trades of knowledge. Profane experiments are planned. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-19 14 45545638 Infinite Stars Quest 6 The Gullinbursti finally arrives to Eridani. Infinite Stars Quest , Space , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2016-02-21 22 45642465 Death Among the Stars Quest 35 Jadyk deals with some trespassers personally and learns more about the motives of his adversaries quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-26 13 45687193 Death Among the Stars Quest 36 Machinations come to fruition, the Osjiic and Ahkam fleets guided into conflict and the Necrotic Generals show of spectacularly quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-02-28 23 March 2016 45824015 Death Among the Stars Quest 37 Jadyk speaks with his captives and converts several into new powerful forms. A long-term project finally completes and another backfires. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-06 15 45968491 Death Among the Stars Quest 38 The new Generals launch their first attacks, the Legion fighting by their side. The Osogo join the Colony and Jadyk meets an old friend quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-13 13 46231065 Death Among the Stars Quest 39 The Flagship awakens, your Generals see to their missions. Jadyk chats with the Lavafather and makes a deal. Meets the Blackscales. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens 2016-03-25 12 46276124 Death Among the Stars Quest 40 Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , game 2016-03-27 13 April 2016 46382106 Death Among the Stars Quest 41 The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-01 12 46422083 Death Among the Stars Quest 42 The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-03 11 46532307 Death Among the Stars Quest 43 Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-08 12 46676916 Death Among the Stars Quest 44 Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-15 12 46719523 Death Among the Stars Quest 45 War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-17 15 46866131 Death Among the Stars Quest 46 The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-24 13 May 2016 3375 Escape: A text based game A completed text based adventure loosely based on the X-Files series with lots of twists and turns. X-files , Sci-fi , Completed , Text , 2016-05-01 2 11026 Traveller Quest #1 We're on a ship in Jumpspace. It's been sabotaged. Captain and first officer are dead, we suffer partial memory loss, and have no idea why sci-fi , traveller , rpg , space 2016-05-03 6 87864 Cyberpunk Detective Quest When a man falls to his death from the spaceport above Quito, Detective Jeremy Bash and his robot partner Lyle investigate. Cyberpunk , Detective , Quest , Sci-fi , noir 2016-05-08 7 101374 Traveller Quest #2 We discover the real saboteur and make it planetside to discover a chance at a fresh start. Traveller Quest , Traveller , sci-fi , rpg , space , Phoenix 2016-05-12 6 127671 PIGLASS Quest A pig searches an empty facility for clothes. Collective Game , Quest , Sci-fi 2016-05-17 4 163544 Cyberpunk Detective Quest 2 As the body count rises and time grows short Detective Bash and his robot partner Lyle race to find the source of a killer computer program. Cyberpunk , Detective , Quest , Sci-fi , noir 2016-05-22 3 185457 Traveller Quest #3 Short session in which we continue our search for a crew. Traveller Quest , Traveller , sci-fi , rpg , space 2016-05-28 4 195710 Cyberpunk Detective Quest 3 In the wake of a devastating virus, Detective Jeremy Bash and his partner confront the killers while trying to stay alive themselves. Cyberpunk , Detective , Quest , Sci-fi , noir 2016-05-28 2 July 2016 48199724 Death Among the Stars Quest 47 The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return home quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-10 11 48280693 Death Among the Stars Quest 48 The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-15 8 48312095 Death Among the Stars Quest 49 Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-17 9 48410322 Death Among the Stars Quest 50 The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-23 7 48476311 Death Among the Stars Quest 51 Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-27 9 48541397 Death Among the Stars Quest 52 Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-31 7 August 2016 439870 Traveller Quest #4 Taking our pilot-to-be out for breakfast, we convince her to join our crew before setting off in search of a fifth member. Traveller Quest , Traveller , sci-fi , rpg , space 2016-08-04 1 48628714 Death Among the Stars Quest 53 The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-05 11 48661610 Death Among the Stars Quest 54 A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-07 11 48833545 Death Among the Stars Quest 55 Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-17 12 48907227 Death Among the Stars Quest 56 After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched native quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-21 13 492711 Vereingjar Quest Erland, a crossbow-wielding combat medic is put in charge when a raiding mission on an alien planet goes south. Vereingjar Quest Space Sci-Fi 2016-08-25 1 September 2016 49155787 Death Among the Stars Quest 57 Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-09-04 8 49248322 Alchemical Blade Prequel: Prologue The beginning of the quest where the heroic duo storms and overkills a warehouse of human traffickers! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-09-09 2 563570 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 1 Join the cyber ninja Hibiki as she learns about all her newfound cyber powers! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-09-16 3 49360045 Stargate 1888 Anon asks /tg/ to help fluff his custom Stargate setting stargate , science fiction , sci fi , sci-fi , fluff , setting , ideas , brainstorming 2016-09-17 6 599108 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 2 Our cyber ninja goes to the cyber junkyard to fight evil cyber soldiers! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-09-22 2 October 2016 629693 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 3 Our Cyborg Ninja breaks out of Sub-basement 8! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-10-01 1 691283 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 4 A cybernetic girl finds out escape isn't as easy as it seems and visits her sister! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-10-18 1 49846384 Aliens and Hard Sci-Fi /tg/ discussed how to design properly alien creatures. Anon's bird waifu is mocked. worldbuilding , hard sci-fi , chemistry, 2016-10-22 5 722041 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 5 A cybernetic Samurai girl takes on an Occult master of the winds! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-10-26 1 November 2016 751363 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 6 Our Cyber Ninja helps out a local gang then attends a girls sleepover party! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-11-04 1 779604 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 7 Our cybernetic ninja takes on a mad doctor and his fleshtech creations! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-11-08 1 807456 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 8 A cyborg ninja goes for a swim and develops a crush! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-11-17 1 832167 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 9 A cyborg ninja meets the thug life and learns to like her veggies! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-11-25 2 December 2016 859109 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 10 A Cyborg ninja plans a bank heist! Things go horribly wrong! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-12-03 1 884133 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 11 Shit gets real for our Cyborg Ninja as she wonders if she should find the truth... Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-12-08 1 921146 Phoenix Knight Quest #1.5 We make planetfall on the 5th, but the QM cuts it short b/c technical difficulties. PKQ , Space , Phoenix Knight Quest , Sci-Fi , Spaceship 2016-12-12 1 948903 Death Among the Stars Quest 58 GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussed quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-18 12 937498 Alchemical Blade Quest: Mission 12 A date with Marina goes well! A family meeting with Shouko does not! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2016-12-23 1 954267 Overwatch Quest 1 Conflict rises across the globe. Overwatch, the elite international task force, has been disbanded. But the world still needs heroes. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2016-12-27 26 980016 Death Among the Stars Quest 59 The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkam quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-28 13 January 2017 979751 Overwatch Quest 2 Our MC, Overwatch's newest recruit, travels with Tracer to Eichenwalde, Germany, to search for Reinhardt, the last Crusader. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-02 20 997152 Overwatch Quest 3 On the outskirts of Eichenwalde, our hero meets someone strange. Later, they get settled in at Watchpoint Gibraltar. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-04 20 998777 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1 EPISODE I: Character creation, and a job for a Hutt. Then, a homecoming, to Carida, where a battle rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-05 6 1015534 Death Among the Stars Quest 60 Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kanda quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-07 7 1007040 Overwatch Quest 4 Seeker and Tracer head to the badlands of Route 66 to recruit the notorious outlaw Jesse McCree. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-09 21 1009967 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1.5 An overflow thread, continuing the last one. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-09 5 1006007 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 13/SLQ: Part 85 Join us for a crossover session starring Succubus Lord Quest! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Sci-fi 2017-01-10 1 1022279 Overwatch Quest 5 Seeker and the growing team of Overwatch agents rush to help the engineer Torbjorn stop a rampaging Titan-class Omnic. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-12 20 51179503 Consequences of realistic FTL. OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it. Sci-fi , science-fiction , setting , settings , FTL , FTL travel , causality , time travel , time-dilution , time-dilutions 2017-01-13 6 1040520 Death Among the Stars Quest 61 The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clans quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-14 9 1033800 Overwatch Quest 6 Seeker sets up a movie night at the Watchpoint. Surely nothing will interrupt. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-15 20 1035175 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #2 EPISODE II: In which there are politics, dogs, and war plans. SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-17 2 1030425 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 14 Join us as we crash a bachelor party and introduce the mafia to our swordpoint! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2017-01-18 1 1054931 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5 We win the battle over Carida, at heavy cost. From there, we decide to head to Phaeda, by way of Anobis, where a civil war rages... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-21 1 1049940 Overwatch Quest 7 The agents of Overwatch defend the Watchpoint from Talon's incursion. Seeker takes on the enemy leader in a daring solo attack. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-22 18 1073715 Death Among the Stars Quest 62 The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answers quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-22 8 1075428 Overwatch Quest 8 Seeker, Mercy, and McCree travel to Hanamura, Japan, searching for the cybernetic ninja Genji Shimada. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-01-25 14 1073579 Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5.5 TRAINING MONTAGE! Star Wars , Star Wars Warlords Quest , Empire , Space , Sci-Fi , Collective Game 2017-01-26 1 1100852 Death Among the Stars Quest 63 The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-29 6 February 2017 1086514 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 15 High octane defense with serious existential questions await! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2017-02-01 1 1089542 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 09 Lord of the Keeks Stuff happens. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2017-02-02 5 1108941 Overwatch Quest 9 Seeker gets in touch with an old flame, delivers a 90% heroic speech, and has his first chance to party with the team. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-02-04 14 1099138 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #3 Mystery and intrigue abound as we go planetside to track down the dissidents. We go to a town, and learn of a man called Silaf... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-04 1 1128083 Death Among the Stars Quest 64 Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjects quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-05 7 1130195 Overwatch Quest 10 Seeker and friends go to Rio de Janeiro, trying to stop Lucio's anti-Vishkar protest from turning into a riot -- or a massacre. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-02-09 16 1152849 Death Among the Stars Quest 65 Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-12 8 1134502 Old Republic Surveyor Quest #0 (CharGen) You are Krall Sivron, a Nautolan Surveyor with a familiar, snarky onboard AI Star Wars , The Old Republic , Sci-Fi , Space , The Red Lady , Collective Game 2017-02-13 5 1157950 Overwatch Quest 11 A wounded Seeker must fight an elite Vishkar operative to protect his team. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-02-16 16 1162223 Space Merc Quest 1 In which Alex Navaal joins the military, dies, and then wakes up. Space Merc Quest , sci-fi , Athinar , Alex Nevaal , mercenaries 2017-02-16 2 1156568 Old Republic Surveyor Quest 1 You're being framed! With a little help from a green friend, you're ready to space Coruscant. You're not ready for the stowaway though Star Wars , The Old Republic , Space , Sci-Fi , The Red Lady , Collective Game 2017-02-16 4 1141354 Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 16 Spooky times with the undead as we discover something rotten in the city! Exalted , Alchemical Blade Quest , Collective Game , Alchemical , Sci-fi , Cyborg 2017-02-18 1 1175081 Death Among the Stars Quest 66 Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreak quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-19 6 1173237 Space Merc Quest #2 In which Alex goes on a job with Dimitri, and gets shot in the head. Space Merc Quest , sci-fi , Athinar , Alex Nevaal , mercenaries 2017-02-20 2 1170695 Old Republic Surveyor Quest #2 We land on Ryloth and discover things aren't as peachy as they seem. Part 1 of Ryloth Star Wars , The Old Republic , Space , Sci-Fi , The Red Lady , Collective Game 2017-02-22 4 1165276 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #4 OJ returns after a long slumber. We blitzkrieg into Silaf's estate, where a Rebel taskforce awaits... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-02-22 1 1192881 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 10 War and Keeks The Hive is dealt a massive blow as an unknown enemy breaches deep into the throne room leaving a wake of devastation. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2017-02-23 5 1209564 Death Among the Stars Quest 67 The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are created quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-27 9 March 2017 1200708 Old Republic Surveyor Quest 2.5 Gunmen open fire on the public at Ryloth! Ryloth part 1.5 (short thread) Star Wars , The Old Republic , Space , Sci-Fi , The Red Lady , Collective Game 2017-03-03 1 1192635 Star Wars: Warlord Quest #5 We catch Silaf, but he loses his head in the interrogation. We hunt down two snipers, and take one of them to the miners... SWWQ , Star Wars , Imperial , Space , Sci-Fi , Star Wars Warlord Quest , Collective Game 2017-03-04 1 1230721 Death Among the Stars Quest 68 Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practice quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-05 7 1202272 Overwatch Quest 12 Returning from the Rio mission, Seeker must come to terms with his choices and his past. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-03-08 14 1233925 Old Republic Surveyor Quest #3 An unexpected encounter. Tensions peak and our Jedi is forced to make a hard choice. We find out something has been tracking us. Star Wars , The Old Republic , Space , Sci-Fi , The Red Lady , Collective Game 2017-03-12 2 1260840 Death Among the Stars Quest 69 The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worlds quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-14 12 1280139 Death Among the Stars Quest 70 Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old ally quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-19 15 1260868 Overwatch Quest 13 The mission in London and a wounded Seeker commands from Gibraltar HQ Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-03-19 12 1277178 Vault Hunter Quest 1 Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot! Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-03-20 4 1301850 Hive Queen Quest Beta: 11 Moby Keek The queen establishes her base and grows a large number of soldiers, and her miners are eaten in a freak incident with a giant rock worm. Collective Game , Hive Queen Quest Beta , sci-fi 2017-03-26 5 1289330 Overwatch Quest 14 With no urgent mission or global crisis, Seeker chills at the Watchpoint and gets to know some of the other agents. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-03-28 13 1291505 WildStar Quest Clyde Starwalker, an Exile Human Stalker, awakens from cryo-sleep and gets prepared for a trip to the mysterious planet Nexus. WildStar Quest , WildStar , Collective Game , Clyde Starwalker , Exile , Dominion , Sci-fi , Fantasy , Space 2017-03-29 6 April 2017 1314992 Vault Hunter Quest 2 Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leave Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-04-01 3 1325659 Death Among the Stars Quest 71 A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous mission quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-02 12 1312087 Overwatch Quest 15 Poker night at the Watchpoint. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-04-03 12 1334487 Overwatch Quest 16 Anubis unleashes a terror attack in Africa. Seeker responds with the team, but finds himself caught between a robot and a hard place. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-04-06 13 1349170 Death Among the Stars Quest 72 Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-09 9 1349216 WildStar Quest 2 Clyde's shuttle to Nexus crashlands in the frozen Northern Wilds. A new comrade is rescued, and a plan is hatched to get out of this mess. WildStar Quest , WildStar , Collective Game , Clyde Starwalker , Exile , Dominion , Sci-fi , Fantasy , Space 2017-04-16 5 1369205 Death Among the Stars Quest 73 Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-16 8 1354518 Villain in the Big City Quest A fledgeling new villain begins her criminal activities in a sprawling metropolis Expert Villany Quest , Sci-fi , Villian , Hero , 2017-04-20 3 1388974 Stardust Wuxia Quest Chapter I MC sets himself on fire, dangles his dongers, and saved his ship. Stardust Quest , Wuxia , Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Space , Combat 2017-04-23 3 1399268 Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2 A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-25 10 1394442 Nightmare Planet Five teenagers find themselves, along a piece of their school, transported to a strange forest. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-04-27 5 1414014 Death Among the Stars Quest 74 The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its wounded quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-30 7 May 2017 1434391 Death Among the Stars Quest 75 Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Council quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-07 9 1414799 WildStar Quest 3 Clyde makes first contact with the Dominion on Nexus as he and his comrades raid a local camp and make their escape from the Northern Wilds. WildStar Quest , WildStar , Collective Game , Clyde Starwalker , Exile , Dominion , Sci-fi , Fantasy , Space 2017-05-08 3 1418012 Overwatch Quest 17 Seeker gambles on some longshots. Some of them pay off. Others, not so much. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-05-11 12 1441183 Nightmare Planet 2 Vanessa and the other teens learn more about our situation, and set off on a journey to the hills. Kate will protect our smile. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-05-11 3 1456781 Death Among the Stars Quest 76 The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-14 8 1463052 Overwatch Quest 18 On the run from Helix Security, Seeker and Tracer are saved by an unexpected ally. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-05-18 11 1483260 Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2 The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forces quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-22 9 1489840 Anarchy Accountant Quest 1 This world of constant war has but two nations; Dystopia and Utopia. You are Michael Firm, the accountant and you are the government. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-05-26 3 1454521 Document: Artemis You are Deltorian Tessan as part of Department 7, your job is to safe guard humanity. Prepare for shenanigans. Document Artemis , Action , Sci-fi 2017-05-26 2 June 2017 1505824 Anarchy Accountant Quest 2 Michael gets to safety, and leaves it for suffering. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-01 1 1532387 Death Among the Stars Quest 77 Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stock quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-04 7 1522271 Anarchy Accountant Quest 3 Michael makes a return to safety and meets some powerful people. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-04 1 1515028 Nightmare Planet 3 A twist in the tale is revealed as Vanessa travels to a dark dreamscape and takes hold of an unknown power. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-06-05 3 1536284 Anarchy Accountant Quest 4 Michael gets good news in real life and drunk in a simulation. He's also bad at pool and not a wizard. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-07 1 1517805 Heroes and Men #1 Newly promoted Captain James Gardner and his angry underling, Lieutenant Flemming, go planetside to meet their so called "company". Heroes and Men , space , war , quest , sci-fi , elves 2017-06-08 1 1548403 Anarchy Accountant Quest 5 Isabelle enters the real world and gets a new face. Michael meets his new assistant. The search for militia leaders begins. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-11 1 1502816 Document: Artemis Part 2 The second part to the Document: ARTEMIS series. New characters and personalities, but still punching Terrorists. Document Artemis , Action , Sci-fi 2017-06-12 1 1551976 Funtron Space Adventure #1 In which our heroes are decided, some loot is found, and many lasers are fired. Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi 2017-06-12 4 1563574 Anarchy Accountant Quest 6 Michael meets with Charles and Tauri's superior show's up at The Firm. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-14 1 1542679 Overwatch Quest 19 Keeping it together after our mission in Africa. Looks like this job might be larger that even we expected Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-06-15 12 1567595 Free Space: Mercenaries You are Alex Nevaal, a former soldier that currently works as a cyborg mercenary. Free Space: Mercenaries , sci-fi , combat , mercenaries , Alex Navaal 2017-06-17 1 53832984 Stories from a Dead Megacity In this short thread, ideas are shared for things a group of explorers might find while searching for a way to leave a dead megacity. post-apocalyptic , futuristic , sci-fi , megacity , urban unease , brainstorming 2017-06-17 13 1591532 Nightmare Planet 4 The survivors discuss what Vanessa's trip to the nightmare realm could mean, and decide on a campsite. Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-06-25 3 1609562 Death Among the Stars Quest 78 The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-25 8 1584674 Document: Artemis Part 3 Deltorian (and anons) meet Melissa "Omni" Thorne, a.k.a. the Department's Mum Document Artemis , Action , Sci-fi 2017-06-26 1 1579122 Koschei The Deathless: An Overwatch Story A lone Corporate-Political Officer makes a deal with the devil to save Russia from her enemies. Can Koschei the Deathless be trusted? Koschei , Overwatch , Collective Game , Sci-Fi, 2017-06-27 5 July 2017 1592115 Koschei The Deathless: An Overwatch Story #2 Koschei and Ivan head to the front lines of the 2nd Omnic Crisis. Godmind Chernobog opposes them and an unlikely ally has their backs. Koschei , Overwatch , Collective Game , Sci-Fi, 2017-07-02 1 1614157 Overwatch Quest 20 Three years ago, Logan's heist plans are interrupted when Fareeha Amari enters his life, forcing him to test his heart against his resolve. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-07-02 13 54084756 Martian Myths and Legends In this thread, posters world-build a colonized Mars reminiscent of the old west and offer up myths and legends that "Dusters" might share Mars , Space , Sci-Fi , Myths , Legends , Urban Legends , World-Building , Brainstorming 2017-07-03 11 1641228 Vault Hunter Quest 3 QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars 2017-07-08 3 1618529 Funtron Space Adventure: Round 2 In which robots are upgraded. tracks found and bathroom breaks interrupted. . Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi 2017-07-08 2 1651470 Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2 The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-09 7 54201965 /tg/ develops an apocalyptic sci-fi setting The universe is dying, the milky way is the last safe space, and aliens are hell-bent on conquering it. Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Space , Post-Apocalyptic 2017-07-10 6 1655224 Overwatch Quest 21 Seeker and his team of stealth specialists infiltrate the Lucheng tower in search of booty. What could possibly go wrong? overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-07-14 13 1666347 Fleets of God Quest #1 A boring patrol gets a little too exciting. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game 2017-07-15 13 1656615 Star Trek: The Last Frontier S01E02 USS Archimedes sets out on her maiden voyage. Her first trip takes her to Deep Space 9 to gather information and plan her next move... Star Trek , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2017-07-16 3 1653515 Document: ARTEMIS part 4 Del meets more people in the department. Document: ARTEMIS , action , sci-fi 2017-07-20 1 1689241 Fleets of God Quest #2 We return home, get an upgrade, and decide not to be rude. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-07-22 6 1694216 Death Among the Stars Quest 79 The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching storm quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-23 7 1655948 Funtron Space Adventure: Round 3 In which laptops are lost, books burn, and plants plague our heroes. Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi 2017-07-28 1 1715933 Fleets of God Quest #3 A world is defended and weapons tested. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-07-30 5 1721479 Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2 The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agents quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-30 7 August 2017 1739870 Fleets of God Quest #4 In a slightly shorter thread the Odyssey is discovered and protected. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-08-05 5 1685670 Funtron Space Adventure: Round 4 In which not much happens. Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi 2017-08-07 1 1746252 Digimon Trigger Quest: Episode 1 Initializing. A new adventure begins. A Hero chooses a blue speedster and a training mission goes awry. Collective Game , Digimon , World Trigger , Crossover , Sentai , Action , Sci-Fi 2017-08-07 1 1720445 Freelancer Quest 1 In a world under siege, where magic and science are one, you and your fellow Freelancers are humanity's last defenders. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2017-08-09 18 1767481 Death Among the Stars Quest 80 War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strength quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-13 8 1750909 Funtron Space Adventure: Round 5 In which disguises are worn, friends are made, and our heroes find themselves backed into a corner. Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi 2017-08-18 1 1775701 Vault Hunter Quest 4 Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-19 3 1751915 Nightmare Planet 5 We find out who Tyler shot. The survivors suffer their first loss -- or do they? Nightmare Planet , Sci-Fi , Horror , Teen , Survival , Collective Game 2017-08-19 3 1785032 Fleets of God Quest #5 After being relegated to picket duty and seeing a disturbingly large fleet, Dauntless makes an even more disturbing discovery. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-08-20 2 1787985 Vault Hunter Quest 4.5 The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again. Collective Game , Vault Hunter Quest , Borderlands , Pandora , Sci-fi Western , Explosions , Guns , Cars , Robots , Hyperion , Dahl 2017-08-20 2 1793990 Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2 The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-21 7 1770662 Overwatch Quest 22 From Africa to India, the emergencies come in thick and fast this edition. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-08-22 12 1806470 Fleets of God Quest #6 In another short thread, Dauntless begins the journey back home. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-08-26 2 1815123 Death Among the Stars Quest 81 The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yet quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-28 7 1793077 Freelancer Quest 2 The Freelancer recruits are soon called to their second mission, the defense of a mobile mining arcology against Scav raiders. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2017-08-29 10 1785586 Funtron Space Adventure: Round 6 In which Funtron concludes. Funtron Space Adventure , Collective Game , LEGO , sci-fi , Fun with Lego 2017-08-29 3 September 2017 1829662 Fleets of God Quest #7 The QM numbers the quest wrong, and Dauntless manages to get the vital intel to friendly forces, albeit at a cost. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-09-03 3 1853084 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2 The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar system quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-10 7 1838136 Overwatch Quest 23 Still recovering from the Kilimanjaro eruption, Seeker delves into a Golden Age vault, and finds something unexpected. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-09-11 10 1872052 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3 Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-17 7 1888994 Fleets of God Quest #8 Dauntless awakes in friendly hands, but things are not what they seem. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-09-25 3 October 2017 1913906 Fleets of God Quest #9 After being given another prototype ship, Dauntless embarks on a new mission. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-10-01 4 1895469 Document: ARTEMIS part 6 Del is overloaded by work and starts a training session. Document: ARTEMIS , action , sci-fi 2017-10-01 1 1898870 Freelancer Quest 3 The Freelancers are tasked with raiding valuable supplies from a Scav encampment, and have their first encounter with enemy spellcasters. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2017-10-01 10 1926296 Death Among the Stars Quest 82 With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-03 8 1925796 Document: ARTEMIS part 7 Deltorian has fun finishing off an annoying student before starting to unravel a deadly plot. Document: ARTEMIS , action , sci-fi 2017-10-04 1 1924161 Overwatch Quest 24 We meet the new head of security, deal with a tanker taken hostage by Omnic terrorists, and travel to Korea to fight a Titan. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-10-06 11 1940293 Fleets of God Quest #10 Dauntless discovers and defends the stronghold system of a brother Order. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-10-08 4 1961524 Fleets of God Quest #11 After returning home, Dauntless receives their first upgrade and chooses a new mission. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-10-15 3 1966971 Death Among the Stars Quest 83 As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-15 8 1978805 Oddyssey - Dreams of going off world Evelynn is a dirt poor scrub who dreams of a better life, one that will take her away from the block. Oddyssey , Sci-fi , Science Fiction , Fiction , One , 1 , First 2017-10-21 1 1988866 Fleets of God Quest #12 Despite the unveiling of enemy upgrades, Dauntless finishes their mission and captures an enemy battleship. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-10-22 3 1997470 Neon Citizen Quest Our 1st protagonist Albert gets done in by an assassin because of a data chip and the 2nd, Cynthia, experience the time of her life downtown Neon Citizen Quest , future , crime , sci-fi 2017-10-25 1 1999038 Overwatch Quest 25 The Battle of Busan continues as Seeker and D.Va team up to infiltrate the adaptive Titan. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-10-26 10 2021254 Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2 Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworld quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-29 8 November 2017 2012583 Will of Worlds The protagonist Coralie is introduced and the motive of fear is behind her wanting to leave her home world Will of Worlds , Sci-Fi , Fictional Worlds , Collective Game 2017-11-03 -1 2036820 Fleets of God Quest #13 In this very short thread, Dauntless arrives home, and chooses their next mission. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-11-04 2 2030093 Overwatch Quest Halloween We skip ahead to October 31st, when Overwatch celebrates the return of their traditional Halloween costume party. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2017-11-08 10 2077088 Fleets of God Quest #14 While training with the Olympus Space Navy, Dauntless helps deal with a daring Legion raid. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-11-19 2 2095349 Fleets of God Quest #15 Despite several alarming complications, Dauntless successfully boards several enemy vessels. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-11-26 3 December 2017 2116218 Fleets of God Quest #16 After choosing reinforcements and a new upgrade, Dauntless is sent to the front lines for their latest mission. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-12-03 2 2081952 Freelancer Quest 4 To prepare for future assaults on the Machine City, the company must establish a green zone by reactivating an old defense battery. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2017-12-03 13 2146864 Fleets of God Quest #17 While investigating a possible cry for help, Dauntless discovers a strange ship. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-12-16 2 2159042 Overwatch Gakuen 1-Year Anniversary Bonus Episode: Transfer student Logan King begins his first day at his new school in Japan, Overwatch Gakuen. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero , Highschool , Harem , Romantic Comedy 2017-12-22 10 2167827 Fleets of God Quest #18 A savage battle to ensure the safety of a new comrade, and Dauntless learns the origins of the Legion. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2017-12-24 2 January 2018 2202570 Fleets of God Quest #19 Reliving the memories of Temeraire provides a brief respite before Dauntless must travel back to the front lines for a new mission. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-01-07 2 2207247 Death Among the Stars Quest 84 As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operations quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-07 8 2210495 Overwatch Quest 26 We introduce our newest agent Dva to the team, then head to Australia where we wind up agreeing to pull a job with the Junkers. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2018-01-12 8 2223119 Fleets of God Quest #20 Along with an ally, Dauntless embarks on a new mission. Unfortunately, things rapidly start going wrong. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-01-14 2 2246299 Death Among the Stars 84.2 The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-21 7 2259544 Fleets of God Quest #21 Dauntless and Ajax strike while the Legion is occupied with their assault on the Order's forward base. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-01-28 3 February 2018 2279438 Death Among the Stars 84.3 The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasion quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-04 7 2295185 Fleets of God Quest #22 Dauntless and Ajax finish their mission with the destruction of a small Legion fleet and the rest of their mission targets. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-02-11 2 2267270 Freelancer Quest 5 The Freelancer company assaults a Scav depot to impair the alien reinforcement efforts, and for the first time must directly engage a Thane. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-02-12 8 2302469 Death Among the Stars 85 With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-12 6 2302362 Freelancer Quest 5.5 The slugfest in the Scav reinforcement center comes to a end as Thane Elsis falls. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-02-18 6 2334483 Fleets of God Quest #23 Despite embarking on what should be an easy mission with the human fleet, complications ensue. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-02-25 2 2338813 Death Among the Stars 85.2 Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-25 7 58147220 Africa and Egypt as a sci-fi setting A discussion thread for using Africa for sci-fi settings World-Building,sci-fi,Africa 2018-02-27 14 March 2018 2353245 Fleets of God Quest #24 Although experiencing extraordinarily bad luck, Dauntless finishes their mission. Then the quest ends early because the QM's net dies. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-03-04 2 2360649 Death Among the Stars 85.3 Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knight quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-05 11 2345067 Overwatch Quest 27 Seeker and Genji begin their infiltration of the complex underneath Junkertown, searching for the secret it holds. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2018-03-09 8 2370083 Fleets of God Quest #25 Quite short thread to finish the interrupted stuff from last thread and finishes on a cliffhanger. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-03-10 2 2357298 Titanfall Mercenary Quest Isaac Graham runs through an entire ship full of riflemen, Titans and other baddies, being a badass pilot. Titanfall Merc Quest , Action , Sci-fi , Titanfall , Adventure, 2018-03-17 1 2397399 Death Among the Stars 85.4 Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestation quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-18 6 2385256 Overwatch Quest 28 The Australian adventure continues as Seeker and friends get out of the frying pan and into the fire. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2018-03-19 8 April 2018 2430742 Fleets of God Quest #26 Knight-brother Rubin is in frightful danger and mysteries mount as Dauntless investigates. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-04-01 2 2436660 Reboot Quest #006 We recover the torpedo core and continue exploring... Space , 4X , Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Robot , AI , Orange Juice , Reboot Quest 2018-04-02 1 2461527 Death Among the Stars 86 A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shard quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-09 6 59048749 Mankind Conquers Hell A group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comic Hell , HFY , Humanity Fuck Yeah , Worldbuilding , Demons , Corruption , Sci-Fi , Lore 2018-04-12 14 2498833 Death Among the Stars 87 The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battle quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-23 6 May 2018 2472256 The Stars Are Right #1 We land in Russia to make cash, clear a old military base and kill a Mi-Go for a fancy and dangerous device. Future , Mech , Sci-fi , Mi-Go , Aliens , Lovecraft , Semi Post-Apocalyptic 2018-05-05 1 2489246 The Stars Are Right #2 We rest in a hamlet, meet an anti-commie Mi-Go who trades our artifact for a favor, got a job offer, supe our mech after beatin drunk ruskie Future , Mech , Sci-fi , Mi-Go , Aliens , Lovecraft , Semi Post-Apocalyptic 2018-05-05 1 2507799 The Stars Are Right #3 We hunt down a Star Spawn in a million dollar upgraded hellcat, and find our dying Mi-go friend with a sole survivor before 6D chess battle Future , Mech , Sci-fi , Mi-Go , Aliens , Lovecraft , Semi Post-Apocalyptic 2018-05-05 1 2524048 Overwatch Quest 29 A few weeks before our Australian adventure, we defend Lucio from assassination at the final concert of his tour. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2018-05-08 7 2524392 The Stars Are Right #4 We kill the Starspaw and smoke the Mi-go powder before having a all you can eat space buffet followed by a degenerate harem orgy in our mind Future , Mech , Sci-fi , Mi-Go , Aliens , Lovecraft , Semi Post-Apocalyptic 2018-05-08 1 2543280 The Stars Are Right #5 We ride a migo to the concil meeting and get a sweet rig before almost dying. Quest arc ends with short thread. Future , Mech , Sci-fi , Mi-Go , Aliens , Lovecraft , Semi Post-Apocalyptic 2018-05-12 0 2565522 Death Among the Stars 87.2 The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-15 6 2550729 Galactic Fleet Civ #1 The Tang Shogunate begins acting as a true galactic empire. Renegade captains are killed and Rebellions are a bad idea Sci-fi,Civilization , Empire , Tang Shogunate , Strategy 2018-05-18 2 2573395 Galactic Fleet Civ #2 Our Campaign against the Rebels on Blessed orchard continues. A mysterious enemy assassin is nearly captured and outside influence is suspec Sci-fi,Civilization , Empire , Tang Shogunate , Strategy , The Contact , Galactic Fleets 2018-05-24 1 2594889 Death Among the Stars 87.3 The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation" quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-27 6 2589630 Galactic Fleet Civ #2.5 The rebellion on Blessed Orchard comes to an end with an imperial victory. We begin exploring the derelict mining rig with Dr.Hyza. spoopy! Sci-fi,Civilization , Empire , Tang Shogunate , Strategy , The Contact , Galactic Fleets 2018-05-31 0 June 2018 60161844 AI Rebellion /tg/ discusses how a AI rebellion might come to be and the nature of AI Robots , Artificial Intelligences , AI , Rebellion , Sci-Fi 2018-06-09 1 July 2018 60776206 Building Grimdark Sci-Fi setting An an first seemingly failed attempt to create an engaging Sci-Fi setting. The subsequent sequel threads ended in disssaster. worldbuilding , grimdark , sci-fi 2018-07-12 0 August 2018 2759579 UNNA Recruit Quest 1 We wake up in a weird government facility and learn we are a psychic. UNNA , Mass Quest , collective game , sci-fi , psychic 2018-08-08 2 2787035 Freelancers 6 After weathering an aurora cascade, the strike team continues their work against the Scavs, only to encounter some uninvited guests. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-08-18 8 2831796 Fleets of God Quest #27 The quest resumes where it left off. Short thread. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-08-25 2 September 2018 61828369 Cassette Futurism A thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s. Retro-Futurism , Retro , Sci-Fi , 1970s , 1980s , Brainstorming, 2018-09-08 5 61850335 Cassette Futurism 2 A second thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s. Retro-Futurism , Retro , Sci-Fi , 1970s , 1980s , Brainstorming 2018-09-08 1 2867423 Fleets of God Quest #28 Dauntless finally discovers Knight-Brother Rubin, and a surprise. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-09-08 2 2851964 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1 The MC is left behind and must survive. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-09-11 24 61864819 Cassette Futurism 3 A third thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s. Retro-Futurism , Retro , Sci-Fi , 1970s , 1980s , Brainstorming 2018-09-11 1 2880397 Living Factory #1 Introducing Daedalus, the newborn(?) automaton in their first quest: to simply communicate with a researcher. Today, words, tomorrow, legs. Living Factory , Collective Game , bioengineering , robot , machine , AI , sci-fi , science , bio , Tutorial Assistance Program , TAP , immobile 2018-09-16 2 2881041 Titanfall Quest: Pilots for Hire Isaac Graham and Ark raid a IMC forge site to get more Titans. I mean, who doesn't want more Titans? Titanfall Quest: Pilots for Hire , Adventure , Action , Titanfall , Sci-fi , Mecha, 2018-09-19 1 2906384 Fleets of God Quest #29 Finally finishing up the mission to rescue Rubin, Dauntless hurries back to Bastion with important intel. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-09-23 2 2885779 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1 The MC must continue surviving and pursue a chance at escape. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-09-25 13 2894607 Freelancers 7 With the next objective located in a hot zone where Scavs and Worms are battling it out, the Freelancer team must fight on two fronts. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-09-26 6 October 2018 2939616 Freelancers 7.5 The conclusion of Operation Lightning Rod. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-10-08 5 2962353 ODST Quest #1 We are ODST. Feet first into hell, we ride knowing we will cheat Death of his victory and rise again victorious. ODST , Halo , Sci-Fi , Collective Game , Space , Orange Juice 2018-10-15 1 2943488 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #3 The Bog Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-10-17 12 2961547 Space-Civilisations #1 Civilisation thread... but in space. civilisation , quest , thread , space , sci-fi 2018-10-28 1 3004922 Death Among the Stars Quest 89 A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-10-28 4 2980772 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #4 What are you doing in their Swamp? Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-10-29 6 November 2018 3019516 Fleets of God Quest #30 The beginning of the end, one way or another. Fleets Of God , PixelAnon , Sci-fi , collective game , AI 2018-11-04 1 2992603 Space-Civilisations #2 pls archive it daddy civilisation , quest , thread , space , sci-fi 2018-11-07 1 3031049 Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7 Main character Deltorian Tessan deals with a terror attack at the English Canal Mag Rail tunnel. Cyberpunk Operative Quest , Department 7 , Sci-fi , cyberpunk , action, 2018-11-10 1 3016070 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #5 The continuing survival of the MC and the rally with Sergeant Cope. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-11-13 6 3056436 Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3 Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forged quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-11-19 4 3044883 Ben 10 Quest #2 Wade visits an Animal Sanctuary and faces two fanatical villains. And Wade's date with Julie is rudely interrupted by alien bounty hunters. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2018-11-20 9 December 2018 3050064 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #6 Washed up into the Deinos. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-12-02 6 3064430 Ben 10 Quest #3 Wade battles a powerful witch in New York, befriends Kevin Levin, and he discovers a shocking revelation about his past. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2018-12-02 7 3091021 Death Among the Stars Quest 90 The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarch quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-06 7 3090697 Ben 10 Quest #4 Wade gets abducted by fake aliens and makes some real alien friends. He also comes in contact with a sinister alien entity. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2018-12-11 7 3076082 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #7 Left behind. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-12-13 6 3073025 Freelancers 8 Foxhole comes under attack by worm biomorphs, and the Freelancers must scramble to defend their outpost against an overwhelming force. Freelancer Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-12-14 6 3062367 Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7, Part 2 Del shows some rookies around Department 7. Cyberpunk Operative Quest , Department 7 , Sci-fi , cyberpunk , action, 2018-12-19 1 3108760 Ben 10 Quest #5 Wade acquires his eleventh alien, battles Vulkanus, makes a new deal with Verdona and fights some freaks at a carnival! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2018-12-19 4 3109617 Freelancers 8.5 Base defense mission continues. Reinforcements are near, but the Freelancers first must survive a last desperate hold against the worms. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2018-12-24 3 3121804 Ben 10 Quest #6 Wade acquires a mentor, battles his childhood heroes, goes on a date, chases after some southern carjackers and fights the Forever Knights! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2018-12-29 4 3109511 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #8 Saving Joffrey. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2018-12-30 6 3107823 Starship Quest: Away Team Mark I The Alliance starship Quest, run by an elite crew of ensigns, led by misfit officers, encounters a derelict space station and investigates. Starship , sci-fi , away team , Dork West , 2018-12-31 2 3143140 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2 Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anew quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-31 2 January 2019 3137304 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #9 The Drone, Delta, and the White Feather. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-01-07 6 3134783 Biomorph Quest #1 Cursed and Sorboclese Tag team a quest involving a mutagenic horror from beyond the stars Alien , Horror , Sci-fi , Space Station , Space , Silent Stars , CursedQm , Sorbocles , Nongent , Collective Game 2019-01-09 4 3149184 Ben 10 Quest #7 Wade teams up with the Secret Saturdays, battles mythical monsters, befriends the Omnitrix's A.I., and encounters one of Kirby's old foes. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-01-15 4 3150551 Fleetcom: No Sky Beyond The Pax Solar Federation is under siege. You and your fellows are Task Force Viking, fighting to defend against the Valentian Empire. Fleetcom Quest , Collective Game , Skirmish , Sci-Fi 2019-01-18 4 3152669 Starship Quest: Away Team Mark II The away team encounters more stasis chambers and their occupants; Exposition and unexplained events ensue. Starship , sci-fi , away team , Dork West, 2019-01-19 1 3164622 Biomorph Quest 1.5: In the Depths Cursed and Sorboclese coQM a murderous scifi buddycop adventure. Carl gets laid. Alien , Horror , Sci-fi , Space Station , Space , Silent Stars , CursedQm , Sorbocles , Nongent , Collective Game 2019-01-25 4 3168999 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10 The new guys. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-01-25 6 3187139 Ben 10 Quest #8 Wade meets Kirby's wife, obtains a new charm, breaks into Incarcenon, meets his creator, and confronts Empress Attea. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-01-31 5 February 2019 3202811 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10 The slow day and a dream. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-02-04 6 3230446 Ben 10 Quest #9 Wade returns to Earth to reunite with his family, find Kevin's mother, save his friends from the Forever Knights and fight the Negative 10! Ben 10 Quest , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-02-12 3 3239261 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #12 Leadership troubles. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-02-13 6 3259521 Ben 10 Quest #10 The Ultimate Albedo Special is held! Wade visits his parents and finally meets his twin sister. Ben 10 Quest , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-02-21 4 3300692 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3 The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2019-02-27 3 March 2019 3274425 Starlost Quest After 5 months alone on a damaged spaceship, our hero jumps at the opportunity to land at a giant wandering spaceship. space , sci-fi , psi , psychic , starlost, 2019-03-02 2 3289851 Ben 10 Quest #11 Wade finally gets together with K8-E, joins the Plumbers on patrol, deals a devastating blow to Evo-Corp, and becomes an internet sensation! Ben 10 Quest , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-03-04 7 3306385 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #13 From one leader to another. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-03-10 6 3320609 Ben 10 Quest #12 Wade receives a mission from the Galactic Council in order to prove his loyalty. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-03-17 3 3334373 Freelancers 9 Preparations complete, the grand assault on the citadel begins. The Freelancers will become dragonslayers, or die trying. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2019-03-24 11 3349530 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #14 A Quiet Time. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-03-25 6 3354140 Ben 10 Quest #13 Wade travels to a desert planet, makes friends with a genie, obtains a new costume and pursues his case to the outer rim of the galaxy. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-03-27 3 April 2019 3389674 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #15 Guerrilla warfare time Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-04-02 6 3375369 Freelancers 9.2 The battle becomes bloody, and reality itself frays around the Freelancers in their desperate fight against the dragon and its priests. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2019-04-07 11 3389290 Ben 10 Quest #14 Wade closes out the corruption case, gains the rank of Deputized Agent, finds Iden and pursues his twin sister! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-04-11 3 3425209 Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 1 Down with the Empire! We meet the deserter and rebel Marco Riviera and his team of Imperial deserters. Collective Game , Cassus Burning , SixWingZombi , Sci-fi , Rebellion , Aliens 2019-04-14 1 3431363 Gun x Glory! #1 You are Wolfgang O'Neal. Today you manage your arcade, break your five year retirement, talk to your landlord, and get outed on television. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-04-19 26 65759207 Fractured Singularity Thread 1 Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian Federation Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-21 11 3423011 Ben 10 Quest #15 Wade protects plumber HQ, Returns to earth, and sets off looking for asmuth Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-04-23 4 3446093 Gun x Glory! #2 You go to work, talk to a reporter, have a confrontation with an old face, all while the OP is sporadic. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-04-25 20 3445775 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17 Grey Goo. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-04-29 5 65850840 Fractured Singularity Thread 2 Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-29 2 May 2019 65960580 Realms of Lord Killblood Deathbane A fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings. Lord Killblood Deathbane , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Science Fantasy , World Building , brainstorming , Brainstorming , mutant , 2019-05-03 14 65973574 Fractured Singularity Thread 3 Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-05-06 3 3479399 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17 Artillery. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-05-17 5 3482855 Ben 10 Quest #16 After a harrowing crash, K8-E must take the place of an injured Wade and defend him until he recovers, for only he can defeat D'Traxus! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-05-20 3 3522244 Gun x Glory! #3 Your arcade is vandalized, you secure some information, you learn her motive, and you prepare to play once again. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-05-25 16 3530612 Gun x Glory! #4 You log into Warscape and check out the marketplace, get some new guns, have a practice match with Cinder, and meet with a very old friend. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-05-30 15 66449437 Alien TTRPG discussion Anons discuss the Alien TTRPG and lore and realize all the possibilities Aliens crossovers give alien , sci-fi , space , xenomorph 2019-05-30 0 June 2019 3523159 Ben 10 Recap Thread Eon orders one of his servants to keep an eye on Wade, and she witnesses the birth of a hero as she closely observes his actions. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-06-02 2 3541607 Gun x Glory! #5 You receive an early visitor, piss off your landlord, make your way to the arena, and begin your big stage return. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-06-03 14 3527249 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #18 IT GOT OUT Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-06-08 5 3550734 Freelancers 10 Accolades, promotions, and recovery follows the dragonslaying. Graves sets up an intrasquad arena match to keep skills sharp in the offtime. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2019-06-19 6 3547710 Ben 10 Quest #17 One year after his battle with D'traxus, Wade encounters an evil entity unlike anything he's ever seen before! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-06-20 2 3559553 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #19 Making Plans. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-06-23 2 3584974 Freelancers 10.2 The friendly PvP bout has become something else entirely now that aliens have crashed the party. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2019-06-29 6 July 2019 3589421 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #20 The White Feather Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-07-02 5 3591218 Ben 10 Quest #18 Wade begins to question his sanity when he starts having bizarre flashbacks of events that will have lasting changes on his future! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-07-07 3 3607618 Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 2 Marco Riviera and a couple of his fellow deserters meet rebels from Main Port's cell. A secondary objective is added onto the heist. Collective Game , Cassus Burning , SixWingZombi , Sci-fi , Rebellion , Aliens 2019-07-11 1 3631697 Her Love Is Revenge: Prologue Heartbroken by his beloved, student journalist Damon makes a pact with a devil to learn the truth of the circumstances behind her betrayal. Her Love Is Revenge , HLIR , Demon , Damon , Tech Noir , Sci-Fi , Future , Romance , Collective Game 2019-07-12 2 3638579 Alien Quest #2 Dangerous A.I. Human contact. the scientist becomes a mutant and the crew grows stuff in the lab. Collective Game , Quest , Aliens , Moon base , Greys , Ufo , Conspiracy , Sci-fi 2019-07-15 1 67213307 Stranded at a Sci-Fi Desert Outpost in an abandoned mining station on a desolate desert planet, a stranded crew of spacers must endure a harsh environment and the paranormal. Horror , sci-fi , brainstorming , oneshot , worldbuilding , eldritch entities , paranormal , supernatural , outer space , space ship , space station 2019-07-15 24 3623407 Space Colony Quest #1 Earth is dying and we decide to ditch that bitch. Thread follows the first year of the colony. Key , KeyQM , Civ , Sci-fi , SPACE! , Colony. 2019-07-16 3 3632642 Ben 10 Quest #19 Wade teams up with Charmcaster in the past to defeat Mother, and he wakes from his flashback to a shocking discovery! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-07-20 2 3659515 Alien Quest #3 Humans lands on the moon. Reptoid Invasion. Collective Game , Quest , Aliens , Moon base , Greys , Reptillian , Ufo , Conspiracy , Sci-fi 2019-07-24 1 3649797 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #21 The Fire rises Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-07-24 3 3686684 Space Colony Quest #2 Not even space can save us from the Chinese. Key , KeyQM , Civ , Sci-fi , SPACE! , Colony. 2019-07-28 1 3669874 Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 3 A brief thread. Marcus and Crew convince Blake Driscol to head back to their base. Marcus hides his feelings again. Collective Game , Cassus Burning , SixWingZombi , Sci-fi , Rebellion , Aliens 2019-07-31 1 August 2019 3677155 Overwatch Quest Final 1 Overwatch faces its darkest hour. Overwatch Quest , Collective Game , Overwatch , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2019-08-04 8 3684033 Ben 10 Quest #20 Max Tennyson must survive in a hostile desert wasteland, while uncovering a secret that could possibly lead to the Earth's destruction! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-08-07 2 67744810 Lego Space 1995 Anon proposes a sci-fi setting based on old Lego Space sets. Worldbuilding and decade old additions come to light. Lego , worldbuilding , epic , Sci-Fi 2019-08-11 9 3728980 Brood Quest 3 The Brood Hivemind is in Disarray as the King and Queen have seemingly lost the will to live. Brood quest , brood champion , sci-fi , space/interplanetary , identity crisis 2019-08-19 0 3730728 Ben 10 Quest #21 Wade rescues Wendy, encounters the Samurai, meets another clone of Max and falls under the effects of powerful spell! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-08-23 2 3733443 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #22 Escape the cave. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-08-24 1 September 2019 3784723 Wannabe Hero Quest #2 Specter Streak and the Silver Stars continue their investigation. Specter struggles with her morals. The Silver Stars make their team debut. Specter Streak/Karina Klein , Superhero , Sci-fi , Investigative , Action , Wannabe Hero Quest 2019-09-07 4 3774561 Ben 10 Quest #22 Wade is split into two entities, talks to Z'Skayr once more, and is critically wounded by mystical archers! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-09-10 2 3786219 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #23 Back to base. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-09-15 2 October 2019 3806599 Ben 10 Quest #23 Wade meets up with Iden and Anaris, and begins his assault on Elena's factory! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-10-01 3 3845755 Flesh and Metal #1 A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk future Sci-fi , Assassin , Hitman , Cybernetic , Collective Game , Cyborg , Futuristic 2019-10-05 0 3830356 No One Gets Left Behind Quest #24 Still at base. Collective Game , survive , sci-fi , dinosaurs , military 2019-10-11 2 3869699 Gun x Glory! #6 You return to action, talk to your old captain, meet an old enemy, and wage war against your aggressor. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-10-17 14 3849747 Ben 10 Quest #24 Wade acquires an upgrade for his aliens, battles Demongo, boards the treasure train and begins his final battle with Aku in the past! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-10-20 2 3875775 Gun x Glory! #7 You face the aftermath of your match with Rock, and the first act of the quest comes to a close. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirno 2019-10-22 14 3874553 Halo: Covenant Elite Quest A Special Operations Elite prepares to drop on an unsuspecting Outer Colony planet. Halo , Covenant , Stealth , Assassinations , Sci-Fi 2019-10-25 4 November 2019 3882137 Ben 10 Quest #24.5 Wade and the gang go on a Halloween adventure in the middle of July! But like any other day in Wade's life, things get a little out of hand Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-11-06 1 69109695 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG The Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-13 21 3905839 Gun x Glory! #8 You sign an autograph, conversate with your close friend, meet her source of anger, and Golden has a match. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2019-11-14 12 3915052 Freelancers 11 A new chapter begins. The company is hired to establish a new outpost by powering up a golden age facility, deep in worm territory. Freelancer Quest , Freelancers , Skirmish , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Magitech , Mercenaries 2019-11-22 6 69566972 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-29 8 3914279 Ben 10 Quest #25 Wade dives back into his work as a full-time hero, and he's invited to join a team of Multiversal Omnitrix users! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-11-30 1 December 2019 3946925 Ben 10 Quest #26 Wade teams up with Birdie to take down The Rogue Element, and he finally meets up with the mysterious Omnitrix owner from China! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2019-12-19 1 January 2020 3988139 Ben 10 Quest #27 Wade goes on a holiday adventure during the summer, and he finally encounters the cult that worships the Great One! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-01-14 1 4000531 Gun x Glory! #9 After a preliminary battle between Golden and Edit, you begin to prepare for the main event. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2020-01-19 12 February 2020 4025410 Ben 10 Quest #28 Wade defeats the Great One, encounters the Heir, and travels to Dimension-63 in order to assist his teammate Gwen! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-02-01 1 4057473 Gun x Glory! #10 After your preparations are set, the match begins. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2020-02-11 11 March 2020 4110276 Ben 10 Quest #30 Enter the world of Omnipunk, where alien Megacorps reign supreme and everyone holds the power of the Unitrix in their hands! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-03-22 2 4156834 Gun x Glory! #11 You finish the match with Edit and Sky, and yet something new awaits you outside of the game. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS 2020-03-30 10 April 2020 4158908 Mutant!Quest Part #1 A mutant fishgirl learns her powers and uncovers a mutant supremacist cult Superpower , Urban , Sci-Fi , Action , Slice-of-Life , Quest 2020-04-02 11 4170002 Mutant!Quest Part #2 While Elise tries her best to mitigate the damage caused by the Crux, FutureLabs continues to close in on the mutants. Superpower , Urban , Sci-fi , Action , Slice-of-Life , Quest 2020-04-05 6 4150601 Rimworld - Medicine Man A young tribal living on a lawless planet on the edge of the galaxy embarks on a journey Rimworld , Sci-fi , Tribal , Draw Quest , Dolomite 2020-04-10 1 4158414 Ben 10 Quest #31 Wade saves Ghirgost, redeems Dr. Animo, deepens his bonds with Kilik and returns to Earth! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-04-13 2 4175370 Scorched Earth: A Wasteland Story A unnamed wasteland medic begins his journey, finding himself unconscious on the streets of a Dead City. Hobos get punched and bodies burned Post Apocalyptic , Wasteland , Sci-fi , Low Tech , High Tech , Apocalypse , CursedQm , Scorched Earth , Mutant , Scrapping 2020-04-18 0 4175866 Rimworld - Medicine Man 2 Quest discontinued Rimworld , Sci-fi , Tribal , Draw Quest , Dolomite 2020-04-18 0 4191618 Gun x Glory! #11.25 Your name is Orion Jasper, and you're about to have a very long week. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirnoQM 2020-04-24 7 May 2020 4188039 Girls and Guns Quest A programmer and her government murder bot find themselves stuck at work when the stars align and the long night falls. Sci-fi , horror , eldritch , bonesinger , high lethality 2020-05-02 1 4207345 Ben 10 Quest Recap: FOR REAL THIS TIME! Olivia, Wade's cousin, manages to recap Wade's adventures thus far! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-05-12 1 72640431 Quirks of flying an old, shitty ship An anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help. space , spacer , space ship , sci-fi , brainstorming , fluff , quirks , old and busted , military , airplane , ocean , ship , aircraft , repair , haunted 2020-05-20 9 4249566 Lighthouse Quest IN WHICH: Our hero wakes from a long sleep. A survey is conducted. Lighthouse Quest , Quest , Sci-Fi , asterion 2020-05-24 2 June 2020 4256874 Ben 10 Quest #32 Wade decrypts Cooper's drive, meets with Wendy and discovers the huge secret that his sister's been hiding from him! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-06-06 1 4277661 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Justice Arrives! TLD fight giant bugs, an edgelord, and demons. He also steals a pirate ship with some help from his new friends. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-08 7 4289587 Gun x Glory! #11.5 The day comes to a close abruptly, and we sharply move back to our protagonist. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirnoQM 2020-06-13 6 4302797 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Down the Rabbit Hole! TLD takes on elemental martial artists, goes even further beyond, and travels to a swamp filled with frog-men slavers. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-28 3 July 2020 4312971 Gun x Glory! #12 You have a discussion, play some darts, talk with your best friend, and have a long awaited match. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirnoQM 2020-07-04 7 4298404 Ben 10 Quest #33 Wade goes on Wilderbee's talk show, partakes in Khyber's Last Hunt and travels to Charmy's dimension! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-07-05 2 4304828 Daedalus Quest Kassa crashes a spaceship, and wakes up 500-something years later in an alien world. Collective Game , Exabyte , Sci-fi , Daedalus 2020-07-05 2 4327821 Space Derelict Quest A salvage crew finds a huge Derelict, a failed expedition, and a conspiracy. For now, the men must fight off waves of suicide drones. Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-Fi , Space Derelict Quest , Space Scrapper QM , Collective Game 2020-07-07 1 4344401 Space Derelict Quest II The manned expedition heads into the hull in force, and another conspiracy is uncovered. Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-Fi , Space Derelict Quest , Space Scrapper QM , Collective Game 2020-07-17 0 4350216 Empires in the Stars Episode 1 We assume control over the Yahzu Dynasty and set about securing our supremacy. For the Glory of the Eternal Empress! Op is a fag Collective Game , Civ , Empires in the Stars , Galaxy , Sci-fi , aliens , colony , strategy 2020-07-27 2 August 2020 4371611 That Voice In Your Head Quest #1 You got isekai'd into a genetically engineered catboy's brain in the form of a badass AI Brain Chip. Collective Game , Sci-fi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , Pessimistic QM , New QM 2020-08-04 0 4344838 Ben 10 Quest #34 Wade defeats Malgax, saves Charmy's dimension, celebrates his 17th birthday, confronts the Lenopan impostor, and visits Alan's new school! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-08-07 1 4361109 Space Derelict Quest III On the way back to port, the full depth of the conspiracy on the Clean Sweep is finally revealed Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-Fi , Space Derelict Quest , Space Scrapper QM , Collective Game 2020-08-13 0 4387626 That Voice In Your Head Quest #2 You and your catboy slayed and humiliated a demon and got yourselves a kickass base Collective Game , Sci-fi , scifi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , New QM 2020-08-18 0 September 2020 4392315 Ben 10 Quest #35 Wade unravels the true nature of Michael Morningstar and goes on a thrilling adventure with the Birds of Paradise! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-09-01 1 4430486 Gun x Glory! #13 You train with Orion, head to the marketplace, play a game with a strange man, and meet a certain gunmaker. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirnoQM 2020-09-09 6 4403486 Space Derelict Quest IV The Quest gets torpedoed. Literally and physically. Quest will resume with new perspective character. Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-fi , Space Derelict Quest , Space Scrapper QM , Collective Game 2020-09-09 0 4409534 That Voice In Your Head Quest #3 After wining against the demon you buy a device that let's you travel to hyperspace. You almost fucking died. Collective Game , Sci-fi , scifi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , New QM 2020-09-11 -3 4415062 Welcome to McSpacies: First Half We try to run a McSpacies restaurant, but then discover the high-stakes world of disco and intragalactic fast food genocide. Collective Game , McSpacies , Welcome to McSpacies , Comedy , Sci-fi , Science Fiction , QMWalrus 2020-09-16 1 October 2020 4435360 Ben 10 Quest #36 Wade learned a new form of magic, busted The Fourth Kind's latest operation, attended Steel's rally and saved some people in the process! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-10-04 1 4457376 Welcome to McSpacies: Second Half We come down from our disco high, cope with brain damage and King's antics, and then host an eating contest to top all eating contests. Collective Game , McSpacies , Welcome to McSpacies , Comedy , Sci-fi , Science Fiction , QMWalrus 2020-10-17 2 November 2020 4478005 Ben 10 Quest #37 Wade accepts an offer from a dubious government agent and attempts to negotiate with the Omnivore and her Gourmet Guild! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-11-04 1 4481924 Station Management Quest We deal with an enforcement agent, put some skeletons in our closet, hire fighter pilots, grow microgreens, open massage parlor and more Station Management Quest , Sci-Fi , Base management , Space combat , Gurokaze 2020-11-05 4 75965712 /tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting /tg/ rants about a setting that doesn't exist accidentally creating an interesting system and setting. Sci-Fi , writefaggery , game ideas 2020-11-19 10 75981360 /tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting #2 /tg/ accidentally creates a sci fi setting/game Sci-Fi , writefaggery , game ideas , FUN 2020-11-19 7 76018207 Distant Broken Stars #1 Follow-up to "/tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting #2", now with a name, Lego and 3D models Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-11-22 5 4506246 Welcome to McSpacies: Final Half We prepare for the approach of King's battleship, defeat it, and then have a final battle of epic proportions. Collective Game , McSpacies , Welcome to McSpacies , Comedy , Sci-fi , Science Fiction , QMWalrus 2020-11-26 0 December 2020 76170625 Distant, Broken Stars General #3 /tg/ continues to work on a setting/game it accidentally created. Now with concept art, subfactions and rule prototypes. Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-01 6 4521942 Station Management Quest #2 We make it through the Superbright abduction, open bar and escrow service, generate history and more. Station Management Quest , Sci-Fi , Base management , Space combat , Gurokaze 2020-12-07 1 4523354 Ben 10 Quest #38 Wade returns to Hong Kong in order to prevent Red from falling prey to the clutches of a sinister alien, with a devious mind... Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2020-12-09 1 76276813 Distant, Broken Stars General 4 Tg continues work on the setting/rules of a (currently) fictional wargame Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-13 4 4528378 Tomboy Retrieval Quest Your name is Michael, and although your day has been short, you have some tomboys to bring home. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Tomboy , cirnoQM 2020-12-13 7 76408976 Distant, Broken Stars General 5 Tg continues work on DBS, expanding on the Ashen and the Avar, and setting up a 1d4chan page Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-22 5 January 2021 76580570 Distant, Broken Stars General 6 Shorter thread hashing out some of the less detailed factions. Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-04 2 76673101 Distant, Broken Stars General 7 Another DBS thread focusing on rules rather than lore as anons get ever closer to producing something playable Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-13 1 4570083 Ben 10 Quest #39 Wade gets his Omnitrix repaired, confronts Albedo and teams up with Gwen and Charmy to save Hong Kong from the Forever Knights! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-01-16 1 4580370 Space Whale Evo thread 1 Come along with us and evolve space creatures based on the creature in Essari Spaceship Evo in a alternate timeline or dimension Evo , Evolution , Evogame , Evo Game , Collective Game , Essari , space , sci-fi 2021-01-23 0 76931891 Distant, Broken Stars General 8 More work is done on the setting of DBS, which is starting to become a little lovecraftian Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-26 2 4627439 Black Company Quest 2230AD #1 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A newly minted Black Company Sergeant assumes command. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary 2021-01-30 33 4616518 Fallen Stars Thread 1 Hard-ish scifi about a galactic war where mankind has been getting its butt kicked for thousands of years Quest , Space , Collective Game , Sci-fi , Fallen Stars 2021-01-31 2 February 2021 4653078 Black Company Quest 2230AD #2 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. SGT 'Snake Eyes' Natalya raids a Yibrak space statio Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary 2021-02-15 23 4609406 Ben 10 Quest #40 Wilderbee sets off on his own personal adventure and dredges up his past, but unfortunately, we don't get to finish this one. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-02-19 1 4614226 Scrapworld quest (silent stars) Grug gets killed, AS0L becomes the hero we need. Cyborg , Android , Post apoc , Sci-fi , Silent Stars , Nongent , Collective Game 2021-02-22 0 March 2021 4625871 Fallen Stars Thread 2 Everything blows up, quest goes on hiatus due to IRL Space , Hard Sci-fi , Collective Game , Fallen Stars 2021-03-01 0 4691532 Black Company Quest 2230AD #3 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Captain considers lucrative offers of employment. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary 2021-03-12 22 4670173 Abandoned Robot Quest: Chapter 3.5 Boss wakes up alone in an unknown place with only a few minutes of battery life left. Robot , Robot Quest , draw quest , drawquest , Collective Game , space , sci-fi 2021-03-22 1 4659757 Ben 10 Quest #41 Alongside his new allies, Wade returns to his home in Bellwood, only to discover that Sublimino had attacked him on a more personal level... Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-03-26 1 4711824 Inner District Blues [01] A visionary street kid in a neon city harnesses exotic technology in an uphill battle to protect his block from the corporate machine. Inner District Blues , IDB , Tech Noir , Sci-Fi , Cyberpunk , Chairman , Action , Collective Game 2021-03-31 6 May 2021 4785536 Black Company Quest 2230AD #4 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. Gunrunning, infiltrating and starting brushfire wars. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary 2021-05-03 20 4723174 Ben 10 Quest #42 Trixy gets a cybernetic body, and Wade has a heart-to-heart with K8-E. Also...Olivia's in danger! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-05-05 1 4730175 Space Station ruins: Evo adaptation The adventures of vermin in space. Collective , Evo , Space , Sci-fi , NG 2021-05-10 0 June 2021 4849264 Black Company Quest 2230AD #5 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A daring operation, the slave rebellion builds steam. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary 2021-06-02 20 4795729 Ben 10 Quest #43 In an attempt to thwart Sublimino's plot, Wade risks losing those which he holds dear to him. Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-06-08 1 July 2021 4906081 Black Company Quest 2230AD #6 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The slave rebellion Dis continues to grow and learn. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary , Free League of Dis 2021-07-06 20 4863868 Ben 10 Quest #44 Wade spends some quality time with the family and goes on a journey through Wendy's memories! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-07-15 1 4892835 Inner District Blues [02] New players are entering the Freeland game. We explore sites of importance and learn the word on the streets. Inner District Blues , IDB , Tech Noir , Sci-Fi , Cyberpunk , Chairman , Action , Collective Game 2021-07-16 5 August 2021 4950856 Black Company Quest 2230AD #7 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Royal Savis Empire strikes back. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary , Free League of Dis 2021-08-09 20 4916896 Ben 10 Quest #45 Wade returns home, only to receive an enticing offer from Steel, as well as additional information on the Ghost of Khoros! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-08-27 1 September 2021 4966922 Nemean Labs Evogame A group of scientists influence evolution on a miniature planet, and vy for corporate sponsorships Evo , Evogame , Collective Game , Evolution , Sci-Fi , Nemean Labs 2021-09-19 1 5008040 Black Company Quest 2230AD #8 The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The ant hill has been kicked, now to get out alive. Black Company Quest , 2230AD , Collective Game , Forgotten QM , Sci-Fi , Mercenary , Free League of Dis 2021-09-25 20 October 2021 4982043 Ben 10 Quest #46 Team Wakeman attempts to deal with a mutant pest problem in Bellwood's subway tunnels, and the day of Jess-E's wedding finally arrives! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-10-27 2 December 2021 5069403 Broken Empire Quest Fergus Proenza, an impulsive, rash and skilled commoner in the 32nd century dominated by nobility, tries to prove his worth. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2021-12-16 15 5039447 Ben 10 Quest #47 Wade hangs out with K8-E and the Chrono Spanners, encounters The Heir, and loses his memories!? Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2021-12-17 0 January 2022 5088713 Ben 10 Quest #48 Wade defeats The Founders, recovers his memories, discovers a new friend in the amnesiac Ken Tennyson! Ben 10 Quest , Collective Game , sci-fi , action , adventure , slice-of-life , Saturday Morning Action 2022-01-29 1 February 2022 5090290 Broken Empire 2 Fergus Proenza moves up the social ladder and engages in some proper warfare, he also nearly dies. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-02-01 8 March 2022 5147449 Broken Empire 3 Fergus Proenza fights against the Raisat Star League. Meets an interesting "person" and starts to hunt audacious pirates. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-03-19 5 5152685 Maximum Spider Quest #1 When common crook, Ben Parker, gets bitten by a radioactive spider, his whole world gets turned upside down! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-03-20 44 April 2022 5184655 Kobolt Klan Adoption 3 Local knight adopts more kobolts, slays more monsters, uncovers a terrible conspiracy, gets drunk with friends. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Dreygaun , Mutants , Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-04-18 12 May 2022 5199923 Broken Empire 4 The hunt for the pirates continues. New friends are found, and new debilitating injuries are received. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-05-01 5 5202187 Maximum Spider Quest #2 Ben drives some vampires out of NYC and has a rather distressing confrontation with Maria Hill! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-05-02 28 June 2022 5236717 Kobolt Klan Adoption 4 Local knight finds a friendly wizard to help his issues, additional shenanigans ensue Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Dreygaun , Mutants , Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-06-04 11 5252259 Maximum Spider Quest #3 Ben befriends Gwen Stacy, rescues his brother and fights an army of mercenaries for control of Slip's suit! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-06-12 24 5250953 Broken Empire 5 The piracy campaign is concluded. The final battle is waged and losses are suffered. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-06-13 3 5286113 Gunship Quest You work for the suppression bureau as a gunship pilot. Animated. Animated , Sci-Fi , Original Setting , Gunship Quest 2022-06-24 20 5313250 Agent of the Magisterium #1 A magus in the employ of the Office of Special Investigations is suddenly reassigned. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Fantasy , Original Setting , Agent , Magisterium , AotM 2022-06-25 2 July 2022 5293419 Kobolt Klan Adoption 5 Local knight partners with a troubled waif of a knight to exterminate werewolves along the way to stop the dragon apocalypse. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Dreygaun , Werewolves , Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-07-09 10 5303476 Broken Empire 6 The final battle is over and the aftermath has begun but it`s all cut short by NewbQM going on hiatus because of a work trip. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-07-16 4 5302462 Maximum Spider Quest # 4 When Ben takes a job from Maria Hill, The Desperados are tasked with rescuing a group of young mutants from the magical island of Neverland! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-07-17 21 5309562 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st Drink In which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person , 2022-07-22 7 August 2022 5317832 Gunship Quest II You terminate something with too many arms and start recruiting your team. QM will continue once he stops being a faggot. Animated , Sci-Fi , Original Setting , Gunship Quest 2022-08-02 10 5339868 Gun x Glory! #14 You fight against machines, talk to your coach, and prepare to face your second bout. Collective Game , Gun x Glory , Sci-Fi , MMOFPS , cirnoQM 2022-08-04 6 5333328 Kobolt Klan Adoption 6 Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Werewolves , Sci-fi Fantasy , Paracelsus , magic is lead poisoning 2022-08-14 10 5373710 Terra Noir #1. Animal Control Some enterprising novelist dumps his entire novella about a planet of gay black dudes enslaving white femboys. Huh. pornography , not really a quest , sci-fi , homosexuality , raceplay , slavery , explicit 2022-08-16 -11 5347117 Broken Empire - Ground edition Aurelius Constance, a noble tank officer under Duke Roy faces the wrath of an enemy invasion and tries to survive against all odds. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-08-27 5 5348054 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd Drink In which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-08-28 2 September 2022 5391397 The LIGHTNING SEA PRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows
Made into wounded wings. collective game , quest , cyberpunk , gilgamesh , sci-fi , fantasy , adventure , horror , spaceship , sword , sorcery , guns , poem , poetry , dystopia 2022-09-02 0 5365161 Glitter Band Quest Prologue The Thousand Nights, a Solstice-class Hunter performs an ambush. QM archive your own threads you fuck! Collective Game , Quest , ObserverQM , Sci-fi , Glitter Band Quest 2022-09-19 0 5371325 Gunship Quest III You recruit a team, upgrade your bird, and make an accord with something questionable. faggot. Animated , Sci-Fi , Original Setting , Gunship Quest 2022-09-21 12 5371849 Maximum Spider Quest #5.5 Ben ties up a few loose ends, learns how to cook with Cindy and captures Electro for Reed Richards! The lost thread link is included here! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-09-23 21 October 2022 5386850 Broken Empire - Ground Edition 2 The battle for the town of Etrius rages on. Sacrifices are made and lives are lost. But victory is drawing ever nearer. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-10-10 5 5387464 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd Drink In which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-10-14 2 November 2022 5414507 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1 It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins. Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , PTSD , BIG ZAM , DOZLE PILL 2022-11-03 31 5412960 Maximum Spider Quest #6 The Desperados rob a bank with White Rabbit, and several months later, Ben begins his operation to capture the Silvertongue! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-11-08 15 December 2022 5426219 Kobolt Klan Adoption 8 The gang meets up with a really big lizard and climb down a mountain. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu 2022-12-01 10 5428920 Gunship Quest III You look for a recon team and kill some mushrooms. QM flakes out early. Animated , Sci-Fi , Original Setting , Gunship Quest 2022-12-02 5 5430067 Broken Empire - Ground Edition 3 The first battle for Hell's end is over, but new threats are continuously rising. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-12-03 2 5439483 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg Drink In which Elmer and One Two go on a detour. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-12-04 1 5444794 Space Peon Wrecker Quest After surviving an unscheduled heart attack, Enoch pulls a shift on a new arrival in the boneyard - a dangerously infested smuggler's ship. Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-Fi , Space Peon Wrecker Quest , TrashQM , Collective Game 2022-12-14 1 5456156 Maximum Spider Quest #7 When the Silvertongue operation doesn't pan out, Ben seeks alternative solutions from an unexpected ally. Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2022-12-18 12 5453877 Retaliation Quest An amnesiatic captain and a peculiar AI try to wipe out the alien empire that killed humanity. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2022-12-18 17 5461059 Moonbase Quest #1 James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV. Collective Game , Quest , LunaticQM , Moonbase Quest , Sci-fi , goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired 2022-12-26 1 January 2023 5481886 Kobolt Klan Adoption 9 Reynauld chills in the city for a bit and then decides to head to fantasy england. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Wa$ifu 2023-01-06 10 5487769 Broken Empire Ground Edition 4 The battle around Centre Aurelian dies down and begins to come to a close. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2023-01-09 3 5492260 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2 It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge. Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , DOZLE PILL , Kycilia's hai 2023-01-11 21 5500368 Maximum Spider Quest #8 The Chameleon finally makes his move, and Ben finds out just what it is that Victoria's been trying so hard to hide from him! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-01-19 13 5499649 Space Peon Wrecker Quest II Enoch continues to work through the dangerously infested ship, until his suit breaches, and he must find his way out of the hulk quickly. Space Quest , Science Fiction , Sci-Fi , Space Peon Wrecker Quest , TrashQM , Collective Game 2023-01-21 2 5516281 Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest An ancient ring housing the soul of a member of a long-gone civilization lands on a planet inhabited by intelligent life. xianxia , wuxia , weak to strong , fantasy , collective game , cultivation , Ring Grandpa , sci-fi , aliens 2023-01-22 8 5533615 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3 It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena. Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , surprise gift , Elena 2023-01-26 15 5502453 Batquest Issue #3: The Man Who Laughs Part I Returning from adventures in Europe, Batman and Nightwing face a wave of mutated criminals and a new Clown Prince of Crime. Batquest , Action/Adventure , DC Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi , Superhero 2023-01-28 3 5502420 Guardsman Commander Quest / Rifles Quest A 40k quest is made, op flakes after the first update, another anon takes over, files off the 40k stuff and adds plenty of other influences. Collective Game , multiplayer , 40k , sci-fi , science-fiction , military , squad , squad management , defense 2023-01-30 5 February 2023 5508648 Retaliation Quest II After attacking a group of mining stations, you search for a way to escape retrograde erasure. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2023-02-04 15 5546345 The Pandora Dilemma You are Frank Eisenhorn. you are gonna help choose what will happen to Pandora. collective game , james camerons avatar , sci-fi , morally gray, 2023-02-07 3 5521410 Voidship Bridge Simulator #1 Assemble your crew Acting Captain Annon, your Voidship awakes. Collective Game , Voidship Bridge Simulator , Chartman , Space , Sci-fi 2023-02-16 13 5572653 Voidship Bridge Simulator #2 Prepare the ship for battle, Captain, the enemy closes in. Collective Game , Voidship Bridge Simulator , Chartman , space , sci-fi , drawquest 2023-02-19 12 5540500 Maximum Spider Quest #9 As the Silvertongue arc comes to a close, Ben prepares to dive right back into the criminal underbelly of NYC with his faithful Desperados! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-02-26 10 5537756 Kobolt Klan Adoption 10 Turns out there was a bit of trouble actually reaching Oileana, and a ship arc started Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu 2023-02-26 10 March 2023 5544775 Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest You - er, you all? - begin cultivating among an atmosphere of rising tensions. xianxia , wuxia , weak to strong , fantasy , collective game , cultivation , Ring Grandpa , sci-fi , aliens 2023-03-02 8 87775238 Biology in fantasy and sci-fi Fantasy creatures discussed from the scientific point of view. Biology , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Monsters , Worldbuilding 2023-03-04 2 5590114 Inner District Blues [03] Back after a "brief" hiatus for the Marion run. The search for experimental technology continues. Inner District Blues , IDB , Tech Noir , Sci-Fi , Cyberpunk , Chairman , Action , Collective Game 2023-03-05 8 5565910 Core of Steel AI Core Beta receives a new pilot, at the start of several very tests to decide his future. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-03-05 31 5575952 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4 It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?! Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , BIG ZAM , DADZLE PILL 2023-03-21 18 5575267 Retaliation Quest III You continue your attack and talk with a dying hunter. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2023-03-23 14 April 2023 5590632 Core of Steel 02 Beta engages in one last test in the simulator, then is forced to defend the base and his fellow Cores in reality. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-04-02 20 5583809 Maximum Spider Quest #10 Ben finds a new home for W, confides in his team of Desperados, and picks up Cindy after a fight breaks out on her first day of school! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-04-04 10 88282893 How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?" /tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overload Lego , worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , fictional wargame , pure imagination , transparent orange chainsaw , space , castle , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2023-04-07 7 5587171 Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #3 Tetsuya deals with the consequences of joining the militia and winter deepens. xianxia , wuxia , weak to strong , fantasy , collective game , cultivation , Ring Grandpa , sci-fi , aliens 2023-04-07 5 5589826 Kobolt Klan Adoption 11 The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , cute family stuff 2023-04-13 20 5616811 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5 It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad! Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifus , unplanned pregnancy , oh no 2023-04-30 13 5647943 Retaliation Quest IV QM retaliates against his abusive father by making cuckold humiliation porn. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting , ntr , cuck , cuckolding 2023-04-30 29 May 2023 5627454 Core of Steel 03 Beta deploys on a rescue mission, to rectify the mistakes of Command. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-05-09 13 5627815 Maximum Spider Quest #11 The Desperados take a trip to Las Vegas and get wrapped up in the affairs of "The Family"---a powerful crime syndicate. Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-05-11 10 5636145 Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #4 The situation grows worse in Fogtop and conflict arises both within and without. xianxia , wuxia , weak to strong , fantasy , collective game , cultivation , Ring Grandpa , sci-fi , aliens 2023-05-20 3 5645862 Space Janissary Quest I You are the Rookie, a scout in the Imperial Janissary Legion, the elite special forces of the Aerylthic Empire, deployed to Alawkabash. Space Janissary , Space Janissary Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Military , Caste , Legion 2023-05-26 8 June 2023 5662729 Star Scourge Quest A powerful mage fails a coup and gets sent to the prison world of Terminus, where he becomes its new Tyrant and god. Collective Game , QuestMagus , Star Scourge , Magic , Sci-fi 2023-06-17 2 5656104 Kobolt Klan Adoption 12 The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , cute family stuff 2023-06-26 10 5663062 Maximum Spider Quest #12 The Desperados rob an alien casino, steal a synthezoid from an A.I.M. facility, and cause conflict between several members of "The Family" Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-06-28 10 5670248 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6 It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena! Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas 2023-06-28 7 July 2023 5674419 Core of Steel 04 Beta deploys to go after two raiding mechs in the backline. QM drops for 2 weeks, then comes back. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-07-09 13 5672748 Ring Grandpa: A Cultivation Quest #5 Winter comes to a close. xianxia , wuxia , weak to strong , fantasy , collective game , cultivation , Ring Grandpa , sci-fi , aliens 2023-07-10 1 August 2023 5698030 Maximum Spider Quest #13 The Desperados run Degli and his demon army out of town, Ben acquires a new ability, and the Atlas Foundation mission finally begins! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-08-11 7 September 2023 5715265 Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , Fae 2023-09-02 10 5725182 Retaliation Quest V You close on the alien homeworld. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2023-09-17 6 5733886 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7 t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah. Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit 2023-09-22 10 5733555 Maximum Spider Quest #14 Ben and the Desperados destroy the Atlas base and defeat the Brood, but at the cost of having Iara sustain a serious injury! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-09-24 9 5741165 STAR WARS: The End of the Republic Commander Sulla and the 165th Siege Battalion are created, raid a separatist vault, and try to escape Cato Neimoidia. Star Wars , Clone Wars , End of the Republic , Clone Trooper , Sci-fi 2023-09-28 16 October 2023 5763651 Core of Steel 05 After an author's hiatus for the game Armored Core 6, Beta deploys to hunt Pyramid, a superheavy Tripod walker. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-10-07 12 5772306 Void Raider You suddenly found yourself in possession of a spaceship, time to do some privateering. sci-fi , VoidQM 2023-10-22 9 5772525 Maximum Spider Quest #15 Ben teams up with Squirrel Girl, recruits the one responsible for creating the Pixel Punks, and confronts Doctor Doom for the first time! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-10-23 7 5806419 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #1 Mutants and outlaws overrun Helsinki's storm drains. You have to earn your human rights by wiping them out. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2023-10-27 11 5772094 Kobolt Klan Adoption 14 In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , Transhumanism 2023-10-31 6 November 2023 5792309 Core of Steel 06 A mission goes south after a fight against hostile Aces. QM screws up thread numbering. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-11-10 11 5783889 STAR WARS: The End of the Republic II Commander Sulla and the 165th make their escape from Cato Neimoidia, arrive at Kuat, and sign on with KDY. Star Wars , Clone Wars , End of the Republic , Clone Trooper , Sci-fi , Kuat 2023-11-12 6 5780952 Meatwars Quest #1 Zanasai, an agent of a once great empire goes on a seemingly routine mission to destroy a cult meatwars , sci-fi , body horror , post-apocalyptic , survival 2023-11-13 -1 90915649 Future Warfare thread /tg/ discusses realistic future warfare. Will it be drones, drones, or more drones? Answer: probably less drones Worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , Technology , Warfare , Setting 2023-11-20 1 5796901 Retaliation Quest VI Your journey comes to an end. space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2023-11-22 11 5845695 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #2 Fiona Jarnafeldt hunts monsters in Helsinki Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2023-11-28 10 December 2023 5805155 Maximum Spider Quest #16 The Huntsman helps the Fantastic Four take down Doctor Doom, and Victoria finally has her meeting with Reed Richards! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2023-12-04 7 5810404 The Monster Girl Facility #1 Mikhail and his men enter the ruins of the facility for the first time. They encounter two subjects and a scientist and kill 3 guardsmen. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2023-12-07 22 5804177 Void Raider Quest 2 Newly minted Commander Sylvia Thornton and her crew struck out on their first sortie. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2023-12-08 8 5813050 Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2023-12-08 5 5827414 Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World Crash landed on a strange alien world with limited supplies, you must fight your way out, and maybe save your partner along the way... fantasy , sci-fi , drawquest , female protagonist , original setting 2023-12-13 8 5827550 Core of Steel 07 Pilot Thea takes to the field in a new battle on the Tamar Alliance's doorstep. But for Beta, yesterday's friends could be today's enemie Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2023-12-18 11 January 2024 5843091 Simple Space Empire Quest After a period of decadence and decay, a new dynasty seizes the throne of the Eternal Empire and begins to undo the decline of days gone by. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-01-05 36 5839835 Planet Pirates Quest #1 Crew customization, a successful raid on a commerce station. Sci-fi , pirates , Master Adept 2024-01-06 5 5866034 Space Wars Quest You're a trooper who was chosen to assist Bocchi the Sith in her mission to turn the tide of the war in favor of the empire. Space Wars Quest , Bocchi , Bocchi The Rock , Star Wars , Sith , Jedi , Stormtrooper , Space , Sci-Fi 2024-01-09 0 5875308 Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World #2 Our heroes explore new land, meet new people and find out more about the world they've crashed into. Meanwhile, something lurks in the dark fantasy , sci-fi , drawquest , female protagonist , original setting , Stork 2024-01-15 10 5894478 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #3 Fiona signed up to be a part of an exotic technology testing program, and goes partying with loud Americans. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2024-01-18 10 5855463 Despot of Lanu Vimal Bista, the cult leader of the sect of the Black lady finds himself leading a rebellion against both the Fu family and the Kommunalists Despot of Lanu , Lanu , Strategy , Politics , Sci-fi , Fantasy , Fiction 2024-01-21 10 5860474 The Monster Girl Facility #2 Mikhail and his men enter the green section, Zaria is hurt by a chameleon subject, and a side-story reveals just how bad things can get... Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-01-23 16 5859270 Maximum Spider Quest #17 Ben hangs out with his family, has an important meeting with Silvermane, and meets his new Maggia affiliated team of super-crooks! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-01-26 7 5873422 Solstice Quest You remember your own execution. Solstice , space , Sci-Fi , drawquest , ObserverQM , Original Setting 2024-01-30 9 February 2024 5864201 Void Raider Quest 3 Sylvia meets hivers and acquires a new ship. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-02-01 6 5898842 Despot of Lanu #2 The end of the Lanu rebellion ending with a compromise and a diplomatic agreement with the Kommunalists and Ren Fu. Despot of Lanu , Lanu , Strategy , Politics , Sci-fi , Fantasy , Fiction 2024-02-02 5 5887382 Simple Space Empire Quest #2 The Eternal Empire invades the egalitarians at its borders and is wracked by a civil war that will be remembered for centuries to come. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-02-10 23 5883189 Planet Pirates Quest #2 The captain enjoys shore leave on the Point before embarking on a mission to retrive a mysterious cargo on a forbidden planet. Sci-fi , pirates , space , Master Adept 2024-02-16 1 5886958 Core of Steel 08 After the successful base attack, Beta attempts repairs on Delta. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2024-02-18 10 March 2024 5903682 Maximum Spider Quest #18 The Desperados party their hearts out at the Prowler's farewell party and welcome their newest member to the team! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-03-11 5 5904571 The Monster Girl Facility #3 Mikhail and his men deal with some more guards, terrible scientists, a friendly yet simple mosquito subject and a murderous rabbit subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-03-12 15 5915251 Void Raider Quest 4 Sylvia uncovered a major smuggling operations on her ship and found herself in a hostage situation. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-03-18 6 5916511 Kobolt Klan Adoption 17 We arrive in a city, enjoy ourself, and then make ourselves miserable with family drama.
ARCHIVE OF 16 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREAD Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Dragons , Fantasy scotland , Family Drama , Sads , cutes 2024-03-21 5 5926688 Simple Space Empire Quest #3 As a new Emperor ascends to the throne, the Eternal Empire is struck a sudden blow and retaliates in kind. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-03-30 15 April 2024 5940353 Voidship Bridge Simulator #3 - Awaken You wake up from your simulated nightmares and find out that this has all happened before. Time to investigate. Collective Game , Voidship Bridge Simulator , VBS , Chartman , Space , Sci-fi 2024-04-09 2 5939238 Core of Steel 09 Simulator time with one sister, some minor refits, then the opening moves of a mission to secure the inaction of another potential foe. Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2024-04-09 7 5940124 Horus Heresy Quest #1 Alpha Legion renegades emerge, swindle a hive planet, then meddle with fate on Prospero... Warhammer 30k , Warhammer , 30k , Horus Heresy , Horus Heresy Quest , AurebeshQM , Sci-fi 2024-04-13 4 5967405 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #4 Aberrations are being smuggled into the stormdrains, and Fiona leads a squad of rookies to find out how. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2024-04-18 6 5948692 Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World #3 Our heroes explore The Capital, in search of the Elf Queen's staff. fantasy , sci-fi , drawquest , female protagonist , original setting , Stork 2024-04-20 3 5949184 Maximum Spider Quest #19 Ben meets up with the Central Park Morlocks, arranges a meeting between the Stacys, and requests help from Screwball to aid the mutants! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-04-24 6 5950624 The Monster Girl Facility #4 Mikhail and his men defeat the rabbit, meet Morgan the knight subject, fight some extremely paranoid guardsmen and learn of a queen subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-04-26 12 May 2024 5954514 Void Raider Quest 5 Sylvia participates in legal debates and savage ceremonies sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-05-05 6 5962747 Kobolt Klan Adoption 18 Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2024-05-12 5 5975459 Core of Steel 10 Beta continues his mission to attack the Academy Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2024-05-19 6 5974518 Simple Space Empire Quest #4 In the aftermath of triumph, the Eternal Empire wrestles with the weight of bureaucracy and its Emperor, the intrigues of his dynasty. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-05-19 7 5980958 Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8 It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil. Gundam , Sci-fi , UC , 0079 , MSG , The Origin , Felix Zos Deikun , Mecha , Political Intrigue , Newtype bullshit , Waifu , Dawn Rebellion , BIG ZAM 2024-05-25 4 June 2024 5986860 Maximum Spider Quest #20 The Huntsman loops Screwball, Spider-Man, Ember and the Thief Girls into his Central Park plan, and Ben reveals his identity to Callisto! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-06-02 5 5987532 The Monster Girl Facility #5: Burnt rabbit edition Mikhail and his men discover and barely survive a secret lair and encounter some of the queen's forces. Meanwhile, Kiyohime hunts for booze Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-04 12 5995153 Void Raider Quest 7 Sylvia recovers from her impromptu induction into Hys clan and gets prepared to engage the garrison at Molosses. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-06-12 5 6019053 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #5 With the main dwelling of squatters uncovered, Fiona has to clean up the stormdrain's little messes before any big raid can begin. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2024-06-17 6 6009864 Broken Empire New Frontier David Smith, a former soldier dedicates all of his wealth to set out to the frontier and founds a new colony. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-06-18 5 6006235 Horus Heresy Quesy #2 Captain Alpharius agrees to Magnus' gambit, but things suddenly go very wrong when he summons Kairos Fateweaver... Warhammer 30k , Warhammer , 30k , Horus Heresy , Horus Heresy Quest , AurebeshQM , Sci-fi 2024-06-24 1 July 2024 6021519 Kobolt Klan Adoption 19 In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism 2024-07-05 5 6030057 M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest #1 In the far future, magical girls created by the Sirius Empire fight in the war against the opposing empires for what they believe is right. magical girl , tactics , war , sci-fi 2024-07-12 4 6027666 The Monster Girl Facility #6: Regicide edition Artyom gets injured from a trapped corpse, Mikhail and his men ambush some of the queens forces, and make more sinister discoveries. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-07-17 13 6029381 Voidship Bridge Simulator #3.5 - Awaken LCdr. Dallas Annon and his loyal crew continue to investigate the Voidship's mysteries and run some Not-missile command and not-starfox sim Collective Game , Voidship Bridge Simulator , Chartman , space , sci-fi , drawquest 2024-07-27 2 August 2024 6031469 Maximum Spider Quest #21 Ben takes Donny for a check-up at Doctor Strange's place, and arranges for the Heroes For Hire to play basketball with the Morlocks! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-08-03 4 6038999 Broken Empire New Frontier 2 The colony faces its first struggles against outside foes and continues to grow despite the deadly galaxy around it. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-08-10 3 6043148 Simple Space Empire Quest #5 The Eternal Empire acclimates to a period of peace, as secrets are revealed at last and a far-reaching expedition is sent. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-08-11 5 6059649 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #6 Fiona looks to connect with the Noita of the Stormwatch, finds an incredibly dubious asset of the Undercroft for her troubles Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2024-08-11 6 6033436 Void Raider Quest 7 (real) The battle at Molosses. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-08-12 5 September 2024 6060479 Core of Steel 11 A return from a mission, and a most disappointing truth Collective Game , Mecha , Core of Steel Quest , AI , Sci-fi 2024-09-05 6 6062047 Kobolt Klan Adoption 20 They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet! Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , wizard , Dragons 2024-09-15 5 6072777 Maximum Spider Quest #22 Ben gets confronted by Daredevil about his relationship with Silvermane, introduces the Morlocks to Madame Webb, and reunites with Ana! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-09-27 1 October 2024 6077980 Broken Empire New Frontier 3 The colonists on Thunor learn that they are not the only civilization upon it and they encounter one of the large regional powers. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-10-06 2 6077160 The Monster Girl Facility #7: Monster girl Adoption edition After taking the girls somewhere safe, Mikhail and his men encounter Vinisha, trick Nikita and face more of the Queen's forces. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-10-08 11 6085252 Simple Space Empire Quest #6, Expedition Edition Alphonse II's expedition goes forth, and encounters an oligarchic enclave of humanity. They help for the voyage and trade is established. Collective Game , Sci-Fi , Simple , Space , Empire , Simple Space Empire 2024-10-18 2 6101725 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #7 As the day of the undercity pogrom approaches, Fiona takes a simple job to install a recon drone nest. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2024-10-22 4 December 2024 6110912 Maximum Spider Quest #23 Ben and Ana thwart a candy-themed crook, and Cindy is faced with troubling revelations regarding her family! Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2024-12-01 3 6114140 Kobolt Klan Adoption 21 The story reaches its conclusion, and ADORABLE EPILOGUE! Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Kobolds 2024-12-02 5 6122269 The Monster Girl Facility #8: Roasted Soldier Edition Mikhail and his men get beaten by Feng's forces and discover a beast in the flooded parts. A sidestory showcases the past of the facility. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-12-11 11 6123499 Ships and Stars Quest #1 IN which we engage and defeat two different enemy fleets and start to learn about the enemy BrinkQM , Collective Game , sci-fi , Naval 2024-12-12 2 January 2025 6132286 Broken Empire New Frontier 4 David successfully deals with the Margrave and begins to set down the foundation of his nation's noble class. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2025-01-04 0 6153226 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #8 Fiona gets nonconsentually volunteered for a suicide mission against a rogue world government agent! Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest , Solarpunk , Cleanup , Agent , Mojique , Sci-fi , Dystopian 2025-01-14 4 6151389 Maximum Spider Quest #24 Cindy uncovers the true nature of Khonshu's gift, patches things up with her grandmother, and receives an audience with the Monster Council Max Spider Quest , Action/Adventure , Slice of Life , Marvel Comics , Crime Thriller , Crime Drama , Sci-Fi 2025-01-29 1 February 2025 6156388 Stars and Ships Quest #2 We make our way to our capital,rescue civilians and take our first real casualties BrinkQM , Collective Game , sci-fi , Naval 2025-02-08 0 6157764 The Monster Girl Facility #9: Spider-wife edition Mikhail and his companions travel through Titania's chamber, encounter more subjects and traverse a high threat level containment sector. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2025-02-09 3