/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2009
4269235Military archetypes /tg/ talks about generic military archetypes. "Durr whats a danger close?"military generic2009-04-14 6 
April 2011
14435926Magical Girl StorytimeA GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series.magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech2011-04-02 8 
December 2011
17180245Trench QuestA gritty, somewhat comical tale set in a wartorn planet with some light scifi/fantasy elements.quest, Collective Game, Trench Quest, Trench Warfare, Military2011-12-12 11 
17194145Trench Quest IIThe party meets up with a new member, more suspicious hints are dropped.quest, Collective Game, Trench Quest, Trench Warfare, Military2011-12-13 5 
July 2012
19765059Informative Artillery Lingo threadOP requests for military jargon to use in an Only War campaign with IRL servicemen. Gets more than what he bargained for. Very informative and detailed discussion.Only War, Artillery, Lingo, Military, Jargon, Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard2012-07-07 11 
November 2012
21685682Space Fight QuestWe join the fight against the alien Progenitors in the year 2114, and create a Psionic Research SpecialistSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps2012-11-22 8 
21744902Space Fight Quest 2Norm arrives at New Concord and meats his team before boarding a ship to engage on his missionSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game2012-11-26 6 
December 2012
21823940Space Fight Quest 3Norm begins his operation, and commences to operate. Space Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game, Operatan2012-12-01 3 
21915068Militia QuestThe quest of a young militia officer in the corrupt nation of Kivasu. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-06 13 
21969980Militia Quest IIA soldier is punished for insubordination, the troops are disciplined. Marksman competition is held. The Weavery is re-discovered as a potential resource. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest 2012-12-10 13 
21997450Militia Quest IIIA convoy from central command comes down for a visit, opens a grave, we get our official promotion. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-12 11 
22059782Militia Quest IVA rape by one of our soldiers is investigated and punished, we now have our own machete-wielding Penal Legionnaire. The town is further fortified and shocking rolling leads to our diplomatic envoy being attacked by the militia of Pierche.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-16 12 
22105367Militia Quest VOur Penal-Legionnaire bloodies the nose of the attackers from the previous thread, saving a comrade and taking his first step towards redemption. Our intensive training of NASA begins in earnest, we discover that they are experts at camouflage but clearly aren't house-trained. We learn of a massacre of a nearby village. The potentially-hostile militia force of Pierche approaches us for negotiations bearing gifts, some nice others not so nice.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-19 15 
22139609Militia Quest VIWe conclude our negotiations with the Pierche Militia, plot their untimely demise. Distracted by weapons shopping and FDLR attack on a nearby hamlet. Our NASA troopers bite off more than they can chew... and proceed to chew the fuck out of it with some amazing rolls.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-21 20 
January 2013
22341225Militia Quest VIIOur victory from last thread is capitalized on. As we continue training we learn that the heated fighting to the South has claimed 1st Company in its entirety. Sharks abound as snake-eyes leads to casualties in a deal-gone-wrong in Doma, LT Nathaniel is among them. Godly rolling leads to Shakira fighting his way out with an RPG. Style is confirmed as a crucial element for good rolling with a 100 at the end of the thread.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-02 15 
22438929Militia Quest VIII (Part 1)Connection issues lead to a stillborn thread, poor rolling may result in nastiness when the next thread comes up again. We still have that 100 to use at some point.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-07 10 
March 2013
23886553Space Fighters/tg/ has a civil discussion on space fighters, how you could do them in your setting and the practical applications of them.scifi, fighter, military, realism, science fiction2013-03-26 6 
July 2013
25928126Fantasy Races in MilitaryAnon ask for help about a crazy elf in his squad. Elves, Modern Fantasy, Military, Roleplay2013-07-10 6 
August 2013
26614795Tsukaima Quest PrologueIn which Corporal Yuri Ivanov wakes up with a hangover after a late night celebration and gets sent out on patrol.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-14 10 
26669491Tsukaima Quest Part 1Yuri finally gets teleported to TristainTsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-17 10 
26684583 Tsukaima Quest Part 2We finally get some intel, meet another magic lady, get friendly with a dragon.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game,Military,2013-08-20 7 
26879003Tsukaima Quest 5It turned out as we feared comrades, every girl was in fact crazy for this Tesenturian army man. Yuri has gained Derf and met Tabitha, only to be awakened by thunderous thumping.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Dragons2013-08-30 5 
September 2013
26938546Tsukaima Quest Part 6A certain dragon saves us and we hunt for a wounded thief that got away.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief, Dragon,2013-09-02 5 
26985618Tsukaima Quest Part 7We find our bullets and then plan to recover an artifact from the Thief we fought last night.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief,2013-09-05 5 
27092722Tsukaima Quest 8We capture Fouquet, get paid LOADS A MONEH, and attend a swaggy shindigCollective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-09-10 6 
October 2013
27745189Tsukaima Quest 9We get a house built and get news of the talent show.Collective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-10-15 10 
November 2013
28506260Polite Society QuestWe have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-11-27 36 
December 2013
28655350Polite Society Quest 3We escape the city and meet up with Rachim.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-05 17 
28860128Polite Society Quest 5Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-15 14 
28942664Polite Society Quest 6Maliki's contact is found.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-19 12 
April 2014
31583480Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration FourYou are Clark Weston. Incarnation of genius, rifle maestro and the happiest husband in the world. WHY IS OUR WIFE SO CRAZY.convict cyborg quest, collective game, Herbert, cyberpunk, sci-fi, AI, power armour, military2014-04-20 3 
April 2015
39633756Post Apoc Paramilitary Civ Quest Part 1We awake from our frozen slumber as Aegis Securities, ready to continue our protective services for a fair price.Collective game, civ quest, hivemind, Paramilitary, Aegis2015-04-30 1 
May 2015
39657672Post Apoc Paramilitary Civ Quest Part 2The day of Crits is upon us, as Volcanoes rip through the terrain and that nice new vault we found too. But Judgement day is upon us as the Judge arrives.Collective game, civ quest, hivemind, Paramilitary, Aegis2015-05-01 1 
39771672Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Quest 3Crits. . .Crits everywhere. We feed a lot of ghouls and zombies and spill our spaghetti in diplomacy.Collective game, civ quest, hivemind, Paramilitary, Aegis2015-05-06 1 
39918253Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Quest 5http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/39810974 Part 4 Something really really really bad is about to happen.Collective game, civ quest, hivemind, Paramilitary, Aegis2015-05-14 1 
June 2015
40391612Aegis Security Fantastic Sci Fi Post Apoc Civ Part 8 FINVictory. Sweet and delicious, and best of all, we kept our honor as Goodguys. Aegios Security protected, and we united the factions against the bandit menace and prevailed. Well done. Thank you Genie. Missed parts: Part 6 - https://archive.moe/tg/thread/39957887/ Part 7 - https://archive.moe/tg/thread/40095760Collective game, civ quest, hivemind, Paramilitary, Aegis, Victory2015-06-05 1 
October 2015
42951096Military Q&A for your Stories/GamesAn army CPT answers questions about the military, its equipment, doctrine, tactics, and etc., to help you build more convincing military campaigns and stories.Reference, Q&A, Military, Army2015-10-08 10 
December 2015
44395618Military Magical Girl QuestA middle school Japanese girl gets kidnapped and is forced to join the magical militaryCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2015-12-27 3 
January 2016
44534606Military Magical Girl Quest 2Rankings, talking with the squad, and the first prelim matchCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-04 2 
44650022Military Magical Girl Quest 3School life, Lunch with Maiya, and Getting Ready for the next Prelim matchCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-09 2 
44670039Military Magical Girl Quest 4Prelim match, Annoucements, and Readying for ContractionCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-10 1 
44805034Military Mage 5Contraction and last day of schoolCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-16 1 
44824495Military Mage 6Military stuff, deployment, and going onwards to warCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 0 
44967048Military Mage 7Moving towards the Yutai, Mountain ambush, and attacking the enemy enplacementCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 2 
February 2016
45537638Maid RPG Storytime/tg/ shares its ridiculous experiences with Maid RPG. Stories are shared, characters are rolled, settings are written, maids are posted.maid rpg, storytime, military, ramping a btr off a drawbridge2016-02-23 29 
July 2016
400239Fantasy Officer Quest #1Enter our hero, who finds himself in the middle of a big mess. Shows no mercy, gets a ward under his wings, then gets arrested for murder.commissar, military, officer, Manus2016-07-29 1 
August 2016
48935703Great Powers in the 2060'sWorldbuilding a Transhuman Space style return to the Great Powers era (the collapse of the Superpower era, basically) as a setting.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, military, future, setting, great powers, politics,2016-08-25 -13 
September 2016
49469587Paramilitary horrorPlot hooks and ideas are discussed for a paramilitary horror campaignhorror, ideas, brainstorming, plot hooks, plot seads, paramilitary2016-09-27 5 
September 2017
1865916Fantasy Officer - Resurrection - Thread 2Wherein Kazimir launches a four-way attack with nothing but low-key convicts and militamen to save an entire city.Collective Game, Manus, military, commissar, reboot2017-09-26 1 
1915555Macross QuestPilot Harry Neumann finds himself given a very unusual assignment. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-09-30 25 
October 2017
1938596Macross Quest 2Harry arrives at his new home base for the foreseeable future.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-07 22 
1963522Macross Quest 3Harry gets his first taste of combat in the Nabaal Cluster. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-14 24 
1991280Macross Quest 4Harry has a chance to get his boots on the ground. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-21 24 
2017550Macross Quest 5Harry spends a bit of quality time with Amy. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-28 21 
November 2017
2037980Macross Quest 6Harry is sent out for Amy's first "test run."Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-04 20 
2060039Macross Quest 7The battle against the Zentradi continues as Amy's song takes effect.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-11 23 
2079037Macross Quest 8As a result of the decisive NUNS victory, the course of the coming conflict must be decided. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-18 20 
2096904Macross Quest 9With the success of her "test run", it's time for Amy to be rolled out to the public.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-25 20 
December 2017
2114952Macross Quest 10Harry oversees Amy's first public concert.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-02 21 
2132254Macross Quest 11Harry has to deal with the aftermath of the kidnapping attempt on Amy. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-09 20 
2148910Macross Quest 12Harry has to infiltrate a CDF facility to uncover a secret plot. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-16 22 
2169449Macross Quest 13Harry is sent to investigate Zentradi activity.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-23 22 
2185448Macross Quest 14The second battle against the Zentradi begins. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-30 20 
January 2018
2204220Macross Quest 15Harry has a very personal discussion with Dorothea. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-06 21 
2224484Macross Quest 16Harry still has to pick up the pieces after the previous battle. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-13 20 
2243769Macross Quest 17Harry has to go on a search and rescue mission.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-20 20 
2260934Macross Quest 18Victorious, the fleet makes its return to Nabaal for some well deserved rest. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-27 21 
February 2018
2277007Macross Quest 19Harry finds himself in a dilemma about which girl to go on leave with. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-03 21 
2302790Macross Quest 20The date with Dorothea continues, though with some complications. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-12 20 
2316793Macross Quest 21The fleet deploys to its next trouble spot. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-17 22 
2335873Macross Quest 22The fleet arrives the Torman FieldsMacross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-24 21 
March 2018
2354224Macross Quest 23The situation is Gateway is worse than some would expect.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-03 22 
2371501Macross Quest 24Harry descends into the depths of an asteroid mine to investigate odd sightings. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-10 20 
2393838Macross Quest 25Harry returns to the mines under Gateway to deal with the Vajra threat. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-17 21 
2412583Macross Quest 26With the discovery of fold quartz, the SMS private military company gets involved. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-24 20 
2432353Macross Quest 27Harry continues to tour the Macross Quarter. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-31 21 
April 2018
2453863Macross Quest 28Harry goes out to hunt the Red Ace.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-07 20 
2472311Macross Quest 29It's finally time for the concert, though Amy has to deal with some rather enthusiastic fans.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-14 21 
2491113Macross Quest 30Harry wonders what to do with the captured Red Ace.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-21 20 
2509290Macross Quest 31With disturbing news, the conflict against the Zentradi may take a completely different direction. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-28 20 
May 2018
2530012Macross Quest 32Harry tries to get more information CL with Amy's help. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-05 21 
2554299Macross Quest 33With dire news, it's time to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-12 20 
2574968Macross Quest 34The decisive battle for Torman Fields continues to rage.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-19 20 
June 2018
2612126Macross Quest 35The battle to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields reaches its final stages.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-02 20 
2633077Macross Quest 36Harry has to survive his latest meeting with Dorothea.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-09 20 
2652727Macross Quest 37With Torman Fields now safe, NUNS High Command dictates what to next in the campaign against the Zentradi. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-16 20 
2670978Macross Quest 38Harry and Dorothea meet High Command. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-23 20 
2690220Macross Quest 39Harry and Dorothea take a short, but much needed, vacation.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-30 20 
July 2018
2725895Macross Quest 40Harry finds out Amy's been taken to a shadowy NUNS research base. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-14 20 
2746530Macross Quest 41Plans are made to assault the Star Forge. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-21 20 
2763934Macross Quest 42The assault on the Star Forge commences.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-28 20 
August 2018
2780927Macross Quest 43The battle for the Star Forge and the Nabaal Sector as a whole reaches its conclusion.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-08-04 20 
September 2018
2851964No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1The MC is left behind and must survive.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-09-11 24 
2885779No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1The MC must continue surviving and pursue a chance at escape.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-09-25 13 
October 2018
2943488No One Gets Left Behind Quest #3The Bog Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-10-17 12 
2980772No One Gets Left Behind Quest #4What are you doing in their Swamp?Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-10-29 6 
November 2018
3016070No One Gets Left Behind Quest #5The continuing survival of the MC and the rally with Sergeant Cope.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-11-13 6 
December 2018
3050064No One Gets Left Behind Quest #6Washed up into the Deinos.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-02 6 
3076082No One Gets Left Behind Quest #7Left behind.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-13 6 
3109511No One Gets Left Behind Quest #8Saving Joffrey.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-30 6 
January 2019
3137304No One Gets Left Behind Quest #9The Drone, Delta, and the White Feather. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-01-07 6 
3168999No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10The new guys. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-01-25 6 
February 2019
3202811No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10 The slow day and a dream.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-02-04 6 
3239261No One Gets Left Behind Quest #12Leadership troubles. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-02-13 6 
March 2019
3306385No One Gets Left Behind Quest #13From one leader to another.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-03-10 6 
3349530No One Gets Left Behind Quest #14A Quiet Time.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-03-25 6 
April 2019
3389674No One Gets Left Behind Quest #15Guerrilla warfare timeCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-04-02 6 
3407805Rogue Pilot Quest 1A not!soviet pilot is on the front lines as the not!cold war goes hot one chilly spring night. Explosions, stunts, general badassery abound.fighter,jets,military,collective game,planes,mercenary,rogue2019-04-06 11 
3410643SOSAnother day on the grind... or so you thought. Looks like this is gonna be a long one.Collective Game, cyoa, SOS, drawfag, horror, gore, oneshot, anime, military, violence2019-04-14 10 
3428490SOS (Part 2)Survive the wasteland. Or run out of time trying.Collective Game, cyoa, meta, SOS, drawfag, horror, gore, oneshot, anime, military, violence2019-04-23 7 
3445775No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17Grey Goo.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-04-29 5 
May 2019
3479399No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17Artillery.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-05-17 5 
3524911Rogue Pilot Quest 3.5RPQ returns and runs a short session to wrap up Chapter 3, before moving on to Chapter 4! Also, the crew FINALLY leaves Airbase 8842.fighter, jets, military, collective game, planes, mercenary, rogue, fulcrum, flanker, realistic2019-05-26 3 
June 2019
3527249No One Gets Left Behind Quest #18IT GOT OUTCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-06-08 5 
3532263Rogue Pilot Quest 4The airbase packs up and heads to Rabati. Creative radio usage lets the crew gather some intel on the world.fighter, jets, military, collective game, planes, mercenary, rogue, fulcrum, flanker, realistic, apocalypse2019-06-12 3 
3556272Military Mage AcademyMarcus, our character, begins his second year at Fort Ticonderoga Military Academy.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-06-22 1 
3559553No One Gets Left Behind Quest #19Making Plans. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-06-23 2 
July 2019
3589421No One Gets Left Behind Quest #20The White Feather Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-07-02 5 
3592918Military Mage Academy #2The second year starts off with a bang, as Marcus investigates an assassination attempt.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-07-06 1 
3649797No One Gets Left Behind Quest #21The Fire risesCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-07-24 3 
August 2019
3733443No One Gets Left Behind Quest #22Escape the cave.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-08-24 1 
September 2019
3786219No One Gets Left Behind Quest #23Back to base. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-09-15 2 
October 2019
3830356No One Gets Left Behind Quest #24Still at base. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-10-11 2 
May 2020
72640431Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipAn anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted, military, airplane, ocean, ship, aircraft, repair, haunted2020-05-20 9 
July 2020
4348252Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of AingstgaardCooli tried and tried so hard that a mech quest materialized.mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot2020-07-13 8 
August 2020
4421709Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.5Second part of the wacky adventure of Zaur Givi and his crewmech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs2020-08-25 7 
October 2020
4495689Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7Finalémech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs, whereismycommission2020-10-17 4 
November 2020
4532776Black Command: A PMC Quest 1In a future where wars are no longer fought by armies alone, PMCs are the new norm, fighting in distant wars for profit.Black Command, PMC Quest, Collective Game, Military Strategy, Management Strategy2020-11-17 5 
January 2021
4576717Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 1A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-01-24 4 
February 2021
4612257Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 2A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus. AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-02-23 1 
March 2021
4660907Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 3As part of Garm Squadron, you've been ordered to undertake a mission outside the borders of the Orleasian Kingdom. Good luck, Wizard.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-03-27 0 
August 2021
4885879Lord of the DeadA young recruit and his crossbow fight an unknown enemy. Thread sadly died before it took off.crossbow, military, fantasy, lord, dead,2021-08-02 0 
April 2022
5180454Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 4To all: The GM has not abandoned this quest - I've just been busy with college.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2022-04-18 0 
May 2022
84398883practical usage of Umbrella Corporation BOWs and associated technologiesWhat traits would actual weaponized bioengineered monsters require to be practical and how could they be integrated into an actual military?worldbuilding, monsters, military, resident evil, umbrella,2022-05-12 0 
January 2023
5502420Guardsman Commander Quest / Rifles QuestA 40k quest is made, op flakes after the first update, another anon takes over, files off the 40k stuff and adds plenty of other influences.Collective Game, multiplayer, 40k, sci-fi, science-fiction, military, squad, squad management, defense2023-01-30 5 
May 2023
5645862Space Janissary Quest I You are the Rookie, a scout in the Imperial Janissary Legion, the elite special forces of the Aerylthic Empire, deployed to Alawkabash.Space Janissary, Space Janissary Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Military, Caste, Legion2023-05-26 8 
July 2023
5687015VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 1A CIA analyst gets thrusted into an operation gone awry in Ukraine. Her case officer then invites her to a special operations unit. Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-07-15 13 
September 2023
5732591VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 2: "INDUCTION" A CIA analyst meets up with a British man and her superior in an Irish pub before parting ways to leave the country. To be continued.Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-09-05 7 
April 2024
5940975Antegrian Occupation QuestLt. Col. Gennady Nasirovich Liptsov is appointed military governor of Gordon District. He must establish control over the districtAntegrian Occupation Quest, Antegria, Republia, Occupation, Military Occupation, Gennady Liptsov, Papers Please2024-04-14 2 
May 2024
5977488Antegrian Occupation Quest #2Gennady Liptsov tries to find a radio to contact the army battalion before the quest goes on hiatusAntegrian Occupation Quest, Antegria, Republia, Occupation, Military Occupation, Gennady Liptsov, Papers Please2024-05-18 2 
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