/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2007
840516Your Ideal SystemAfter a megathread bawwwwing about d20, a surprisingly insightful and nerd-rageless thread about people's favorite (and least liked) system traits.game mechanics, game design2007-11-27 2 
December 2007
909612Worst RPG You've Ever PlayedOP put a d20 logo as his picture. You can pretty much guess how the thread went.d20, epic fail, game design, game mechanics2007-12-18 -7 
September 2008
2633247Adeptus Mechanicus WritefaggotryAdeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry, with a whiff of Eldrad-like dickery. Adeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry 2008-09-21 3 
September 2009
5761657Armored Core Tabletop/tg/ brain storms an Armored Core tabletop gamearmored core, homebrew, mecha2009-09-07 2 
October 2009
6126535ZEONQUEST/tg/ attempts to conquer the Federation in flash. After a slow start, things pick up as anonymous get's flung out of a transorbital lifter a kilometer up, strapped into a battle robot armed to the teeth with no parachute.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2009-10-04 40 
6172431ZEONQUEST Pt 2Later than advertised, ZEONQUEST continues. We blow up some tanks, blow the bloody doors off, and nearly die to the weakest cannon fodder unit the Federation fields in the history of gundam.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2009-10-08 39 
6203113ZEONQUEST Pt 3Part three makes a shaky start after a collosally slow start leads the OP to believe that the thread has died. It then picks up and the awesome finally kicks in. The largest thread yet, and remarkably on topic.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-10 35 
6297819ZEONQUEST Pt 4A quick jaunt to San Jose and we discover David Listers capacity for destruction also extends outside of a giant 18 meter tall robot. We also meet Mr Incognito, the most casually violent man I've ever created.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-17 32 
6312476ZEONQUEST Pt 5Continuing where part 4 left off, our merry band of spaceborn misanthropes fly straight into a warzone with no communications, in stolen enemy units, and somehow manage to not only survive but totally save the day. Finally we get recognition for our amazing skills (read, plot armour) and the medals start to roll in.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-18 31 
6400122ZEONQUEST pt5Mastodon Battalion goes on a short boating excursion by night. We set fire to a ghost town and the hosts computer dies mid-thread, forcing an early end.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-24 29 
6422623Machina Dei (Roman Mech II)More indepth talk of the numerous factions, more win is had.Roman Era, Game Design, Mecha2009-10-25 15 
6425883Machina Dei (Roman Mech part 3)The Machina Dei setting gets fleshed out even further.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew2009-10-25 13 
6431149Machina Dei (Roman Mech part IV)India gets some attention at long last and the invasion of Briton fails due to incompetance rather than lack of mechs.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-26 10 
6434371Machina Dei (Roman Mech part V)/tg/ continues the marathon and begins talking about systems, naming conventions, and game mechanicsAlternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-26 11 
6438315Machina Dei (Roman Mech VI)Crunch is worked on.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-27 5 
6454935Machina Dei (Roman Mech VII)Some individual stattingAlternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-27 4 
6479801Machina Dei IXArgument about Combat Resolution vs. Rout eventually yields satisfactory results Then the primaries are statted. Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India, Machina Dei2009-10-29 3 
6497682ZEONQUEST Pt5.2Finishing up last weeks ZEONQUEST thread, as well as the first story arc... thermonuclear explosions, massive kill scores, crazy antics with heat hawks and the discovery that the pilot of our Land Cruiser/Hovership is from Fast and the Furious follow in the epic conclusion.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-31 30 
November 2009
6510065ZEONQUEST Pt6The start of the second story arc for Zeonquest. We discover hidden depths to David Lister which comes in handy when we have to defuse a bomb. Then we take a boat ride back to Mexico, and blow up a whole load of stuff. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-01 30 
6522791ZEONQUEST Pt7The first Zeonquest thread to autosage. Right at the end admittedly but still impressive. Watch our plucky young Giant Robot Pilots completely humiliate the Mexican army so hard that they run away crying - to a gigantic land fortress that wouldn't be out of place in AC4A.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-02 28 
6593180ZEONQUEST Pt8Our intrepid band of Giant Robot Pilots get a new Land Battleship to call home, learns to fly and then invades the US. Further fun and games ensue.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-06 28 
6606312ZEONQUEST Pt9The obligatory "Seaside Resort" Filler episode. Our heroes get drunk and try to score in the town of Truth and Consequences. Whilst they fail to get laid, They do however get some action, and then have to leave in a hurry because said action was a bar room brawl. We also help our new arch-rival load up his van with beer and then throw giant axes at him the next day.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-08 27 
6687938ZEONQUEST Pt10In this action packed tenth episode, giant explosions! Tank Punching! Trick Shots! And our first encounter with an enemy Mobile Suit.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-14 30 
6702817ZEONQUEST Pt11We storm Roswell, nearly die, score the first Mobile Suit kill in history, and beat a one armed man to death in manly duel. Oh, and yet more nuclear explosions.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-15 30 
6758889Mech SystemAnon inquires as to a system to run a Gurren Lagann style game in. Other anons begin brainstorming a system made for mechs of the GL variety.Gurren Lagann, SRW, Evangelion, Mecha, System2009-11-18 -3 
6789341ZEONQUEST Pt12No explosions, no kills, no property damage, and yet it's arguably the best episode yet. Lot's of manly tears, walking off into the sunset meeting new people and FINALLY getting new robots. It's the end of Mastodon Battalion, it's the end of an era (sort of).zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-21 29 
6819545ZEONQUEST Pt13Unlucky for some, in this case a whole slew of feddie airpower. A short episode where we take our new Gouf Prototype out for a spin. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-23 28 
6893177ZEONQUEST Pt14 aThe first part of episode 14, which could have been avoided if I'd timed things better. I railroad the players and we investigate a hidden rebel bas - sorry, federation base in Arizona.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-28 28 
6898115ZEONQUEST Pt14 bThe end of Part 14 of ZEONQUEST. Ambushes galore, and we blood our new Gouf. TUNE IN TOMMOROW FOR OUR 'THRILLING' CONCLUSION!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-28 27 
6908664ZEONQUEST Pt15David and Zolomon spend a DELIGHTFUL evenings repast hunting down the Federation. The final fight takes place in a giant hall of mirrors, and I cannot begin to calculate the amount of bad luck that results.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-29 30 
December 2009
7000263ZEONQUEST Pt16Not much happens, other than the return of EL MEURTO GRANDE, as we abuse our position as a peer of the realm. The characters wonder what a newtype is, whilst we all go: YOU ARE, DID YOU NOT SEE THE THING WITH AXES AND THE FIGHTER PLANES JEEBUS.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-05 27 
7013842ZEONQUEST Pt17War is hell. That's all I have to say about this episode. It's all I really CAN say about this episode.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-06 28 
7027390ZEONQUEST Pt18 aWe recuit a new member for our team of badasses. The interviews are hilarious. We then try to plan out an assault on the mine.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-07 28 
7032180ZEONQUEST Pt18 bThe concluding part 18. We visit boatmurdered... as the elephants. NO ONE SURVIVES. The end of the current adventure arc.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-07 33 
7286867Adeptus Evangelion ReleaseBlack Mesa Janitor delivers /tg/ a Christmas present. A 263 page supplement for Dark Heresy based on the Evangelion anime. Someone give that guy a hug.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, Christmas, supplement2009-12-26 29 
7293065ZEONQUEST Special Christmas EpisodeA delightful short 1 thread sidestory, where our old friend Wolfgang Strauss drops a colony on Australia. Nukes fly think and fast and I have fun with three dimensional combat and battleship duels.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-27 30 
January 2010
7375935ZEONQUEST Pt19The Hildolfr is finally added to our roster, along with a new pilot to go with it. We then take a train ride back, and have to deal with trainjackers. We do so with 300mm shells.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-02 30 
7392022ZEONQUEST Pt20 aEVERYONE IS GAY FOR GARMA ZABI. Also, we visit Canada, and UPGRADES FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-02 28 
7395908ZEONQUEST Pt20 bThe conclusion to part A (obviously). Morale of the day? Doms are faaaaaast.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-03 28 
7407935ZEONQUEST Pt21Everyone is still gay for garma. But that's all moot now since he scores himself a girlfriend. We try to train him up into some kind of respectable soldier. Training montages abound.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-04 29 
7489694Zeonquest pt 22 aWorking through the lurg makes for slow posts. On a more related note: just once I wish we could have a nice quiet trip to somewhere and back, without the need to shoot people...zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-09 27 
7495394Zeonquest Pt22 bThe conclusion to tonights pyrotechnics. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-09 27 
7506532ZEONQUEST pt23More plot twists that everybody saw coming, though I have to admit, I didn't think you COULD go potholing in a 16 meter tall giant robot.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-10 27 
7522614ZEONQUEST pt23The field is captured and exploration of the Giant Drill Battleship begins. The spy isn't among the POWs.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-11 27 
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7601871ZEONQUEST Pt 25The start of a new story arc, our band is officially turned into an independant unit and were sent of to Hawaii. Just in time to deal with a major sea attack. TO BE CONTINUED TOMMOROW.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-16 26 
7617624ZEONQUEST Pt26 aThe Battle of Midway commences, we get our feet wet, and end up deep inside enemy lines taking out Battleships and Carriers left right and center. SUDDENLY: BALLS.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-17 28 
7635146ZEONQUEST Pt27Day two of the battle of midway. We conduct a highly effective night raid, our reward? BOOZE! The next day doesn't go quite as well as our merry band end up jumping at shadows.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha,2010-01-18 31 
7640190MechaponA tabletop game with vending machine-dispensed tiny mecha. Gashapon mecha. MECHAPON.rules, mecha, tabletop game2010-01-18 3 
7718619ZEONQUEST pt28We see what Hovis Goddard has been doing since he lost his leg. He claims it's been quiet. HE LIES.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha,2010-01-22 26 
7723163ZEONQUEST Pt28 bThe second part to today's thread. Stuff actually get's done, including new team members and Mobile Suit to play with.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-23 27 
7723751Huge WH40K shipA request for the stats of an Emperor class battleship scaled up to the length of 1 AU leads to fun for all.WH40k, battleship, chaos, mechanus, DH2010-01-23 137 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
7734512ZEONQUEST Pt29Day 3 of the Battle of Midway. For real this time, with 100% more IGLOO shenannigans!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-23 28 
7754371ZEONQUEST Pt 30We finish off some fighter jets, giving our new Mobile Armour a spin. We then all go to Honolulu, get drunk, eat meat, smoke cigars and tell war stories. Good times.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-25 28 
7825665ZEONQUEST Pt31We journey out into space, and get to test out some nice new prototype mobile suits, meet Dozle Zabi, reunite with our old CO and a good time is had by all.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-30 28 
7840792ZEONQUEST Pt32Our short period in Pezun continues... with a Basketball match? Zolomon get's a dogging for gambling with Jolyne's chastity and we get a handle on newtypes.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-31 28 
February 2010
7856806ZEONQUEST pt33aWe do yet more mobile suit testing, have a mock battle with Dozle Zabi and get naked Newtype vision space.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-01 30 
7936040ZEONQUEST Pt34We return to the earth after a weekend in space to find, as usual, the federation fronting with our shit. After causing yet another mushroom cloud with a badly made prototype, we start planning how to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-05 30 
7949613Zeonquest Pt 35 aWe plan our invasion of Jaburo.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-06 29 
7953263ZEONQUEST Pt35 bWith the plans finalised, we journey back to Costa Rica for the final stages of the attack. We meet back up with our friends from Hawaii. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-07 28 
7966002Zeonquest Discussion threadThe elegan/tg/entlemen of Zeonquest sit back and discuss the Assault on Jaburo. Hilarity ensues. Zeonquest, mecha, quest thread2010-02-07 22 
7967454ZEONQUEST Pt36 AThe first part of today's assault on Jaburo.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-08 33 
7970671ZEONQUEST Pt36 bThe second half of the attack on JaburOH FUCK IT'S A GUNDAM!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-08 39 
8048850ZEONQUEST Pt 37The Escape from Jaburo - Footsloggers edition.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-12 28 
8064912ZEONQUEST pt38 aEscape from Jaburo - Airborne edition.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-13 25 
8069347ZEONQUEST Pt38 bWhat? Salina Cruz AGAIN? zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-14 25 
8137042AEUG Quest 2It's September 1st UC 0085, a year and a half prior to the events of Gundam Z and a man named Alan Corset finds himself in a whole heap of shit.AEUGquest, quest, mecha2010-02-18 2 
8151409Adeptus Evangelion Discussion/tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaignsEvangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, Mecha, Mech, Adeptus Evangelion, Fuck yeah, AE2010-02-18 4 
8205753ZEONQUEST Pt 39Suprise sunday session. The end of the Jaburo Arc.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-22 25 
March 2010
8418245Zeonquest Pt 42Parts 40 and 41 were done during the outage, but we'll se if we get something done. In today's ZEONQUEST, arguments over repair orders, Cameos! Enemy Mobile Suits! Fire!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-06 24 
8434737ZEONQUEST Pt43Elaine's scenario: Her first command mission, fighting enemy Mobile Suits in woodland hills. Fire, death and guerilla warfare ensue.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-07 25 
8451656ZEONQUEST pt44We finally leave the burning wreck of Don Martin, sadly we don't get to break dam.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-08 24 
8545524ZEONQUEST Pt45The siege of Nuevo Laredo begins. We take out a Big Tray in the opening moves. We then go for the double. Can we make the treble? Is there even a third battleship TO treble?zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-13 24 
8563414ZEONQUEST pt46The concluding part of the battle along the Rio Grande (hopefully). We bushwack enemy raiders, conduct a night raid an OH SHIT IT'S ANOTHER ENEMY DRILL TANK!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-14 26 
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
8664066ZEONQUEST pt47Promotions for everybody, some new suits, oh, and we go up against The Gundam. Yes, THE Gundam. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-19 26 
8683311ZEONQUEST pt48The other half of the Nachtmaren squad take on the Gundam... well, nobodies luck can last forever... On the plus side we get some critical salvage and pick up some cutting edge mobile suits from Pezun.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-20 28 
8703556Zeonquest MiscellaneousThe elegan/tg/entlemen of Zeonquest discus various things Zeon and quest related.Zeonquest , mecha, quest thread2010-03-21 23 
8798987Zeonquest Pt49After getting into an utterly terrifying battle against the Gundam in freefall, we get sent off to OH CANAAAADAAA. Also we get a new pilot to replace the dearly departed Ramirez.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-26 23 
8817408Zeonquest Part 50For our 50th episode we take on the Crazy 8 in Canada. First up, their night combat specialist.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-27 25 
8836542ZEONQUEST Pt51After dealing with one member of the Crazy Eight, the other 2 come looking for him. The Gigan proves it's worth, and we chalk up another victory in our ongoing rivalry with Prototype Gundam Pilot: Wyatt Bandit.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-28 25 
April 2010
8934687Zeonquest Pt52What's that? Enemy forces coming to attack us? ANOTHER siege battle? Nachtmaren says "fuck that noise" and goes out and kicks all kinds of ass.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-03 23 
8954825Zeonquest Pt53We save the town of Smokey Lakes, oh, and it transpires that Elaine is apparently the SWORD THAT SMITES AND CLEAVES ALL EVIL. Which is nice.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-04 24 
8973823Zeonquest Epic Part 2Another discussion about Zeonquest in general and converting it to Epic.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-04 20 
9085173ZeonquestIt's time to put this day in Canada to an end.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-10 23 
9105014Zeonquest Pt55, what could have beenAfter a rocking start Zeonquest falls and almost dies. Let this be a reminder of what can happen in any quest thread and the mark of a fresh start for Zeonquestzeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-10 22 
9229512Zeonquest Pt55 (again)We attempt to hash out a plan to take down the Trojan Horse. Again.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-04-16 23 
9294596Work in Progress TCG: MantiCOREInexperienced card game enthusiasts design a Mech-Battling TCG to be played online. Fun lore follows.TCG, Mecha, Homebrew2010-04-19 4 
9377939Zeonquest Pt56I return from the dead, and we mount our assault on the White Base, explosions, crash landings, return of old friends, plot armour, and WERE JUMPING ONTO A GAW DIRECTLY ABOVE THE WHITE BASE follow.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-04-24 23 
May 2010
9568405Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAsAdeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis.AdEva, Dark Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, anime, mecha, AE, DH 2010-05-03 4 
9668913Zeonquest Pt57Where we take a trip to NY, and train some new recruits, and we school them in a totally different manner.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-08 25 
9689326Zeonquest Pt58We save Garma Zabi. Fuck yes we do. 8 months in the making we save Lord Captain Garma Zabi, how? BY MAKING HIM AWESOME.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-09 25 
9813897Zeonquest Pt59We team up with Ramba Ral, return to space, get yet MORE sweet tech from Pezun and play shadow games with an enemy taskforce.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-14 23 
9962388Zeonquest Pt60We finally reach Side 3 in our mission to deliver grapes to Garma's father in hospital. SUDDENLY INTRIGUE! MURDER! AWESOME PARENTS!quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-22 23 
10113672Zeonquest Pt61We arrive on the moon, we get into a low G gunfight, and at one point the leader of our entire nation is shoved in a fridge.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-29 24 
10161398Lego Starships & MechasLego Starships & mechas dumplego starship mecha 2010-05-31 2 
June 2010
10270891Zeonquest Pt62We arrive at Grenada, introduce Garma's girlfriend to daddy, and help start a civil war that will probably doom our nation to defeat in the One Year War. Fucking Delaz.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-05 23 
10426912Zeonquest Pt 63The moral for this episode: Civil Wars suck. Even ones which don;t butcher long standing characters personalities and kill Captain America.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-11 23 
10735787Zeonquest Part 65Invasion of Jaburo 2: Jab Harderquest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-25 24 
10812118Ideas for an abandoned Dwarf Fortress Dungeon DelveSetting discussion for a dungeon crawl set in a world consumed by magical cold.Settings, DM, Mechanics2010-06-29 6 
July 2010
10886330Zeonquest Pt66Our attack on Jaburo commences. Again.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-02 23 
11031914Zeonquest Pt67Jaburo, Again, Pt. 2Collective game, ZeonQuest, Quest, Mecha2010-07-10 23 
11050665Servo Skull How-To threadWhere /tg/ discusses how to manufacture a home made servo skull DIY, do-it-yourself collective game, engineering, Warhammer 40k, awesome, electric engineering, mechanical engineering, humans, grave-robbing2010-07-13 12 
11170245Zeonquest Pt68Final part of the Second Attack on Jaburo. We add another Gundam to our kill tally. Although this one is piloted by an utter idiot. Plus, Midnight Fenrir are bros.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-17 23 
11443152Zeonquest Pt69We depart for the battle of Odessa.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-31 24 
August 2010
11553738Zeonquest Pt70We avoid the statement "It's a Gundam!" and thus survive last weeks cliffhanger ending. This week the Red Comet returns, we test the mettle of the European Federal Forces, and pick and choose some new toys.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-07 24 
11651638ZeonQuest Pt71We clarify some orders, initiate the first phase of our plan and beat off a Federation attack. In the process, Bernie proves he has balls bigger than A Baoa Qu.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-14 24 
11753430Zeonquest pt 72In the thread, I mislable it pt 71, but no there's no time travel involved. Just incompetance. Lot's of running and gunning here as we try to pin down General Revil. His response? He sic's named characters from 0083 on us. Oh, and GIANT ROBOT NINJAS.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-21 23 
11844550Zeonquest Pt73We take on the Midnight Pixy Death Squad and come out on top. Revil then goes on to remind us that he's some kind of tactical genius. Or at least just not as retarded as some other Federation commanders we've met in the past.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-27 24 
September 2010
11935344Zeonquest Pt 74Months of Siege? (Advice Revil) How about we just fly over them?quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-04 23 
12123540Zeonquest Pt 75Cometh the man, cometh the hour. Feat. Blue Destiny Gyan, David reminding people that he PAINTS HIS ROBOT LIKE A SKELETON FOR A FUCKING REASON, vague hint's at newtype powers and Girhen managing to completely ruin Davids birthday.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-18 24 
12207372Zeonquest PT 76We pick up our stranded team-mate, and then help with the evacuation of Odessa. Things get hectic, then as usual, blow up.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-25 24 
October 2010
12289125Zeonquest PT 77We fly back into space and start chucking chunks of starships at feddies. Zolomon also shows he still has his touch with heat hawks.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-10-02 23 
12373425Zeonquest Pt 78Pezun, againzeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-09 21 
12457067Superior MechsIn the midst of a mech comparison, /tg/ designs the fastest Battlemech ever made. It can outrun aircraft. It can become one.Mech, mecha, Battletech, robots, awesome2010-10-16 5 
12464395Zeonquest pt79More medals, more explosions, more tactical essays, more Zolomon and more CRAZY NEWTYPES.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-16 24 
12544429Zeonquest pt80We travel to the Moon. In a mail ship. There's no expenses spared in THIS operation. We also are formally introduced to Nell Dyland, newtype guinea pig.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-23 20 
November 2010
12701257Zeonquest Pt81Antarctica Treaty? [advice Gihren] Sorry, I don't listen to HipHop.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-07 20 
12771329Zeonquest Pt82Zolomon shoots some guys, blows some more up, and generally helps save Von Braun.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-13 20 
12854719Zeonquest Pt83We talk to some more newtypes, tell the same story GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES, travel to the Flanagan Institute in time to see a psychic prostitute kick Char Aznable's ass and get back just in time to get our marching orders.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-20 21 
12938288Zeonquest Pt84After weeks of build-up, we take on the Jupiter Ghost. Zolomon saves the day, Ramba Ral saves US, and Jolyne nearly kills Char Aznable. Oh well, two out of three aint bad.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-27 20 
December 2010
13015221Zeonquest pt86Oh god what is this I am not good at dates.Zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-12-04 20 
13101184Zeonquest Pt86Man flu slows me down. But the Federation return to the scene in explosive fashion, and EVERYBODY rides Hovis into battle.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-12-11 20 
13189772Zeonquest Pt87We attempt to make a dent in the forces sent from Luna II. Dents are made. Significant ones? Well...quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-12-18 20 
January 2011
13430731Zeonquest Pt88We hatch a desperate plan to save Garma, rescue Char, save Zeon, kill the Gundam and defeat the federation in a flash. Presumably our mess cook is also told to smoke us a kipper, as we'll be back by morning.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-01-08 20 
13518587Zeonques Pt89We end up playing a game of cat and mouse with federal Marine MS in an underground dock. Buildings are destroyed, EXAM equipped units give us the heebie jeebies and we discover that Aqua GM rush is almost as annoying as the vanillia kind.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-01-15 20 
13595580Super Robot Wars RPG mechaThe schismatic AdEva anons continue their homebrewed Super Robot Wars game with a massive stat dump of delicious mechaMecha, Homebrew, Game Development, Dark Heresy mods, AdEva, SRW RPG, RPG2011-01-21 4 
13604653Zeonquest Pt90We set a thermonuclear device to explode on a seismic charge, and then blow up stuff REALLY close by to it, and then say our farewells to earth. We wont be back for a whilequest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-01-22 18 
13690798Zeonquest Pt91Did somebody order a manly duel with our rival? BECAUSE I THINK SOMEBODY HERE ORDERED A MANLY DUEL WITH THEIR ONE ARMED RIVAL. Also, it transpires that Pegasus class carriers are suseptable to the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-01-29 20 
February 2011
13779640Zeonquest Pt92The beginning of the end has come.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-02-05 21 
13864246Zeonquest Pt93Funerals and rebuilding. Also Dozle.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-02-12 17 
13947243Zeonquest Pt94We travel to Solomon, and then spend most of the session picking new pilots to fill our sadly absent slots.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-02-19 17 
14036710Zeonquest Pt95The battle for Side 4 starts. I try something new, it's not a resounding success, but it's not quite a horrific failure either. A learning experience all round.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-02-26 16 
March 2011
14125656Zeonquest pt96We face off with the cast of Encounters In Space again. The Omakes at the end of this are distilled OHGODWHAT in purest form. As is the plan that people come up with around the same time, which very well could steal the title of "Best Plan Ever" from G Gundam.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-03-05 20 
14152616IRL Machine Spirit MomentsA discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest2011-03-07 17 
14167662RPG Rules for HackingThread containing a discussion of computer security, and how it can be mechanically applied to an RPG.Hacking, Computers, Mechanics, Rules, RPG, Homebrew2011-03-08 1 
14154062Lunar Reckoning 69 Beta 2A mecha game heavily based on 80s anime and Armored Core, where Initiative is used as a resource. Includes links to a discussion forum and a bunch of pointless cheesecake for good measure.Homebrew,Sci Fi,mecha2011-03-08 2 
14207246Zeonquest pt97We kick some balls, and prepare for the oncoming storm. A 4chan outage doesn't help the thread to move along, but c'est la vie.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-03-11 20 
14286204Zeonquest Pt 98The gang regroups and moves out to try and shore up the gains they made last episode.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-03-19 16 
14373047Zeonquest Pt99We investigate what the large explosion at the end of the last episode was about. Could if have anything to do with the 8472nd Company who were also in the area?quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-03-27 16 
April 2011
14440533Zeonquest April 1st special April Fools! Anons run a made up Zeonquest episode. April, Fools, quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha, unofficial2011-04-02 3 
14449312Zeonquest Pt100GODDAMN IT PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT IMMORTAL. YOU WILL DIE IF YOU ARE KILLED. JESUS.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-04-03 13 
14520918Zeonquest pt101Elaine returns home... and then blows as much of it up as she physically can. Problematic childhood much? We encounter the White Base team again, and much "fun" is had from that.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-04-09 22 
14622581Zeonquest pt102 Aone half of a Zeonequest thread, stopped early due to OP feeling ill. Hopefully continued later on friday.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-04-17 15 
14680388Zeonquest pt102 Bthe concluding part of sunday's episodequest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-04-23 14 
May 2011
14775832Zeonquest Pt103We save some guys and hedge the enemy in in the aftermath of the nuclear explosion, destroying Elaines childhood home. Much to her delight. Not a good childhood. Apparently.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-05-02 16 
14834420Zeonquest pt104The Trojan Horse and the Gumdam get lucky AGAIN, as we have to go and save Ramba Ral. We kind of owe him.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-05-07 16 
14914747Zeonquest pt105An outage cuts this chapter short. On the hand: BERNARD WISEMAN: GOOD END ACHIEVED.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-05-13 22 
14991891Zeonquest pt106We finish of the enemy black ops team, and after Mauser gives his "best" Colonel Sanders impression to try and prevent an international incident (for a change) we head back to give our report.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-05-21 17 
15071401Zeonquest pt107Onward, to the battle of Solomon.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-05-27 15 
June 2011
15145907Zeonquest pt108And death came to Zeonquest, and david saw death, stared it clean in the face, and spat in it's eye.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-06-04 28 
15219833Zeonquest pt109We start to deal with the loss of Zolomon and David's awakened newtype powers. Plans are hashed out for the Battle of Solomon.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-06-11 21 
15318552Zeonquest pt110We go commerce raiding, things get complicated due to neutral parties getting involved, and David notices a giant superweapon in the nights sky.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-06-20 14 
15372338Zeonquest pt111We commence our attack on the Solar System as we turn a Salamis cruiser space hulk into a giant wrecking ball.Zeonquest, mecha, quest thread2011-06-25 20 
July 2011
15444138Zeonquest pt112We finish things off vis-a-vis the Solar System. Eventually.Zeonquest, mecha, quest thread2011-07-02 17 
15590479Zeonquest pt113We return to Pezun, and lose our psychic loli in the process.Zeonquest, mecha, quest thread2011-07-15 22 
15668867Zeonquest pt114The final round of peace talks at A-Boa-Qu loom. David spends the entire session waiting for the other shoe to drop. The other shoe obliges.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-07-23 15 
August 2011
15830126Zeonquest pt115We basically intimidate an entire army. The last episode looms.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-08-06 17 
15912984Zeonquest pt116 finalThis is it. The final episode, and Gihren MUST die.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2011-08-13 34 
16017027A Questus Mechanicus 1Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-22 7 
16042017A Questus Mechanicus 2Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-24 7 
16077369A Questus MechanicusHeregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse.A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game2011-08-27 7 
February 2012
18114111STCs and you!Come and learn about the miracle of Imperium Technology, the STC.STCs, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-02-27 15 
April 2012
18541552ChromeStrike RPGOP reveals his rules-light mech-based PnP game, seeking feedback.ChromeStrike, Mech, Mecha, Armored Core, Chromehounds, Mechanized, RPG, Tabletop, Original Content2012-04-02 5 
18639910The Wraithsun ProjectOr, how to create a supermassive black hole with the souls of the dead.black hole, game mechanics, physics, holy mother of god2012-04-09 6 
18747684Armored Core Quest 14: TRAINING DAYWe get some much-needed practice in the sims. Having already taken down 5 ACS without having fired a single shot, a mysterious stranger livens up the game a littleArmored Core Quest, Collective Game, Armored Core, Mech, Mecha, Mechs 2012-04-17 13 
May 2012
19128969Zoids Quest #13MOLGA STRONG Tactics are used once again, and surprising backstory chatter is done.zoids quest, zoid mother, zoids, mecha,Collective Game MOLGA STRONG2012-05-17 12 
19243498Zoids Quest: 14We get started on finishing up our Red horn, help out a town by building a canal and smashing some rocks, try to fix the situation with Sarah and are evaded by some stealthy stoners.zoids quest, zoid mother, zoids, mecha,Collective Game, MOLGA STRONG2012-05-26 7 
June 2012
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
July 2012
19770913Mobile X Destiny 7Aftermath of the big mech fight. Slow thread and return from a week break due to OP being out of state.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-07 7 
19783535Mobile X Destiny 8Lunch preparation, return to school, and strange happenings. Anon-kun is keeping Chiyo in the dark and generally taking things slow, like Tadashi suggested.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-08 5 
19867446Mobile X Destiny 9Lunch was delivered, and an explosion in the distance. Chiyo seemed to be a bit withdrawn, but things are looking better. Now, a party for the following night has been set!collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-14 5 
19882519Mobile X Destiny 10Exercise, texting, temptations... and a possible confession from Chiyo?!collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-15 7 
19972695Mobile X Destiny 11End of the Notebook Arc. A tamer end than most would've thought, but it ended on good terms. However, something is bothering Miyuki...collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-21 7 
19985144Mobile X Destiny 12We stand up for Roslyn, miss gym class again, and hang out with Chiyo while waiting for the party to begin.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-22 5 
20064193Mobile X Destiny 13The party commences, and we make some bad decisionscollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-28 5 
20078537Mobile X Destiny 14Miyuki stays the night, and we forget something of dubious importancecollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-29 6 
20093888Mobile X Destiny 15We go to the mall, meet our dark reflection, and vent our fury upon the unjust.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-07-30 7 
August 2012
20169800Mobile X Destiny 16The conflict intensifies between Anon-kun and Ramius as the fight for Sayuri erupts at the docks.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-04 7 
20184738Mobile X Destiny 17We reunite the group, see our hanger-on safely home, then collapse for some well-deserved sleepcollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-05 5 
20199012Mobile X Destiny 18We uncover Miyuki's secret, Enjoy a lazy Sunday, and come to terms with Sayuri's affectionscollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-06 8 
20269376Mobile X Destiny 19Return downstairs, decide to head out after all, and gain an unexpected companioncollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-11 6 
20280807Mobile X Destiny 20We head back home, Miyuki makes a decision, and we encounter something unsettling on the way homecollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-12 7 
20373239Mobile X Destiny 21We have an interesting morning explaining things to Chiyo, some time with Miyuki, and we have a moment or two with Sora in class.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-19 5 
20473748Mobile X Destiny 22We join Sora for lunch, Make dinner for two, and just manage to avoid making things horribly awkward with Miyuki.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-08-26 7 
September 2012
20573067Mobile X Destiny 23We focus on our childhood friend, and the plot thickens with our secretive foe.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-09-03 6 
20639117Mobile x Destiny 24We break the news, meet up with Sora, and receive an ominous text with our best lead.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-09-08 6 
20727086Mobile X Destiny 25We make nice with Sayuri, get to Roslyn's house, and form up a plan to get Sayuri back.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-09-15 6 
20844036Mobile X Destiny 26We execute the plan, and Ramius gets what he so justly deservescollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-09-24 7 
20866010For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball, mecha2012-09-26 26 
20923500Mobile x Destiny 27We enter the realm of dreams, where thought is given form, and Sora's garden provides odd insight into our distant friendcollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha2012-09-30 5 
October 2012
21007373Mobile X Destiny Interactive OmakeWe take a step out of the story to explore a bizarre placecollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, side-quest, MxD2012-10-06 5 
21020490Mobile x Destiny 28We awake from our odd dreams to discover the real world implications of our adventurescollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-07 5 
21032829Mobile X Destiny 29We discuss our strange dreams, help Sora with her "fan club", and the storm finally breakscollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-08 5 
21100270Mobile X Destiny 30We manage to get out of a tight spot, comfort Miyuki, then decide to spend a day enjoying the girls' company.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-13 5 
21113724Mobile X Destiny 31Weget the girls together for Breakfast and head out for a lazyday of non-life-threatening adventurecollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-14 5 
21181947Super Villain Quest #24Smith Sterling the Spectacular Iron Master Issue 24: "Bouncer Bounces Back". Bouncer broke out of the towers and we did more of the same, making money and expanding into new territory.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest, Okatatron, Mecha-Rica2012-10-19 5 
21199638Mobile x Destiny 32We enter the game, accept a challenge, and head on out from the arcadecollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-20 5 
21229811Mobile X Destiny 33We return from the arcade, get treated to delicious lunch, and watch movies on a rainy afternooncollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-22 5 
21277183ElysiaQuestYou are a fully sentient Machine Spirit, but you are still "shackled". You have little experience with the world but you are ancient and the secrets hidden with you are precious to many...40k, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, ElysiaQuest2012-10-25 11 
21302907Mobile X Destiny 34We go back to school, take a quiz, and finally get somewhere with Sora.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-27 6 
21333372Mobile X Destiny 35We continue texting Sora, much to Miyuki's amusement, and again enter the realm of dreams.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-10-29 5 
November 2012
21406718Mobile X Destiny 36We finish up our dream, decide to start work on the stall, and head up to the roof for lunch before working.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-11-03 5 
21435501Mobile X Destiny 37We put a dent in the work needed to get done for the festival stall and invite the girls back to our house for fun times, and reveal an interesting tidbit of knowledge to the girls.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-11-05 5 
21508616Mobile x Destiny 38We fix our food problem, enjoy a cute moment with Sayuri, and set off with Chiyo to see her home.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-11-10 5 
21540523Mobile X Destiny 39We finish taking Chiyo home, spend a bit more time with the girls and then see Sayuri home. Time skip commences.Collective game, Quest, /a/ style quest, Girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-11-12 5 
21616469Mobile x Destiny 40We come up on the far end of a time jump, get late texts from Sora, and the Festival begins!collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-11-17 5 
December 2012
21942464Mobile X Destiny 41Anon-kun helps Tadashi out, then comes to Sayuri's aid, but then things start to get a bit worrisome.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2012-12-09 2 
January 2013
22534310Mobile X Destiny 42OP is able to come back after a month due to computer issues. Anon finds Tadashi, talks to the principal, and is dealt punishment. Uh oh.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2013-01-12 3 
22567417Mobile X Destiny 43Anon-kun & co. spends time together for the first day of the festival, then the second day is spend as bro-times with Brodashicollective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2013-01-14 5 
22578223175 miles to the LAWWherein /tg/ decides that the strange alignment mechanics of the Outlands means you can turn a planar gate-town into a roving weapon of mass destruction if you only you can apply enough LAW.D&D 3.5e, Outlands, Planar Mechanics, Alignment, LAW, Speculah2013-01-14 13 
22664785Mobile X Destiny 44Anon-kun made a deal with Crossfire and then proceeded to have interesting times with Miyuki.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2013-01-19 6 
February 2013
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
April 2013
24314837Mecha campaign discussionOP seeks homebrewing advice on making two factions' giant robots and warfare-styles distinctive. Thoughtful discussion of Gundam (UC timeline) mobile-suit design philosophies results.Giant Robots, Gundam, mecha, advice2013-04-18 5 
24405433Succbus Lord Quest Part 29Join Brooklyn as he finally fights off against Langy for control of Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-23 20 
24422100Succbus Lord Quest Part 30Join Brooklyn as he attends to the more immediate aftermath of what happened in Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-24 20 
May 2013
25045893Mobile x Destiny 45The triumphant return of OP sees us awaking from a long night's rest, and going on a shopping run with Miyuki.collective game, quest, /a/ style quest, girls, animu, mecha, Mobile x Destiny2013-05-26 6 
25065585Sengoku Rance Quest 1You are Rance. Hero. Fighter. Lover. This is the story of your conquest of JAPAN. part 1: The capture of HaraRance, Sengoku Rance Quest, Collective Game, Mechanism of Descent 2013-05-27 10 
June 2013
25267640Akuma Quest 1: The BeginningYou were a young woman named Claire, that had baked bread most of her life... that is, until a filthy beggar strangled you for your bread... Your childhood friend called you back from the dead, and now you're wearing his skin and committing mass-murder. /tg/ likes to have demons bake bread.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-06 38 
25328005Akuma Quest 2: ExecutionsAfter creating another one of your kind for the Earl, rumors of your brother's activity draw in a group of Exorcists to your hometown... After teaming up with your kin to deal with one of their numbers, you continue your killing spree back in town and unlock more of your own potential in the process. /tg/ also develops a taste for JUSTICE, the most delicious of flavors.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-09 38 
25335577Akuma Quest 2: Executions (pt.2)You return to Jacob's family after setting flame to the disgusting poor people of Temes, their screams pleasing you greatly as you purge the unworthy for the Noah Clan... That's what they get for stealing your bread.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-09 38 
25365478Akuma Quest 2: The Finding.Akuma-chan figures out the most glorious plan to kill nearly everyone in the city... And it meets a familiar-looking young woman...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, You Are Already Bread2013-06-11 38 
25383584Akuma Quest 3Kill another Exorcist, and burn down the town. Level up!Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha,2013-06-12 38 
25391731Akuma Quest 4: Settling AshesAmidst all the fire, death, and miasma, Akuma-chan rises to prominence in the shape of a great dragon... In the afterglow, Akuma-chan and the surviving members of his warband feast in celebration on the rooftop where the last Exorcist died... Akuma-chan is christened with the name of Faefnir... And the Earl approaches with an offer they cannot refuse.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir2013-06-12 38 
25423549Akuma Quest 5: A Family of EvilFaefnir finds two replacements for the two pack members lost in the battle against the Exorcists before embarking on a mission to find the Noah... The pack familiarize themselves with one another through violence and petty insults... And Kama becomes a Mama.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir2013-06-14 38 
25457913Akuma Quest 6: A Town of Ominous NameArriving at the Trading Post town of Ruinebriar, the family's time without slaughter has them on edge. Faefnir investigates alone and gets challenged to a bake-off! <3Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-16 38 
25495941Akuma Quest 7: The Crimson CrossThe entire family decides to spend the rest of their night on an outing in the rowdiest tavern they can find... Inside, Faefnir meets a strange man who seems to know the Doctor (?)... The night's festivities conclude with a confrontation against a member of Schwere's previous organization and the desecration of the pack's campsite... Meanwhile, Wendel shows the natives just who the real king of the bar room beer binge racket is...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-18 38 
25535442Akuma Quest 8: Getting Away With MurderThe Family tracks down the culprit that defiled their camp, the closest thing they have to a home. One of them nearly dies, and come morning of the next day, The Crimson Cross have questions...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-20 38 
25664506Akuma Quest 10: WildfiresThe panic button is pressed. The Noah is freed. It's time to make a second Temes.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-06-27 38 
25704115Akuma Quest 11: WarmthAfter their escape from The Asher, the family takes the time to properly mourn for their fallen comrade... After finding refuge en route to Florin, Morgan finally remembers who she is...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-06-29 38 
July 2013
25800922Akuma Quest 12: Dreaming DeadThe night before their departure, Faefnir has a dream of two mysterious figures and a song... And on the day of the family's arrival at Florin, Faefnir and the Noah meet an unexpected face while on an errand... Finally, Faefnir is getting married?Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-04 38 
25839402Akuma Quest Recap 1-12A recap of threads 1-12, where we recount all our misdeeds for convenience Collective Game, Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-06 18 
25840194Akuma 13: The Ministry of FlorinFaefnir familiarizes himself with the kindly members of Florin's clergy before embarking on an errand for Morgan with two of its sisters... Later in The Lady's Rest, Faefnir is introduced to the delicious flavor of a couple of tarts...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah, Delicious Tarts2013-07-06 38 
25861174Akuma Quest 14: DisorderedFaefnir makes plans for the day's tasks to be accomplished and takes Kama, now renamed Claire, to accompany him on his chores... And while visiting the Lady Morgan's workshop, Faefnir receives an absolute order that he finds to be difficult to resist...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-07 38 
25917365Akuma Quest 15: The Death's HeadFaefnir reworks his terms of service to Morgan peacefully enough... He does well in his job at the bakery and bonds with Morgan and the other Akuma through mass slaughter... Morgan suffers a disappointing failure in her work... And in the midst of all this, the darkness slowly approaches.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-10 38 
25999393Akuma Quest 16: ChanceMorgan gives Faefnir the responsibility of making preparations for the funeral of the Lord's wife... And later, in the evening, Faefnir gambles with the gypsies and has a chance encounter with somebody special...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-14 38 
26056397Akuma Quest 17: The Children In The ShadeAfter a discussion with Madeleine on where his loyalties lie, Faefnir once again dreams of the lake and the forest... There, he is faced with an important question...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-17 38 
26122431Jerkoff Thread 52Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Waifus, Slice of Life, Grimderp, Edgy, Mecha, Not mechas, Waifus, Dead Waifus, Waifu Wars, Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know, Its written by a girl so you know its good!2013-07-20 16 
26142058Akuma Quest 18: Evil Plans In The WorkAfter the successful creation of another Akuma, Faefnir takes note of the Doctor's odd behavior... Later, Faefnir meets up with Morgan, Madeleine, and Fonso to discuss the gypsy's hard, throbbing problem...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-21 38 
26197322Akuma Quest 19: The DamnedWe learn more about what Fonso's mark means, things get very heated between Morgan and Maddie, and we cool down with a meeting in the Church at night to plan the festivities for the funeral of the Lord's wife.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-24 38 
26216580Succubus Lord Quest: Part 41Its a legitimate empire building strategy!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-07-25 5 
26260816Akuma Quest 20: A Funeral For The ManyThe meeting goes ... interestingly. The plan is set, a priest is killed and tensions rise between the family and the Noah. Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-27 38 
26315720Akuma Quest 21: A Dirge For The LivingFire and screaming signal the beginning of Florin's ruin... The cardinal bearing the sword of kings clashes against Maashima with an unbearably pure light... And the family are dead set on settling the score with an old enemy...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-30 38 
August 2013
26371862Ground Crew QuestDammit, dams break if you smash Invader skulls into them, kid! Collective Game, Ground Crew Quest, mecha, NotEva2013-08-02 13 
26399223Akuma Quest 22: We All Rejoiced...Somehow the entire family lives through the funeral. Treachery is dealt with, an odd book is found, and a choice is made. Not necessarily in such an order.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha, Collective Game2013-08-03 38 
26417804Ground Crew Quest 2CORT uses an in-house version of Ubuntu, but still gives us equipment last certified before the Berlin Wall fell. And now we have to drag a journalist along.Collective Game, Ground Crew Quest, mecha, NotEva2013-08-04 16 
26475577Akuma Quest 23: Family BondsAs Faefnir's family celebrate the deeds they committed in Florin, not everyone is able to join in on the festive mood... While attempting to comfort Madeleine over her predicament, a strong memory overcomes Faefnir and reminds him of his obligations to his other family...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-07 35 
26535231Akuma Quest 24: The Lion And DragonAlice carries out her promise to Faefnir and everything proceeds as...planned? However, even in such dire straits, a miracle can still be snatched away from God's grasp...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-10 36 
26607827Akuma Quest 25: Just The Two Of UsFaefnir and Madeleine Reconcile with the new step in their unholy relationship, Alice delivers Faefnir's most recent disastrous bread, and the Family is glad to see Maddie be herself again...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir, Family, Collective Game2013-08-14 34 
26666853Akuma Quest 26- To the NorthThe Family has down time on their way to Scotland. Pattycake ensues.Akuma Quest, Collective Game, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Bakers, Mecha, Demons, Faefnir2013-08-17 32 
26740651Akuma Quest 27: The Red WarFaefnir and the family happen upon a Crimson war encampment set at the base of a mountain... The English are preparing for a war against the north... And while scouting out the Crimson's garrison, Faefnir meets several familiar faces...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-21 29 
26778883Akuma Quest 28: An InductionFaefnir is formally recognized by the family... And to celebrate, Alice takes him and Maddie on a wildly wonderful trip to Wonderland!Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-23 27 
26884868Akuma Quest 29: The Land of WonderFaefnir and his two companions are properly acquainted with the Land of Wonder and its strange denizens... Faefnir and Maddie strengthen their bond through some impromptu acting and are invited to attend the after-party...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-29 22 
26923264Akuma Quest 30: StarstruckedWe venture into the exciting life of thespians! Prepare for drama! Action! ROMANCE! Fame and fortune are all there for Faefnir and Maddie to claim as they reach the very top and perform in front of the kingdom on the Red Queen's stage! But will stardom blind the pair to the truth, or will they be able to look past all the glitz and glamor?Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-31 24 
September 2013
27010973Akuma Quest 31: Secrets of The QueenFaefnir learns much of the Red Queen's (literally) tortured past, gets in touch with his more feminine side, and finds a friend in an unexpected place.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-04 24 
27023797The Steel CrusadersWhat happens when you create a Chapter of Marines that put immense emphasis on mechanized warfare? You get these guys. After much debating the Chapter was called the Steel Crusaders.Steel Crusaders, Space Marines, 40K, Astartes, Mechanized2013-09-05 4 
27049194Akuma Quest 32: The Queen in SpadesWhen misfortune comes, it comes in spades... Alice finds herself locked out of Wonderland... And the play does not go as planned... To turn things around, Faefnir and Maddie cook up a devilish surprise... But they may have bitten off more than they could chew with their new creation...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-06 23 
27130211Akuma Quest 33: Four of a KindThe Queens of Hearts and Spades each beckon to the demons to help them slaughter the other, but Faefnir and Maddie choose instead to bring in another guest to the party...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-10 22 
27202344Gundam X QuestWhere we build our MS. IN A MILITARY BASE! WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAP!Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-09-14 22 
27230426Gundam X Quest: Episode 2 In which Dave gets a new apprentice and cuts a deal with the crew of the Freeden.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-09-15 16 
27251353Gundam X Quest Episode 3In which we head North...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-09-16 14 
27305489Akuma Quest 34: The Lord and Lady's CastleFaefnir and Maddie reunite with their family in a castle located within Scottish territory... They promptly set to work on restoring its crumbling structure to establish it as a base of operations... Once they finish with their home renovation, they receive a surprise visit from a certain devilish lady...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-19 20 
27338649Gundam X Quest Episode 4In which Dave goes salvaging, and gets more than he bargained for...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-09-22 12 
27406974Akuma Quest 35: CastlewarmingUnnerved by the Devil Queen's offer, Faefnir and Maddie argue on where their true loyalties lie... After a heated conclusion, the two are met by the rest of their family, both close and extended, to discuss the aftermath of their adventure in Wonderland... Afterward, Faefnir, Maddie, and Morgan agree to share a private moment together after the Duke's departure...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-25 14 
27458828Gundam X Quest: Episode 5In which Dave and company go to the beach...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-09-28 10 
October 2013
27576071Gundam X Quest: Episode 6In which Dave tries diplomacy.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-10-05 10 
27698103Gundam X Quest: Episode 7In which we discover that the dice gods hate the ocean.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-10-12 10 
27764254Akuma Quest 36: FinAnd the world ends...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-10-16 4 
27816365Gundam X Quest: Episode 7 Part 2In which DRAMA occurs.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-10-19 10 
27941010Gundam X Quest: Episode 8We chose a name for our Organization. GM manipulates votes so the most hated option wins.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, Mecha2013-10-26 8 
27977339Gundam X Quest: Episode 9In which we draw closer to Zonder Epta...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-10-28 7 
November 2013
28060315Gundam X Quest: Episode 10In which the Freeden travels to the Newtype Research Facility.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-11-02 8 
28184072Gundam X Quest: Episode 10 Part 2In which we think up an upgrade...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-11-09 8 
28311057Gundam X Quest: Episode 11In which we go spelunking and find a fucking SPACESHIP.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-11-17 5 
28442350Gundam X Quest: Episode 12In which Dave and Garrod go to space.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-11-23 9 
28569147Gundam X Quest: Episode 13In which the battle for Satelicon is fought.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-11-30 5 
December 2013
28843867Gundam X Quest: Episode 13 Part 2In which a Colony Laser gets blown up.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-12-14 3 
28990662Gundam X Quest: Episode 14In which the Freeden travels to El Dar Samnia.Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2013-12-21 6 
January 2014
29261590Gundam X Quest: Episode 15In which the QM has connectivity issues...Gundam X Quest, Quest, After War Gundam X, Collective Game, mecha2014-01-04 6 
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
May 2014
32000669Mecha Musume Quest #1Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-09 7 
32142597Mecha Musume Quest #2 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-16 7 
32287421Mecha Musume Quest #3 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-23 6 
June 2014
32592293Mecha Musume Quest #4 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-06-06 5 
32781646Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 2In which we meet the rest of our team, drink, outfit our machines, and sort out some personal issues before our first major deployment.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-15 30 
32804222Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 3Tonight: Anaheim Electronics sucks at its job, Dominic tries out the Gundam Lilium in mock combat, everyone goes for a swim, and we learn that our first mission will take us to Axis.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-16 24 
32923788Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 4Carya confesses to Dominic en route to Axis, a battle takes place in which we destroy a giant mobile armor and capture Haman Karn, along with a miniaturized psycommu.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha2014-06-22 23 
32942453Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest # 5Mostly focuses on trolling Char, interrogating Haman, and the possible need to control advances in weapons design. If you listen very carefully, you can also probably hear the sound of canon shattering.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-23 25 
33055989Gundam Wing Quest 01: Five Gundams Confirmed Part 1Our tale of devastation continues, and Lake vitoria is no more. Collective Game, Gundam Wing Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam, Mecha, Alternate Universe 2014-06-28 5 
33068161Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #6In which a group of Federation soldiers assault our team to get revenge on Haman, and to punish us for working too closely with her. The aftermath takes no small amount of cleaning-up.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-29 21 
33088162Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #7The Lilium gets an upgrade that almost ends up destroying the Kyongju, Dominic has a couple of moments with members of his team, and we scratch the surface in investigating Anaheim's backroom dealings. Something is rotten in the Earth Federation...Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-06-30 21 
July 2014
33155447Gundam Wing Quest 01-2: Five Gundams ConfirmedHeero Encounters Treize's gundam and unlocks his Newtype Powers. Gundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam, Mecha, Alternate Universe2014-07-03 2 
33214746Gundam Wing Quest 03: The Sword of DamocleThe Sword Falls upon Deikm and War is DeclaredGundam Wing Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam, Alternate Universe, Mecha 2014-07-06 5 
33303103Gundam Wing Quest 04: The Sanc Kingdom BurnsThe Sanc Kingdom Bunrs to nothingness and a pandora's box maybe opened. Collective Game, Gundam Wing Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam, Mecha, Alternate Universe 2014-07-10 4 
33339292Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #8Dominic has 99 problems, and they're all Nina. We also find out that CC is surprisingly tolerant, and that the Federation may be up to a LOT of sketchy shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-12 21 
33361504Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #9The shit begins to hit the fan for Dominic and crew, we gain another Newtype crew member, and we get to briefly play as Char Aznable at a crossroads in his life. Will he be best father, or worst father? Only time will tell.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-13 21 
33479047Gundam Wing Quest 06: The Devil EpyonTreize Unleashes his personal gundam The EpyonGardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Gundam Wing Quest, Mecha, Sci-FI ,Gundam, Alternate Universe2014-07-18 3 
33503541Gundam Wing Quest 06-2: The Demon EpyonHeero Recovers from his time in the Gundam-00 Universe, Treize Calls us out and Zech's pulls a Char.Gundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, Gundam, GardenMaster-NORG, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Sci-Fi, Mecha 2014-07-19 5 
33495980Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #10The canon GDP Gundams roll out at Von Braun, and Dominic's unit faces overwhelming odds as they defend La Vie en Rose from attack. Also, we may have scarred Haman and Rossweisse for life.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-19 20 
33519286Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #11The damage to our Gundams proves too significant to fix with a coat of paint, so we spend our time keeping our team's shit together and turning potential informants through the liberal application of Yorkshire pudding.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-20 20 
33654816Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #12Haman gets inside Dominic's head, and Rossweisse unlocks HEAVEN AND HELL MODE. Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-26 20 
33679043Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #13Dominic meets an old friend and takes turns with the Sisters to thoroughly trounce Monsha and Kou. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-07-27 20 
August 2014
33824142Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #14The team tracks GP-02 to Africa, Rossweisse is really smart, and South has had enough of Monsha's shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-02 17 
33848134Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #15Spies, fighter jets, and sabotage. For once it's not Monsha's fault. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-03 16 
33868703Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #16Alphabet Soup Edition: one of South's pilots gets killed by a nuclear landmine, we interrogate a traitor, and discover the terror called 'Slattern'.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-04 21 
33972395Gundam Wing Quest 07: Battle Station LibraThe Meteor Wars continue to Escalate in Earth and Space while KRIEG prepares themselves for the battles to comeGundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, KRIEG, Gundam, Crossover, Mecha, Sci-FI, 2014-08-08 6 
33988568Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #17Defrah nails an HLV, Gato takes some taunting, Rossweisse gets the greenlight from Dominic, and the GP-02 is STILL MISSING.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-09 16 
34014928Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #18We discover Naked Newtype Nightmare Space, Haman makes Gato cry little bitch tears, and we come one step closer to tracking down the stolen Gundam.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-10 16 
34161861Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #19We oblige Anavel Gato's death wish, and Admiral Delaz declares war. Zeon may be forgotten, mocked, or used. But understood? Never.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-16 16 
34188132Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #20We wrap up a few loose ends, try to convince the Admiralty to act against the Delaz threat, and make plans for shore leave in Von Braun. Operation Stardust awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-17 15 
34347289Oversized Weapon Quest 53Shax deals with another boss! Makes a plan to fill an elven forest with undead.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, boss points are a decent mechanic2014-08-24 13 
34356360Gundam Wing Quest 08: Trans Dimensional Battle Station LibraHeero and Krieg Take the leap into another world and with it, bring the horsemen of the Apocalypse. Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam Wing, Gundam, Mecha, KRIEG, Alternate Universe, Crossover2014-08-24 3 
34493855Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #21We resume with a double date that ends in a Newtype threesome, and a mafia capo gives us hints of Principality remnants repairing something under Von Braun.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-08-30 14 
34516355Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #22The gang tracks down the Val Varo, enters into an agreement with Cima Garahau, and shoots Kelley Layzner in his other arm.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-31 15 
September 2014
34702819Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #23Good news? New ship, two new operators. Bad news? Operation Stardust happened.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-08 18 
34817794Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #24We rush to defend Side 3 from an attack by the Axis Advance Fleet, and get a few new tools with which to kick ass.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-13 15 
34841135Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #25The battle at Side 3 draws to a close, we capture Ilia Pazom, and we all find out how far Mars Zeon is willing to go in their ongoing war against the Federation.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-14 24 
34978746Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #26Teen Titans edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-20 16 
35003039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #27Dinner at Dominic's: friends, family, and a good deal of fallout when our family finds out what we've been up to.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-21 17 
35133517Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #28Housekeeping before the mission Titans has lined up. Then things get a little awkward when we get in a game of chicken...Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-27 13 
35156169Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #29Hot springs on a spaceship, Char turns up, and the Valkyrie launches the first orbital MS assault in history.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-28 21 
35207726Gundam Wing Quest 08.5Trans Dimensional Battle Station LibraHeero and KRIEG Venture to the Future Century, Hearts are broken and the march of Krieg continues.Gundam_Wing_Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective_Game, Gundam, Krieg, Alternate Universe, Mecha2014-09-30 6 
October 2014
35284814Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #30Dominic decides to take on the world, and our next mission turns out to be a casino heist.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam2014-10-04 16 
35305895Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #31We pick up a loli Zeon princess and go on a heist.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-05 17 
35433303Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32Wrapping things up before the timeskip, and South convinces the silly spacenoids that drop bears and hoop snakes are real.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 14 
35443140Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32.5We play as Sayla trying to get Amuro to actually DO something. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 12 
35457236Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #33The Valkyrie defuses a hostage situation with their new Gundams, and a new enemy makes his first blunder.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-12 15 
35589581Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #34Dominic comforts the shit out of Audrey, and Yazan gets violated by some Stutzers in the Shoal Zone.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-18 15 
35611072Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #35Another Newtype is born on the battlefield, and Yazan is one creepy bastard. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-19 17 
35731444Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #36Syam knows much and tells some. Syam knows many things others do not.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-25 15 
35753450Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #37We make a decision, and meet the Nagato: two kilometers of delicious metal. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-26 15 
November 2014
35877648Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #38Something wicked our way came, and the Sisters run into some trouble. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-01 13 
35898006Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #39Space Imouto Edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Purus2014-11-02 17 
36021051Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #40Settling in three Purus, and figuring out what their story is. Enzo Bernini is a dick.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-08 16 
36042513Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #41A Hollow Man looms over the Purus, and Titans finally shows its true colors. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Cute Purus Doing Cute Things2014-11-09 16 
36164206Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #42Christina pilots a souped-up ball, Carrina minimizes the damage of a colony gassing, and a civil war looms on the horizon. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-15 15 
36185279Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #43Preparations on the edge of a civil war. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-16 17 
36310580Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #44We take control of the La Vie en Rose.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-22 15 
36332039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #45These are our Purus. There are many others like them, but these are ours. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-23 14 
December 2014
36614910Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46New limbs, new tech, new threats.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-07 12 
36633718Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46.5Things pick up where they left off when server errors caused a problem... and Artesia and Haman speak to the Assembly at Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-08 15 
36887369Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #47Cleanup after the actions in Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-21 10 
January 2015
37320001Zoid Quest Hunters:0 PrologueEnter Aelon Riot, a Hunter. Part time Archeologist,Salvage Scavenger and Mercenary GardenMaster-NORG, Zoid Quest Hunters, Collective Game, Zoids, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Mecha2015-01-12 5 
37429591Zoids Quest Hunters 1: A Blood Feud Revived! Enter Claude!Aelon's Journey continues as repairs are made, old memory's are revisited and Claude makes his appearance. Bad Blood flows GardenMaster-NORG, Zoid Quest Hunters, Collective Game, Zoids, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Mecha2015-01-17 5 
37571871Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #48Titans' endgame is in sight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-23 9 
37592879Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #49Surprisingly calm Newtype nightmare space.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-24 12 
37728176Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #50The Grim Guard gets back in the fight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-30 12 
37752927Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #51Escape and Evasion edition.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-31 11 
February 2015
37906472Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #52The opening salvo of a new war in the Earth Sphere. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-07 12 
38065869Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #53Dealing with the Leipzig UFO.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-14 12 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38198872Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #54Assault on the Control Room.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-20 10 
38222372Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #55Two Betrayals.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-21 11 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
38378089Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #56One Titans lab down, several to go. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-28 9 
March 2015
38402968Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #57What doesn't kill Titans will simply make it stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-01 11 
38517952Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #58The joint strike force tentatively named "Londo Bell" goes on its first adventure.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-06 13 
38541876Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #59Mayfly of Space edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-07 12 
38548415Gundam Wing Quest 09: The Multiverse NexusHeero and Krieg now stand upon the precipice of various worlds, Upgrades and plans are made and soon the drums of war beat again.Gundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Mecha, Gundam, Alternate Universe, KRIEG2015-03-08 2 
38680196Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #60New directions.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-13 11 
38703103Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #61Two targets, one plan, a thousand and one ways to die.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-14 12 
38883081Zoids Quest Hunters 2: Point 215-6 and the mystery of Evolt!Aelon and company finally reach Point 215-6, hopefully they gain a chance to recover however due to the previous battle all eyes are on Aelon and his Liger-0!Zoids Quest Hunters, Zoids, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Mecha, Battles2015-03-23 5 
38991729Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #62The three-way battle at L1 begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-28 8 
39011905Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #63A battle four years in the making continues.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-29 13 
April 2015
39135356Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #64Carrina vs Voight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-04 9 
39158130Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #65What doesn't kill you only makes things stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-05 11 
39165875The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-06 135 
39185203The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-07 141 
39426198Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #66The Joker brokers a deal with the Devil. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-18 9 
39419774Peasant Mecha Commander QuestThe peasant finds an ancient mecha during his nettledick gathering trip.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39438531Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 2The Peasant Explores the Golem and recruits a town with MANLY SHOUTINGPeasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39467215Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 3Peasant tries to make a speech, goes alpha on the bakers' daughter and is - maybe - about to get his arse kicked.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-21 11 
39566818Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #67A trip down memory lane.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-25 9 
May 2015
39850421Zeta Quest 1: Humble BeginningsThe son of a colonization ship's pilot has to man up and save the day during a surprise attackZeta Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, Quest Thread2015-05-10 7 
39879383Zeta Quest 2: A Warm WelcomingFifer Gotsley accepts a scouting mission, and finds more than he expectedZeta Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, Quest Thread2015-05-11 5 
39939194Zeta Quest 3: AwakeningA new, strange character awakens, and explores the BadlandsZeta Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, Quest Thread2015-05-14 3 
39976565Zeta Quest 4: Breaking AwayFifer Gotsley leaves the Apollo behind to forge his own path, and encounters a terrifying enemy. Armen Azhari, The Bandit Prince takes up arms against the CathedraleZeta Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, Quest Thread2015-05-16 3 
39992646Zeta Quest 5:ReckoningFifer is rescued by Saria Ainclad, a Cathedrale officer in exile; Arina and Skyren prepare to head off on an adventureZeta Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, Quest Thread2015-05-17 2 
June 2015
40396631Do you believe in magic?An interesting question, what's your answer?/tg/, ideas, irl, magic, mechanics, opinion, tg2015-06-06 0 
40741913Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #68So long, fare well, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-06-21 9 
40747009The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition ExpertsWorking alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore! It's episode 12.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent2015-06-22 169 
40918857forgeworld founding quest iiwe meet an orgyn read some books and arrange for construction to begincollective game, forgeworld founding quest, adeptus mechanicus2015-06-30 2 
July 2015
41239957Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot HomebrewFollow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Rules and system being decided upon. Further elaboration.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-17 -5 
41335901Combat Armor Quest 01The story begins. Our team kicks ass at the tournament finals and we meet our manager before getting a terrible phone call. Collective Game, Combat Armor Quest, Mecha 2015-07-20 2 
41401053Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot Homebrew #4Follow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Rules and system being finalized. WorldbuildingMatryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-23 -2 
41466873Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot Homebrew #5Developing a homebrew game and setting focused on human/transforming mecha partner. Crunch and fluff development.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-07-26 -1 
August 2015
41582827Matryoshka Partition - Transforming Robot HomebrewFollow-up thread of developing a setting for a human/transforming robotic partner styled game. Thread didn't last long. Minor rules noted. Awaiting anon's playnotes.Matryoshka Partition, mecha, game mechanics, game design, game ideas, robots, transformers, homebrew2015-08-04 -3 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 114 
September 2015
42624179Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #69The End begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-09-20 9 
October 2015
42887759Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #70Pezun: the Newtypes Assemble.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-04 12 
43276559Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #71The Battle of Axis begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-25 23 
43331678Explorator QuestFirst thread in which we know our team and mission and we descend into a temperate planet that hides some dark and hidden secrets.Collective Game, Servo, Servo the Skull, Explorator, Explorator Quest, Warhammer40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cerum Daté2015-10-29 3 
November 2015
43794516Mortal Kombat PnP DiscussionA discussion on the mechanics for a proposed PnP based on Mortal Kombat.Mortal Kombat, game mechanics, game design 2015-11-28 1 
January 2016
44647354Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Beta Mission 2A band of Elite mercs gets contracted by the bombastic Haxton Guye to perform industrial sabotage on the A.E.S.R corporation.Cognis, mech, mercs, mecha, tacticool, skirmish, quest, collective game, robots2016-01-09 2 
45051039Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 1War comes to the great interior desert. The Legend of the Camel Corps begins.Cognis, mech, mercs, mecha, tacticool, skirmish, quest, collective game, robots2016-01-28 3 
February 2016
45135307Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 2The Camel Corps attack a pair of heavily armoured assault servers.mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-01 2 
45137463For House and Dominon Civil War 16We revisit the Yineput system years later, relive old glories and test out an advanced Gunship Mech.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, mecha2016-02-03 11 
45279676Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 3The Caramel Camel Corps undertake their biggest mission yet: An attack on an Anuncian FOB servicing a giant land carrier.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool2016-02-08 3 
45308607Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 3 part 2Despite multiple setbacks and horrendous bad luck the Camel Corps grind the Anuncians into the dust, but at what cost.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-12 3 
45394420Mecha Mercs: Hanger Thread 1The Caramel Camel Corps become subsidiaries of Noblesse Oblige and proceed to spend their big pay out on new gear.mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-16 2 
45516067Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4The Caramel Camel Corps get a taste of real war and sustain their first casualty.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-22 3 
45583238Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4 part 2The 3C finish off the 2nd wave. Back at base they pay tribute to their fallen comrade and decide their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-26 3 
March 2016
45798844Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5The Caramel Camel Corps take on some police work from the IF and move to apprehend an arms dealer.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-08 2 
45882007Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5 part 2The Arms Dealer escapes, but the 3C still get a decent payout.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-11 1 
45945451Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore stuff to buy and the 3C is approached by some mysterious new employers.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-12 1 
46052428Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore shopping and rules clarificationsMecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-17 2 
46096012Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C decide to do the IF's dirty work.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-20 3 
46165453Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadThe 3C get contacts in the black market and promptly buy illegal things.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-26 2 
46311613Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C deploy to protect the Principality and face an onslaught of tanks.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-30 1 
April 2016
46347842Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 2The battle for the Principality continues and the despite inflicting massive casualties on the enemy, the defense line starts to falter.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-03 2 
46489044Mecha Space Pirate Quest 1In which our hero Roarke Susan "Dude McCool" Starwind acquires a name, a backstory, and builds a mech in a crater with a bunch of scraps Mecha Space Pirate Quest, quest thread, mecha2016-04-06 35 
46548855Mecha Space Pirate Quest 2In which our hero, Roarke Starwind, pistol-whips a mugger, plays checkers with a senior citizen, and is reunited with his squad.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, quest thread, mecha2016-04-09 27 
46573862Mecha Space Pirate Quest 3In which Roarke Starwind, Space Pirate, scores his first onscreen victory in a mech against the UJCIDF. Roarke acquires a fan.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-10 22 
46599011Mecha Space Pirate Quest 4In which First Mate Roarke Starwind becomes Captain Roarke Starwind, discovers the pedigree of his mech, and fixes it.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-11 21 
46656446Mecha Space Pirate Quest 5Waifu Wars begin. Roarke's first real raid. Knuckle Kaiser shows off its new power by putting the fear of God into Martians via criticals.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-14 21 
46697892Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6Our first two-parter. Roarke kidnaps a girl and makes money. A weeaboo appears, but he can't dattebayo.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-16 20 
46632314Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 3The NORD armored assault is repelled and the 3C consider their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-17 1 
46720807Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6.5The battle with Captain Oda ends, and he makes a truly strange request in exchange for agreeing to become Roarke's subordinate.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-17 20 
46759645Mecha Space Pirate Quest 7In which Roarke Starwind fulfills Oda's request, adds Martians to his Crew, and has a date with Karen.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective game, mecha2016-04-19 16 
46822873Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8In which Roarke Starwind returns to California Station, hangs out with Yoritomo, has another critical hit, and prepares for his date.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-22 15 
46845191Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8.5The second two-parter concludes. Roarke goes on a date, a cute girl's smile is protected. We learn more about the Green Skulls and UJCIDFMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-23 13 
46887543Mecha Space Pirate Quest 9In which Roarke Starwind greatly improves his crew's mecha, angers Rashad, double-upgrades the KK, and Red Siren makes A HEROINE'S ENTRANCMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-25 13 
46930317Mecha Space Pirate Quest 10Trouble with the law. The invasion of Suleiman 1 begins, Roarke personally murders eleven of the Green Skulls' Harpies by himself.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-27 16 
46950986Mecha Space Pirate Quest 11In which someone other than Roarke is briefly the protagonist. First starship combat, and Samantha joins the team for now.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-28 13 
May 2016
47010491Mecha Space Pirate Quest 12A breather episode, massive upgrades to the KK. An unholy alliance is formed. Roarke gets laid.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-01 12 
47068941Mecha Space Pirate Quest 13A scouting mission turns into a rescue mission. Roarkemania runs wild. The new upgrades earn their points in a two-on-one brawl.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-04 13 
47122506Mecha Space Pirate Quest 14The S-Tarrasque appears, much to everyone's dismay. It's very rad. Roarke is kind to children and haughty Martian heiresses.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-07 14 
84708Rebel MechWar has changed, and it's sexierRebel Mech, Mecha, War, Collective Game2016-05-08 3 
47140268Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15Roarke wades knee-deep in the blood of the Green Skulls. Shit blows up everywhere forever. Starships and superweapons alike lose to FISTS.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-08 16 
47147361Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15.5The previous part 15 thread becomes the longest yet and sinks into autosage, Wong is forced to make a second. End of the Introductory Arc.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-08 13 
47174869Mecha Space Pirate Quest 16Roarke arrives at Auditorium and tries to get some R&R. Video games are won and lost, and a terrifying ultimatum is made. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-10 13 
47206627Mecha Space Pirate Quest 17Turn your sorrow into anger! Roarke gets laid twice...at least. Emotions run high, but the Admiral is battle-ready at the end. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-12 14 
47238762Muv-Luv Alternative Quest 4Our return to Tea Drinking Station includes drinking Irish Coffee minus the coffee part. We also bully a commissar and avoid certain doom.Muv-Luv, Muv-Luv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, Mecha, ayy lmao2016-05-14 1 
47257394Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18Waifu wars erupt again, Red Siren hatches a plan to save Roarke's reputation, Oda's moneymaking scheme is revealed, a raid begins.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-15 12 
47273446Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18.5Roarke and Red Siren defeat many enemy mecha, including new grunt units. Then, Roarke gets to be on television and seduces the audience.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-16 13 
47285141Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 5#1 Worst DadsBookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-05-17 10 
47325301Mecha Space Pirate Quest 19The first segment of the UJCIDF interlude. We meet Caesar, Caesar gets savage, spills spaghetti, and meets a nice girl.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-19 13 
47341924Mecha Space Pirate Quest 20Caesar's savagery continues, he goes on a date, spills spaghetti, and finds out that Naomi likes pasta. Assertiveness leads to pillaging.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-20 13 
47375522Mecha Space Pirate Quest 21Caesar and company get their orders and prepare for their mission. Fairchild gets angry. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-22 13 
47393859Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22Another two-parter. Caesar discovers sabotage, knows Morse Code, and is challenged to and wins a duel with an unwilling foe.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-23 12 
47401044Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22.5Part 2. Captain Oda gives some information to an initially reluctant Caesar, who takes Mohammed back to the Jaburo. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-23 11 
47413601Mecha Space Pirate Quest 23Roarke returns, to deal with the fallout of the duel and negotiate with the UJCIDF. Includes a long discussion on starship combat tactics. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-24 11 
47429692Mecha Space Pirate Quest 24Metal Gear Mohammed. Brave Mohammed engages the Boss in CQC. Division amongst the UJCIDF becomes apparent and the Terran appears.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-25 13 
47478207Mecha Space Pirate Quest 25Roarke Starwind versus the Green Skulls' First Mate. That's all that needs saying.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-28 13 
47494450Mecha Space Pirate Quest 26The glorious climactic space battle against the Green Skulls. Possibly the end of an arc.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-29 12 
47508773Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 6stressful feelings fly and shopping is done.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-05-31 10 
47531402Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27Part 1 of a 2-parter. The shortest thread yet, mostly discussion due to Wong having to leave early. Samantha and Roarke discuss the futureMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-31 11 
June 2016
47546996Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27.5Roarke negotiates and solves problems. He also wins one duel and loses another, but ends up being fussed over by the Double Girl Alliance.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-01 14 
47597903Mecha Space Pirate Quest 28Roarke learns who defeated him, signs autographs, gets an upgrade for his ship and has a touching moment with the siren.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective game, mecha2016-06-04 10 
47615167Mecha Space Pirate Quest 29Clemmy versus Red SirenMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-05 11 
47652930Mecha Space Pirate Quest 30A rescue mission turns into a deadly ambush, Roarke and Red Siren against SOUL B.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-07 13 
47700146Mecha Space Pirate Quest 31Dialogue and duels, mostly duels, a running battle that leads into the second direct confrontation with the First Mate. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-10 13 
47747749Mecha Space Pirate Quest 32Roarke learns the truth about many things from Doctor Clancy, then is forced into a high-stakes duel with the Butcher.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-13 14 
47793814Mecha Space Pirate Quest 33Roarke deals with Captain Ashta and encounters a familiar but ominous mech. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-16 11 
47810334Mecha Space Pirate Quest Discussion 1The first discussion threadMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-17 6 
47844530Mecha Space Pirate Quest 34Another breather. Waifu wars erupt IC. A very Fatima episode.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-19 13 
47947377Mecha Space Pirate Quest 35Part 1 of another 2-parter. A farewell to Fatima, an encounter with Avalon, and revelations.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-25 12 
47962003Mecha Space Pirate Quest 36End of the two-parter. Roarke finishes tea with the Duke, rejects the offer to aid Avalon, and begins training with the UndefeatedMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-26 10 
48033181Mecha Space Pirate Quest 37Training from hell! Roarke gets stuck in a tiger trap. A wild Karen appears.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-30 11 
July 2016
48062617Mecha: The Rebellion 1Mallory Arget gets created but QM calls it early due to low activity. So Sad.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-02 1 
48024743Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadAfter a long hiatus, 3C is back, and it's members organize for the next mission.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-02 5 
48081075Mecha Space Pirate Quest 38Training continues. Roarke gets the Taser Knuckles upgrade, and decides to rescue Fatima. Schemes are generally revealed.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-03 14 
48151529Mecha Space Pirate Quest 39Roarke fails to punch a boulder to death, experiences popularity, and rejoins his crew. The new Rhinehawk is unveiled. A plan is hatched.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-07 13 
48195383Mecha: The Rebellion 2Mallory decides on his mecha and discovers its real name. QM again calls it early due to lack of participation.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-09 1 
48153739Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 8/9The Mad Kaus are put down and several people step on a mine.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-11 3 
48259863Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 7Mostly a shopping day. We purchase clothes, enjoy friendship, shop for weapons, and pick up a new hire. Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-14 7 
48264740Mecha Space Pirate Quest 40Rosita and Samantha pull a prank. A look into the daily life of General Fairchild. Roarke hangs out with his bros.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-14 13 
48238231Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 9 part 2The Mountain stronghold is slowly and painfully cleared out. Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-15 2 
48297087Mecha Space Pirate Quest 41Mission to MarsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-17 13 
48300893Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C honour their dead and the command structure gets reorganized.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-17 3 
376184Fullmetal Core #1Our nameless hero takes on his first mission as a pilot.Fullmetal Core, FMC, mecha2016-07-20 1 
48371330Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 8The fight with our newest scarf wielding foe is completed, along with a suite of upgrades. Also, dancing.pick up a new hire. Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-21 7 
48377547Mecha Space Pirate Quest 42A boss battle in the desert. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-21 13 
48338349Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C consider their options and organize for their next deployment.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-21 2 
48410333Mecha Space Pirate Quest 43Escape from Mars, handholding.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-23 13 
48386710Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 10The 3C escort a refugee convoy and pwn some bandits.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-25 2 
48485618Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9Hacking is done, and strangers are talked to. Our parents neglected to mention whether we should talk to strangers.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-28 6 
48451308Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11The 3C raid a suburban distillery and encounter their first B.O.S.SCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-29 2 
48519018Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9We visit a cop, and draw rad notebook doodles.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-30 6 
48524399Mecha Space Pirate Quest 44Roarke does it again, immediately returning to piracy, this time preying on an Avalonian Countess.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-31 14 
August 2016
48576346Mecha Space Pirate Quest 45The true stage boss emerges, Knuckle Kaiser versus Paladin Anseis. The most difficult enemy thus far.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-02 17 
48516474Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11 part 2 and Mission 12The second part of the B.O.S.S fight and raid while the recruits get their first mission escorting a Red Crux charity teamCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-04 3 
48610091Mecha Space Pirate Quest 46A difficult choice emerges, negotiations with the Countess and the General. Fatima's treatment.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-04 15 
48696514Mecha Space Pirate Quest 47A plan for the hostage is devised. Fatima gets something long overdue. Roarke meets the new Captains. Red Siren receives a gift. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-09 20 
48653807Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadA nuke has been dropped, nothing is the same and the 3C argue furiously over the course their future will take.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-10 2 
48763297Mecha Space Pirate Quest 48Roarke dares someone to hit him and provokes swooning. The sidequest begins, introducing Amos and the blooding of the Pumpkinseed II.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-14 16 
48782951Mecha Space Pirate Quest 49The conclusion of the battle. Amos finally gets his bacon cheeseburger.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-14 13 
48855068Mecha Space Pirate Quest 50Roarke has a busy day with several different girls. Excellent fanart.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-18 12 
48890850Mecha Space Pirate Quest 51Amos attends an emergency briefing, makes enemies, goes fishing, and takes a captive prior to his next missionMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-20 14 
48906618Mecha Space Pirate Quest 52Battle at the Great Zinn Dam.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-21 14 
48844446Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 13The 3C attempt to capture an arms dealerCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-25 6 
48976141Mecha Space Pirate Quest 53Amos versus Shinji, Amos versus Irina. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-25 15 
September 2016
49103567Mecha Space Pirate Quest 54The interviewMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-01 17 
49120702Mecha Space Pirate Quest 55The Q&A portion of the interview, along with the unveiling of Roarke's new ride.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-02 13 
49132860Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 11We finish up with cops, and move on to arms deals and angry dads.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-09-03 8 
49172713Mecha Space Pirate Quest 56Amos wakes up with company, deals with Simon's disciplinary problem and the prisoner, then gets forced into making a very manly decision.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-05 12 
49071539Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14The 3C prepare to defend the HQ of the International Desert Task Force from a Zanvran assault.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-06 2 
49230324Mecha Space Pirate Quest 57A very Clemmy (and Karen) episode, complete with another look into the daily life of General Fairchild.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-08 15 
49200368Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14 part 2The defence is wrapped up and the 3C pause to mull over the implications.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-10 2 
572315Mecha Space Pirate Quest 58Amos vs. Paladin BerengerMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-16 15 
608224Mecha Space Pirate Quest 59Do you hear Qu'liri sing, singing the song of angry cats? It is the music of a people who shall not be paid in pats! Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-25 12 
49420254Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 15The 3C nab Dr. Ammerit and discover the truth about the ongoing war.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2016-09-28 4 
October 2016
636052Mecha Space Pirate Quest 60In which Roarke learns about Alexander Starwind, Bruce Kelly returns, and Roarke has a very near brush with deathMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-01 12 
648820Mecha Space Pirate Quest 61A continuation of the last thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-02 12 
691678Mecha Space Pirate Quest 62Date with Fatima. The raid on 16-Psyche begins. Moe vs Caesar round 2. Tasty meals all around.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-15 11 
704077Mekton Zeta Quest: Galaxy at LargeNyla Patton, a trailblazer of the final frontier, investigates an unregistered planet to find an unidentified shuttle with strange markings.Mekton, Zeta, Mekton Zeta, Space, Mecha, Galaxy, Appy, Robot, Alien, Appy2016-10-23 1 
725195Mecha Space Pirate Quest 63In which Roarke achieves his longest streak of consecutive kills.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-23 12 
754025Mecha Space Pirate Quest 64Victory and sorrow, the conclusion of the 16-Psyche raid. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-30 12 
750780Mekton Zeta Quest: Galaxy at Large #2 Wherein Nyla brings the Raz'ask to a nearby station and I have to get a solid schedule.Mekton, Zeta, Mekton Zeta, Space, Mecha, Galaxy, Appy, Robot, Alien2016-10-31 1 
50033219The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-10-31 100 
November 2016
794947Mecha Space Pirate Quest 65Exploring the inside of 16-Psyche and Dame Gray snaring her prey.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-11-13 11 
835961Mecha Space Pirate Quest 66An attack in the night and addressing the troops. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-11-20 12 
806555Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 12In which we help out Ash and get rebuked by our Dads.Collective Game, Mechagirl, Bookmaker, Questguy, Robot, 2016-11-21 8 
882544Mechanized Pilot Quest #1You are Unit 77, a pilot of Mark 20 "Gladius" Combat Armour. You have been dropped into New Delaware to prevent rebellion from happening.Collective Game, Mechanized Pilot, Mech2016-11-30 5 
December 2016
889210Mechanized Pilot Quest #2Unit 77 enjoys coffee and socializes with people. Space Port trip is crowned with near death experience.Collective Game, Mechanized Pilot, Mech2016-12-02 5 
861833Mecha Space Pirate Quest 67Amos battles the instigators of a terrible cat-astrophe, both in his mech and on foot.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-03 12 
50535024The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 ReduxThe party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-12-05 108 
882076Fleet 8 Quest: Super Robot Wars Q 2A one-shot no longer! We combine ships to form the super-robot Mung and get a taste of what lies beyond our world!Collective Game, Crossover Quest, Fleet 8, Mech, Lovecraft, Boats, Questguy, Super Robot Wars Q, Mecha2016-12-10 1 
894376Mecha Space Pirate Quest 68A continuation of the last thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-11 12 
933831Mecha Space Pirate Quest 69Amos is recognized for his achievements by General Fairchild, then demonstrates the potential power of his SOUL mech in the simsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-17 12 
915293Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 13In which we help Ash heal and get to play as a Cat Samurai and her captive.Collective Game, Mechagirl, Bookmaker, Questguy, Robot, 2016-12-19 6 
972007Marvel Quest: Rise of Robo-Hitler 1 We choose our hero, who did nothing wrong, to be resurrected once more within the Marvel Universe.Marvel, Marvel Quest, Mecha Hitler, Robo-Hitler, Plague2016-12-25 4 
957157Mecha Space Pirate Quest 70Roarke interferes with a duel, plans his next heist, gets laid, and is trapped in the worst situation a man can be inMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-27 11 
January 2017
977517Mecha Space Pirate Quest 71Roarke and Red Siren do some kidnapping, rob a museum exhibit, and rumble with the Jovian Praetorian Guard.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-01 12 
997469Mecha Mercs Skirmish Remastered (Beta 1)A band of mercs is contracted to assault a heavily fortified holding pen for giant turkeys. Scrap metal and giblets ensue.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2017-01-10 1 
1028314Mecha Space Pirate Quest 72The conclusion of the museum robbery, and beginning of the final Qu'lir arc. Things go to hell in a handbasket.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-14 11 
1032985Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission Remastered Beta 1 part2The turkeys are freed and a small discussion about the new system takes place.Mecha, Mercs, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish, Cognis, mech2017-01-18 1 
1055175Mecha Space Pirate Quest 73S-Delphinius team versus S-SquillaMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-21 11 
1082116Mecha Space Pirate Quest 74Fungus in the dark.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-30 11 
February 2017
1117605Mecha Space Pirate Quest 75Amos versus the last member of the Kestrel Team. Jesus nearly learns something.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-09 10 
1146955Mecha Space Pirate Quest 76The last battle of Qu'lirMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-18 10 
1179282Mecha Space Pirate Quest 77A tourney discussion thread turns into an interlude thread with the tourney pilots Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-27 11 
March 2017
1213620Mecha Space Pirate Quest 78The conclusion of the interlude, a return to Roarke, a look at Avalonian machinations, and the last pre-tourney thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-06 12 
1241664Mecha Space Pirate Quest 79The first Tournament Thread, comprising the first half of the first roundMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-14 11 
1294484Mecha Space Pirate Quest 80The second Tournament Thread, comprising the second half of the first round.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-31 11 
April 2017
1336925Mecha Space Pirate Quest 81The return of Caesar between tournament rounds. He makes important decisions, launches a daring plan, and gets into brawls.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-04-11 11 
1361135Mecha Space Pirate Quest 82Caesar becomes a knight and gets into a duel, the tourney resumes with a match between the Jager and Templar despite Wong's ill healthMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-04-21 11 
May 2017
1417623Black Company Quest #27The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The boy-heir is handed over, Prince reaffirms his love for the 7th.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, No Parents, Mecha, PROMOTIONS!2017-05-01 24 
1399295Mecha Space Pirate Quest 83Two more matches of round two of the tourney, before Wong's internet suffers catastrophic failure.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-05 11 
1440794Mecha Space Pirate Quest 84In which Roarke meets someone even more dangerous than he is, is given an offer he might not want to refuse, and accepts a bountyMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-18 11 
1471715Mecha Space Pirate Quest 85The conclusion of Round Two, and a legendary teamup between two female aces who hate each other.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-27 11 
June 2017
1522051Mecha Space Pirate Quest 86Roarke straightens things out, and then Round Three happens. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-06-08 10 
1571158Mecha Space Pirate Quest 87Rosita finally is reunited with Irina, a dark deed is committed, and the tournament reaches its conclusionMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-06-21 11 
July 2017
1605714Mecha Space Pirate Quest 88A short thread with more of Caesar's Avalonian shenanigans, introducing Turpin.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-01 11 
1636692Mecha Space Pirate Quest 89King meMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-14 11 
1661860Mecha Space Pirate Quest 90The duel against Cabot commences.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-18 12 
1684163Mecha Space Pirate Quest 91The Avalonian delegation departs, and Caesar vows to prove his mettle assailing a prison colony on Titan.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-28 11 
54578358 The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2The All Guardsmen Party Returns!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-29 79 
54594909The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-30 81 
August 2017
1728579Mecha Space Pirate Quest 92The return of an old foe mars Caesar's victoryMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-09 10 
1773355Mecha Space Pirate Quest 93Roarke and the Knuckle Kaiser versus Colonel Stern and the S-Lionfish. Also, Roarke versus the Gauntlet of Women!Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-22 10 
1799311Mecha Space Pirate Quest 94In which Roarke gets married and fights a mech with his fistsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-30 10 
September 2017
1824912Mecha Space Pirate Quest 95In which General Fairchild's chickens come home to roost and the situation with Lysa and Rebecca is explained fully.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-07 7 
1857639Chevalier Mecha QuestWe meet our protagonist Hunter Everett who faces off against his rival, has some angst, and then tries to rescue an alien girl. Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-12 14 
1860104Chevalier Mecha Quest #2Hunter talks to an alien princess, names his mecha, goes out drinking, humiliates a popular girl, and then TRAINS!Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-14 13 
1845985Mecha Space Pirate Quest 96The introduction of Rudolph Merrow and Pope Joan II.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-17 8 
1878091Chevalier Mecha Quest #3Hunter has an encounter with the Emperor of the Vaahl, and then some dramatic stuff happens with Ahri and Sam. Hunter is confused.Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-19 6 
1885073Mecha Space Pirate Quest 97The Summit for the junior partners of the Solar System League, and everything that goes with it.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-28 6 
1915555Macross QuestPilot Harry Neumann finds himself given a very unusual assignment. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-09-30 25 
October 2017
1938596Macross Quest 2Harry arrives at his new home base for the foreseeable future.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-07 22 
1926642Mecha Space Pirate Quest 98rules of nature Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-10-11 6 
1963522Macross Quest 3Harry gets his first taste of combat in the Nabaal Cluster. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-14 24 
1953006Mecha Space Pirate Quest 99Caesar sees Naomi againMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-10-19 10 
1991280Macross Quest 4Harry has a chance to get his boots on the ground. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-21 24 
2017550Macross Quest 5Harry spends a bit of quality time with Amy. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-10-28 21 
November 2017
2037980Macross Quest 6Harry is sent out for Amy's first "test run."Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-04 20 
2027838Mecha Space Pirate Quest 100Thread 100! Roarke invades California station and fights a space battleMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-11-10 5 
2060039Macross Quest 7The battle against the Zentradi continues as Amy's song takes effect.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-11 23 
2079037Macross Quest 8As a result of the decisive NUNS victory, the course of the coming conflict must be decided. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-18 20 
2071222Mecha Space Pirate Quest 101Roarke and Clemmy go dancing and the space battle shifts in Roarke's favor.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-11-20 6 
2096904Macross Quest 9With the success of her "test run", it's time for Amy to be rolled out to the public.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-11-25 20 
December 2017
2114952Macross Quest 10Harry oversees Amy's first public concert.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-02 21 
2100980Mecha Space Pirate Quest 102Roarke runs from an awkward conversation into new danger, then confronts the Hextarchy and Captain Marx of the Five Man BandMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-12-08 5 
2132254Macross Quest 11Harry has to deal with the aftermath of the kidnapping attempt on Amy. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-09 20 
2148910Macross Quest 12Harry has to infiltrate a CDF facility to uncover a secret plot. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-16 22 
2129773Mecha Space Pirate Quest 103In which Caesar loses to a GIRLMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-12-18 5 
56830888Machine Cultist WorldbuildingA discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one.adeptus mechanicus, chruch of the broken god, mechanists, hammerites, italian futurists,2017-12-21 3 
2169449Macross Quest 13Harry is sent to investigate Zentradi activity.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-23 22 
2185448Macross Quest 14The second battle against the Zentradi begins. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2017-12-30 20 
January 2018
2204220Macross Quest 15Harry has a very personal discussion with Dorothea. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-06 21 
2224484Macross Quest 16Harry still has to pick up the pieces after the previous battle. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-13 20 
2200946Mecha Space Pirate Quest 104Caesar deals with a mysterious attack on the trainMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-01-14 5 
2194156Ashes of RhysodeIt's the day of your graduation, and everyone is taking their first uneasy steps ... none more so than you.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-01-15 6 
2243769Macross Quest 17Harry has to go on a search and rescue mission.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-20 20 
2260934Macross Quest 18Victorious, the fleet makes its return to Nabaal for some well deserved rest. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-01-27 21 
2236903Mecha Space Pirate Quest 105Caesar makes a fateful deal, and Roarke makes a fateful mistakeMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-01-28 3 
February 2018
2237365Ashes of Rhysode 2You step into the simulator, intent on following your friend's lead in cracking the exercise.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-02-01 3 
2277007Macross Quest 19Harry finds himself in a dilemma about which girl to go on leave with. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-03 21 
2302790Macross Quest 20The date with Dorothea continues, though with some complications. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-12 20 
2270688Mecha Space Pirate Quest 106Roarke solves the problem and meets a kidMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-02-13 3 
2316793Macross Quest 21The fleet deploys to its next trouble spot. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-17 22 
2335873Macross Quest 22The fleet arrives the Torman FieldsMacross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-02-24 21 
58159093The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4The return of the nightmare superiors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-25 96 
58177335The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5In which a lot of shit blows up.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-26 79 
March 2018
2354224Macross Quest 23The situation is Gateway is worse than some would expect.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-03 22 
58286435The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-03-04 89 
2371501Macross Quest 24Harry descends into the depths of an asteroid mine to investigate odd sightings. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-10 20 
2347526Overlord Lair Quest 1 Welcome to the DungeonThe Magi who sought forbidden knowledge. Made a deal at a fine price. A Dungeon core was given placed in a magma Ocean and Goblins summoned.Genie, Overlord, Dungeon, Worried Dungeon with to many goblins, Of Goblins and Mecha2018-03-14 4 
2393838Macross Quest 25Harry returns to the mines under Gateway to deal with the Vajra threat. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-17 21 
2366924Ashes of RhysodeYour last day of cadet life continues. It's time so say goodbye to old friends and hopefully not embarrass yourself at the graduation party2nd Person, Mecha, Fantasy2018-03-19 2 
2412583Macross Quest 26With the discovery of fold quartz, the SMS private military company gets involved. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-24 20 
2432353Macross Quest 27Harry continues to tour the Macross Quarter. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-03-31 21 
April 2018
2403548Ashes of Rhysode 4It's the AEGIS graduation party. Everyone's having a good time, saying their last goodbyes, knowing tomorrow is a new chapter in lives.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-03 3 
2453863Macross Quest 28Harry goes out to hunt the Red Ace.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-07 20 
2472311Macross Quest 29It's finally time for the concert, though Amy has to deal with some rather enthusiastic fans.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-14 21 
2491113Macross Quest 30Harry wonders what to do with the captured Red Ace.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-21 20 
2467355Ashes of Rhysode 5It's your first day, but may also be your last. Enemy forces come in from left and right ... and you're smack dab in the middle.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-04-26 3 
2509290Macross Quest 31With disturbing news, the conflict against the Zentradi may take a completely different direction. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-04-28 20 
May 2018
2530012Macross Quest 32Harry tries to get more information CL with Amy's help. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-05 21 
2554299Macross Quest 33With dire news, it's time to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-12 20 
2524039Ashes of Rhysode 6As Knight-Commander of the 401st Named Chapter, you begin your period of acclimatization as a leader to those you once called your peers.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-05-13 2 
2574968Macross Quest 34The decisive battle for Torman Fields continues to rage.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-05-19 20 
June 2018
2612126Macross Quest 35The battle to push the Zentradi out of Torman Fields reaches its final stages.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-02 20 
2633077Macross Quest 36Harry has to survive his latest meeting with Dorothea.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-09 20 
60232637The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape?Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-06-10 81 
2652727Macross Quest 37With Torman Fields now safe, NUNS High Command dictates what to next in the campaign against the Zentradi. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-16 20 
2670978Macross Quest 38Harry and Dorothea meet High Command. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-23 20 
2690220Macross Quest 39Harry and Dorothea take a short, but much needed, vacation.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-06-30 20 
July 2018
60621322The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is plannedAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-07-02 81 
2725895Macross Quest 40Harry finds out Amy's been taken to a shadowy NUNS research base. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-14 20 
2720926Panzermagd Quest #1Samuel learns his place in the food chain.Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-07-16 11 
2746530Macross Quest 41Plans are made to assault the Star Forge. Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-21 20 
2752391Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 0: CRABNEET is killed by a meteorite. Somewhere along the line he ends up as a Mecha Crab Kaiju. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-07-26 3 
2763934Macross Quest 42The assault on the Star Forge commences.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-07-28 20 
August 2018
2737642Ashes of Rhysode 7More tutorials ... seriously?2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-03 2 
2780927Macross Quest 43The battle for the Star Forge and the Nabaal Sector as a whole reaches its conclusion.Macross Quest, Macross, Sci Fi, Military, Mecha, Planes, Idols, Collective Game2018-08-04 20 
2751803Panzermagd Quest #2Samuel gets a tan.Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-08-04 6 
2786740Panzermagd Quest #3Samuel enjoys a lucky streak, cashes out while he's ahead.Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-08-17 3 
2775488Ashes of Rhysode 8After going over many format changes, I've decided to stick with the narrative-based style. A thousand apologies2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-08-18 1 
61535005Swords of Avalon Starting with a "Lets make a mecha setting" prompt, /tg/ goes Arthurian in space.Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian2018-08-22 10 
61597280Swords of Avalon 2Continued work on a Mecha Knight settingMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-08-28 5 
2816506Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 1: CRABHeroic MechaCrab goes to hell to battle for justice, honor, friends and tiddies. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-08-29 2 
2823356Panzermagd Quest #4Samuel plays career coach.Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-08-29 4 
September 2018
61680425Swords of Avalon 3More building of a mecha focused TG homebrewsetting Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-05 2 
61802014Swords of Avalon 4Continued discussion of a TG homebrew setting, now with space norsesetting Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-10 2 
61906865Swords of Avalon 5Continued work on tg homebrew mecha settingMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-14 2 
2866188Panzermagd Quest #5Samuel goes camping.Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-09-16 3 
2881041Titanfall Quest: Pilots for HireIsaac Graham and Ark raid a IMC forge site to get more Titans. I mean, who doesn't want more Titans?Titanfall Quest: Pilots for Hire, Adventure, Action, Titanfall, Sci-fi, Mecha,2018-09-19 1 
October 2018
2900725Panzermagd Quest #6Samuel gets [#HELP].Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-10-01 4 
62177905Swords of Avalon 8Continued work on a homebrew Mecha Knight setting. Lore deepens with many new charactersMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-08 3 
62336286Swords of Avalon #10Continued work on SoA Lombard-RT War EditionMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-09 1 
62262342Swords of Avalon #9ByZant EditionMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons. ByZant2018-10-10 0 
62423910Swords of Avalon #12More work/details on the setting continuesMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-15 0 
2943248Panzermagd Quest #7Samuel redefines "Complication".Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-10-16 4 
62479001script pitches for a 40k movie/tg/ is asked for their ideas for a hypothetical movie set in the 40k universe.40k, movie, greentext, storytime, Guillermo Del Toro, adeptus mechanicus2018-10-20 5 
November 2018
2999541Panzermagd Quest #8[I'll just make myself comfortable. Sam fixes that empty skull of his!]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-11-06 5 
2994037Ashes of Rhysode 9Exploring the Yamato, you run into a few new faces.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2018-11-09 1 
62972087The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-11-12 84 
3043636Panzermagd Quest #9[Samuel and I duck out of a smart and specific trap: Someone really hates her...]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-11-25 5 
December 2018
3073667Panzermagd Quest #10[Sam and I finish the job. Everything turned out! Now to regroup.]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2018-12-12 4 
January 2019
3122977Panzermagd Quest #11.1[Fernglas dies of exhaustion. Just kidding!]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2019-01-05 2 
64088456Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses organic technology.biotechnology, biomechanics, genetic modification, cloning, biomancy, fleshcrafting, posthuman, transhuman, bionicle, worldbuilding, setting2019-01-26 2 
February 2019
64632151AdMech finds Opportunity and Imperial vidyaIn the grim darkness of the far future, there is Opportunity for win. Also, vidya of the Imperium of Man.40K, Adeptus Mechanicus, Opportunity, win, writefaggotry, Imperium, vidya2019-02-16 17 
March 2019
3315762Panzermagd Quest #11.2Packing up camp and a rather odd dream.Panzermagd, Mecha, Fernglas, Collective Game2019-03-15 2 
April 2019
3377377Panzermagd Quest #12[Sam does his best to catch the attention of the worst possible things]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2019-04-04 4 
3419579Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #1Restart of the Game after QM lost his notes. This time as heir of a stellar conglomerate.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-04-22 3 
3428090Panzermagd Quest #13.1[Fernglas has performance issues. I'm getting Meta!]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2019-04-24 1 
May 2019
3490570Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2Space Merchant Prince chats with Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 4 
3455650Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #2 (actual)Miss archived thread 3 as thread 2. This thread we talked to Rural friend about girl problems.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-05-07 3 
66179418The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2The infiltration attempts beginAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-05-12 71 
3507592Strike Mech '90The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-17 8 
3526616Strike Mech '98 #1Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-31 2 
June 2019
3519106Panzermagd Quest #13.2[Sam tries his best to stay out from underfoot]Panzermagd, Mecha, Collective Game2019-06-06 1 
3558983Strike Mech '98 #2Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underwayMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-14 2 
3536539Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #4Bedroom conversation with a female mecha fanatic.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-06-18 2 
3588776Strike Mech '98 #3Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in MexicoMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-28 2 
July 2019
3587212Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #5Try to check into a hotel for the night and the hotel staff make several mistakes.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-04 2 
3622314Strike Mech '98 #4The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam'Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-07-06 1 
3630522Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #6Purchase designer clothes for two girls (one of which proposed to us)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-07-18 6 
67512797The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-07-29 66 
3669591Super Robot Pilot Thing #10Space cowboy Fester Winchester kills some mecha beasts with his new friend, space cop Jester Frenks.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-07-30 1 
August 2019
3682105Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 7The day continues.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-08-12 2 
3713942Super Robot Pilot Thing #11Jester fucking diesnotapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-08-12 1 
3734252Ashes of Rhysode [Re:CODED] #8The Fishers come to Mishima with a proposal (heh)2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy, Collective Game2019-08-29 1 
September 2019
3747555Super Robot Pilot Thing #12Shenanigans happen as Space Pirate Edward is assailed by voices in his head. notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-09-07 1 
3800701Super Robot Pilot Thing #13Edward proves himself to be a much more effective protagonist. Unfortunately Fester is revived.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-09-22 1 
3793184Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #9It's party night.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-09-26 1 
October 2019
3844362Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #10The partying continues2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-10-22 1 
3872149Harddrive 1Playing the beta of a mmo about the great mech war, you find yourself caught in the middle of a worker rebellion.Mecha, Collective Game, EIA Intertainment, Harddrive2019-10-22 0 
3852954Super Robot Pilot Thing #14Fester bumbles his way through the plot as a new enemy group is discovered notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-10-26 0 
November 2019
3877413Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #11More meetings, more partings ...2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-11-12 1 
69109695MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPGThe Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-13 21 
3890315Super Robot Pilot Thing #15Fester bumbles his way through the plot some more as OP dies repeatedly notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-11-15 0 
69566972MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation.Homebrew, pdf share, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, Maharlika, Mecha, Sci-fi, Mystical, game design, giant robots2019-11-29 8 
December 2019
3909545Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 12The prelude to the prelude to madness.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-04 1 
3925622Super Robot Pilot Thing #15It's almost the end, and Fester is still incredibly cursed by shit rolls.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-12-09 0 
3951775Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 13The invasion is under way. Hang tight, pilot.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2019-12-27 1 
January 2020
3982045Super Robot Pilot Thing #17The final episode. Everything is incredibly cursed both in and out of threadnotapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE 2020-01-06 0 
3998786Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 14The QM would like to apologize as two things happened: he went to Singapore ... and was hit by the ban-hammer. Please understand.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-01-24 0 
March 2020
4081908Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 15Combat, delays ... the usual2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-03-12 0 
April 2020
4128780Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] 16In which the writer does a giveaway no one participates in ... and gets kittens.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-04-05 0 
June 2020
4278149Ashes of Rhysode 18The defense of Rhysodes continues. You, Wray and the others begin the charge to what you hope to be victory.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-06-24 0 
July 2020
4348252Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of AingstgaardCooli tried and tried so hard that a mech quest materialized.mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot2020-07-13 8 
4363572Skeleton Island 2, part 13Separate storylines n shieet notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2020-07-30 0 
August 2020
4332631Ashes of Rhysode 18 (Actual)Another hiatus because the QM/GM/DM actually has a big project IRL that he hopes gets off the ground.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-08-12 0 
4421709Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.5Second part of the wacky adventure of Zaur Givi and his crewmech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs2020-08-25 7 
September 2020
74791451Nechronica: The Long Sequel thread. Story Time / GM system and build adviceEngland/Homburg Storytime: The third killer attacks our trio at home. Arson Cannibalism Heroism. | Talk of Horrors classes & custom content.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Homburg, England, fire, Suzie, class, builds, mechanics, advice, horrors, system2020-09-17 3 
October 2020
4495689Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7Finalémech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs, whereismycommission2020-10-17 3 
November 2020
75560624Nechronica Thread - Russian Poerty Edition. Gravel Storytime. Class updates: Chariot and AlrauneChariot & Alraune class updates. Gravel Storytime continues: The A-team confront Boss Bugtalker. Fortifications & traps.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, violence, Chariot, Alraune, update, class, mechanics, fortify, traps2020-11-01 2 
4494155Ashes of Rhysode [Re:Coded] #21It took us 18 months, but we're finally off Rhysode.2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-11-18 0 
December 2020
4539644Ashes of Rhysode XXArriving in the Administratum, there are reunions aplenty.2nd person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2020-12-21 0 
February 2021
4611224Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Changelin2021-02-02 5 
4593843Solar Era Mecha Quest #1Soldier Maxim Russo finds himself the pilot of an experimental mecha as the colony he lives in is attacked.Solar Era Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha2021-02-04 3 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
March 2021
4649236Solar Era Mecha Quest #2Maxim helps ward off the invaders, and gets roped into helping the investigation of the mysterious girl he met.Solar Era Mecha Quest, Collective Game, Mecha2021-03-17 1 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4705736Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition.McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Mechanicus, McSnickers Dickerson, Cult, monster slaying, Inquisition, Russians, lavaland, one month hiatus2021-04-11 0 
4700116Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue HorizonYou're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-04-22 5 
May 2021
4764403Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special1A down on their luck merc group gets sent into a radioactive wasteland.Mega Mercs, Cognis, mecha, tacticool, Collective Game, skirmish2021-05-05 1 
June 2021
4843141Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special 3The mercs storm an abandoned satellite comms facility with an autonomous defence grid.Mega Mercs, cognis, mecha, tacticool, Collective Game, skirmish2021-06-08 0 
4804619Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 2You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-06-11 0 
July 2021
4865172Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 3I was side-tracked by several new purchases for my game library and duly apologize for this detour. - The QM2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-07-16 0 
September 2021
4919710Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 4You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-09-03 1 
4980367Mega Mercs Skirmish: Overdue Halloween Special 3The mercs meet their client face to face and embark on their final mission.Collective Game, Skirmish, Cognis, Mecha, Mercs, tacticool, spooky, mecha2021-09-11 0 
November 2021
4983794Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 5You continue your assignments for the day, playing chaperone and failure in the same stride.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-11-05 1 
January 2022
5047906Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 6[Same as the last one]2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-01-02 1 
5064695Code Geass: Bastion of the Resistance - Instance 3Bastian has a business meeting.Code Geass, W.I.Z.A.R.D, Quest, mecha, mechs2022-01-09 3 
82890060Forgeworld Hanzien/tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader.creation tables, adeptus mechanicus, admech, forgeworld, techpriest, china, chinese, imperial, terracotta skitarii,2022-01-10 1 
February 2022
5122829Weapon of an Empire #1Morty meets strange women, suffers mental and physical trauma, becomes a party animal, links a Phobos and controls a waking nightmare.2ndRatePilot, Mecha, Phobos, Weapon of an Empire, Morty, Collective Game,2022-02-17 15 
5114180Code Geass: Bastion of the Resistance - Instance 4Bastian picks up some supplies and makes armor.Code Geass, W.I.Z.A.R.D, Quest, mecha, mechs2022-02-19 3 
March 2022
5146245Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 7These are your first steps ...2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-03-26 1 
5169238Weapon of an Empire #2Morty and friends deal with the aftermath of being in the fifth layer. Morty chooses his specialisation and spends time out in the city.2ndRatePilot,Mecha,Phobos,Weapon of an Empire,Morty,Collective Game2022-03-27 15 
April 2022
5179458Code Geass: Bastion of the Resistance - Instance 5Bastian meets the Black Knights and the QM disappears.Code Geass, W.I.Z.A.R.D, Quest, mecha, mechs2022-04-10 1 
June 2022
5240896Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 8Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm slow. Also, you just finished a meeting. Ain't life grand?2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-06-09 0 
84882054The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-06-12 88 
July 2022
5302995Weapon of an Empire 3Morty begins additional training and encounters other pilots before the QM flakes2ndRatePilot, Mecha, Phobos, Weapon of an Empire, Morty, Collective Game,2022-07-19 4 
5324019WishEnder Quest Player arrives home to a much more advanced city, and is drafted into a city-wide fighting league. Didn't get to go anywhere due to issues.Unfinished, Mech, Mecha, Battle Royale, these are just ideas that came up in the quest dont get excited2022-07-29 0 
September 2022
5356466Mechanoid Evo 1A world of Mechanoids questions such as are they alive or not? but they for sure are replicating, eating and changing Collective Game, Evogame, evo, Evolution, Mechanoid Evo2022-09-08 1 
5356480Ashes of Rhysode 21The Administratum, a hub for Imperial Bureaucracy2nd Person, Mecha, Sci-Fantasy2022-09-10 0 
5366180Monsterpunk Quest #2Our hero stumbles from one felony to the next, ending up making a powerful friend and moving to the capital of Arcadia.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, adventure, shopping2022-09-17 4 
October 2022
86390441The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DebriefDon't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T-All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-10-16 65 
November 2022
5414507Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL2022-11-03 31 
5467881Mega Mercs: Operation Dust BunnyYOLO!Collective Game, skirmish, cognis, tacticool, mega mercs, mecha, tanks2022-11-30 0 
January 2023
5492260Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai2023-01-11 21 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
March 2023
5565910Core of SteelAI Core Beta receives a new pilot, at the start of several very tests to decide his future.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-03-05 30 
5575952Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL2023-03-21 18 
April 2023
5590632Core of Steel 02Beta engages in one last test in the simulator, then is forced to defend the base and his fellow Cores in reality.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-04-02 20 
5616811Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no2023-04-30 13 
May 2023
5627454Core of Steel 03Beta deploys on a rescue mission, to rectify the mistakes of Command. Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-05-09 13 
June 2023
5670248Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas2023-06-28 7 
July 2023
5678380Mega Mercs: NODR Campaign 1The Nevik Operators Democratic Republi gets invaded by the NotMongols! and hire bunch of mercs to help.Collective Game, Cognis, mecha, mercs, mech, Mega Mercs, tacticool2023-07-04 5 
5674419Core of Steel 04Beta deploys to go after two raiding mechs in the backline. QM drops for 2 weeks, then comes back. Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-07-09 13 
August 2023
5688740Life or Circuits #1A post apocalyptic world in which we follow our robotic Tactician protagonist. But then the QM gets sick.Post Apocalyptic, Techie, Life or Circuits, Tactician, Mechanimancer, Specialist, Grunt, Bruiser, Robots, Survival, Drawquest2023-08-05 2 
September 2023
5732698Monsterpunk Quest #4MPQ's Back! Our hero gets into legal trouble, chats with an acquaintance, and texts a friend.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, Arcadian Politics2023-09-15 3 
5733886Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit2023-09-22 10 
October 2023
5763651Core of Steel 05After an author's hiatus for the game Armored Core 6, Beta deploys to hunt Pyramid, a superheavy Tripod walker.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-10-07 12 
November 2023
5792309Core of Steel 06A mission goes south after a fight against hostile Aces. QM screws up thread numbering.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-11-10 11 
December 2023
5811810Mega Mercs Skirm/Quest: NODR Liberation Campaign 2The mercs participate in Operation Iron Sky with the ultimate goal of securing the air base on the Yagmur Plateau.Collective Game, mecha, mercs, mech, Mega Mercs, cognis, tacticool2023-12-04 4 
5827550Core of Steel 07Pilot Thea takes to the field in a new battle on the Tamar Alliance's doorstep. But for Beta, yesterday's friends could be today's enemieCollective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2023-12-18 11 
5855057Mega Mercs Skirm/Quest: Assault on Yagmur AirbaseThe climactic battle for Yagmur Airbase in which the mercs face off against the deadly Red Riders.Collective Game, mega, mercs, mega mercs, mecha, tacticool, cognis, skimish2023-12-20 2 
February 2024
5893221NO MORE HEROES QUEST! [NMHQ4: FORU?!]In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress gets hew own anime mech and seeks the frightening Number 6!Fuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Mecha, Video Games, Russians, Blood, GIANT MECH, University, Violence!2024-02-14 6 
5886958Core of Steel 08After the successful base attack, Beta attempts repairs on Delta.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2024-02-18 10 
5888231Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation QuestJag Rommel goes on his first mission, killing Zeeks and then telling them to stop dying as he learns what it means to be a peace princessGundam, Mecha, Universal Century, UC Gundam2024-02-28 7 
April 2024
5939238Core of Steel 09Simulator time with one sister, some minor refits, then the opening moves of a mission to secure the inaction of another potential foe.Collective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2024-04-09 7 
5939459Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation Quest 2Jag finds out his former drill instructor is now his CO as the QM forgets the 3day rule in his fight against the curse.Thread 2.5 will comeGundam, Mecha, Universal Century, UC Gundam, Feddie Quest2024-04-17 2 
May 2024
5975459Core of Steel 10Beta continues his mission to attack the AcademyCollective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2024-05-19 5 
5980958Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM2024-05-25 4 
June 2024
93031789DT-10: /tg/ rolls up a forge world, thread 1A thread where /tg/ used the forge world creation tables to make a forge world, specialized in paint.WH40K, 40k, Creation Tables, Adeptus Mechanicus, Admech, Homebrew2024-06-18 7 
September 2024
6060479Core of Steel 11A return from a mission, and a most disappointing truthCollective Game, Mecha, Core of Steel Quest, AI, Sci-fi2024-09-05 5 
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