/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2008
1260800The Realism-Obsessed CousinAnon has an extremely smart yet autistic cousin who really hates anything that's not "realistic".autistic, aspergers2008-03-02 0 
1406136Tau and ChaosTau-converted Guardsman recounts his experiences with Chaos.Tau, Slaanesh, Geryon2008-03-26 29 
April 2008
1493752Wallhammer: The Second GenerationFaulty Kai's journey begins anew, for glory and LIGHT!Wallhammer, Faulty Kai, Games Labourstore2008-04-08 4 
1498570Wallhammer Gen2 2More development, with nekomatons and...other stuff.Chip Crain, Beije, Faulty Kai2008-04-11 0 
August 2008
2330098Daemon Santa ClausThe Inquisition sends a report on the Daemon Santa Claus40k, Santa Claus2008-08-13 1 
September 2008
2642353Anon and his little sisterAnon asks for advice about what army he should make for his little sister for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. At some point during the thread, Nurse-kun makes a rare appearance.dawwwwww, Nurse-kun, manly tears, beautiful, Damaged Goods2008-09-23 24 
January 2009
3512990DinotopiaDinotopia as an RPG settingDinotopia, dinosaurs, lee, crab, dolphinback2009-01-25 2 
March 2009
4038731NautilusA bunch of fa/tg/uys develop some fluff for a nautiloid race that lives near volcanic mineral vent deep beneath an ice sheet that floods whole planets for terraforming,Interesting Ideas pop upNautilus,Fluff development,W40K,Deep sea2009-03-21 10 
May 2009
4698835Confessional boothHeretics confess their sins against the Emperor.Heretic, heresy, chaos, tau, confession, sin, BLAM2009-05-29 5 
June 2009
4730204Talespin And Other Awesome ThingsPossible troll turns into an interesting discussion on turning TaleSpin into a campaign world. BlackSad, Maus, Lackadaisy are added, and it only improves from there.Noir, Pulp, Blacksad, Maus, Talespin, Setting, Nazis, Ideas, Furry, Good2009-06-01 0 
50000005mil Tau Get5 mil GET is for the Tau. /tg/ is Tau Gaems. /40k/ forever.get, tau, 40k2009-06-26 6 
5022597Moonleaf's Quest End / Tau Quest 1Moonleaf Quest is over. There is only Tau... in the 18th century!Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest, TauQuest2009-06-28 0 
July 2009
5234728The Greater GoodThe journal of a guardsman captured by the Tau.Fanfic, Imperial Guard, Tau, 40k, writefaggotry2009-07-23 5 
August 2009
5348400Imaginary Army Men/tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos.warhamm faulty kai, plastic army men, neckbeard, wargame2009-08-05 3 
5477986Black Templar High SchoolWhat if Black Templar Neophyte training was more akin to an awkwardly gay high school?Space marines, gay, black templars, finland, sauna, scriptarius2009-08-17 3 
5502411The Lord-Captain MunchausenThe Lord-Captain Munchausen regales us with the misfortune suffered whilst dining with Archmagos Ralwure the Goldenbaron munchausen2009-08-18 7 
September 2009
5731244Tau story, main body and a new memeJohn gives us his new rough draft for the main story. And a new meme is born: Slicktau and Fattautau john writefag scribe story damiris inquisition slicktau fattau2009-09-05 6 
November 2009
6717352Tau HeresyA possible version of Dark Heresy centering on the Tau Empire.Tau, 40K, homebrew, Dark Heresy2009-11-15 0 
6730953Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy pt2More work on spec ops in the Tau Empiretau, warhammer 40k, dark heresy, homebrew2009-11-16 0 
6734050Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 3More about the special defenders of the Tau Empire.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, homebrew2009-11-17 0 
6746251Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 4Continuing the Ethereal Dawn plans. Fluff is almost finished?Tau, 40K, homebrew, Dark Heresy2009-11-18 0 
6760923Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 5More ED stuff.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2009-11-19 -2 
6801575Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign IdeasWhat starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark2009-11-21 14 
6849822Ethereal Dawn: Tau Heresy 6Some more crunchy parts.Tau, 40K, Dark Heresy, homebrew2009-11-25 0 
6905552Love can BLAMNo...love still can’t bloom.tau, writefag, writefaggotry, LCB, Love can bloom2009-11-28 8 
December 2009
7056624ZomCombo QuestSomething that started out as mediocre Quest turns awesome when another person starts a parallel quest in the same thread. The Adventures of Assertive Bitch and Fatguy!Zombie, Multiple Authoer, Collective Game, Quest, Zombie Quest2009-12-09 3 
7183230The Tales of Matthias KrauseFollow the career of the X-Com soldier Matthias Krause through the grim'n'dark world of X-COM.Matthias Krause, Matthias, Krause, X-COM, writefaggotry2009-12-18 3 
January 2010
7379393Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 
February 2010
7979986/tg/ - comics and AustrailiaAn image dump of a /tg/-related webcomic leads to a fascinating discussion of Austrailia and its local fauna.Austrailia, awesome, fuck yeah, D&D, bad players2010-02-08 0 
March 2010
8388281Tau QuestDespite copious amounts of trolling, the story continuesTau, Quest, Collective Game, System Shock, Survival, Horror, necron2010-03-04 16 
8407630Tau QuestWe destroy a Necron Wraith Moot bans some pesky trollsTau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-05 6 
8426561Tau QuestNecron Lorf induces paranoia. Surprisngly troll free.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-06 5 
8434179Tau questIt continuesTau, quest, necron, system shock2010-03-06 5 
8441332Tau QuestFirst flight and victory, but something's not quite right.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-07 7 
8456231Tau Quest, the numbers are lost to the agesLike Weaver, the cheeful Nekron lass we meet. And fix. FUCK YEAH.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-08 5 
8478487Tau QuestWhat Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. Also Rez OrbTau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-09 5 
8498317taucron questbecause tau quest.... becomes less and less true, as we get lady deathstrike claws :3 Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-10 7 
8516348Tau questThe dice Gods smile on XenoTau, Quwst2010-03-11 12 
8533726Tau QuestSeems we congratulated ourselves too early.tau, quest2010-03-12 11 
8538456Tau quest, the after partyIncludes people's thoughts on the whole thing, and a compliation of all the tau quest inspired images.Tau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-12 5 
8722284Fallout: UKA Fallout thread in which we discuss what we would like to see from a postapocalyptic Britain. Minor digression for faggotry, but overall productive.Fallout, Britain, castles, chavs, Vaults2010-03-23 3 
April 2010
9022888Dromaeosaurid QuestAn improvised quest about dinosaurs meets expectations.Dinosaur, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-07 8 
93060004chan Helps Cancer Research/tg/ responds to a thread copied over from /sci/, then a bunch more boards get involved. Vote as much as you can, as long as you can. http://www.refresheverything.com/kanziuscancerresearchgood cause, cancer, copypasta, crosspost2010-04-20 12 
9343960Primarch children pt2Daughters of the PrimarchsWarhammer 40k, 40k, Primarchs, Daughters2010-04-22 13 
9395019More Daughters of the PrimarchsYet another thread as this interesting subject More name development.Warhammer 40k, Primarchs, Daughters2010-04-25 2 
9411077Sons of Primarchs revistedMore discussion of Daughters of Primarchs which reverts back to the original idea of Sons of Primarchs towards the end.Sons, Primarchs, Daughters2010-04-25 0 
9420971More Primarch Daughter StuffMore primarch daughter stuff, debate over which ones are waifu material, and a bit of trolling on the side. All in a day's work, really.Primarchs, Daughters, Sons2010-04-25 0 
9423853Primarchs Daughters 3/tg/ continues to flesh out it's hit teen comedy 'Pri-High'.40k, Primarchs Daughters, writefaggotry2010-04-26 1 
9427456Daughters of Primarchs 4/tg/ writes more about the primarchs' daughters.40k, Primarchs Daughters, writefaggotry2010-04-26 2 
9453334Primarch's Daughters and SonsYet more Writefaggotry on the sons and daughters of the primarchsPrimarch's Daughters, Primarchs, writefag, 40k2010-04-27 -2 
May 2010
9548788The HuntThe story of a IG sniper and the Tau unit that is chasing him.Warhammer 40, Tau, Imperial guard, Sniper2010-05-01 1 
June 2010
10401727Star Trek Space Marine What happens when a Space Marine becomes first officer aboard the USS Enterprise from TNG Hilarity ensuesStar Trek, Space Marine, Bolter, Pauldrons, Hilarity Ensues, Picard, Worf, Riker, Penis Diplomacy2010-06-10 20 
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
10799324Tau Dark Heresyfa/tg/uys world on making a DH supplement, for playing under a Tau organization. Surprisingly little trollingTau, Dark Heresy2010-06-28 3 
10806071Tau Dark Heresy Part 2continuation of the creation of a Tau Dark Heresy supplementTau, Dark Heresy2010-06-29 0 
September 2010
11984094Neckbeards May CryShas'o R'myr talks about his experiences at a local tournament, involving the attack of a greasy ultramarine player. Some trolling.Shas'o R'myr, Tau, 40k, Tournament, Neckbeard2010-09-07 12 
12227855My palantir has been infected.Middle Earth experiences problems just like anon does.middle earth, palantir, sauron, mcarathorn2010-09-26 23 
12269958Zerg Quest XIVThe Swarm gathers for the cataclysmic battle above Aiur. Forces rush in on all sides, but Anon cleverly arranges for a rearguard force on Char, which ends up intercepting a Dark Templar plot to kill all of the other Cerebrates! Ends on a cliffhanger: Will Anon kill its Brother to save it?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Protoss assault, Huge-ass fight2010-09-30 12 
October 2010
12391217Once Again, More Tau WritefaggotryTau Writefag returns yet again, this time with pissed off commanders and dead Chaos MarinesTau, Writefag, Mark, Matik2010-10-12 2 
12434786Zerg Quest XVIThe Overmind is dead. Anon assumes direct control. A tentative peace is found. Subversion begins. Cerebrate Anon explains some stuff. Anon must decide whether to push that goddamn button!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, recovery, The Day After, Beautiful Candy-Like Button2010-10-14 28 
November 2010
12658152Otherkin: A Cautionary TaleYou know what's bad? Insanity. You know what's terrifying? Not knowing you're insane. You know what's worse than either? Otherkin.Otherkin, Soulbond, soulbonding, Warning, Caution, Faggotry, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrible, madness, insanity, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here2010-11-03 16 
December 2010
13111584Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri original content and discussion/tg/ discusses Alpha Centauri and comes up with original content, including writefaggotry and drawfaggotry.SMAC, SMAX, Alpha Centauri2010-12-12 5 
13256960Sid Meier's Tau CetiA brainstorming of a spiritual successor to the enormously popular SMAC. Discussion on mechanics and fluff, original content rampantSid Meier's Tau Ceti, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, SMAC2010-12-23 3 
January 2011
13392515SRA DiscussionOP's complaint against the Supernatural Registration Authority triggers a discussion that draws in /tg/'s large supernatural population.SRA, RP, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority2011-01-04 1 
13451046Call of CthulunautsCall of Cthulu meets Psychonauts, where each inmate is a world of their own. Call of Cthulu, Campaign Setting, Psychonauts2011-01-10 2 
13465334SRA Discussion 2A human challenges the supernatural population of /tg/, claiming that they're lucky for the SRA's protection.SRA, RP, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority, Supernatural2011-01-10 0 
13476786SRA Discussion 3A thread about the Supernatural Registration Authority's apathy towards human on supernatural violence becomes war stories and sex with supersSRA, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority, supernatural2011-01-11 0 
13538568Bear: The MaulingOP starts a rousing discussion about White Wolf's latest, punctuated by the token naysayers who... just can't bear it.bear: the mauling, 2011-01-16 20 
13547642The Blackguard's DaughterThread about a butthurt DM turns into original writefaggotry. Rape is surprisingly left aside.blackguard, elf, daughter, evil, writefaggotry2011-01-17 27 
13574563The Blackguard's Daughter Part IIA continuation of the story of Lily.blackguard, elf, daughter, evil, writefaggotry2011-01-19 20 
February 2011
13816299Brian Jacques is dead/tg/ spends time discussing the Redwall author's works and food. Much sad is had.Brian Jacques, Jacques, Redwall, dead author, author2011-02-08 18 
March 2011
14087660Imperial Guard Quest Part ILeft behind.imperial guard, quest, collective game, tau2011-03-01 0 
14126034Imperial Guard Quest Part IIthe unnamed soldier encounters a small village.imperial guard, quest, collective game, tau2011-03-04 1 
14120080Tau Codex Fixing/tg/ passes around ideas to fix the Tau Codex, many good ideas are discussed.Tau, Codex, 5th Edition, 40k2011-03-05 -2 
14298932Lineage Quest IIIn which Randevi Kjorstav and his squad of badasses plan and carry out an assault on a Savage village. Eye-loss ensues.Lineage Quest, vikings, Kjorstav, assault2011-03-20 3 
14397093(Dead) King's Quest IIThe first year of the second reign of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila is tumultuous. Bandits are routed, crops are sown, and the treachery of Tautila's neighbors begins to surface. The possibility of a romance sparks, and our liege takes his first steps away from the throne. Also, the fearsome phrase "The Wizard is bored" first rears its head.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-03-29 37 
14411970(Dead) King's Quest IIIThe continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila. Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-03-30 40 
April 2011
14465165(Dead) King's Quest lVThe continuing adventures of (supposedly) Holy Duke Liuva III over the duchy of Tautila.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-04-04 39 
14634988Maugan-Ra and Kaptin Badrukk: Tyranid Slayers, Cops.A question of Eldar fluff turns into a discussion of how future 40k Codices should be structured, and the ultimate buddy cop duo is forged.maugan-ra, fluff, 40k, codex, badrukk2011-04-19 2 
May 2011
14812995Supernatural Registration Authority: ReduxParas speak out against the SRA, OP is a little too paranoid, and Engineer Guy is looking for employable paras.SRA, Supernatural Registration Authority, supernatural2011-05-05 2 
14817054(Dead) King's Quest VThe Oracle has been captured. What now for the skeletal ruler of fair Tautila, and his loyal court?Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2011-05-05 49 
14816024Zerg Quest XLAfter a harrowing 4chan outage, ZQ is back! Anon trashes more of VoidGate's stuff, there's a Dyson Sphere (kinda), pauldrons, and Anon cures somebody of being emo.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Skynet, MASSIVE PAULDRONS2011-05-05 13 
14967696Bill's QuestAn ex-astronaut, a talking chimpanzee who invented a fusion power plant, and a handful other other geniuses team up to build a boat and escape a desert island they were imprisoned on by the Illuminati.Bill's Quest, Illuminati, astronaut, ex-astronaut, chimpanzee, talking chimpanzee, talking chimp, quest, collective game, tripping balls2011-05-18 4 
14958866Alternative TTGsDiscussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GWTTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear2011-05-20 -1 
15047148Primarch's DaughtersSome new writefagging on the Daughters and some fapfics too!Primarch's Daughters, Warhammer High2011-05-25 2 
15081716The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet/tg/ create a Iron Hands successor chapter. Thus the Knights of The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet are born Space Marines, Warhammer, 40000,40k, Knights, Deathwatch, Brotherhood Of the Gauntlet, Iron Hands, Brotherhood 2011-05-28 6 
15092844The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet: Part 2Discussion of the Brotherhood continues, leading up to the idea that the Brotherhood's past is linked to the Glistening host.Space Marines, Warhammer, 40000, 40k, Knights, Deathwatch, Brotherhood of the Gauntlet, Iron Hands, Brotherhood, Glistening Host2011-05-30 5 
15094060Glistening Host 3Another thread discussing /tg/'s homebrew Slaaneshi kill-crazies. Anons try to integrate chapter's history with the Brotherhood of the Gauntlet and OP does some sweet writefaggotry.Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Chaos, Chaos Marines, Slaanesh, Heresy, Awesome, Homebrew, Writefaggotry, Brotherhood of the Gaunlet2011-05-30 5 
July 2011
15462654The Legend of PIGDOGA tale is told of a THAT GUY of legend, with IRC quotes to back it up. The man himself eventually appears in the thread.that guy, D&D, dark sun, autism, psychopathy, funny, horror2011-07-05 25 
15528042Restaraunts of the GodsA throwaway joke leads to an interesting dicussion about dining establishments themed around DnD deities. At Kord's Grill, you must defeat it before you eat it, and Lolth's Cafe is basically Hooters but more evil.DnD, food, diners, restaraunts, kitchen, meals2011-07-10 12 
15582277Modern Fantasy Earth 2Liches and Dragons take over the thread. Also including: Deals to get rid of adventurers, a golem charity spambot, and centaur shenanigans.Advice, Earth, Elves, Racism, Lich, Centaur, Construct2011-07-15 6 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
15990640Melek Tau - the psionic peacocksIn their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS!peacocks, psychic, psionic, beautiful, FABULOUS, bitch you did not just diss my haircut2011-08-20 23 
15993346Primarch's Daughters/Warhammer High Thread After a long wait, more discussion of Primarch's Daughters Warhammer 40k, 40k, Primarchs, Daughters, Writefaggotry2011-08-21 0 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 -25 
September 2011
16175825Famous Authors as DMs/tg/ speculates what it would be like if famous authors were game masters. Hilarity ensues.authors, literature, collaborative2011-09-04 42 
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
October 2011
16534941/tg/ MetaQuestAfter all the talk of the Editors versus the Sues, one anon creates this Quest. THe local metaverse sector has been warped, and we use our poor funding to recruit some Starship Troopers, Spike Spiegel and Ibram Gaunt to investigate./tg/, Editors, Spike, Spiegel, Ibram, Gaunt, Meta, Multiverse, cruiser, Orz, mary sue, fixer, /tg/ starship troopers, UNIT, SPC2011-10-06 23 
16540773/tg/ MetaQuest 2We have encountered and allied with the Orz from Star Control, and have discovered that all life on the station and the planet below was 'removed' at the time of The Event. After clearing the station, we go down to investigate Sarajevo and Temple Prime for more clues, with Orz marines leading the way. Meta, Quest, Orz, Star Control, Command and Conquer, Kane, Cruiser, Ibram Gaunt, Spike Spiegel, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers2011-10-07 12 
16699613Vault-Tec Vault IdeasSome really excellent ideas for Vaults in a Fallout game world from /tg/.Fallout, Vault, Horror, Senseless Cruelty, Post-Apocalyptic2011-10-23 9 
16740295Rogue Trader group gets their'sA RT group gets their comeuppanceRogue Trader, 40k, Craftworld Assault, Butthurt2011-10-27 27 
November 2011
16821893Zerg Quest LXWhat do YOU think about space redneck incest?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, More pauldrons?, Space rednecks, Daleks, trolls everywhere2011-11-03 10 
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
16902450/tg/ Meta quest 18Wherein we loot more first age magic swords, and the OP goes to bed early.Collective game, Meta quest, Quest, Transpace guard, Meta, Middle earth, Barad-dur, Sauron, LotR2011-11-10 14 
December 2011
17072435dark heresy archivesAll dark heresy books... HERESY!! HERESY EVERYWHERE!!!Dark Heresy, 40k, RP, Megaupload links,2011-12-01 14 
17095883Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part III Our guardsman manages to insult Esh, then finds delicious Tau jubbliesCollective Game, Heretical Love quest, Heretical Love, 40k, quest, warhammer, tau 2011-12-04 31 
17127438/tg/'s foreign relations protocol/tg/ reports from around the world on the wonderful day they've had/tg/, Britain, Australia, Japan, Scotland, Germany, funny2011-12-07 12 
17163496Gourmet 40kA discussion about what Xenos are edible stays remarkably on track. Creation of the Adeptus Delicious Space Marine Chapter included.warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, Tau, Eldar, Necrons2011-12-10 8 
17293888Zerg Quest LXVIAnon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history".Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Diplomacy, Pauldrons, Drunk OP, I assure you I have not been banned2011-12-22 10 
17342370Old Man Henderson Narrated Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ storiesstorytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2011-12-28 33 
January 2012
17485327Stephanos NarratesStephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2012-01-10 13 
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
February 2012
17762102Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIMax has a meeting with tau-girls brotherCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, tau, XXI, 40k, quest, warhamer 40k 2012-02-01 25 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
17914370Devil-In-TrainingA demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can.deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood2012-02-13 10 
17991681/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 13Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup completed. Witness the shocking final confrontation with the final boss!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Author, Self, Insert2012-02-18 5 
March 2012
18300506XENO ADVENTURE PART 1In which Xeno and Warrior-kun rescue Drone from Assholetep's dickeryxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-12 8 
18313164XENO ADVENTURE PART 2In which Xeno and Warrior-kun open a boxxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-14 6 
18324998The God MachineA Delta Green/CoC GM comes to /tg/ with a disturbing idea he penned down at four in the morning, for an enormous torture machine. /tg/ convinces him he's not crazy, and gives ideas and advice.Delta Green, Call of Cthulhu, horror, creepy, machine, refinery, factory, torture, slaughter, abbatoir2012-03-15 25 
18350336XENO ADVENTURE PART 3In which Xeno gets a new friend and defeats Assholetep through teamwork .xeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, assholetep 2012-03-17 7 
18442285XENO ADVENTURE PART 4In which Drone kicks ass and Xeno lobotomizes herselfxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, drone2012-03-25 5 
18458666I am OverwatchIn which the new player Autismo makes a GM look like a boss, and players are amazedstorytime, Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Autismo 2012-03-26 64 
18494474Zerg Quest LXXXAccountantbrate continues its corporate takeover of the UEDZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Oh noes autosage!2012-03-29 11 
April 2012
18598119XENO ADVENTURE PART 5In which Xeno gets her head fixed by a new friendxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, drone2012-04-07 6 
18615638GURPS Alpha Centauri featuring Space Wizard ZakharovThread retelling the exploits of a probe team in GURPS. Featuring appearances from Prokhor Zakharov, master troll and space wizard.Alpha Centauri, GURPS, Zakharov, Space Wizard2012-04-08 11 
18661846IG War StoriesA Scintillan noble asks for advice on needleguns. Thread turns into Guard vets sharing ware stories.warhammer, imperial gaurd, 40k2012-04-11 7 
18717305Planetary Governor Quest: Part 6We reconcile with the Resistance, discover that the Munitorum Rep is an ex-Inquisitor (No surprise there) and fight off a massive Chaos raiding force.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition2012-04-15 25 
18766212Famous authors as That Guy/tg/ explores what playing with famous authors at their worst would be like.authors, that guy, funny2012-04-18 15 
18768320Famous People as That Guy, Round 2/tg/ imagines more famous people as That Guys. that guy, epic thread, authors2012-04-19 10 
18809839Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7We start cleanup of the Chaos-Marine wrecked city, give a speech, and start negotiations with an asinine Ultramarines Captain.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition2012-04-22 20 
18842714XENO ADVENTURE PART 6In which Xeno plays card games on motorcycles.xeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, yu-gi-oh2012-04-25 5 
18857254Tales of the CommonsIn which the writefags spin tales of commoners spurned, commoners triumphant.Storytime, Commoner, Story time, Blacksmith's Daughter, Baker's Daughter, Blacksmith2012-04-26 12 
May 2012
19018100Zerg Quest LXXXVThe Swarm decides that the UED's time has come. Violence ensuesCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, An important message, Corporate resume-writing, Fauxbot fleet2012-05-08 6 
19048968Xeno discovers loveXeno asks /tg/ to help her learn about physical love. Or physics. And a couple nerds keep bumping the thread for almost a week straight. Elesh Norn shows up as a Necron.Xeno, Tau Quest, Xeno's Adventure, taucron, necron, collective game2012-05-16 6 
19169232Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7.5A short and late session in which we finish negotiating with the Ultramarines, OP refines some things and the Quest scheduling is altered. Most of the problems can be attributed to the new 4chan HTML fucking up.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition, HTML2012-05-20 12 
June 2012
19338901Warhammer High: Bleeding OutA new story in the Warhammer High Universe, muck darker than usualWarhammer High, Primarch's Daughters, Someone Else, Bleeding Out, Writefaggotry2012-06-09 9 
19453584XENO ADVENTURE PART 7In which Xeno opens the thread herself and befriends a C'tanxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, drone, c'tan2012-06-12 5 
19520086Warhammer High: Bleeding Out 2the Story continues as our two writefags chock out more Bleeding OutWarhammer High, Primarch's Daughters, Someone Else, Bleeding Out, Writefaggotry2012-06-19 18 
19562384Bleeding Out: The FinaleRemilia and her father attempt to reconcile, the trial concludes, and Team Bro depart for Hell. More or less.Bleeding Out, Someone else., Warhammer High, Primarchs' Daughters, writefaggotry2012-06-22 9 
19679873Planetary Governor Quest: Part 13We take control of the Ork ship, recover delicious genetic-engineering Archeotech, peel the first layer off the Space Hulk, and start isolating the Chaos Frigate from everything elseCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition, HTML2012-06-30 16 
July 2012
19817308Guardsman Quest: The fight for Amerigo SecondusIn this quest we take the role on the role of Fineas Edward Line, minor noble man and all around suave motherfucker. The planet gets handed over to the Tau by Governor nixon and Fineas sets off on a quest to defeat the Tau. He meats a gang of feline abhumans, gets recruited by an inquisitor and has nightmares while he's awake.Collective_Game, 40K, Imperial_Guard, Guardsman_Quest, Amerigo_Scondus, Tau, Catgirls, Heresy, Inquisition, Pancakes2012-07-11 10 
19835955Warhammer High: ROAD TRIP!Writefag Someone else. surprises /tg/ with a new Warhammer High story. It involves warp travel, and lots of it.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 632012-07-12 12 
19859727GuardsMan Quest: Fight For Amerigo Secondus: Chapter Four: Rallying CryIn this quest we recruit beastmen, Squats, devour our first piece of living tech, Impregnate Anevka, and reccieve the blessing of the omnisiah.Guardsman_Quest, Inquisition, 40k, Imperium, Catgirls, Beastmen, Dark_Age_of_Science, Hunting_Rig, Tau, Underhive, Squats, Collective_Game, Quest2012-07-14 10 
19882126ROAD TRIP! ContinuesYet more faggotry from Someone else.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-07-16 10 
19972362Caucasian AdventuresThe mystic and exotic land of Caucasia, home to the strange white skinned natives.caucasia, setting, rules, 2012-07-21 40 
20058837ROAD TRIP! Once moreThe Nocturne leg of the trip concludes. Ahriman's Aide and Darkmage submit subsequent chapters of their own stories.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-07-28 13 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
20106572Blue the Looted TauWhat if a young Tau was taken in by an Ork warboss and taught to be orky?Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Derail, Blue, Learning2012-07-31 37 
20109304Blue the Tau OrkWhat if a young Tau was taken in by an Ork warboss and taught to be orky? /tg/ continues discussion.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin2012-07-31 20 
20115677Blue 3: Da ClanIn a nutshell: Blue is a young Earth Caste Tau, found by the Orks during an attack on a Tau habitat. After being mistaken for a Gretchin, she began working with the Orks, eventually becoming very popular due to her impressive knowledge of engineering, and ability to add more dakka to ANYTHING. Eventually taken under the wing of a big Mek, she became a popular and well liked part of Ork society.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Random Generation, Solving Arguments With Randomness, Scraplootas2012-07-31 16 
August 2012
20120029Blue and the Scraplootas - Part 4In which the Scraplootas, the Orks who found and raised Blue, the awesome spanna grot (Tau), are developed and made into a fuck-awesome tribeTau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, muckin' about, grots, CODORKS GORKAMORKA, Dokta Grotapus2012-08-01 11 
20121477Submersible Witches Quest 13We pull the trigger, and Kotters gets autobanned while updating.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, autobanned, ban word2012-08-01 12 
20129547Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue, Boris2012-08-01 8 
20141824Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 7The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. In specific, Farseer Vaedrisa and Warboss Urtylug. In case the tags haven't been fixed, the last thread is here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/20135819/Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, Fanseer, Mugs, 2012-08-02 7 
20144367Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 8The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry2012-08-03 5 
20151472Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 9More development for the clan and it's heroes, and a familiar Imperial Guard regiment shows up... Tau, Orkz, Blue, Gretchin, Boris, Fizzgutz, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, 1st Membranes2012-08-03 5 
20168261Gambling DreadnaughtAn Deathwatch GM regales a tale of a gambling Dreadnaught.storytime, interesting, 40k, dreadnaught, gambling2012-08-04 18 
20165003Scraplootas cont'dMore fluff, more drawings, Blue gets a funstikOrkz, homebrew, Blue, tau, eldar, fanseer, Boris, Fizzgutz, Threegrot, Dirknitt2012-08-04 7 
20174768Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 11Scraplootas are discussed some, as is blue. Some write- and draw- faggotry.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-05 5 
20228701Blue and the ScraplootasFunstikk, Writefaggotry, and the Eye of /tg/.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-09 3 
20238354Blue and the ScraplootasA comic for the funstikk, writefaggotry for Rockeata, Mr. Squig, Snekkit, and more! Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-10 7 
20275472ROAD TRIP! Part TresThe party leaves Nocturne for the land of more wolfs Someone Else, Writefaggotry, Warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, Rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-08-13 11 
20265235Blue and the ScraplootasDiscussion turns up the characters of Doc Gitsticha and the ever-suffering demon core.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-13 3 
20336256Blue and the ScraplootasTanks, planes and automobiles. It's a vehicle-heavy thread! Also some drawfaggotry.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-19 3 
20455421Road trip! part the forthread it and find out, but by this point, you should know to expect awesomesomeone_else, writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, prim arch's daughters2012-08-25 7 
September 2012
20634918Viet Cong TauOP notes there is little serious Tau fluff on the 1d4chan wiki. What results is the V'iet: a Tau Sept modeled after the communist fighters in Vietnam, still true to the race being Asian communists, but with a grimdark spin.vietnam,tau,viet,cong,viet cong,tau fluff,40k2012-09-08 6 
20636475Warhammer High threadSomeone else., Ahriman's Aide, and DarkMage whip out some fresh content, as does an unnamed drawfag.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters2012-09-08 10 
20653467My (Necron) ImmortalA reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanficnecron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord2012-09-09 35 
20693485XENO ADVENTURE PART 8In which Xeno tickles an eldar's ears, and battles the gal-o mandrakexeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, eldar2012-09-12 6 
20823859Some more Warhammer HighThe thread starts off slow in Ahriman's absence, then it turns into something horribly wrong.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters2012-09-23 8 
October 2012
20949302Sauces that go with chicken/ck/ request anon takes a left turn at albaquerque, ends up in /tg/. Still gets question answered/tg/ gets shit done, /ck/, chicken sauces2012-10-01 5 
20931788Hive-Minds and BEESThread about hive-minds quickly becomes awesome when people who actually know about bees show up.hive-minds, robots, roleplay, characters, bees ,BEES, NOT THE BEES, THEY'RE IN MY EYES, THEY'RE IN MY MOUTH, AAAAAUGH2012-10-02 18 
20964362Whatever Happened to Da Blue Grot?A writefag brings on the feels with three endings to Blue's Scraploota AdventuresTau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, 2012-10-04 16 
20994865 Project Tau: By Calmsword of Tau Online (Articles 1-5)5 Fanon/Canon articles on Tau Fluff for the /tg/ edition of Warhammer 40k Tau pageTau, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40k /tg/ edition,2012-10-05 2 
21002344Primarchs' Daughters and Warhammer HighSomeone else., DarkMage, and Ahriman's Aide return to begin wrapping up their current projects.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters, trip into hell, ghosts of rage2012-10-05 12 
21019306Embarrassing Spacecraft NamesLocal Space Taliban leader "I suck cocks for a living and you can quote me on that", was caught trying to arm the ship "With As Many Guns As My Wife Has STDs"Anti-authority, Spaceships, Embarrassing Names2012-10-07 43 
21057598CoC Haunted House BrainstormOP asks for non mythos stuff to put in a haunted house, gets it.Call of Cthulhu. CoC, Lovecraft, haunted, horror, scary, spooky2012-10-10 2 
21196988ROAD TRIP!: Homeward bound.Someone else. and Ahriman's Aide try to wrap up their projects as Ghosts of Rage resumes.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters, trip into hell, ghosts of rage2012-10-20 7 
December 2012
21861621(Dead) King's Quest ???After disappearing for years Mors returns to us! Perhaps the adventures of Duke Liuva and the fair kingdom of Tautila will continue.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila2012-12-03 27 
21868312The Incest BlacksmithAn incestuous blacksmith attempts to join a party. /tg/ berates him for fucking his daughter at the same time.incest blacksmith daughter2012-12-03 39 
21931774Magical Girl Noir Quest 69An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, Misaka, Faust,2012-12-07 37 
21943923Automaton Dragon QuestAs /tg/ takes on a world where dragons were either killed off fully or driven off to parts far away because of magic. A small dragon automaton wakes up after 30 human kingdoms have risen and fallen.Collective Game, Dragons, D&D, Automaton2012-12-08 -1 
21960657Magical Girl Noir Quest 70An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Faust, Misaka2012-12-09 37 
21994717How would'ya run a game in Gensokyo, /tg/?A discussion of what system to run a Touhou RPG eventually gets around to Cyberpunk Gensokyo.touhou, cyberpunk, power level arguing, AU2012-12-12 11 
21999263(Dead) King's Quest VIThe good Duke learns of something Outside, and is resurrected again, this time from the foul curse of the Zlatan. Just in time, for Heva is at war.Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila, Collective Game, Dead King's Quest2012-12-12 51 
22056057Monitor Civ Quest 3The Saurials develop astronomy, a hatred of exploration and unleshed a massive undead plague. The tribe was then saved by what looks like divine intervention. Collective Game, Civilization Quest, Saurials, Great Old Ones2012-12-16 2 
22136850Bright QuestNewly minted Majors Bright and Char Aznable are ordered by Dozle Zabi to perform a joint investigation of the rumored Earth Federation Mobile Suit in development at Side 7.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-20 12 
22179909Primarch's Daughters/Warhammer High ThreadSome festive season writefagging from the WHH writefags.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2012-12-24 3 
22201973Bright QuestAll our personnel is transferred to the Siegfried, the route finalized (return to Loum), and a plan is hatched (Bright Infiltrates). Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-25 11 
22247424Bright Quest 3Bright discovers the Zudah Bay is only for Zudahs - and they fire out like missiles. Contact with ZIRCON established.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-27 12 
22277164Primarch's Daughters/Warhammer HighThe year ends, and we look back on WHH with new drawings and writingsawesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2012-12-31 8 
January 2013
22359030(Dead) King's Quest VIIMors returns from the holidays, and the Holy Duke once again takes Tautila's reins. We learn more of the nature of the Ur-Flesh. "The Viscountess is in love with the Black Thane."Quest, Undead, King, Skeleton, Court, Tautila, Collective Game, Dead King's Quest2013-01-03 34 
22394282Bright Quest 4A lengthy series of interviews sees us select our new pilots, and Bright comes up with a way to test 'Triple'.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-05 11 
22413076Warhammer High: Someone Else's FinaleSomeone Else concludes his contributions to the Warhammer High universe with his final story, Eternity. Awesome and trolls ensue.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2013-01-06 22 
22545359Bright Quest 5In which bright meets the CO's of the commando teams, gains a ZIRCON Agent, a damn good piece of leaked Black Ops orders, and Briefs the troops on the Do's and Dont's of basic espionage. From: Solomon - To: LoumCollective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-13 8 
22563153Warhammer High: Someone Else's Finale 2Eternity comes to an end, and with it Someone Else's foray into Warhammer High also ends. The Trolls and Haters rejoice.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2013-01-14 8 
22599356XENO ADVENTURE PART 10In which Xeno kicks ass and tickles feet and loses hipsxeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, eldar2013-01-16 6 
22668478Hormissar Gaunt Part 1The beginning of the tales of Hormissar Gaunt, the legendary commissar.Hormissar Gaunt Quest, Hormissar, Hormissar Gaunt, Tyranid, Guardsman, Imperial, Collective Game, 2013-01-19 26 
22697066Bright Quest 6In which Bright Noah drinks coffee in space, deals with insubordinate subordinates, and (possibly) takes down the real Midnight Insertion Team.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-21 7 
22686889Hormissar Gaunt Part 2The Adventures Continue! We have more Steak, more Guardifexes, and more fun!Hormissar Gaunt Quest, Hormissar, Hormissar Gaunt, Tyranid, Guardsman, Imperial, Collective Game, Steak, Guardifex. 2013-01-21 15 
22823125Bright Quest 7In which the EFF Salamis cruiser Nero surrenders peaceably, and due to a natural 100, schematics for the RX-78-2 NT1 are found on the main frame.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-28 10 
February 2013
22932165Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Australia Edition/tg/ helps an anon prepare for a campaign by stating and fluffing out the continent. Mad Maxesque gangsters, towns and gyms, and plot ideas are brain-stormed. Poison types out the ass.Pokemon_Tabletop_Adventures, Australia, 2013-02-03 5 
23011151Yautja Apprentice QuestWe kill our best friend, get selected by the gods, and ensure the continuation of our line.Collective Game, Predator, Yautja, Aztec, Yaujta Apprentice Quest2013-02-06 24 
23065555Bright Quest 8In which Jean and Maryln find a Nuclear-capable MS-05 First Refined Type belonging to the 185th Airborne in the ruins of the colony shell office complex. Testing on the Zudahs has an inauspicious beginning. The Side Six Omake Begins.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-02-10 7 
23271053Warhammer High: Bound FateA brand new WHH writer sets out his story. Cue awesome and discussion about the nature of Warhammer High.awesome, ILikeCommas, writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2013-02-21 10 
23333921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (9)A mystery is afoot dear Nigel!Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 24 
23340997Millicent Fauxley and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (10)Robert who?Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 22 
23338701Bright Quest 9In which we test the Zudah 'Triple', and it pulls it's own weight. Continuation of Side Six Omake.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-02-24 10 
23344801Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIWe let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, Miau2013-02-24 25 
23376557Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (11)Millicent gets a lot of stuff done.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 24 
23379273Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (12)This is a short thread following the previous one.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 23 
23396314Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (13)Some pew pew wand action.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-26 26 
23419368Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (14)The party comes to an end. Squib rights yo!Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 24 
23436781Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (15)B-E-A-UTIFUL...potion.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 26 
March 2013
23469498Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (16)Millicent talks to MaudMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 26 
23474605Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (17)paronioaMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23478921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (18)OP needs some rest.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23527208Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (19)A short one from OP.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-06 23 
23548738Warhammer High: Bound Fate 2ILikeCommas continues the story of Bound Fate.awesome, ILikeCommas, writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2013-03-07 5 
23582153Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (20)OP returns. Unicorns are had.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-09 26 
23610769Bright Quest 10In which the subject of Felix Ceff is dealt with, an SD Card is found containing a closed door Zabi conference, Dozle uses Avalon Wonderland for Operation British, and Level Ups occur.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-03-11 12 
23602868Lamia Quest 1inspired by the 1d4chan lamia child story, you are the lamia daughter shortly after your fathers funeralLamia Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest2013-03-12 39 
23648685Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (21)Millicent starts to feel the pressure.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-13 22 
23654352Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)Shit gets real.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-03-13 22 
23647709Lamia Daughter Quest 2Ssen and company go retreive some stolen property and get two new members...sort of.Lamia Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Ssen2013-03-13 24 
23665674Lamia Daughter Quest 3Our adventures continue as we arm wrestle a minotaur with our tail, gain another companion, and try and protect the town from an attack.Lamia Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Ssen2013-03-14 28 
23670753Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)A twist of fate.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-14 25 
23685113Vocaroo requestsAn elegan/tg/entleman takes requests for vocaroo.vocaroo, beautiful man, much fun2013-03-14 1 
23687442Lamia Daughter Quest 4Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of the attack on Purple Sands, visit the local mages' guild, and toboggan down a mountain trying to escape from Peri's ex-boyfriend.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-15 26 
23701256Lamia Daughter Quest 5Ssen and company face down Peri's ex, the elf terrorist Donovan, and take confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-16 23 
23707397Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (24)Stuff happensCollective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-03-16 24 
23710653Lamia Daughter Quest 6Ssen and company celebrate their victory, and race to fight the Ghouls at Stone HallCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-16 23 
23725498Lamia Daughter Quest 7Ssen and company continue fight some more ghouls, talk with the lizardfolk, and take another confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23735992Lamia Daughter Quest 8note:thread mis-titled as 7. Ssen and company continue to fight to retake the city of Stone Hall from the Ghouls.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23734782Bright Quest 11In which the reward tier option is utilized, and we switch to Char Azable to assault the United Steel EFF MS Development base and protect Riah!Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-03-18 12 
23748485Lamia Daughter Quest 9Ssen and company reach a conclusion in the battle for Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-18 24 
23768347Lamia Daughter Quest 10Ssen gets some lessons and information from Granny, and the group decides where to go next. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-19 23 
23791319Lamia Daughter Quest 11Ssen and company travel the city visiting people, catch up on our history, and gather information.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-21 24 
23799673Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (25)A short one. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-21 23 
23790578Warhammer High: Bound Fate 3The story continues, and the Slide cartel is revealed to be larger still.ILikeCommas, writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, primarchs' daughters2013-03-21 5 
23807714Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw SUDDENLY BALROGS. BALROGS EVERYWHERE. Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-22 21 
23809094Lamia Daughter Quest 12A disfigured Ssen wakes up three months after she took a poisoned crossbow bolt for Isen, and goes to free her friends from Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
23815898Lamia Daughter Quest 13Ssen and company free the rest of the members from Citadel's influence and prepare to leave Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23830319Lamia Daughter Quest 14Ssen and company attempt to prevent the execution of our friends that live in Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-23 25 
23828663A Grail War in ReflectionNicholas Ignatiavich summons Caster, traps a summoning circle, and discovers Assassin's Master.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night. A Grail War in Reflection, UmarChauhdry, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, 2013-03-23 6 
23847432Lamia Daughter Quest 15Ssen and company decide who they want to bring along on the caravan to Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-24 24 
23858749Lamia Daughter Quest 16Ssen and company begin the journey from Grand Citadel to Stone Hall with the caravan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 24 
23868582Lamia Daughter Quest 17Ssen and company continue with the caravan and stop by our hometown, River's Crossing.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 23 
23874860Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (26)Things got a little too...sexual. Seriously lay of the lesbian action. She's eleven. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter2013-03-25 25 
23894372Lamia Daughter Quest 18Ssen and company continue on the road, reach Stone Hall, and discover what life is like outside of Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23903769Lamia Daughter Quest 19Ssen speaks with Granny,also known as Scheherazade, and give the captured bandit a chance at redemption.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23914843Lamia Daughter Quest 20Ssen plans to bring down the New Stone Hall instigators, goes on a date, and executes her plan to bring order back to New Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-28 23 
23949347A Grail War In Reflection 2We share war info, get threatened by Jack, Give Assassin a cup of Hot Cocoa, and get guns.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Umar Chauhdry, A Grail War In Reflection,2013-03-30 4 
April 2013
24016922Lamia Daughter Quest 21Ssen and company spend a day relaxing, finish in Stone Hall, and set off for Bronze Peak.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-03 23 
24034466Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawBack after a hiatus. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-04-03 23 
24058674/tg/ Sings Be AggressiveThe neckbeards of 4chan lift their voices in song.music, audio, babycakes, lothario, be, aggressive, b-e aggressive2013-04-05 10 
24078979A Grail War in Reflection 3We Build a Myr, Enter Monster's magical realm, Talk to Tomoko, and debate stealing the souls of little girls.Collective Game, A Grail War in Reflection, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, UmarChaudhry2013-04-06 0 
24080955Lamia Daughter Quest 22Ssen and company venture around Bronze Peaks, have our equipment improved, learn more about our enemies and meet the local Paladin.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-06 23 
24089645Lamia Daughter Quest 23Ssen and company talk with Tallow, one of fathers adventurers, meet a familiar thief, and talk with Crazy Ted before setting off for the Goat Tower and Bear Shrine.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 23 
24106442Lamia Daughter Quest Q&A 1EchoGarrote answers various questions about the quest world and characters.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 20 
24116175Lamia Daughter Quest 24Ssen and company go boar-hunting with Ted and run into unfriendly strangers.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest2013-04-08 25 
24128977Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw*shrugs*Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-08 21 
24148760Lamia Daughter Quest 25Ssen and company catch up with the intruders within the library and face off with a powerful foe.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 24 
24151747Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawDecisions, Decisions. A tought situation. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24156782Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawLate Night OP needs sleep.Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24158237Lamia Daughter Quest 26Ssen learns of her heritage as everyone rushes back towards Bronze Peak to investigate Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 28 
24174222Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (31)Millicent wakes in the hospital wing and meets a new elfMillicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-11 21 
24173024Lamia Daughter Quest 27Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of our journey to the Bear Shrine and the investigation into Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-11 23 
24189163Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 32Spilling the beans. Collective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-12 22 
24211387A Grail War In Reflection Quest 4The dream sequence starts, Assassin stalks Archer-ko, We get advice from hobo-saber, Jack up and murders a woman, and We say goodbye to assassin. Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-04-13 2 
24224788Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 33I'd slytherin to your bed anyday. collective game, harry potter, millicent fauxly, quest2013-04-14 21 
24221920Bright Quest 12bHere Kareem works as High Gee Courier while Char Anzable does defense of Riah.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-04-14 10 
24242772Lamia Daughter Quest 28Ssen and company race along the treacherous path to Dark Peaks to find an ancient dragon.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-15 23 
24255816Lamia Daughter Quest 29Ssen and company company have a close encounter with the Dragon Who Was of Shadow, and bargain with the Old One.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-15 24 
24264524Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw Consequences of a nat 100Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Quest2013-04-16 21 
24270171Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclawmight be a repost. collective game, millicent fauxly, faux, millie, harry potter, quest2013-04-16 21 
24280330Millicent Fauzly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 37500+ postsCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millie, Quest2013-04-17 20 
24285365Mililcent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 38robert and olivia are awesomecollective game, hp quest, quest, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-17 20 
24286320Lamia Daughter Quest 30Ssen and company trade stories and information with the dragon known as Old One.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-17 24 
24300182Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 39Private lessonsHarry Potter, Collective Game. Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-18 21 
24304383Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 40things heat upHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 20 
24307388Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 41stressful stuffCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 2 
24308295Lamia Daughter Quest 31Ssen and company talk more with Old One and deal with some unwanted guestsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-18 28 
24320932Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 42The Trident is found. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-19 12 
24325496Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 43The world brightensCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-19 20 
24343226Lamia Daughter Quest 32Ssen and company talk to a Lightbringer, and face the consequences of choice.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-20 24 
24346062Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 44A new look on things. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-20 20 
24345086A Grail War In Reflection Quest 5Assassin gets the shit beat out of her, Tomoko learns magic, and heals Assassin by taking everyone's bodily fluids at once.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-04-20 3 
24365720Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 45YEAR ONE OVER. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-21 20 
24383375Lamia Daughter Quest 33Ssen and company deal with breaking Bronze Peak free from Citadel, and have an encounter on the way to Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-22 23 
24387426Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie goes shopping! So fetch. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-22 21 
24408631Millicent Fauxly: Year Two Poo Poppin TagsHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-23 20 
24422089Lamia Daughter Quest 34Ssen and company find out more about the First Lantern, and Ssen gets in touch with her monstrous side.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-24 23 
24430972Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoShort oneHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-24 20 
24431049Lamia Daughter Quest 35Ssen tells her companions about her new abilities, the Dawnchasers set out for Bronze Peaks, and Ssen talks with the Fifth.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-24 24 
24467331Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie spills spaghetti. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-26 20 
24479886A Grail War In Reflection Quest 6"Monster" kills Archerko, and we have a talk with our Servant about what his former employment entailed.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection, We were such fools2013-04-27 2 
24493659Lamia Daughter Quest 36Ssen and company arrive at Bronze Peak in time to prevent a small riot, and set out to protect the Bear Shrine from the Glass Assassins.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-28 23 
24503693Lamia Daughter Quest 37Ssen and company continue the fight to take back the Bear Shrine from the Glass Assassins.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-28 23 
24516758Lamia Daughter Quest 38Ssen and company enjoy a diplomatic meal with the harpies, interrupted abruptly by unwelcome masked company.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-29 23 
24538967To Kill a SkinwalkerOP asks how /tg/ would go about killing a skinwalker. Creepypasta follows and /tg/ loses its collective shit.Skinwalker, Horror, Navajo, roleplay, Storytime, Australia, Legend2013-04-30 25 
24510052Bright Quest 13In which Char Pilots the Bigro HG for Massive Damage. Scratch Another Magellan.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-04-30 7 
May 2013
24555586Lamia Daughter Quest 39Ssen and company read ancient and inscrutable lore, follow up on a promise to help Princess Mumei dance and fly, and depart Bronze Peak.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-01 27 
24576392Lamia Daughter Quest 40Ssen and Tricia recover from the results of the ceremony, and the group heads into the forest to find the pair of lamia living nearby.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-02 24 
24611310A Grail War In Reflection Quest 7We suck at teaching magic, we learn Monster kept Archerko in her magical realm, and we make good progress on becoming Roa.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-05-04 3 
24624956Lamia Daughter Quest 41Ssen and company arrive at Coral Gate and have a pleasant surprise.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-05 23 
24683869Lamia Daughter Quest 42Ssen and company speak with 'King' Trevor, learn where most of the Mer went, and finally meet another Lamia. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-08 24 
24693808Lamia Daughter Quest 43Ssen and company sail back to Stone Hall, racing to intercept its attackers and deal with the Leviathan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-08 23 
24708275Lamia Daughter Quest 44Ssen and company attempt to stop the Mer army and the Shaper of Darkness from reaching Stone Hall. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-09 23 
24720018Lamia Daughter Quest 45Ssen and company continue the combat with Adahn, and receive some dire news.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-09 23 
24790017Lamia Daughter Quest 46Ssen and company journey back to Coral Gate, and try to stop the Mer from swimming into a trap.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-13 23 
24799411Lamia Daughter Quest 47Ssen and company travel to White Tree and acquire a considerable amount of information related to the Dramatae.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-13 23 
24827644Lamia Daughter Quest 48Ssen and company continue to explore Rage's lair and the Holting Estate.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-15 23 
24849618Lamia Daughter Quest 49Ssen and Tricia talk with Granny, spend some time with the lamia children, and have a party with the rest of the company.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-16 24 
24886628Lamia Daughter Quest 50Ssen and company help Stone Hall's war council make ready for war with Citadel, travel to White Tree, and prepare to visit the Fey in First Wood and assault the army at the Grove.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-18 23 
24888735A grail war in reflection 8We test out the results of our Kyubey procedure. Do some spying and get confused.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Umar Chauhdry, A Grail War In Reflection,2013-05-18 -1 
24900887Bright Quest 14In which both the Battle of Riah and the Side Six Omake comes to a close, with Zeon gaining E-Cap technology. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Bright Noah.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-05-19 8 
24909097Lamia Daughter Quest 51Ssen and company head to First Wood and attempt to gain favor with the Fey Court with another Dawnchaser plan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-19 23 
24909817A very 40k marriageA man shows up on /tg/ asking for advice on how to make a 40k-themed wedding. A conversation no incest also occurs.Warhammer, 40k, 40,000, Autism, Incest, win, Wedding, Marriage2013-05-19 9 
24981083Lamia Daughter Quest 52Ssen and company have a snooty highfalutin dinner with Mab, Uncle Julian, Comedy, and several zombies. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, PunStorm2013-05-23 23 
25024930Lamia Daughter Quest Q&A 2EchoGarrote adds a prologue and answers more questions about the quest world. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-25 20 
25036676Lamia Daughter Quest 53Ssen and company go squirrel hunting, play wingman (er, wingsnake) for Mage, negotiate a peace treaty with the Elves, and get lost in the woods. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-05-26 24 
25071227Bright Quest 15In Which Bright Noah is revealed to be a Daikun in Disguise the entire time. And we disguise Tanks as construction equipment.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-05-28 7 
25097382Lamia Daughter Quest 54Ssen and company attempt to destroy a Maw of Citadel and try to find a portal out of the Grove of Joy.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-05-29 24 
25118038Lamia Daughter Quest 55Ssen and company enter a duel to the death with Tragedy.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, Tragedy2013-05-30 25 
June 2013
25162842A Grail War In Reflection Quest 9We spring an ambush, get stabbed in the back, and Monster gets a Bad End.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-01 2 
25183905Lamia Daughter Quest 56Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of Comedy's rampage, and hear some disturbing rumors in First Wood. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-02 24 
25242214Lamia Daughter Quest 57Ssen and company navigate the decaying city of Grand Citadel in an attempt to rescue Her Illuminated Self. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-05 24 
25265689Lamia Daughter Quest 58Ssen and company scout the decaying streets of Grand Citadel. Encounters with cyborgs are had.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, Citadel2013-06-06 26 
25276415Lamia Daughter Quest 59Ssen and company rush to escape Grand Citadel after killing the only ones keeping it in control.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Citadel2013-06-06 33 
25306475A Grail War In Reflection Quest 10Try and fail to screw Villain bugs, Find interesting leyline, Cubes summons magical girl Jeckyll, Old buddy John seems to be missing. Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-08 -1 
25344552Lamia Child Quest Q&A 3A choice between two plotlines followed by character and fluff discussion.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-06-10 20 
25384667Lamia Child Quest 60Ssen and company escort Her Illuminated Self and some refugees across the continent, and see how the fall of Citadel has affected First Wood and White Tree.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-12 24 
25403712Lamia Daughter Quest 61Ssen and company reach Rivers Crossing with the refugees, visit the folks, and meet the new blacksmith.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-13 24 
25423664Lamia Daughter Quest 62Ssen and company hunt down a spy, assist in an interrogation, and finally reach Stone Hall with the refugees. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-14 25 
25441097A Grail War In Reflection 11We check out the leyline at the school, watch Rook gank our Familiar, and then fight him in a battle to the death.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-15 -1 
25475221Lamia Daughter Quest 63Dinner with family, friends and loved ones. Planning comes afterwardsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-17 25 
25533767Lamia Daughter Quest 64I think Mario has a cameo somewhere.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, Vanity, thats at least two Paladin Threads you fuckers have derailed now, 2013-06-20 24 
25571148A Grail War In Reflection 12Nicholas returns, We steal another body, change to a new base,Refuse a new alliance, See what Tomoko was up too lately, Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-22 -1 
25585458Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillicent Fauxly begins her second year in earnest.Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-22 14 
25605859Lamia Daughter Quest 65Puttering around in stone hall and convincing Isen not to abuse his kingly powers to name everything after himself.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-23 24 
25607134Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year Twomillie in great hallMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-24 10 
25615270Lamia Daughter Quest 66Wherin Ssen fights spies in a prison.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-24 24 
25629447Reaper Knigjt QuestStart of a new bleach quest set in Europe. Yes the method by which we died was result of lolrandumb but author manages to salvage itReaper Knight Quest, Bleach, Autoerotic Asphyxiation2013-06-25 10 
25645753Llama Babby Quest 67In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, This is not how justice works, You monster2013-06-26 24 
25664905Lamia Daughter Quest 68Ssen and company deal with spies in first wood and other elf concernsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-27 24 
25667414Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillie in dormMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-27 11 
25686871Lamia Child Quest 69We finally talk to kingfisher over a ridiculous elf/spy phone line. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-28 24 
July 2013
25798171Lamia Daughter Quest 70This episode, fond farewells are given, spiders are heartlessly incinerated, and spooky cabins are way too cold.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-07-04 24 
25820915A Grail War in Reflection 13Nicholas finds a sleeping hotel, sleeps with a psychopath, and talks about sleep with an eldritch abomination.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-07-05 1 
25875435Lamia Daughter Quest 71Where a creature that totally is a corpse monster gets killed, and orc decisions are made.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-07-08 24 
25916874Lamia Daughter Quest 72In which a snake helps a rat fight a hawk, and and a pleasant walk in the breeze is had. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-10 24 
25958870Lamia Quest 73Ssen, her friends and a bunch of pacified for-the-moment orcs are found guilty of burning diesel as they get fast and furious through a pitch black wasteland. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-12 24 
25978980A Grail War in Reflection 14Nicholas goes scuba diving, learns more about the war, and meets a new Servant.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-07-13 -1 
26013628Lamia Daughter Quest 74Where we recover from unconsciousness, deal with a tribe of orcs, and try to not die.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-15 23 
26054625Lamia Daughter Quest 75On this episode of Snaketrain, we visit ancient cities of historical significance and go shopping for souvenirs. Special guest stars three-eye and shadow man are expected to make an appearance. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-17 24 
26098948Lamia Daughter Quest 76"For In The Darkness Is Where His Light Is Needed Most, Thus There In The Darkness I Must Stay."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-19 23 
26136102Lamia Daughter Quest 77An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and we hate apples.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-21 22 
26131752Bright Quest 16In which SHE KNOWS, but Tactical Genius saves the day.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-07-21 7 
26156012Lamia Daughter Quest 78"In the future, when I say we've done stupider things before, this is what I'm refering to."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-21 27 
26272289Lamia Daughter Quest 79In which we drink perhaps one too many bottles of mead and have a only slightly conversation with our aunt and uncle about airdrops.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-28 22 
26333358Lamia Daughter Quest 80In which we finish preparing for the rescue mission and put out plan into motion. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-31 23 
26346377Lamia Daughter Quest 81In which we kill three people with what turned out to be poison wine. Who could've guessed?Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-31 23 
August 2013
26396156Lamia Daughter Quest 82In which we pull off yet another insane flight in Wagon, this time back to friendly lines. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-03 22 
26436600Lamia Daughter Quest 83We have a discussion about Chinese food, followed by communism.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-05 23 
26463769Minotaur Culture/Society Thread/tg/ gets shit done in the best way possible: by taking a weird, heavily derailed fetish thread and using it as the basis for an extremely in depth discussion of minotaur history, ecology and society.Monstergirls, Worldbuilding, Minotaurs, Minotaur wet-nurse2013-08-06 31 
26474635Lamia Daughter Quest 84In which a lot of talking happens about who to talk to.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-07 22 
26516153Lamia Daughter Quest 85In which we really don't entertain troops very well, deal with a particularly heavy confession, and prepare to accept blame for casualties in the upcoming battle.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-09 22 
26566716Lamia Daughter Quest 86The battle of White Tree begins. Critfail after critfail ensues, until suddenly...!Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, White Tree2013-08-12 23 
26607209Lamia Daughter Quest 87After-battle celebration is interrupted by bad news from Stone Hall. Granny's age has finally caught up to her.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan2013-08-14 23 
26656495Ancient SpaceThreadWhat if ancient Terran Empires survived and colonized space? Ancient Space, Alternative History, AU, 2013-08-17 2 
26701872Lamia Quest 88Connection problems plague us as we enter the Citadel Zone as we look for places with mana nulls or spikes. Citadel says "Get out of here, Dawnchasers."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan2013-08-19 20 
26722990Lamia Daughter Quest 88: do-over editionWe meet some strange not-people, try not to think about why that guy was so sticky, and make a happy re-acquaintance.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-20 23 
26742273Lamia Daughter Quest 89We rush through war, make some battleplans, and take a trip down memory lane.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-21 23 
26840327/tg/ text adventure quest Alliance invasion, bad decisions, prison riots, batshit Minotaurs, and unforseeable consequences.Collective Game, Necromancer, Text Adventure, Minotaurs, Critfails2013-08-27 8 
26858529tg Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 6We mindbreak Elyria and Daya, fuck them both, invade a city and take control of it, meeting Katya the assassin catgirl and The Immortal, among other things.Text Adventure, Quest, Text, Adventure, Minotaurs, Collective Game, Dryads, Catgirls, Gratuitous Sex2013-08-28 9 
26865454Lamia Daughter Quest 90We team up with the PE gladiator and start kicking ass, but then Citadel starts save-scumming.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-28 21 
26905269Lamia Daughter Quest 91A great deal of trust is put into some backstabbers, and we avoid paste-wielding packs of citadel children.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-30 22 
26928971Government Bureaucrat QuestWe are Nicholas Voronov, Paperwork Wizard. Collective Game, Bureaucracy, Paperwork, Red Tape2013-08-31 6 
September 2013
26957816Bright Quest 17In Which we are briefed in full on the Infiltration Op, and the Zeon ships leave Loum. Kareem Councilman's fate is discovered.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-09-02 7 
26964364Lamia Daughter Quest 92The Dawnchasers infiltrate the courthouse. For a given definition of "infiltrate."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-09-02 21 
27010431Lamia Daughter Quest 93We make some decisions about how to diffuse citadel's power best, citadel does some work for us, and we have some last-minute conversations with the team.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-09-04 22 
27049411Lamia Daughter Quest 94The Dawnchasers prepare to storm Castle Newgate. We finally have a clear understanding of Kingfisher's primary motive, that is if he isn't lying again.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-06 22 
27067473Lamia Daughter Quest 95The Climax of the series, the conflict with kingfisher, and the commune with citadel.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 29 
27077630lamia daughter quest 96- epilogueDragons turn out to be pretty scary. Ssen is finally off of Citadel's wild ride. Music, jubilations, and possible vacation follow.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 24 
October 2013
27512545Canterbury TalesOP posts an oddly familiar tale. /tg/ joins in with their own stories. Canterbury Tales, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Storytime2013-10-01 12 
27969774Bright Quest 18In which the Nero (II) docks with Side Seven, and we meet Admiral Anderson.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-10-27 11 
28034152Tau Bounty Hunters - The Black CasteOne anon said that there was a day ago a thread about Tau Bounty Hunters. In that thread it escalated to create a small paramilitary bounty hunting force of high-tech hunters/assassins. Still it needs some work on it...Tau, Warhammer, 40000, 40K, Warhammer 40000, Bounty, Hunter2013-10-31 1 
November 2013
28441483Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7We get the sniffles. We go to meet Allen after school. Title Screen Unlocked.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-11-23 10 
28470792Bright Quest 19In which we try and deal with the sister unit on the down low, and learn Tem Ray has a massive dirigible.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-11-25 5 
December 2013
28587615Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7.1Natalia wakes up. Angela fills her in. They hatch a plan to find Todd.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-12-01 5 
28676263[REDACTED] QuestA jerkoff computer revives us to fight monsters for him.REDACTED Quest, Collective Game, Huey, Australians2013-12-06 5 
28700112A.I. Quest 18 The Wild SpeaksOphion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2013-12-07 15 
29002172Bright Quest 20In which Mohai manages to keep his secrets, a grass roots anti-EFF movement is discovered on S7, Bright bumps into Yazan and Tenith, and Dozle Zabi Does Negotiations!Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-12-23 7 
29134702The Emperor's Finest: A Sardaukar QuestA one-shot featuring Ferdi Avan, a captain of the Sardaukar, in his final moments against a Fremen raid.Collective Game, Sardaukar Quest, Dune2013-12-29 9 
January 2014
29264363Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8After a string of technology issues, OP rises like a phoenix. Natalia explores mechanics and confronts an old enemy.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-04 3 
29275400XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP04 "A match of Ice and Fire"Ami goes first against the japanese snow womanCollective Game, XWF Manager Quest, Ami Morgan, Aura Accussa2014-01-04 1 
29319201XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP05 "The succubi and the samurai"Aura vs Ritsuko!XWF Manager Quest, Wrestling, Band, Aura, Collective Game2014-01-06 1 
29409389The X CardThe X Card means never having to explain yourself.card, X, X card, privilige, autism, social retardation, feelings2014-01-10 3 
29444142Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8.2Natalia investigates the strange tunnels, then learns about Halloween celebrations at Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-12 1 
29522774Dinosaurs, Ancient Animals, and Lobsters in the FutureIn the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there are only Lobsters. Also rad convos about dinosaurs and crustacean porn.Future Lobsters, Dinosaurs, Ancient Animals, Crustacean Porn2014-01-15 9 
29776973A Grail War in Reflection 15The resumption of our quest, Nicholas creates some Mystic Codes and sends his Servants looking for others.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2014-01-26 -1 
February 2014
29928727A.I. Quest 24 Deep RootsOphion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Gas, V.I., Extranet, Pulsar, Radio, Lightling, Redesign, Athena, Battleship, Kronos, Wild, World, Eshareth, Violent, Plants, Mutant, Fauna2014-02-01 14 
29938525Princess Guard Quest 122Bernard and Guillaume explore the castle back in Granache.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, Bernard, Guillaume2014-02-01 24 
29945468Princess Guard Quest 123The second part of Bernard's interlude.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, Bernard, Guillaume2014-02-01 27 
30115768SingulEDGEityWith help of anons, OP creates the edgiest character to join freeform RP.ow the edge, evil good, dinosaurs, drugs2014-02-09 11 
30156251SW: Infinite LegacyLeacim teaches his new Acolyte, and tests her mettle for surprising results.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Dantooine, Training, Graul, Combat2014-02-11 5 
30194446Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 1Thus begins the next tale of Vault 101, who knows what the future will hold for these hopeful scientists.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-13 7 
30204804Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 2Where we meet shifty corporations, discuss SCIENCE, and try to sell things.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-14 5 
30221345Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3The Monsters ComethCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-14 5 
30279563Bone Mage Quest 1We start things off by killing a giant stone beetle. Exposition occurs.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-17 20 
30304822Bone Mage Quest 2Arriving at the port city, we learn our master is acquainted with the rules of nature.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-18 13 
30329964Bone Mage Quest 3Volkov starts to get to the bottom of the revolution, thread gets cut short by exhaustion.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-19 11 
30331956Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 3And to think we spent this whole thread trying to get out of one danger. Only to succeed and land in an even BIGGER oneCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-19 5 
30377240Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 5It's moving day, welcome to AshadCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-22 3 
30400566Bone Mage Quest 4Volkov makes a deal with a skeleton, fights a boss.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-22 11 
30447299girl gamer looking for groupAnon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard.FLGS, LGS, horror, neckbeard, autist, girl gamer, gurl gaymer, nerd, geek, nerd girl, nerdlings, pop culture, culture, 2014-02-24 16 
30486949Centaur Civ Part IThe Aymara tribe settles on the great plains, masters its beasts, and meets some human explorers. civ, civilization, civilization thread, collective game, centaur, centaur civ2014-02-26 2 
30483948Post Apoc ThinkTank Civ Quest Part 6/FINYes anon, your fluff did win. Evil does not prevail.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Vault2014-02-26 11 
March 2014
30556412Bone Mage Quest 5Volkov goes a few more rounds against the vice-captain, has master finish him off.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-01 11 
30608713The King of Fighters Quest Round 20: "Who's Quest is it Anyway?"-EditionThe players bounce between several different characters as The Infinite Match draws ever-closer, Katja getting a chance to fight Ryuji Yamazaki and (Possibly!) date a certain CEO of a group that's been after you since the beginning.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-05 6 
30660845Pokemon Quest #28We get an aura reading, get depressed at ourselves, meet Vance's childhood friend Jeanine, and play festival gamesPokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, aura, festival2014-03-06 21 
30661717Bone Mage Quest 6The Rebellion is ended, Volkov and master go home.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-06 11 
30697620Julius Caesar is a Mary Sue/lit/ seemingly decides to take a brief trip to /tg/ and starts funposting about Roman historical figures.lit, Rome, Roman Empire, Mary Sue, Julius Caesar, Augustus, SPQR, imperialism, imperialist, imperial, history, that guy2014-03-08 5 
30755859The King of Fighters Quest Round 21: "Anti-HYPE"-EditionYou go out for a night with King & Yuri Sakazaki, go on a Dream Sequence and set the stage for your date with one Jean-Claude Gabriel as "The Infinite" Match looms large...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-12 6 
30799023Bone Mage Quest 7Volkov gets home; Gets paid and makes a bitching gunBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-13 10 
30851246Bright Quest 21BIn which Bright hands Yazan Gable and Tenneth A. Jung their Pilot's Permits, Ramba Ral knows all the things, and we remember Sayla is the Toku-sister.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-03-15 5 
30871270The King of Fighters Quest Round 22: "Start The Damn Tournament Already!"-EditionKatja somehow manages to survive her "Date" with Jean-Claude Gabriel (Gaining some valuable intelligence for "The Agents") while debating whether to attend a fancy dress gala that'll kick off "The King of Fighters: Infinite Match" or not... SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-18 6 
30963634Bone Mage Quest 8Volkov picks up a contract, gets on a boat and things happen.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-21 8 
31026049Bone Mage Quest 9Cultists attack the boat, Volkov nearly gets bisected.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-24 8 
31016391The King of Fighters Quest Round 23: The Calm before the StormKatja's unconscious embarks on another trippy dream while Gabriel & Kazahaya attempt to track down the rather uncouth Bizuki Iijima, all before the sun has even risen and preparations could be made for the fancy dress gala that's supposed to kick off the media blitz in store for "The Infinite Match". SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya, 2014-03-24 6 
31138438Bone Mage Quest 10We make it through the return trip and get payed. Also training and character developmentBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-30 7 
April 2014
31236570Major Tom to Ground Control: SO MANY FUCKING STARSAnonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-03 67 
31180663The King of Fighters Quest Round 24: "It Might be Finally Happening"-EditionKatja seems to finally catch a few breaks after foiling a half-hearted kidnapping attempt, then helps out King getting over a mental block about wearing dresses before attending "The Infinite Waltz" that's set to kick off "The Infinite Mtch"... Oh, and the QM had to call it quits early following health issues.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-04-04 6 
31246243Major Tom part 2Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues. Continued from the first thread.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-04 32 
31282599Major Tom Part 3Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. OP returns to tell us what transpired during the first session. More brainstorming is being had.Major Tom ,SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-06 33 
31287379Bone Mage Quest 11Voklov has some time to reflect on his past, picks up a new contractBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-06 7 
31299479The King of Fighters Quest Round 26: "The Infinite Waltz" ReduxKatja talks with Yuri, King, Fiona & Tsuyako as "The Infinite Waltz" continues to match on before going off as Jean-Claude Gabriel once more... (With the 25th Round 404'ing before it could get properly archived.)SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Andrew Draco, Kazunori Kazahaya2014-04-07 5 
31394287AoPH Quest 36Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-11 28 
31417312Bone Mage Quest 12Volkov finishes up his maintenance job and then gets some bad newsBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-12 7 
31459312Bone Mage Quest 13Shopping and equipment upgradesBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-14 6 
31480159Bone Mage Quest 14A new contract is taken. Volkov works with other mages for once.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-15 6 
31501070AoPH Quest 37The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-16 23 
31502134 bruces in the dungeon and steve irwin australins in a dungeon and Steve Irwin captures D&D races and pokes themAustralia Australian steve irwin bruce writefaggotry2014-04-17 35 
31630140AoPH Quest 38Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart. What awaits them the now?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-22 24 
31691297Autistic Retard QuestSamefagging Retards make stupid excuses and act like autistic fucks.Samefagging, Autistic, Retards.2014-04-25 0 
31696931AoPH Quest 39Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-25 17 
31713995Swordless Sage Quest 1Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it.Saucy, Swordless Sage Quest, Unarmed Swordsage, Martial Arts, Collective Game2014-04-26 5 
31731630Bright Quest 22In which the players discuss the best way to assault the MS testing facilities on Side 7.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-04-26 5 
31803316Bright Quest 22BIn which the Assault Plan is green lit, and Ramba is the Ralest of Rals.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-04-29 8 
May 2014
31832413Bone Mage Quest 15An attack on the mansion Volkov was hired to protect.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-01 5 
31875591AoPH Quest 40A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd. A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-03 24 
31921731AoPH Quest 41Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers. Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-05 15 
32147743AoPH Quest 42Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-16 13 
32237404Earth, Population: NOPEA collection of fauna and flora that we really wish just weren't.NOPE, Nature, Fauna, Flora, Death World2014-05-21 8 
32292288AoPH Quest 43Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-23 20 
32292567Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17Shingeki no Obakeyashi. Now with 100% more logical dilemma and risk of death.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, Logical Dilema.2014-05-23 12 
32307536Bone Mage Quest 16Boss Fight!Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-24 8 
32445395Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 18In the Dark Heart of the Grudge, we battle.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, 2014-05-30 12 
32466473AoPH Quest 44Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing? Pokemon Hunter!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-31 28 
June 2014
32528147Cute horror-like supernatural happenstancesOP posts the idea of creepy/adorable stuff. /tg/ delivers with OC in the form of Merlin Township. Heartwarming results.horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, ghost puppy, merlin township2014-06-03 58 
32582835Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy.Horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, town, heartwarming, Merlin Township2014-06-05 26 
32724536AoPH Quest 45Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-12 27 
32740955AoPH Quest 46Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-13 24 
32763860AoPH Quest 47Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-14 22 
32783565Swordsman vs. T-rexWould a human armed with a sword defeat a T-Rex in a straight fight? Note that the T-rex possesses, and is proficient with, two spears.Tyrannosaurus, t-rex, funny2014-06-15 6 
32885500AoPH Quest 48Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-20 24 
32905295AoPH Quest 49Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-21 22 
33049973AoPH Quest 50White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-28 6 
33072239AoPH Quest 51The Araraki's hiding something. Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-29 5 
33070340The Verdant MoonOP proposes a setting in which one day in the year 2014, when absolutely nobody was looking, the moon suddenly turns verdant and habitable, accompanied by the mass empowering of prior astronauts. Things get awesome. Deified Neil Armstrong and paladins of SPACE EXPLORATION! are involved.Terraform, Moon, Lunar, Space, NASA, Exploration, Worldbuilding, Astronauts, Verdant, Neil Armstrong,2014-06-29 3 
33065451TransformerQuest Part 1Kracken, an absolute walking nightmare of a Cybertronian, takes to the streets as Shockwave orders an attack on Uraya.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 14 
33076600Transformer Quest 2: Rip and Tear BoogalooWhere Kracken, a retired cop who has had enough of this shit, lays a smackdown on some DecepticreepsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 11 
July 2014
33116526Transformer Quest 3: A Sight To BeholdTravel gets dangerous as the destruction draws near, Kracken is a very angry bot.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-01 14 
33152746AoPH Quest 52Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-03 10 
33206647Transformers Quest 4Virtue and the Grim Consequences ThereofTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-06 11 
33277283AoPH Quest 53Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-09 8 
33291717Space Superstition Stories and WorldbuildingOP requests ideas for scifi urban legends and superstitions, /tg/ delivers with awesome worldbuilding and stories.space, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut,2014-07-10 38 
33339292Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #8Dominic has 99 problems, and they're all Nina. We also find out that CC is surprisingly tolerant, and that the Federation may be up to a LOT of sketchy shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-12 21 
33330332Space Superstition: Stories and Worldbuilding 2A continuation of the first thread, where more scifi urban legends and superstitions are created, the Spacer Saints are invented, and Filking is discussed.space, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut, Spacer, Spacer Saints2014-07-13 16 
33361504Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #9The shit begins to hit the fan for Dominic and crew, we gain another Newtype crew member, and we get to briefly play as Char Aznable at a crossroads in his life. Will he be best father, or worst father? Only time will tell.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-13 21 
33399766Celestial Bureaucracy Quest 1We meet Metal, do some jobs for him, and make some friends.Celestial Bureaucracy Quest, Collective Game, Quest2014-07-15 5 
33489282Brouzouf Quest 7You face off against a centipede Manduco. Too tired for "deep" shizzle right now.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, Dreaming, Boss Fight, Post Loss Trauma2014-07-19 3 
33500444AoPH Quest 54The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-19 12 
33495980Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #10The canon GDP Gundams roll out at Von Braun, and Dominic's unit faces overwhelming odds as they defend La Vie en Rose from attack. Also, we may have scarred Haman and Rossweisse for life.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-19 20 
33519286Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #11The damage to our Gundams proves too significant to fix with a coat of paint, so we spend our time keeping our team's shit together and turning potential informants through the liberal application of Yorkshire pudding.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-20 20 
33544144AoPH Quest 55Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-21 21 
33583693AoPH Quest 56Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future. Akabaron returns after a long trip.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-22 10 
33579842XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 3A normal office daycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-22 1 
33583699Bureaucracy Quest Thread 2!We become the Incarnation of Polearms, and learn some mechanics!Collective Game, Celestial Bureaucracy Quest, Polarms2014-07-23 0 
33594006Transformers Quest 6: Heaps of RuinationAfter being severely wounded Kracken cuts and runs. Then he goes for a trip through he dilapidated underbelly of Uraya. The dice gods continue to be incomprehensible.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-23 8 
33603263XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 4Brass buys the farm. (he's fine)collective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-23 0 
33607926AoPH Quest 57Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-23 7 
33625211XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 5the Teragen begins to move.collective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-24 1 
33634727AoPH Quest 58A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-25 5 
33647349XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 6Surviving the Teragencollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-25 0 
33659049AoPH Quest 59Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-26 6 
33650569Transformers Quest 7: Nothin' But MiseryWhere things go better than expected.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-26 8 
33654816Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #12Haman gets inside Dominic's head, and Rossweisse unlocks HEAVEN AND HELL MODE. Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-07-26 20 
33679043Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #13Dominic meets an old friend and takes turns with the Sisters to thoroughly trounce Monsha and Kou. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-07-27 20 
33745196XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 7Flying cars, satellites, undercover missions and figurinescollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-29 0 
33757139AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale)Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-30 -29 
33793767XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 8Meeting with the Lawyer for the DAcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-31 1 
August 2014
33808535Transformers Quest 8: Wicked InclinationsBoss battle! Memories of a bitter past.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-01 8 
33816640XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 9Ned's way on the highwaycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-01 -1 
33824142Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #14The team tracks GP-02 to Africa, Rossweisse is really smart, and South has had enough of Monsha's shit.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-02 17 
33848134Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #15Spies, fighter jets, and sabotage. For once it's not Monsha's fault. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-03 16 
33868703Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #16Alphabet Soup Edition: one of South's pilots gets killed by a nuclear landmine, we interrogate a traitor, and discover the terror called 'Slattern'.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-04 21 
33875185Haunted Forest Machines Quest10 machines suddenly find themselves aware in magical forest. Too bad its hunted and they are rusting into oblivion. Collective Game, Haunted Forest Machines Quest2014-08-04 0 
33909778XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 10Everybody loves Nedcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-05 1 
33935292XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 11Business as usual at the Quantum Labscollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-06 0 
33959013XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 12Ned uses social fu to stop an stampeding pachidermcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-07 0 
33988568Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #17Defrah nails an HLV, Gato takes some taunting, Rossweisse gets the greenlight from Dominic, and the GP-02 is STILL MISSING.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-09 16 
33992055Transformers Quest 10: Adoration For NoneKracken frees some NAILS and eats another Seeker.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-09 8 
34014928Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #18We discover Naked Newtype Nightmare Space, Haman makes Gato cry little bitch tears, and we come one step closer to tracking down the stolen Gundam.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-10 16 
34074936/tg/ makes Tau auxiliary races and organizes a fandexThe radiation troops are a particular highlight.Tau, fandex, Gue'vesa2014-08-13 1 
34107357XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 13Ned's office it's full of Lyanncollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-13 0 
34119302Transformers Quest 11Destruction Overdrive:Kracken and co defeat gunshipkun, punks are straightened out.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-14 6 
34136338Space Pirate Naga Quest 9Our daring captain drags her nonexistent feet waking up and then we meet some old friends of one of the crew.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Dinosaur Cyborgs2014-08-15 6 
34161861Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #19We oblige Anavel Gato's death wish, and Admiral Delaz declares war. Zeon may be forgotten, mocked, or used. But understood? Never.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-16 16 
34165789Transformers Quest 12: Fire It UpKracken beats down another Stunticon, then meets a bigger fish.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-16 6 
34188132Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #20We wrap up a few loose ends, try to convince the Admiralty to act against the Delaz threat, and make plans for shore leave in Von Braun. Operation Stardust awaits.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-17 15 
34320262Transformers Quest 13: Blackend WatersKracken fights some hobos. Red Energon is a hell of a drug.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-23 6 
34433282XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 14Delicious hand made noddles, and some NASA on the sidecollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-27 0 
34456895XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 15Poker Night III: Eldric's Revenge. Also, Conan: The New Trilogycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-28 1 
34459836Esper Quest: Thread 11We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE, LASERS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS2014-08-28 6 
34470708Transformers Quest 14Where we do alot of talking and find out who our creepy stalker is. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-29 6 
34480319XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 16Okaba got fanscollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-29 0 
34493855Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #21We resume with a double date that ends in a Newtype threesome, and a mafia capo gives us hints of Principality remnants repairing something under Von Braun.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-08-30 14 
34516355Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #22The gang tracks down the Val Varo, enters into an agreement with Cima Garahau, and shoots Kelley Layzner in his other arm.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-08-31 15 
September 2014
34529670Space Superstitions 3Another thread full of sci-fi superstitions and urban legendsspace, spacer, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut,2014-09-01 14 
34551627Space Superstitions 4A fourth thread is had in which superstitions, myths and ghost stories from the space age future are shared.Space, spacer, SciFi, superstition, urban legends, astronauts, lost cosmonauts2014-09-01 16 
34589907Transformers Quest 15We finally meet up with the merchants, then it all goes to hell. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-03 4 
34676158Transformers Quest 16: Building a Better MonsterTIME FOR UPGRADES! Kracken awakens from stasis with a shiny new body on mysterious research space station. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-07 3 
34702819Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #23Good news? New ship, two new operators. Bad news? Operation Stardust happened.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-08 18 
34817794Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #24We rush to defend Side 3 from an attack by the Axis Advance Fleet, and get a few new tools with which to kick ass.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-13 15 
34816454Transformers Quest 17: The Blessed HellrideAfter running into a familiar face (and some not so familiar faces), Kracken finally finds out what happened before he left Cybertron. Suffice to say, somebody is going to pay.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-13 6 
34841135Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #25The battle at Side 3 draws to a close, we capture Ilia Pazom, and we all find out how far Mars Zeon is willing to go in their ongoing war against the Federation.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-14 24 
34861114Oversized Weapon Quest 58You win!Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, the real winners are the audience2014-09-14 27 
34978746Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #26Teen Titans edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-20 16 
34978413Transformers Quest 18: House of Doom Kracken kicks some ass, discovers that he's not the weirdest 'bot in the room, then gets some nifty toys.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-20 1 
35003039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #27Dinner at Dominic's: friends, family, and a good deal of fallout when our family finds out what we've been up to.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-21 17 
35133517Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #28Housekeeping before the mission Titans has lined up. Then things get a little awkward when we get in a game of chicken...Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-27 13 
35156169Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #29Hot springs on a spaceship, Char turns up, and the Valkyrie launches the first orbital MS assault in history.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-09-28 21 
35158502Transformers Quest 19: Death MarchKracken tests out his new toys before coming face to face with Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-28 2 
October 2014
35284580Transformers Quest 20: Monster MashKracken and his merry band of misfits take on Swindle and Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-04 2 
35305895Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #31We pick up a loli Zeon princess and go on a heist.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-05 17 
35327430Centaurstg gets philosophical about centaur ass wiping, anon supplies information. Reactions happen.centaur, horse, ass2014-10-07 22 
35433303Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32Wrapping things up before the timeskip, and South convinces the silly spacenoids that drop bears and hoop snakes are real.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 14 
35443140Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #32.5We play as Sayla trying to get Amuro to actually DO something. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-11 12 
35458769Esper Quest: Thread 17Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.? Oh boy. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-12 2 
35457236Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #33The Valkyrie defuses a hostage situation with their new Gundams, and a new enemy makes his first blunder.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-12 15 
35567762Esper Quest: Thread 18Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot: REALLY BIG. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-16 5 
35563637The King of Fighters Quest Round 40Jean-Claude Gabriel recovers from his aneurism while Katja Hartkern flies to Japan with her friends.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-10-17 5 
35589581Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #34Dominic comforts the shit out of Audrey, and Yazan gets violated by some Stutzers in the Shoal Zone.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-18 15 
35592014Transformers Quest 21:Magnetic RagWe have time to meet and greet the crew, then we get all the time.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-18 4 
35611072Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #35Another Newtype is born on the battlefield, and Yazan is one creepy bastard. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-19 17 
35687091Surreal Horror Ideas: Highways and Byways EditionWhat sorts of bizarre and otherworldly experiences might a hapless group of characters encounter on a cross-country road trip, an unexpected detour or simply on the way to work?Surreal, horror, highways, roads, cars, ghosts, travel, roadtrip, brainstorming, fluff, Australia2014-10-24 8 
35731444Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #36Syam knows much and tells some. Syam knows many things others do not.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-25 15 
35753450Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #37We make a decision, and meet the Nagato: two kilometers of delicious metal. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-10-26 15 
35857585Transformers Quest 23: Strange WaysGood cop, bad cop, we're the one with the tentacles. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-31 2 
35862917Bureau QuestAs a member of the Secretists, we battle demons, cultist and save a sexy vampiress.Bureau Quest, Collective Game, Halloween, Totally Not JQOP2014-10-31 4 
November 2014
35877648Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #38Something wicked our way came, and the Sisters run into some trouble. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-01 13 
35898006Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #39Space Imouto Edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Purus2014-11-02 17 
36021051Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #40Settling in three Purus, and figuring out what their story is. Enzo Bernini is a dick.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-08 16 
36042513Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #41A Hollow Man looms over the Purus, and Titans finally shows its true colors. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Cute Purus Doing Cute Things2014-11-09 16 
36164206Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #42Christina pilots a souped-up ball, Carrina minimizes the damage of a colony gassing, and a civil war looms on the horizon. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-15 15 
36185279Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #43Preparations on the edge of a civil war. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-16 17 
36202274The King of Fighter's Quest Round 43: "The Shodown in Shinjuku""The Women's Team" Vs. "The Oyaji Team" fight concludes, Jean-Claude Gabriel moans & groans about 1st-World problems and "The Agents" close in on a certain, mischievous woman in Shinjuku...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Blue Mary2014-11-17 6 
36268341Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 1Ed wakes up in a world filled with bizarre trees and has no recollection of his past at all.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-11-20 6 
36310580Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #44We take control of the La Vie en Rose.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-22 15 
36307888Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 2An encounter with a bear, a boar, and some herb picking.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-11-22 6 
36316393The Buns! Quest Episode 2Miko breaks into a restaurantcollective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, freaking out, in a restaurant, tfw almost bunny get2014-11-22 1 
36332039Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #45These are our Purus. There are many others like them, but these are ours. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-11-23 14 
36331457Transformers Quest 24: Electric Hellfire part 2In which Kracken picks up a new friend and downs another Seeker. Part 1 can be found in the pastebin.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-23 2 
36352176Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3The conclusion of Otherworldly Arboretum Quest.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-11-24 2 
36428029Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 3.5 (Revamp)A new addition to the group, and a tenuous bridge crossing.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-11-28 3 
36467861Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 4The group meets with the warden and then discusses a plan with a dissenter.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-11-30 3 
36472356Transformers Quest 25: From the SkyWe manage to sneak away from the Decepticons, rescue a war hero, and bond with a friend. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-30 2 
36484117Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 1In which the princess assembles her party and gets her starting gear.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses2014-11-30 20 
December 2014
36483393Desert Aurora Quest #1Unit A-213 follows orders from the mainframe and finds a creator. Desert Aurora Quest, Collective Game, post apocalyptic, one-shot, one shot 2014-12-01 5 
36549261Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 5A day of investigating the claims of the treefolk and playing with some rocks.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-04 6 
36581571Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 2Princess sets out, picks up a sidequest. Has not yet touched fluffy tail.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Bunny, Wolf2014-12-05 11 
36614910Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46New limbs, new tech, new threats.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-07 12 
36633718Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #46.5Things pick up where they left off when server errors caused a problem... and Artesia and Haman speak to the Assembly at Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-08 15 
36667314Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-10 3 
36681867Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 6An intense battle with a warden and a new found weapon.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-11 5 
36742087Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 7A converstation with Ryg, an encounter with a old enemy, and an encounter with a young mage. Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-14 5 
36745477Transformers Quest 26What does one do when lost in darkness? They learn to make their own light.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-14 2 
36760597Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 4because spike spiegel dies at the end, so we have to archive at the startDaughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-14 11 
36782988Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 8An unsightly harvesting of magic, an encounter with a pair of forest trolls, and finally entering the next piece.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-16 3 
36820577Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 9The group stumbles upon a strange woman in the sand, an invisible tower is climbed, and some scorpions are dealt with.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-18 4 
36860895Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 5We're in bat country now, boys.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game, Bat Country2014-12-20 8 
36887369Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #47Cleanup after the actions in Dakar.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2014-12-21 10 
36881305Transformers Quest 27Short thread. New friends meet new friends and we get a mission.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-21 1 
36896621Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 10Difficult questions were asked and answered, an oasis was reached, and the group took down some strange creatures.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-22 4 
36987734Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 11A nighttime chat, a strange dream, and meeting with a merchant. Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-27 3 
37043281MiniQuest Monster Restaurant #1A Frogacle is chosen, a Legface is trapped and a Pigknight is saved.Monster Restaurant Quest, Collective Game, MiniQuest 2014-12-30 0 
37044823Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 12The group enters a maze of giant rocks and finds their way to the warden's fortress.Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2014-12-30 3 
January 2015
37138851Transformers Quest 28An interrogation leads to an attempted assassination.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-04 1 
37171170The Book of SauronOP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return.LotR, Sauron, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Book, City, Dystopia, Horror2015-01-06 6 
37333429Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 13Recovery from the encounter with the warden and a new pet. Collective Quest, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-01-13 2 
37468679Transformers Quest 29We give the ol'Quantum Processor a whirl, then cut a deal with Swindle.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-19 2 
37460964Subterranean Faun Civilization Quest 2We Catalog our gifts from the dwarfs and then pack up, get ready to move on.Collective Game, Faun Quest, Civilzation, Subterranean Performers2015-01-20 0 
37530924Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 14A second attempt to infiltrate Talrith's fortress.Collective Game, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-01-22 1 
37571871Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #48Titans' endgame is in sight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-23 9 
37592879Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #49Surprisingly calm Newtype nightmare space.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-24 12 
37572748Transformers Quest 30We make our way into the station and mix it with the 'ConsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-25 3 
37614891Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 15Talrith is finally dealt with and the group progresses to the next piece.Collective Game, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-01-26 0 
37661221Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 16An argument with an archer, some down time, and the group travels into the next piece.Collective Game, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-01-28 0 
37667129Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest II: Savages!Sir Pickeringworth proves his (Pickering)worth and that he has balls of steel in a showdown against one of the new world's vicious savages! Truly an exciting read!collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings2015-01-28 1 
37689198Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest III: But Wait, There's More!Our Colony faces a threat mightier than any they could have imagined, and make a hard decision to preserve their only allies.collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings, cyclops, monoculus2015-01-29 1 
37728176Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #50The Grim Guard gets back in the fight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-30 12 
37752927Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #51Escape and Evasion edition.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-01-31 11 
February 2015
37801389Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 17Some tea and a discussion with a warden. Collective Game, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-02-03 0 
37885105Journal of the Occult Quest 1Our protagonist Sophia explains a bit about being an occultist, chats with a traveling merchant, and journeys into another realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-07 14 
37906472Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #52The opening salvo of a new war in the Earth Sphere. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-07 12 
37934009Journal of the Occult Quest 2Sophia pays a visit to the Occultist guild, gives a debriefing on her first delve, and then takes home a new pupil.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-09 10 
37956613Otherworldly Arboretum Quest 18A long night at the hands of the warden.Collective Game, Otherworldly Arboretum Quest, Auri2015-02-10 0 
38002127Journal of the Occult Quest 3A day spent primarily messing with our new apprentice. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-12 10 
38024205Journal of the Occult Quest 4A buyer is secured for the blood and a new apprentice is shown the ropes. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-13 7 
38065869Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #53Dealing with the Leipzig UFO.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-14 12 
38089937Journal of the Occult Quest 5A day spent setting up for a delve, an accidental turn of events, and answering questions from a large slug.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-16 6 
38157664Journal of the Occult Quest 6Sophia and Marissa pay a visit to the guild, meet the mysterious woman again, and return home to train Ellie.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-19 6 
38181397The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater GoodThe All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Tau, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Greater, Good2015-02-20 172 
38198872Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #54Assault on the Control Room.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-20 10 
38200786Journal of the Occult Quest 7Sophia receives a gift and some advice from Ali, "trains" Marissa, and then sets up for her first necromantic ritual.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-21 6 
38222372Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #55Two Betrayals.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-21 11 
38250008Journal of the Occult Quest 8The second attempt at Necromancy goes much better and Sophia delves to an unknown realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-23 6 
38358142Journal of the Occult Quest 9Sophia receives a gift, has an encounter with a hostile vagabond, and finds Matthais with some help. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-28 6 
38378089Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #56One Titans lab down, several to go. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-02-28 9 
March 2015
38402968Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #57What doesn't kill Titans will simply make it stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-01 11 
38405380Journal of the Occult Quest 10A deal is struck with Matthias and a new guardian joins Sophia.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-02 6 
38498447Journal of the Occult Quest 11Matthias holds up his end of the deal, a tense encounter with other Occultists occurs, and Sophia gains more control over her mind.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-06 6 
38517952Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #58The joint strike force tentatively named "Londo Bell" goes on its first adventure.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-06 13 
38541876Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #59Mayfly of Space edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-07 12 
38658983Journal of the Occult Quest 12Sophia has a nighttime encounter, has an extensive talk with Ali, gives Matthias some advice, and ends the day by starting a delve.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-13 6 
38680196Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #60New directions.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-13 11 
38703103Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #61Two targets, one plan, a thousand and one ways to die.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-14 12 
38703569Journal of the Occult Quest 13Sophia has an intense adventure while delving, returns home safely with a new item, and deals with some nighttime intruders.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-15 7 
38813691Journal of the Occult Quest 14A day spent recovering from last night's attack, practicing our pyromancy, and heading out to pay a visit to Manolo.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-20 6 
38853528Journal of the Occult Quest 15Manolo is dealt with, some down time, and an unexpected visitor.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-22 7 
38956160Journal of the Occult Quest 16Sophia starts a delve with Marissa and Ellie, strikes a deal with merchant, and hides from some rather large beings.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-27 6 
38991729Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #62The three-way battle at L1 begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-28 8 
39011905Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #63A battle four years in the making continues.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-03-29 13 
39013878Journal of the Occult Quest 17Sophia returns home from a delve and deals with a few visitors.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-30 6 
April 2015
39064385Minotauress quest: WorldBuilding and Character creationWe establish our character, her home, and why she is there.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle2015-04-01 7 
39073903Minotauress quest: Moving onto WorldBuildingWe finish establishing the character, decide what we are going to be famous for, and then go on a trip on the ground.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle2015-04-03 10 
39095483Journal of the Occult Quest 18Sophia practices her pyromancy, has a chat with Carmina, and then has a rude awakening from her nap.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-03 6 
39095644Minotauress quest: Moving onto Plotlines part 3We free slaves, pimp put out armor, and determine Rhiannon's first aspect. Not in that order though.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, savior2015-04-04 8 
39135356Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #64Carrina vs Voight.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-04 9 
39128444Minotauress quest: part 4We make some great armor, slay a demon dragon, and get a ton of gold.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, dragon, slaying2015-04-05 10 
39158130Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #65What doesn't kill you only makes things stranger. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-05 11 
39160651Minotauress quest: part 5We write out some holy words and then make divine armor and weaponryCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, holy2015-04-06 10 
39195049Minotauress quest: part 6We step into the magical training area, find it to be inhospitable, then fight two humanoid raven guards.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, ravens, magic2015-04-08 10 
39199751Minotaur Civilization Quest #1What starts out as a thread asking for a new Civ game quickly turns into a Minotaur tribe surviving out in the Arctic TundraCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, 2015-04-08 7 
39216770Minotaur Civilization Quest #2We discover the magic of pyromania, found a cult, take revenge on the White Beasts, and Collective Game, Civilization Game, Minotaur Civilization Quest, Civvie,2015-04-09 2 
39244961Journal of the Occult Quest 19Rain continues to comes down as Sophia heads out to rescue Aya, tells the truth to Carmina, and fights a summoned creature.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-10 6 
39238408Minotauress quest: part 7We learn more magic, meet another guard, get magically SWOLE, and learn some spellsCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, magic, spells2015-04-10 10 
39256600Minotauress quest: part 8We discuss stuff, and bang HereshielCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, ravens, magic2015-04-11 7 
39238350Minotaur Civilization Quest #3In which we're introduced to the idea of hats, meet a highlander, kill a stalking snow elf, then curbstomp another in the arenaCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-04-11 2 
39259527Minotaur Civilization Quest #4We establish a Mage's Guild, meet the human highland clans, found a second settlement, concoct a chemical weapon, and see an Elder God army approaching on the horizonCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-04-11 2 
39283739Minotaur Civilization Quest #5The tide of horror arrives, and we dive headlong into battle with the Eldritch horrors!Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-04-12 2 
39267715Minotauress quest: part 8We finally go back to demon slayingCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, magic, spells2015-04-12 10 
39285798Journal of the Occult Quest 20Sophia returns home with her pet, discovers something new about Marissa, and finally delves to one of the inner realms.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-12 6 
39302262Minotauress Quest 9 We teach our people on the tenets of RhiannonCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, magic, spells2015-04-13 10 
39330005Minotauress quest: part 10We make the holy symbol and colors of Rhiannln, only to receive a very special visitorCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, holy2015-04-15 7 
39348148Minotauress quest: part 11We talk about what glory actually means and gain something from drinking milkCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, magic, spells2015-04-16 7 
39388285Journal of the Occult Quest 21Sophia almost takes part of a trial, manages to transform not during a delve, and finally begins the dissection of the creature she brought back home.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-17 6 
39398565Minotauress Quest part 12Speeches and ringsCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle2015-04-18 7 
39426198Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #66The Joker brokers a deal with the Devil. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-18 9 
39428069Journal of the Occult Quest 22A quiet day spent finishing the dissection, debriefing with Marissa, and visiting Matthias and Aya ends quite loudly.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-19 6 
39413095Minotauress Quest:Part 13We get swole, go take a shower, then Ven does some work!Collective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-19 6 
39304146Minotaur Civilization Quest #6The horrors lie dead at our feet, and our leader's apprentice takes up the mantle of chief. After repairs are done, we head out into the wilds to found a new village. Unfortunately, there appears to be something in the water...Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-04-19 2 
39449652Minotaur Civilization Quest #7We finally figure out boats, and make contact with ice-halflings! Our leader soon starts a relationship with a human, but is soon ripped away and captured by the imperial Snow Elves!Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie, Civvy2015-04-20 2 
39446287Minotauress Quest:Part 13Feltera gets elemental power, then goes down to the ground with Ven and DevrielaCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-20 6 
39482432Minotauress Quest:Part 14We meet a man made of EDGE and get to know him wellCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-22 7 
39533116Journal of the Occult Quest 23Sophia receives words of warning from Grivermillion, debriefs with her housemates, and helps with a creation ritual while delving. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-24 6 
39566818Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #67A trip down memory lane.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-04-25 9 
39543642Minotauress Quest:Part 15We go back to slaying demons and saving prisoners!Collective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-26 6 
39568722Journal of the Occult Quest 24Sophia takes her creation back home with her, has some trouble come up while shopping, and finds out that Ali has finally returned to town.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-26 5 
39567334Minotaur Civilization Quest #8The armies march on the Snow Elf capital to free our beloved leader. Will we succeed and free Brakla or will we crumble and forced to retreat?Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-04-26 2 
39582353Minotauress Quest:Part 16We see the freed slaves, get a ton of new allies, and fight a demon knightCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-28 9 
39633150Shinigami Savant Quest #13The most trying ordeal of Riku's afterlife to date: parenthood. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-28 33 
39634552Minotauress Quest:Part 17We do stuff around the castleCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-04-30 5 
39671905Shinigami Savant Quest #14The rise of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-04-30 31 
May 2015
39678861Shinigami Savant Quest #15The fall of Captain Urahara Kisuke.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-01 31 
39675351Journal of the Occult Quest 25A deal is made with Ali, Sophia accepts another apprentice, and Izu is brought along for a visit to Matthias and Aya.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-01 5 
39714283Journal of the Occult Quest 26Sophia has a pyromancy demonstration with Aya, gains a very valuable tome, practices some new techniques, and begins a delve to the inner realm known as "Paradise."Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-03 5 
39591073Minotaur Civilization Quest #9A quick bout of exploration and expansion takes place, we manage to connect an iceberg to the mainland by way of giant bloody bridge and a ship is also sent out to explore and find new lands to conquer!Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-03 3 
39712541Minotauress Quest:Part 18We get stronger and prepare to head back out into the world. Also we get a few special visits from the goddess herselfCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle2015-05-04 5 
39772117Shinigami Savant Quest #16Shinigami vs. DeathBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-05 32 
39778186Shinigami Savant Quest #17Why does Captain Kusajishi wear the mask?Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-06 30 
39812252Shinigami Savant Quest #18Death of a Swordsman.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-07 31 
39818170Shinigami Savant Quest #19Making the crime fit the punishment. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-08 32 
39815407Journal of the Occult Quest 27Sophia continues through "Paradise" encountering many of its inhabitants, and heads for the realm's core.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-08 5 
39733229Minotaur Civilization Quest #10All is well in the Tauren Kingdom, but tragedy strikes as the royal baby is ripped from the womb by a Fungal infiltrator! The drums of war are beginning to beat once more. There will be no mercyCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-09 2 
39826188Minotauress Quest:Part 19We slay a hell(pun intended)of a lot of demons!Collective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle, rekt, kill demons, free slaves2015-05-10 5 
39853157Journal of the Occult Quest 28Sophia speaks with The Broodmother, unseals her true form, and debriefs with her apprentices.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-10 5 
39917819Shinigami Savant Quest #20The Secret Life of (Little) Bees.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-12 33 
39911154Minotauress Quest:Part 20We talk, do stuff, and fight a Demon KnightCollective Game, Minotauress Quest, Sorceror, Castle2015-05-13 5 
39957264Shinigami Savant Quest #21Guns of the East.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-14 31 
39963069Shinigami Savant Quest #22Riku ties off some loose ends and the wars begin.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-15 29 
39960866Journal of the Occult Quest 29Sophia has a chat with Matthias, sits in on a city council meeting with Ali, and returns home to have a serious talk with Laurent.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-15 5 
39852240Minotaur Civilization Quest #11After a few technical difficulties, we manage to smash and grab the baby back. After this debacle, we invent strippers and further our armed forcesCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-16 2 
39997378Journal of the Occult Quest 30Sophia takes a brief visit to the market, snoops in on a conversation, practices breaking a seal, and delves toward Impel.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-17 5 
40032429Minotauress Quest:Part 21We get stronger, due to potions instead of milk!Collective Game, Minotauress Quest, Sorceror, Castle2015-05-19 5 
40098470Journal of the Occult Quest 31Sophia has a chat with the palace guard captain, looks through some reports, and breaks into an office.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-22 5 
40129106Shinigami Savant Quest #23Changing times, desperate measures.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-23 30 
40018712Minotaur Civilization Quest #12A short but sweet thread in which we meet German dwarves and a pyromaniac burning half of a forest to the ground.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-23 3 
40135411Shinigami Savant Quest #24In the Forest of Menos.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 29 
40135143Journal of the Occult Quest 32Sophia returns from her delve, Aya finally has the seals removed from her, and a discussion is had with our apprentices.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-24 5 
40154115Shinigami Savant Quest #25Conversations with Coyote. Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-24 30 
40133942Minotaur Civilization Quest #13In which we spend the entire thread trying to negotiate with a race of bee women, then subsequently discover their queen is a nymphomaniac. Oh, and we find Japanese Crystalid Samurai and invent Hispanic Minotaurs.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-24 3 
40159805Shinigami Savant Quest #25.5Overtime thread, because I suck at time allocation.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-25 28 
40184688Pokemon Quest #91We recover from our wounds, solve the mystery of the missing ring, get to Faeden, catch Metapod and begin our battle to catch MeloettaPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Bulbasaur, Meloetta, Sneasel, mystery, metapod2015-05-26 20 
40246826Journal of the Occult Quest 33An extensive discussion is had with Ali over lunch, we catch up quite a bit with Matthias, and let him know that Aya is pregnant.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-29 5 
40247300Pokemon Quest #92We battle Meloetta for the right to capture and train her. A large crowd watches.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Bulbasaur, Meloetta2015-05-29 20 
40158392Minotaur Civilization Quest #14We discover Sverfneblin in a giant bloody pit, further relations with the Thriae with men, discover Old God shiny rocks, and perform a minor exorcism. Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-05-30 2 
40278263Shinigami Savant Quest #26White Death at the Messines Ridge.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-30 29 
40284620Journal of the Occult Quest 34Sophia delves to Impel on a rescue mission to prevent Grievermillion from being executed.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-31 5 
40301402Shinigami Savant Quest #27All of the worst things happen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-05-31 31 
June 2015
40394211Journal of the Occult Quest 35Sophia returns home from the rescue mission, has an early morning discussion with Carmina, and practices pyromancy with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-05 5 
40430940Minotaur Civilization Quest #15In which we establish proper relations with the Crystalids, kill an uppity ape, and keep a small elf girl from maiming herself too badly.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-06-07 3 
40544815Journal of the Occult Quest 36Sophia attends the long-awaited festival.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-12 3 
40533884 Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade BeginsCommissar Gaurun has the unfortunate task of presiding over the Penal Legion /tg/, and what begins as an innocuous day of alcoholism and heresy soon devolves into a frightful day of pants thieving genestealers, insanity and a full fledged crusade against a chaos bakery.Commissar Gaurun, Weapon Specialist Lyn, Private Lemming, Vostroyan Regiment Liason Alexandr, Jeanstealer, Aaliyah, Ruh, Stephan Meltaman, Guardsman Sergant Joe, Kal Teest2015-06-12 9 
40454737Minotaur Civilization Quest #15.5We return to Drozen after a round of diplomacy with the Crystalids. Following this, we advance into the Renaissance and get our diplomat captured by Dark Elves.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-06-12 2 
40617073Penal regiment designation /tg/: another inspectionThe regiment is deeply in ork terriroty and has problems with folding tools and special memberscollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/commissar gaurun, cpt notaneldar,lemming, gibbers, stephen meltaman, Sergeant KommandoInDisguise, james, ruh2015-06-15 5 
40581251Minotaur Civilization Quest #16In which we spend half of a thread escaping a city's worth of guards, meet a giant, and run bare-butt naked in the streets high on ecstasy.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-06-18 2 
40722198Journal of the Occult Quest 37Sayuline and Carmina's plan comes to light, and The Usurper is unsealed.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-21 3 
40741913Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #68So long, fare well, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-06-21 9 
40719705Minotaur Civilization Quest #17In which we beat the ever living shit out of a an Orc woman, take her home after reeducation in the sex pits of the Thriae, and have a generally good time.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-06-27 2 
40862872Shinigami Savant Quest #28God dammit Aizen.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-27 30 
40886263Shinigami Savant Quest #29Riku gets punchy, and things go kind of to shit.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-28 31 
40888940Journal of the Occult Quest 38A month later and Sophia is in the midst of serving The Empress as part of her Intelligence Council.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-29 2 
40896916Shinigami Savant Quest #29.5Riku continues to be punchy.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-06-29 31 
40901015Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - ibram gaunt is my waifu editionThe penal regiment /tg/ is sent to a space hulk to clear out a maximum of genestealers before the karskin can come in and sweep all the glory. Gibbers descends more fully into madness, a Cadianite turns out to be a disciple of nurgle and voxes the sororitas to the displeasure of the commissar, who was just inviting the quartermaster to a drink if they survived the ordealcollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/,commissar gaurun, gary, ruh, lemmings, gibbers, gary the catachan, cadianite, palatine sister theresia, captain alexandr mikhailovicht, quartermaster nihaonyan2015-06-29 5 
July 2015
40994015Journal of the Occult Quest 39Sophia communicates with Izu and attends to her second mission.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-04 3 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 -21 
41027807Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - fucking this again editionThis time the regiment is facing off against Chaos spawn, as they are joined by the Inquisition, sister Theresia and the navigator, while a plot appears to stow away the commissar to safety.field kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, lemming, gibbers, palatine sister theresia, navigator elena, inquisitor vilhelm, quartermaster nihaonyan, commissar gaurun2015-07-05 8 
41121096Journal of the Occult Quest 40Sophia comes home from her mission, takes a tour of the palace garden, and then sets out in her free time.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-10 3 
41142205Outsider Quest 3The game continues, some world-gen is had, and a pastebin is posted.Collective Game, Outsider Quest, CreepyBastard, Daughter of the Second Star2015-07-11 1 
41139837Minotaur Civ Game 1We get genocided and Killgore diplomancies.Collective Game, Civ, Minotaur Civ2015-07-11 2 
41160190Minotaur Civ Thread 2We raid 2 ships, discover gunpowder and declare warCollective Game, Civ, Minotaur Civ2015-07-12 2 
41171454Minotaur Civ Game 3We take the elven city! And Grunling passes out.Collective Game, Civ, Minotaur Civ2015-07-12 2 
41183918Minotaur Civ Game 4We delegate stuff, gain 2 cities and Grunling has to go.Collective Game, Civ, Minotaur Civ2015-07-13 2 
41160295Mintoaur Civilization Quest #19Long live the king.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie2015-07-16 2 
41267350Journal of the Occult Quest 41Sophia heads out from the palace, finds Izu and Marissa, and has a very stern conversation with her second apprentice. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-17 3 
41305968Minotaur Civilization Quest #20We get a map, help Catherine with the whole dead husband deal, and meet some batshit crazy Amazons.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-07-19 1 
41418317Journal of the Occult Quest 42Sophia leaves the snow cabin, meets up with Ali for a mission briefing, and then ambushes a supply group.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-24 3 
41438383Shinigami Savant Quest #30Live from Okinawa: Riku vs. Halibel and Starrk.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-07-25 32 
41461495Journal of the Occult Quest 43Sophia finishes her work, investigates the hairpin, and heads back to the palace.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-26 6 
41571166Journal of the Occult Quest 44Sophia has a secret discussion with Vicki and then attends a war briefing with both councils.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-31 2 
August 2015
41609742Journal of the Occult Quest 45Sophia goes through a few preparations and the War on Impel begins.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-02 3 
41856969Journal of the Occult Quest 46Sophia discusses the current status of the siege, talks with The Empress about plans for the future, and deals with a sudden ambush.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-14 2 
41752762Minotaur Civilization Quest #22We meet the lizardfolk and wood elves and are subsequently interrupted by a family emergency.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-08-15 1 
41895481Journal of the Occult Quest 47The war rages on as Sophia and Izu work to clear out the southern half of Impel from the Pyromancer invaders and capture the enemy commander before he escapes.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-16 2 
41998290Journal of the Occult Quest 48Sophia learns much from the new prisoner and spends the rest of the day with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-21 2 
41893518Minotaur Civilization Quest #23We get two new heirs, flip the gender of one, and get a guy imprisonedCollective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-08-22 1 
42034539Journal of the Occult Quest 49Izu meets The Empress for the first time, Sophia learns more about the secrets of delving, and lays plans for the final part of the siege.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-23 2 
42134736Journal of the Occult Quest 50The final mission in the siege of Impel begins as Sophia, Izu, Disgur, and The Empress infiltrate the palace walls.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-28 2 
42032475Minotaur Civilization Quest #24We cure AIDS and nuke ourselves.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie2015-08-29 2 
42174681Journal of the Occult Quest 51Sophia proceeds through the palace and brings an end to the siege of Impel.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-30 2 
September 2015
42240439Outsider Quest Part 5Creepy returns, as does the Daughter of the Second Star.Collective Game, Outsider Quest, Daughter of the Second Star, CreepyBastard2015-09-03 3 
42276949Journal of the Occult Quest 52Sophia moves into her new quarters in the palace, has a discussion with Ali, and goads her newly imprisoned creature for more information.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-04 2 
42172155Minotaur Civilization Quest #25Eugenics and Demons!Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-09-05 1 
42423847Journal of the Occult Quest 53Many seeds bear fruit as Sophia learns more about The Empress's plans, briefs with Vicki, has a Necromancy lesson with Justina, and secretly meets with Grievermillion.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-11 2 
42456738Shinigami Savant Quest #31Playing catch-up.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-12 32 
42463424Journal of the Occult Quest 54Sophia discusses plans on raising an army, tries to sniff out an enemy, and heads beneath the palace with The Empress to bind the being that lies there. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-13 3 
42475508Shinigami Savant Quest #32Guadalcanal diaries.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-13 32 
42565583Journal of the Occult Quest 55Sophia goes through the ordeal of binding the being that dwells beneath the palace. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-18 2 
42624179Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #69The End begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-09-20 9 
42654109Journal of the Occult Quest 56Sophia marches with the Impel army, discovers Caelumnites while journeying, and deals with a sudden attack.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-22 2 
42736909Shinigami Savant Quest #33Trial and fire.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-09-26 28 
42743197Journal of the Occult Quest 57Sophia deals with Philomena for good, a briefing with The Empress, and finishes off the night talking with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-27 2 
42785301DBZ Human Quest Super #24Castle explorationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Sauyan, Super, Quest2015-09-29 7 
October 2015
42839632Journal of the Occult Quest 58Questions about Philomena are dealt with, and Sophia moves in to clear the Sluice Gate of potential threats.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-02 1 
42741329Minotaur Civilization Quest #27We get a new hero, send away two of our heroes, and get magic laser rifles.Collective Game, Minotaur Quest, Civilization Game, Civvie,2015-10-03 2 
42867665Shinigami Savant Quest #34Aizen fiddles, Naha burns.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-03 28 
42873961Journal of the Occult Quest 59Sophia deals with the trap beneath the Sluice Gate, helps Izu, and marches into The Maw.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-04 2 
42887759Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #70Pezun: the Newtypes Assemble.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-04 12 
42907652The King of Fighters Quest Round 48 (Part 1)We take at look at Andrew Draco's morning. It only raises questions about "The Infinite Match" and Jean-Claude Gabriel.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Andrew Draco2015-10-06 7 
42909568Exterminator Quest #18In which we abuse the public trust.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, russians, abuse of authority2015-10-06 6 
42996353Shinigami Savant Quest #35Back to school.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-10 33 
43002327Journal of the Occult Quest 60After a tense conversation with Justina, Sophia wields the army's new weapon and uses it to advance further into The Maw.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-11 1 
43094494Journal of the Occult Quest 61Sophia speaks with Carmina for one final time, deals with an unexpected attack, and finally gets some time to rest.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-16 2 
43129997Journal of the Occult Quest 62Sophia and the army push further into The Maw as Sivaht is dealt with and an unexpected visitor appears as they near the core.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-18 1 
43235697Journal of the Occult Quest 63The march is halted, and Sophia receives a report from Vicki, makes another deal with Justina, and learns something from The Empress.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-24 1 
43253904Shinigami Savant Quest #36White Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-24 32 
43259976Journal of the Occult Quest 64Sophia binds Ip'Suran into The Empress's mind with the help of Izu, descends into the true core of The Maw, and deals with The Dreamer.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-25 1 
43276559Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #71The Battle of Axis begins.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU2015-10-25 23 
43358457Journal of the Occult Quest 65After The Broodmother is dealt with once and for all, Sophia is forced back to Impel Palace, where she plots for the future, and then seeks out Marissa.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-30 1 
43390336Shinigami Savant Quest #37Death and StrawberryBleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 31 
43395126Shinigami Savant Quest #37.5Death and Strawberry, now with 100% more Strawberry.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-10-31 29 
November 2015
43396082Journal of the Occult Quest 66One final conversation is had with Marissa, some other tasks are seen to, and Sophia deals with an unexpected trespasser. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-01 1 
43409092Shinigami Savant Quest #38Fox and Providence.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-01 32 
43403681How A Game Almost Fell Apart"Alright /tg/ let me tell you about how my game nearly fell apart. This tale involves autism, Shadowrun, betrayal, friendship, and approximately $12,000 in dragon dildos."storytime, autism, dragon dildos, addiction, that guy, shadowrun2015-11-01 45 
43491134Journal of the Occult Quest 67Sophia celebrates her birthday, attends to business around the palace, and finally ventures into Kyraen'Asils.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-06 1 
43487104Minotaur Civ/QuestA weary group of Minotaurs, the creations of Tauros the god of virility and strength, set out in an unexplored valley for a new home.Minotaur Civ, Civilization, Minotaur, Hardcore, Tauros2015-11-07 -1 
43520479Shinigami Savant Quest #39Riku guest-stars on a popular TV show.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-07 28 
43540761Shinigami Savant Quest #40Kuchiki vs Kuchiki.Bleach, Collective Game, Shinigami Savant Quest, AU2015-11-08 30 
43613768Journal of the Occult Quest 68Sophia finishes her chat with her former caretaker, finally reunites with Matthias, and then has a Pyromancy duel with Aya over control of the throne.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-13 1 
43644686Journal of the Occult Quest 69After settling business in Kyraen'Asils, Sophia returns to the palace, bids farewell to Justina, briefs with Ali, and proceeds to the human camp to find Ellie.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-15 1 
43640532/tg/ Creates a VaultBRING IN THE CLOWNSclowns, mimes, vault, fallout2015-11-16 53 
43694363Fallout 2K/tg/ discusses the new Edition of Fallout 2K, and reminisce on editions past.roleplay, Fallout, Alternate Reality Game, AU2015-11-18 9 
43730739Journal of the Occult Quest 70Sophia brings Ellie back to the palace, practices her pyromancy, goes over the details of the binding ritual, and receives a troubling note.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-20 1 
43707780Fallout 2k, continuedMore roleplay in a universe where Fallout is a tabletop war game, with some actual getting shit donefallout, alternate reality game, roleplay, au, homebrew, getting shit done2015-11-20 4 
43749295Aurora Quest 1The setting and starting game stats are explained by the Quest-Master. We begin fleshing out the senate, task science to be done, and un-fuck our pre-wrecked shit.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-22 5 
43760018Journal of the Occult Quest 71Sophia finishes the binding ritual for The Dreamer and then proceeds into the final realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-22 1 
43779943Aurora Quest 2we design our first engine and ships. general R&D along with production.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-23 3 
43815149Aurora Quest 3The Senate receive a general report of tech progress, political agendas, and a space monkey in a toga. Unfortunately, activity is minimal in the thread this time around.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-26 -1 
43876228Journal of the Occult Quest 72The conclusion.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-29 9 
43851577Aurora Quest 4Viva la Roma! This thread marks the Empire's first steps into space.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-11-29 1 
43894252/tg/ designs a pantheon/tg/ designs a pantheon and an array of primordials, gods and demigods are created. And the Laughing god. He's there toopantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-11-30 11 
December 2015
43924087/tg/ designs a pantheon part twoThe concept is fleshed out. Bonds are made, Myths are written and the Laughing god keeps laughing. Oh god.pantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-01 5 
43931279/tg/ designs a pantheon part three This time, we focus less on gods and more on worldbuilding. Everything, from poems to maps, are made, and the Laughing God just laughspantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-02 5 
43906867Aurora Quest 5Jump points are discovered, and the monkey is unveiled.Collective Game, Quest, Aurora Quest, Spreadsheet Monkey, ROME IN SPAAAAACE2015-12-04 3 
44232331Ceaseless Tides Quest 1Oren Fisher takes an examination that will determine if he can escape his destitute life on his home planet.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-18 4 
44270563Ceaseless Tides Quest 2Oren acts out his role as guardian during The Festival of The Innocent, enjoys the festivities with people from his past, and says good-bye to his home.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-20 5 
44346930Ceaseless Tides Quest 3Oren wakes up from stasis, lands on Saredo, and begins exploring the Academy.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-24 5 
44406724God of Creation [QUEST] part2You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. This time we created cattle, monkey guys, hung out with our cool new music/water friend, grew a tree and OHFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?!Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish, Helitaur, Fredd-Murc2015-12-28 6 
44412410Ceaseless Tides Quest 4Oren ventures through the academy with to meet with the rest of his squad, and gets to know them.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-28 3 
44470406Ceaseless Tides Quest 5Oren tours the academy with Luca, finds his new home, and gets in some target practice.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2015-12-31 3 
January 2016
44528933Ceaseless Tides Quest 6The first class is attended, and then Oren heads out on his first mission.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2016-01-03 2 
44612022Ceaseless Tides Quest 7Oren returns home from his first mission, and spends the following day trying to clear his mind of it.Collective Game, Ceaseless Tides Quest, Auri2016-01-07 3 
February 2016
45396983Quest One Shot: The Devil's DaughterThe life of an adorable Princess/Apprentice Thief, and the start of many adventures to come!Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, One Shot, The Devil's Daughter2016-02-14 10 
March 2016
45773792The Imperal Guard writes a Letter to AbaddonA letter is written to Abbadon, and he responds. Finally, the tau recieve a letter of their own. All one word at a time.40k, imperial guard, abaddon, tau, letter, funny2016-03-03 48 
45778623Earth is a Magical RealmAnon is educated in the Magical Realm of Earth, hosted by our beloved DM: Mother Nature.nature, learning, magical realm, dolphin suicide, necrophilia, traumatic insemination, CAWWWING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN, fish onaholes, hyenas2016-03-05 22 
46083428Faun Civilization - Ch. 1 The fauns arrive at their new home, meet and seduce their neighbors, find out the fate of the dwarven traders, and sampled an heir or two.Collective Game, Civilization, Civ, Faun Civ2016-03-18 5 
46105815Faun Civilization - Ch. 2We meet the Mad Goat, learn the fate of our homeland, and throw one hell of a great party. Collective Game, Civilization, Civ, Faun Civ2016-03-19 4 
46006584Hua Yuan Exterminators Thirteenth ThreadAn epic blood fued erupts in a shower of autism as namefaggots battle over what history is the right one.Hua Yuan, Exterminators, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables, Homebrew, Autism2016-03-19 1 
46246729Be the BEG Chapter 13A slow day, full of sweet dreams and daughter loveCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Exhaustion2016-03-26 8 
April 2016
46390998Angel Commander Simulator"The third EVA has arrived. Our reports indicate that the target is smugly advancing through RURAL AREA 01..."Collective Game, Quest, Eva, Evangelion, Nerv Bridge Simulator, Nerv HQ, You Must (not) Laugh2016-04-01 21 
46436764Sheepgirl Civilization Quest Part 1Sheepgirl sheeptaurs starting a new settlement in a woodland vale. First strides in building and stocking for the winter are taken.Collective Game, Civilization, sheep, sheeptaurs, monstergirls2016-04-04 20 
46556904ASOIAF House Creation Thread: Riverlands EditionAnd lo, House Gauthier was born. "With a Soft Hand."A Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-09 5 
46567400ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 2Our slow attempts to finish house creationA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-10 5 
46589404Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 1A ghost ship is discovered in deep space, and the first link in a new chain of events is forged.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-04-10 12 
46645642ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 3Where we add more details and stat up Rotrick GauthierA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-14 5 
46730898Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 2Life on Mars.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-04-17 13 
46865891A Song of Ice and Fire: House Gauthier Quest, part 1Where we survey all we're destined to lord overCollective Game, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Gauthier2016-04-24 2 
46903744Pentecost and the Last CrusadersAnon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever./tg/ 40000, Last Crusaders, Pentecost, Aurum Space Bats, Rogue Trader, Space Marines, Dice Stories2016-04-26 2 
1573Autistic Goat Girl QuestThe former warchief of a village of goat-people destroyed by a fat human woman wanders around looking for drugs.Autistic Goat Girl Quest, Tristram, Quest, Collective Game2016-04-27 1 
May 2016
3861Australian World Domination QuestIt's literally all shitposting. Recommended for Australians.Collective Game, Australia, shitposting, drawquest, poorly drawn,2016-05-01 1 
47021388Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 3Standoff and Sabotage.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-01 15 
106118Queenswoman of the August Commonwealth: Chapter OneA new Planetary Governor for Her Majesty is appointed, Herald and drones on throughout chargen. Much salt is sprinkled in this thread.August Commonwealth, Governor, Planetary Governor, Space, Collective Game, Original Setting, Salt, Chargen2016-05-14 4 
47267359Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 4Siege.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-15 14 
142906Audit QuestIn which we become the dungeon master.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2016-05-17 86 
47387978Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 5Trace evidence.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-05-22 14 
191411Audit Quest Chapter 2In this chapter we refine the dungeon, infuse some slimes, and see some more Heroes.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2016-05-29 51 
June 2016
254041YOU ARE A DICTATOR OF A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY 08:49 PGT Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea The Capital City erupts in gunfire as soldiers run across the streets, knocking on everDictator, Third World Country, Paupa New Guinea, Australia2016-06-13 1 
47856286Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 6STRAIGHT TO THE MOON, ALICE.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-06-19 14 
July 2016
326352Audit Quest Chapter 3In this chapter we test out the dungeon and work a bit on our spa.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2016-07-03 52 
48208471Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 7Bloody pirates.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-07-10 11 
48434491Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 8... and the cargo was people!Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-07-24 11 
48485064Jazz Age CampaignAn opening about Art Deco leads to a plethora of ideas about a setting of bubbling ideologies and the optimism of a better futurejazz age, cyberpunk, art deco, art nouveau, futurism, history, twentieth century2016-07-29 15 
August 2016
466851Audit Quest Chapter 4A team of five adventurers arrives. The dungeon's difficulty gets turned up for Raid Mode.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2016-08-15 47 
September 2016
520605Space Miner Quest 0 You are Cassidy Von Maur. Just another miner in Hermia Domain. You are funding a project which might save the very life of your true mother.Collective Game, Space Miner, Cassidy Von Maur2016-09-06 1 
537062The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #11We get into a fight, get patched up and then start to get "Red-Pilled" on who the MC really is.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya2016-09-10 6 
49273753Final Solution of Quest Question Quest 47A mod cracks, loses control of their life at 4AM server time, sneakily banning quests 4ever. Conclusion of his long-run quest thread series.Autism, Samefagging, Ignorance, Incompetent Management, Zero Wage, Live With Your Shame2016-09-10 23 
555691Sword Art Online Quest #1The First thread, in which we name ourselves after a wine and discover a cat girl.Sword Art Online, Quest, Sauska2016-09-12 13 
563116Sword Art Online Quest #2In which we found out our cat girl is bipolar and we have the face of an eight year old. Oh and we met KiritoSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro2016-09-13 7 
575760Sword Art Online Quest #3In which we are stabbed by a sociopath who also happens to be KiritoSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro2016-09-16 8 
49356089Australian Aboriginal mythological fantasy/tg/ discusses a fantasy setting based on Aborignal Australian mythologyaboriginal, australian, australian aboriginal, fantasy, setting, fluff, australian2016-09-16 3 
589783Sword Art Online Quest #7, Thread 4In which we explore the second floor and realize Kibaou is Uncle SamSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro, Sweet Ass Coat2016-09-18 6 
598365Sword Art Online Quest #8, Thread 5In which CIA cat interrogates an elf and Wolf-man gets drugged.Sword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro, Bane2016-09-22 5 
618264SAO Quest Part 11.5In which we beat Sword Art Online on floor 6Sword Art Online, Sauska, IncogNegro, Argo, Kayaba2016-09-25 4 
624838Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12In which we find ourselves in the real world, and enter Gun Gale Online. Sword Art Online, Gun Gale Online, Sauska, IncogNegro, Argo, Kirito2016-09-26 3 
639142Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Thread 8In which we look for some new weapons and fight in the Bullet of Bullets!Sword Art Online, Gun Gale Online, Sauska, Wolfgang, IncogNegro, Argo, Kirito, Sinon, FIST2016-09-30 2 
October 2016
617075EvoGame: Part 6 - Braffbergs RisingAs the world changes from Early to Mid Autumignis, regions experience significant changes as the Styrax Colony begins to soar the skies.Collective Game, evo, evolution, essari, evogame, Magnarovic, Autumignis2016-10-03 5 
652296Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 9In which we experience the world of Macross, our own fucked up memories, and finally get laid in a real world!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Macross2016-10-05 0 
666621Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 10In which we fight aliens, almost die, and Jump to Soul Eater.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 2 
680813Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 11In which we explore the world of Soul Eater!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 1 
49742120Taufag riptide rant & resulting copypastaTaufag vehemently defends Riptides. Copypasta ensues.40k, Tau, Taufag, copypasta2016-10-12 5 
712741Audit Quest Chapter 5In this chapter we gain some new help and take on a tough Hero.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2016-10-20 44 
697205Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12In which OP takes a few days off, Wolfgang learns to use his powers, and we start a fight with a Witch!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-21 2 
731913Haven AcademyGrau Himmel registers at Haven Academy and undergoes a trial...which involves a bunch of Grimm being let loose in the school courtyardRWBY, Grau Himmel,Collective Game, 2016-10-21 0 
736696Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 9Black Stars.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-10-22 10 
676769EvoGame: Part 7 - Along Came EmraHovering Amalgamatiadite made of plant matter and slime evolve.Collective Game, evo, evolution, essari, evogame, Autumignis2016-10-22 5 
729249Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 13In which we found a weapon partner, kicked a clown's ass, and OP got so furious at the world he had to stop writing for several days.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Nadia, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-28 1 
November 2016
792421Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 1 Grau participates in Dust class and Jasmine accidentally starts a fire. Ended early due to QM needing to leaveRWBY, Haven Academy Quest, Collective Game, Grau Himmel, Headmaster Fallow2016-11-05 1 
798128Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 10Upgrade.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-11-06 7 
797942Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 2Early archive. Grau spars with Brennan and comes out on top.RWBY, Haven Academy Quest, Grau Himmel, Collective Game, Headmaster Fallow2016-11-06 1 
851560Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 11Role reversal.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-11-20 8 
50330040Odd Villain MotivationsIn this thread, posters brainstorm some motivations for villains that are odd, unconventional and just plain petty.Brainstorming, petty villainy, BBEG, motivations, funny, insurance fraud2016-11-23 31 
December 2016
895687Tribe of Echoes - Chapter IA prehistory tribe, the Stone Breakers, are led by Munta as they improve their village, face the elements, and uncover spirit secrets.Tribe of Echoes, AusQM, Prehistory, Quest, Civ2016-12-03 6 
928652Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 12Head on straight, Mask on crooked.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-12-11 6 
895156Assault Horizon Main Quest 2The second thread in the main assault Horizon quest lineAssault Horizon, Main Quest2016-12-12 1 
914442European Draogn Quest 42: Return of ClawIn this episode, Claw returns, we tumble a few women like usual, follow the family tradition of being Neutral Evil, and go to Vietnam.Collective Game, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Claw, Autism2016-12-14 3 
906643Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era QuestHarry Potter quest, written by naust. You are Cyril Selwyn, a pureblood Slytherin, and you've just been accepted to Hogwarts!naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2016-12-15 13 
50720053THE ETHEREALS BLESS USOP is bored, does a creation thread. End result is rather amusing.creation thread, bored, tau2016-12-16 1 
952402Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 13It's always a trap.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2016-12-18 7 
944490Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #2In which Selwyn talks to a suit of armor, spells his spaghetti in front of some Slytherin girls, and learns to Duel.naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2016-12-22 5 
50879966Nars'kyse Mobile Defense Force tg creates a new tau sept in which tau the tau and demiurg fight for control of an asteroid belt40k, Tau, Ork, Necron, Orkz, brainstorming2016-12-28 1 
January 2017
987786A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #1An autistic goatgirl with a shovel and a bucket wanders the land for adventure.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-02 26 
955910Civ quest that won't be abandonedMyceloids in the Haunted Forest. Civ Quest, Myceloid, Haunted Forest, Mushroom, Aborted, Abandoned, Collective Game2017-01-02 1 
998168A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #2An autistic goatgirl bonks someone on the head, meets people, and goes into town.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-04 18 
1011675A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #3An autisticute goatgirl meets some adventurers, causes a minor heart attack, and goes to sleep.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-07 14 
986758CHAN: The Great Unemployed EmpireCHAN is a game of adventure, danger, and low cucking. Explore what has sent hardened trolls screaming from the autism contained within!CHAN The Great Unemployed Empire, Text adventure, Autism, Neckbeards, Rare pepes, Collective Game2017-01-07 2 
1027034A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #4An autistic goatgirl runs off to find a big snake.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-10 14 
51111911/tg/ talks about Steven UniverseInteresting discussion regarding Steven Universe and the philosophy behind a cartoon for children. Also motherfucking STORYTIEM shows up.Steven universe, storytiem, autism2017-01-10 3 
1005506Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #3Cyril manages to make it to Herbology before the dreaded page 10 strikesnaust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-11 4 
51179503Consequences of realistic FTL.OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it.Sci-fi, science-fiction, setting, settings, FTL, FTL travel, causality, time travel, time-dilution, time-dilutions2017-01-13 6 
1048538Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 14The Truth?Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-15 5 
1044821A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #5An autistic goat gives a bird a name, says goodbyes, and meets a walking bush.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-17 13 
1036717Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #4We stand up to for someone, and have to find a date.naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-20 2 
1077221Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 15Sweetwater.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-22 5 
1073258A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #6A fairy does fairy things in the village of bush people, and a goat stabs a branch with a shovel.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-24 12 
1105198Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 16Sweetwater, Part II.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-01-29 5 
1068812Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #5Who wants to go into the dungeons?naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-30 3 
1099727A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #7An autistic goatgirl participates in a frog experiment and gets listless.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, Collective Game2017-01-31 8 
February 2017
1127609A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #8A wolf-girl searches for her goat, witnesses a bug be useful in a prison break, and runs into a lot of birds.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-02-07 10 
1124774Audit Quest Chapter 6In this chapter we deal with a new pair of heroes and a rival Dungeon Master.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2017-02-07 39 
1155795Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 17Action phase.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-12 5 
51561318Derailing IntensifiesStarts with Catgirl Martials, ends with the USMC, makeup on weightlifters, and whether or not medicine is STEMautism, bait, wizard2017-02-14 -1 
1159630A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #9A goat-girl encounters a man and his birds, accomplishes a stealth mission, and then comes right back for a face-full of feathers.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-02-15 11 
1179046Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 18Battle of Sweetwater.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-19 5 
1111204The HauntingThe story of the Holler Family and their Guardian Angel. Can the angel save the family?Collective Game,The Haunting Quest, Ghost, Lovecraftian2017-02-21 4 
1189562A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #10The confrontation with the Baroness. The curtain call for the rebellion at Silvercrest. GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-02-24 12 
1208658Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 19Hearts and Minds.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-02-26 5 
March 2017
1216571A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #11A short thread. An epilogue to the first arc. A slice of life before the journey starts again.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-03-01 8 
1259194Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 20The Time CapsuleCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-03-12 5 
1268492A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #12A sheep does nothing useful, and a goat sings a siren song for a ball of fluff.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-03-17 8 
1277178Vault Hunter Quest 1Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot!Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-03-20 4 
1297158A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #13A goatgirl meets a strange not-person, then a strange earth-person, then eats some mushrooms.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-03-26 7 
1304687Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 21Shadows of Char.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-03-26 5 
April 2017
1314992Vault Hunter Quest 2Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leaveCollective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-04-01 3 
1325188Audit Quest Chapter 6.5In this chapter, students from a Magical Academy enter the school.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2017-04-05 24 
1325070Audit Quest Chapter X.5In this chapter two strong adventurers appear to take on the dungeon.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2017-04-05 22 
1313378European Dragon Quest 58: Doctor Gerbil and Mr. Squeakers.In this episode, Liz discovers the GNOMES, and of course, goes to kick their ass. What happens? Well, probably a lot of gnome-ass gets rekt.Gnome Genocide, Elizabeth Did Nothing Wrong, The Gnome Holocaust, European Dragon Quest, Snek Scots™, Collective Game2017-04-06 1 
52594454Empire vs Earth: /sw/ meets /k/Autism breaks out when space sailors learn about missile defensestar wars, nuclear, autism, crossover2017-04-08 2 
1342839A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #14A goatgirl walks around a big city, decides not to REMOVE UNDEAD, and gets dressed up.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-04-08 11 
1352060Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 22The PLOT.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-04-09 5 
1363461A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #15A goat feeds leaves to a tortoise, has something sweet, and visits a classroom.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-04-16 7 
1370219Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest 1We are Zane Jacobs. No we're not, we're Zack Warwick, ex-Ranger. We decide to protect the daughteru and become a Ranger again.Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest, Pacific Rim, Giant Mechs, Daughteru, Collective Game2017-04-20 3 
52956802Saint Dracula and the Romanian ReformationVlad Tepes sells his soul for the power to drive off the Turkish invasion of Christendom and unintentionally starts a reformation.crusade, dracula, vlad tepes, vlad the impaler, reformation, theology, castlevania, faustian bargain,2017-04-29 13 
1408627A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #16A goat talks with a nice old teacher, meets little metal constructs, and does some learning about the world around her.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-04-30 7 
1416270Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 23It's always Jupiter.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-04-30 5 
May 2017
1436365Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 24Rose of Luna.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-07 5 
1435132Cyberpunk/-/Demonslayer #2Alagos rescues a traumatized woman, does many autistic things, and has a pole-dancing contest.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, autism2017-05-08 6 
53129838Warmasters TriumvirateWhat starts as an Astartes Legion Creation Thread starts being developed into another AUspace_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-12 3 
53181029Warmasters Triumvirate IIThe AU continues to be developed, the name is settled on, the seperatist start getting some developmentspace_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-13 3 
1459217Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 25Picking up where we left off.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-14 6 
1445942Audit Quest Chapter 7In this chapter, we realize that our dungeon might be a bit too powerful for some people.Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2017-05-15 28 
53211711Warmasters Triumvirate IIIThe legion list is almost filled up and the reasons for the Brotherwar start getting fleshed space_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-15 3 
53238307Warmasters Triumvirate IVThe 21 legion slots are filled up, the SepMech makes it's first appearance and the Council of Nikaea gets discussed space_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-17 5 
53271527Warmasters Triumvirate V!Flushed out more of the Legions, ponder on the finer points of Inter-Legionary Politics and Closed out the current Legions at XXIWarmasters Triumvirate, 40k, AU, WT, W3, space_marines2017-05-18 3 
53298379Warmaster's Triumvirate VI: Horrific Casualty Rate EditionIn which no casualties are had, legions exchange hands and the debate on technology within the Sepratists begins.Warmaster's Triumvirate, 40k, AU, WT, W3, space_marines2017-05-20 3 
1473799A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #17Night. A goat makes a decision, and looks for a friend.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-05-20 7 
1482114Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 26Artesia's revelation.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-05-21 3 
53336365 Warmasters' Triumvirate VIISeventh thread for the 40K AU where there's traitor primarchs who aren't really Chaos.Warmaster's Triumvirate, 40k, AU, W3, space_marines2017-05-22 5 
53371919Warmasters' Triumvirate VIIIThe Thread Where We Talked RelationshipsAU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate, WT2017-05-25 5 
53427256Warmasters' Triumvirate VIIIIThe Thread Where We Talked Secession.AU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate2017-05-27 3 
1497501A Goat-Girl's Fantasy Quest #18Struggles with things from the outside. Dawn, and an ending.GFQ, autisticgoatgirls, mitty, mitts, Collective Game2017-05-27 8 
53449408Warmasters' Triumvirate XThe thread where we figured out how the seps separate.AU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate2017-05-28 5 
1510580Lego Quest Presents... Adams & Eve 5Mike kisses a dinosaur girlLego Quest, Collective Game, Dinosaurs2017-05-30 1 
53473114Warmasters' Triumvirate XIThe Thread Where We Talked RelationshipsAU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate2017-05-31 3 
June 2017
53537257Warmasters' Triumvirate XIIThe thread where we usurped the other other warmaster AU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate2017-06-03 2 
1535915Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 27Door to door.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-04 2 
1533325Lego Quest Presents... Adams & Eve 6Mike Adams fulfills yet another prophesyLego Quest, Collective Game, Dinosaurs2017-06-05 1 
53592279Warmasters' Triumvirate XIIIThe thread where we did more stuffAU, 40K, Warhammer, Warmasters Triumverate2017-06-06 2 
53640143Blue Toof and the Strayt ShootasFirst thread for Strayt Shootaz, Ork Snipers with a taste for Tau technology, and exclusive contracts with rogue traders. ork, 40k, tau, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry,chaos2017-06-09 5 
1563218Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 28The investigation continues.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-11 3 
53716563Blu Toof and the Strayt Shootas: Part 2In which the Strayt Shootas are expanded upon. Great draw, and writefaggotry is posted, and a space hulk is rolled up. 40k, Ork, tau, Strayt Shootas, Chimera Legion, inquisition, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry2017-06-13 5 
1612022Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 29Cannoli and paper trails.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-06-25 5 
July 2017
53944400An Ancient Evil Awakens!Activities for recently unsealed ancient evils besides world conquest and potential tactics for the conquest of the modern world.sauron, ancient evil, BBEG, worldbuilding, conquest, cyberpunk,2017-07-02 5 
1641228Vault Hunter Quest 3QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-07-08 3 
1654899Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 30VBPD You.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-10 2 
1675354Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 30Whoops.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-17 2 
1699073Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 32The Lunar Connection. (Previous thread is mis-archived)Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-07-24 2 
1677898Audit Quest: Chapter 8 In this chapter, we use a raid as a trial run for our sponsorshipCollective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2017-07-24 31 
August 2017
1748955Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 33Vist.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-08-07 2 
1775701Vault Hunter Quest 4Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-19 3 
1787985Vault Hunter Quest 4.5The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-20 2 
1793303Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 34The Screaming StarCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-08-20 3 
September 2017
1830343Haunted House QuestThe investigator finds something truly terrifying at the old doctor's house.Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-09-03 5 
55048815Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIWe get to see more faces, we make terrible movie references and we pick up the slack on the Soaring Host and Emperor's DragoonsAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-03 2 
1837337Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 35JUPITEEEER!Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-09-04 2 
1827560Fallout 2200: Legend of the Vault Dweller Ch. 1A one-shot adventure in a brand new setting of the Fallout universe begins. The vault dwellers suffer casualties and reach the surface. Quest, Fallout, Fallout Quest, Adventure, Vault dweller2017-09-04 1 
55195803Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIITwo anons come two blows, and Frederic and the Dragoons are brought up to snuff after a new anon picks them up. Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-10 3 
1840925Fallout 2200: Legend of the Vault Dweller Ch. 2Vault Dwellers meet a ghoul, arrive at a town, save their wounded, get jobs, learn things, and join a search party. Legend of the Vault Dweller, Quest, Vault Dweller, Fallout, Fallout Quest2017-09-11 1 
1856358Legend of the Vault Dweller Ch. 2.1Search party captures a scout, hurts then kills him, tries to ambush the ambushers and ends up in a forest shootout. Vault dweller, legend of the vault dweller, fallout, fallout quest, quest2017-09-17 1 
1874604Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 36Vs JupiterCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-09-17 3 
1866730Swole European Dragon Quest 73In this episode, Claw gets SWOLE AS FUCK, and fails to be a Chad, all while we make a new meme, that of BBM.Big Black Minotaur Meme is Best Meme, Stop Ancaps Now, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, SWOLE, Chad, Spamming Tags, KHORNATES!2017-09-23 1 
1872497Legend of the Vault Dweller Ch. 2.2Raiders encountered and fought, captive rescued, town locked down, team sent to hunt scorpions, prosthetic made. fallout, quest, fallout quest, legend of the vault dweller, vault dweller, 2017-09-26 1 
55473948Warmasters Triumvirate XXXFluffing out some Iron Crusades 'nd shit/w3/, 40k, AU,2017-09-29 2 
October 2017
1921791Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 37Retreat.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-01 4 
55623873Warmasters Triumvirate XXXIThe last regular thread.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-10-02 1 
1937908Spooky Girl Quest #0Alice Cherna is an average girl. Well, an Average spooky girl. Her life sucks, but something strange is in the autumn air. Something spooky.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-09 10 
1970228Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 38Dealmaker.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-15 3 
1966723Spooky Girl Quest #1First day back at school after your friend joined you. Your friend helps you try to improve your life.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-17 6 
2014030Spooky Girl Quest #2Alice meets people in a graveyard and makes plans for Sam and EllieSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-29 3 
2023386Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 39Second effort.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-10-29 5 
November 2017
2034808Spooky Girl Quest #3Alice hangs with Sam and Franz and learns more about her friend before Ellie comes overSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-11-03 3 
1955529One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 2Three eyes get plant powers, collects plants to study and cuts off his foot!Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-04 4 
1983385One Piece Haunted Pirate Quest 3Three Eyes watches a fights, Doc Sicko goes besetting, the Captain’s Devil fruit get stolen and he goes in a rampage.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-04 3 
2026567Paranormal Horror Quest 1: The LakeThe detective investigates a crimson lake in Southern Siberia, where misshapen monstrosities are said to cross over from another world.Paranormal Horror Quest, Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-11-07 3 
2047003Paranormal Horror Quest 2: The LakeThe detective investigates a crimson lake in Southern Siberia, where misshapen monstrosities are said to cross over from another world.Paranormal Horror Quest, Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-11-07 3 
2064405Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 40Push to target.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-11-12 3 
2036971One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 4Three Eyes goes to the North Pole, after the Captain, then gets in a fight with Krakens, collects some plants, & fights in the Arena.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-13 2 
2070777Spooky Girl Quest #4Alice learns more about her friend, hangs with Sam and Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunte2017-11-22 3 
2103098Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 41Formalities(?)Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-11-26 5 
56633860SMAC's back!/tg/ remembers a great game on its 20th anniversary. And argues. A lot.SMAC, Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri2017-11-29 3 
December 2017
56708076What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario? The thread goes as expected, until someone's post leads to anons debating over the logistics of self-cuckoldry, and a nazi-cult's involvedApocalypse, Post Apocalypse, Nazi, Cult, Autism2017-12-02 6 
2092863One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 5Three Eyes beats a Brute, gets a working vacation, and starts a recruitment driveCollective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-12-07 2 
2155048Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 42Cold WarCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2017-12-17 5 
2124350Spooky Girl Quest #5Alice finishes hanging with Zack and sets her sights on meeting Cliff Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-12-17 2 
2142647Xenonaut Quest #1The first Xenonauts land in a rural eastern village and secure the crashed UFO. Kurt Braun kills two aliens and captures one alive. xenonauts, xenonaut, quest, xenonaut quest, aliens, ufo2017-12-20 2 
January 2018
2178632Spooky Girl Quest #6A meeting with Cliff is scheduled again, some truths are discovered about Franz and your Friend.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-04 2 
2197695Audit Quest: Chapter 8.5In this chapter, we do a dungeon dive!Collective Game, Drawquest, Audit Quest2018-01-07 30 
2175741One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 6 Three Eyes tries his hand at recruitment.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2018-01-07 1 
2230786Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 43Through rosy glass.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-01-14 4 
2216220Spooky Girl Quest #7Talking with Chad, Cliff, Friend, and a secret admirerSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-18 2 
57558728Orb of the Albino DoomgoatAnon gets invited to a homebrew game. It turns out his GM is the best kind of autist.GOAT, system, autism, Say-Tyr2018-01-22 38 
2265037Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 44The Snail.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-01-28 3 
2253281Spooky Girl Quest #8School, a strange encounter, reading about Goat Gods, and hanging with SamSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-31 2 
February 2018
57747266Alpha Centauri reduxRPG dumps based on the famous strategy game. Also "Left Behind", for some reason.Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, SMAC, writefag, Left Beyond2018-02-04 4 
2301319Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 45Human ConditionCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-02-11 2 
2274803Hunter Quest 1The young, unblooded hunter Ebon-Fang completes his trial.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Yautja, FishQM2018-02-12 13 
2308311Spooky Girl Quest #9Hanging out with Sam and texting boys.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-02-21 2 
2322907Hunter Quest 2The newly blooded Ebon-Fang goes through his ascension ceremony, gets in a barfight, almost kills his dad, and receives his first mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Aliens, Alien, FishQM2018-02-25 11 
2341424Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion Part 46Advanced Robotics EditionCollective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-02-25 3 
March 2018
2347556Spooky Girl Quest #10Alice hangs with Sam, talks with Michael, and has a strange dream.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-03-02 2 
2323875One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 7 really!The real haunted pirates! After recruiting Sword Boy, Three Eyes and the crew attempt to escape the marines on the island.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2018-03-03 0 
2355707Hunter Quest 3The young-blood Ebon-Fang searches an abandoned human laboratory to find out what happened to a missing Yautja tracker.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Predator, Predators, Xeno, Xenos, Alien, Aliens, Collective Game, FishQM2018-03-07 8 
2377623Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion #47Fallout.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-03-11 3 
2375096Hunter Quest 4The young-blood Ebon-Fang returns to Yautja Secunda and receives his next mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, FishQM, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predators, Yautja, Collective Game, Rules of Nature2018-03-17 6 
2417785Shadows of Zeon: Aphelion #48All things must end.Collective Game, Shadows of Zeon, Gundam, AU2018-03-25 5 
April 2018
2438744Princess Guard QuestAutistic Blast from the PastCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-07 10 
2452421Princess Guard Quest 2We Meet Nicolette and Get MagicCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-07 10 
58889492creatively negligent precursorsWorldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy.worldbuilding, precursors, sufficiently advanced, setting, Autism on a Kardashev Scale, goddammit zeus, REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS, REMOVE QU,2018-04-07 5 
2468842Spooky Girl Quest #11Alice wakes up in the woods, at night, alone. Then later she deals with the presence in Zack's cabin.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-04-13 2 
2474835Princess Guard Quest 3Did Marianne finally find a friend?Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-15 9 
2492771Claymore: Second Swords Quest #1One woman and her sword vs. a bar full of monsters.Claymore, Collective Game, AU2018-04-21 35 
2497998Princess Guard Quest 4Reinhold's day offCollective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow2018-04-22 7 
2503142Spooky Girl Quest #12Visit the occult bookstore, then hang out with Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn,