/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

August 2009
5436194Post-ice age settingAfter the apocalypse, man retreats to massive, vertical underground cities built into the permafrost. Most of man.setting, ice age, post apocalypse, cyberpunk2009-08-13 1 
December 2009
7143991Post WWIII settingDiscussion on post World War III political geography. Interesting debate on how and where WWIII would begin accompanied by elaborate maps.world war three, III, world war, WWIII, post apocalypse2009-12-15 2 
May 2011
14997775Vagrant Quest 118 year old Penny, a thief running from a town that falsely accused her of messing with their solar panel finds a new settlement as well as Jim the shopkeeper. We also fixed a tractor and got supplies.Post apocalypse, collective game, quest, Vagrant Quest, thief, Penny2011-05-21 6 
February 2013
23035776/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 1A scout team of the Free Towns hears news of a library calling for help in the heart of a mary sue nation.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-08 9 
23095520/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, ponies, MLP, tardchild, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-11 8 
23152153/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 3We crawl through underground tunnels and encounter a bunch of mechs on the other side.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-14 9 
23193893/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 4We get caught in between mech fights and a multi-way shootout.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mechs2013-02-16 6 
23310317/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 5We get past a mech fight, leave one of our guys, piss off a frenzied mob, and discover a surprise at a crash site.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mobs, mob mentality, preacher, book burning2013-02-23 0 
March 2013
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
September 2013
27048688Post Apocalypse Civ Quest 2The Think tank loses some people to the toxic environment, sends a goodwill mission to the tribes, gets shot at by a robotic tank, and agrees to meet up with some Post Apocalyptic LawmenCollective Game, CONTROL !R5CmcJTjQI, Post Apocalypse, Civilization, Mutants, Zombies, Robots 2013-09-06 0 
October 2014
35842631Tank Hunters QuestFirst thread! Where we figure out what tank we own and put a crew together.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2014-10-30 7 
November 2014
35946941Tank Hunters Quest 2Our first drills as a team, and a mysterious man approaches us about our father.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2014-11-04 7 
January 2015
37096727Tank Hunters Quest 3Drills then a trip to town for jobs.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-01-01 8 
February 2015
38048816Tank Hunters Quest 4Rescuing loli tank drivers! Them bandits were better equipped than we thought!Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-02-14 5 
38362521Tank Hunters Quest 5Fights with a Turtle in the Fulda tank graveyard.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-02-28 5 
March 2015
38525563Tank Hunters Quest 6Aftermath of the battle, and meeting some interesting people.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-07 5 
38708073Tank Hunters Quest 7We take the girls out for a relaxing night to keep our minds off other, less pleasant thingsTank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-15 5 
38859973Tank Hunters Quest 8We prepare for a rescue mission. Sentinel is sick, so only a short thread.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-22 5 
June 2015
40588335Tank Hunters Quest 9We enter the radioactive ruins of LeipzigTank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-06-14 5 
June 2016
47749109Tank Hunters Quest 10We're back after a year's hiatus! Skirting Leipzig, and an unexpected attack!Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-06-13 5 
47845689Tank Hunters Quest 11Defensive engagement north of Salle! We pin the bandits down, but they pull a secret card.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-06-19 5 
July 2016
48306769Tank Hunters Quest 12Sentinel starts really early and ends rather early. Got some fights in anyway.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-07-16 5 
November 2016
781575Post Apoc Amnesiac Adventure Quest 1We find ourselves in the middle of a collapsed building with amnesia and a strange man before us. Things go from there.GenieQuest, Post Apocalypse, Post Apoc Amnesiac2016-11-12 5 
December 2016
944810 Post Apocalypse Amnesiac Adventure Quest 10 Genie The Siege training ends, Foxy is happy, then angry then ok. We meet CC, Bandits attack while we sleep and we find a collage townGenie, Post Apocalypse, Genieverse, Adventure, Collective Game, 2016-12-25 2 
April 2017
1334189Tainted Earth QuestWe begin our quest as a nomad guard under attack by crazed cultists. We form our dream team of Psychos,mutants and rejects and save the day.Tainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-08 1 
1348081Tainted Earth Quest part 2We interrogate some purists, find some juicy Intel and then lose a drinking game on the first round. Also got banned a LOTTainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-19 1 
June 2017
1514943Fallout QuestEpisode 1Fallout, Post Apocalypse, Naga Sake2017-06-08 1 
1550723Fallout FloridaEpisode 2Fallout, Post Apocalypse, Naga Sake2017-06-18 1 
December 2017
56708076What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario? The thread goes as expected, until someone's post leads to anons debating over the logistics of self-cuckoldry, and a nazi-cult's involvedApocalypse, Post Apocalypse, Nazi, Cult, Autism2017-12-02 6 
July 2018
2736777New God QuestThe old gods lie dead, and the old world rests on their graves. But hope is not gone. As a new divine, can you make a new world from ash?Collective Game, New God Quest, God, Divine, Divinity, Godhood, Post apocalypse, after the end, Fantasy, dark fantasy2018-07-16 9 
January 2019
3165795Fornicator 9001The adventures of a sex robot in a post apocalyptic wastelandsex robot, post apocalypse, fornicator 90012019-01-28 4 
March 2019
3289477Steel Treads QuestIt's essentially a Tank Hunters Quest rerun but someone else wrote it.Collective Game, Steel Treads, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Tank Hunters Quest2019-03-18 1 
May 2019
66288903Radon and Raiders the ThirdAnons continue to develop the medieval radioactive isles, as wars are fought and maps are madePost apocalypse, setting, world building, medieval2019-05-19 40 
66321936Radon and Raiders IVAnons continue to build a radioactive medieval Britain, now featuring more raiders and SAS fighting wizards in radioactive hellholesMedieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building2019-05-23 37 
66458350Radon and Raiders VIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as railway guns are worshipped and the Welsh fight a war for the railsMedieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building2019-05-31 32 
June 2019
66521629Radon and Raiders VIIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as rad-wizards are cloaked, giants roam, and Ireland is paranoid.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders 2019-06-07 31 
66636388Raiders and Radon IXAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As prompts are made and Turingists are examined.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-06-13 31 
66739109Raiders and Radon XAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as Numbers Stations broadcast in the Zone.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-06-19 31 
66842550Raiders and Radon XIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Scotland zone warps itself and the London Swamp dragon hides in the sewer.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-06-25 31 
66946028Raiders and Radon XIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Red Army marches eternally and Turing Radicals manipulate their flesh.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-06-30 30 
July 2019
67033338Raiders and Radon XIIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Fomorian leader Balor was once a cosmonaut whose helmet holds back his gaze.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-07-06 31 
67124296Radon and Raiders XIVAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the conflicts within Ireland are hammered out more clearly.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-07-11 31 
67205326Radon and Raiders XVWork on radioactive medieval England continues, as Cornwall gets some attention and the Loch Ness Monster lurks aboutMedieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, radon and raiders2019-07-14 31 
67247308Radon and Raiders XVIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as battle lines are drawn and we see the difference between Touched and Turned.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-07-19 30 
67345810Radon and Raiders XVIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as the central kingdoms have politics and Cheyenne is mysterious.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-07-26 30 
August 2019
67477623Radon and Raiders XVIIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As some small history is made and recapped, and weapons stats are started.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-08-01 32 
67577808Raiders and Radon XIXAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as more stats are listed, maps are finished, and Nessie and Champ could meet.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-08-07 32 
67709083Radon and Raiders XXAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as some maps are finalized, mapmakers wander, and a Balor statue is made.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-08-15 30 
67858598Radon and Raiders XXIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as NPC’s are made and the Wire Weed grows in the Industrial Zone.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-08-28 31 
September 2019
68056499Radon and Raiders XXIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as both the Industrial Zone and Horned Men are fleshed out.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-09-10 25 
68282965Radon and Raiders XXIIIAnons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as an atomic Phoenix appears, anti-Rad vine can become tea, and the thread dies.Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders2019-09-24 21 
December 2019
70043301Anons make a "realistic" settingLocal sperg tries to shitpost but /tg/ takes his bait and runs with it to create an interesting post-post-apocalypse settingmemetics, post apocalypse2019-12-22 7 
October 2020
4469086Bunker Manager QuestAn unprepared youth is thrust into a leadership position in the post apocalypse.Post Apocalypse, Collective Game, Management, Civ?2020-10-16 1 
November 2020
4498648Bunker Manager Quest 2The new management tries to get things done.Post Apocalypse, Collective Game, Management, Civ? 2020-11-08 0 
December 2022
5442528Rise of the Awakened #1A post apocalyptic RP where you play as animals. Follow Mog and Kinny as they pull off a heist and discover the truth of the Old Ones.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Post Apocalypse, Talking Animals, Mog, Kinny, Bobby2022-12-06 5 
July 2024
6038030The Purge: Fall of AmericaAmerica has fallen, the government collapsed and amongs the Chaos, you see an opportunity for a new life among the ruins.The Purge: Fall of America, PsychoQM, dystopia, anarchy, Psychopath MC, Evil MC, Post Apocalypse, Incest, Cuckolding, Rape2024-07-09 6 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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