/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2010
12185849Dragon Quest IIA young-adult red dragon, out to see the world, accumulate the requisite dragon-hoard, gain power, wealth, minions, and artifacts. Of course, we start out by robbing a wizard. Perhaps we aren't as bright as we think we are. D&D 3.5 setting. -ish.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing2010-09-23 33 
12246179Dragon Quest IVGet paid, look into a cult, win past a wizard, and start learning magic. A busy day for a red dragon, particularly when all done polymorphed as a 'lesser race'. A fun read and installment, with potentially far-reaching events.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic2010-09-28 27 
12269050Dragon Quest VMore investigating a disappearance. For cash and considerations, of course. May have accidentally drowned the person we're trying to find while trying to loot a pirate ship, and ran into Jerrik, our manservant and now P.R. agent again. All in a days work for an dragon among the lesser races. Also: /tg/'s dice are sentient, and hate us. Viciously.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc,2010-09-30 24 
October 2010
12304272Dragon Quest VISlow start, but we get a good start on our hoard, including some magical gubbinz, learn some new things about certain people, and find an elder-god style cult. Damn elder gods always screwing around in our reality.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, 2010-10-03 23 
12314471Dragon Quest VIICibach Azaladon, young-adult age category red dragon, is out to see the world, gain empire, hoard, love (or at least mate,) and power. Glorious power. Under the 'knowledge is power' theory, we manage to bust up an evil cult, and rescue a servant the local god of knowledge who is as much more than she seems as we are. Also, we get to drop the hammer in dragon-form.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, gold, VII, 7, seven2010-10-04 24 
12329848Dragon Quest VIIICygnis, the Gold we rescued, offers us an in on local politics, as well as a fairly decent bribe. We accept, and start plotting about how to off her. Necessities are arranged for, and meetings are scheduled. Wonderfully productive. Short, but lots of text. Plotting and maneuvering.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, erinyes, wizard, magic, pirate, cult, gold, VIII, 8, eight2010-10-05 22 
12352461Dragon Quest IXWe prepare various gifts for the women in our life, meet some new minions, and come down with an inexplicable case of the MUAHAHAHAs.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-07 25 
12377973Dragon Quest XSwagfest time. We also find out that Captain Cibach Azal isn't a morning person.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-09 22 
12397403Dragon Quest XIInterrogating a captive, taking care of a few items of business, converting captive to minion, and presenting Scinnari her gift. Finally, a new task, and corroboration that the cult we fought is still in action. Slow night, but fairly productive.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-11 24 
12412133Dragon Quest XIIWe go investigating the cult again at Brother Arman's request, get robbed, and roast some people. Once again the dice prove to be troublesome little buggers.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-12 23 
12433858Dragon Quest XIIIWe further investigate the cult and discover that the wizard Kazmiri is deeply involved with the cult of the Binder. Also, we get arrested.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-14 23 
12479383Dragon Quest XIVGet saved by a cultist pretending to be Arman, catch him on it, with Scinnari's help, then get Cygnis to help us walk into an ambush. (and have her on hands so as to manipulate her easier.) Traps, then cult-huntan' ensue. Stop right before we get to save/kill Arman.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-18 23 
12493266Dragon Quest XVSmash the cult, rescue Arman, use superior memory to trip up W-D, and unveil sinister plans. Manage to get a little closer with Cygnis, too.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, fantasy, magic2010-10-19 23 
12557364Dragon Quest XVIThuron turns out to be a snake creature in disguise and answers some questions about the cult, the Unspeakable One, and what will happen if the cult succeeds. Cygnis continues to grow more dependent on us, Scinnari is a bit tight-lipped when questioned about her past, and we finally get a serious lair up and running with the help of our kobold minions. Also, we get invited to a party by the Sealord.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-25 22 
12570611Dragon Quest XVII We buy some gunpower, find out more about Sealord and council members, get hired(in guise of Ladon "Blackjack") by Scinnari to get rid of Brother Arman and btw the cult of the Unspeakable One has plans concerning the lighthouse. Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-26 23 
12592656Dragon Quest XVIIIThe Sealord's ball. One of Drac's minions tries to buy our loyalty, though we opt for keeping our options open for now. Scinnari makes quite a splash, Lydon confirms that Drac is a cultist, and an elderly snake creature crashes the party with the obligatory cryptic warning. Plot, plot everywhere.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-28 23 
November 2010
12634766Dragon Quest XIXWe have the displeasure of meeting Cygnis' half-brother Azdukashen, discover that (not)Thuron has been murdered, and make plans for stopping the cult. We finally turn Brother Arman over to Finn and Jassa(Scinnari), overhear that she's up to something on the side, and start looking for our next target, the merchant captain Andarr. We also wine and dine both Asha and Cygnis behind Scinnari's back, but get very possessive about Scinnari herself.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-01 24 
12669869Dragon Quest XXWe go searching for the temple. Along the way we roast a ship, kill a dragon turtle, and find a cursed sword. Cygnis shows up with word that the Sealord and the cult are stepping up their timetable for the lighthouse.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-04 23 
12715111Dragon Quest XXIWe get a ride home and talk to a really knowledgeable crystal, finally getting some long awaited answers. It also seems to like us. Az is less pleased, and we troll him masterfully. The cult is on the move and has started the ritual as well as captured our ladies, so we swoop in to the rescue and prepare for the climax of the cult arc.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-08 23 
12746130Grimdark songwriting, THE REVENGE OF!Some new stuff to be added to the soundtrack of the 41st Millenniumgrimdark songwriting, songs, 40k, sabaton, karaoke 2010-11-10 0 
12752230Dragon Quest XXIIIWe plan how to get rid of Azdukashen, "Blackjack" introduce the Captain Finn to the mr. dagger and reaches agreement with Jassa.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-11 22 
12797702Dragon Quest XXIVThe council puts us on trial. As a reward for saving Freeport from the cult they try to kick us out of the city. Ungrateful bastards. Mostly debate.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-15 23 
12835112Dragon Quest XXVAz is at our mercy and we finally get a chance to do some good old fashioned villainous gloating before we have Scinnari kill him. Writer-Dude shows off his skills, to the delight of all.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-18 23 
12861560Storytime that becomes AWESOME.A storytime thread goes from awesome tales of player hijinks and shenanigans to AWESOME as a lone luchadorre shows /tg/ the meaning of a hero.storytime, writing, lucha, AWESOME2010-11-20 21 
December 2010
13013334/tg/ stories of the humorous variety wherein we have an interview with a dreadnought, a paladin of Tyr, clanner mechwarrior, pilot and hopefully others Writefaggotry, story, funny, storytime, writing 2010-12-03 7 
13020762Space Marines of the Star ShanksComedy writefaggotry. If Douglas Adams decided to create a Space Marine's Chapter. Much dickwounding. Continuation of 13013334Writefaggotry, story, funny, storytime, writing, Star Shanks, dickwounding 2010-12-04 5 
13041443Dragon Quest XXVIIWe reel Asha in and almost kill her, though eventually decide against it when it comes down to a real vote. We begin fortifying Mza and are attacked by naval forces from Morinth and Rhasver.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-12-06 23 
13204751Dragon Quest XXVIII We defeat the Rhasver force sent to take Mza and ransom the prisoners back to them. Then we time skip forward, in which we explore Mza and expand the town. We try to spy on people, but the dice get in the way again. We do, however, snag an Orb of Storms.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-12-19 23 
13244947Dragon Quest XXIX Town of Mza grows, we master the Orb of Storm, get more information about the Binder. We also scavenge few ships from city of Azar, which has been destroyed by Undead.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-12-22 24 
13346845The EngineersOP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices.Dead Space, Engineers, setting, space, sci-fi, scifi, world building, writefag, writing2010-12-31 11 
January 2011
13557466Dragon Quest XXXInvestigating Azar. Necromantic apocalypse, reluctant rulers, and Black dragon Lord and Masters.Dragon, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, Collective Game,2011-01-18 21 
13645239Dragon Quest XXXIIIWe make our move against the adventurers, though it goes relatively poorly. We capture two, finish our immediate business in Beren, and set to work breaking our new acquisitions. We also have a chat with Scinnari about her loyalties and annex a port city.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-01-25 23 
13692388Shattered Sun WritefaggotryThe Shattered Sun setting is given some original content and it is awesome.sun, setting, fantasy, writefag, writing2011-01-28 22 
February 2011
13734638Dragon Quest XXXIVAngst and rage between waifufags and anti-waifufags, Black Dragons causing acid rains, Scinnari being pregnant and we create the storm of the Century.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-01 23 
13806562Dragon Quest XXXVAzar is reclaimed by Tashz and the black dragon there is killed. We travel to the court of Tashzmir and start nosing around in the local politics, though the major players don't seem particularly interested in us. Relatively short for a DQ thread.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-07 23 
13891064Dragon Quest XXXVIThe Party Ends. It was fun. Now we Plan.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-14 23 
14000966Dragon Quest XXXVIIWe resurrect Mza's volcano, the dwarves strike adamantine, and Scinnari lays an egg. Seffy has also been busy building her domain, and we plot to undermine her. Wraps up with a potential lead on the "Twice-Bound," which might help us learn more about the Binder.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-02-23 22 
May 2011
14779398Dragon Quest XLVIHammering out details of timeskip. Fucking up a black, considering freeing Soulless, starting on alchemy and wizardry guilds, kobolds again, and invasion of Avariel cities. Oh, and a Draconic Who's-who at the end of the thread.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-02 22 
14793059City Guard StoriesStories and opinions from the guard mooks in adventure game settings. You know, the ones described with a single throw-away phrase and whom you don't notice until you've killed a half-dozen of them because they caught you trying to pickpocket a noble. They don't like adventurers much.guards, adventure, stories, writing2011-05-03 44 
14859523Tales of the Emperasque 4Writefag Someone else. returns from a brief hiatus to regale us with more stories about our favorite God-Emperor/Epic Beast.writefaggotry, writing, Someone_else., tarrasque, Emperasque2011-05-09 33 
14917435Dragon Quest XLIXWherein we visit Morinth, find out that some femme-mages just can't be reasoned with, and then go to war with Rhasaver. And win!Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-14 23 
14922675Tears of VengeanceGentlemen seeks story and plot advice from /tg/. The elegan/tg/entlemen respond.Tears of Vengeance, Steampunk Saga, comic, supernatural, steampunk, vengeance, Steam John, writing, plot, story2011-05-14 1 
14962762Tales of the Emperasque 5Writefag extraordinaire Someone else. overcomes personal illness and family fights to regale us once more with tales of the Emperor who became the Tarrasque.Emperasque, writefaggotry, writing, Emperor, Tarrasque, awesome, Tales, Someone else.2011-05-18 25 
14973713Portals & ParadigmsSo, what if the world of Aperture Science was played out as a tabletop RPG? Here's a good idea of how it would all go down.Portals & Paradigms, writing, writefaggotry2011-05-19 15 
14970952Wheately Head of GWbasically the title. P&P was spun off of this thread. and Wheately is massive neckbreadPortals & Paradigms, writing, writefaggotry, GW2011-05-19 6 
15005410Dragon Quest LThe war with Rhasver ends, we pick up a new city for our troubles. Seffy gets greedy and starts demanding obscene amounts of gold and adamantine as payment unless we marry her and merge our kingdoms. Meanwhile, some devils are making trouble for Scinnari and her superior is cheating her out of recognition for her work.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-05-22 27 
15065499Tales of the Emperasque 6Someone else. returns to begin the next (and apparently final or second-to-last) arc of the Tales of the Emperasque.writefaggotry, writing, Someone_else., tarrasque, Emperasque, tales, writefaggotry, writefag, oddish2011-05-27 30 
June 2011
15170367Tales of the Emperasque 7Someone else. stops pretending that he has any idea how this glorious trainwreck is going to end.Emperasque, writefaggotry, writing, Emperor, Tarrasque, awesome, Tales, Someone else., Corax2011-06-06 28 
15189000Dragon Quest LIIWe have a chat with Azyra about her new friends and manage our growing kingdom. Slower and shorter thread than usual.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-08 23 
15222327Dragon Quest LIIIYuan-Ti problems, Nehm being strangely curt in obedience, being happy with Azyra, cooling relationship with Seffy, and a new problem warlord to the north. And much too much irreverent arguing between players.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-11 26 
15236326Fantasy M.D.Doctors in fantasy settings and the patients they deal with.Medical, Fantasy, Doctor, Writing2011-06-12 37 
15375337Dragon Quest XLVIMostly dealing with a certain protegee. Some Nehmeska trying to get on our nerves. And someone who may be after Cygnis.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-06-25 22 
July 2011
15520327Tales of the Emperasque 8Someone else. Orks get bombed and riots breakout everywhere.Emperasque, writefaggotry, writing, Emperor, Tarrasque, awesome, Tales, Someone else., Corax2011-07-10 23 
August 2011
16109529Dragon Quest LIVWherein we play as a group of adventurers investigating Mza and Lord Prestor.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-08-30 20 
September 2011
16457297Dragon Quest LVWe track down the adventurers and bring them back to Mza.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-09-29 22 
October 2011
16487506Dragon Quest LVIWe finally subdue the adventurers and have words with Scinnari and Azyra.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-10-02 22 
16635054Dragon Quest LVIIIWe finally get around to killing the sorcerer, have a chat with Azyra about her future, learn Zevaana's true name, and try to figure out what to do about the brass dragon in our basement.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2011-10-16 21 
November 2011
17051756Pictures of monsters, followed by newly minted fluffPost a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above.monsters, writing, game design, resource,2011-11-29 14 
December 2011
17066065Monsterfluff, Part 2Post a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above, now with a growing setting around the fluff!monsters, writing, game design, resource, Tabula Gloria, For'Channar, Vashial, Phrennoack, Uralaya, Garvenus, Weylos, Drakonid, Benalor2011-12-01 2 
17087434Tales of the Emprasqu returnsSomeone else starts writefagging for everyone's favorite get-shit-done Emprasque.Emperasque, writefaggotry, writing, Emperor, Tarrasque, awesome, Tales, Someone else.2011-12-03 30 
17179837Tabula Gloria Dev Thread IVThe monsterfluff threads which became a setting unto itself continues! Also with a wiki now!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-13 2 
17213660Tabula Gloria Dev Thread VWiki gets built, cultures get a little more fleshed out, and even cosmology and magic systems hard at work! It's Tabula Gloria!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-17 1 
January 2012
17586782Space Wolves are AssholesStory is written about Space Wolves being assholes, /tg/ takes it upon themselves to write the other perspectivesstory, storytime, writing, funny, space wolves, space marines, guardsmen, whores2012-01-18 10 
March 2012
18164806Dragon Quest LXIII: Silver AgeInfiltrating the hold, and wondering WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-03-02 13 
April 2012
18587979Dragon Quest LXVIII: Silver AgeWe clean up the worgs with some good rolls for a change, only to walk right into a pair of blue dragons.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-04-06 8 
18783425Dragon Quest LXIX: Silver AgeWe talk our way out of a confrontation with the two blues, the gnome plays dead, and we continue our investigation.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2012-04-20 12 
May 2012
19018100Zerg Quest LXXXVThe Swarm decides that the UED's time has come. Violence ensuesCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, An important message, Corporate resume-writing, Fauxbot fleet2012-05-08 6 
November 2012
21661849I Submitted a Cartoon PilotOP asks /tg/ to help him revise the pilot for his D&D related cartoon. Fun and creativity abounds.Reggie, D&D, Get shit done, cartoon, collaboration, writing, funny2012-11-20 12 
February 2013
23023418I Believe In Myrkul!So where you from you sexy lich?/tg/ songwriting, Myrkul2013-02-07 37 
23268451Illuminati: The Cartoon Conspiracy NetworkThey're in your television sets, subtly influencing you through the radio waves. /tg/ puts on their collective tinfoil hat and comes up Cartoon Network, Conspiracy, Fun, Awesome, Writing, /tg/2013-02-20 21 
23289523/tg/ sings "I love the Whole Board" Inspired by the Discovery Channel. Various amounts of heretical song ensue, epic, 40k, /tg/, funny, writefaggotryWarhammer 40k, songs, grimdark songwriting, 2013-02-21 26 
March 2013
23870937Writing StoriesOP asks about becoming a writer and what kind of writer interests /tg/. writing, story, stories, storytelling, GMing2013-03-26 5 
May 2013
25005022How To Into WritingFa/tg/uys describe writing experiences, successes, and techniques.writing, storytelling2013-05-25 8 
25078511Plot hook general/tg/ shares plothooks for tabletop games, and offers advice to amateur writers.hooks, writing2013-05-29 5 
September 2013
27263830Blind Aliens, Absent HumansSome aliens get all in a kerfuffle over the scary humans who are appearing back on the galactic stage. Intrepid reports seek to calm fears.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens2013-09-17 38 
27281042Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 2The continuing saga of the expedition into human space.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-18 35 
27368507Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 3The gang fights off the Zealots and obtains the Human Specialist!writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-23 29 
27439808Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 4The Sly Jiggle encounters a convenient source of free fuel and a convenient nest of hostile craft.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-27 25 
May 2014
31888036Sext Adventure Quest: "Sword" Sucking SagaSee, its quirky and cute when I write poorly written porn because I do it in pictures~Smut, bad writing, good grammar is for nazis, lolsorandumb, lwys2014-05-03 -10 
September 2014
34913153/tg/ writes a noir storyAs always, it starts with a dame. A dame who was trouble.film noir, story, cooperative writing, dicks, legs that go on forever2014-09-17 18 
June 2015
40917414Mission to OR-42Anon posts a Metroid/40K crossover. Anon 2 writes Samus's PoV. Anon 3 writes Necron PoV.Warhammer 40000, 40K, Metroid, Necrons, Imperial Guard, Commissar, Samus, Samus Aran, Write, Writing2015-06-30 8 
October 2016
49840229Food Critic in FantasylandA discussion of unusual fantasy restaurants opens the tale of Gormack, Orc Adventurer, Warrior, and Traveling Food Critic. Hilarity ensues. Gormack, Cooking, Cuisine, Funny, Writing, OC, Parody2016-10-18 30 
49923696Character Bios by Ruks/tg/ attempts to emulate Ruks' narrative style in describing their characters, with varying degrees of success.Bastion, Ruks, Character, Writing2016-10-24 5 
January 2017
51209952Rucks' Narration 2What would Rucks' have to say about /tg/'s character? Bastion, Rucks, Character, Writing2017-01-15 7 
June 2017
53604513Fluff for the Wasteland Thread/tg/ comes together to write fluff, backgrounds, and stories for pics of the Wasteland. May be a useful resource!Fluff Writing, Community Worldbuilding, Community Writing, Fluff, Wasteland, Post-Apocalyptic, Grim, Lore2017-06-06 7 
December 2017
56984041Drow NPC Backstory/tg/ is challenged to provide an original, non-sue and genuinely interesting backstory for a drow NPC character.storytime, story, worldbuilding, writing, drow, NPC,2017-12-18 5 
February 2018
57974535Slaanesh vs. Tenacious ESlaanesh is challenged to a rock-off.Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh, songs, grimdark songwriting2018-02-15 17 
August 2018
61228659Photo Fluff ThreadA short but productive thread where Anons come together to write out lore for random pictures that get posted.Lore, Fluff, Community Writing, Fluff Thread2018-08-04 5 
61645683Super Power GenerationPeople go to website to get a cue, write up super powers and backstoriesFluff, Powers, Writing, Character Creation2018-08-29 -1 
November 2018
63073544Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 3In this third thread, posters continue to brainstorm the origins of the Pushmi-Pullyu and many more stories by different authors are shared.worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2018-11-22 25 
January 2019
64206468Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 4The fourth thread. Posters brainstorm new characters, campaign ideas, and some new stories are shared (including the start of a novella).worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2019-01-29 25 
May 2020
4263566Mario Worldbuild SandboxA /qst/ chronicler where users add unto the history of a Mario based universeMario, Worldbuild, Collaborative, Writing2020-05-23 0 
April 2022
84039691Post Image Get BackstoryAnons are given images as writing prompts to explain. Some are harshly criticized for the city planningfantasy, creative writing2022-04-14 1 
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