/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2008
1293827This is your /tg/ face.And this is the weapon you wield.imagethread2008-03-07Editor's Choice
September 2008
2642353Anon and his little sisterAnon asks for advice about what army he should make for his little sister for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. At some point during the thread, Nurse-kun makes a rare appearance.dawwwwww, Nurse-kun, manly tears, beautiful, Damaged Goods2008-09-23 24 
June 2009
4782803Collateral DamageEveryone has had sessions where enormous amounts of collateral damage were inflicted. /tg/ tells about sessions where we've witnessed this in action. Property damage inflicted in the pursuit of an enemy, explosives thrown around without proper forethought, villages destroyed to save them, and shit that isn't the intended target generally being ruined.collateral damage, overkill, oops2009-06-06 7 
July 2009
5150582Mage: the Ascension AchievementsJust what the title says.Mage: The Ascension, oWoD, awesome2009-07-13 6 
September 2009
5898587Mages are fucking scaryThe thread starts with advice on a Changeling concept, but one anon asks a question that leads him and Touhoufag to what is possibly the apex of Mage evolution: a Mage bound with his own sins to the point where he is nigh unstoppable, at the price of never being able to sin again, or he will be consumed by them. Did I mention said Mage can attack ten times in a row with 27 dice worth of lethal damage without even skirting Paradox?Touhoufag, nWoD, Mage, Goetia, minmax, nightmare fuel2009-09-18 21 
6030435Mage: The DanmakuWoD Mage rules for danmaku duels a la TouhouMage, WoD, Touhou2009-09-27 1 
January 2010
7444109Mage Hunt QuestIt's a new day, and there are still eight mages to hunt, each well trained in their specialty - transmutation, illusion, evocation, fire, force, necromancy, domination and teleportation. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. - What would you like to do, Executioner? -quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-07 5 
7527674Mage Hunt Quest 2: Mage Hunt HarderYou are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. Until recently you were the Administrator of a great Mages Academy. As a fighter through and through, you had suffered ridicule and pranks from the vast student population until finally you snapped. Using the traps you had rigged in the school over the last 10 years, you slaughtered all of the staff and nearly all of the students. Now, you hunt down the ones who escaped, while they bring nasty magic to bear in their own attempts to kill you.quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-11 3 
7759660Changeling/Mage Legend of Zeldafa/tg/uy comes to us in need of help making a playable version of the Zelda franchise in the WoD.Legend of Zelda, Changeling, Mage, WoD2010-01-25 12 
April 2010
9427665Mage Quest One - The Magening/tg/ is a Mage. Part one.Mage Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-26 4 
February 2011
14039948Resolution Systems for GM'sMath heavy resolution systems using d6 and d20 are presented as ways around the usual vagueness of damage infliction. Also conversation on non-die related systems.GM, PnP, resolution, system, damage, math, complex, useful2011-02-26 1 
March 2011
14264396Seventh Sanctum MagemakerIt was just an ordinary rollantrollan thread with some funny randomly-generated mage class titles. Then some cunt started conjuring castles, some other guy was destroying the castles, mages were fucking with one another, one omnicidal asshole was messing with time travel, and suddenly it bloomed into a BATTLE FOR THE MULTIVERSE.mage, magic, castle, seventh sanctum, time travel, rollantrollan, roleplay, omnicide, derp2011-03-17 11 
14280812Drunken Mage QuestGarth Grey suffers under a terrible curse of eternal drunkenness, but this only makes his command of arcane mysteries stronger. Fighting against impossible odds, can he save the day and get the girl?Quest, Drunken Mage, alcohol, awesome2011-03-18 20 
14289844Drunken Mage Quest part deuxGarth Grey suffers under a terrible curse of eternal drunkenness, but this only makes his command of arcane mysteries stronger.Quest, Drunken Mage, alcohol, awesome2011-03-19 10 
May 2011
14800584serious knighthoodIt's just a normal armor thread everything fine an... FRANK, WHAT DID WE TELL YOU ABOUT GETTING THE BLACKSMITH TO PUT STUPID SHIT ON YOUR ARMOUR. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A SERIOUS KNIGHTHOOD.armor weapon imagedump2011-05-03 10 
14929685Pixiv Fantasia setting threadAn anon start dumping images of Pixiv Fantasia, questions are asked about the general information of the setting. Does /tg care to turn it into some kind of RPG?Pixiv Fantasia, Setting, Plan, Images, Pixiv2011-05-15 3 
July 2011
15759474Vhara Quest Act 3, Part 1Vhara's back again, and face to face with a cranky mage! But they must band together to face the dreaded tentacle beasts!Collective Game, Vhara Quest, Quest, Vhara, Demon Girl, Demon, Mage2011-07-31 5 
August 2011
15896094Stylish Wizards/tg/ ignores OP's question for a discussion of wizard life, fashions, and tower defenses.wizard, rp, threadjack, mage2011-08-11 41 
16028538Muscle Wizards/tg/ makes Muscle wizards happen.Muscle Wizard, Cancer Mage2011-08-23 21 
October 2011
16490563/tg/ Trailers Trailers from /tg/ greatest hits, Including Grendel, Old Man Henderson, and ZeonQuest. Coming soon!Movie, Trailers, Awesome, Grendel, Mage, Virgil2011-10-02 16 
February 2012
18020205Card Mage QuestA quest about a mage who uses combinations of cards to do his bidding. And surprisingly not quite MtG/Yu-gi-oh/Card Captor Sakura!Collective Game, Card Mage Quest, quest thread, Alex Dubois, Jessica Farthing, vintage doorknobs2012-02-20 16 
March 2012
18228308Shadowrun StorytimeOP begins his story of a Shadowrun That Guy (tm)Shadowrun, Storytime, That Guy, 2D, Street Samurai, Infiltrator, Hacker, Mage2012-03-06 275 
18237435Shadowrun Storytime 2The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll.Shadowrun, That Guy, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, DeadMan, Trout, Street Samurai, Hacker, Mage, Infiltrator2012-03-07 93 
18244120Shadowrun Storytime 3viking-ghost fist fights, ghoul hospitals and all around awesomeness happensShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Geek the Mage2012-03-08 70 
June 2012
19585345Mage War QuestDave Davesson is the world's unluckiest archaeology grad student. Among other things, he gets kidnapped to Tibet, has to walk from Oman TO Tibet during said kidnapping, gets half of him eaten by a wolf and can never get a straight answer out of anyone.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-06-23 14 
19597379Mage War Quest part 2After being rejected by his master, Dave Davesson gets a new teacher. His life gets even stranger as he takes up residence in a necromancer's mansion, witnesses a terrifying ritual, and goes on a journey into the Void.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Magic, Magi, What The Fuck2012-06-24 11 
19625105Mage War Quest Part 4You are Dave Davesson. Your life sucks more for every day that goes past. This time around, you discover that your baby brother is better than you at everything (again), exposition is made and Dave is encased in some strange metal that has apparently killed countless apprentices before. Yay.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Magi, Dave Davesson, Magic2012-06-26 11 
July 2012
19699755Mage War Quest Part 4 (The Actual Part 4)You are Dave Davesson, and the war between the Magi and the 72 has finally begun. Unfortunately, Dave spends almost all of the first battle encased in metal, before almost losing his mind to a demon duke. Dave's life still sucks.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-07-02 12 
August 2012
20215550Mage War Quest Part 5After a hiatus we return to the adventures of Dave Davesson. We enter the Void once more to rescue our comrades from Dantalion. Life isn't that bad all things considered. Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi2012-08-07 11 
20378104Mage War Quest Part 6You are Dave Davesson. Your life still sucks, but at least exposition is done, Dave becomes marginally more competent, and suddenly: rebellion.Collective Game, Mage War Quest, Dave Davesson, Magic, Magi, Assholes2012-08-19 10 
October 2012
21241405Mage Quest: PrologueYou are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies. Mage_Quest. Collective_Game, Quest, Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl2012-10-23 7 
January 2013
22738376Dragonslayer Quest Part 1Miles Runember, mage extraordinarie ventures into a complex of caves with his misadventured friend Elloy and the grumpy Velkins, only to have to fend off terrible bloodthirsty bats... and apparently a dragon?Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Treasure Hunter Quest, Wizard, Mage2013-01-23 4 
22743481Mage Quest pt .5The First Half of the First Thread in what will hopefully be a long running series.Mage Quest, Imp, Richard, Story Book, Collective Game2013-01-23 4 
22757015Dragonslayer Quest Part 2We battle Oskualin the Exile, a deformed excuse of a dragon, and manage to save both our allies in the process. A very shady woman shows up.Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Wizard, Mage2013-01-24 2 
22773274Dragonslayer Quest Part 3Plenty of exposition, and an oath is made. Characters achieve pseudo-demigod status in preparation for anal dragon-dildo rape.Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Wizard, Mage, Bahamut, silver, dragon, silver dragon2013-01-25 6 
22788047Winged Lizard Quest Thread 4We encounter Marcus who, despite being human, turns out to be a pretty cool guy. Lesa gets mad again and we make a pretty important decision.Collective Game, Winged Lizard Quest, Pseudodragon, Kobold, Magery2013-01-26 7 
22864098Dragonslayer Quest Part 4Miles Runember learns the wonder of white phosphorus, wipes his immortal ass with bandits, and prepares to splurge some coinage.Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Wizard, Mage2013-01-30 5 
March 2013
23657708Alternate History India 1915Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itselfAlternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice2013-03-14 18 
23833514Mage Guild- Witch HuntersA meeting is called for a discreet way to deal with new Witch Hunters in the area.Mage Guild, Witch Hunters, Magic2013-03-24 6 
June 2013
25515832Mage QuestA MAGE IS YOU. A small quest thread with no relation to the other Mage Quest. Mage, Mage Quest, Magic, Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game, Rats2013-06-19 0 
September 2013
26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones.Collective Game, Mage, new beggings, succubi, slime girl2013-09-03 4 
October 2013
27561099Mages Guild MeetingMages meet to discuss world-ending means of keeping drafts out of their studies. Bearsalisks are transmuted, beards are misplaced, skin is refurbished, and the elemental plane of pizza is ruined.Wizards, mages, pizza, beards, -omancy, genocide, dirty Druid hippies, bearsalisks2013-10-04 1 
January 2014
29666740In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 1A young boy by the name of Luke comes to Goldenrod City, but immediately gets caught up in trouble.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-21 20 
29710797In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 2Luke squares off with Daria and her Hitmonlee, and acquaints himself with the patrons of the Sleeping Sunkern.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-23 10 
29735606In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 3Unpleasant memories resurface within the Ilex Forest.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-24 8 
29802697In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 4After exiting the Ilex Forest, Luke spends an afternoon with friends before returning to the Sleeping Sunkern.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-27 5 
29859283In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 5Officer Jenny stumbles across unnerving activity in Goldenrod City.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-29 5 
February 2014
30279563Bone Mage Quest 1We start things off by killing a giant stone beetle. Exposition occurs.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-17 20 
30291979Incredibly dumb/weird players' deedsPart 537. Featuring Pokemon RPG storytime from perspective of DM and one of players.dumb, weird, Pokemon, collateral damage2014-02-17 21 
30304822Bone Mage Quest 2Arriving at the port city, we learn our master is acquainted with the rules of nature.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-18 13 
30329964Bone Mage Quest 3Volkov starts to get to the bottom of the revolution, thread gets cut short by exhaustion.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-19 11 
30400566Bone Mage Quest 4Volkov makes a deal with a skeleton, fights a boss.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-22 11 
March 2014
30556412Bone Mage Quest 5Volkov goes a few more rounds against the vice-captain, has master finish him off.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-01 11 
30661717Bone Mage Quest 6The Rebellion is ended, Volkov and master go home.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-06 11 
30799023Bone Mage Quest 7Volkov gets home; Gets paid and makes a bitching gunBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-13 10 
30963634Bone Mage Quest 8Volkov picks up a contract, gets on a boat and things happen.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-21 8 
31026049Bone Mage Quest 9Cultists attack the boat, Volkov nearly gets bisected.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-24 8 
31138438Bone Mage Quest 10We make it through the return trip and get payed. Also training and character developmentBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-30 7 
April 2014
31287379Bone Mage Quest 11Voklov has some time to reflect on his past, picks up a new contractBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-06 7 
31417312Bone Mage Quest 12Volkov finishes up his maintenance job and then gets some bad newsBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-12 7 
31459312Bone Mage Quest 13Shopping and equipment upgradesBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-14 6 
31480159Bone Mage Quest 14A new contract is taken. Volkov works with other mages for once.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-15 6 
31674272A crazy PC's memorialA tribute to a good friend and crazy players like him. Story time, Storytime, awesome, crazy, crazy shit, D&D, Mage, lulz, epic, /tg/ 2014-04-24 10 
May 2014
31832413Bone Mage Quest 15An attack on the mansion Volkov was hired to protect.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-01 5 
32051871Pokemon Quest #100 Part 2We have a quick battle and manage to keep our cool and act mature.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, battle, Magenzone2014-05-11 21 
32084626Mage Guild- nomenclatureA meeting is called to discuss the nomenclature of various spellsMage Guild2014-05-12 3 
32307536Bone Mage Quest 16Boss Fight!Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-24 8 
September 2014
35088907Mage's Guild: Hats EditionThe Guild discusses the need for cloth for the stars on the pointy hats.Mage's Guild, Hats, Wizards2014-09-25 3 
October 2014
35249277mage guild meeting: a matter of spearsa meeting of the mages guild is called to order the main topic of discussion is if wizards should be allowed to use spears then an arsehole eldrich knight acts like an arsehole eldrich knight and the issue of an avatar of a god in the library is largely ignoredmage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild2014-10-02 5 
35505297Mages Guild, Towers and Taxes EditionThe mages guild discusses the new taxes on towers above 4 storiesMage's Guild, Towers, Taxes, Wizards2014-10-14 2 
November 2014
36163839Mage's Guild MeetingIn which Jheska makes a horrifying returnMage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-11-15 5 
36142315Mage's Guild: TreasonWhere the Mage's Guild comes under attack by Jheska.mage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting, roleplay, -omancy, wizards2014-11-15 3 
36248266Mage's guild meetingA meeting to discuss about wizards and sport devolves into a number of small talks until a dead Jheska finally manages to possess the body of a witch and walks away with it.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-11-19 3 
36269400Mage: the Awakening Quest 1In which we run, dodge, roll away from, and get cornered by a vampire. We Awaken, then Cast Fist!MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-20 12 
36289715Mage: the Awakening Quest 2We go to a police station, a blackout occurs, and we electrocute a muscle man's family jewels.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-21 10 
36311153Mage: the Awakening Quest 3Mr. Muscle gets up, we go home, meet Mrs. Santos, and meet a Doctor.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-22 9 
36366616A LONG meeting of the mage's guildA meeting concerning meaningless issues is called, and the wizards, sorcerers and assorted members of the guild manage to squabble about trivial matters for eleven hours.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat, knight.2014-11-24 0 
36375069Mage: the Awakening Quest 4We start gathering up allies and gearing up to rescue Elizabeth.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-25 8 
36414892Mage: the Awakening Quest 5We recruit Garen, test our limits, encounter a Paradox, and begin the rescue mission.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-27 8 
36449229Mage: the Awakening Quest 6The rest of the rescue mission plays out, we deal with the consequences, and meet a new person.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-11-29 11 
36484117Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 1In which the princess assembles her party and gets her starting gear.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses2014-11-30 20 
December 2014
36509379Mage: the Awakening Quest 7A brief time skip later, we run into Jemma, find out her dark secret, and blast some spirits.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-02 10 
36531585Mage: the Awakening Quest: Q&A EditionNo actual quest progression, just lots of meta discussion and a Q&A with the QM.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-03 8 
36548386An hijacked meeting of the Druid CircleThe druids attempt to have a meeting when wizards burst in, do wizard things and drag the Druid Circle in the fight against Jheska.Druid, druid, circle, druid circle, mage guild, guild, meeting, Mage, Mages, Druids2014-12-04 4 
36548920Mage: the Awakening Quest 8In which we try to not die to werewolves, corrupted spirit ooze, and a black hole. We also pick a Shadow Name.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-04 9 
36570783Mage: the Awakening Quest 9We study up on Spirit magic, fight off the Familiar, face Temptation, and figure out the spirit's end goal.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-05 9 
36581571Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 2Princess sets out, picks up a sidequest. Has not yet touched fluffy tail.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Bunny, Wolf2014-12-05 11 
36582230Mage Guild MeetingThe Mage Guild reconvenes to plot thier Counter-Offensive against Jheska and the drowMage Guild, mage guild, mage, magic, guild, roleplay,2014-12-05 1 
36589447Mage's Guild Meeting Overtime: A New AraNegotiations with a certain faction of drow lead to an unexpected houseguest.Mage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-06 5 
36623819Mage: the Awakening Quest 10We are rudely interrupted at the Library and track down where Garen is located.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-08 8 
36667314Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 3Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-10 3 
36654006Mage's Guild Meeting: Recap EditionAntruthius gives a recap of current events, which is promptly derailed.Mage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-10 0 
36664594Mage: the Awakening Quest 11We identify a flaw in our reasoning, find out where Sarah is hiding, and the apocalypse begins.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-10 8 
36660646A Bastard's Tale Part II: A new journeyThe day after graduation.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Collective Game, bastard2014-12-11 2 
36700104Mage's guild meeting: presents and elvesThe guild assemble to talk about missing presents, and the discussion quickly devolves on the new guest and generic considerations on the drow race. However, the arrival of Jheska puts the guild in danger coming from an unexpected source...mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-12 1 
36702656Mage: the Awakening Quest 12In which we go toe-to-toe with an Acamoth, and try to stop the apocalypse.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-12 12 
36700369A Bastard's Tale Part III: RevelationsA timely departure.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game2014-12-12 0 
36706997Mage's Guild Overtime: the power of coffee editionSoros lost his shit! Antruthius charges into the fray! Fryia is back! Coffee all over the place! What the fuck, wizards?mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2014-12-12 1 
36760597Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 4because spike spiegel dies at the end, so we have to archive at the startDaughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game2014-12-14 11 
36778980A Bastard's Tale Part IV: The journey of our livesAfter spending some time at an inn, the journey continues through a forest and onwards.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game2014-12-16 1 
36795414Machine Civilization Thread #5A plague of harpies is coming, the robots prepare.Civilization, robot, machine, node, gnoll, Mage, harpies, plague, electricity2014-12-16 1 
36803719Mage: the Awakening Quest: Q&A #2 EditionSecond Q&A with the QM, not as much is discussed in this one, though some meta knowledge is revealed.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-17 8 
36837414Mage's Guild MeetingA drow is adopted, and then someone tempts fate. Predictable chaos ensues.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-19 2 
36838040Mage: the Awakening Quest 13We deal with the fallout from the Acamoth's attempt to end the world, and get tickets to Arizona.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-19 11 
36860895Daughter of a Tyrant Quest Part 5We're in bat country now, boys.Daughter of a Tyrant Quest, Fist Mage, Mad Scientist, Princesses, Collective Game, Bat Country2014-12-20 8 
36855362Mage's Guild Meeting: Selling OutIn which we discover that wizardmas was not in fact stolen, but sold at a premium for a variety of nonsensical thingsMage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-20 1 
36874842A Bastard's Tale Part V: Unexpected delayNew people, getting closer to the capital.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game2014-12-21 0 
36922031Mage's Guild Meeting: The End of an AraHollow victories abound, friendships are broken, and depression binge drinking.Mage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-23 1 
36915313Mage's Guild Meeting: Holiday SpecialAn ungodly number of creepy dolls is discovered to be littering the guild hall, decorations are put up, and holiday cheer aboundsMage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-23 0 
36959560Mage's Guild Meeting: WizardmasRap battles and christmas carols, as well as tracking down the Krampus to get the gifts backMage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-25 0 
36957923Mage: the Awakening Quest: Christmas EditionMichael and Elizabeth engage in holiday shenanigans 30,000 feet in the air.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2014-12-25 6 
36984346A Bastard's Tale Part VI: Season's greetingsA stop at a local feast; and things get a little awkward.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game2014-12-27 0 
37005312Mage's Guild Meeting - Post WizardmasWizardmas is over, back to your regularly-scheduled chaos.Mage guild, roleplay, -omancy, wizards, mage, guild2014-12-28 2 
37026238mages guild:displaced chronomancers towerthe mages guild meets supplies are ordered and deals are mademage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting2014-12-29 0 
37019953A Bastard's Tale Part VII: Awkwardness ensuesMaking way through the capital city.A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game2014-12-29 0 
37082429Mage guild meeting: happy new year!Mage guild meeting- happy new year edition, with bureaumancers' shenanigans, drow learing about sexuality and people flinging evoked dresses!dress, mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-31 0 
January 2015
37087107Mage's Guild Overtime: happy new year editionThe wizards go on with their celebretions and a little overboard with drinks.mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2015-01-01 0 
37089941Mage: the Awakening Quest 14We get chewed out by Joseph, do some snooping, and stumble upon a new threat.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-01-01 4 
37203480Mage: the Awakening Quest 15We go hunting for the mole leaking information to the vampires.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-01-07 3 
37289462A meeting of the Mage GuildThe mages assemble for the first meeting of the year, filled with duels, ghosts and starring the god of glam himself.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat2015-01-11 0 
37424248Mage: the Awakening Quest 16You finish the interrogation, go save Henry, and figure out how the vampires got their information.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-01-17 3 
37531520Mage: the Awakening Quest 17We deal with the vampires attack, a deception is revealed, and Liz is on the run.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-01-22 4 
37544017A Murder at the Mage GuildThe archwizard has been killed! Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers and Eldritch Knights assemble to find the murderer, and hilarity ensues.murder, archmage, mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat, knight.2015-01-22 0 
37599794mages guild: life insurance fraud thread is put in the title of a non quest thread to keep out shitposters an old pet attacks and ghostly shenanigans ensuemage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting2015-01-25 0 
37678706Mage: the Awakening Quest 18Elizabeth travels somewhere, we learn a bit more about the Paths, and begin to plan our attack on Tsukuyomi.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-01-29 4 
37682566Mages' Guild's Most Extreme Elimination ChallengeThe mages guild deals with an overabundance of apprentices by throwing them into a deadly obstacle for their own amusement with the hope that the remaining ones will be worth teaching.collective game, mage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting, roleplay, -omancy, wizards2015-01-29 3 
February 2015
37801114Mage: the Awakening Quest 19Michael takes on a side job and duels one of the strongest humans to ever live. Shorter quest, and the first actual "side quest."MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-02-03 4 
37881362Mage: the Awakening Quest 20Diana gets Mage-napped, we fight some gargoyles, and engage in a car chase.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-02-07 4 
37975362Mage: the Awakening Quest 21You rescue Diana, though some complications arise.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-02-11 2 
38111739Mage: the Awakening Quest 22We deal with the Hunters assault on the warehouse, though not like you expected. You also track down Tsukuyomi's base.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-02-17 2 
38175671Mage: the Awakening Quest 23You begin the assault on Tsukuyomi's base of operations, though some complications arise.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game2015-02-20 2 
38270774Mage: the Awakening Quest 24The assault against Tsukuyomi's base of operations concludes.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game, nWoD, Mage: the Awakening, Mage2015-02-24 2 
38335124Mage: the Awakening Quest 25: The Final QuestWe see the beginnings of the repercussions of what defeating Tsukuyomi means, and QM answers remaining questions the players may have.MtA Quest, Mage Quest, Collective Game, nWoD, Mage: the Awakening, Mage2015-02-27 2 
May 2015
39970318Blue Mage Quest: Ascendance #0In which Raphael Volante begins his quest to reclaim the honor of his family.Collective Game, Blue Mage, Ascendance, Overseer, Quest, Blue Mage Quest2015-05-15 6 
40136463Unexplored World Quest 1We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named TiberiusCollective Game, Unexplored World Quest, Swordmage, Tiberius2015-05-24 1 
June 2015
40430440Mage Quest 1You're a mage! Or at least, you're going to an academy to ofiicially become one. Of course, your travels are interrupted by strange dreams, fucking angels, and absurdly powerful storms.Collective Game, Mage Quest, POV Change2015-06-07 6 
40454585Mage Quest 2You're a mage! Or at least, you're going to an academy to officially become one. This time, we kill Charybdis dead, make a new friend, and black out because maps suck.Collective Game, Mage Quest, POV Change2015-06-08 2 
40575396Mage Quest 3After waking up with a splitting headache, we decide to go searching for a thief. Unfortunately, we end up finding new friends and battling a terrorist instead.Collective Game, Mage Quest, QMKyuuEm2015-06-14 1 
40717330Mage Quest 4We are interrogated, make a friend and share stories.Collective Game, Mage Quest, QMKyuuEm2015-06-21 2 
40836591Egwen School Quest 1A war-weary young wizard arrives at an all girls school.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-06-26 23 
40843747Egwen School Quest 1, part 2The Adventurers Clubs first recruits: a thief and a thugEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-06-27 22 
40859086Egwen School Quest 1, part 3Talking to a very unusual studentEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-06-27 22 
40860632Mage Quest 5Will decides to take a nap before landing, and ends up delving into an old memory.Collective Game, Mage Quest, QMKyuuEm2015-06-28 0 
40878736Egwen School Quest 2Recruiting trainers for the club is hard work. Also, the upcoming dungeon-crawl is getting closer.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-06-28 21 
July 2015
40987090Egwen School Quest 3A race to beat the elf, and a dungeon to exploreEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-03 21 
41005717Egwen School Quest 4An icy girl explores a dungeon.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-04 20 
41013369Egwen School Quest 4, part 2Your first dungeon done, you are on the lookout for more members for the club.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-04 20 
41032223Egwen School Quest 4, part 3Club Meeting and planningEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-05 21 
41151894Egwen School Quest 5Morning lessons, evening lessons and lightning rail troubles.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-11 20 
41173811Egwen School Quest 6A bargain with thieves, and club registration.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-12 20 
41179235Egwen School Quest 6, part 2The ride home, and gifts galore.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-12 20 
41283501Ring Quest #1First day of the quest. Time wizards, bad magic, bad alchemy, explosions and Jack Johnson, our hero, makes a friend in the forest.Collective Game, Ring Quest, Luxi, Mage, Alchemy2015-07-18 2 
41304546Mage Quest 6We take control of William, thirteen years old. We decide to investigate a mysterious disappearance.Collective Game, Mage Quest, QMKyuuEm2015-07-19 2 
41321506Egwen School Quest 7A recruitment opportunity and you find out about your next dungeon.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-19 20 
41332733Egwen School Quest 7, part 2A day in the life of Phaysis, narrated by a new QMEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher, Guest QM2015-07-20 20 
41352220Egwen School Quest 7, part 3Monks, bards and the nightmare.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher, Guest QM2015-07-20 21 
41413133Mage Quest 7Thirteen year old Will continues investigating the disappearances.Collective Game, Mage Quest, QMKyuuEm2015-07-24 1 
41427467Egwen School Quest 8Defend the Castle.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-24 17 
41454113Egwen School Quest 9Match Aftermath and a new challengeEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-25 15 
41586897Egwen Girls School Quest 10Prepasring for the next match.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-07-31 15 
August 2015
41604826Egwen Girls School Quest 11The girls prepare for the next match, and Sallazar must deal with a sinister cadre of mind-readers at the school.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-01 12 
41747215Egwen Girls School Quest 12Match against Raid Rush and meet and old friend.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-08 12 
41866637Egwen Girls School Quest 13The morning after last nights dungeoncrawl.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-14 11 
41887334Egwen Girls School Quest 14There are many tough problems to solve this weekEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-15 11 
41907589Egwen Girls School Quest 15Build up to the next dungeon.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-16 11 
42028044Egwen Girls School Quest 16A dungeon to defend and attack, plus a meeting with an old schoolmate.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-22 11 
42165013Egwen Girls School Quest 17Playing through a dungeon as an evil party...then a good one.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-29 10 
42190138Egwen Girls School Quest 18An angel girl, an ice-elemental girl, a nightmare girl and a gem-elemental girl walk into a dungeon, and the angel girl says...Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-08-30 11 
September 2015
42307852Egwen Girls School Quest 19With some time to spare before the next dungeon, Sallazar turns his attentions to other problems: rescuing three girls from slavery.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-09-05 11 
42518643Ladydemon Mage Quest #1Not what you'd expect.Collective Game, Ladydemon Mage Quest, Name is a mouthful2015-09-16 11 
42598446Egwen Girls School Quest 20A powerful soulborn to deal with, as well as a court case. How does one teacher solve all these problems?Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-09-19 7 
42667948Egwen Girls School Quest 21Sallazar solves some small problemsEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2015-09-22 6 
January 2016
44805034Military Mage 5Contraction and last day of schoolCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-16 1 
44824495Military Mage 6Military stuff, deployment, and going onwards to warCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 0 
44967048Military Mage 7Moving towards the Yutai, Mountain ambush, and attacking the enemy enplacementCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 2 
March 2016
45782966emperors text to speech memesA regular emperors tekst to speech thread turn into meme creating many new reaction images are made archived for those who missed it.emperors text to speech, memes, reaction images,2016-03-05 11 
April 2016
46460286Egwen Girls School Quest 22A new year, a new team, a new dungeon.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-04-04 8 
46566605Egwen Girls School Quest 23Field Trip, pt 1Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-04-09 6 
46712090Egwen Girls School Quest 24Fieldtrip part 2Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-04-16 5 
46859709Egwen Girls School Quest 25Field Trip Part 3Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-04-23 7 
May 2016
3503Poorly Drawn Mage QuestA mage finally escapes his tower after 25 years only to find the lands destroyedPoorly Drawn, Mage2016-05-01 1 
84724Egwen Girls School Quest 26Field Trip Part 4: Hunt for the Chosen OneEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-05-07 5 
47367221Egwen Girls School Quest 27Field Trip ConclusionEgwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-05-21 2 
47503073Egwen Girls School Quest 28Rats in the basement, a new team, and preparing for new dungeons.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-05-29 2 
June 2016
47623497Egwen Girls School Quest 29A new dungeon in the forest.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-06-05 7 
238811Mage Academy 001Please archive your stuff here as well! // A normie with high magic potential ends up in a mage academy. He has no idea what he's in for.Collective Game, Mage Academy, Hardmode, Handshaking2016-06-17 1 
47853483Egwen Girls School Quest 30Satyrs and a dungeon.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-06-19 2 
47970616Egwen Girls School Quest 31Underground dungeon, important decisions and new arrivals. Last thread before hiatus.Egwen School Quest, Collective Game, Male Protagonist, Wizard, Mage, Teacher2016-06-26 3 
July 2016
371356Treasure Hunter Quest Part 1The mage Kane Gerrhu, along with the warrior Scarlett and cleric Claude, descend into Gallows Rock, their first dungeon as treasure hunters.Treasure Hunter Quest, Treasure, Combat-Heavy, Mages2016-07-18 2 
August 2016
469289 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN A tabletop quest with a group of small sized adventurers! The group is trying to relax after the last adventure, but danger is afoot!tabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor2016-08-23 3 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
September 2016
522868DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' TaleThird installation of the Diminutive Dungeon Delvers story. This time you play as the Succubus , looking to distract yourself from boredomDDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-11 3 
556640DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 2Continuation of DDD:AST where you try to run away from Wi'aboo's lair without getting caught.DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-18 1 
591859DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 3Final part of the Succubus Tale. Time to finish your escape and get to the material plane!DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image, paladin, rogue, mage, wizard, dating, imp, cute, 2016-09-22 1 
October 2016
694580A Blue Mage's Tale #1A retelling of Final Fantasy IX. You are Tobias Alderleaf, a blue mage who goes to see a play, but winds up kidnapping the princess.Final Fantasy, Blue Mage, Blue Mage's Tale2016-10-16 8 
December 2016
973797Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 1With your village ransacked and you on the run, you burned a forest, got a book, killed a man and got some friends!Fugitive Mage, Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game2016-12-30 2 
983619Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 1.5Killed more guys, began making your mark on the world. The rebellion is here. Made another mage friend.Fugitive Mage, Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2016-12-30 1 
January 2017
991599Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 2More friends, got to the college, you're something called aethertouched now? Collective Game, Fugitive Mage, Aethertouched, Crusades, Deus Vult2017-01-01 1 
51311063Original and Unusual Apocalypse ScenariosVarious scenarios for the end of the world and settings based around them are discussed and worldbuilt. apocalypse, armageddon, doomsday, end of the world, setting, worldbuilding,2017-01-23 6 
1041210Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 3Really short. Spooky things happened to a mutated creature when you touched its blood. Voices in your dreams. Fugitive Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2017-01-24 1 
February 2017
1091300EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 5: Janus and The Resurgence of Life The landmasses of Janus begin to receive animal visitors from the ocean. They are also bequeathed namesCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-01 2 
1095363Mageknight Academy #1The Mageknight Academy continues to teach its students a new way of life. Several students join, and eldritch abominations are defeated.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-05 13 
1120746Mageknight Academy: Beach OVA 1The students take a trip to the beach. After a series of failed applications of sunscreen, hell itself comes up to face them.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-05 10 
1129120Mageknight Academy #2The academy enacts a student exchange program and a number of students busy themselves with their own personal quests.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-13 10 
1127053EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 6: Janus's Age of BiodiversityThe landmasses of Janus start to get a little crowded as life continues to evolve, growing ever larger and more complex.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-15 2 
1146896Antimage QuestOur hero(?) kills a strange peasant, stalks a butcher, and fights pig abominations.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark2017-02-18 12 
1160865Mageknight Academy #3A monster's curse, remembering forgotten family, a swordly quest to France and life as a harem protagonist.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-21 10 
1142520Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #1A group of friends embark into a dark forest, late at night, to try to find out about a satanic ritual. Nothing can go wrong.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-22 1 
1160909Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #2A group of friends follow the Spanish Inquisition into their cathedral. People get drugged, and ominous feelings lurk. Nothing can go wrong.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-23 1 
1160906Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #1New transfer students arrive, blackmail and elections come up, and flesh mages are killed.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-23 10 
1171348Antimage Quest IIIn which we deal with the consequences of biting off more than we could chew.antimage, quest, violent, grimdark, low fantasy2017-02-25 4 
1173150EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 7: The Rienia Ice Age We return once again to Rienia and watch as life gets a grip on the unwelcoming shores of Rienia's continents Collective game, evogame, Rienia, evo, evolution, Lunt system, Magedivatian era2017-02-27 2 
March 2017
1193633Mageknight Academy #4Earth Elementals, the Devil King massacre, evil magical pranks, the treehouse of life and the birth of Ultracrusader.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-03 6 
1193670Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #2Even more blackmail, threats, and slander occur as the election gets heated, demon dogs run rampant, and votes are tallied up. No recounts.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-04 5 
1220912Mageknight Academy: Hot springs OVA #2The students take a trip to relax before the exams. A devil king is slain, love is found and relationships deepened.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-09 3 
1218014Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #3A group of friends attempt to uncover whatever secrets the Inquisition are hiding.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-09 1 
1218817 EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 8: Rienia's Age of Biodiversity The geographical features of Rienia receive names, life keeps on evolving, and omens of great change for both Rienia and Janus emergeCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-03-09 2 
1243332Mageknight Academy #5The first academy exam comes, testing the students' prowess to see if they have what it takes to ascend to the next chapter of academy lifeMageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-15 3 
1243197Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #3The first academy exam comes, as everyone studies and get ready to move on to a new year. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-17 2 
1263602EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 9: The Western Shores of JanusThe first of Janus' regional threads takes us to the Aetheria region. Here life thrives and new biomes are founded. Also it rains a lotCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-03-22 3 
1277046Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #4With the exam retakes finished, a new school year starts with new students and struggles arriving.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-27 1 
1277016Mageknight Academy #6Exam retakes, eldritch investigations, plant women problems, faceless vampires, anti-climactic duels, mind trapped Germans & self-thwomping.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-27 1 
April 2017
1316086EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 10: The Western Lands of RieniaThe first of Rienia's regional threads where its western lands get some evolutionary attention. Also the Troc start to be relevant again. Collective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region One2017-04-08 5 
1314841Mageknight Academy #7Vampire attacks, the plant saga continues, deciphering codes, Gundam Battles, pushy gym coaches and a major club project.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-08 1 
1347683Mageknight Academy #8A Cardboard monster is on the loose, and sidequests come back to bite the students in the ass.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-19 1 
1371295EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 11: The Meridian Islands of JanusJanus's central region receives similar treatment to its first,except with Tundra stuff and Atoll stuff. Also Stridler get way more popularCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Two2017-04-25 1 
1379671Mageknight Academy #9Students visit Hellpits and preparations for a Grim field trip are done. Joy gets lost in the sewers and piece of recovered fey are found.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-29 1 
1379849Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #7A pair of students explore a spooky magic cave, violations against the Geneva Convention continue, and the Georgius family comes to light.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-30 2 
May 2017
1412459EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 12: The Medial Edenlands of RieniaThe evolution fairy visits Rienia's Corpus region, bringing gifts for all the good(or at least surviving)species. Also caverns/forests exisCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Two2017-05-08 2 
1412127Mageknight Academy #10The interacademy tournament proceeds with a few surprising victories, home visits begin, and an expedition into the Grimwoods is conducted.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-09 1 
1418715Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #8Inter-Academy winners are announced and Live action situations are done. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-12 1 
1441536Mageknight Academy #11Kill Matt 2 - The Revenge of The Raccoon, Amsterdam Refugees arrive and Alpha Squad bizarre adventure continuation.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test 2017-05-20 1 
1448337Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #9End times come as Amsterdam is invaded by demons. The school decides to transfer students to refuge in their sister school MKA:Madrid. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-23 1 
1459115EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 13: The Eastern Mainlands of JanusIn this episode of "Tale of Two Moons" The deserts become home to a lot of sentient plants and new environments begin cropping up everywheCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Three2017-05-25 1 
1479385Mageknight Academy #12Conclusion to the Grimwoods Battle. Marital Arts. A hidden Threat is revealed in a Diary. Rise of the Raccoons.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-31 0 
June 2017
1523076EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 14: The Rustree Forests of the Far East The last terrestrial thread of the Magedivatian era sees the arrival of many new organisms, throughout Tundra, Forests and Mountain rangesCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Three2017-06-09 2 
1518446Mageknight Academy #13Tenia's parents come in, a dhampir fights a raccoon, squirrel and cat and hints of a soon-to-be-wedding? Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-06-11 1 
1563053Mageknight Academy #14The investigation continues, missing students return to the fold, and new students enter the academy.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-06-23 1 
1583272EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 15: The Glistening Oceans of Janus In this edition of "Tale of Two Moons" we take evolution to the oceans of Janus and finally say goodbye to its base organismsCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Oceans2017-06-27 1 
July 2017
1597485Mageknight Academy #15Talk about spirits and arriving new students.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-03 1 
1623308Mageknight Academy #16Student leg falls off in freak accident, Masked man perverts a school?, and a trip to Canaria anounced!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-12 1 
1637174EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 16: The Sapphire Oceans of RieniaAs evolution comes to Rienia's oceans its base organisms go the way of the Dodo, and the Lunt system is graced by a strange traveller.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Oceans2017-07-15 1 
1664846Mageknight Academy #17Students prepare & sign-up for Canaria Island trip, Concert with friends, Cursed sword appears, friend gets clingy and more training.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-26 1 
August 2017
1700929Mageknight Academy #18Mana Classes are held while students buy swimsuits for Canaria Trip. A house party is held by a well known student.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-08-03 1 
1735405Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 1Students aboard S.S. Valencia for the new exploration trip in Canaria but at the midst of boarding, a small few have boarded the wrong ship!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-08-16 2 
1783678Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 2The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-08-30 1 
September 2017
1825914Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 3The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do more shopping. Others adventure for items and materials.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-09-12 1 
1857123Mageknight Academy OVA #3 - Part 4The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-09-24 2 
October 2017
1944066Fugitive Mage Quest ReduxVillage burned down by crusaders, messed up crusader commander with nat100. Got a quest and a murderhobo qt elf companion.Fugitive Mage, Wanks, collaborative game, Nissa2017-10-08 2 
1907500Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 5Students fight off shadowy reflections and vengeful nature spirits. Lost tourists are shipped from one country to another.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-10-09 1 
1928478Hell's Artbook QuestThe granddaughter of avid satanist practitioner, Julia Piral, is thrown into thrown into a world of apocalyptic calamity.Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-10 1 
1943656Shadow PlayA former cop with locked-in syndrome is forced to take over other people's bodies in order to save his niece from a group of kidnappers.Collective Game, Shadow Play, Idiom Alpha, First Person, Image Quest2017-10-14 2 
1982288Fugitive Mage Quest Redux Pt 1.5A short-ass thread in which barely anything got accomplished, hoo boy!Wanks, fugitive mage, nissa, sin, collaborative game2017-10-22 1 
1976638Hell's Artbook Quest Ch. #2We find ourselves in the Mid-Realm LIVING QUARTER, with our main guy, Curtis Mire. Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-26 1 
November 2017
2004198Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 6Sand castle competition, Baby dragon turn human, cowgirls, bonfire and more shopping!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-11-03 2 
56305928/tg/'s fantasy classroom/tg/ is asked to teach some young witches. Some of us are better teachers than others.advice, teachers, witch kids, witchlings, classroom, adventurers, magic, rogues, mages, party dynamics, combat, politics, sex ed, zoology2017-11-12 11 
56586721Kamigakari Thread storytimeStatting Mononoke, Misfits in Osaka continues, advice on searching for images to use and games. Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, Pixiv, image search,2017-11-28 3 
December 2017
56714893Kamigakari Thread storytimeAnswers and info from a player in Crazy Isekai Storytime, More Misfits in Osaka, Battle with an undead Samurai.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Mononoke, summoning, mages2017-12-04 5 
March 2018
2333884Absolute Omnipotence Quest #1The quest beginsOmnipotence, Fantasy, Homage, Massive Text2018-03-01 1 
2357971Omnipotence Quest #2Yet more shennanigansomnipotence, fantast, Homage, Massive Text2018-03-18 1 
April 2018
2440593Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 8We forgot to archive the last thread, but we don't let it keep us down. The students return to Madrid after a relatively relaxing vacation.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2018-04-24 1 
May 2018
2585990Getting FatterHe's getting fatter. getting, fatter, one-shot, one, shot, drawing, draw, art, image, picture, cool, fun, saved, for, posterity2018-05-23 0 
June 2018
2628798Prometheus Quest A short startBonesinger, Stolen Quest, Faggot Guarantee, Mage2018-06-12 1 
September 2018
2902427Mage Families Quest. Part 0.1In this thread we only really create our character. A Slavic light mage that specializes in evocation magic.Collective Game, Magic, Wizards, Mage, Character Creation2018-09-20 0 
January 2019
63850296Urban Unease: Image thread editionNew Unease thread based mainly on images reference for the setting style.Urban unease, brainstorming, horror, city, neighborhood, images, Surreal2019-01-08 14 
February 2019
64727567interesting op imageop makes the common mistake of posting an image that's too interestingOP, blunder, image, snake2019-02-20 8 
April 2019
3392487Qualo's Quaest The adventures of a spider demon killing a bunch of stuff.Comic, Image driven2019-04-11 2 
3418036Qualo's Quaest Part 2Spider demon visits mountainComic, Image driven2019-04-27 1 
May 2019
3444727Qualo's Quaest Part 2.5The continuation of the continuation of Qualo's QuaestComic, Image driven2019-05-10 1 
June 2019
3512028Qualo's Quaest Part 2.SorryFortheHiatus (end of part 2)More Qualo's QuaestComic, Image driven2019-06-16 1 
August 2019
3708603Imperial Mage QuestCatherine Ward, a young aspiring mage in the third empire, joins the academy shortly before the capital gets its shit wrecked by invaders.Imperial, Mage, Quest, Portals, Invaders2019-08-14 5 
September 2019
3778400Broken Soul Quest 1A crippled mage tries to fix his problem, and accidentally binds himself to the God of Sin.Exabyte, Urban Fantasy, Mage, Sin, BSQ2019-09-01 3 
October 2019
3831455999 Quest 16999 and all of his friends finally put an end to the anomaly, bid farewell to new allies and journey onwards.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, fucking wizards, Mage: The Awakening2019-10-16 1 
69059343Urban Unease: It returns!New urban unease with an attempt to spread into disaster shelters.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease, images2019-10-30 5 
April 2020
4190041Minion Mage QuestWe are a Maker of automatons, and get on a boat after getting kicked out of the regional magical academy.Minion, Mage, Minion Mage Quest, Quest, Magic, Automaton, automatons, The Narrator2020-04-25 1 
May 2020
4231032Minion Mage Quest #2We sleep in, and finally arrive at Nevershallow.Minion, Mage, Minion Mage Quest, Quest, Magic, Automaton, automatons, The Narrator2020-05-15 0 
September 2020
4398006Leviathan QuestLocked away in a place unfamiliar to it, 682 begins its path of vengeance and hate.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, Leviathan Quest, Mage: The Awakening2020-09-05 0 
August 2021
80661561Mages and WandsOriginally a conversation regarding the point of wands, then the wand appraiser comes inMagic, Mages, Wands, Review, Cool Shit, world building2021-08-14 15 
January 2023
5534306Sworn to Valour Quest #31His Word Speaks Only Truth. Cathagi at last, the City of Cities. It is the final step on Sir Andrei's pilgrimage. The Long Walk awaits...Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage2023-01-16 24 
April 2023
5623965Sworn to Valour Quest #32His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. As the Long Walk begins Sir Andrei will find himself tested. Body, mind and soul.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage2023-04-02 24 
October 2023
5761600Mage Quest #1Mona mac Muirgen seeks to become the very pinnacle of hydromancy, and she's more than willing to bend a few rules for her ambition.Collective Game, Quest, Mage Quest, Fantasy, Dungeons, Adventurers, Hydromancy, World Building, Childhood Friend Wins2023-10-11 20 
November 2024
6098808Silver Knight Quest #3Our Knight goes on a 'diplomatic' mission on behalf of the Angel of Ansàrra. Along the way, Salicera involves Argia into her deepest secrSilver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore2024-11-02 17 
February 2025
6154957Silver Knight Quest #4You explore the Temple, get quints, and discover the truth about some of your friends. Also your Master gets arrested. Oops.Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore, Mogging2025-02-02 9 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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