/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2010
7444109Mage Hunt QuestIt's a new day, and there are still eight mages to hunt, each well trained in their specialty - transmutation, illusion, evocation, fire, force, necromancy, domination and teleportation. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. - What would you like to do, Executioner? -quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-07 5 
7527674Mage Hunt Quest 2: Mage Hunt HarderYou are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. Until recently you were the Administrator of a great Mages Academy. As a fighter through and through, you had suffered ridicule and pranks from the vast student population until finally you snapped. Using the traps you had rigged in the school over the last 10 years, you slaughtered all of the staff and nearly all of the students. Now, you hunt down the ones who escaped, while they bring nasty magic to bear in their own attempts to kill you.quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-11 3 
May 2011
14929685Pixiv Fantasia setting threadAn anon start dumping images of Pixiv Fantasia, questions are asked about the general information of the setting. Does /tg care to turn it into some kind of RPG?Pixiv Fantasia, Setting, Plan, Images, Pixiv2011-05-15 3 
October 2013
27561099Mages Guild MeetingMages meet to discuss world-ending means of keeping drafts out of their studies. Bearsalisks are transmuted, beards are misplaced, skin is refurbished, and the elemental plane of pizza is ruined.Wizards, mages, pizza, beards, -omancy, genocide, dirty Druid hippies, bearsalisks2013-10-04 1 
October 2014
35249277mage guild meeting: a matter of spearsa meeting of the mages guild is called to order the main topic of discussion is if wizards should be allowed to use spears then an arsehole eldrich knight acts like an arsehole eldrich knight and the issue of an avatar of a god in the library is largely ignoredmage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild2014-10-02 5 
November 2014
36142315Mage's Guild: TreasonWhere the Mage's Guild comes under attack by Jheska.mage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting, roleplay, -omancy, wizards2014-11-15 3 
36248266Mage's guild meetingA meeting to discuss about wizards and sport devolves into a number of small talks until a dead Jheska finally manages to possess the body of a witch and walks away with it.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-11-19 3 
36366616A LONG meeting of the mage's guildA meeting concerning meaningless issues is called, and the wizards, sorcerers and assorted members of the guild manage to squabble about trivial matters for eleven hours.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat, knight.2014-11-24 0 
December 2014
36548386An hijacked meeting of the Druid CircleThe druids attempt to have a meeting when wizards burst in, do wizard things and drag the Druid Circle in the fight against Jheska.Druid, druid, circle, druid circle, mage guild, guild, meeting, Mage, Mages, Druids2014-12-04 4 
36700104Mage's guild meeting: presents and elvesThe guild assemble to talk about missing presents, and the discussion quickly devolves on the new guest and generic considerations on the drow race. However, the arrival of Jheska puts the guild in danger coming from an unexpected source...mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-12 1 
36706997Mage's Guild Overtime: the power of coffee editionSoros lost his shit! Antruthius charges into the fray! Fryia is back! Coffee all over the place! What the fuck, wizards?mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2014-12-12 1 
36837414Mage's Guild MeetingA drow is adopted, and then someone tempts fate. Predictable chaos ensues.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-19 2 
37026238mages guild:displaced chronomancers towerthe mages guild meets supplies are ordered and deals are mademage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting2014-12-29 0 
37082429Mage guild meeting: happy new year!Mage guild meeting- happy new year edition, with bureaumancers' shenanigans, drow learing about sexuality and people flinging evoked dresses!dress, mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild2014-12-31 0 
January 2015
37087107Mage's Guild Overtime: happy new year editionThe wizards go on with their celebretions and a little overboard with drinks.mage guild meeting, mage, guild, -omancy, mages, Mage, Wizardry, Wizards, Coffee2015-01-01 0 
37289462A meeting of the Mage GuildThe mages assemble for the first meeting of the year, filled with duels, ghosts and starring the god of glam himself.mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat2015-01-11 0 
37544017A Murder at the Mage GuildThe archwizard has been killed! Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers and Eldritch Knights assemble to find the murderer, and hilarity ensues.murder, archmage, mages, mage guild, guild, roleplay, Mage, -omancy, wizards, Mage Guild, hats, hat, knight.2015-01-22 0 
37599794mages guild: life insurance fraud thread is put in the title of a non quest thread to keep out shitposters an old pet attacks and ghostly shenanigans ensuemage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting2015-01-25 0 
37682566Mages' Guild's Most Extreme Elimination ChallengeThe mages guild deals with an overabundance of apprentices by throwing them into a deadly obstacle for their own amusement with the hope that the remaining ones will be worth teaching.collective game, mage guild, mage guild meeting, magic, mages, mage, mages guild, mage's guild, mage's guild meeting, roleplay, -omancy, wizards2015-01-29 3 
March 2016
45782966emperors text to speech memesA regular emperors tekst to speech thread turn into meme creating many new reaction images are made archived for those who missed it.emperors text to speech, memes, reaction images,2016-03-05 11 
July 2016
371356Treasure Hunter Quest Part 1The mage Kane Gerrhu, along with the warrior Scarlett and cleric Claude, descend into Gallows Rock, their first dungeon as treasure hunters.Treasure Hunter Quest, Treasure, Combat-Heavy, Mages2016-07-18 2 
November 2017
56305928/tg/'s fantasy classroom/tg/ is asked to teach some young witches. Some of us are better teachers than others.advice, teachers, witch kids, witchlings, classroom, adventurers, magic, rogues, mages, party dynamics, combat, politics, sex ed, zoology2017-11-12 11 
December 2017
56714893Kamigakari Thread storytimeAnswers and info from a player in Crazy Isekai Storytime, More Misfits in Osaka, Battle with an undead Samurai.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Mononoke, summoning, mages2017-12-04 5 
January 2019
63850296Urban Unease: Image thread editionNew Unease thread based mainly on images reference for the setting style.Urban unease, brainstorming, horror, city, neighborhood, images, Surreal2019-01-08 14 
October 2019
69059343Urban Unease: It returns!New urban unease with an attempt to spread into disaster shelters.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease, images2019-10-30 5 
August 2021
80661561Mages and WandsOriginally a conversation regarding the point of wands, then the wand appraiser comes inMagic, Mages, Wands, Review, Cool Shit, world building2021-08-14 15 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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