Thread Title Description Tags Added Score November 2009 6929465 D&D critters in modern setting See the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to. elves , elf , human , humans , dwarf , dwarves , modern , fantasy , music , kobolds , gnolls , halfling , gnome 2009-11-30 2 March 2010 8330221 Nukes, Dragons, and Writefags Starts off with a really nice piece about a dragon talking about the modern world, followed up by various other modern setting with fantasy element pieces. Dragon , Trinity , Modern , Fantasy , Gnoll 2010-03-02 9 March 2011 14245154 Sorcerer Quest 4 Melane Kiried wakes in her own body once more, and works her diplomatic magic to come face to face with the Ripouse Confederation's mysterious patriarch. Sorcerer , Quest , Collective Game , Gnoll 2011-03-15 5 14290836 Sorcerer Quest 6 We use master oration to stir the burning heart of justice present in all good creatures to get us some gnoll-ish allies. sorcerer , sorcerer quest , quest , collective game , gnolls , JUSTICE 2011-03-19 5 14320455 Sorcerer Quest 7 Feasting is had! We plot our next course of action, meet our master spy-goyle, and then INFODUMP. Now we actually have a good idea what the hell is going on! sorcerer , sorcerer quest , quest , collective game , gnoll , gargoyle , INFO 2011-03-22 5 14375710 Sorcerer Quest 9 We go back in time to experience life as Algers. But the question is, can we get back to the future? Sorcerer , Quest , Collective Game , Gnoll , Doc Brown 2011-03-27 5 April 2011 14500694 Sorcerer Quest 14 We talk with a couple of ripouse, Rejek and Yumea, and Orpheus finishes spying for us. Next time, we will come face to face with Kresis, chief of the Sunsplitters. Sorcerer , Quest , Collective Game , Sorcerer Quest , Lizardman , Gnoll 2011-04-07 5 14562748 Sorcerer Quest 15 We finally met up with Kresis, and man, he has a LOT to say. Looks like we'll have to take out some hydra-dragon hybrids to secure his help. In the meantime we, the players, are left to ponder the meaning of justice. Sorcerer , Quest , Sorcerer Quest , Collective Game , lizardmen , gnoll 2011-04-12 5 14712324 Gladiatrix Manager Quest 3 In which Gneutered turns down a deathmatch, coaches said deathmatch anyway, has her fighters take on a dire jackal, makes a pile of money, and gets ready for a party. party , gladiatrix , manager , quest , female , gladiator , gneutered , gnoll , lizardfolk , SSssS , Slicks , Antonina , Septimia 2011-04-25 7 August 2011 16095404 Let's play Musical Alignments I know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist
also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it. espagnoll , music , alignments , deal with it , youtube 2011-08-29 -4 June 2013 25678818 The Advancement of Gnolls: Civ 1 Gnoll civ game; a band of gnolls form a gang in a town with wizards, goblins, and a relaxed city guard captain. Lion King references and humor abound. Collective Game , The Advancement of Gnolls , Civ , Quest 2013-06-28 2 25697397 The Advancement of Gnolls:2 Gnoll Harder When the Gnolls work more and more in the city and eventually help protect thier home from a Goblin raid and become a guard outpost with two more 'friends' that move in. Collective Game , Gnoll , Civ , Quest , Insanity , Bonegnaw 2013-06-29 6 January 2014 29728264 Gnoll Society Worldbuilding Discussion on what gnoll society should be like, taking inspiration from the hyena and writing some interesting mythology. worldbuilding , gnoll , gnoll society , hyena , D&D , races , pseudopenis 2014-01-24 5 February 2014 30152843 Oversized Weapon Quest 12 Your sidequests spawn more sidequests. You meant another elemental and take his trial by fire! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Gnolls , Elementals 2014-02-11 28 30334263 Oversized Weapon Quest 13 I prefer my elves medium rare! Meet some wacky gnoll guy. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Gnolls , Roasted Marshmellows 2014-02-19 26 April 2014 31553537 Gnolls, how do they even work? In which a DM responds to a player's request to fuck a Gnoll female, which turns into a discussion of the ethical and social impacts of Gnolls on society Gnoll , Furry , Sex , Anatomy , National Geographic , What is this , I don't even , DM , Urethradicks 2014-04-18 7 December 2014 36757237 Machine Civilization Thread #2 We expand, find some tech and some gnolls, GM responsibility changes hands. Civilization , machine , robot , node , gnoll 2014-12-14 1 36763905 Machine Civ Thread #3 Number crunching pared down and the bots have a run in with some gnolls and a wizard Gnoll , Borg , robot , civilization , wizard , quest , node , collective game 2014-12-15 2 36776918 Machine Civilization Thread #4 We put down lots of gnoll rebellion and debate ethics and have a run in with Godwin's law Civilization , machine , robot , gnoll , slave labor , node , wizard , collective game 2014-12-15 0 36795414 Machine Civilization Thread #5 A plague of harpies is coming, the robots prepare. Civilization , robot , machine , node , gnoll , Mage , harpies , plague , electricity 2014-12-16 1 36840862 Machine Civilization Thread #6 We create some more defenses and discover lakes of petroleum to inflict fiery death on our foes, and chaos monsters Chaos , lake , petroleum , civilization , robot , gnoll , crystal , mine , node , hephaestus , collective game 2014-12-19 1 July 2015 41454821 GnolCiv Gnoll Civ thread Gnoll,Civ Quest,Civ Thread, 2015-07-26 2 41479623 Gnolciv2 Gnoll Civ part 2 Gnoll,Civ Quest,Civ Thread, 2015-07-27 1 41525023 Gnolciv3 Gnoll Civ part Gnoll,Civ Quest,Civ Thread, 2015-07-29 2 August 2015 42094022 How do you successfully parent a gnoll? Several different people's (and settings') takes on gnolls, either as creatures in the wild or a PC race gnoll , setting , fluff , race 2015-08-28 5 December 2016 50724053 Gnolls, Nurture or Nature, Furry Waifus. What starts off as a thread about gnolls goes through all kinds of weird subjects. Gnolls , Nurture Nature , /d/ickgirls 2016-12-22 -3 April 2020 4151777 Kobold Quest #2 A near-death Trebol escorts a gnoll kid back to his tribe, hoping to be forgiven for injuring their chieftain and receive medical care Kobold Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , kobold , gnoll , goblin , dragon 2020-04-02 2 4189760 Kobold Quest #3 A crippled kobold finds himself in a tribe of gnolls after being given medical aid Kobold Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , kobold , gnoll 2020-04-18 2 May 2020 4231105 Kobold Quest #4 A kobold comes up with a plan to deal with a troll who has been pestering a gnoll tribe. Kobold Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , kobold , gnoll 2020-05-03 3 August 2020 4340264 Gnoll Quest #1 A weak gnoll decides to start training to achieve his dream of leading the tribe and earn his people's respect Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , gnoll 2020-08-02 53 September 2020 4406928 Gnoll Quest #2 Hyenus begins his personal crusade against the demons Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , dwarf , gnoll 2020-09-08 37 October 2020 4476148 Gnoll Quest #3 Hyenus meets God and his deceased mom Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , dwarf , gnoll , gods 2020-10-31 32 February 2021 4588724 Gnoll Quest #4 Hyenus confronts the tribe and gets decked Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , dwarf , gnoll , gods 2021-02-01 25 May 2021 4759800 Gnoll Quest #5 Hyenus and Daitzsa wake up in the fortress and wander around Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest , dwarf , gnoll , gods 2021-05-15 24 June 2021 4851372 Gnoll Quest #6 Hyenus and Daitzsa are taken to their room. They meet Bark, fight, mate, go to the bathhouse and stumble upon nice and mean dwarfs Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2021-06-27 26 January 2022 5073544 Gnoll Quest #7 Hyenus and Datz get bodied by dwarf bureaucrats. They have 2 days to clear the catacombs and recover the Lunar Armor, or they'll be execute Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2022-01-10 21 February 2022 5128028 Gnoll Quest #8 Hyenus and Daitza roam the fortress. They meet a duo of helpful priests, he learns to cast spells, confronts a dwarf for beating a servant Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2022-02-21 22 May 2022 5234295 Gnoll Quest #9 After fighting a posssessed dwarf, Hyenus and Daitza make a deal with the smith for equipment and enter the abandoned mines to find Luna Gnoll Quest , Collective Game , drawquest 2022-05-29 20 June 2022 84943450 /tg/ throws shit at the wall #8 yet another worldbuilding thread wbg , wytchelves , hobbit edition , gnolls 2022-06-17 -22 January 2025 6165574 Slave Gnoll Quest Oneshot about a gnoll that worships demons. Slave Gnoll Quest , oneshot , fantasy , gnoll , demons , narrative 2025-01-23 0