Thread Title Description Tags Added Score January 2008 1044995 How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEG With sheer Badassery Time travel BBEG Badass 2008-01-21 11 March 2008 1374705 Great quotes you delivered while playing the villain. Anonymous shows that villains can have some great lines BBEG , quotes 2008-03-21 -3 April 2008 1576661 Fleshwarper Illithid An Illithid grafts itself into a horrible abomination that should not be. Nightmare Fuel , Awesome , BBEG 2008-04-22 5 July 2008 2135370 Insane Villain Quirks Useful traits for your next crazy BBEG BBEG , Villain , Character , Evil 2008-07-03 6 October 2008 2764879 The Ends Justify The Means A serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins. BBEG , morals , discussion , getting shit done 2008-10-09 6 March 2009 3913698 BBEG motivations How to make BBEG's with bitchin' motivations. Occasional sprinklings of winsauce BBEG , motivation 2009-03-08 2 April 2009 4393415 Cooking Mama, the BBEG Edition OP asks for people to use Cooking Mama as BBEG. Starts with crazed housewife stumping for PETA, ends with Chilean Communist bomber living out her life in the suburbs until her secret is revealed Cooking , Mama , BBEG , Stats , Epic 2009-04-26 15 July 2009 5098267 The D&D crying game Asking the people of /tg/ what their character would do if his lady love turned out to be a badguy in disguise.
Surprisingly civil discussion follows. D&D BBEG TG 2009-07-05 7 September 2009 5845357 Painting Shenanigans Drybrushing troll turned into painting techniques thread. miniatures , paint , techniques , tips , beginner 2009-09-13 0 5974314 Big Bad Evil Gals /tg/ discusses the idea of female BBEGs, if any of them are any good, and the stereotypes generally seen therein. A rather decent discourse, albeit with trolling here and there. Female , BBEG , stereotype , discussion 2009-09-23 -2 October 2009 6127804 How to be a BBEG without trying to hard Little situations in everyday life that we always find ourselves plucked into. Yes, the BBEG was behind them all. Also, Toblerone Toblerone , BBEG , Campaign , Nuts , Chocolate 2009-10-04 13 6316834 Fugitive Quest Collective game about BBEG regaining power and killing secret agent. Collective Game , BBEG , secret agent 2009-10-18 0 December 2009 7176389 Fluff a monster Anon posts a monster pic and anon creates back-story for the monster. It contains some truly sickening stuff! Monsters , BBEGs , World Building 2009-12-17 5 January 2010 7680236 Creepy BBEG OP asks for /tg/ to think up an original and deeply unsettling villain. What follows could be considered nightmare fuel. bbeg , nightmare fuel 2010-01-20 6 May 2010 10088662 Opera House Encounter OP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory. BBEG , mindfuck , opera house 2010-05-27 1 June 2010 10217394 Brother Rot Magos Joran Bol'van hosts a Create A BBEG thread. /tg/ gets shit done, creates win. BBEG , /tg/ gets shit done 2010-06-02 6 November 2010 12801416 One Spell Left /tg/ uses a random spell generator to see how fucked they are. BBEG , Final Battle , Magic , Generator 2010-11-15 15 February 2011 13951952 Disney Villains as Campaign Villains OP shows off the basic plot motivators for Disney villains, offering them up as awesome BBEG proposals. Disney , BBEG 2011-02-19 5 March 2011 14115968 The Antagonist Avoiding common tropes when dealing with the BBEG in a campaign. BBEG 2011-03-04 6 April 2011 14612827 Marche of FFTA "The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists." Lawful Evil , Lawful Good , BBEG , troll , trolling , final fantasy tactics , final fantasy tactics advance , fft , ffta , fantasy , paladin , discussion 2011-04-16 8 May 2011 14977000 Making the Perfect Villain (tm) How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being. evil , villain , mundane , space , furry , furries , human , humans , reasonable , trolling , troll , maximum , decency , PCs , psychopaths , BBEG , original content , original , advice 2011-05-19 29 15092314 The Greatest Party Ever A tale of dungeons and dragons, eternally retold. THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO! Awesome , Game Session , Thousands of years ago , Dungeons and Dragons , GM , Epic , BBEG 2011-05-29 2 June 2011 15301931 Geist the furry hating the BBEG Can you make an awesome BBEG out of shitty character? Yes you can. furry hate , that guy , BBEG , advice , big bad 2011-06-18 24 15323216 Dancer in White Michael Jackson as the ultimate BBEG. Bards become the best "just as planned" villains ever. Michael Jackson , bard , Lich , BBEG , villain. 2011-06-20 33 July 2011 15503489 Lord Deathrape and the Cazaclawrasque Because some PCs just deserve to die. Tarrasque , Horror , Holy shit , BBEG , Cazador , Deathclaw , Cazaclaw , God hates you , FUCK 2011-07-07 14 August 2012 20407758 Totemist Quest XV: Before the Beginning Ayren Overwake, Master Totemist, slays a behemoth. Totem Quest , Monsters , Behemoth , Collective Game , Quest , Totem , Diarca , Before the Beginning 2012-08-21 25 September 2012 20663459 That Guy Thread - Three stats at 23 edition Mildly entertaining "That Guy" thread turns into an epic story of conflict between a proper roleplayer and a minmaxing child That Guy , Story , It begins 2012-09-10 22 January 2013 22696654 Slime quest Test#7 Jade slime is born. sentient and smart jade slime discovers itself and the world around itself as its creator watches and records science. Jade slime quest , beginnings , search for the red hills, 2013-01-20 14 February 2013 23098241 Alexander Crackedmind: A Real Life BBEG A thread start out fairly innocent, but brings forth an individual who has shattered his own mind using tulpa in the pursuit of fame and recognition. Seems to be a real like BBEG. BBEG , Alexander , Crackedmind , real , life , tulpa , weird 2013-02-11 15 April 2013 24215245 Beginner Guide to Dungeon Mastering Advice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also. dnd , dnd 3.5 , dm , dungeon master , dungeon mastering , advice , help , newbie , beginner , dowjin 2013-04-13 14 September 2013 26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10 Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones. Collective Game , Mage , new beggings , succubi , slime girl 2013-09-03 4 October 2013 27779822 Unboxing Eoris Beggins with a simple unboxing and then it spi- OH SHIT. Someone actually bought Eoris. eoris , unboxing , begginings , complicated character sheets , why 2013-10-17 11 27948809 How to into villains A thread starts off with GMs sharing tricks they like; it eventually switches into a discussion om how to make good BBEGs. villain , BBEG , Lich , necromancer , paladin , GM , DM 2013-10-26 4 27968904 The final spell Once again, /tg/ is left with a single random spell with which to defeat the BBEG. Spell , Magic , Wizard , BBEG , Final Boss , Random Generator , Seventh Sanctum , 2013-10-27 2 November 2013 28309051 Marche/Kamina-like Villian OP brings us the idea of a man of justice dedicated to toppling the very gods to free the world from their influence. He is to be the main antagonist to the Player Characters, who are paladins and clerics fighting for what they believe is right. Much discussion is had, and storytime is promised. advice , paladin , awesome , BBEG , villain 2013-11-16 5 December 2013 28617703 Times your group has had to end for the night Times a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding. DM , GM , DMing , GMing , worldbuilding , story , stories , storytime , PC , GMPC , DMPC , bard , paladin , seduction , cancer , Elder evil , EE , BBEG 2013-12-02 5 28996026 Mr and Missus BBEG Anon asks for /tg/'s opinion on designing a BBEG who's also happily married. bbeg , marriage , helicopter parents 2013-12-23 13 January 2014 29268593 /tg/ makes some BBEGs /tg/ posts pics, creates villains based on them BBEG,Axeman,villains 2014-01-04 5 July 2014 33664351 Your Next BBEG People give each others' pictures BBEG introductions. Tremble before the greatest harbingers of evil. BBEG 2014-07-26 7 May 2015 39830645 TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1 We create our nameless pc, and gain our powers Collective game , TransHuman Hero Quest , Nanomachines , Beginning 2015-05-09 5 39992979 The Beginning (??? Quest) Grizzled, Drunk Old Man has a rather down Wednesday. Enter "The Red Lady" The Beginning , The Red Lady , Tarot , Steven Blum , Collective Game 2015-05-17 6 July 2015 41134158 VR-BBEG Quest 1 John Smith, retired old man, gets a job offer. collective game , vr-bbeg quest 2015-07-10 15 41177225 VR-BBEG Quest 2 John Smith, undercover Dark Lord, helps a priest to kill things. collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-12 13 41220802 VR-BBEG Quest 3 In which John Smith is disappoint, and forges a secret dragon-hunting club (girls allowed). collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-14 10 41281327 VR-BBEG Quest 4 John Smith breaks a door and semi-recruits a dragon-expert, before QM has to leave. collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-18 9 41324264 VR-BBEG Quest 5 John Smith attends a meeting, eats food, and annoys a girly-boy. collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-20 10 41370707 VR-BBEG Quest 6 John Smith trains his apprentice and samefags his way to beating up a fop. collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-22 7 41298468 DMPCs do and don'ts /tg/ discusses and regales instances in which DMs used a DMPC or a NPC, in a beneficial and/or engaging way, or as an excuse to play their special snowflake character. BBEG , DMPC , mary sue , NPC , roleplay , storytime , THAT DM 2015-07-25 -2 41454965 VR-BBEG Quest 7 John Smith, reluctant judge, meets a peculiar dorf and develops a love of sharks. collective game , VR-BBEG Quest 2015-07-26 6 September 2015 42643129 Star Wars Humble Beginnings Quest 1 Dossoxss, or Dox for short, begins his story at the Sabaac Table. Collective Game , Humble Beginnings Quest 2015-09-21 3 February 2016 45420538 Be the BEG Our dark lord attacks the nearby city Collective Game , BEG , Incubi , Monk 2016-02-15 13 45397087 Be the BEG: Prologue We begin our quest to be the best at things so bad, you'll wonder why you're ever sad Collective Game , BEG , Family , Paladin 2016-02-15 11 45534742 Be the BEG Chapter 3 With our new lieutenant, we take the port town but lose something dear to us Collective Game , BEG , Necromancer , Ex-Wife 2016-02-21 6 45557881 Be the BEG Chapter 4 BEG ain't paying no child support Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG Quest , divorce , wife 2016-02-23 13 45676951 Be the BEG Chapter 5 We take the iron mine, and anticipate new arrivals Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Bard 2016-02-29 8 March 2016 45816833 Be the BEG Chapter 6 We go to war with the Democracy of Theon Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , War 2016-03-06 15 45840784 Be the BEG Chapter 7 We take the Capitol of Theon, and meet some strange foes Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Idols 2016-03-07 8 45961859 Be the BEG Chapter 8 Beach Episode! Also sexy time all the time Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Beach 2016-03-13 8 45985855 Be the BEG Chapter 9 We go back in time, and then forward with life Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Betrayal 2016-03-14 9 46096223 Be the BEG Chapter 10 We find out the reason for Marigold's turn Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Goo 2016-03-19 10 46115256 Be the BEG Chapter 11 We see what's going on in Kyle's neck of the woods Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , RIP 2016-03-20 9 46138632 Be the BEG Chapter 12 There's a fire, a sad girl, a naked mage, and a bunch of bodies Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Fire 2016-03-21 7 46246729 Be the BEG Chapter 13 A slow day, full of sweet dreams and daughter love Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Exhaustion 2016-03-26 8 46266469 Be the BEG Chapter 14 We test out new toys, and attend a black tie event Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Duel 2016-03-27 8 46290033 Be the BEG Chapter 15 We settle a dispute, and do a lot of things that involve penetration Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Sex 2016-03-28 10 April 2016 46395036 Be the BEG: Vanessa Gaiden We find out about Vanessa's condition Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , April Fools 2016-04-01 5 46415017 Be the BEG Chapter 16 We enter the world arena, nonviolently Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , War Profiteering 2016-04-03 7 46435929 Be the BEG Chapter 17 We continue to encourage conflict, and prepare for total war Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Return of Kyle 2016-04-04 4 46564172 Be the BEG Chapter 18 We wage war, and find out a few things Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Children 2016-04-10 5 46589164 Be the BEG Chapter 19 We find out what happened to Sophia, and deal with an insubordinate underling Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Marriage 2016-04-11 3 46709769 Be the BEG Chapter 20 We find out about a secret plan, among other news Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Relics 2016-04-17 5 46838831 Be the BEG Chapter 21 We tie up some ends, and meet new friends Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Lolita? 2016-04-23 6 46857981 Be the BEG Chapter 22 What mysteries do the relics hold? Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Evil Shit 2016-04-23 7 May 2016 47134614 Be the BEG Chapter 23 A family reunited Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Succubi Pile 2016-05-08 4 47180551 >The BBEG has very strong romantic feelings for one of the PCs Is it possible to do this in a way that's both plausible and enjoyable for the entire group? BBEG , Romance , PC 2016-05-11 2 June 2016 220818 Rex Regum, chapter 1 You retake your capital of old, and begin an adventure anew Rex Regum , Emperor , Beginnings 2016-06-04 2 November 2016 50330040 Odd Villain Motivations In this thread, posters brainstorm some motivations for villains that are odd, unconventional and just plain petty. Brainstorming , petty villainy , BBEG , motivations , funny , insurance fraud 2016-11-23 31 December 2016 944863 Be The BBEG Quest /qst/ becomes a dragon. BBEG Quest , Collective Game , Quest 2016-12-17 3 March 2017 52078572 Comfy Cliche Thread Anons share the ideas in settings and campaigns that, in spite of their overuse, are still loved. Meta , fluff , BBEG , character , setting 2017-03-09 8 July 2017 53944400 An Ancient Evil Awakens! Activities for recently unsealed ancient evils besides world conquest and potential tactics for the conquest of the modern world. sauron , ancient evil , BBEG , worldbuilding , conquest , cyberpunk, 2017-07-02 5 March 2021 77961635 Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress? /tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles. ethical question , morality , alignment discussion , BBEG , Evil Overlord , Waifu, 2021-03-15 2 January 2022 5077149 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3 Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , QM gets the coof and nearly dies , Coffee Addiction , the wild ride begins 2022-01-16 10 February 2022 5088234 Slavegirl Quest Kimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery. Slavegirl Quest , Kimsey , Slavegirl , Halfling Beguiler , Benjamin Walsh , King of Liberation , Firearms , DnD , Catgirl Amazonian , Great Quest 2022-02-06 -7 January 2024 5861389 Dark Lord Quest An insane dark lord on a quest to destroy the world leads an army of golems and bandits to conquer parts of the kingdom of Noen. Dark Lord Quest , Fantasy , Strategy , BBEG 2024-01-24 3 March 2024 5901404 Dark Lord Quest 2 Abrupt end and epilogue. Dark Lord Quest , Fantasy , Strategy , BBEG 2024-03-02 0 December 2024 6120387 PCQN- The Revolutionary Man #1 Crepusculo Palmiro Bonaventura becomes the leader of the Eastern wing of the Vitelian Revolutionary Leagues. There is much to do to bring forth dawn. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , Pizza Pasta , terrible romance , Begin the Revolution 2024-12-05 6