/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2009
6572876KRIEGERS!You get Kriegers.Warhammer 40K, Death Korps of Krieg2009-11-05 42 
6589006MORE KRIEGERSMore Krieger shenanigans.Warhammer 40K, Death Korps of Krieg2009-11-07 10 
April 2010
9145419Krieger WritefaggotryWhat happens when you order cigars but get sent silent gas-masked soldiers by mistake. Two things about Kriegs: they never STOP fortifying a position and if they don't have targets they make targets. DKOK, Krieg, writefaggotry, funny2010-04-12 29 
9165597Krieger Writefaggotry 2Krieger writefaggotry continued. Krieger Female Model 68b #6345 and her Tsundere demeanor make /tg/ Bawwwwww. There is serious potential in these relationship threads. Some talk about a road trip movie/story about winning back a Krieger's (not Krieger Female Model 68b #6345) heart. This concept too shows promise. DKOK, Krieg, writefaggotry, funny2010-04-13 39 
9187384Krieger Writefaggotry 3More delicious Krieger writefaggotry.DKOK, Krieg, writefaggotry, funny2010-04-15 26 
9284122Krieg Writefaggotry the fourthThe Kriegottry returns, with more vignettes about 68c and her companion from the commissariat. Krieg, Writefaggotry, DKOK, humor, commissar, maid2010-04-19 20 
June 2010
10380608The Cutest KriegerA man finds a Krieger in his trunk. Extreme DAAAW and Cute commences.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-09 20 
10421153The Cutest Krieger 3The D'aww continues as Emmie learns to ice skate.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-11 9 
10443625The Cutest Krieger part 4Emmi discovers an Imperial Guard Surplus Store and fixes the yard.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-12 5 
10464152The Cutest Krieger part 5It is decided that you will accompany Emmie and her quest to find out why she was left behind.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-13 1 
10484075The Cutest Krieger part 6Night at the Fair. First kiss.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-14 6 
10504243The Cutest Krieger part 7Meet the crew of the Blazing Profits.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-15 3 
10527637The Cutest Krieger part 8Card night on the Blazing Profits. You learn the stories of most of the crew.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-16 2 
10550778The Cutest Krieger part 9The big reveal!Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-17 3 
10573097The Cutest Krieger part 10You meet the captain. Some confusion is resolved... kinda.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-18 3 
10683779The Cutest Krieger part 11Tonight you meet the Inquisitor in charge and make a deal.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-23 3 
10707368The Cutest Krieger part 12Emmie makes you exercise. You also surprise Ralph.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-24 3 
10729857The Cutest Krieger part 13Drinking, and the consequences there of.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-25 1 
10771482The Cutest Krieger part 14Short shopping sequence.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-27 1 
10837208The Starving KriegerSirs, the following details on the history, and subsiquent sightings of the entity known as The Starving Kreiger. May you find it most informative. Krieg, Writefaggotry, Ultramarines, Space Wolves2010-06-30 10 
August 2010
11751007Return of Krieg WritefaggotryVarious Krieg writefags work together to bring happiness to all. The piano playing krieger, repairing the vitae womb and more of the commissar and his maidKrieg, commissar, maid, writefags2010-08-21 17 
11771409Return of Krieg Writefaggotry part deuceEchoGarotte continues the epic workswritefags, krieg, terranis2010-08-22 11 
11829901Return of Krieg Writefaggotry part fourNow with drawfriends!writefags, krieg, terranis2010-08-27 11 
September 2010
11918758Krieg Writefaggotry, part 5 The Krieg saga of the followers of Terranis continued.writefags, krieg, terranis2010-09-05 6 
November 2010
12922182Return of Krieg Writefaggotry part 6Reincarnation of the 6th part of the followers of Terranis.writefags, Writefaggotry, krieg, terranis, Inquisitor, 40k2010-11-25 6 
October 2011
16485554Krieger CommanderStarted as a Imperial Command Quest, quickly turned into a Death Korps quest, even refered to as KriegerQuest. The OP decided to rename it by the very end. Krieger Commander Quest Collective Game2011-10-02 6 
November 2012
21660129Boone Quest 18In which our heroes finally achieve Krieger Hug.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, krieger2012-11-20 30 
April 2014
31647646From Krieg with loveOh, boy! Who can understand woman? Certainly not a Krieger.krieg, love and krieg, wh40k2014-04-23 9 
August 2014
33972395Gundam Wing Quest 07: Battle Station LibraThe Meteor Wars continue to Escalate in Earth and Space while KRIEG prepares themselves for the battles to comeGundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, KRIEG, Gundam, Crossover, Mecha, Sci-FI, 2014-08-08 6 
34356360Gundam Wing Quest 08: Trans Dimensional Battle Station LibraHeero and Krieg Take the leap into another world and with it, bring the horsemen of the Apocalypse. Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam Wing, Gundam, Mecha, KRIEG, Alternate Universe, Crossover2014-08-24 3 
September 2014
35207726Gundam Wing Quest 08.5Trans Dimensional Battle Station LibraHeero and KRIEG Venture to the Future Century, Hearts are broken and the march of Krieg continues.Gundam_Wing_Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective_Game, Gundam, Krieg, Alternate Universe, Mecha2014-09-30 6 
March 2015
38548415Gundam Wing Quest 09: The Multiverse NexusHeero and Krieg now stand upon the precipice of various worlds, Upgrades and plans are made and soon the drums of war beat again.Gundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Mecha, Gundam, Alternate Universe, KRIEG2015-03-08 2 
May 2016
47067831Vat-cloning and robots worldbuildingOP complains about robots with artificial wombs being magical realm. /tg/ proves otherwise with stories and worldbuilding.vatclone, artificial womb, robots, engine heart, heartwarming, worldbuilding, kriegers,2016-05-04 11 
November 2016
794487KriegBryce Edgar a local shepherd is interrupted by an elephant, they go on a journey to a HUGE tower cuz that's the elephant's home!Krieg, Messer, Medieval2016-11-09 3 
December 2016
506112454Chan in the time of 40kIn the The Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium, there are still Neckbeards, Autists, Weeaboos, Virgins, and shitposters 4Chan, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40kchan, guelaboo, kriegers, Eldar, Orkz, Roleplay, 4chan is the Eye of Terror2016-12-15 9 
50620632Love and Krieg 2.0, a prequel. The story of guardsmen and a krieger. Brand new content, good writefaggotry.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k,2016-12-20 36 
50794296Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 2The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2016-12-22 21 
50881479Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 3The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Kriegerwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2016-12-26 20 
January 2017
50973859Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 4The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Kriegerwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2017-01-02 15 
51070350Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 5The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegerswritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen2017-01-08 12 
51228215Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 6The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen2017-01-17 10 
51323170Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 7The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks?writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu2017-01-21 10 
51423554Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 8The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks?writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu2017-01-28 8 
February 2017
51499073Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 9The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. And Ogryns and Orks and Witches, oh my!writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-02-01 8 
51604789Love and krieg 2.0 Ork edition no.10Thr continuation of all the writefaggottry.krieg, love and krieg 2.0, writefaggotty, storytime, writefag,2017-02-11 6 
51703670Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 11Commissar Editionwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-02-27 6 
March 2017
51918644Love and Krieg 12: Thudd EditionA new person joins and Mimikyu finally finishes his story.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-03-05 6 
June 2019
66922929the battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 1Ultramarines attempt to steal credit, per usual, and are promptly run over by a Krieger in a tank. It snowballs from there.Warhammer, 40k, Writefaggotry, Krieg2019-06-28 7 
July 2019
67207516The Beach EpisodeBunch of IG get sent to a pleasure world. Beach themed shenanigans including tiki statues and sand castles. Also Kriegers fight Stalin40k, writefaggotry, IG, Krieg, Slaanesh2019-07-13 7 
67239785The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 2Giant mud drenched, raining stalemate between Chaos and Imperium Forces. Then a 50 meter lance shows up. Things escalate dramatically.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Krieg, Chaos, Necrons, Orks, Space Marines, Imperial Navy, Admech2019-07-17 6 
August 2019
67952063The Battle For Arazonia SecundusThe Americus 10th Mechanized scour the desert of foul xenos. Featuring; Ork Cowboys, Eldar Tavern Wenches, Tempestus Scions, Stoner Tank 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Orks,Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Sisters of Battle, Daemonette, Krieg2019-08-29 3 
July 2020
73774964Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2)Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board.40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Admech, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG, Krieg2020-07-16 2 
December 2023
5851424UnteralterbootYou're Herr Kaleun, captain of the ceremonial u-boat with a crew consisting of little girls for the purpose of kriegsmarine propaganda. ESL_QM, ESL, WW2, Kriegsmarine, Cute and Funny, Submarine, Naval Warfare, Romance, Captain2023-12-23 6 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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