Thread Title Description Tags Added Score August 2009 5451127 A (not so) brief history of Target Games and Swedish RPGs As the title says, Lazy DM V takes it on himself to give /tg/ a good long history lesson. Obscure , Target Games,Drakar och demoner,Mutant Chronicles 2009-08-14 7 5534211 Talking with FRIEND COMPUTER FRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN? Paranoia , Your Not Cleared For This , FRIEND COMPUTER , Alpha Complex , Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 October 2009 6414098 Superhero comics through the ages The OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did. comic books , superheroes , Mutants & Masterminds , writefaggotry 2009-10-25 3 November 2009 6569983 Awesome RP moments goes col. work A thread originally about awesome moments or things in a PnP RPG session turns into a thread that (possibly) sparks a collaborative effort into being that will translate one of the most popular Swedish PnP RPG's into english. Thread mostly saved for future reference, but contains many quality posts in its own right. awesome moments , awesome , guitars that shoot lightning , giant church robots , Mutant , collaborative work, 2009-11-05 2 December 2009 7117784 Dr Horrible meets Marvel Comics The PC's are a group of small-time supervillains in some major American city, who hear about a mini-country for sale for less than a million dollars. Mutants and masterminds , Captain Hammer , Captain Retcon 2009-12-14 3 January 2010 7690487 Mutants and Masterminds: Rifts OP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system.
Most of /tg/ agree's.
And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay. Mutants , Masterminds , Rifts , Setting , Smash Bros , Straight Elves 2010-01-21 0 March 2010 8703651 X-Men New Mutants Details of an X-men New Mutants campaign, awesome background props. Mutants , X-Men , Superheroes 2010-03-21 3 December 2010 13103700 Not the most most powerful... /tg/ works to create a variety of trivial mutant powers, such as unassisted breathing and turning Coca-cola into Pepsi. mutant , superpowers , weakest , Pepsi 2010-12-11 2 April 2011 14444306 After the Bomb: The Spiny Anteater That Could? One anon asks a couple questions about After the Bomb/TMNT, later another anon get pissed at the lack of play due to perverts and declares it a character creation thread. A young escaped slave mutant emerges as a Spiny Anteater with a penchant for recon work and a hate-on for the Empire of Humanity. After the Bomb , AtB , AtB2 , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , Spiny Anteater , Echidna , mutant animal 2011-04-03 1 14484402 Mutant Quest "The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you."
We play as 15 year old Finnish girl, Aino, who just enrolled into the Academy. Shit hits the fan pretty soon after. Mutant Quest , Quest , Collective Game , X-Men 2011-04-05 35 14510905 Mutant Quest issue 2 The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-04-08 23 14521867 Mutant Quest: Issue Three The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue, our heroine pushes her powers, goes to the cinema, and stops a robbery. Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-04-08 23 14558598 Mutant Quest: Issue Four The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation, etc, etc. This issue, there are two of our heroine, friendships are strained, and there is more of the Danger Room. Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-04-12 24 14603508 Mutant Quest: Issue Five The year is 1995, and we are on the hunt for a penguin. This issue, there is a cool jet. There is ice. And there is a giant robot. Oh, and penguins. Mutant Quest , X-Men , Penguins 2011-04-16 22 14635148 Mutant Quest: Issue Six The year is 1995. We are a mutant. This issue starts with a class race straight out of Ender's game, swerves into socialization, and ends with us in an anachronistic vehicle. Read inside for details!
Mutant Quest , X-Men , No Penguins 2011-04-19 20 14645998 Mutant Quest issue 7 The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue sees our heroine in NYC where the girls meet some famous faces, debate the merits of vigilantism, and finally get a penguin! X-Men , Mutant Quest 2011-04-20 21 May 2011 14788292 Mutant Quest issue 8 Mutant Quest returns after a publishing delay! When an anti-mutant protest in New York turns nasty, the kids are left in the care of Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man!
Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-03 18 14811662 Mutant Quest issue 9 The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. With the X-Men beaten down and possibly out for the count, Aino and company steal a plane, stage a rescue in a burning building, and prepare to confront Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-05 17 14823309 Mutant Quest: 10th issue extravaganza! Aino (in the guise of Tachyon) and the other kids tackle the Brotherhood, narrowly avoiding certain death! Gratuitous use of ZA WARUDO and suspense awaits in: Mutant Quest: 10th issue extravaganza! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-06 16 14845605 Mutant Quest issue #0 The Marvel mutant cash cow continues with this limited-edition Issue #0! Featuring all-new artwork! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-07 17 14879755 Mutant Quest issue #11 The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. This issue is a surprising deviation from the normal, as Aino and Co. spend a perfectly normal day doing perfectly normal things! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-11 15 14890705 Mutant Quest issue #12 The year is 1995, but not for long, as Aino finds herself confronted by a future yet unwitnessed, flung into a past she's never seen, and starring in a simultaneous second story of love and death in the nightmarish Days of Mutant Past! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-11 15 14941075 Best Mutants & Masterminds Game Ever The Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys... M&M , Mutants & Masterminds , storytime , The Sovereign , Ragin' Ronnie Reagan , Fishmonger 2011-05-16 28 14969814 Mutant Quest: Issue Thirteen Listen: Aino has come unstuck in time. And the year is no longer 1995... Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-05-19 16 14980736 Mutant Quest: Issue Fourteen The year was 1995, but no longer! Having regained her time-slowing powers, teenage mutant Aino Virta finds herself in the future year 2099, in a world where Four Freedoms Plaza is owned not by the Fantastic Four but by a megacorporation called Stark-Fujikawa! Wanted by agents of a rival megacorp, the for-profit police force known as the Public Eye, fifteen-year old Tachyon finds herself an uneasy employee of Stark-Fujikawa, promised shelter and security in return for the use of her mutant power!
Things...don't go as planned. Mutant Quest , X-Men , Uh oh 2011-05-20 16 15007851 the trollman cometh! An idea for a Mutants and Masterminds villain turns interesting due to said villain using troll physics as his power. Problem, superheroes? mutants & masterminds , danananana trollman , u mad? 2011-05-23 13 15071892 Mutant Quest: Issue Fifteen The year was 2099. Now, it isn't. Teenage time-traveller, warper, and all around manipulator Aino Virta faces impossible odds and decisions in this issue of Mutant Quest, and finally learns the truth behind her adventures. Mutant Quest , X-Men , time travel 2011-05-28 21 June 2011 15186356 Mutant Quest: Issue Sixteen The year is 1995, and Aino is going home. It won't be easy, but she isn't giving up! Mutant Quest , X-Men 2011-06-07 15 15198203 Mutant Quest: Issue Seventeen In the aftermath of her greatest and most costly adventure yet, Aino takes some time to relax with her friends. But it seems trouble followed her... Mutant Quest , X-Men , time travel 2011-06-09 16 15209620 Mutant Quest issue #18 The year is 1995, and Aino and her friends battle a Silver Age monster... sort of. They also meet the Avengers, race go-karts and set a new hands-free record at Mortal Kombat! Mutant Quest , X-Men , Avengers , Quinjet 2011-06-09 18 15276939 Mutant Quest issue #19 The year is 1995, and Aino heads to work with the Fantastic Four! But things aren't all smiles in the big city, as Sam's family drama threatens to tear our team apart! Plus, Blastaar makes an appearance for like two panels. Mutant Quest , X-Men , Fantastic Four 2011-06-16 16 15298146 Mutant Quest issue #20 Mutant Quest's double-sized 20th Issue Spectacular! Aino and her friends meet the kids from the Massachusetts Academy, and things threaten to explode at every turn! Mutant Quest , X-Men , Avengers , Hellions 2011-06-18 20 March 2012 18443550 Planetary Governor Quest: Part four In which we finally deal with the Genestealer problem, rebuild infrastructure, settle the Iron Dragons into their new home, and get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Departmento Munitorum Tax Collector. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , Space Marines , Ultramarines , Salamanders , Tyranids , Orks , ork , RT , Rogue Trader , collective game , Rhino , Squats , furry , mutant , Ogryns , Imperium , Warhammer , 40K 2012-03-25 20 June 2012 19671858 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2 With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , cordova is awesome 2012-06-30 2 August 2012 20478611 Pax Americana Quest 1 What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world? Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super_Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant 2012-08-26 15 20485061 Pax Americana Quest 2 The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially. Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant , Squirrel Force Recon , Intellapuma 2012-08-27 18 May 2013 24933926 The Adventures of Nyte Force OP shares the story of his train wreck of a session. Magical things happen. Story Time , Mutants & Masterminds , Impact 2013-05-20 12 August 2013 26468972 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3 Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , Savage Worlds 2013-08-06 0 26500691 Hive mutant OP somehow managed to roll the most mutated Acolyte we've ever seen. dark_heresy mutant tentacles inquisition monster_girl 2013-08-08 18 26547796 Hive Mutant Writefaggotry A writefag delivers on his promise from writefaggotry , mutant , tentacles , inquisition , Varia 2013-08-11 13 September 2013 26941592 Homeless Mutant Quest We look around for a job, find we have stealth related abilities and try to get around the anti-mutie sentiment Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2013-09-01 45 26958491 Homeless Mutant Quest #2 Our First day at work, dropping spaghetti, and being invisible on a subway train. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-02 41 27042776 Homeless Mutant Quest #3 We find Laura a job, we most certainly need an adult, and we acquire fly new threads. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-06 41 27048688 Post Apocalypse Civ Quest 2 The Think tank loses some people to the toxic environment, sends a goodwill mission to the tribes, gets shot at by a robotic tank, and agrees to meet up with some Post Apocalyptic Lawmen Collective Game , CONTROL !R5CmcJTjQI , Post Apocalypse , Civilization , Mutants , Zombies , Robots 2013-09-06 0 27062950 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 1 In which we get decimated and decimate others Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind 2013-09-07 6 27105423 Homeless Mutant Quest #4 We trawl the hobo information network, we find ourselves a nice burrow, and We Need to Talk About Kevin. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-09 38 27108806 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part (2 or 3) Giant Spider Tanks. New awesome heroes.
Lots and lots and lots of debate.
Memor somewhat elaborated. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Spider tank 2013-09-09 5 27148972 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Cyborg , broodmother 2013-09-11 5 27184550 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 5 We are at war with the a new breed of Bandit. Try to hold them off. Develop super-virus, too dangerous to use right now. Manage to bring things to a precarious standstill. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , War , Virus 2013-09-13 5 27200188 Terraformer Quest AKASHA and EDEN awaken, and begin their quests to cause Mechanical or Biological Domination. Collective Game , Terraformer Quest , Robots , Mutants 2013-09-14 4 27204608 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 Start playing around with super science. Broodmother gets even better. Turn the bandits into tasty glowy radioactive goop. Ghouls fill the swamp.
Also getting screwed over by the same nat1 roll like last chapter. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , War , Radiation 2013-09-14 5 27214895 Homeless Mutant Quest #5 We get paid, we get endangered, and we save a druggie electrokinetic from mobsters. Also we bust through a window. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-15 36 27221371 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 7 Our new breed of hunter/scouter mutant comes to fruition. Make many discoveries, but don't have the force to act yet. New areas discovered, attempt to make sense of it all. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Tectus , Map 2013-09-15 5 27280677 Homeless Mutant Quest #6 We don't fry, we temporarily channel Jesus through our supersenses, we poke a bitch in the eyes, and we finish up with some feels. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-18 36 27284893 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 8 Another "bandit" war. The mistakes of the past haunt us again. Lessons relearned. Heroes die, leave, and loyalties come into question. Something is rotten in the state of Memor. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandit , War , Political Intrigue, 2013-09-18 5 27317114 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 9 Things continue to unravel. More heroes vanish, others thankfully return. Our insignificance becomes more significant. Minor things like spiders and alternate conversion techniques discovered. Conspiracies, revelations, we go down the rabbit hole. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Spiders , Political Intrigue , Impending Doom 2013-09-20 5 27324778 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 10 Another of our mighty heroes passes into legend, while another returns from it! We try to get back on our feet after that terrible attack. Richard and Broodmother experiment on something secret. Make good use of spiders, and discover psionic crystals with new possibilities. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Psionic , Crystals 2013-09-21 5 27337711 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 11 We witness the final stand of another nation against our great foe, as our own heroes get involved and perish. A sentient crystal arises. Yet another monster is on it's way as we try to reason with it. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Crystal , Battle 2013-09-21 5 27347899 Homeless Mutant Quest #7 We find out that Parker's had some family crisis, get to know our companions, and finalize our plans for Creeper. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-22 33 27350417 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 12 Explosive sides edition. We fix the hivemind problem. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , WhatisthisIdon'teven 2013-09-22 5 27368841 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 13 Continue to heal from what happened last time. Richard goes missing again, for good reason. Alexis comes back with even more opportunities and info. Caravans return and offer a bargain. Unfortunate thread timing. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Exploration , Trade 2013-09-23 6 27399279 Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, Marvel, Hobo, Stealth We play super-tag with Laura, we cook like a hobo boss, and we finally get round to meeting Creeper again. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-25 35 27392541 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 14 We endure the slings and arrows of outrageous dice gods.
Encounter more monsters than you can shake a fist at. Manage to push the war somewhere else. As tradition dictates, a hero dies. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Monsters , Misfortune 2013-09-25 5 27408005 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15 OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Broodmother , War 2013-09-27 5 27443603 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 16 And on this day, the gods of dice smiled on us. New base. New allies. New technologies. New heroes. New victories. But a battle looms over the horizon. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , expansion , discovery , lucky 2013-09-27 5 27450268 Homeless Mutant Quest #9 We lose our nerve and then find it again, agree to steal for Creeper, and overload our powers. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-09-28 32 27455234 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 17 Another day in the war, another day of gains and victories. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind 2013-09-28 5 October 2013 27502657 Homeless Mutant Quest #10 We encounter fever feels, we get up late and rush to work, and we become a robot. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-01 35 27521902 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 18 Another close encounter with She Who Hungers. Test out a parasite, to undesired effect. We make a mark on the Ghouls, who make their mark on the land. Mutually assured destruction. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , zombies , psionic , parasite , MAD 2013-10-02 5 27553611 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 19 Mostly prepping for war. A rather successful day. New good ideas tossed around, manage to avoid too much disaster, get some goods, and create something new and profitable. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , preparation , ideas , alchohol 2013-10-04 5 27567682 Homeless Mutant Quest #11 We break and enter, we taze dudes, and we spend most of our karma. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-05 33 27569625 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 20 We continue to hold out until the great Ghoulish charge, but find ourselves intertwined in a bandit war. Our hunter hunts down an enemy hero, but now we have two battles to deal with. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , bandit war , hunt 2013-10-05 5 27604668 Homeless Mutant Quest #12 We ignore Negative's insane occult collection, we make a quick getaway, and we stumble headfirst into Spider-Man. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-07 31 27678259 Homeless Mutant Quest #13 We make a daringly diplomatic escape, we ride a magic van, and we talk about family. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-11 33 27681259 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 21 We drive off the bandits, and together we and the Ghouls headway into the zombie infestation. New scientific discoveries are found.
A most unfortunate case of 4chan connection error abruptly pauses the thread. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , bandit , zombie 2013-10-11 5 27695983 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 22 (The End) This is the way the world ends.
Out with a Bang, not a whimper. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , Fin 2013-10-13 6 27723865 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 1 Thus begins the story of Aduro Industries. Trying to scratch and claw at resources in hell itself. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-14 5 27742533 Homeless Mutant Quest #14 We hand the tablet over to Creeper, we go out to celebrate with real person food, and we plan for tomorrow. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-15 33 27735860 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 2 We try to find water in a volcano, and scrape for precious resource. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-15 6 27760838 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 3 And the dice gods said "let there be light." And there was light. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry , light 2013-10-16 5 27793883 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 The ravagers finally make their move, and we drive them out (with a little providence). Money flows in and out of our pockets like sand, as we bolster our security and technology. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-18 5 27809874 Homeless Mutant Quest #15 We go to work, we encounter misunderstandings with Peter, and we get ready to go ghostbusting. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-19 31 27812826 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 5 Darkness encroaches the light. Will the candle hold? Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-19 5 27826718 Homeless Mutant Quest #16 We check out Layla's troubles, we Scooby the Doo, and things take a turn for the spooky. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-20 31 27829639 Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 (The End) The darkness snuffs out the light. The spark must wait to try again once more. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry , fin 2013-10-20 5 27863346 Homeless Mutant Quest #17 We explore Sacred Tree, we build some theories, and we develop our friendship with Kevin. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-22 31 27882159 Homeless Mutant Quest #18 We Spidey a wall, we talk about our powers, and we learn some doctor stuff. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-23 31 27884010 Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 3 (Hiatus/Fin) We hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines.
OP bids farewell and shall return after a time. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , mutant , hivemind , industry 2013-10-23 5 27988579 Homeless Mutant Quest #19 Everything goes a bit pear-shaped. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-10-29 32 28005288 Homeless Mutant Quest #20 We find out what's been making the orphans comatose, and we try to strangle it. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2013-10-30 33 November 2013 28054059 Homeless Mutant Quest #21 We accidently the whole orphanage Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-02 39 28176947 Homeless Mutant Quest #22 We rest, heal up and go to work despite hand fuckage. Possible Punisher cameo. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-09 32 28232260 Homeless Mutant Quest 23 JJ rolls like a crack bitch. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-12 31 28321943 Homeless Mutant Quest #24 Smack! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-17 32 28361257 Homeless Mutant Quest #25 See Homeless Mutant Quest 23. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-19 31 28421895 Homeless Mutant Quest #26 We get home, we nightmare, and we bring a friend to work. /tg/ gets paranoid at the end. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2013-11-22 30 28453820 Homeless Mutant Quest #27 See Homeless Mutant Quest 25. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2013-11-24 29 28474002 Homeless Mutant Quest #28 Friendship is mutation. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-11-25 30 December 2013 28603274 Homeless Mutant Quest #29 OP tries to foolishly fight against the parker curse. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-01 30 28700112 A.I. Quest 18 The Wild Speaks Ophion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2013-12-07 15 28717004 Homeless Mutant Quest #30 We're good at at least one thing. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-08 29 28763153 Homeless Mutant Quest #31 We learn of a job opportunity, we talk a little with Laura, and we get ready to learn some smooth moves. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-10 32 28822143 Homeless Mutant Quest #32 We learn us some karate, we have an illegal shower, and we scope out the Tabbycat. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-13 31 28903988 Homeless Mutant Quest #33 We meet the manager of the Tabbycat, we out ourselves, and we piano. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-17 31 29005100 Homeless Mutant Quest #34 We land the Tabbycat job, we hand out some papers, and we rage at Creeper. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-22 30 29024065 Homeless Mutant Quest #35 We go home, we have some drama, and we head off to face the music. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-23 30 29130840 Homeless Mutant Quest #36 Breaking Point. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2013-12-29 30 January 2014 29234909 Homeless Mutant Quest #37 JJ saves the day. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-03 36 29324763 Homeless Mutant Quest #38 We get home and explore sewers. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-07 30 29462449 Homeless Mutant Quest #39 We prepare to snitch on Creeper to the Bugle and maybe find Kimura hot on our trail. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-13 33 29490406 Homeless Mutant Quest #40 Everything goes much better than expected. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-14 33 29498440 Homeless Mutant Quest #41 We resupply, we talk about daddy, and JJ fires his silver bullet. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-14 32 29559786 Homeless Mutant Quest #42 We are vaguely disturbed by Layla, we read the paper, and we meet a Hellion. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-17 32 29661902 Homeless Mutant Quest #43 We have a pretty successful meeting with the Hellions. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-21 32 29880474 Homeless Mutant Quest #44 It returns. Some chilling, some relaxing, and we head out to beat on drug dealers. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-01-30 31 February 2014 29928727 A.I. Quest 24 Deep Roots Ophion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2014-02-01 14 29927923 Homeless Mutant Quest #45 Congrats, JJ. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-02-01 32 30065115 Homeless Mutant Quest #46 We talk to our ex. It is awkward. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-02-07 32 30082748 Homeless Mutant Quest #47 See Homeless Mutant Quest 27 Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-02-08 32 30125238 Homeless Mutant Quest #48 Everybody's parents are dead. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-02-10 30 30170801 Homeless Mutant Quest #49 Growing pains. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-02-12 29 30176818 Homeless Mutant Quest #50 Mr Fecal Matter is introduced to Ms Fan. They get along swimmingly. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-02-12 32 30328585 Homeless Mutant Quest #51 Father of All Monsters. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-02-19 29 30525988 Homeless Mutant Quest #52 Cats mate with dogs, JJ rolls 20's, mass hysteria. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-02-28 29 March 2014 30569417 Homeless Mutant Quest #53 See Homeless Mutant Quest #47. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-03-02 29 30576264 Homeless Mutant Quest #54 A world without JJ. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-03-02 32 30714123 Homeless Mutant Quest #55 Laura investigates the origins of Jack. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-03-09 30 30735027 Homeless Mutant Quest #56 Rebirth. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-03-10 29 30819491 Homeless Mutant Quest #57 Notice anything strange? Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-03-14 27 30835813 Homeless Mutant Quest #58 JJ returns, Typhon tries way too hard, and we reach an accord with Barracuda. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-03-15 28 30873440 Homeless Mutant Quest #59 We go home, we learn about the new mutants of the scar, and we decide to go meet Peter. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-03-17 29 30976878 Homeless Mutant Quest #60 We head to Peter's, we catch out one of Creeper's thugs, and we wings. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-03-22 29 31124714 Homeless Mutant Quest #61 JJ believes he touch the sky. Reality is only somewhat convinced. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-03-29 28 April 2014 31201721 Homeless Mutant Quest #62 JJ ties to nurse a fallen angel. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-04-02 29 31299995 Homeless Mutant Quest #63 Prepare for trouble! Make it double! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-04-07 29 31364705 Homeless Mutant Quest #64 JJ meets the Young X-Men and picks up the scent of the scar's vampire. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-04-10 28 31473909 Homeless Mutant Quest #65 JJ relearns hygiene. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-04-15 29 31478514 Exile Quest 6 Tike Alicar goes searching for Nic Cage, Power Man. Exile Quest , Collective Game , Exile , Exiles , Mutant , Marvel , Multiverse 2014-04-15 2 31521400 Homeless Mutant Quest #66 JJ meets up with Julian and builds a snowman. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-04-17 29 31684152 Homeless Mutant Quest #67 JJ's fell idol grants him perfect dice. He uses them to sneak around and meet a fat teenager. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-04-25 28 31804608 Homeless Mutant Quest #68 JJ makes headway on that new job and comes by some disturbing information. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-04-30 30 May 2014 31936343 Homeless Mutant Quest #69 JJ is the best at making friends. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-05-06 30 32021733 Homeless Mutant Quest #70 Paige and her friends are acting a little rogue. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-05-10 32 32200230 Homeless Mutant Quest #71 Oh no, they say he's got to go go go Godzilla! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , rampage , cannibalism 2014-05-18 37 32263274 Homeless Mutant Quest #72 Quick Interview with a Supposed Vampire Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-05-22 30 32329424 Homeless Mutant Quest #73 Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 1: The Dashing Daughter Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , detective work , detective , mystery 2014-05-24 29 32442765 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 2 In which we flood the land, shoot laser beams from our eyes, get brains, and meet an Abomination Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-05-30 1 32460694 Homeless Mutant Quest #74 See Homeless Mutant Quest #53. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-05-30 28 32467468 Homeless Mutant Quest #75 We see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth 2014-05-31 29 June 2014 32553830 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 3 A tale of farming and Umbra. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-04 1 32613267 Homeless Mutant Quest #76 At least they're at peace now. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , what the fuck 2014-06-07 33 32697200 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 5 How fast can we poison mum and drown the forest edition.
Previous thread unarchived. Part 4: Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-12 0 32737851 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 6 Double Nat100s, Double Nat1's, Quadruple the fun. We reach Psionic potentials hiterto unseen by any other previous civ. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-14 0 32861931 Homeless Mutant Quest #77 See Homeless Mutant Quest #74 Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , Crackbitch 2014-06-19 32 32844199 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 8 Shara creates monster warrens, Vece is a big mean, and we roll 69s Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-20 0 32887295 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 9 Special Edition. We salvage a potential death sentence. Paladins, why does it have to be paladins... Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-21 0 33029380 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest II Part 11 Fin Thus ends the Guanyin who were never Guanyin, the Hivemind Mutants who had no hivemind, and the most promising civ to date.
But we kept our promise, that we would stick to this civ till the end, even in the offer of another. Collective game , apocalypse , civ quest , hivemind , mutant 2014-06-28 0 33069333 Homeless Mutant Quest #78 JJ did pretty good for himself. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-06-29 32 July 2014 33357812 Homeless Mutant Quest #79 JJ lays down some wisdom on the Hellions. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-07-12 30 33399865 Homeless Mutant Quest #80 Everything's coming up JJ! Horrors to come. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , dolla , dolla dolla , bill y'all , making money 2014-07-14 32 33407766 Homeless Mutant Quest #81 In which Hisako is nearly as paranoid as /tg/. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-07-15 30 33723403 Homeless Mutant Quest #82 Turns out JJ is good at another thing too. The monster. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth, 2014-07-29 32 August 2014 34039945 Homeless Mutant Quest #83 JJ believes he touch the sky. Reality has been persuaded. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , he can fly , he can fly? , he can fly! 2014-08-11 32 34100725 Neo Survivor quest 1 You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty good Neo Survivor , Quest , First , Robots , Mutants , Mild Humor , Collective Game , Apocalyptic , Pls read , Brain , Agro , 2014-08-13 5 34144315 Need help getting out of Old Detroit. . . After Proposition 21 fails, shit gets serious down in Old Detroit. . . mutant , mutant segregation , ARG , fiction , fluff 2014-08-15 2 34163614 Homeless Mutant Quest #84 JJ is such a show off. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , Marvel , Hobo , Stealth , piano man 2014-08-16 30 34298319 Homeless Mutant Quest #85 JJ drinks, gambles, sleeps and trains. It's an enjoyable time. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-08-21 32 34463277 Homeless Mutant Quest #86 Searching, seek and destroy! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-08-29 31 September 2014 34648819 Homeless Mutant Quest #87 Bishop goes fast and we attempt to ruin a drug deal Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , The Dragon Has Teeth , Liono 2014-09-06 29 34981520 Homeless Mutant Quest #88 JJ wins at tag, meets Molly, gets /fa/ and is best husbando. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , good golly miss molly , atrophy , fiinally 2014-09-20 32 35032026 Abnormal Academy Quest ep.1 Where we meet Alecia a punk girl that totally doesn't want to be a superhero but resigns to her fate anyway. collective game , Abnormal Academy , Abnormal , mutant , superpowers 2014-09-22 6 October 2014 35391748 Homeless Mutant Quest #89 JJ is swanky, spies on some big bad mafia guys and sees a pumpkin. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-10-09 29 35501156 Homeless Mutant Quest #90 By the tingling in my head, something sinister this way... heads. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , hero syndrome 2014-10-14 34 35812816 Homeless Mutant Sidequest #1 And now for something completely different. Homeless Mutant Sidequest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , side quest , side , omake 2014-10-28 24 November 2014 36060644 Homeless Mutant Quest #91 JJ does pretty well against the Sinister Six, then magical Cajun. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-11-10 31 36354377 Homeless Mutant Quest #92 My homeless elf-lizard cannot be this dense. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-11-24 32 December 2014 36487189 Homeless Mutant Quest #93 Cute muties doing cute things Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-12-01 39 36625583 Homeless Mutant Quest #94 Will they dare hire Laura? Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , Carlos 2014-12-08 31 36860057 Homeless Mutant Quest #95 JJ gets scared, then helpful, then rolls like shit. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-12-20 31 36900986 Homeless Mutant Quest #96 Homeless Mutant Quest: Evolution Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-12-22 37 36938491 Homeless Mutant Quest #97 Peter owes JJ a favor. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , powersperg , people being whiny 2014-12-24 37 37033413 Leviathan Quest 1 you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comics marvel , Dick Roman , collective game , quest , Arceus Exalted , Supernatural , Leviathan , Black goo , shapeshifter , doppelganger , comic , avengers , mutant 2014-12-29 0 37062899 Homeless Mutant Quest #98 JJ ponders the meaning of his life and meets his new neighbors. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2014-12-30 33 January 2015 37265830 Homeless Mutant Quest #99 Romance before mindscrewing. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-01-10 39 37310012 Homeless Mutant Quest #100 A foray into the dark world of child molestation, led by JJ. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-01-12 41 37445107 Homeless Mutant Quest #101 JJ attends his 6:30 meeting. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-01-18 30 37615984 Homeless Mutant Quest #102 Short thread Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-01-25 30 37660706 Homeless Mutant Sidequest #2 The most dangerous game. Homeless Mutant Sidequest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , side quest , side , omake , Homeless Mutant Quest 2015-01-27 32 February 2015 37775269 Homeless Mutant Quest #103 Laura gives JJ's wallet a good shanking. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-02-02 30 37905645 Homeless Mutant Quest #104 The love is real. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-02-08 34 38132950 Homeless Mutant Quest #105 Into the lion's den. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-02-17 29 38196571 Homeless Mutant Quest #106 Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 2: Trouble with Triads Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-02-20 32 March 2015 38427299 Homeless Mutant Quest #107 Heartfelt talk and a home invasion. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-03-03 35 38563046 Homeless Mutant Quest #108 Splinter Cell creeping in this bitch, you couldn't feel the stealth Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-03-09 29 38747915 Homeless Mutant Quest #109 Mission Complete Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-03-16 29 38808660 Closeted Mutant Quest: Lorelei A teenage mutant who can turn into gas helps solve a murder. Collective Game , Closeted Mutant Quest , 72oOCCJ1 2015-03-21 5 38872260 Homeless Mutant Quest #110 Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-03-22 29 39011862 Homeless Mutant Quest #111 The dragon has teeth. And there is just one king in the forest. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-03-30 29 April 2015 39092233 Homeless Mutant Quest #112 Existentialist errands. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-04-03 28 39134999 Homeless Mutant Quest #113 Let's fighting love! Homeless Mutant Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-05 34 39158151 Homeless Mutant Quest #114 Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-04-06 32 39607731 Homeless Mutant Quest #115 Better than I expected, worse than I hoped. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-04-27 36 May 2015 40091226 Homeless Mutant Quest #116 Will JJ be knighted? Will Papa Daredevil and Momma Moon Knight get a divorce? Find out in this issue of Homeless Mutant Quest! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-05-21 30 40175379 Homeless Mutant Quest #117 O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day/Our hallowed snake-skull cracking day/We'll break their backs/Gouge out their eyes/Their evil hearts we'll pulverize/O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day/May God bestow his grace on Thee. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-05-25 34 June 2015 40321304 Homeless Mutant Quest #118 Red Evening Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-06-01 30 40329804 Lost Primarch Quest 6 It has been five years since Sol Prementus landed on Kilionos... Collective Game , Lost Primarch Quest , Eleventh , Primarch , Mutants , Hive city 2015-06-02 6 40515367 Homeless Mutant Quest #119 JJ gets Lucas medical attention and hopefully learns stuff about his sister. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-06-10 30 40683775 Homeless Mutant Quest #120 JJ is the worst Jesus. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-06-19 28 40736875 Homeless Mutant Quest #121 JJ's genetics are really tweaking today. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-06-21 28 40859555 Homeless Mutant Quest #122 JJ is now very tactical. And Brock is a cock, as always. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-06-28 31 40867458 Homeless Mutant Quest #123 Rumble in the Concrete Jungle feat. Spider-Man. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , venom 2015-06-28 35 July 2015 41123304 Homeless Mutant Quest #124 FINALLY Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-07-10 41 41325161 Homeless Mutant Quest #125 Early archival just in case. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-07-19 29 41346867 Homeless Mutant Quest #126 Short thread the second. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-07-20 29 41545738 Homeless Mutant Quest #127 TIME TO BE A HERO (Let's hope it works) Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-07-29 28 41552095 Homeless Mutant Quest #127.5 What's in a name? Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights 2015-07-30 29 August 2015 41828743 Homeless Mutant Sidequest #3 Juggernaut Joyce & Dynamite Domino have some Sudanese Shenanigans. Homeless Mutant Sidequest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , side quest , side , omake , Homeless Mutant Quest 2015-08-12 28 41993982 Homeless Mutant Quest #128 JJ is suspicious of Rao and goes shopping for sports gear. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-08-21 27 42075568 Post Apoc Swamp Mutant Cultist Civ Quest FIN So lives and dies the sons of Sarnath, who through themselves in their lake as their final sacrifice to their god. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Frogmen 2015-08-26 1 42099779 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 1 We begin, as we always do, with a bang and a battle, emerging victorious to build anew. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp 2015-08-27 1 42167240 Homeless Mutant Quest #129 JJ talks with his friends and gets /fit/ & ready for a meeting. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-08-29 27 42175357 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 2 Today, we survived. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp 2015-08-31 1 September 2015 42241590 Post Apoc Robotic Megacorp Civ Quest Part 3 FIN This is the story of Marty, the constructor. Who dreamed a better dream for all, and gave the very best anyone could have asked, and did more than anyone could have ever hoped for. He will never be forgotten.
Thank you Marty. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Robot , Megacorp , Victory , Marty 2015-09-03 1 42356116 Homeless Mutant Quest #130 A little bit louder now. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-09-08 28 42475524 Homeless Mutant Quest #131 Urge to bake... rising Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-09-13 28 42683544 Homeless Mutant Quest #132 Apparently baking a birthday cake gets you some acid trip dreams. Goddamn. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant , weird ass dream 2015-09-23 27 42758882 Homeless Mutant Quest 133 The Devil in Crusty Jones. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth 2015-09-27 29 42766830 Homeless Mutant Quest #134 Boogie in the Scar Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-09-28 34 October 2015 42982632 Homeless Mutant Quest #135 JJ is smashing pumpkins. Homeless Mutant Quest , quest , collective game , mutant , marvel 2015-10-10 34 43088147 Homeless Mutant Quest #136 JJ is such a silver tongued skink. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-10-15 29 43144319 Homeless Mutant Quest #137 JJ helps out Rao, talks to a reporter, then goes to meet the Knights. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-10-18 32 43352406 Homeless Mutant Quest #138 JJ lays down the law. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-10-29 28 43359749 Homeless Mutant Quest #139 Down down, to Mutant Town/You go, my lad! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-10-30 28 November 2015 43627014 Homeless Mutant Quest #140 JJ lays down some sense in a fuck mugga. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-11-14 30 43663071 Xavier Institute Quest Part 1 We arrive at the Xavier Institute, try not to fanboy, come up with a superhero name, and join a squad. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-11-16 14 43711072 Xavier Institute Quest #2 Never punch a man with an adamantium skeleton. Collective Game , Marvel , X-men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-11-19 13 43761659 Homeless Mutant Quest #141 JJ plans with Nico and makes sure Megan is fine. Early-ish archive. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-11-22 31 43761669 Xavier Institute Quest #3 We pass out, lie to our teachers, and go out to a bar. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-11-23 10 43791532 Homeless Mutant Quest #142 JJ fixes up Pixie and prepares for taking down a midlevel crime boss. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-11-23 31 43811996 Xavier Institute Quest #4 Siris gets kicked out of a bar, has his first kiss, and has a depressing revelation. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-11-25 10 43820863 Xavier Institute Quest #5 Siris trains with Wolverine, has a real discussion with his teachers, and goes to sleep. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-11-26 10 December 2015 43957751 Xavier Institute Quest #6 In which Siris learns that his brother has vanished and gathers his friends to investigate. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-12-04 8 44027934 Xavier Institute Quest #7 Siris tries to investigate his missing brother but XFag keeps leaving. Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants , Quest 2015-12-07 7 44157637 Xavier Institute Quest #8 Siris learns about his brothers poor life choices and decides to search for his lady friend. Guest Appearance by X-Factor Investigations Collective Game , Marvel , X-Men , Xavier Institute Quest , Mutants 2015-12-14 8 44307787 Homeless Mutant Quest #143 Mutant Team 6 Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2015-12-22 31 January 2016 44573235 Xavier Institute Quest #9 Siri plays bad cop during an interrogation, and Xfag passes out before archiving the thread Collective Game, Marvel, X-Men, Xavier Institute Quest,Mutant 2016-01-06 3 44751141 Homeless Mutant Quest #144 Crusty's back, and we're still Laura. Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2016-01-13 37 February 2016 45155685 Homeless Mutant Quest 145 Crusty isn't dead Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2016-02-01 40 March 2016 46102498 Homeless Mutant Quest #146 He's back! Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , knights , Vagrant 2016-03-19 41 April 2016 46396472 Dragon Ball MACHINE MUTANT Quest A rapist and a voyeur are off to collect all the waifus in Dragon Ball, even if it kills them. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Machine Mutant , Machine Mutant Quest , Gato , Meatbags 2016-04-02 0 May 2016 47474880 Superhero Quest Issue #1 Meet Jack O'Connor, also known as THE PHENOMENAL FREEDOM EAGLE!
A routine work day becomes a crisis of epic proportions! Mutants and Masterminds , Superhero Quest 2016-05-28 4 July 2016 330450 Mutant City Quest 1 We discover our inner light and DEUS VULT. Mutant , City , Quest , Mutant City Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-08 2 345116 Mutant City Quest 2 We commit a felony. Mutant , City , Quest , Mutant City Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-08 2 370401 Mutant City Quest 3 Quest over everyone go home. Mutant , City , Quest , Mutant City Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-15 1 388007 Mutant City Quest 4 We play mailman. Mutant , City , Quest , Mutant City Quest , Collective Game 2016-07-21 1 48419861 Apex Mutant Quest Ackerman arrives in New York after transferring to a school. Yesterday he discovered his powers and today he gets into trouble with his Sis Apex Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Marvel , Psychic , Mutant 2016-07-24 2 June 2017 53754134 The Bush Fang Correctionals. Lizard mutant Imperial Guard regiment. 40k , Imperial Guard , Mutant , creation, 2017-06-13 -3 August 2017 1793475 Alien Resistance Quest 1 Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-08-30 2 September 2017 1814822 Alien Resistance Quest 2 We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-09-05 1 1840538 Alien Resistance Quest 3 A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-09-18 1 1867223 Alien Resistance Quest 4 Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-09-25 1 October 2017 1896296 Alien Resistance Quest 5 Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-10-07 1 1923264 Alien Resistance Quest 6 Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up. X-COM , Mutants , Genie , Getting shit done with mutants 2017-10-12 1 March 2018 2298775 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1 Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by Genie Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-03-03 2 2337270 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2 Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves. Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-03-12 1 April 2018 2393470 Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3 As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simple Strelok , Civ , Post Apocalyptic , Zombie , Mutant , Tribal , Bandit , Fungus , Swamp , Headhunter , Brewed Mother , Psionic. Hybrid 2018-04-04 1 2459988 A New Mutant Quest Issue #2 We kill a crime boss, have some soul food and make Yellow T-shirt pay for it, get mindfucked by cosmic forces, and go to bed. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Marvel , Afungi , Collective Game 2018-04-23 8 May 2018 2490032 A New Mutant Quest Issue #3 We meet Death, torch our soiled pants, get in a high-speed pursuit with the police, and temporarily become /k/. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Marvel , Afungi , Collective Game 2018-05-04 8 2550381 A New Mutant Quest Issue #4 We call a cab, listen to a fun radio news station, get a warning from an "unknown" mutant, and go to a club to meet with Silvermane. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Collective Game 2018-05-26 3 June 2018 2611469 A New Mutant Quest Issue #5 We make the old lion bow, have another run in with Spider-boy that pretty much outs us, and decide to go on a date. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-06-16 2 July 2018 2684590 A New Mutant Quest Issue #6 We go on that date with Ren, give a speech to Itsuki's recruits, and choose to go after Kingpin's lawyer. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-07-12 3 August 2018 2794030 A New Mutant Quest Issue #7 We get a new mutant recruit, devise a master plan, take our first step to ascendance, hear our father's name, and begin to move on Kingpin. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-08-24 2 September 2018 2851981 A New Mutant Quest Issue #8 The master plan is executed with few unexpected surprises, and Kingpin is toppled. Partying and revelations ensue before meeting a lion. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-09-13 2 October 2018 2905549 A New Mutant Quest Issue #9 Structure and operation changes, cleaning up more pitiful enemy factions, making a new ally, and learning about warehouses. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-10-06 1 2963691 A New Mutant Quest Issue #10 We convince everyone we’re a good guy, get a vision of HMQ, decide how we’ll move on Kingpin’s leftovers, reveal our nature, and have some A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-10-27 0 November 2018 3019133 A New Mutant Quest Issue #11 We accept our past and avoid killing Marcus, then chat with Cuda, call up some supers, and finish the first chapter! A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-11-17 1 December 2018 3061211 A New Mutant Quest Issue #12 We meet and talk with mercs, win over the Tinkerer, and spend time with Ren who stops being quite herself... A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2018-12-09 0 January 2019 3115513 A New Mutant Quest Issue #13 We figure out Ren a little, have some training, chat with inner circle, then go begin handling the Triads. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-01-02 2 3151170 A New Mutant Quest Issue #14 Triads are handled, Felon gives info on pro/anti mutant groups, and Kojo talks to himself. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-01-18 1 February 2019 3188459 A New Mutant Quest Issue #15 Two assassins, time spent with crew and best bro, another side of Kojo revealed, and sorcery lessons with a strange man. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-02-02 2 3203248 The Great Tribulation - An apocalyptic Quest You are Jane Rayner, a promising young girl from Great Britain who woke up at an abandoned hospital with a broken leg. The Great Tribulation , Collective Game , Drawquest , Apocalypse , Mutants , Angels , Demons 2019-02-06 5 3226706 A New Mutant Quest Issue #16 We meet a tin can, talk to ourselves more, suffer, and go burner shopping. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-02-15 1 3236731 The Great Tribulation #2 - An Apocalyptic Quest The adventure continues The Great Tribulation , Collective Game , Drawquest , Apocalypse , Mutants , Angels , Demons 2019-02-22 2 3268598 A New Mutant Quest Issue #17 More magic time with Doc Strange, more crew division planning, and time with Marcus and Alex. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-02-28 2 March 2019 3274835 The Great Tribulation #3 - An Apocalyptic Quest We venture towards the Pentagon to blow up the Nazis camping there The Great Tribulation , Collective Game , Drawquest , Apocalypse , Mutants , Angels , Demons 2019-03-12 3 3314697 A New Mutant Quest Issue #18 We study magic some more, visit the End, have an early dinner, and confront ourself before going on a pimp hunt. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-03-16 1 April 2019 3359320 A New Mutant Quest Issue #19 We eat a pimp, learn some more magic, talk with the crew, and go out to eat with best bro. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-04-01 2 3399876 A New Mutant Quest Issue #20 We have brunch with best bro, talk a bit with our inner circle, and teach some magic. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-04-15 2 May 2019 3438556 A New Mutant Quest Issue #21 We talk with Alex, sleep, go out for breakfast with best bro, and revisit our old home. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-05-01 1 65960580 Realms of Lord Killblood Deathbane A fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings. Lord Killblood Deathbane , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Science Fantasy , World Building , brainstorming , Brainstorming , mutant , 2019-05-03 14 3476402 A New Mutant Quest Issue #22 We rage against ourselves, relax in the park, attend the conference, master the advanced magics, and go to the Daily Bugle A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-05-19 1 June 2019 3520577 A New Mutant Quest Issue #23 We figure out Spider-boy's identity, teach magic, do the press conference, meet someone who knew both our parents, and sit down with N&M. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-06-11 0 July 2019 3616650 A New Mutant Quest Issue #24 We go to prison, befriend some supers, are judged not guilty, and confront Strange. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-07-15 1 September 2019 3744923 A New Mutant Quest Issue #25 We have a dream of the past, find out what Deirdre knows, become a demon cat, pick out a place, breakdown, and learn of The-One-Above-All. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-09-01 0 3794357 Into the Deadlands Quest #1 Leon Amun, a lone Nomad ventures into the dead city in search of fortune. In the town of Scrag, mutants are fought and supplies needed. Deadlands Quest , Leon , Mutants , post apocalyptic , Cyborg , Nomad , wasteland , survival , collective game 2019-09-11 1 3800064 A New Mutant Quest Issue #26 It's the Right Time, we go through SoL hell, get our paperwork done, and meet with Phineas again. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-09-28 0 October 2019 3856666 A New Mutant Quest Issue #27 Super Satan Quads, check-ups all around, company business, familiar strangers, and two X chromosomes in 23 pairs. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-10-22 0 December 2019 3926638 A New Mutant Quest Issue #29 We redpill someone on souls, realize we've been repressing some memories of being molested spiritually, meet a patriot, and go to Parker's A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2019-12-08 0 January 2020 3968360 A New Mutant Quest Issue #30 We finish having dinner at the Parkers, have a vision of the past, and chill by a lake. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2020-01-07 0 March 2020 4076108 A New Mutant Quest Issue #31 We sort out some of our collection issues, talk with Alex, go to therapy, and talk with Alex again A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2020-03-08 0 April 2020 4175370 Scorched Earth: A Wasteland Story A unnamed wasteland medic begins his journey, finding himself unconscious on the streets of a Dead City. Hobos get punched and bodies burned Post Apocalyptic , Wasteland , Sci-fi , Low Tech , High Tech , Apocalypse , CursedQm , Scorched Earth , Mutant , Scrapping 2020-04-18 0 4172176 A New Mutant Quest Issue #32 We gain a worshiper, therapize with Laura, and visit our grandparents for a bloody dream. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2020-04-22 0 June 2020 4260362 A New Mutant Quest Issue #33 We meet old surrogate parents, make ammends, meet our real parents, and face down with our old self. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 4292764 Mutant!Quest #05 I'm Blink. Hi Blink, I'm Dad.
In which we meet up with a grieving CEO and Bernard's backstory is revealed. Superpower , Urban , Slice-of-life , Action , Siren_QM , Mutants , Quest , Drawquest , Well I tried right? 2020-06-14 12 July 2020 4324253 Mutant!Quest #06 In which Elise discovers the identity of Pharos and has her first brush with FutureLabs' task force. Siren_QM , Superpower , Action , Slice-of-Life , Urban , Mutants , Quest , Collective Game 2020-07-13 8 4361214 Mutant!Quest #6.5 Matt versus the hacker mutant Siren_QM , Collective Game , Superpower , Action , Urban , Mutants , Quest 2020-07-27 7 August 2020 4364568 A New Mutant Quest Issue #34 We finish talking to ourselves, leave the Moons' house, and go back to ours to find our pets inside. A New Mutant Quest , /qst/ , Afungi , Marvel , Collective Game 2020-08-18 0 September 2020 4427869 Flooded Quest In an alternative world, our MC has to survive while handling his curse. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-09-27 2 October 2020 4445977 Flooded Quest 2 The MC completes there quest, sends the Kin to war with another species, signs a peace treaty, and starts a new adventure. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-10-08 1 November 2020 4484948 Flooded Quest 3 A clever deal is made with the metal man, the MC discovers a new, even larger archipelago, A party member dies, and they all head back home. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-11-10 1 December 2020 4528860 Flooded Quest 4 The shrine is completed, but the magma woke up a mechanical vault. K8 the 8 QM , Flooded World , Mutant , Non-human MC 2020-12-14 0 January 2021 4591798 Mutant!Quest #8 In which Elise attempts to take control of her berserker mode, John does a nope, and the Huber conference happens. Siren_QM , Collective Game , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Slice-of-Life , Quest , Drawquest , Now with improved art! 2021-01-19 6 February 2021 4592567 Another Mutant!Quest Enter Kyle Parris. College student, mutant, part-time super— wait, what?! Sprout QM , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Collective Game , Quest-of-a-quest , Mutant!Quest 2021-02-07 4 June 2021 79693580 prosthetics and mutations /tg/ creates a post-apocalyptic setting where on account of radiation and bioweapon damage, everyone's got mutations and cybernetics. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-06-22 11 79894893 prosthetics and mutations thread #2 A continuation of thread >>79693580. Backstory and skinwalkers are involved. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-06-27 6 July 2021 80023768 prosthetics and mutations thread #3 A continuation of >>79693580 and >>79894893, in which mutation tables are made and backstory and stats written. worldbuilding , mutation , cybernetics , prosthetics , cyborg , mutant , body horror , tables 2021-07-03 4 August 2021 4917859 Mutant!Quest #09 In which we rescue a healer mutant, the M-Guard gains a probationary member, and we try to incite a gang war before everything goes to shit. Siren_QM , Collective Game , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Slice-of-Life , Quest , Drawquest 2021-08-23 7 January 2022 82656869 what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers? There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it? superpower , superpowers , superhero , superheroes , Mutants & Masterminds , M&M , worldbuilding , setting, 2022-01-01 0 5105510 Mutant!Quest #10 In which Elise and co. pull off a sick, GTA-style heist! Antics ensue! Siren_QM , Collective Game , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Slice-of-Life , Quest , Drawquest 2022-01-23 10 February 2022 5156274 Spineless Quest Episode 1 F-Inal Drone mk.IV, a Formicidaean-powered corporation project escapes her holding facility. Solenopsis V. Sparrasid. Spineless Quest , insectqm , arthropods , female MC , mutants , dystopia , genetic enhancements , 2022-02-21 1 April 2022 5170799 Spineless Quest Episode 2 Final Drone tries to blend in. Spineless Quest , insectqm , arthropods , female MC , mutants , dystopia , genetic enhancements 2022-04-16 1 5184655 Kobolt Klan Adoption 3 Local knight adopts more kobolts, slays more monsters, uncovers a terrible conspiracy, gets drunk with friends. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Dreygaun , Mutants , Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-04-18 12 5241666 Mutant quest 1 In which we try to guess what the hell is going on and scream a lot. Mutant Quest 2022-04-25 0 June 2022 5236717 Kobolt Klan Adoption 4 Local knight finds a friendly wizard to help his issues, additional shenanigans ensue Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Darkest Dungeon , Underrail , Dreygaun , Mutants , Sci-fi Fantasy 2022-06-04 11 5272525 Mutant Moshers: Disco Division! The funky tale of uniquely-gifted individuals fighting against the mainstream trends. A Multiplayer Skirmish Quest. Fae Smelter , Skirmish , Riptail , Bard , Palewalker , Dance , Hex , Mutant , Mosh , Moshers , Disco , Division , Tango , Polka , Skirmjam , Skirm , Jam 2022-06-06 0 5290379 Mutant Quest 2 Mission time. Mutant Quest , Alaska , Asgard 2022-06-11 0 July 2022 5299975 Barovian Legends #3 Still in search of her sister, Aranuel uncovers the horrors of the Abbey of Saint Markovia. Fantasy , D&D , Magic , Female Protagonist , Gothic Horror , Mutants , Vampires 2022-07-14 2 5307214 Mutant!Quest #11 In which Elise hides some mutants, takes a trip to the land of dreams, and uncovers another sinister plot. Siren_QM , Collective Game , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Slice-of-Life , Quest , Drawquest 2022-07-18 7 August 2022 5346371 Mutant!Quest #12 In which some best-laid-plans are set into motion, and the extraction for Conduit begins! Siren_QM , Collective Game , Action , Urban , Superpower , Mutants , Slice-of-Life , Quest , Drawquest 2022-08-15 8 December 2024 6127076 Ultimate Civilization Quest: Vol 1 In an Age of Marvels, a Mutant Nation rises Marvel , comics , hypercrisis bro , superhero , mutant , x-men , civ , 2024-12-16 1