/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2009
3522881/tg/ recommended reading Split off from the Vin Diesel thread. Anon discusses literary works that every roleplayer should be acquainted with. Books2009-01-26 2 
February 2009
3636117BooksMore of anon's favorite books. Lots of love for Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. fa/tg/uys everywhere are shocked by the revelation.Books2009-02-07 1 
October 2009
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
November 2009
6896047/tg/ literature and suggestionsGood reads and books beyond DEE ENN DEE and WORHOMMORbooks, literature, approved, tg2009-11-27 1 
January 2010
7507054BOOK!Book! Or, books, rather! For insertion into your campaigns.Books, dm resource, list, literature, writefaggotry2010-01-09 2 
February 2010
7996799Who uses the books? DM or Players?Discussion of games where the players don't read the rulebooks, and various levels of DMs doing most of the work for them.GMing, play styles, running styles, Players, GMs, books2010-02-09 0 
March 2010
8705790Grailquest 1: The Castle of Darkness/tg/ begins to explore the first of this classic gamebook series.gamebooks, chickens, merlin2010-03-22 1 
April 2010
9408898SUCK THREE DICKSWhat began as a simple edition war troll became an enlightening discussion about ascertaining the culinary qualities of various dicks.dicks, edition war, Mr. Rage, three, books, cocks, dick, cock2010-04-25 11 
9437724/tg/ recommended Science Fiction reading/tg/ recommends a ton of great SF books.Books, sci-fi, SF, Science Fiction, sci fi, literature2010-04-26 4 
May 2010
10143721Books with more appropriate titlesCovers of books with titles more telling of what's actually insidebooks2010-05-30 1 
January 2011
13604229/tg/ Share ThreadClearly, /tg/ hasn't been sharing enough recently. It would be perfectly rude to start a thread like this without contribution, so I'll display my wares./tg/, share, files, rpgs, many many books, games2011-01-23 5 
13607740Ultimate 3.5 SRDAnon decides to share a collection of 3.5 sourcebooks. Worship ensues.sourcebooks, collection, dump2011-01-23 9 
May 2011
15079271Other settings reimagined as 40kWhat if other settings and premises were in 40k? Here are the results.40k movies books2011-05-30 0 
July 2013
25771591Techpriest Birthday GiftsIn which an honoured Techpriest opens his vault upon the anniversary of his birth to share much knowledge and Ad Mech art with /tg/.filedump, techpriest, sororitas, .pdfs, 40k books2013-07-02 11 
May 2014
32478933That Guy AuthorsAmong fantasy writers, who would be the worst DM (and why is it Terry Goodkind)?that guy, that guys, literature, books, 2014-05-31 7 
December 2016
916851DC Universe QuestIsaac is born, we reveal our water and ice powers and shut down a chain of BlockbustersDC Universe, Comic Books, Collective Game, Superheroes2016-12-09 7 
949682DC Adventure QuestIsaac hits the road for LA, we hit the stops along the way we only stop for the best.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-20 4 
976678DC Adventure Quest 2Our grand tour across america ends early with some help from Blue Beetle and we reach LA.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-27 2 
989432DC Adventure Quest 3We meet our dad and he tells us how we came to be.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-30 1 
January 2017
1002053DC Adventure Quest 4We take on the role of our father in a flashback to our true origin.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2017-01-02 2 
February 2018
57632629Kamigakari Thread translation and storytimesAnon comes through with scans. Help with translation and character sheet use and development. Misfits in Osaka continues Shizune is awkward.Kamigakari, character sheet, translation, books, scan, google docs, storytime, Ito, Misfits in Osaka, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons2018-02-01 2 
October 2021
81712351/tg/ recommended literature threadA good and civilized discussion on books to get inspiration from.literature, books, discussion2021-10-27 0 
July 2022
85297222OP is going to prison as a sex offenderOP starts off asking about old-school play-by-mail games, but people quickly realize he’s asking because he might be headed BACK to prisonPrison, prisons, play by mail, play-by-mail, gamebook, gamebooks, game book, game books, solo rpg, solo rpgs, homebrew, homebrews2022-07-16 -22 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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