Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2009 4083639 Epic NPC Deaths A GM asks /tg/ for advice on how to kill a well liked NPC to inspire his players to RAGE AGAINST THE BBEG. Epic death scenes follows NPC , Death , REVENGE , Epic 2009-03-26 7 May 2009 4500959 MSPaint your way out of your doom /tg/ cheats death. axeman , death , paint , MSPaint 2009-05-08 5 October 2009 6316513 "Deathwish" quest The Blacksmith is Back, and his quests have changed. Lots to talk about, and a town to manage. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-18 8 6330822 Deathwish Quest 2 Traveling to the Dwarf Kingdom to enter the competition. Possibly knock up a woman on the way. Impress the king with our badass plan to for his weapon. Kiss the Dwarf princess. Come face to face with a Golden Dragon. Deathwish Quest , Collective Game 2009-10-19 7 6345559 Deahtwish Quest 3 Cutting deals with dragons. Learning some humility. Deathwish Quest , Collective Game 2009-10-20 7 6348196 Deathwish Quest 3.5 Returning to the Dwarf city. Attacked on the way. Action packed! Kind of. Deathwish Quest , Collective Game 2009-10-20 7 6360363 "Deathwishquest" 4 A lot of discussion, finally we ride the Lightning. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-21 8 6362283 Deathwish Quest 4.5 We kill a fucking dragon and finish our fucking axe. I SAID FUCK YEAH! Deathwish Quest , Collective Game 2009-10-21 10 6364430 Deathwish Quest 4.75 WE FINALLY MADE THAT DAMN AXE, AND IT IS A FORCE OF NATURE. Charles , Bronson , Deathwish , HOLY , SHIT , WEJUSTKIILEDSOMEGODDAMNDRAGONS 2009-10-21 7 6376902 "Deathwish" quest 5 We gear up and get ready to rumble. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-22 7 6379452 "Deathwish" quest 5.5 It all comes together at last. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-22 6 6381479 "Deathwish" quest 5.75 Lots of Resolution A violent twist at the end. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-22 7 6390866 "Deathwish" quest 6 Lots of yawn, then an OH SHIT and an OOOH SICK BURN. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-23 6 6394382 "Deathwish" quest 6.5 The BBEG is defeated early, but... the Deathwish still lingers. A decision must be made. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-23 7 6449034 Deathwish quest part 7 Seriously, I have no idea what deathwish is about but suptg was off line, and now it ain't. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-27 6 6451755 Deathwish quest 7.5 I archive this things because I care....
kinda. Deathwish Quest , Collective game 2009-10-27 6 6476698 Deathwish Quest Finale Deathwish Quest reaches its conclusion. Deathwish Quest , Collective Game 2009-10-29 16 November 2009 6572876 KRIEGERS! You get Kriegers. Warhammer 40K , Death Korps of Krieg 2009-11-05 42 6589006 MORE KRIEGERS More Krieger shenanigans. Warhammer 40K , Death Korps of Krieg 2009-11-07 10 February 2010 8038762 Anon's last wish You are the last human, the last spark of life anywhere in the universe, and Death is about to claim you. But, you will get one last wish. What do you do? Death , Eagle , Wish 2010-02-12 10 May 2010 9662846 Sleep Is Death Sleep is Death, a story telling game SleepIsDeath , Sleep Is Death , v14c , Geisterfahrer , Jason , Rohrer 2010-05-07 -2 June 2010 10311570 Automated Death: A Trap Thread /tg/ shares their diabolical ideas on machines and mechanisms designed to capture, cripple and - in many cases - kill their intended prey. trap , death , torture 2010-06-06 1 July 2010 10982473 The Deathstar Was an Inside Job Wake up, sheeple! inside job , deathstar , starwars 2010-07-07 14 September 2010 12131737 Death Quest We died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go! Death Quest , collective game , smoking hot farmgirl , bloodquest dice 2010-09-18 11 12144906 Death Quest 2 LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come. Death Quest , collective game , looting , smoking hot farmgirl , AWESOME DICE 2010-09-19 9 12187108 Brother Testicles, Fastest Apothecary in the West /tg/ creates a Deathwatch character. Some bad math and GM fiat results in hilarity. Deathwatch , Brother Testicles 2010-09-23 41 12207011 Death Quest OP breaks in his new tablet with a cutesy quest where we play Death. Or maybe his son. It's fun and really weird. Death Quest , DQ , Cute , Drawfag , Weird 2010-09-24 6 12275066 tg beats a thief into the motherfucking ground Vapid tart makes a thread about stealing from gamesworkshop, but TG's JUSTICE squad are ready to dispense the law, fuck yeah! epic , rage , warhams , metal mans , stealing , win , Deathleapers Fangrill 2010-09-30 -15 October 2010 12298920 Death Quest 3 We go all Road Warrior and serious ass is kicked. Backstory revelations with our lady friend show that we were a total dick. Then we get to Canaveral, and meet Klep. Klep is... a little hard to describe. Death Quest , collective game , awesome thread 2010-10-02 3 January 2011 13497541 End of the universe roleplaying setting Anon has an idea for a setting close to the heat death of the universe. Others pitch in. setting , roleplaying , universe , heat death , space , galaxies , aliens , spaceships , starships 2011-01-13 4 February 2011 13820331 Emperor's Nightmare, pt 4 Fourth thread on the new /tg/ chapter. Now with less color bickering and more new fluff! warhammer , 40K , original content , deathwatch 2011-02-08 7 13835080 EMPEROR'S NIGHTMARE #5 - The Sleepy Marines Strike back! Stealthnoughts are hammered out, tabletop rules are tackled, and moer! warhammer , 40K , original content , deathwatch 2011-02-09 8 13845840 The Emperor's Nightmare: Thread 6 The project continues, with new writing, art, game rules, and discussion. warhammer , 40K , original content , deathwatch , space marine 2011-02-10 11 13878831 Deathworld Quest I /tg/ starts off with a small, barren planet and expands from there. Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built 2011-02-13 13 13880430 Deathworld Quest II Continuation of previous quest. Here, a race becomes sentient, the pros and cons of self-propelled space travel are discussed, and life continues Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built , Celestial Bukkake 2011-02-13 5 13882364 Deathworld Quest III The thumbite servitor space marines continue their invasion of New Majora. Deathworld , Quest , Deathworld Quest , tg-built 2011-02-13 5 13939056 Mission compromised! As an anon asks /tg/ for help tracking down an infiltrator among his Deathwatch squad, it is revealed that the traitor is either the informer, him, no one, or everyone. Heresy ensues. Alpha legion , Deathwatch , infiltrator , Alpharius Omegon 2011-02-18 12 March 2011 14112394 Tabletop Deathwatch How the Deathwatch functions within a chapter and what kind of fluff warrants their squads, interesting inspiration for tabletop Deathwatch , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space Marines , Ordo Xenos , Inquisition , Fluff 2011-03-03 5 14408651 Warhammer 40k Roleplay Necron stats. Some guy comes up with Necron stats for Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/DeathWatch. Necrons , stats , warhammer , Dark Heresy , Rogue Trader , Death Watch 2011-03-30 1 April 2011 14477434 Emperor's Nightmare #7- The Return of the Sleepy Marines After a several month hiatus and a slow start, the Emperor's Nightmare returns with updates on the fandex and some new writefaggotry. "space marine , deathwatch , sleepy marines" 2011-04-06 6 14491925 The Emperor's Nightmare # 8 Continuing discussion, including a great deal of new rules material and some chapter heroes. Deathwatch , Warhammer , 40k , space marine 2011-04-06 7 14500183 The Emperor's Nightmare # 9 Rule refinements, army lists, and our first completed banner. Continuing development of fluff. Deathwatch , Warhammer , 40k , space marine 2011-04-07 5 14518541 The Emperor's Nightmare's #10 Continued work on the chapter plus more awesome fluff. Warhammer 40k , Deathwatch , Space Marines , Homebrew 2011-04-09 5 14550655 Abyssal Jaws Continuation of the creation of the Piranha Based Space Marines, now with more Hooks Abyssal Jaws , homebrew , WH40k , Deathwatch , Piranhas , Space Marines 2011-04-11 1 14571645 Abyssal Jaws 2 The creation of the Piranha-based Space Marines, Now with more writefaggotry WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marine , custom chapter 2011-04-13 2 14584140 Abyssal Jaws 3 Continuation of the creation of the Piranha Based Space Marines, now with more delicious giblets. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marine , custom chapter 2011-04-14 2 14584699 Nasty Horrible Magic Systems Op wonders about magic systems that are well... Nasty and horrible. Anon delivers. magic , torture , rape , death , nasty , horrible , discussion , setting 2011-04-14 2 14606889 Abyssal Jaws 4 More discussion and writefaggotry on the Abyssal Jaws chapter of Space Marines. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marine , custom chapter 2011-04-16 2 14631553 The Rising Son A weeabo hate thread turn into a creation of a Samurai space marine chapter Samurai , Japan , Japanese , Warhammer , 40k , Space Marine , Deathwatch 2011-04-18 3 14638189 The Rising Son official thread Now with 100% more historical discussion Samurai , Japan , Japanese , Warhammer , 40k , Space Marine , Deathwatch 2011-04-19 0 14672352 Abyssal Jaws 5 More discussion on the chapter and a bit of fluff. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter 2011-04-22 0 14721752 Planet Scaper: Antartica /tg/, with the help of a dog in a fort, creates a planet that outside, looks like its going to kill you, but inside it's lovely and just wants to BLAST YOU APART WITH ITS TITAN planet creator , 40k , death world 2011-04-26 3 14728603 Abyssal Jaws 6 Details on the planet of Maresia and its moon of Noxyssus are fluffed out. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter 2011-04-27 5 14720935 Übermarines /tg/ creates a new custom chapter:
The (Almost) Perfect Space Marines
The Übermarines!! Übermarines , custom chapter , deathwatch , spacemarines , ubermarines , ultramarines , warhammer 40k 2011-04-28 0 May 2011 14789957 Abyssal Jaws 7 More discussion on fluff and other such nonsense. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter 2011-05-03 -2 14833572 Abyssal Jaws 8 Even more discussion on fluff and other such nonsense. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter 2011-05-07 1 14847413 Guardians Exemplar 1 The long-awaited sequel to the Übermarines. Contains all the infomation from a number of threads which never got archived. WH40k , Guardians Exemplar , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter 2011-05-08 2 14868050 Abyssal Jaws 9 The fluffing out of the Maresian SeaGuard begins. WH40k , Abyssal Jaws , Maresia , Deathwatch , homebrew , Space Marines , custom chapter , Maresian SeaGuard 2011-05-10 0 14948908 Spirit of War(archival title) After the /tg/ gets shit done, sometimes, some asshole starts yelling at people to get Deathworld hammered out Deathworld , homebrew 2011-05-17 3 14957888 Ice Serpents, part 3... Probably. The return of the Ice Serpent.s Ice Serpents , homebrew , 40k , Space Marines , Deathwatch 2011-05-18 0 14974910 Rising Sons thread 5 More discussion on the chapter. Rising Sons , Japan , Space Marines , Fluff , Homebrew Chapter , Deathwatch 2011-05-20 -2 14994562 The Brotherhood of Stone 1 chapter creation thread, results in mystic cavemen space marines. Caveman Marines , Chapter Creation , Deathwatch 2011-05-21 6 15052515 ANGRY MARINES DEATHWATCH Creating playable Angry Marines via Rites of Battle. Rites of Battle , Angry Marines , Fuck , FUCK , Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Space Mariens , Angry 2011-05-26 7 15052506 Rising Sons thread 6 Honestly, a bit crapper then usual. Archived for clarity's sake. Rising Sons , Japan , Space Marines , Fluff , Homebrew Chapter , Deathwatch 2011-05-26 1 15063956 Chaos Marine Creation Creating a Chaos Marine warband using OP's messed-up Deathwatch rules. Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Chaos , Chaos Marines , Slaanesh , Heresy 2011-05-27 12 15076519 The Glistening Host Continuing the creation of a Slaaneshi Blood Angels Chaos Marine chapter. Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Chaos , Chaos Marines , Slaanesh , Heresy , Awesome , Homebrew 2011-05-28 6 15081716 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet /tg/ create a Iron Hands successor chapter.
Thus the Knights of The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet are born Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000,40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood Of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood 2011-05-28 6 15092844 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet: Part 2 Discussion of the Brotherhood continues, leading up to the idea that the Brotherhood's past is linked to the Glistening host. Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000 , 40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood , Glistening Host 2011-05-30 5 15094060 Glistening Host 3 Another thread discussing /tg/'s homebrew Slaaneshi kill-crazies. Anons try to integrate chapter's history with the Brotherhood of the Gauntlet and OP does some sweet writefaggotry. Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Chaos , Chaos Marines , Slaanesh , Heresy , Awesome , Homebrew , Writefaggotry , Brotherhood of the Gaunlet 2011-05-30 5 June 2011 15256952 Mary Sue Chapter More perfect than the Ultramarines, deadlier than the Grey Knights and smarter than the Alphas. These battle sisters have geneseed from every 1st founding legion, and are the greatest of them all. Female marines , girls , mary sue , deathwatch , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor 2011-06-14 12 15267522 Golden Aquilas 2 Continuing creation of a Mary Sue marine chapter. Female marines , girls , mary sue , deathwatch , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , troll , awful , horrible 2011-06-15 10 July 2011 15492650 Cazaclaw Combining two of the most terrifying monsters ever to create the thing of nightmares. Fallout , New Vegas , Cazador , Deathclaw , Pants shitting , tarrasque 2011-07-06 10 15503489 Lord Deathrape and the Cazaclawrasque Because some PCs just deserve to die. Tarrasque , Horror , Holy shit , BBEG , Cazador , Deathclaw , Cazaclaw , God hates you , FUCK 2011-07-07 14 October 2011 16566855 Unorthodox Encounters - Deathwatch Edition OP posts an Unothodox Deathwatch Encounter, we end up with Farming Marines and SM Blood Bowl Deathwatch , 40k , Comedy , Space Marines 2011-10-09 8 16670062 Deffwotch, Session Five Deathwatch, as played by orks or something I don't know Deffwotch , Deathwatch , wh40k 2011-10-19 21 16680180 /tg/'s most glorious character deaths In which we relate some of the best PC deaths we've seen, including a Hunter calling YOU SHALL NOT PASS to clockwork minions, a Guardsman calling in Exterminatus on his own position, and a cleric of Kord who died arm-wrestling Kord himself. storytiem , D&D , Dark Heresy , Hunter , stories , deaths , glorious 2011-10-20 8 16684183 /tg/'s Strangest Deaths With an additional tale about a Lich and Larry. lich , dnd , death , dying , funny , insanity , quantum lich 2011-10-20 21 November 2011 16811807 Deffwotch 7 Seventh session of Deffwotch. A Mega-armor Nob runs away like a pissy grot. Deffwotch , Deathwatch , wh40k , Orks 2011-11-02 10 16900834 Deffwotch, Session 8 Eighth session of Deffwotch. Orks develop the perfect counter to Eldar holo-fields in ship to ship combat. Deffwotch , Deathwatch , wh40k , Orks 2011-11-10 10 16913080 Give Yourself Goosebumps /tg/ edition no.5 /tg/ finds their fate in Scream of the Evil Genie! collective game , goosebumps , troll , death 2011-11-11 -1 16937574 Deathwatch Fast Food PG Deathwatch for 10-12 year olds, where the battle between fast food franchises is less economical and significantly more literal fast food , deathwatch , kids , rpg 2011-11-15 49 January 2012 17444374 A Study of Dwarves OP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam. dwarves , study , information , biology , puberty , death , burial , farming , brewing , cooking , spam 2012-01-07 8 17689575 Deffwotch once more Shas returns to expound upon the mysteries of very small men, Orkz, and one of the toughest fights our Orkstartes have yet faced. Deffwotch , orkz , deathwatch , shas'o , storytime , WAAAAAGH 2012-01-27 10 February 2012 17893330 Doomguy in Deathwatch 1 OP makes Doomguy for Deathwatch, later Duke Nukem joins. Other characters are Commander Shepard, Master Chief, Baird and Noble Six Doomguy , Deathwatch , FPS in Deathwatch 2012-02-12 5 March 2012 18458666 I am Overwatch In which the new player Autismo makes a GM look like a boss, and players are amazed storytime , Dark Heresy , Deathwatch , Autismo 2012-03-26 64 June 2012 19614246 Mahou Shounen Quest 138 Face Yuki's team in the final round. Things begin to com together.
Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars 2012-06-25 18 19627693 Mahou Shounen Quest 139 Battle in the library. We see how the others are doing. Oh hey, glowy shit. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars 2012-06-26 13 July 2012 19749704 July 4th Deathstrike game A store in the U.S. gets a 4th of July present from the U.K. A nuclear present. deathstrike , missile , Games Workshop , Warhammer 40k , global games , crazy ass shit , this is why we play , "fireworks show" 2012-07-05 20 19780964 Chapter Master Quest Deatwatch Ed I As a filler, we are playing Eleigon serving his time in Deathwatch. Operators operating in the jungle, fun times ahead Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Manly Tears , Deathwatch , Eleigon 2012-07-08 5 20063058 Chapter Quest: Deathwatch II Elegion finishes his mission and finds a way to the webway Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Deathwatch , Space Marine , Webway Shenanigans 2012-07-28 3 August 2012 20183136 Gerald's Epic Goomba-Stomp A Space Wolf falls from space to goomba-stomp a Daemon Prince. deathwatch , wtf , epic , goomba-stomp , daemon , 40k 2012-08-05 5 20198386 Shit Hits the Fan HereticRAIDAA's group must overcome the oncoming green tide to...deliver a child. orks , deathwatch , 40k , near-tpk , holy shit 2012-08-06 6 September 2012 20582687 Khorne Daemon Caber Tossing Scottish Tech Marine ^See Title Deathwatch , Bagpipes 2012-09-03 24 20824331 The Iron Crusade What starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past! The Iron Crusade , The Iron Blades , Iron Hands , Deathwatch , Rites of Battle , Crusaders , Bard 2012-09-23 14 October 2012 21181500 Lich's Employee Quest pt 15 Daniel joins a Crusade with his apprentices, but not to kill, but to end it. skeleton quest , crusades , death , war , justice 2012-10-19 13 21283482 Boisterous Psychopomp MOTHERFUCKER GET IN THE BAG death , CAPS LOCK , psychopomp , get in the bag 2012-10-25 29 November 2012 21678506 Everyone Gets The Bag Eventually New RCT pic leads to Death/s bagging everyone. No exceptions. Death , roller coaster tycoon , bag , humour 2012-11-21 28 21720746 More Deathworld Dozens of ideas being laid down for /tg/'s Deathworld homebrew setting, featuring soviet Obama Deathworld , homebrew 2012-11-24 3 21729486 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 39 Hito finally faced Khorne in combat and it proved to be difficult combat. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Chaos , Chao Gods , Khorne , Death 2012-11-25 0 21746990 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 2 /tg/ throws yet more ideas at a grimdark wall and watches as some stick and grow demonic tentacles and stuff Deathworld , homebrew 2012-11-26 5 21767432 Zerg Quest CXIII The FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality? Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , /tg/ dice , I'm too young to die , Big Brother , Death , Rebirth , Alpha and Omega , Metaquest OP , Portent? 2012-11-27 25 21793539 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 3 /tg/ continues thinking about dead presidents, soviet supertechnology and South-East Asian Geopolitics homebrew , Deathworld, 2012-11-30 2 December 2012 21859626 Death in Gaming Questions of handling death in worlds, GET IN THE FUCKING BAG, sorrow over Terry Pratchett, and some very disturbing ideas... Death , Terry Pratchett , Discworld , GET IN THE FUCKING BAG 2012-12-03 16 21907531 Deathworld Rebirth - Part 4 /tg/ talks Djinn, Australian super-science and VATO - the Voodoo Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Deathworld , homebrew 2012-12-06 5 21998609 Deathworld Quest 1-2 We survive a planecrash only to end up running from American Zombies. And then there is a necro-bear. Quest , Collective Game , Deathworld , Soviet , 2012-12-12 1 22116080 The paladin who killed Death A dumbass paladin decides to kill the Reaper to save everyone from death. This has its consequences. World-ruining consequences. DND , Paladins , Death , Undead , Alignment , Godkilling 2012-12-19 -10 March 2013 23679659 On Childhood, Death, and Warhammer An eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out. Discussion , WFRP , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , GM , death , girl , PC , player character 2013-03-14 49 April 2013 24171774 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 3 Yer a Magus, Harry. Ye also got tha Mystic Eyes o' Death Perception. And ye also were in a coma. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-11 26 24307917 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 4 Yer a magus, 'Arry! And yer finally gonna be getting out of the Dursley's hands if Kingsley and Kiritsugu have anything to say about it. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-18 28 24319368 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 5 Yer a magus, Harry. Things heat up for the Dursleys as Kingsley's devious plan is set into motion. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-18 28 24400998 Leonidas and..."Collin" Two 'That Guys' in a Deathwatch game. What could go wrong? deathwatch , that guy , storytime 2013-04-24 21 May 2013 24572329 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 7 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And apparently ye' have a soft spot in yer heart for good ol' Martin Miggs. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , MARTIN MIGGS THE MAD MUGGLE 2013-05-02 29 24732196 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 8 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And yer still on that bloody shopping trip that started threads ago. At least you've got puppies to play with. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-10 26 24768783 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And a Wizard. A proud new owner of a golden snake Illya named Gilgamesh. But more importantly, you're finally done shopping. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Gilgasnake 2013-05-12 26 24778984 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And 'Ermione's a Magical Girl. And Zelretch may or may not be an Ancient Egyptian Vampire Wizard, we're not sure. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-12 26 24865578 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 11 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And yer also a Wizard. And now, it's time for ye to head off to Hogwarts. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-17 26 24928926 Martian Death Quest The original author of the Martian Death Quest returns Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG,nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime 2013-05-20 16 24949706 Punishment A story about the darker side of the merciless engine that is the Imperium of Man. NOT for the faint of heart. Writefaggotry , 40k , Space Marines , Death , Torture , Space Warfare 2013-05-22 16 June 2013 25694175 Tax Quest 1 In which Timothy L. Johnson, a humble tax collector, has a very strange day. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-06-28 39 25726856 Tax Quest 2 In which Timothy L. Johnson gets a few answers, but they all lead to more questions. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-06-30 27 July 2013 25821964 Tax Quest 3 In which Timothy L. Johnson tastes blood. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-07-05 25 25961877 Tax Quest 4 Where something gets explained, and we get more questions Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-07-12 22 26101504 Tax Quest 5 In which Timothy L. Johnson, loses some teeth and gets a new briefcase. Some murders also happen. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-07-19 21 26197864 Tax Quest 6 In which Timothy L. Johnson realizes his talent for being inconspicuous. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-07-24 21 26240864 Tax Quest 7 In which Timothy L. Johnson gets a close shave. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-07-26 21 August 2013 26378907 Tax Quest Thread 8 Timothy L. Johnson goes to woods and meets some rude people there. Questions about legality of the proceedings rise. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-08-02 21 26515406 Tax Quest 9 Timothy tries to finally escape The Hunt, along with his companions. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-08-09 21 26646416 Tax Quest 10 Timothy finally leaves the forest. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-08-16 21 26778346 A.I. Quest 4 Great Black Sea This time around, Ophion takes on those damn dirty pirates. Things...don't go fully as planned. Chaos ensues. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , pirate , explosion , death 2013-08-23 22 26784302 Gunpowder Quest We are an eleven year-old boy upon our father's pirate ship, and we cheat death like a motherfucker. Gunpowder Quest , Collective Game , Gunpowder , Quest , revolution , french , cheating , death , son , father 2013-08-23 21 26876368 Lord General Quest 2 Lord General and the Vitalitas 1st Siege Regiment arrive at Le Keers to find the enemy's numbers larger than expected, but begin their attack undaunted! Perspective shift to a Company Commander's view takes the fight to a crashed Devourer dropship's survivors at the Starport of Omnissiah's Gateway... Guardsman Ronalds will not be forgotten. Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard , Commissars , Invasion , Heretics , Death or Glory 2013-08-29 20 26917030 Lord General Quest 3 The liberation of Le Keers continues. For the Emperor, boys! Collective Game , Lord General Quest , Warhammer 40k , Imperial Guard , Commissars , Invasion , Heretics , Death or Glory 2013-08-31 20 September 2013 26957868 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 12 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And also yer a wizard. And now its time to deal with all these redheads and get on the Hogwarts express Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-01 28 26992071 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 13 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And holy fuck Snape's dead. Among other things. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Teach Me Tonks-Senpai 2013-09-03 27 27014512 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 14 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that all that excitement is done, it's time to finish that important train ride. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-04 26 27009892 Tax Quest 11 In which Timothy visits the doctor, re-acquires his razor against his will and attacks a man with acid Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-09-04 16 27034668 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 15 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And this has got to be Illya's most obnoxious proposition yet. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-05 28 27055636 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 16 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now you're a Hufflepuff. I hope you're proud of yourself. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-06 25 27068016 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 17 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that the feast is over, it's time for speeches and socializing! Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-07 27 27084779 Death Of A Company Man: A Cyberpunk Quest We play a man who gets himself into big trouble after finding hints of a traitor in his corporation and deciding to investigate. Death Of A Company Man Quest , Collective Game , Cyberpunk , Net Gain 2013-09-08 7 27148114 Tax Quest 12 In which Timothy L. Johnson is forced to play a lethal game of Hangman, and we're disrupted by power outs. Quest , Collective Game , Tax Quest , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes 2013-09-11 15 October 2013 27707550 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 18 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And ye were also born ta kill the Serpent of Akasha, where ever that'll leave ye. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-10-13 25 27763333 Teen Titans Quest Humble moves his Quest from /co/ to /tg/: Donn Mortem, an Endless who has teamed up with the Teen Titans Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-16 15 27767275 AoPH Quest 1 Humanity lives in exile. They hide in domes built to protect them from the great beasts that prowl the wilderness. As a young child born into this world, you have just finished the operation needed to become a ranger; superhuman soldiers granted their abilities by organic transplants from the monsters they are trained to hunt. Will you become the very best ranger that the corps will have to offer? Or will you die as ignominiously as the rest? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-16 36 27780183 Teen Titans Quest 2 A bunch of fa/tg/uys shoot the shit while waiting for OP to deliver (Better than it sounds, trust me) Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-17 8 27797261 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 19 Yer a magus 'Arry. And with your latest scheme you're doomed to be a Butler too. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Jubstacheit's Maid Army 2013-10-18 25 27796848 InternalRevenue quits. The end of Tax Quest. IR quits, reveals his past and present projects and dumps notes. Tax Quest , Collective Game , Internal Revenue , Death and Taxes , The End , sadness , QTG , Handler Quest , Quest , QTG , Late Night 2013-10-18 13 27813938 Teen Titans Quest 3 We finally take a vacation. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-19 4 27847111 Teen Titans Quest 4 Vacation Time: PTSD edition Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-21 3 27856903 AoPH Quest 2 (Part 2) Part 1:
Cerulean feels some self-doubt, but is reassured by Byran's lazy wisdom and begins to do better in training. Brimming with confidence, she challenges a senior cadet to a duel. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-21 28 27866237 Teen Titans Quest 5 We do character interactions and then feel emotionally conflicted. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-22 3 27902796 Teen Titans Quest 6 We journey into Raven's mind for repairs. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-24 12 27938687 A.I. Quest 13 Blood in the Sky Ophion shops for more gear and prepares to upgrade his fleet, before an attack catches him and the UFW off-guard. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , Losirians , Death , Attack , Upgrade 2013-10-26 18 27940241 AoPH Quest 3 Cerulean participates in cross-gym training drills and sees how everyone has progressed. When they move on to 1-on-1 sparring exercises, Cerulean finds herself matched up against a Saffron gym psychic. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-26 28 27958167 AoPH Quest 4 Cerulean teams up with her fellow cadets, Bruise and Goldenrod, for their practical test inside the Veridian Wood. Their goal: to hunt down and catch the wild waterfowl monster that nests within. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-10-27 29 27944240 Humanity's Epitaph /tg/ writes on Humanity's tombstone. Humanity , death , what , awesome , tombstone 2013-10-27 6 28025401 Teen Titans Quest 7 Raven tells us to stop being mopey and we meet Terra. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-10-31 8 November 2013 28043165 AoPH Quest 5 Cerulean's team encounters a beedrill nest as they enter the wood. After a brief skirmish, an accident forces the group to separate itself, which leads Cerulean into a chance encounter with the prize... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-01 29 28082618 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 20 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And ye think ye've figured out the trick to wandlore. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-11-03 26 28090483 Teen Titans Quest 8 Super-powered volleyball match Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-11-04 5 28095611 Teen Titans Quest 9 Donn macks on Cyborg, Starfire trips balls and there are some bonfire shenanigans. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-11-04 4 28144442 Teen Titans Quest 10 Starfire goes missing, we look for her in the forest and shit happens. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-11-07 4 28150105 Teen Titans Quest 11 We get kidnapped by cultists. Whoopee. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2013-11-07 4 28164354 AoPH Quest 6 With the prize in hand and Bruise searching for their lost leader, Cerulean and Goldenrod head for the exit to lay claim to their victory. However, as they make their way, they receive a broken transmission telling them to head south... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-08 28 28220038 AoPH 7 On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-11 30 28256205 AoPH Quest 8 Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-13 28 28339529 Deatwatch A-squad Quest We are a Silver Skull Devastator. We are a gentleman who best an Iron Hands marine at everything and gets put into A-squad the greatest bunch of misfits ever assembled. Including A guardsman an Ork and an Alpha Legionnaire. 40k , Deathwatch , Dice Gods , What Is Happening , 2013-11-17 10 28340649 Eldritch Souls quest The story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humans ScholarofSouls , Eldritch soul quest , Owlman , The godamned Owl man , Death , Dark souls , Strange, 2013-11-18 1 28343246 A-Squad Quest Part 2 Where Daceus the Devastator Marine continues his exploits Collective Game , A-Squad , Deathwatch , Dice Gods 2013-11-18 5 28346281 AoPH Quest 9 Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 28 28353712 AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2) Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 30 28385124 AoPH Quest 10 Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-20 28 28458817 AoPH Quest 11 Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-24 29 28516047 AoPH Quest 12 Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?" Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 31 28522042 AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2) A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 29 December 2013 28642439 AoPH Quest 13 Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 31 28649635 AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2) After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 28 28845506 AoPH Quest 14 Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-14 28 28886751 AoPH Quest 15 Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-16 30 28914063 Over(Human)Limit Quest 1 Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-17 22 28971452 AoPH Quest 16 The team is assembled and the investigation is underway! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-20 28 28991832 Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5 Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-21 14 29009614 Over(Human)Limit Quest 2 Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-22 16 29047290 AoPH Quest 17 Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-24 27 29158136 Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Colective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2013-12-30 12 29178235 AoPH Quest 18 Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-31 27 January 2014 29259624 Teen Titans CYOA #? Somnius was right all along. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying , Somnius was right 2014-01-04 5 29268869 AoPH Quest 19 The situation gets heated as Devon takes the rein. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-04 28 29354452 AoPH Quest 20 Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-08 26 29368212 Teen Titans Quest #14 What a comeback! Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2014-01-09 6 29445086 AoPH Quest 21 Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-12 27 29539678 AoPH Quest 22 Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-16 30 29622461 Over(Human)Limit Quest 4 Asher is sent back out into the city after a little chat with Friend. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-19 10 29613544 Over(Human)Limit Quest 5 Asher kills a banshee and meets his old group then heads back to base. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-19 10 29712241 AoPH Quest 23 With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-23 29 29737477 Over(Human)Limit Quest 6 Asher take a breather and learns more about magic, along with creating his first contract! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-24 10 29836414 AoPH Quest 24 With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-28 28 29859618 Over(Human)Limit Quest 8 The fight in the Assembly Hall rages on against the Government agents... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-01-29 10 February 2014 29980679 Over(Human)Limit Quest 9 In the aftermath of Susej's death. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-03 8 30002131 AoPH Quest 25 Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-04 28 30068197 AoPH Quest 26 A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-07 28 30132013 Over(Human)Limit Quest 10 Asher and co take a pounding while heading out of the city, Anons argue about Oaths Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-10 10 30277066 Teen Titans Quest # 15 We fight kaiju in Gypsie Danger and recieve encouraging words from Superman himself. Teen Titans Quest , Teen Titans , Quest , Collective Game , Death , Son , Robin , Raven , Donn Mortem , Donn , Mortem , Undying 2014-02-16 11 30378453 AoPH Quest 27 Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-21 25 30398867 Over(Human)Limit Quest 11 Asher dreams of power. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-22 11 30442896 Over(Human)Limit Quest 12 Five hundred and twelve. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-02-24 11 30488020 AoPH Quest 28 An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-26 27 30509142 Over(Human)Limit Quest 13 The group hits civilization for some R&R on the way to Vegas. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker 2014-02-27 12 March 2014 30617347 AoPH Quest 29 Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-04 29 30639180 Over(Human)Limit Quest 14 A morning at a Deny's is a poor one for a certain waitress. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-05 11 30736109 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 66 A generation ends. A new one begins. Heroes fall, tyrants rise, and all light seems to die. However a new light is lit in the seemingly darkest of places...In the form of a living weapon. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Death , Woolf , Ash , Asemu , Kio , X-Rounder , Leviathan , Flit , 2014-03-10 26 30741727 AoPH Quest 30 A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-10 20 30821351 Over(Human)Limit Quest 15 Sunday happenings. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-14 11 30900302 AoPH Quest 31 Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-18 29 30942068 Over(Human)Limit Quest 16 Sunday continues with a battle. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-20 8 31070514 AoPH Quest 32 Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-26 27 31087098 Over(Human)Limit Quest 17 An uphill battle continues within the church!
Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-03-27 10 31127687 AoPH Quest 33 Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-29 26 31148294 Over(Human)Limit Quest 18 Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism , Not moe 2014-03-30 8 31169525 Over(Human)Limit Quest 19 Donner doesn't like mech flesh and Asher fails at summoning a sandworm to carry us to Vegas Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-03-31 11 April 2014 31228287 AoPH Quest 34 With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-03 32 31246626 Over(Human)Limit Quest 20 A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-04 10 31330421 AoPH Quest 35 A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-08 28 31394287 AoPH Quest 36 Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-11 28 31436397 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21 Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-13 8 31501070 AoPH Quest 37 The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-16 23 31630140 AoPH Quest 38 Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart.
What awaits them the now? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-22 24 31696931 AoPH Quest 39 Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-25 17 31698624 Legalize necromancy! 4d20 raise it bro. Friggin' feds. necromancy , fuck da police , legal debate , pro-death 2014-04-25 5 31716476 Over(Human)Limit Quest 23 Previous thread at
Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-26 10 31789290 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24 A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-04-29 18 May 2014 31875591 AoPH Quest 40 A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd.
A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-03 24 31921731 AoPH Quest 41 Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers.
Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-05 15 32112773 Over(Human)Limit Quest 25 Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-14 9 32147743 AoPH Quest 42 Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-16 13 32247033 Deep Breath worldbuilding We continue the worldbuilding marathon of Solod; it's been 24 hours, and it's still running. fantasy , setting , worldbuilding , homebrew , god , Solod , Deep , halfling are demonic deathseekers and orcs are junkpunk-borgs treants 2014-05-21 4 32237404 Earth, Population: NOPE A collection of fauna and flora that we really wish just weren't. NOPE , Nature , Fauna , Flora , Death World 2014-05-21 8 32270403 Over(Human)Limit Quest 26 Asher fights against an old foe! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-22 11 32292288 AoPH Quest 43 Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-23 20 32447322 Over(Human)Limit Quest 27 Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Terrorism 2014-05-30 11 32466473 AoPH Quest 44 Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing?
Pokemon Hunter! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-31 28 June 2014 32724536 AoPH Quest 45 Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-12 27 32740955 AoPH Quest 46 Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-13 24 32763860 AoPH Quest 47 Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-14 22 32885500 AoPH Quest 48 Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-20 24 32905295 AoPH Quest 49 Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-21 22 33049973 AoPH Quest 50 White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-28 6 33072239 AoPH Quest 51 The Araraki's hiding something.
Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-29 5 July 2014 33152746 AoPH Quest 52 Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-03 10 33277283 AoPH Quest 53 Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-09 8 33500444 AoPH Quest 54 The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-19 12 33544144 AoPH Quest 55 Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-21 21 33583693 AoPH Quest 56 Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future.
Akabaron returns after a long trip. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-22 10 33607926 AoPH Quest 57 Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-23 7 33634727 AoPH Quest 58 A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-25 5 33659049 AoPH Quest 59 Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-26 6 33660810 High Mortality Party Storytime The most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories. Dark heresy , Only War , Shoggy , Storytime , Mortality , Deaths , DnD , Tulip , Shane , Tommy , Troll Fucker , Volg , Paradox , Death 2014-07-26 110 33757139 AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale) Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-30 -29 August 2014 33710707 Martian Death Quest Supplemental Resources Anons compile a list of resources and atmosphere suggestions for running a MDQ. nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime , Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG , Atmosphere , Resources 2014-08-01 1 33915461 Outcast Pantheon The small gods and their characteristics. gods , magic , setting , small gods , religion , religions , faith , old gods , new gods , otherworldly , death , 2014-08-07 11 33946433 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1 Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-07 11 33969184 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2 The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim? Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-08 9 34259610 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3 The tradition of gathering around a bonfire... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-20 7 34328186 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4 New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-23 7 34492165 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5 Asher awakens after a frightful injury. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-30 6 34515414 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6 Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-08-31 7 September 2014 34632013 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7 Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-05 8 34651268 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5 Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-05 7 34869635 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8 Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-15 6 34878166 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5 Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-15 6 34918332 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9 Faust makes a choice for a comrade Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-17 7 35137172 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10 After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-09-27 7 October 2014 35253871 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5 Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-02 7 35268740 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11 Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then...
It's time for a showstopper. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-03 6 35311578 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12 The battle for fashion continues! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-05 6 35413762 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster) A thread's redone because the QM has a problem. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-10 7 35438361 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13 Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things? Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-11 7 35563376 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni Slayer Playing as Mizumi Shoko, we learn what happened to the original God of Destruction. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , gore , death 2014-10-16 8 35593742 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14 Wood and Blood. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-18 8 35637705 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15 Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-20 8 35695012 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16 Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-10-23 6 November 2014 35902074 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17 Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-02 5 36006513 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18 Asher has a conversation with Camille... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-07 7 36149524 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19 Asher opens a portal to another world... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-14 5 36191100 Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20 The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Asher , Evoker , Lucifer , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-11-16 6 36314108 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21 Asher fights against the forces that defy the Fae's foothold on the world as he's hunted by an old friend. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-11-22 6 36336536 Over(Human)Limit Quest 21.5 Asher uses a fossil for a ritual. Frightful company makes an appearance. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker 2014-11-23 6 December 2014 36493589 Over(Human)Limit Quest 22 Zeitgeist fights on through the night until the morning. It's time for a counterattack! Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-01 6 36626350 Over(Human)Limit Quest 23 The Purging of Faerie Chicago begins... Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-08 6 36744844 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 1) The Spirit of the New Age. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-14 7 36900348 Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 2) All things come to an end. Over(Human)Limit Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , Death World , Magic , Superhuman , Survival , Asher Smith , Evoker , Over(human)Limit S2 2014-12-22 6 January 2015 37687843 DBZ Human Quest #47 Frieza and Kaguya finally settle the score Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Frieza , King , Cold , Kamehameha , Death , Ball , Supernova 2015-01-29 14 May 2015 40155755 Nasuverse Quest #7 We make our way through Toby's house and fight a Jiangshi. Plus, Grandpa Eli is back. Unfortunately, we lose a close friend. Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Fight Scene , Death 2015-05-25 2 June 2015 40406548 Death's Shadows I In which a new /tg/ Chapter is rolled. Sniper terrorist Dark Angels no less. Death's Shadows , Chapter Generator 2015-06-07 2 40421026 Death's Shadows II Fluff developments and some writefaggotry to go along Death's Shadows , Chapter Generator 2015-06-07 2 July 2015 41124583 Deathwatch Bedtime Story Anon asks for a Deathwatch bedtime story.
Genestealers ensue. 40k Deathwatch bedtime genestealers 2015-07-10 5 September 2015 42687766 Desolation Quest 1 A farmboy loses his family, his hometown, and buries them alongside his ability to give a fuck. Already dead inside, when death comes for him a 1-in-100 chance forces the QM to discard most of their notes. desolation quest , collective game , dice gods , derailment , off the rails , death , grim reaper 2015-09-24 39 October 2015 43274599 Dragon Knight Quest #1 Cute dragon knights doing prisoner of war things. Dragon Knight Quest , Collective Game , Alteration , Death , Destruction 2015-10-26 2 February 2016 45427746 Death and Taxes Quest In which a dead man becomes an awesome fire-themed Kamen Rider Golem. Kamen , Rider , Fire , Collective Game , protector , Death And Taxes 2016-02-15 8 March 2016 46276124 Death Among the Stars Quest 40 Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , game 2016-03-27 13 April 2016 46382106 Death Among the Stars Quest 41 The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-01 12 46422083 Death Among the Stars Quest 42 The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , Collective Game 2016-04-03 11 46532307 Death Among the Stars Quest 43 Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-08 12 46676916 Death Among the Stars Quest 44 Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-15 12 46719523 Death Among the Stars Quest 45 War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-17 15 46866131 Death Among the Stars Quest 46 The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face. quest , sci-fi , fantasy , space opera , undead , lich , aliens , death among the stars , collective game 2016-04-24 13 June 2016 252997 The Island Rogue-like Take 1 The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. Choose your gifts and try to survive longer than a single thread. Island One-Shot Rogue-like Permadeath 2016-06-16 5 261555 The Island Rogue-like Take 2 The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. Choose your gifts and try to survive longer than a single thread. Island One-Shot Rogue-like Permadeath 2016-06-16 3 282994 The Island Rogue-like Take 3 The Near-sighted Bodybuilder Bill still doesn't manage to break the 70 post record. It might be time to shift some rules. Island , One-Shot , Rogue-like , Permadeath 2016-06-22 2 July 2016 48199724 Death Among the Stars Quest 47 The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return home quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-10 11 48280693 Death Among the Stars Quest 48 The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-15 8 48312095 Death Among the Stars Quest 49 Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-17 9 48410322 Death Among the Stars Quest 50 The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-23 7 48476311 Death Among the Stars Quest 51 Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-27 9 48541397 Death Among the Stars Quest 52 Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-07-31 7 August 2016 48628714 Death Among the Stars Quest 53 The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-05 11 48661610 Death Among the Stars Quest 54 A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-07 11 48833545 Death Among the Stars Quest 55 Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-17 12 48907227 Death Among the Stars Quest 56 After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched native quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-08-21 13 September 2016 49155787 Death Among the Stars Quest 57 Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-09-04 8 527483 Starborn Quest 6: Fade to Black A new foe appears, a cannibal priest of Darna. The title is appropriate. Collective Game , Purps , Fantasy , Starborn , Star , Brutal , Grinnsmon , Combat , Boss fight , Enigma , Fail , Red eyes , Terminator , Death , Feelings 2016-09-05 3 579217 Cyber Demon Quest #1 Your name used to be John Smith, mild mannered cracker in the city of Neo York. Now you're the Steelshape called Saurian, and you're hungr Cyber Demon Quest , Collective Game , Game-Like Quest , Cyberpunk , Shin Megami Tensei , Deus Ex , Creative Deaths , Gore , OP protagonists 2016-09-19 12 570135 /qst/ Discussion Thread Board Discussion Thread for /qst/ brainstorming , Comical , politics , Diplomacy , design , Death World 2016-09-23 22 613821 Cyber Demon Quest Episode 2 Steelshape Saurian kills and eats the Steelshape Berserker, fights Puma, has a girl fall in love with him, and gets shot at repeatedly. Cyber Demon Quest , Collective Game , Game-Like Quest , Cyberpunk , Creative Deaths , Gore , OP protagonists , violence 2016-09-26 17 October 2016 641510 Cyber Demon Quest Episode 3 We are Steelshape Saurian, and we find out that someone's been distributing guns, before encountering Squid and Aries. Cyber Demon Quest , Collective Game , Game-Like Quest , Cyberpunk , Creative Deaths , Gore , OP protagonists , violence , waifu 2016-10-03 10 718256 DWMA Quest #1 We meet Tony Starbrine, a Meister at the DWMA. He meets an island girl, lights her on fire, stands up to a god... And that's just day one. DWMA Quest , Lord Death , Tony Starbrine , Soul Eater 2016-10-18 23 732114 DWMA Quest #2 Tony does well on a test, has private time with two girls, and encounters a Kishin Egg. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-10-25 20 November 2016 775676 DWMA Quest #3 Tony has his first real fight, gets ambushed by a witch, and somehow comes out unharmed. Also, he bullies the little girl. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-02 22 781659 Starborn Quest 20: Purple Rain Purps is up and fighting with a mysterious blue coated man, the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody? Collective Game , Purps , Fantasy , Starborn , Star , Brutal , Wounded , Combat , Rono Pass , Enigma , Fail , Red eyes , Wolfmen , Death , Luc 2016-11-05 2 772363 The Island Rogue-like Take 4 The Survival Quest with frequent Permadeath. After a slight rule change, we manage to survive a whole thread. Things might be looking up. Island , One-Shot , Rogue-like , Permadeath , Dj Jizzy 2016-11-06 2 803390 DWMA Quest #4 Tony meets the Elite Neet, discusses 2D harem strats, and is caught alone with a girl by her father. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-08 16 825319 DWMA Quest #5 Tony trains his soul, gets a part-time job, and finally goes to a real class... only to get stomped. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-11-14 15 December 2016 933424 DWMA Quest #7 Tony gets to his dorms, works a job, and gets caught red-handed. Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-12-13 11 948903 Death Among the Stars Quest 58 GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussed quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-18 12 953734 DWMA Quest #8 Tony has classes, increases stats, and learns magic! Tony Starbrine , DWMA Quest , Soul Eater , Lord Death 2016-12-22 11 980016 Death Among the Stars Quest 59 The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkam quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2016-12-28 13 944872 Sn@kevin buisness One of the best mind fuck quests ever made Snake , true_love , death , mind_contro,l middle_management , short 2016-12-28 2 January 2017 1015534 Death Among the Stars Quest 60 Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kanda quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-07 7 1020716 DWMA Quest #9 Tony plays wingman, goes it alone, and runs away to victory. Soul Eater , DWMA Quest , Tony Starbrine , Lord Death 2017-01-09 14 1040520 Death Among the Stars Quest 61 The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clans quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-14 9 1073715 Death Among the Stars Quest 62 The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answers quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-22 8 1089782 Unto Death Quest A lich wakes up with no memory in some sort of tomb. Unto Death , Death Lord , Serial , fantasy , worldbuilding , magic system 2017-01-26 6 1100852 Death Among the Stars Quest 63 The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-01-29 6 February 2017 1128083 Death Among the Stars Quest 64 Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjects quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-05 7 1152849 Death Among the Stars Quest 65 Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-12 8 1175081 Death Among the Stars Quest 66 Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreak quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-19 6 1209564 Death Among the Stars Quest 67 The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are created quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-02-27 9 March 2017 1230721 Death Among the Stars Quest 68 Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practice quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-05 7 1260840 Death Among the Stars Quest 69 The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worlds quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-14 12 1280139 Death Among the Stars Quest 70 Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old ally quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-03-19 15 April 2017 1325659 Death Among the Stars Quest 71 A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous mission quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-02 12 1349170 Death Among the Stars Quest 72 Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-09 9 1369205 Death Among the Stars Quest 73 Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-16 8 52707550 Lich Hobbyists A discussion on what an immortal being might choose to fill their unlimited time with. lich , hobby , undeath , cursed magical items , troll , collection 2017-04-16 12 1399268 Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2 A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisis quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-25 10 1414014 Death Among the Stars Quest 74 The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its wounded quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-04-30 7 May 2017 1434391 Death Among the Stars Quest 75 Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Council quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-07 9 1456781 Death Among the Stars Quest 76 The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-14 8 1460029 deadquest chapter one you are dead. you ate a lot of worms and hunted down a fleshy pile of rags. dead , deadquest , skeleton , drawings , death , fun , rags 2017-05-18 1 1483260 Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2 The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forces quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-05-22 9 June 2017 1532387 Death Among the Stars Quest 77 Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stock quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-04 7 53757201 quantum physics, nuclear waste waste disposal and succubi A Magical Realm is derailed into a discussion of thermodynamics, atomic waste disposal and Satan weaponizing the heat death of the universe. derail , succubi , succubus , thermodynamics , heat death , entropy , quantum physics , nuclear waste, 2017-06-13 2 53836365 Doom Crows /tg/ does a critically endangered homebrew chapter, ends up with jump-packing sniper/gunslingers Deathwatch , Space Marine, 2017-06-17 2 1609562 Death Among the Stars Quest 78 The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-06-25 8 July 2017 1651470 Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2 The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-09 7 1694216 Death Among the Stars Quest 79 The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching storm quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-23 7 1721479 Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2 The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agents quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-07-30 7 August 2017 1767481 Death Among the Stars Quest 80 War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strength quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-13 8 1793990 Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2 The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-21 7 1815123 Death Among the Stars Quest 81 The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yet quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-08-28 7 1804243 Hunter x Hunter quest This is a quest set in the hunter x hunter universe with my original story and characters. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2017-08-29 14 1820315 Hunter x Hunter quest02 This is a quest set in the hunter x hunter universe with my original story and characters. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2017-08-31 11 September 2017 1829871 Hunter x Hunter quest: episode 3 Derrick shows Rea his "special" equipment,Gets his ass beat by an Emo and reaches Barry's street but comes to an abrupt End hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death 2017-09-08 7 1853084 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2 The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar system quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-10 7 1872052 Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3 Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survival quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-09-17 7 1870770 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 4: Back in Black The fight with Blackwood comes to a close but with it, a new mystery about a close friend opens. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death 2017-09-22 7 October 2017 1926296 Death Among the Stars Quest 82 With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-03 8 1914713 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 5: Forest X of X Moonlight Derrick Enters the moonlight forest. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2017-10-06 5 1966971 Death Among the Stars Quest 83 As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threat quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-15 8 2021254 Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2 Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworld quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2017-10-29 8 November 2017 2032495 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 6: All X Aboard Derrick heads north to catch a train but gets ambushed by the beast of trust along with the beasts of the wild too. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death 2017-11-09 6 2080522 Hunter X Hunter Quest Episode 7:Will X To X Fight Derrick fights the Apex predator hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2017-11-27 5 December 2017 2116451 Hunter x Hunter Quest: Episode 8 - First X Train X Home Derrick Meets and greets a variety of people, most of which he hates hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2017-12-11 6 January 2018 2167963 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 9 – Stealing X The X Show Derrick bonds with people, gets an upgrade and realizes there's something strange with the Exam... hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-01-01 5 2207247 Death Among the Stars Quest 84 As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operations quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-07 8 2199904 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 10 – The Greatest X Show on X The Planet The show begins. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-01-12 6 2246299 Death Among the Stars 84.2 The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-01-21 7 2230883 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 11- What X Makes X A Warrior We look at what happened to Noell after the Show begins. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-01-22 6 2248688 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 12- Grand X Finale X New Beginning The Show comes to an end and the exam lays on the Horizon. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-01-27 5 February 2018 2265175 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 13- The X Hunter X Exam The Hunter Exam Begins hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-02-04 5 2279438 Death Among the Stars 84.3 The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasion quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-04 7 2262486 Metahuman Quest: Issue #12 Morgan spends a day with his friends, almost gets shot with an arrow, and spots a cyclops. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Artemis , Batgirl , Robin , Slice of Life , Deathstroke 2018-02-12 5 2302469 Death Among the Stars 85 With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-12 6 2338813 Death Among the Stars 85.2 Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxy quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-02-25 7 March 2018 2360649 Death Among the Stars 85.3 Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knight quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-05 11 2353309 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 14- Bright Futures x And X Dark Pasts The Night battle ends and we gain a new friend. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-03-09 8 2397399 Death Among the Stars 85.4 Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestation quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-03-18 6 2387120 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 14.5- Parting X Reunion The End of the Prologue hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-03-22 11 April 2018 2461527 Death Among the Stars 86 A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shard quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-09 6 2448118 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 15- Canary X In a X Coal Mine A warning is given and a threat to the Hunter Organization comes to view. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death 2018-04-10 6 2498833 Death Among the Stars 87 The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battle quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-04-23 6 May 2018 2565522 Death Among the Stars 87.2 The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-15 6 2594889 Death Among the Stars 87.3 The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation" quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-05-27 6 June 2018 2644534 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 16- Conquering X Mountains The first test of the Hunter Exam comes to an end hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-06-18 4 July 2018 2728237 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 17- A X Moment's X Reprieve Derrick and friends earn some much needed rest hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-07-17 5 August 2018 2771269 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 17.5 – Wars of Love X Sadness X And Hate The first day of the of short stay at Damon's house. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-08-07 4 September 2018 2850048 Hunter X Hunter Quest Episode 18: Powers X Most X Hidden Derrick unlocks a hidden power and survives his strange life in Damon's house hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-09-07 4 October 2018 2961227 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 19- Black X Hole X Sun It was all fun and games at first, then it all came tumbling down. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-10-20 5 3004922 Death Among the Stars Quest 89 A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armada quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-10-28 4 2980021 Encounter quest V2.0 Follow the adventures/misadventures of an arcane scholar who must entertain death herself. Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-10-28 1 November 2018 62773019 The Shadow over Calixis A one-shot Lovecraftian style storyline. 40k , Sororitas , Deathwatch , Lovecraft , Warhammer , writefaggotry, 2018-11-03 0 2999009 Encounter quest V2.0 2 In which Gunhild has fulfilled her vengeance Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-11-05 1 3013597 Encounter quest V2.1 3 You gained a new companion to aid you along your journey Encounter Quest , Arcane Scholar , Collective Game , Death Goddess , Zaz 2018-11-11 1 3056436 Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3 Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forged quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-11-19 4 December 2018 3091021 Death Among the Stars Quest 90 The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarch quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-06 7 3095667 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 20- Thrill X Of The X Hunt Derrick and Friends go hunting. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2018-12-14 4 3143140 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2 Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anew quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2018-12-31 2 January 2019 3161769 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 21 (Part 1)- Legacies X In X Death First part of the third test of the Hunter Exam hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-01-13 5 February 2019 3206404 Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 21.5: The X Meaning Of X Justice Derrick conquers the 3rd phase of the exam and meets a familiar old man. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-02-01 5 3300692 Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3 The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged. quest , undead , lich , collective game , sci-fi , space opera , death among the stars , fantasy 2019-02-27 3 March 2019 3322930 Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 22: Twenty X Hearts of X Legend The beginning of the end of the Hunter's Exam hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-03-11 5 April 2019 3383969 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 23: Fight X For Your X Life The 2nd and 3rd battle of the final test of the Hunter Exam. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-04-02 5 3442601 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 23.5: Hearts Of X Steel And X Lies The 4th and 5th fight of the Final test of the Hunter Exam. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-04-23 5 May 2019 65960580 Realms of Lord Killblood Deathbane A fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings. Lord Killblood Deathbane , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Science Fantasy , World Building , brainstorming , Brainstorming , mutant , 2019-05-03 14 3449790 Rogue Pilot Quest Episode 3 The crew prepares to head to the Middle East and the QM dies for like two weeks Rogue Pilot Quest , Rogue , Pilot , Quest , Fighter Pilot , Realistic , Permadeath , Jet Fighter , Fighter 2019-05-10 5 3494009 Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 24, Chapter 1 Finale: The Day X I Tried X To Live The end of the First Chapter hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-05-17 6 June 2019 3556133 Hunter X Hunter Quest-Epilogue 1: Prelude To X The Journey X Ahead The Epilogue to the First Chapter hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-06-15 5 September 2019 68281491 Games with death Death offers /tg/ to play one last game of their choice before moving on. Death , roleplay , writefaggotry , awesome , manly tears 2019-09-13 24 3801711 HXHQ- Chapter 2, Episode 1: The Daily X Life of X A Hunter First day of Derrick's Life as a Hunter HXHQ , Perma-death , collective game 2019-09-15 1 October 2019 3868401 Hunter X Hunter Quest, Ch2, Ep2: The Path X To X Salvation The Hunters fight a terrorist organization and Derrick meets an old, beloved friend... hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-10-21 5 December 2019 3930603 Soul Eater Grim Tales #1 Join us as we start off this coming of age adventure with our three protagonist Francis, Candace and Miguel as they head to Shibusen. Soul Eater Quest , Lord Death , AU , Multiple Protagonists , Collective Game 2019-12-07 0 3918379 Help! I married a Deathclaw! Help! I married a Deathclaw! Collective Game , Fallout , Deathclaw , CDS-Michigan 2019-12-13 3 3969474 HXHQ- Chapter 2, Episode 4: Don't X Look X Back It's time to spend a day walking in Vanilla's shoes. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2019-12-23 4 January 2020 4047710 MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM:DANGANRONPA~III OP is alive. Perseus helps plan a party, makes drinks, watches 80s action kino, sucks at racing games, and witnesses death. Danganronpa , Magical Murder Mayhem: Danganronpa , Mystery , Character Death 2020-01-30 11 May 2020 4229861 Hunter X Hunter Quest, Chapter 2- Episode 4: Welcome X To X Brenho! Derrick's Arrival in Ochima and trip to Brenho. HXHQ , Perma-death , collective game 2020-05-07 2 June 2020 4287846 Body Horror Quest - 44th Vein QM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolences Body Horror Quest , Body Horror , bhop , BHOP , Female MC , Gore , Horror , Act 5 , irl INTERRUPT , Mother , feels , 4 is death 2020-06-12 7 December 2020 4567605 HXHQ- Interlude: Trip down X Memory Lane Derrick spends some time learning more about himself and of his friends. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2020-12-15 5 4541457 Zombie Apocalypse Quest A completely new take on zombies! Take control of 5 playable characters to try to survive and unlock their various endings. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Death , Switching Characters 2020-12-15 13 4544972 Death road to canada, stupid quest edition (one-shot?) Death road to Canada Quest with Xenomporh Waifu Waifu , Collective Game , Death Road to Canada Quest , Zombies , Apocalypse , Anon 2020-12-16 0 January 2021 4572305 Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #2 This time, we take control of Sarah in her perilous journey to save her son and the other survivors in the nearby school. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Switching Characters , Quiz 2021-01-10 6 4572373 Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #2 2nd thread of the death road to Canada quest zombies , aliens , vidya , waifu , death road to canada quest 2021-01-10 -1 February 2021 4601638 Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #3 Thread 3 for death road to canada zombies , aliens , vidya , waifu , death road to canada quest , Waifu , Collective Game , Death Road to Canada Quest , Zombies , Apocalypse , Anon 2021-02-07 0 4601479 Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #3 On to Larry's shipborne adventure, fighting zombies, fire and people's stupidity at the same time. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Death , Switching Characters 2021-02-13 1 March 2021 4642716 Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #4 Qm killed the quest zombies , aliens , vidya , waifu , death road to canada quest , Waifu , Collective Game , Death Road to Canada Quest , Zombies , Apocalypse , Anon 2021-03-04 0 July 2021 4897710 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 5: Meeting X The X Family Time to meet the Royal Family hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , Perma-death, 2021-07-06 6 November 2021 5003228 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 47 The Quest ends, not with a bang but with a whimper WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Death 2021-11-09 -14 September 2022 5412845 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 6: Hello X Goodbye The Christening Ceremony ensues hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , perma-death 2022-09-25 6 January 2023 5506275 Abandoned Salvation Quest In a future where the world has changed and humanoid machines named synthos hunt down humans, a guy is on a quest to regrow humanity. NightKnight QM , Post Apocalyptic , Android , Near Death Experience 2023-01-11 3 February 2023 5572604 Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 7: The X Great X Game Mysteries are found and the long fight ahead begins. hunter x hunter quest , Collective game , perma-death 2023-02-20 2 April 2023 5614284 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 10 Dragon(born) who's above kidnapping a princess decides gaslights her and kills her family instead. Demons prove duplicitous, heroes pesky. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , dreams , nightmares , date-night , gaslight , near-death-experiences 2023-04-26 25 May 2023 5627757 The Goblin King is Bored! The goblins find a Magi-horror inside a giant tortoise leg, bully a witch in Mad Enchanted Forest Hiddledink and voyage on the Metal Ur-sea Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Neigh 2023-05-16 2 June 2023 88962479 Valhallans on a Water World The Valhallans go to a Water World 40k , IG , Necrons , Orks , Titans , Deathwatch , Skitarii , writefaggotry 2023-06-01 6 July 2023 5667937 Goblin King is Bored #2 Quiet the goblin is given a chance to become a noble. QM ends up regretting doing a solo gob quest and almost flakes. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Quiet , Sologob 2023-07-06 1 August 2023 5704813 The Goblin King is Bored#3 The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM. Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Vampires , Demons , Baking 2023-08-25 2 September 2023 90104816 Valhallans on a shrine world The Valhallan 545th armored are deployed to a shrine world 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , genestealers , tyranids , titans , deathwatch , writefaggotry , sisters of battle 2023-09-08 7 90184044 Valhallans on a shrine world 2 The Valhallan 545th and other forces continue their misadventure on the shrine world 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , genestealers , tyranids , deathwatch , writefaggotry , sisters of battle 2023-09-15 7 October 2023 5749533 The goblin king is Bored! #4 The goblins go on a quest to restore the nation of Lennessa. However, they crash a ball and end up in a time loop! Goblins , Collective Game , Total Goblin Death , Labyrinth-like goblins , Roguelite , Fantasy , Folklore , Fae , Steller , Goblin Nuns , Knights 2023-10-07 0 December 2023 5810404 The Monster Girl Facility #1 Mikhail and his men enter the ruins of the facility for the first time. They encounter two subjects and a scientist and kill 3 guardsmen. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2023-12-07 22 91097573 Valhallans on an Anchor World Part 2 The Valhallan 545th and their allies fight chaos and tyranids while an Inquisitor goes on a secret mission 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , tyranids , deathwatch , writefaggotry , mordians , felinids , eldar , harlequins 2023-12-08 4 January 2024 5860474 The Monster Girl Facility #2 Mikhail and his men enter the green section, Zaria is hurt by a chameleon subject, and a side-story reveals just how bad things can get... Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-01-23 16 March 2024 5904571 The Monster Girl Facility #3 Mikhail and his men deal with some more guards, terrible scientists, a friendly yet simple mosquito subject and a murderous rabbit subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-03-12 15 April 2024 5950624 The Monster Girl Facility #4 Mikhail and his men defeat the rabbit, meet Morgan the knight subject, fight some extremely paranoid guardsmen and learn of a queen subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-04-26 12 June 2024 5987532 The Monster Girl Facility #5: Burnt rabbit edition Mikhail and his men discover and barely survive a secret lair and encounter some of the queen's forces. Meanwhile, Kiyohime hunts for booze Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-04 12 5992483 Death of a Tyrant I The corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding. Death of a Tyrant , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-11 8 6010971 Death of a Tyrant II The newly crowned king fights his would-be assassins in a gladiatorial arena. Death of a Tyrant , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-11 8 July 2024 6046623 Death of a Tyrant III The new king accepts his brother-in-law's call for aid against a barbarian horde. Thread is then prematurely archived by the jannies. Death of a Tyrant , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-07-09 6 6027666 The Monster Girl Facility #6: Regicide edition Artyom gets injured from a trapped corpse, Mikhail and his men ambush some of the queens forces, and make more sinister discoveries. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-07-17 13 October 2024 6077160 The Monster Girl Facility #7: Monster girl Adoption edition After taking the girls somewhere safe, Mikhail and his men encounter Vinisha, trick Nikita and face more of the Queen's forces. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-10-08 11 December 2024 6122269 The Monster Girl Facility #8: Roasted Soldier Edition Mikhail and his men get beaten by Feng's forces and discover a beast in the flooded parts. A sidestory showcases the past of the facility. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-12-11 11 February 2025 6157764 The Monster Girl Facility #9: Spider-wife edition Mikhail and his companions travel through Titania's chamber, encounter more subjects and traverse a high threat level containment sector. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2025-02-09 5