/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
1966471SR CannonballA guy gets ideas of stuff to do in a Shadowrun adventure based on The Cannonball RunShadowrun Cannonball teams race2008-06-11 8 
April 2009
4281495[DnD] The Cavern Of "Ow, My Balls"The OP comes up with a decent idea that, with /tg/'s help, becomes hilarious.balls, inert, unwanted sterilization2009-04-15 17 
August 2009
5447813Times you've surprised your GM.Often in badass and/or hilarious ways.DM,curveball2009-08-14 1 
September 2009
5789941Merry Tarrasquemas, Everyone!The Tarrasque is actually a pretty swell guy.Tarrasque, Balloonrasque, Tarrasquemas2009-09-09 38 
February 2010
8015593The Ballad of Ellen QuarrelPArt two of the simply awsome storyBallad of Ellen Quarrel2010-02-11 5 
March 2010
8816985Eldar - The Rich, Black Folk of 40KDiscussion about the Ultramarines film evolves into the similarities that Eldar have with black basketball players and beyond. blacks, eldar, basketball, eldrad2010-03-27 -4 
April 2010
9166357Realistic ballistic combat rules/tg/ discusses and shares ideas on more realistic combat, mostly ballistic, for modern type settingsrules, realistic combat, modern, ballistic2010-04-13 2 
November 2010
12716581Paladin wat do?Thread starts with a Paladin fucking a god he DIDN'T worship. /tg/ thinks about the ramifications. It is decided that Eilistraee was one of the better gods for a horizontal tango. Then FR gods turn out to be playing some sort of reverse fantasy football with their followers. Eilistraee, gods, Forgotten Realms, Fantasy Football2010-11-10 13 
May 2011
14967696Bill's QuestAn ex-astronaut, a talking chimpanzee who invented a fusion power plant, and a handful other other geniuses team up to build a boat and escape a desert island they were imprisoned on by the Illuminati.Bill's Quest, Illuminati, astronaut, ex-astronaut, chimpanzee, talking chimpanzee, talking chimp, quest, collective game, tripping balls2011-05-18 4 
August 2011
15974215Zerg Quest LIVEcological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Manta Ray Feudalism, Sir Geoffrey of Zerg, Exciting Research, Ballustrades2011-08-18 11 
February 2012
17953740Julius, the most successful bard in history of everOen dae julius went inna innernets he postes sum tred in /tg/ roll natral 20 he had sex wif it +10 epic tredsoh god mah balls, funny, julius2012-02-15 12 
March 2012
18394012For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionWe attend a ball, talk to some knights and get slapped for breaking things.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball2012-03-21 11 
May 2012
19076187The Incredible Mr. Bucket Thread./tg/ plays street rules Mr. Bucket, with predictable results.Bucket, Collective Game, Mr., Balls2012-05-12 41 
June 2012
19496755Zerg Quest XCA Cerebrate's life hangs in the balance, and the dice decide everything goes GREAT.Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Tassadar, Fenix's balls that was close, unexpected alliance, WHAT A TWIST2012-06-16 7 
September 2012
20773984For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 2After a mad scramble from the bar to the front lines we're forced to dance with transport ships flying faster than light. Concept work begins on FTL weapons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball2012-09-19 17 
20866010For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball, mecha2012-09-26 26 
January 2013
22347614/tg/ plays baseball against horrifying fey creaturesChristopher Robin challenges /tg/ to a friendly game of baseball. /tg/ is not prepared for the torment that it must then endure.baseball, hell, game2013-01-03 30 
22464072Welcome to the Jam that ends the world.Basketball is serious business. Bill Murray duels his nemesis, the Lichnomancer, and the fate of the world rests on a single dunk.Come on and Slam, Welcome to the Jam, Basketball, Bill Murray, Lichnomancer, Writefag2013-01-08 47 
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
February 2013
22980355Vampire Revenge QuestHe turned you. Made you eat your friends. Now you're going to get some revenge. vampire wayne revenge quest coffin baseball bat Collective game2013-02-05 -3 
23317681Racer Queens In the extreme glamour of the future-90s, mechanized idols racing comps are the shock! nineties, 90s, race queens, motorball, cyberpunk, modempunk, worldbuilding, racing2013-02-22 13 
March 2013
23461390Racer Queens 2The game about sexy cyborg racer girls shall be a card game.nineties, 90s, race queens, motorball, cyberpunk, modempunk, worldbuilding, racing, card game 2013-03-04 1 
October 2013
27976160Salem Institute Quest 5Natalia tries her hand at Charms, experiences a surprising amount of existential crisis for a ten-year-old, and SUDDENLY: SNOWBALL QUEST Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Snowball Quest2013-10-28 7 
November 2013
28057838Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 1)Natalia wakes up from a disappointing evening. She finds out some alarming news.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-02 6 
28073765Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 2)Natalia goes back to Potions. Later, she overhears something and resolves to act on it. Flying happens. Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-03 5 
28183484Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 3)Natalia goes to dueling and surprises herself. Natalia goes to lunch and meets a new friend.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-09 5 
28219606Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 4Natalia talks to Squall about The Society. Natalia learns about Black Storm. The Gang heads off to investigate the goings-on in Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-11 5 
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
28328254Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 5Natalia and Gang try to break into Starfish House. Later, Todd Quest!Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Todd Quest2013-11-17 5 
28441483Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7We get the sniffles. We go to meet Allen after school. Title Screen Unlocked.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-11-23 10 
December 2013
28587615Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7.1Natalia wakes up. Angela fills her in. They hatch a plan to find Todd.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-12-01 5 
29181440The Roman Ballerina LegionAn innocent typo ends up turning into a full fledged discussion on the destructive potential of the Roman Ballerina.hijack, typo, Imperium Balleranum2013-12-31 34 
January 2014
29264363Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8After a string of technology issues, OP rises like a phoenix. Natalia explores mechanics and confronts an old enemy.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-04 3 
29371661Slam of the FatesLichnomancer vs. Barkley B-Ball for the fate of the Universeawesome,roleplay,lich,barkley,basketball,slam2014-01-09 28 
29444142Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8.2Natalia investigates the strange tunnels, then learns about Halloween celebrations at Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-12 1 
February 2014
30092546Poland Ball QuestAll the country balls meet to prevent the world from being drowned in nuclear fire.Collective Game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST2014-02-08 13 
30106195Poland Ball Quest 2Poland steals Japan's katana. France tries to surrender. Collective Game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-09 7 
30420596Poland Ball Quest 3Americaball kicks ass and takes names. Collective game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-23 5 
March 2014
30759613CYOA Saiyan Story 124 The end. Saiyan, CYOA, end, finale, grand, dbz, dragon ball,2014-03-11 -4 
August 2014
34094176Khornette Quest #3In which we get an Ara Ara partner and fly too close to the holy promethiumCollective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Balls of Brass, ELH2014-08-13 5 
September 2014
35029388Titans Academy Quest 4Our protagonist learns a little more about his powers, and a hook is baited for later.Collective Game, Titans Academy Quest, NotHumble, Marvel, DC, Teen Titans, Quest, Stankball2014-09-22 5 
October 2014
35614073DBZ Human Quest #1Kaguya, a five year old boy with a girl's name, meets three strange people and finds himself in a battle to the deathCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Raditz, Goku, Piccolo2014-10-19 27 
35620333DBZ Human Quest #2Kaguya survives the battle, and learns that an even greater one is fast approachingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Raditz, Gohan, Piccolo2014-10-19 17 
35703731Space Monkeys QuestWe wake up, 18 years after Frieza ruins everything. We kill alot of Arlians, defeat Kew. Extort a king, and acquire a ship.Space Monkeys Quest,Collective Game,Chuckles,Dragon Ball,Saiyan2014-10-23 28 
35755286DBZ Human Quest 3We meet Krillin , talk to our parents, and loot a corpseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku,2014-10-26 16 
35768846Space Monkeys Quest 2We go to Frieza Planet 419 to look for rumours about saiyans. Instead we find a drunk in a bar that makes us look pathetic and suffer a slight mental break down.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-10-26 20 
35776689Assassin School quest 11Layla and Maria go to the big apple to visit a costume ball in a newly opened hotel, to assassinate a corrupt frenchman before he can be killed by two other assassins. Along the way they buy costumes, see a statue that looks disturbingly like Layla, and we see the world through Maria's eyes Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, Costume Ball, mind control, witch2014-10-27 10 
35859728DBZ Human Quest #4Kaguya learns some new tricks, and tests them against YamchaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Goku, Kami, Piccolo, Popo, Raditz, Gohan2014-10-31 15 
November 2014
35890437Space Monkeys Quest 3We kill pretty much everything, transform into even bigger, sweatier monkey girls, get a new ship and make some doshSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-11-01 20 
35900497DBZ Human Quest #5Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himselfColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Kami, Popo, Yajirobe, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Olibu, Saiyans, Lookout2014-11-02 14 
35921933DBZ Human Quest #6Kaguya faces off against Tien, and learns a new techniqueCollective game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyans, Kami, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Senzu, Bean2014-11-03 14 
36063895DBZ Human Quest #7Kaguya battles Krillin, and the Z fighters are sent into the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Popo, Kami, lookout, Vegeta, Pendulem, kamehameha2014-11-10 14 
36433983DBZ Human Quest #8Kaguya and the Z Fighters face off against a pair of Saiyans, and have a rematch with RaditzCollective Game, DBZ, Human, Quest, Dragon, Ball, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Raditz, Kami, Popo2014-11-28 13 
36470706DBZ Human Quest #9 Kaguya has a crash landing, battle Tien, and creates a new techniqueCollective Game, quest, DBZ, human, dragonball, dragon, ball2014-11-30 13 
December 2014
36503192Space Monkeys Quest 4: What's for Brunch?We race to aid a friend and are distracted by a worm hole, have visions of the last survivors of our race, and train with the girls.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-12-01 20 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36746600DBZ Human Quest #11Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Bardock, Fasha, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Saibamen, Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Tien, Chiaotzu, Goku2014-12-14 16 
36753323DBZ Human Quest # 12Gohan defeats the last of the Saibamen, and Kaguya reveals his true strength in his battle with the fierce Saiyan NappaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Vegeta, Yamcha, Goku, Saibamen2014-12-14 14 
36805824DBZ Human Quest #13The Z Fighters desperately try to hold off Vegeta until Goku arrives, at a great costCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, human, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Saibamen, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Gohan, Piccolo, Goku, Frieza, Dodoria, Bardock, Kamehameha, Destructo Disk, Dodon Ray, Wolf Fang Fist2014-12-17 14 
36863051DBZ Human Quest #14The Saiyan Saga comes to an endDBZ, Human, Dragonball, Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Yajirobe, Kami, Namek, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Popo, Korin, Hospital, Yajirobe2014-12-20 14 
36882809DBZ Human Quest #15After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the twoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Goku, Chiaotzu, Korin, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Namek, Kaio-Ken, King, Kai, Capsule Corp2014-12-21 14 
36923650DBZ Human Quest #16After some intense training with Goku, Kaguya finds himself up against the fearsome Ginyu Force!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, Kaio-ken, Kamehameha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, Ginyu, Force, Miracle, Bomber, Ultra, Fighting2014-12-23 14 
36990478DBZ Human Quest #17 Freezer has arrivedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku,2014-12-27 13 
36995545 DBZ Human Quest #18 Freiza and Kaguya face offCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku,2014-12-27 13 
37026473Esper Quest: Christmas/Winter Holiday SpecialIt's a bit too late to call it a Christmas special, but it's still the winter holidays, right? We start with Feito-chan so the QM can hint that her relationship with her mother has improved greatly.Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, CHRISTMAS, SNOWBALL FIGHT, HAPPY HOLIDAYS2014-12-29 5 
37026662DBZ Human Quest #19Things quickly take a turn for the worse in the struggle against FriezaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonaball, Frieza, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Dende, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Goku, Namek, Kamehameha, Dodon Ray, Solar Flare, Wolf, Fang, Fist2014-12-29 13 
37030702DBZ Human Quest #20Vegeta and Kaguya are forced to work together to fight Frieza. But, will it be enough?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Frieza, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Dende, Piccolo, Kamehameha, Multiform, Namek, Saiyan, Human2014-12-29 13 
37070399DBZ Human Quest #21Even with the arrival of Goku, Frieza proves too much for the Z-Fighters to handleCollective game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, DBZ, Human, Frieza, Vegeta, Goku, Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, Dende, Saiyan, Namek2014-12-31 14 
37075350DBZ Human Quest #22The Legendary Super Human risesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Krillin, Namek, Saiyan, Human2014-12-31 14 
37077692DBZ Human Quest #23Kaguya reaches a new level of power, and unleashes it upon FriezaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, Dende2014-12-31 14 
January 2015
37116125DBZ Human Quest #25A confrontation with both old and new enemies shakes Kaguya to the coreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Gohan, Nappa, Zarbon, Dodoria, Cui, Burter, Jeice, Recoome, Guldo, Ginyu, Namek, Dende2015-01-02 13 
37131177DBZ Human Quest #26In a short installment, Kaguya goes to the woods and makes a new friend before m00t pulls the plugCollective game, quest, DBZ, Dragonaball, Human, Icarus, Vegeta, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha2015-01-03 13 
37142670DBZ Human Quest #27Kaguya, Gohan, and their new dragon friend welcome back the fallenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonballs, Porunga, Vegeta, Gohan, Icarus, Goku, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Dende, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu2015-01-04 12 
37155761Space Monkeys Quest 5We mess with som Herans and then meet that autistic Saiyan. You know the oneSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-04 17 
37227043DBZ Human Quest #29Kaguya experiences some bad dreams, and begins his training with NappaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Nappa, Human, Saiyan, Frieza, Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Dende, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Raditz, Namek2015-01-08 13 
37233361DBZ Human Quest #30Nappa and Kaguya have an intense sparring matchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Nappa, Raditz, Vegeta, Human, Wolf, Fang, Fist2015-01-08 12 
37255020DBZ Human Quest #32Kaguya teaches some friends, and hears a story from NappaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Frieza, Vegeta, Raditz2015-01-09 12 
37359196DBZ Human Quest #34A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destructionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, tree, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, King, Kai, Turles, Saiyan, of, might, Crusher, Corps, Earth2015-01-14 12 
37364665DBZ Human Quest #35As the planet pirates fall, Kaguya and Goku clash on the subject of mercy. This, along with a discovery of great power leads Kaguya to seek adviceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Earth, Tree, of, Might, Turles, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Kami, Lookout, Popo, Mr., Kamehameha, Ginyu, Force2015-01-14 12 
37412418Space Monkeys Quest 6We desperately try and outsmart Broly and then have space shenanigansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-16 14 
37424204DBZ Human Quest #36In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by oneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-17 12 
37446325DBZ Human Quest #37Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-18 11 
37534136DBZ Human Quest #40In the pendulum room, Kaguya finally beats a subject of his nightmares, and ascends to new heights of power.Collective Game, Quest, dbz, dragonball, saiyan, human, Frieza, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Krillin, Kami, Popo2015-01-22 12 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37687843DBZ Human Quest #47Frieza and Kaguya finally settle the scoreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, King, Cold, Kamehameha, Death, Ball, Supernova2015-01-29 14 
37699284Space Monkeys Quest 7Planet Metamor: Home of the fusion dance and the largest moss industry in the galaxy!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-29 16 
37737479DBZ Human Quest #50Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parentsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Piccolo, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Doctor, Gero, Red, Ribbon, Army2015-01-31 12 
February 2015
37759900DBZ Human Quest #51Kaguya meets the savior of West City, his friends play Super Hero, and Nappa confronts VegetaCollective Game, DBZ, Dragonball, Earth, Piccolo, Goku, Hercule, Vegeta, Nappa, Gohan, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Bulma2015-02-01 12 
37780348DBZ Human Quest #52Nappa and Vegeta fight a grudge match, and Nappa realizes the legendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Trunks, Super, Gallick, Gun, Kamehameha2015-02-02 13 
37823985DBZ Human Quest #56After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super SaiyansCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Earth, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, King, Cold, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Androids, 17, 18, Kami, Popo2015-02-04 13 
37935956DBZ Human Quest #59Kaguya talks to his parents, tries to patch things up with Vegeta, and begins training under Mr. Satan himselfCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Bulma, Yamcha, Doctor, Brief, Satan, Goku, Gohan, Capsule, Corp, Caroni, Parozhki2015-02-09 12 
37982846DBZ Human Quest #62His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Kami, Popo, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Gohan, Vegeta, Nappa, Icarus, Goku, Krillin, Master, Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta2015-02-11 12 
38025497DBZ Human Quest #63Kaguya spars with Krillin, patches things up with Gohan, and goes on a nice relaxing camping trip. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Frieza, Cooler, Salza, Dore, Neiz, Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Icarus, Oolong, sentai2015-02-13 12 
38030486DBZ Human Quest #64An enemy leaves on surprisingly peaceful terms, and the camping trip resumesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Piccolo, Goku, Krillin, Salza, Cooler, Dore, Frieza, King, Cold, Icarus, Oolong2015-02-13 11 
38047298DBZ Human Quest #65Kaguya and friends enter the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior DivisionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, World, Martial, Arts, Tournament, Announcer, Yamcha, Goku, Videl, Gohan, Chi Chi2015-02-14 11 
38052279DBZ Human Quest #66Kaguya has an intense rematch in the semifinalsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyans, Videl, Gohan2015-02-14 11 
38071021DBZ Human Quest #67The Tournament comes to an end, and the day of reckoning arrivesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Yamcha, Tien, Icarus, Nappa, Gohan, Videl, Androids, Frieza2015-02-15 10 
38075303DBZ Human Quest #68The Androids appear, and a fierce battle beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Bulma, Piccolo, Krillin, Yajirobe, Android, Androids, 19, 202015-02-15 10 
38087959DBZ Human Quest #69The fearsome battle with the Androids continues, and Vegeta shows up with a surprise for everyoneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 19, 20, Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Doctor, Gero, Wolf, Fang, Fist, Destructo, Disk2015-02-16 10 
38092897DBZ Human Quest #70Androids 19 and 20 are defeated, but more of Doctor Gero's creations are on the looseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Nappa2015-02-16 10 
38096066DBZ Human Quest #71The Z-Fighters prove no match for the Androids, and a desperate plan is made by PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Trunks, Android, Piccolo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor Gero, Krillin, Tien2015-02-16 10 
38103149Space Monkeys Quest 8Raditz learns how Planet Vegeta was destroyed, and then we arrive at Planet Triclops to spar and learn new techniques.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-02-17 14 
38139870DBZ Human Quest #73In an alternate timeline, Kaguya and Gohan struggle to defeat a deadly pair of cyborgs.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cyborg, 17, 18, Gohan, Trunks, Bulma, Vegeta2015-02-18 10 
38178889DBZ Human Quest #74Piccolo and Kaguya confront the creature that consumed GingertownCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Goku, Nappa, King, Cold, Gohan, Cell, Doctor, Gero2015-02-20 10 
38183559DBZ Human Quest #75Cell reveals his mission, and Piccolo and Kaguya vow to stop itCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Frieza, Trunks, Krillin, Piccolo, Kami, Tien, Gohan, Goku, Chi Chi, Videl, Hercule, Androids, Cyborgs, Seventeen, Eighteen2015-02-20 10 
38192771The Kobold Civilization Quest: Cold as Balls/tg/ takes on as the new chief of a Kobold tribe in the northern tundra.Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, White, Cold-As-Balls2015-02-20 1 
38225335DBZ Human Quest #77Kaguya travels to Kame House, and the Androids arrive, demanding to know where Goku isCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Namek, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Androids, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cell, Piccolo,Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Videl2015-02-22 9 
38231156DBZ Human Quest #78Cell arrives, determined to reach his perfect form, and eliminate anyone who stands in his wayCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Piccolo, Seventeen, Android, Eighteen, Tien, Cell2015-02-22 8 
38249230DBZ Human Quest #79After narrowly escaping from Cell, Kaguya returns from the Lookout, where plans are made to deal with the new threatCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Cell, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Videl, Piccolo2015-02-23 8 
38254851DBZ Human Quest #80Kaguya meditates with Piccolo, and talks to Yamcha before learning that Vegeta is in dangerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha, Kami, Videl2015-02-23 8 
38299062DBZ Human Quest #81Vegeta meets with a terrible fate at the hands of Cell, and Yamcha and Kaguya race to rescue Trunks from the same tragedy, and work to challenge CellCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Cell, Tien, Trunks, Yamcha, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Android, Cyborg, Seventeen, Eighteen2015-02-25 8 
38342181DBZ Human Quest #82After a heart to heart with Guldo, Kaguya makes a trip to New NamekCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Namek, New, Guldo, Ginyu, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Chiaotzu, Tien, Yamcha, Videl, Moori, Dende2015-02-27 8 
38362585DBZ Human Quest #83After making some wishes, Kaguya and Yamcha return to Earth, where training continues, and two guests chat with KaguyaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Android, Cyborg, Sixteen, Secenteen, Eighteen, Cell, Yamcha, Tien, Moori, Porunga, Dende, Piccolo, Popo2015-02-28 10 
March 2015
38380069DBZ Human Quest #84Cell comes for Kaguya, and the confrontation leads to some big changes and decisions.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Olibu, Videl, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Android, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cyborg, Cell, Popo, Icarus, Bulma2015-03-01 8 
38387208DBZ Human Quest #85Kaguya does some training in the Pendulum Room, and comes up with some new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Cell, Videl, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Nappa2015-03-01 7 
38401494Sports Wizardry, HomebrewIn F2S2, fantasy sports are serious business... see, the true purpose of all sports were to channel the psychic energy of the masses straight to SPORTS GODS, who in turn kept the sports interesting, and so the cycle of sports continued. Practitioners of the arcane arts of fantasy sports discovered that with the right ritualistic reverence for sports, they could also tap into this psychic energy for their own gain. Being the fanatics they are, this normally entailed making their fantasy team win within their league, along with gaining promotions, power, and respect.B-Ball, Slam, Jam, Magic, AMU2015-03-02 8 
38408966DBZ Human Quest #86After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber2015-03-02 7 
38419756Space Monkeys Quest 94 Witches, recruiting and busting the shipSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-02 13 
38430802DBZ Human Quest #87Training in the Time Chamber picks up, and a return to the real world brings some newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonball, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yajirobe, Korin, Popo, Trunks, Gohan, Nappa, Goku, Videl2015-03-03 8 
38436985DBZ Human Quest #88Cell and Kaguya meet in the ring, and exchange some words before the tournament.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Korin, Piccolo, Yajirobe, Cell, Videl, Hercule, Satan, Saiyans, Goku2015-03-03 9 
38451147DBZ Human Quest #89Kaguya returns to the farm and speaks with his parents, then spars with Haya and faces Cell in the Pendulum RoomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Videl, Hercule, Android, 16, Cell2015-03-04 7 
38500143DBZ Human Quest #91Kaguya meets the first Super Saiyan, and spars with GokuCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Gohan, Goku, Chi, Chi, Nappa, Videl, Piccolo, Yamcha, Cell2015-03-06 8 
38522803DBZ Human Quest #92A new day brings a new round of training, and some new ideas on how to do itColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Icarus, Android, Sixteen, Cell, Videl2015-03-07 9 
38545721DBZ Human Quest #93Kaguya continues his new training, and Videl gives him some helpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Videl, Cell2015-03-08 9 
38567543DBZ Human Quest # 94After a tasty meal, Kaguya and Videl continue training, then make a trip to the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Lookout, Android, Sixteen, Icarus, Videl, Hercule, Satan2015-03-09 9 
38574259DBZ Human Quest #95Kaguya and Videl work together to face the Saiyan RaditzCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Videl, Raditz, Bardock, Kakarot2015-03-09 9 
38614278DBZ Human Quest #96Kaguya and Videl face off against Raditz one more time, and Kaguya spars with PopoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Raditz, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Dende, Popo2015-03-11 9 
38662574DBZ Human Quest #97Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule CorpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Popo, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber, Android, Cyborg, Eight, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Frieza, Tree, of, Might2015-03-13 8 
38680722DBZ Human Quest #98Kaguya does some reading, and trains on the farmCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Cell, Gohan, Goku, Videl, Bulma, Gero, Android, Cyborg, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Goku2015-03-14 8 
38705359DBZ Human Quest #99After training with Nappa, Kaguya spends a day training with KazumaColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Icarus2015-03-15 8 
38712021DBZ Human Quest #100In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Android, 13, 14, 15, Cell, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 
38731399DBZ Human Quest #101Kaguya defeats Android 13, celebrates a friend's birthday, and prepares for the Cell GamesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen, Thirteen, Goku, Gohan, Cell, Krillin, Chi, Chi, Nappa, Icarus2015-03-16 8 
38736171DBZ Human Quest #102The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Pirozhki, Caroni, Hercule, Satan, Videl, Icarus, Nappa, 16, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Cell, Junior2015-03-16 11 
38744439Space Monkeys Quest 10Monkeys edge closer to extinction.Collective game, space monkeys quest, chuckles, dragon ball, saiyan2015-03-16 12 
38749393Space Monkeys Quest 10.5Kabu & Company learns about the dragonballs. So do two other Saiyans.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-16 12 
38775019DBZ Human Quest #104Kaguya faces Cell on his own, and just when victory seems to have been achieved, the shadow of defeat looms over the EarthCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-18 10 
38816582DBZ Human Quest #105The Horror Won't End Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball2015-03-20 11 
38831669DBZ Human Quest #106A Cell of an endingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-21 14 
38837192DBZ Human Quest #107Life Returned and Life AnewCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-21 12 
38868600Space Monkeys Quest 11Kabu negotiates with Kami, and agrees to train Earth's defenders.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-22 13 
38876089DBZ Human Quest #109AftermathCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-23 8 
38882036DBZ Human Quest #110The InterviewCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-23 8 
38919559DBZ Human Quest #110 (actual)The Stranger From the WoodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-25 9 
38955217DBZ Human Quest #111The Moat and the Mercenary Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-27 8 
38985201Space Monkeys Quest 12Risel and Teito train the Earthlings while Kabu meets with Bulma. Then pendulum room shenanigans happen. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-28 12 
38992420DBZ Human Quest #112Schemes of the Crane HermitCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-29 8 
April 2015
39053785DBZ Human Quest #113Devilish Super HumanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, human2015-04-01 9 
39065702Space Monkeys Quest 13Whole buncha training, Kabu softens ever so slightlySpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-01 12 
39071581Space Monkeys Quest 13 Part 2Gohan and Spike learn about Ki and flying. Kabu and the rest of the crew assess the Earthlings' potential, and Kabu has a chat with Kami about the moon and what to do with Piccolo.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-02 13 
39075401DBZ Human Quest #114Saiyasentai BeginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-02 8 
39097016DBZ Human Quest #115The Saiyasentai ArriveCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-03 8 
39115610DBZ Human Quest #116The Duels of the SchoolsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-04 8 
39138349DBZ Human Quest #117Kaguya vs Gohan, the Battle for the Finals!Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-05 8 
39161097DBZ Human Quest #118Months of MeditationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, 2015-04-06 8 
39173833Space Monkeys Quest 14Kabu seeks out Roshi, only to discover that Roshi has been kidnapped! Can the world's strongest saiyan rescue him before it's too late?Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-07 13 
39208039DBZ Human Quest #119Steaks are RaisedCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ2015-04-08 8 
39242840DBZ Human Quest #120New Baby, New Birthday, New VegetaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball2015-04-10 8 
39277218Space Monkeys Quest 15Training continues at the lookout with some lessons from Roshi, and Chi-Chi recovers enough to start sparring with Kabuya. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-12 12 
39285946DBZ Human Quest #121Rampage of the Legendary Super SaiyanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball2015-04-12 8 
39308064DBZ Human Quest #122Another Mighty TransformationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-13 7 
39353465DBZ Human Quest 123Dealing with the aftermathDBZ, Human, Collective Game, Dragonball,2015-04-15 7 
39370515DBZ Human Quest #124Saiyasentai AssembleCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-16 6 
39412576DBZ Human Quest #125CheersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-18 4 
39419852Space Monkeys Quest 16Kabuya helps protect the earth and gets to know Bulma in the lead up to ChristmasSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-19 13 
39449481DBZ Human Quest #126Go, Go, Saiyasentai!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-20 6 
39492341DBZ Human Quest #127A Long Awaited RematchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-22 6 
39512081DBZ Human Quest # 128Saiyasentai in Space!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-23 7 
39523641Space Monkeys Quest 17In which Kabuya and her cohorts defend Earth against a mighty tree and a staunchly anti-Christmas Saiyan and his corps.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-24 12 
39531483Space Monkeys Quest 17.5Kaguya imparts Saiyan wisdom on Gohan, and discusses Saiyan physiology with Bulma.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-24 13 
39591349DBZ Human Quest #129Kaguya and friends reach Cooler's capital, and things quickly go south.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cooler, Frieza, King, Cold, Gohan, Videl2015-04-27 4 
39597835DBZ Human Quest #130Kaguya and Cooler fight once more, and a terrible loss occursCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Cooler, Gohan, Videl2015-04-27 7 
39618571DBZ Human Quest #131Kaguya gets more bad newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Piano, Piccolo, Videl, Gohan, Demon, King, Cooler2015-04-28 5 
May 2015
39676031DBZ Human Quest #133Gete with GarlicCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Dende, King, Kai, Videl, Gohan, Garlic, Jr., Piccolo, King, Frieza, Moori, Porunga, Shenron2015-05-01 7 
39696785DBZ Human Quest #134A fierce battle is waged on the Lookout, and a warrior falls defending East CityCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, Nappa, King, Piccolo, Tambourine2015-05-02 6 
39706827Space Monkeys Quest 18Christmas rolls around, and so does another round of training. Then the Saiyans arrive, as well as another sluggish sort of enemy.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-03 12 
39718209DBZ Human Quest #135Kaguya saves Bailey and plans are made for a group to go to space, while the rest hold the line against King PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, King, Piccolo,2015-05-03 6 
39734795DBZ Human Quest #136A training match against Piccolo does not go wellCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-04 7 
39756492DBZ Human Quest #137Kaguya searches for the Ultra Divine Water, hoping it will give him an edge against PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-05 6 
39773482DBZ Human Quest #138Finally acquiring the Ultra Divine Water, Kaguya faces off against King PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-06 6 
39797500DBZ Space Alcoholic QuestA hungover Arcosian sobers up for a meeting of grave importance with Cooler, concerning a planet named Earth. DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-07 28 
39814931DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #2In which Arctus travels to Earth, and things get weirdDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-08 28 
39853636DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #3In which Arctus parties, learns, dreams, and talks to an old slug before trainingEail, DBZ, Collective Game, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Dragon Ball2015-05-10 20 
39881570DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #4In which Arctus discovers bacon, SCIENCE, and trains with the humans.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-11 21 
39878934DBZ Space Alcoholic Discussion QM sets a thread to talk about the directions taken in #3 and where does the Anon want to follow from there. Anon is surprisingly united.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-11 5 
39898855DBZ Human Quest #140 (actual)We're backCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-12 11 
39903934DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #5In which Arctus trains with Big Green and Gohan, drinks with Bulma, and meets someone specialDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-12 22 
39911131Space Monkeys Quest 19Kabu heads off to deal with the Saiyans while the rest of the gang rushes off to keep Lord Slug occupied. Joined by a newly-revived Raditz, Kabuya takes on Vegeta in a fierce fight. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-12 12 
39916101Space Monkeys Quest 19.5Vegeta is beaten after he lets down his guard. Then Kabu leaves Raditz and Goku to deal with Nappa, while she desperately tries to rally the scattered Z-fighters against Lord Slug's forces. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-13 12 
39918050DBZ Human Quest #141High SchoolCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-13 10 
39920576DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #6In which Arctus preps for the invasion, only to be completely off guard by what happens next.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-13 20 
39941388DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #7In which we plot, hack, and sabotage.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-14 14 
39957272DBZ Human Quest #142A reunion with an old foe, and a nice night with friendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-15 12 
39959899DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #8In which Arctus fights Saiyans, Vegeta gets swole, and we fuck off to spaceDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-15 14 
39971826Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #1A couple of Space Halflings are abandoned on Earth and rescue a little girl wearing ridiculous armor from the Worst Morning Ever. Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-05-16 24 
39975946DBZ Human Quest #143The day of the World Martial Arts Tournament arrives!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-16 11 
39977611DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #9Arctus prepares to go after the Emperium's officers.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-16 10 
39982765DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #9.5In which Arctus bodies a PredatorDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-16 10 
39990162Space Monkeys Quest 20Piccolo merges with Lord Slug! Though all seems to be lost when Piccolo beats the fusion of Risel and Teito, Kabuya digs deep and manages to hold him off until Roshi sacrifices himself to traps him with the Mafuba wave! Then the gang recuperates and mourns the losses suffered from the Slug/Saiyan Invasion.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-17 12 
39998110DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #10In which Arctus faces himselfDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-17 10 
39996841DBZ Human Quest #144The Junior Division ends, and the tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-17 11 
40018319DBZ Human Quest #145The first round of the tournament sees many intense battles, and Kaguya faces a surprising challenge in the second roundCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-18 10 
40014238Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #2In which the Tuffle Twins meet a monkey boy, help stop an army, and fight a giant robotCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-05-18 22 
40026609DBZ Human Quest #146The tournament continuesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-18 10 
40040004DBZ Human Quest #147Things heat up in the quarter finalsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-19 22 
40040404DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #11In which Arctus god damn it NappaDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-19 10 
40078122DBZ Human Quest #148The quarterfinals have an unexpected ending, and the semifinals beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-21 10 
40079879DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #12In which Arctus plugs a leak and goes too farDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-21 10 
40086200DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #13In which Arctus and Vegeta meet special peopleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-21 10 
40098318Space Alcoholic Quest #14In which Eail tries to screw us over for no good reason.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-22 10 
40096376DBZ Human Quest #149The tournament ends, but the games are far from overCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-22 11 
40103982DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #14.5In which Arctus fights more and nobody is ever happyDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-22 10 
40110193Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #3In which the twins set out to become students of Master Roshi with friends and stop an incredibly dumb demon vampire from trying to blow up the sunCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-05-23 21 
40120078DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #1In which we meet our MC and friendsDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-23 17 
40136003DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #15In which we spar with Nappa and get an interesting messageDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-24 10 
40134099DBZ Human Quest #150The gang survives the battle at the tournament, but chasing the enemy leads to a new battle altogetherCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-24 8 
40141795DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #2In which Bruce is literally the hypeDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-24 13 
40150932Space Monkeys Quest 21After Kabuya and the others are forced to depart Earth within 24 hours by some mechanical fiends, and decide to depart to Planet Namek to wish back their fallen comrades, and to strengthen themselves enough so they can still call Earth their home. The day is spent preparing for their long sojourn. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-24 12 
40159473DBZ Human Quest #151Vegeta and Kaguya clash as the others try to stop Babidi and DaburaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-25 8 
40154674Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #4Training with Master Roshi begins, the old man's five new students set their sights on competing in the World Martial Arts tournament, and Maple teaches a monkey to flyCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-05-25 21 
40164377DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #3In which Bruce makes Raditz believe in himself and gets a missionDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-25 10 
40170683DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #4In which Bruce begins the missionDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-25 10 
40202211DBZ Human Quest #152Kaguya makes a new friend Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-27 8 
40229944DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #5Bruce and friends decide to hangout with Bardock and Eail's internet can't handle the HYPEDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-28 11 
40249530DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #6In which Bruce is One Punch ManDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-29 10 
40265628DBZ Human Quest #153Kaguya's championship title is challengedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-05-30 8 
40258272Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #5Training continues, new skills are learned and a part of the Sol system is destroyedCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-05-30 22 
40286992DBZ Human Quest #154Kaguya battles Cell Junior, then receives a challenge from GokuCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-05-31 7 
June 2015
40301674Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #6Training is finished, the twins watch robot shows with Bulma and friends, and the Tournament begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-01 21 
40324763DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #16In which Arctus is a bargain bin leftoverDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-02 12 
40327874DBZ Human Quest #155Kaguya meets the Legendary Super AryanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-02 8 
40341172Space Monkeys Quest Episode 22On the road to Namek, Kabuya enjoy some good time, talk about important things, gain allies, kill a shapeshifter, beat the shit out of a friend, alienates Earthlings and learns she actually need to rush to Namek. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Dragon Ball Z2015-06-03 11 
40346743Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #7It's brother against sister in the first round of the World Martial Arts Tournament!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-03 22 
40370813DBZ Human Quest #156All Hell breaks looseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-04 7 
40390756DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #7In which Bruce spars with Bardock and Hanasia more and we go homeDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-05 12 
40413303DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #8In which we spar with Hanasia and hang out with Raditz's familyDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-06 11 
40406825Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #8The Tournament continues as Maple rockets through the ranks and learns new tricks, and a certain someone's secret is found out...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-06 22 
40449460DBZ Human Quest #158Training with the Supreme KaiCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-07 7 
40457314DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #17In which Eail archives early to be safeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-08 8 
40451132Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #9A new Champion stands among the others, the twins have a talk with Launch, and meet another alienCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-08 22 
40513589Space Monkeys Quest 23Kabuya and friends arrive on planet Namek, but find it already under heavy assault, the Namekians divided and Dragon Balls already claimed. Many powerful foes stand in her way, but she makes a decision about family that might be even more important!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-11 11 
40524111DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #18In which we arrive to face PilgrimDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-11 10 
40543298 DBZ Human Quest #159Battle of the PuddingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-11 8 
40558173Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #10The twins tell Bulma what they are, help her with some relationship problems, and meet a familiar face at Fortuneteller Baba'sCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-13 21 
40580503DBZ Human Quest #160Return of the Revenge of the Reckoning of the RevivalCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-13 18 
40599936Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #11In which the twins gain much useful knowledge under Fortuneteller Baba, and learn of a crisis involving the Dragon Balls...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-15 21 
40629087DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #19In which we party like it's 2015DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-16 10 
40647655Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #12The hunt for the Dragon Balls continue as the Twins and their friends search for a Dragon Ball hidden in the ocean's depths.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-17 21 
40659074Space Monkeys Quest 24Frieza touches down on Namek! Meanwhile, Kabuya makes a truce with some wayward Galactic Patrolmen, and convinces the Namekians to fuse into one powerful warrior. But despite her successes in foiling Frieza and his minions, she soon discovers the maximum extent of her foes on Namek.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-18 11 
40697489Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #13In which used camels are bought, a cyborg is fought, and more Dragon Balls are collected as the Turtle School kids face off against PilafCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-20 21 
40727619DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #9In which we meet the QueenDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-21 10 
40743901DBZ Saiyan Quest #1King Vegeta makes an offerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-06-22 6 
40738751Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #14Maple and pals end up in a strange land, make new friends, defeat the villainous Mercenary Tao, and face off with a monster of a man cursed by blood-red gemstonesCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-22 21 
40780260Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #15After breaking King Gurumes' curse, Maple and friends head out to assist Acer, only to find that he's been confounded by a cat named Korin! Together, they manage to overcome his trials and collect the last Dragon Ball and heal the damage that the blood rubies have done to the land.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-24 21 
40816740DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #9.5In which we spend time with Lil 'GetaDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-25 8 
40837244Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #16The twins learn some new tricks and help friends catch up for the next Tournament, but a Birthday trip to an amusement park gets some uninvited guests...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-27 21 
40867948DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #20In which Arctus heads for homeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-28 10 
40882808Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #17After learning some new techniques, the twins and friends return to the Pirate Cave to learn more about the secrets that lurk there, and then go monster hunting with Chi-chi, and meet some new faces along the way.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-06-29 21 
July 2015
40945171Space Monkeys Quest 26Kabuya encounters the maximum foe, but is saved by two otherwordly meddlers! She then goes on to collect the remaining Dragon Balls not in Frieza's clutches, and rallies her allies for the final push.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-01 11 
40952941Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #18New challenges arise as the twins reunite with Baba and meet a monkCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-02 21 
40987447Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #19The battle against the Demon King!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-04 21 
41014382DBZ Human Quest Super #1School comes to an end, and an attempt to get Drake a birthday present goes wrongCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-07-05 12 
41037120DBZ Human Quest Super #2The hunt for the blackstar dragonballs beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-07-06 7 
41031254Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #20Maple claims the Demon King's sword as a trophy, and is interviewed by an aspiring sci-fi novelist.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-06 22 
41041263DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #10In which we've got a mystery on our hands gangDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-06 5 
41075841Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #21Maple has a serious discussion with Jaco.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-07 21 
41120244DBZ Human Quest Super #3Battle with the Ginyu Force?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-10 7 
41144229DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #21In which we BOX OF SCRAPSDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-11 10 
41135575Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #22The World Tournament begins yet again! The Turtle School faces off against the Crane School!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-11 22 
41145358Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #22.5Yamcha squares off against Tao Pai Pai, while Launch is pitted against Tien! Also, Roshi and Shen start arguing with each other after Maple shows mercy to her defeated foe. What could they be up to?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-11 22 
41161795DBZ Human Quest Super #4The Battle with the Ginyu Force comes to an end, and brings more questions than answersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-12 7 
41168570Eail's Quest Discussion ThreadIn which QM Eail and his fans discuss current and possible future questsDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, Chuckles, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts2015-07-12 0 
41185562DBZ Human Quest Super #5The second Dragonball is retrieved, and a rematch is fast approachingColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-13 6 
41226925DBZ Human Quest Super #6Gohan AscendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-15 7 
41238433Space Monkeys Quest 27Episode 27, archived early once againSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-15 11 
41247057Space Monkeys Quest 27.5In which Frieza is a little bitchSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-16 9 
41246790Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #23The first round comes to a conclusion, and the Quarterfinals of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament start off with a bang!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-16 22 
41258403Space Monkeys Quest 28Kabuya's allies arrive on planet Namek, mostly relieved that they don't have to fight a space tyrant. They're also buffed to all HFIL.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-16 11 
41281572Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #24The Tournament continues, on to the semifinals!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-18 22 
41291776Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #24.5The World Martial Arts Tournament comes to a blazing conclusion!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-18 22 
41309303DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #11In which Bruce learns from Nappa and visits the Bardock familyDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-19 6 
41308638DBZ Human Quest Super #7Kaguya and Gohan destroy a planetCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-19 6 
41324858Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #25Celebrations are cut short as tragedy strikes at the World Martial Arts Tournament...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-20 22 
41334650Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #25.5Maple makes some new friends and tries to deal with the pain of lossCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-20 22 
41354721DBZ Human Quest Super #8Things take a turn for the worse when the gang catches up with RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-07-21 7 
41390196Space Monkeys Quest #29Kabuya and the gang bond while they travel to an tropical planet for some much-needed R&R.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-23 9 
41399027Space Monkeys Quest 29.5Gettin swole, knitting, family announcements, all here on this episode of Space Monkeys QuestSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-23 9 
41400203DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #22In which we're homeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-23 10 
41398085Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #26With precious little time to mourn, Maple and her friends head over to Korin's tower, and undergoes the trial for the Ultra Divine Water!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-23 22 
41432241Dragon Ball Tuffle QuestDon't call it a comeback, Maple's been here for years, rockin her peers and puttin suckas in fear, makin the tears rain down like a MON-soonCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-24 30 
41438672DBZ Human Quest Super #9Backup is needed to fight RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-25 6 
41441940Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #27.5With King Piccolo defeated, Maple and friends are called to meet the God of the Earth to restore the Dragon BallsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-25 22 
41465305DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #23 In which adventures with WhisDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-26 10 
41470462JOHN CENA QUEST 2You are John Cena. You hit the ring and defeat CHAOS INFUSED demonic basketball players while Donald Trump is ignored by almost everyone. Collective game, John Cena, Cena, Wrestling, Demons, CENAWINSLOL, BRRRRRAPPLEDOUGH, Basketball, wtf 2015-07-26 3 
41477561Space Monkeys Quest 30Fun in the sun on planet Aquis, meeting the Earl of Hell, nearly drowning and more children to be expectedSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-27 8 
41479467Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #28Shenron is restored, and the twins take some time to relaxCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-27 21 
41488125Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #28.5After helping Bulma with her latest invention, the twins have dinner with Krillin and his students and learn of something happening in a land called Mifan...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-27 21 
41488593Space Monkeys Quest 30.5Kabuya and Goku spar, and everyone gets hype over it, then little green guy offers a fake tail and nobody's having any of itSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-27 10 
41529259Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #29A meeting with Pilaf again, in a land called Mifan...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-07-29 21 
41568150Space Monkeys Quest 31Tragedy strikes, but the legend is achieved three times over, as a Tuffle menace is defeated. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-31 11 
August 2015
41586418Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #30The twins finish the Gravity Chamber with Bulma and help their friends reach new heights of power!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-01 21 
41595094Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #30.5Goku learns of his origins as Maple confronts herself on her 13th birthday...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-01 23 
41608926DBZ Human Quest Super #10Kaguya performs an abortion...I'm just as surprised as you areCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-02 7 
41627812DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #12In which we visit HanasiaDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-03 6 
41625958Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #31With the Mifan Tournament ahead, Maple decides to team up with Chi-chi and prepare.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-03 22 
41634741Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #31.5The Mifan Tournament begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-03 22 
41629989Space Monkeys Quest 32Cooler attacks Earth, Super Saiyan meets Arcosian in a deadly battle, and Kabuya takes in a new wardSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-03 11 
41728688Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #32Maple helps out some fellow martial artists, meets a familiar presence once more, and moves on to the second round of the Mifan Tournament!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-08 22 
41734689DBZ Human Quest Super #11Another Dragonball is foundCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-08 6 
41737313Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #32.5The semifinals of the Mifan Tournament are underway!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-08 21 
41756270DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #24In which we continue universe jumpingDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-09 8 
41769975Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #33The Mifan Tournament concludes as Maple and Chi-chi face off against the Kaiju duo!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-10 21 
41776174Space Monkeys Quest 33Mentoring, motherhood, gathering dragon balls and yet another menace arisesSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-10 11 
41776315Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #33.5The twins and Launch investigate some disappearances and meet an old foe again...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-10 21 
41832571Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #34Dealing with Goku's monkey problems...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-13 22 
41869759Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #35Mo Monkeys, Mo Problems!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-14 22 
41878602DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #25In which we meet a very special HumanDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-15 10 
41878272Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #35.5After finally defeating King Vegeta, Maple and Goku return to Kami's lookout, and Maple gains something extraordinary while confronting herself again...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-15 21 
41911187Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #36Maple's first dateCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-17 22 
41922795Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #36.5New skills are learned, and new warriors are met as the twins, Goku, and Tien search for a Sacred Crown...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-17 21 
41940632DBZ Human Quest Super #12Kaguya gets hitchedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-18 11 
41996458DBZ Human Quest Super #13When things go bad, an old friend brings helpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-08-21 8 
42009546Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #37The twins, Goku, and Tien learn how to become faster than lightning, Maple helps a girl learn about Ki, and some more time is spent teaching Goku how to be a Monkey KingCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-22 21 
42017808Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #37.5Celebrations of the new yearCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-22 22 
42045596Space Monkeys Quest 34The Makyan star rises over the Earth, Garlic Jr returns with a minion baring extreme power.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-23 13 
42048872Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #38Two mad scientists try to bring together The World's Smartest and Strongest for villainous purposes, but not if Maple has anything to say about it!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-24 21 
42060055Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #38.5The World's Strongest stands against Dr. Wheelo!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-24 21 
42134497Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #39Maple angers a demon on New Year's Day while investigating the remains of Wheelo's fortressCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-28 21 
42198266DBZ Human Quest Super #14We are finally done with GTCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-31 6 
42204222DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #26In which we leave Whis behindDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-31 10 
42194389Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #40Maple spends Valentine's Day with a special someone...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-31 21 
42208107Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #40.5Training continues, Bulma and Yamcha marry, and new incidents involving the Demon Realm crop up...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-08-31 21 
September 2015
42242244DBZ Human Quest Super #15 Kaguya, Gohan, and Kazuma bounce ideas for a book Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-02 6 
42269098Space Monkeys Quest 35Training the daughteru to be an exceptional gorilla and the prince of salt gets saltierSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-03 11 
42288853Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #41The twins defeat Demon King Shura and welcome the return of the Demon Prince, then start up on training some moreCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-05 21 
42300577ragon Ball Tuffle Quest #41Lazuli and Chun lee spar a little, and Mapple teases.Collective Game, Kato, Dragonball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest2015-09-05 21 
42330071Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #42Maple and Krillin help a warrior find her way, and the story behind the first wish on the Dragon Balls is revealed...Collective Game, Kato, Dragonball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest2015-09-07 21 
42361390DBZ Human Quest Super #16Bachelor Party and Birthday PartyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-08 11 
42404615DBZ Human Quest Super #17Som uses the wrong OP pic, and Buu ruins the partyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-10 8 
42426215DBZ Human Quest Super #18Only one man can stand against Beerus the DestroyerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-11 8 
42433405Space Monkeys Quest 36Future daughteru saves the day, Cold and Super Android 11 defeated, and Kabuya faces herselfSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-11 7 
42436390Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #43An investigation with Launch brings the twins and Chi-chi face-to-face against one of their most dangerous foes yet...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-12 21 
42476269Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #44The twins learn of villains taking the Dragon Balls and decide to secure the ones they can before it's too lateCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-14 21 
42487791Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #44.5The last preparations are made for the next Tournament beginsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-14 21 
42524410DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #27In which we are all we ever needed to be, ArctusDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-09-16 11 
42566606DBZ Human Quest Super #19The Dragonballs are stolenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-09-18 7 
42579508Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #45The Preliminary rounds of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament are underway!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-19 21 
42586930DBZ Human Quest Super #20In perhaps the greatest shark jump of this quest, two new gods are bornCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-19 6 
42591604Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #45.5Sinister forces are at work during the first round of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-19 21 
42624918Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #46Maple and Piccolo face off, as other parties start up some sinister plots...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-21 21 
42626281Space Monkeys Quest #37Kabuya has her first formal birthday party! She gets some thoughtful gifts, another android-related crisis to deal with, and her tail back.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-21 9 
42670749DBZ Human Quest Super #21The Battle of the GodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan, Somnius2015-09-23 9 
42690424DBZ Human Quest Super #22The party comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-24 7 
42682213Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #47The quarterfinals come to a close, and Maple has to make a choice...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-24 21 
42684903Space Monkeys Quest 38Kabu trains Kuriza to use some of his hidden power, learns how to go monkey on command and prepares others for the WMATSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-24 11 
42709026DBZ Human Quest Super #23A honeymoon, and a father-son reunionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-25 7 
42719094Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #48The mission to rescue Kami is underway, and then it's time for Maple and Goku's rematch!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-26 21 
42729391Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #48 pt. 2Chuu Lee vs GarlicCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-26 21 
42759939Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #49As the 23rd World Tournament reaches its conclusion, someone reaches new heights of power!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-09-28 29 
42785301DBZ Human Quest Super #24Castle explorationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Sauyan, Super, Quest2015-09-29 7 
42803621DBZ Human Quest Super #25A battle in GingertownCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-09-30 5 
October 2015
42850099Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #50The Ox King invites everyone to a post-Tournament feastCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-03 21 
42888524Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #51The twins take some time to get some book smarts in and meet a surprising figure at Baba'sCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-05 21 
42898346Space Monkeys Quest 39We watch fights, find out new (and awesome) ways to train, teach Bra how to fly, and the waifu is kidnapped.Space Monkeys Quest,Collective Game,Chuckles,Dragon Ball,Saiyan2015-10-05 6 
42977018Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #52Quiet as the Sky, and Stronger than Lightning!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-10 21 
42984393Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #52.5Maple and Goku get some dinner together and discuss the future...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-10 21 
43016800Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #53In learning how to better protect the Earth, the twins and friends learn the truth about planet Plant's destruction...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-12 21 
43026535Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #53.5Maple and Goku relax, then make travel plans with Trip to find a mystical being named KonpeiCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-12 21 
43025982DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #28In which we finish our time in the TestDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-10-12 10 
43086440Space Monkeys Quest 40Saving the waifu, hair disasters, a mysterious fighter revealed and pushing the apprentice onwards and upwardsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-10-16 7 
43105371Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #54The Journey to Konpei, with thread #53 link: http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/43016800/Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-17 21 
43115321Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #53.5Training with Lord Konpei and helping Trip overcome her doubtsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-17 23 
43148125DBZ Human Quest Super #26The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-10-19 5 
43143212Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #55A Christmas Eve ReunionCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-19 23 
43154372Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest #55.5"Dragon Ball" comes to a close with the sound of wedding bells...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-19 26 
43235450Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #1Now happily married with twins to raise, Maple Mahogany is suddenly visited by some troublemakers with ill intentions.Collective Game, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-23 22 
43242707Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #1.5A challenge is issued and plans are madeCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-24 21 
43257801Saiyan Quest #1Daikon, a Saiyan Warrior, lands on a new world with his people, and joins them in a brutal fightCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-10-25 7 
43282451Saiyan Quest #2The Saiyans make a deal with the Arcosians and invade Planet Banassa. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-10-26 6 
43277498Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #2Caution: Autistic children at play, please drive slowCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-26 21 
43312177Space Monkeys Quest 41The WMAT wraps up with a bunch of towel throwing, Kabuya goes on vacation and makes some new friends!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-10-28 6 
43372029Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #3Last time, on Tuffle Quest Z: Maple brought Raditz to meet Fortuneteller Baba and encountered, of all things, his and Goku's mother, Gine! After a chat with the Saiyan woman, Raditz seems to be taking his first steps on setting his own path, and Maple's learned that... mother-in-laws can be scary. Even the nice ones.Collective Game, Dragon Ball Z, Maple, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-30 21 
43382262Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #3.5Who says you can't have a party the night before your birthday?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-10-31 21 
November 2015
43388057Space Monkeys Quest 42Kabuya trick or treats, hails Satan and meets a mysterious guest from the futureSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-01 6 
43394687Saiyan Quest #3Daikon and the Saiyans have bad luck in their battles with the Banassans, but King Vegeta has a planCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Saiyan, Dragonball2015-11-01 7 
43416229Saiyan Quest #4Vegeta's plan goes into motion, and the conflict with Banassans comes to a close. But, the battle for Banassa is not over yet.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-02 8 
43415411Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #4Last time, on Tuffle Quest Z: Raditz started brainstorming battle plans with Piccolo, Maple watched a new robot show with her friends, and then she got sprayed with a bio-weapon from one of Dr. Gero's latest creations. In attempting to cure it, the tuffle learned that she's a damn lightweight and should never drink again, unless she wants to make a fool of herself. Also took the kids Trick-or-Treating. Now, Raditz has arrived to meet with his brother for training to control the Oozaru form...Collective Game, Dragon Ball Z, Maple, Tuffle Quest, Saiyan Saga, Kato2015-11-02 20 
43442842Space Monkeys Quest 43The bugman triggers Kabuya and Gohan, an Android joins the team, and things get Hyperbolic!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-04 6 
43491872DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #29In which we head back to EarthDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-06 8 
43501571Saiyan Quest #5The battle is won, but celebrations are cut shortCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-06 3 
43503081Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #5Red Ribbon ReturnsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-07 20 
43510301Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #5.5Red Ribbon RuinedCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-07 20 
43519518Saiyan Quest #6The Saiyans are under new managementCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-07 5 
43547131Saiyan Quest #7The Saiyans return to Planet Vegeta, and after an intense battle, Daikon recruits a teamCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-09 6 
43542623Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #6A meeting with the Galactic Patrol, and another fighter ascends...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-09 20 
43581366Saiyan Quest #8Daikon and his team begin their first missionCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-11 4 
43596793Saiyan Quest #9The first mission comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-12 6 
43624305Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #7A meeting with Hercule and Videl, and a visit from another world's KamiCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-14 18 
43639081Saiyan Quest #10The second mission does not go as plannedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-14 6 
43645853DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #30In which Arctus gets really, really deep giggity DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-15 7 
43659110Saiyan Quest #11Daikon's self-sacrificing actions put some strain on the teamCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-16 7 
43656168Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #8Maple confronts herself once more...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-16 17 
43672728Saiyan Quest #12A beloved comrade passes away, and Daikon settles things with RugulaCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-17 4 
43677172Saiyan Quest #13While a teammate recovers, Daikon selects the next mission and trains with the othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-17 5 
43680360Saiyan Quest #14Daikon learns a new move, and the team sets out on a new missionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-17 8 
43693999Saiyan Quest #15Daikon's team invades a planet, but things don't go wellCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-18 7 
43711936Saiyan Quest #16Daikon's team is nearly destroyed more than onceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-19 7 
43731699DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #31In which we interact with Towa and a TruffleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-20 8 
43740430Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #9The final prep for the World Martial Arts TournamentCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-21 17 
43743510Saiyan Quest #17Daikon meets the men in chargeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-21 2 
43755506Saiyan Quest #18The team for the mission is put togetherCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-21 4 
43774004Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #10The 24th World Martial Arts Tournament begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-23 17 
43776383Saiyan Quest #19The plan is put in motionCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-23 5 
43792365Saiyan Quest #20Daikon and his team land on a new world, and make some new friendsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-11-24 4 
43799928Saiyan Quest #21A fierce battle rages on an unknown planetCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-24 7 
43811758Saiyan Quest #22Daikon prepares to start conquering new worldsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-25 5 
43821580Space Monkeys Quest 44Things get hyperbolic up in this bitch. Also training and time based shenanigansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-25 8 
43828745Saiyan Quest #23Daikon's first successful conquest comes at a priceCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, Dragonball, DBZ2015-11-26 6 
43854805Saiyan Quest #24Planet Afhan seems securely under Saiyan control, but things take another turn as a sparring match goes wrong and a new enemy arrives to restore the old governmentcollective game, quest, Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-28 4 
43871812Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #11As the Junior division comes to a close, the first round of the Tournament heats up!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-11-29 17 
43878372Saiyan Quest #25Sabi goes missing, and Daikon leads the effort to find himCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan Quest, Saiyan2015-11-29 5 
43896786Saiyan Quest #26Daikon and the others find Sabi, but someone else finds themCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest, DBZ, Dragonball2015-11-30 3 
December 2015
43915504Saiyan Quest #27Daikon's forces fight hard against the enemy, but when Commander Fesla and his two elites arrive, not everyone survives.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-01 6 
43953179Saiyan Quest #28Daikon battles his most dangerous opponent yet, but nothing he does seems to give him the strength to winCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-03 6 
43963102Space Monkeys Quest 45The final showdown with the bug man, a intersolar camping trip, and some wishes are made.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-12-04 7 
43984158Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #12The first round of the 24th Tournament continues!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-12-05 18 
44004850Saiyan Quest #29Daikon's empire growsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-06 4 
44027431Saiyan Quest #30Daikon and the Saiyans are betrayedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-07 5 
44046053Saiyan Quest #31The battle with the Empress comes to a close, as does the life of another SaiyanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-08 6 
44080593Saiyan Quest #32Daikon enjoys some deep-fried fish-faceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-10 6 
44080746Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #13The Tournament's first round comes to a close!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-12-10 18 
44116883Saiyan Quest #33Daikon finally gets some time with his teamCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-12 3 
44152675Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #14The Tournament Quarterfinals start off with a bang, and the true strength of Towa's latest creation is revealed!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-12-14 18 
44155037Space Monkeys Quest 46Kabuya meets her mom, learns some sick techniques and terrorises some totally not indian people by eating a lotSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-12-14 6 
44175990Saiyan Quest #34Victory is surprisingly easyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-15 4 
44196511Saiyan Quest #35WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Somnius, Saiyan Quest2015-12-16 7 
44200399DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #32In which we spar with GokuDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-12-16 7 
44252461Saiyan Quest #36In which Daikon has very mixed results in trainingCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan2015-12-19 2 
44288578Saiyan Quest #37Saiyan vs NamekianCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan Quest2015-12-21 6 
44308289Saiyan Quest #38Daikon faces some odd opponentsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-22 6 
44347401Saiyan Quest #39The frozen apple falls far from the treeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-24 4 
44427489Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #15It's brother against sister once more in the Tournament's semifinals!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2015-12-29 18 
44432397Saiyan Quest #40Time to realize the legendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2015-12-29 6 
January 2016
44489173Saiyan Quest #41SequelsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2016-01-01 4 
44508511Saiyan Quest #42Two more deathsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2016-01-02 3 
44527079DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #33In which Arctus shit talks a TyrantDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2016-01-03 7 
44551883Saiyan Quest #43Daikon gets a new planet...and learns that he still isn't even close to being the strongest in the universeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2016-01-04 5 
44560750Space Monkeys Quest 47Kabuya and Chichi in the ultimate mothers tag team, all to get a drink of water! Also, the kids fuse and Bulma makes progress on the robitsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-05 7 
44565515Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #16The Tournament Semifinals come to a close!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-01-05 22 
44631155Saiyan Quest #44Cooler gets warmerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2016-01-08 4 
44686530Space Monkeys Quest 48Terror on planet Namek! An old foe returns, threatening the entire solar system!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-11 7 
44758174Saiyan Quest #45King ColdCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Saiyan Quest2016-01-14 26 
44844279Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #17The World Martial Arts Tournament comes to a conclusion!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-01-18 21 
44878172Space Monkeys Quest 49Risel and Raditz return, kid talk ensues, birthdays and sleeping warriors awaken!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-20 5 
44994730Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #18With Goku and company leaving to help Arale, Maple and the rest make their final preparations for the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-01-25 21 
45070424Dragon Ball Parallel Quest 1"A Strange Awakening! Watah Verses Tambourine!"Dragon Ball, Parallel Quest, Collective Game2016-01-28 5 
45069680Namekian Quest #1A young Namekian finds himself on a strange world, and /tg/ goes a thread without fightingCollective Game, Quest, Namekian Quest, Namekian, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, DBZ, Somnius2016-01-28 6 
45089621Namekian Quest #2The young Namekian gets his first taste of sparring practiceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Namekian, Namekian Quest, Somnius2016-01-29 4 
45090969Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #19In which a Monkey Prince has the worst day everCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-01-30 27 
45107342Space Monkeys Quest 50Kabu accidentally fries a robit, bonds with 18, finds some creepy blueprints goes to the doctor and tops the day off with time travelSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-30 7 
February 2016
45164141Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #20With Vegeta and company defeated, things settle down, but the peace might not last long...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-02-02 18 
45233688Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #21With Towa's plot revealed, the heroes prepare themselves for the Tree of Might and whoever might come with it...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-02-06 17 
45357153Space Monkeys Quest 51Breaking time and getting paid for itSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-12 7 
45387857DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #34In which Arctus talks to a pickleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2016-02-13 6 
45439511Space Monkeys Quest 52Chocolate, rings, Satans reunited, Valentines day fun, flying to the moon, and a brand new tournament!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-16 8 
45644154Space Monkeys Quest 53Demon gods, Ascension and comforting a lizard boySpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-26 7 
March 2016
45747033Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #22The invasion of Earth begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-03-02 22 
45801468Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #23Battle against a Super Saiyan!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-03-05 23 
45913401Space Monkeys Quest 54Vegeta gets salty, even beyond the grave, demon NEETS and dumplings for Super SaiyansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-10 8 
45991983Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #24Christmas with Friends and FamilyCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-03-14 21 
46023513Space Monkeys Quest 55Bra, Pen and Chitsu's camping trip turns into a quest for ever lasting smores.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-15 8 
46121693Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #25Downtime with Hercule, and the Tree and PatrollersCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-03-20 21 
46234416Space Monkeys Quest 56Meeting Kabus mom again, and the New Saiyan Council formsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-25 11 
46349109Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #26Meeting a Master ThiefCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-03-30 21 
April 2016
46396472Dragon Ball MACHINE MUTANT QuestA rapist and a voyeur are off to collect all the waifus in Dragon Ball, even if it kills them.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Machine Mutant, Machine Mutant Quest, Gato, Meatbags2016-04-02 0 
46394809Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #27Chiaotzu's resolve, Towa's offer, and an encounter at Dreamland...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-04-02 21 
46544597Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #28A Farewell, a Swordsmith, and Training ResumedCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-04-09 21 
46691888Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #29Onwards, to Namek!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-04-16 21 
46718217Space Monkeys Quest 57Lawsuits, sky pirates, and sad robogirlsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-04-17 10 
46837133Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #30The Big Gete Star's Assault on Namek!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-04-23 21 
46984585Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #31More like, "Ginyu Force Drools!" Ha HA! Maple Mahogany gets lost in space on a Desert Planet.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-04-30 21 
May 2016
47222486Dragonball Quest #1A boy named Tofoo takes his first steps on a big adventureCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Dragonball2016-05-13 8 
47238977Dragonball Quest #1 (v2)A young boy named Tofoo begins a grand adventureCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-14 18 
47233977Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #32Don't Order the SpecialCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-05-14 21 
47256291Dragonball Quest #2Tofoo, Goku, and Bulma stop the terrible Oolong, and set a course for Fire MountainCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-16 16 
47290409Dragonball Quest #3On the way to Fire Mountain, the gang looses their transportation, and encounter a dangerous new foe in the desertCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-17 16 
47307842Dragonball Quest #4Tofoo battles the fierce desert bandit, Yamcha, and the gang spends the night in Oolong's camperCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-18 15 
47323486Dragonball Quest #5Tofoo and the gang learn that there are several people out to get themCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-19 16 
47340940Dragonball Quest #6The gang travels through the desert while being pursued by YamchaCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-20 15 
47358541Dragonball Quest #7The gang encounters the "terrible" Ox King, and Tofoo is tasked with finding the giant's daughterCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-21 16 
47370892Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #33Maple and Chiaotzu encounter Space Orphans on their way to Planet BrenchCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-05-22 21 
47392623Dragonball Quest #8The Kamehameha WaveCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-23 17 
47411719Dragonball Quest #9The gang moves toward the final Dragonball, but has to contend with the wicked and bumbling Shu and MaiCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-24 16 
47428324Dragonball Quest #10Tofoo and the gang fall victim to the traps of the insidious Emperor PilafCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-25 16 
47445541Dragonball Quest #11The struggle with Pilaf comes to a close, and a wish reveals some horrifying truthsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-26 15 
47460772Dragonball Quest #12Tofoo faces off against the monster who killed his parents, and Emperor Pilaf tries his hand at revenge. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-27 16 
47477266Dragonball Quest #13Tofoo and Goku go to the home of Master Roshi, but must find him a young girl before he will train themCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-28 16 
47511002Dragonball Quest #14Launch reveals a dangerous secret, and Master Roshi finally begins teaching the boysCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-30 15 
47529259Dragonball Quest #15A test to find a stone strengthens some bonds and tests othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-31 16 
June 2016
47545786Dragonball Quest #16With Master Roshi sick, the boys go off to find some food, and end up finding a giant monster. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-01 16 
47563163Dragonball Quest #17Tofoo and Krillin encounter a strange doctor, and Tofoo gets into some trouble involving LaunchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-02 16 
47596663Dragonball Quest #18Tofoo makes a big decision regarding his training, and encounters some pirates lead by a smelly captainCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-04 16 
47591860Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #35Planet Brench and the End of a TyrantCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-06-04 24 
47613631Dragonball Quest #19Tofoo escapes the clutches of a hungry bear, continues his training, and visits a friendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-05 16 
47632153Dragonball Quest #20Tofoo finally gets his chance to compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament, where he sees just how his training has paid off.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-06 16 
47650261Dragonball Quest #21The quarterfinals begin, and Tofoo is faced against a tricky and terrible opponentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-07 15 
47683530Dragonball Quest #22The semifinals bring intense fights, and Tofoo finds Krillin to be quite the challengeCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-09 14 
47680149Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special #1The fate of the world is up to Peppa Mahogany, Son Gohan, and Princess Izzy, as they must stop the bad guys from doing evil stuff and junk!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Special, Tuffle Quest Special, Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special, Kato2016-06-09 32 
47698360Dragonball Quest #23Tofoo vs Jackie ChunCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-10 16 
47715299Dragonball Quest #24A terrible foe stands in the way of the hunt for the Dragonballs: the site bugging outCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-11 15 
47729684Dragonball Quest #25Tofoo becomes aware that something is wrong with his body, and that others are searching for the DragonballsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-12 14 
47746182Dragonball Quest #26Tofoo plays matchmaker, finds out what's wrong with him, and has another run in with the Red Ribbon ArmyCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-13 16 
47761580Dragonball Quest #27Tofoo recovers and searches for a ball, Goku goes off on his own, and the Red Ribbon Army burns thingsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-14 15 
47809298Dragonball Quest #28Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin confront Captain Orangecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-17 15 
47824756Dragonball Quest #29The gang splits up, Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin meet a girl, and attack Muscle Towercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-18 16 
47842885Dragonball Quest #30Tofoo battles Major Metallitron, and Goku battles the odd Ninja Murasaki before the gang meets an odd Androidcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-19 16 
47860609Dragonball Quest #31The boys finish their assault on Muscle Tower, and take a trip to North Citycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-20 15 
47879572Dragonball Quest #32Tofoo deals with some thieving orphans, and encounters the Red Ribbon Armycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-21 15 
47896792Dragonball Quest #33Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin reunite with Bulma, and locate the third Dragonballcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-22 14 
47913165Dragonball Quest #34Another Dragonball is found, along with pirate treasurecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-23 15 
47942473Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #37Home sweet Home, Returned to Earth at lastCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-06-24 21 
47945969Dragonball Quest #35Tofoo and Goku have a match, and Blue has his revengecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-25 14 
47960668Dragonball Quest #36Tofoo reunited with Goku, and the two fighters meet a deadly new foecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-26 15 
47978646Dragonball Quest #37Tofoo and Goku climb to the top of Korin Tower, but find getting the Sacred Water will not be easycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-27 14 
48013606Dragonball Quest #38The boys get the water, and some paybackcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-29 15 
48031295Dragonball Quest #39Fall of the Red Ribbon Armycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-30 16 
July 2016
48060331Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #38Training Resumes in Preparation for the Coming TyrantsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-01 21 
48063851Dragonball Quest #40With the radars unable to find the final ball, Roshi sends the gang to Fortune Teller Babacollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-02 16 
48080511Dragonball Quest #41Goku, Krillin, and Tofoo fight a series of battles against Baba's fighterscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-03 14 
48095987Dragonball Quest #42Tofoo battles the masked fighter, then gets his match with Gokucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-04 14 
48115104Dragonball Quest #43Tofoo speaks with his parents, and all seven balls are gathered. What wish will be made?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-05 15 
48132606Dragonball Quest #44Tofoo sets out to start his training, but he gets a little sidetrackedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-06 14 
48149995Dragonball Quest #45Tofoo travels to Jingle Village and begins his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-07 15 
48165789Dragonball Quest #46Soldiers appear near Jingle Village, and Tofoo finds some sinister things are going oncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-08 14 
48178265Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #39Meeting the Galactic KingCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-08 21 
48181864Dragonball Quest #47Tofoo gets some information from Korin, then bites off more than he can chewcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-09 15 
48197600Dragonball Quest #48Tofoo breaks into the castle, but finds breaking out much hardercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-10 14 
48214146Dragonball Quest #49The great escapecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-11 15 
48247567Dragonball Quest #50Krillin trains under Korin, and Tofoo decides to go to the Devil's Castlecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-13 14 
48264311Dragonball Quest #51The Sleeping Princess is foundcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-14 15 
48280144Dragonball Quest #52Tofoo prepares for the World Martial Arts Tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-15 14 
48291721Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #40The Super Saiyan Prince and the Arrival of TyrantsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-15 21 
48296340Dragonball Quest #53Friends and enemies reunite as the tournament beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-16 15 
48326834Dragonball Quest #54Tensions rise as the preliminaries get underwaycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-18 14 
48343944Dragonball Quest #55The Crane students wreak havoc in the preliminaries, and Tofoo fights in the first match of the quarterfinalscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-19 14 
48360235Dragonball Quest #56Tofoo makes a dangerous new enemy in Shen, and has some serious talks with his friendscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-20 14 
48378032Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #41Change the Future!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-21 25 
48374801Dragonball Quest #57The Crane School plots vengeance, and the tournament continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-21 14 
48391673Dragonball Quest #58Tofoo vs Gokucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-22 15 
48404785Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #42The End of The Frost TyrantsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-22 24 
48408769Dragonball Quest #59Tofoo vs Goku part 2collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-23 14 
48412761Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #42.5The Message from the FutureCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-23 24 
48423259Dragonball Quest #60Strike of the Crane, crawl of the Turtlecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-24 16 
48439758Dragonball Quest #61The Crane Hermit departs, but a new foe comes to take his placecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-25 14 
48457666Dragonball Quest #62Guess who dies. Go on, guess.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-26 13 
48489966Dragonball Quest #63Into Darknesscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-28 15 
48518462Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #43The Time TravelersCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-07-30 20 
48523367Dragonball Quest #64Tofoo conquers the Darkness, and gains some new skillscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-30 16 
48540236Dragonball Quest #65Tofoo puts his new powers to the test in a face-off with King Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-31 18 
August 2016
48556536Dragonball Quest #66The struggle with King Piccolo comes to a violent endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-01 21 
48574540Dragonball Quest #67Tofoo and Goku climb Korin Towercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-02 16 
48607988Dragonball Quest #68Tofoo and Goku train to control their energy, and the Guardian reveals himselfcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-04 15 
48626922Dragonball Quest #69Tofoo says farewell to his friends, and makes some progress in his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-05 14 
48659643Dragonball Quest #70Tofoo finds the strength to challenge Popo, and is given an odd bit of training by Kamicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-07 14 
48675138Dragonball Quest #71Tofoo into a few fights, each with different resultscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-08 15 
48693730Dragonball Quest #72Goku and Tofoo spar as their training continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-09 15 
48699444Dragonball Quest #73Tofoo and Goku arrive for the tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-09 14 
48711302Dragonball Quest #74The gang reunites, and the preliminaries commencecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-10 14 
48727467Dragonball Quest #75The preliminaries end, and the quarterfinals have an explosive startcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-11 15 
48757304Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #45A Prince's WishCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-08-12 21 
48760281Dragonball Quest #76Tofoo's match comes to a shocking end, and the quarterfinals concludecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-13 14 
48778792Dragonball Quest #77Tofoo vs Taocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-14 14 
48785203Dragonball Quest #78The battle between Tofoo and Tao concludes, and Goku steps into the ring with Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-14 15 
48797019Dragonball Quest #79The tournament comes to an endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-15 14 
48832002Dragonball Quest #80God creates man, man destroys Godcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-17 14 
48855337Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #46A Trip to Baba'sCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-08-18 21 
48851347Dragonball Quest #81The hunt for the balls beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-18 14 
48870009Dragonball Quest #82Complications arise in the search for the Dragonballs. Who could have seen that coming?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-19 13 
48884664Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #47The Ki Containers and Training ResumedCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-08-19 21 
48905692Dragonball Quest #83Tofoo and Goku get their fight sooner than expectedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-21 14 
48921799Dragonball Quest #84Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-22 14 
48926359Dragonball Quest #85What is even happening anymore? Can Tofoo catch a break?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-22 14 
48941210Dragonball Quest #86The thread number kind of fitscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-23 15 
48973499Dragonball Quest #87Witches get stichescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-25 14 
48979036Dragonball Quest #88Three years have passed, what has changed?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-25 14 
48989731Dragonball Quest #90Tofoo to the rescueCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-26 3 
49028259Dragonball Quest #90 (for real this time)Tofoo reconnects with Goku and Krillin, and makes an important visit to Kamicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-28 15 
49048310Dragonball Quest #91Tofoo returns to Capsule Corp just in time for something to go wrongcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-29 14 
49067015Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #48Training to Fight A Super SaiyanCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-08-30 21 
49065924Dragonball Quest #92Tofoo finds himself capturedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-30 14 
September 2016
49101483Dragonball Quest #93Tofoo fights his way through the next level, and finds his friendscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-01 16 
49117699Dragonball Quest #94Tofoo asks an important question, and an ancient evil returnscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-02 17 
49132691Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #49As the World Tournament draws near, Maple finishes her last bouts of trainingCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-09-02 21 
49136331Dragonball Quest #95Garlic Junior reveals his true power, and Tofoo is given a big surprisecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-03 16 
49141700Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #49.5The Next Saiyan PrinceCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-09-03 21 
49141519Dragonball Quest #96Reunionscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-03 15 
49153507Dragonball Quest #97Goku and Tofoo are forced to team up with Piccolo, but will this be enough to stop Raditz?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-04 16 
49172238Dragonball Quest #98Zamasu was rightcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-05 15 
49189823Dragonball Quest #99With Raditz dead, Tofoo and the others prepare for the arrival of two more Saiyanscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-06 15 
49246980Dragonball Quest #100Tofoo gathers the remaining warriors, and says farewell to his soncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-09 15 
49259672Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special #2Son Peppa takes on the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Special, Tuffle Quest Special, Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special, Kato2016-09-09 30 
49262354Dragonball Quest #101The Warriors gather on the Lookout, and training gets to a violent startcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-10 16 
49268787Dragonball Quest #102The tale of the Turtle and the Cranecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-10 17 
550481Dragonball Quest #103The Saiyans arrive on Earth, and this quest arrives on /qst/collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-11 33 
563396Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special #3The Junior Division Finals begin, with a change of boardCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Special, Tuffle Quest Special, Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special, Kato2016-09-13 30 
562723Dragonball Quest #104After suffering several losses at the hands of Vegeta, the Earth's defenders band together and prepare to strike backcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-13 32 
614102Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #50The 25th World Martial Arts TournamentCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-09-23 23 
642287Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #51The 25th World Martial Arts Tournament continues!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-09-30 22 
October 2016
653196Dragonball Quest #105Return of the Dangalang Kingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-03 32 
697226Dragonball Quest #106The gang travels to Planet Namek, and Tofoo quickly makes some stupid decisions collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-14 31 
717900Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #52Nothing interesting happens againCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato, boring2016-10-18 23 
729030Dragonball Quest #107Tofoo and the gang begin to gather the Dragonballs, but a new threat is closing incollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-21 31 
754370Dragonball Quest #108The Ginyu Force strikes backcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-27 27 
753623Saiyan Swordsman A 16 year-old low-class Saiyan warrior by the name of Kaido crash lands on a planet after narrowly escaping the destruction of Vegeta Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, DBZ, Saiyan, Anime, Sword, Martial Arts, Fighting,2016-10-28 6 
November 2016
785788Dragonball Quest #109The Dragonballs are gathered and Porunga is summoned, but Freeza is not pleasedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-04 28 
794038Sayan Swordsman Quest 2 Kaido spars with Kō of the three bat brothers, passes out, and wakes up in West CityCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, DBZ, Saiyan, Anime, Sword, Martial Arts, Fighting,2016-11-09 3 
809665Dragonball Quest #110Piccolo joins the fight, but will it be enough?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-10 31 
814705Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #53The Battle for Brench against Super 13, and the new World Martial Arts Champion!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-11-12 30 
835612Dragonball Quest #111Escaping the destruction of Namek, Tofoo and the others find themselves at the beginning of another huntcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-17 25 
852996Dragonball Quest #112Tofoo spends time with his family, Som makes some typos, and the mission for the Black Star Balls beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-21 28 
856681Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #54A Son Family vacation, downtime for the HeroesCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-11-22 24 
867445Dragonball Quest #113The search for the balls begins, as does some competitioncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-26 28 
December 2016
889977Dragonball Quest #114The tournament does not go as plannedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-02 21 
916336Dragonball Quest #115Tofoo vs Olibucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-09 29 
919485Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #55The Two Princes' WishesCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-12-10 23 
924885Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach EpisodeAfter cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, tooCollective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, Beach Episode, volleyball2016-12-14 5 
942833Dragonball Quest #116The gang goes to confront an asteroid, but find that there's much more to deal withcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-16 28 
987957Raditz Quest Episode 1An Impossible Inheritance! Visions Of Future Failure?! Dragon Ball Z, Raditz, Collective Game, Raditz Quest, AnailQM2016-12-30 3 
991144Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #56An Emperor's Wish and Visions of the FutureCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2016-12-31 23 
January 2017
998563Dragonball Quest #117Tofoo and the others do battle with Lord Slugcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-02 28 
1027247Dragonball Quest #118Tofoo finally spends time with his son, and a capsule is stolencollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-10 31 
1038894Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #57Trouble Brewing at Wheelo's LabCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-01-14 25 
1065214Dragonball Quest #119After some last-minute travel and a forest fire, the gang gathers for the World Martial Arts Tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-20 32 
1049202WinnieQuest Bout 1: Foxes and Wolves 2We play pinball with Winnie and have some adorable moments with White Fell.Collective Game, Questguy, Ghoulquest, Winniequest, Werewolf, Pinball2017-01-28 3 
1107572Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #58Attack of the Artificial Humans!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-01-30 30 
1111606Dragonball Quest #120The contestants gather for the tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-31 32 
February 2017
1124496Dragonball Quest #121The tournament begins, and the competitors reveal a host of surprisescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-04 35 
1134178Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #59Tuffle FusionCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-02-06 30 
1149280Dragonball Quest #122Tofoo vs Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-11 35 
1165062Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #60As a Demon arrives on the Lookout, the Artificial Humans' make their last standCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-02-16 30 
1170743Dragonball Quest #123First round of the semifinals has a shocking ending as Tofoo advances to the finalscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-18 35 
1210239Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #61The Hyperbolic Time ChamberCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-02-27 30 
March 2017
1247918Dragonball Quest #124The Earth gets some visitorscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-10 24 
1275027Dragonball Quest #125The Z-Fighters confront the Turles Crusher Corps collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-17 35 
1287595Dragonball: Blue Star Quest #1Roni, Mallow, and Nodal begin their adventuredragonball, dbz, Caff, blue, star, Collective Game, Quest2017-03-21 5 
1288561Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #62The Ally from the FutureCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-03-24 30 
1299645Dragonball Quest #126The Tree of Might is dealt with, but a new threat looms on the horizoncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-25 34 
1308518Dragonball Quest #127The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but it travels far to get back to the treecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-28 27 
April 2017
1307778Dragonball: Blue Star Quest #2The Senzu Stalk Saga ignitesdragonball, dbz, Caff, blue, star, Collective Game, Quest2017-04-01 2 
1329974Dragonball Quest #128Hearing the future warrior's warning, Tofoo and the others test their strength in various wayscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-03 25 
1324330Girls Und Volksport: Lafayette Girls Academy #162In which Ingrid pitches the game of her life.GuP, Girls und Panzer, LGA, Collective Game, GuP:LGA2 Quest, Baseball, April Fools2017-04-05 5 
1321560Dragonball: Blue Star Quest #3Roni takes on Mother Senzudragonball, dbz, Caff, blue, star, Collective Game, Quest2017-04-05 1 
1345881Dragonball Quest #129Tofoo travels to the Lookout to continue his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-08 23 
1358748Dragonball Quest #130Tofoo makes arrangements for an out-of-this-world partycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-12 25 
1355686Dragonball: Blue Star Quest #4Training pays offdragonball, dbz, Caff, blue, star, Collective Game, Quest2017-04-15 1 
1372395Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #63A Saiyan's Arrival and the Kids' Hunt for the Rainbow ShellCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-04-22 30 
1399051Dragonball Quest #131Tofoo tracks the killer, and the Kais decide to come for a partycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-25 24 
May 2017
1421566Dragonball Quest #132The Kai's party approaches, and great warriors face offcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-02 26 
1433325Dragonball Quest #133Tofoo vs Torbiecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-07 27 
1430105Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #64As Gohan and Peppa find the Rainbow Shell, the search for the Legendary Super Saiyan begins...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-05-11 30 
1456091Dragonball Quest #134Goku and Piccolo take on Maraikho collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-14 25 
1471171Dragonball Quest #135The Grand Kai shows a powerful technique, and a dark force prepares to strikecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-19 25 
1486831Dragonball Quest #137Toku learns a painful lesson, and a darkness approaches the Earthcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-23 26 
1501012Dragonball Quest #137 5/26Tofoo, Goku, Krillin, Kori, Konattsu, Bulma, and Oolong go camping. What could go wrong?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-27 26 
1517494Dragonball Quest #138Tofoo and Goku battle Cooler's Armored Squadron, and the man himself appears on the scenecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-31 27 
June 2017
1528569Dragonball Quest #139Tofoo faces off against Cooler, brother of Freezacollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-03 28 
1521915Another Dragon Ball Quest #1You're a young, red skinned child with no memory of your life past a year ago, good luck.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-04 5 
1546203Dragonball Quest #140Three years of training come to an end, and Judgement Day arrives. collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-07 24 
1541916Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #65Towa attempts to kidnap the Legendary Super Saiyan!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-06-09 30 
1556190Dragonball Quest #141The Z-Fighters and Androids leave the city behind, and find a place to settle the scorecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-10 21 
1548544Another Dragon Ball Quest #2After a couple month's worth of training Saff now has to deal with RaditzDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-11 5 
1566742Dragonball Quest #142Androids 19 and 20 prove to be more than the Z-Fighters bargained forcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-13 23 
1560339Another Dragon Ball Quest #3The battle with Raditz is handled better than expected, but now Saff and the others have to prepare for the other Saiyans.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-14 2 
1583214Dragonball Quest #143The tables turn as new arrivals join the fightcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-18 25 
1573112Another Dragon Ball Quest #4Everyone arrives at the lookout in time for Kami to drop some bad news, and Saff must choose someone to train under.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-20 2 
1598027Dragonball Quest #143Will this battle ever end?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-22 22 
1591580Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #66The Secrets of Mei Queen CastleCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-06-24 30 
1619480Dragonball Quest #145Plans are made, and new enemies approachcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-28 21 
July 2017
1626737Another Dragon Ball Quest #5A week of training has led to Saff getting stronger, plus she gets to learn some new moves from RaijinDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-05 5 
1641536Dragonball Quest #146The Earth is given a new Guardian and new Champion to battle new foescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-06 24 
1659471Dragonball Quest #147Piccolo and Tofoo encounter a terrible beast, and the Androids move in to attackcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-14 26 
1670701Dragonball Quest #148Tofoo and Piccolo wage a fierce battle against the androidscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-16 34 
1669282Saiyan Conqueror Quest 7Karn and company travel to a showdown with Dr. Nefarious. The prince nearly dies, Karn achieves the legend, and the good doctor escaped.Saiyan Conqueror Quest 7, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Karn, Meloka, /qst/, DBZ, quest, Saiyan, Saiyans, Dragon Ball Z2017-07-17 23 
1671566Another Dragon Ball Quest #6Saff deals with the dreaded Cottontail tribe, finally gets underway with some serious training, and goes to the Otherworld market.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-18 4 
1680764Dragonball Quest #149With the Androids gone and the Dragonballs back, will Earth finally have peace? You already know the answer.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-19 16 
1689884Another Dragon Ball Quest #7The Yamcha EpisodeDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-25 1 
1705990Dragonball Quest #150Tofoo and Lazuli battle the monstercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-29 17 
1715693Another Dragon Ball Quest #8In which we meet the Champ himself, and make a trip to the past with some terrible results.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-30 4 
August 2017
1731390Dragonball Quest #151Awakening of two new androids and the survival of the mysterious creature requires Tofoo and Goku to gain new power within a day collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-05 26 
1728562Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #67Kami's Decision and the Time Travelers' ReturnCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-08-05 30 
1750907Another Dragon Ball Quest #9Saff finally learns about her mysterious past, and has a birthday party!Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-11 3 
1756823Dragonball Quest #152Tofoo and Trunks enter the Time Chambercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-11 27 
1773181Dragonball Quest #153Tofoo and Trunks have a heart to heart, and complete their trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-17 28 
1783148Dragonball Quest #154The battle with Super Android 13 and Cell begins collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-22 25 
1775937Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #68Visions of coming dangers, awakening an artificial human, and Tarble's returnCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-08-22 30 
1802410Dragonball Quest 155And it was going so well. collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-24 0 
1809804Another Dragon Ball Quest #10Saff gets into an argument with Kami, and goes off to train with Piccolo and Raditz, plus Janken happens.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-29 2 
September 2017
1818419Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #69Peppa and Gohan meet a girl named Lime as the time for preparation draws to a close.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-09-02 30 
1858438Dragonball Quest #155 v2The battle with Cell continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-12 20 
1869376Dragon Ball Prince Quest #1We meet our protagonist, the young Prince Ōzo as he meets up with a group of people who want his Dragon Ball, and fights some other peoCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Prince Quest, Dragon Ball Z, DBZ, 2017-09-17 20 
1871884Dragonball Quest #156After a brutal battle, the victor seems clear, but new arrivals may change thingscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-17 26 
1868600Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z Special #4Peppa, Gohan, Videl, and Pantea seek the Ultra Divine Water!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-09-19 41 
1880497Dragon Ball Prince Quest #2Prince Ozo faces off against Yamcha a second time, meets Chi-Chi and Master Roshi, collects the final Dragon Balls, and stops a Great Ape.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Prince Quest, Dragon Ball Z, DBZ, 2017-09-21 12 
1887247Dragonball Quest #157Trufoo races to destroy Cell before the fusion wears off, but Cell had some surprises in storecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-22 25 
1911741Dragonball Quest #158Tofoo visits the Grand Kai, hoping to learn a powerful and sacred techniquecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-29 17 
October 2017
1903272Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #70The Battle with Majin Ozotto!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-10-02 43 
2020477Dragonball Quest #159Tofoo faces a test from the Grand Kaicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-10-29 18 
November 2017
2007076Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #71With Majin Ozotto defeated, Earth's heroes prepare for the next threat!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-11-01 31 
2046742Dragonball Quest #160Tofoo acquires new power, and puts it to the testcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-07 24 
2070167Winter Ball Quest/qst/-tan looks for a partner to go to the ball with him./qst/-tan, -tans, Winter Ball, anthropomorphic personifications, boards2017-11-14 5 
2067426Dragonball Quest #161Tofoo and Goku have a talk, and compare their new powerscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-15 18 
2050865Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #72As work on 19 continues, you reunite with Kuriza and the Ginyu Force, helping them learn some of the Earth's secretsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-11-16 31 
2078245Dragonball Quest #162Tofoo and Goku discuss powers and family, and Tofoo heads homecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-18 17 
2087263Dragonball Quest #163Warriors gather, and the Cell Games begincollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-21 21 
2099860Dragonball Quest #164The warriors of Earth battle the offspring of Cellcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-26 25 
December 2017
2112759Dragonball Quest #165Roshi and Shen showcase their skills, and the Cell Games begin their main eventcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-01 24 
2121877Dragonball Quest #166Goku and Tofoo test their might against Cellcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-05 31 
2107713Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #73A reunion with Suno, sparring with the Saiyan brothers, and the arrival of the Phantoms of VengeanceCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-12-06 31 
2131510Dragonball Quest 167Like clockwork Tofoo (SOM) fucks everything up.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-12 -9 
2126702Dragon Ball Prince Quest #4Prince Ozo's Adventures Continue as he tries to make it to Fortuneteller Baba's Palace!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Prince Quest, Dragon Ball Z, DBZ2017-12-14 1 
2159172Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #74The stakes rise higher as the Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans continues!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2017-12-28 31 
January 2018
2190195Race of Hera Quest #0We make our protagonist in a Universe not quite what we know...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-01-01 5 
2179717Dragonball Quest Fan Epilogue #1In wake of Som's burnout, anons give themselves an endingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2018-01-02 25 
2194344Dragonball Quest Fan Epilogue #2Beerus strength pushes the earth warriors to their limits for a climactic endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2018-01-03 27 
2222986Race of Hera Quest #1The Challenging Universe has more in store for Gyro and friends. Will he overcome them or fall like other would be heroes before him?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-01-12 4 
2234533Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #75Lost in Sugoroku Space and facing the Space Pirates invading Planet Kuhn!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2018-01-23 31 
February 2018
2288842Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #76The Villainous Cell Sentai attacks Planet Outa!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2018-02-13 31 
March 2018
2342875Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #77Back on Earth, preparing for Dr. Raichi's next nefarious plot!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2018-03-04 32 
2365169Race of Hera Quest #1.5 Gyro faces Beasts, Saibamen and Saiyans, oh my.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-03-13 2 
2402834Race of Hera Quest #2Saiyan Saga fantasies, dark dragon awakenings.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-03-27 2 
2434378Reborn as Zarbon QuestA young asshole is killed in an accident and then reborn as a Dragon Ball villainDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Zarbon, 2018-03-31 2 
April 2018
2423601Race of Hera Quest #2.5Gyro plays a game to learn magic and falls in love with an angel named Vados...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-04-03 3 
2456287Race of Hera Quest #3Hero meets his Guardian Angel and his God of Destruction...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-04-07 3 
2443388Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #78Facing Dr. Raichi in the battle to save the Earth!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2018-04-09 38 
2483901Race of Hera Quest #4Gyro continues through the Cave of Darkness in search of the Ultra Divine Water.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-04-18 3 
2489956Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Z #79The battle to save the Earth draws to a close! It's the grand finale of Z!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kato2018-04-22 47 
2501142Race of Hera Quest #5Gyro faces his date with Vados and that third wheel, DESTINY!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-04-23 5 
May 2018
2521601Race of Hera Quest #6Gyro continues his date with Vados, his lineage is revealed. Will he keep his sphagetti in his pockets? Find out on DRAGON BALL ROHQ!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-05-03 3 
2550315Race of Hera Quest #7Gyro continues being hunted/trained. He meets an unexpected allies and discovers dangers that are out of this world...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-05-11 3 
2570427Race of Hera Quest #8Gyro begins his true training after his Toguro Test. Can you...believe it?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-05-17 3 
2588650Race of Hera Quest #9Training to be a ninja continues, Gyro learns of himself and of Orochimaru's dangerous experiments...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-05-24 2 
June 2018
2598670Dragon Ball MegaMultiple players compete in the budokai tenkaichi before embarking on an adventure.Dragon Ball Mega Quest, Collective Game, Naga Sake2018-06-02 2 
2621365Race of Hera Quest #10Race of Hera continues on Fu's Prison Planet! Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-06-05 2 
2624043Dragonball Quest: Revenge of SOMNIUSBecause he's a hack and the fan epilogue apparently wasn't good enough, SOM's back.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius, Rocks Fall, Unnecessary Sequel, Trash, SOM is a faggot2018-06-06 12 
2651939Dragonball Quest #169The Horror Won't EndCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-06-16 1 
2613685Dragon Ball Mega #2Meeting Krillin, 18, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Kami and then killing a few children because of a prank gone wrong.Dragon Ball Mega Quest, Collective Game, Naga Sake2018-06-16 3 
60492600Setting Worldbuilding "Moth Balls"Crazy mishmash of postapo, bio and cyberpunk, eldritch horrors, kaiju making a unique setting began in:archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/60471109settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax_holiday, moth_balls, megacorps2018-06-27 5 
2685316Race of Hera Quest #10.5After episode 10 kinda just...died - Gyro continues his adventures and things get prodigious. Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62018-06-28 2 
60529899Moth Balls The ThirdFunny/Disturbing Write-faggotry is deployed and some of Moth Balls' more bestial inhabitants are described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-06-30 5 
2682946Dragonball Quest #170Strike that, the horror ended. Cell is finally dead.Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-06-30 14 
July 2018
60587793Moth Balls The FourthNations other than the US get a little screen time, the nature of the Mega-cities is discussed and the Cyber is put in Cyberpunksettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-03 4 
60647720Moth Balls the FithMore Beasties. More Writefaggotry. More Moth Balls. At least, until the thread is ended prematurely and shoved to /qst/settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-06 2 
2714538Dragonball Quest #171With Cell defeated, all that remains is to tie up loose-ends, and look to the futureCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-07-12 12 
60774398Baseball Samsara: 108 StitchesBaseball and Buddhism combinedBaseball, Samsara, 108 Stitches, Buddhism, game ideas, setting2018-07-12 3 
60784267Moth Balls The SixthThe Church and the Powers get more detail, we meet some more nasty beasties, including some Kaiju and more general miscellanea is described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-18 3 
August 2018
61049391Moth Balls The EightIn which there are a series of long, in-character, religious arguments and a certain amount of dickwavery. Seventh thread died far too youngsettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-08-02 2 
2832708Dragonball Quest #172More family bondingCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-08-25 13 
2810845Saiyan Quest 2Mizuna takes a quick detour from Zekara to raid The Dairy QueenSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-08-30 6 
September 2018
2848343Saiyan Quest 2.5We finish buisness on New Texas and head for Zekara! Saiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-09-11 5 
2871920Saiyan Quest 3Mizuna lands on Zekara and has his first interaction the life that inhabits itSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-09-21 3 
October 2018
2926544Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #1After seven years of peace, trouble is brewing on Earth once more, and Son Peppa is ready to take it on!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-10-03 15 
2943118Dragonball Quest #175Tofoo vs Jackie ChunCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-05 12 
2915743Dragonball Quest #176Som is a hack who can't hold a job or write.Battletoads, Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG2018-10-05 1 
2961848Dragonball Quest #176Tofoo vs Jackie Chun part 2Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-13 13 
2938392Dragonball Quest #176 (for real this time)Tofoo vs Jackie Chun part 2Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-13 0 
2961155Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #2Son Peppa leads the charge in investigating suspicious ninja activity on Earth!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-10-17 11 
3001441Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #3To Catch a Ninja!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-10-31 8 
November 2018
3025953Dragonball Quest #177Tofoo prepares for the World Martial Arts TournamentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-11-05 -10 
62900079Fireball Planet Creation Thread #2More work is done on "Fireball" the Death, Mining, Prison planet and more planets and moons are rolled up. The Akar and their creations toAkar, Fireball, 40K, Planets, Everything is on fire, Bugs, More Bugs, Roach Skaven2018-11-09 0 
3036319Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #4Battling Air Pirates and stopping kidnapping Ninja in the lead-up to the Tournament!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-11-14 7 
3063507Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #5The World Tournament Preliminaries!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-11-28 8 
December 2018
3053210Dragonball Quest #178Here's to SOM staying deadCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-12-01 -4 
3055797Dragonball Quest #179Seriously don't come back this time you fucking hackCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-12-01 -2 
3093749Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #6World Tournament Finals and the Attack of the Herans!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2018-12-13 8 
January 2019
3137983Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #7Heran Fusion and the Battle against Babidi!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-01-03 9 
3167993Race of Hera Quest #11Where we return after a bit of a hiatus!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Race of Hera Quest, Universe 62019-01-11 1 
3170338Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #8World Tournament Conclusion, Peppa's First Date, and the Ninja Fortress!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-01-17 8 
3209326Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #1A male denizen of planet Earth becomes aware of strange things happening around him and meets a strange creatureDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-01-27 26 
3203971Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #9The Sealed Hero and Monster of Ages PastCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-01-31 7 
February 2019
3237555Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #2With the crisis of the Oozaru averted a new, potentially greater threat emergeshim and meets a strange creature Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-06 22 
3239593AFDBQ 1Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest begins. Poorly.AFDBQ, Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Dragon Ball2019-02-14 1 
3243450Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #10The Tuffle Trio do what they can to prepare for the looming threat of Hirudegarn!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-02-14 7 
3261331Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #3A mysterious letter arrivesDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-14 20 
3256894Sadala Defense Force Quest #1Spicha, a young Saiyan of Universe 6, fights for a spot in the Legendary Sadala Defense ForceCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Super, Dragon Ball Super, Sadala2019-02-16 3 
3260532AFDBQ 2Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest CONTINUES STILL POORLYAFDBQ, Another Fucking Dragon Ball Quest, Dragon Ball, Collective Game2019-02-18 1 
3282562Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #4The flame of the Super Saiyan is reignited!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-21 20 
3279417Dragonball Quest #178Som returns after his hiatusCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 -4 
3276835Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 -6 
3268738Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 -5 
3274119Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 -5 
3285465Dragonball Quest #180A nat 1 kills Tofoo during the tournamentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 -5 
3286044Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #11Final clash against Hirudegarn! End of the Phantom Majin!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-02-28 8 
March 2019
3313764Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #5Enter the Demon Realm!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-03 20 
3311357Dragonball Quest #181Tofoo gets defeated by Puipui, and then Gohan goes down to Yakon. Can Babidi be defeated? No, but suddenly Cell...! Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-03-04 5 
3328554Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #12A School Play to Remember!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-03-15 11 
3350202Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #6The Makai trembles as the fight with the Demon King erupts! Will our hero be ready to face Frost?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-15 15 
3345600Dragon Ball Scientist Questour job as a scientist of the frieza empire beginsDragon Ball Scientist Quest, Weaver of Dreams QM2019-03-24 1 
3375713Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #7With the diabolical Frost dead Earth has been freed! What new adventures await our hero?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-24 15 
April 2019
3397881Dragonball Quest #181Stay gone faggotCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-04-03 0 
3422301Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #8 With a new arrival Erics life got flipped turned upside down yet again. Can he cope with becoming a boomer?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-10 12 
3409621Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #13Hunting for clues to Giru's past on Planet Brench!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-04-11 8 
3428381Dragon Ball Scientist Quest 2We got raditz that feast and extracted some dnaDragon Ball Scientist Quest, Weaver of Dreams QM, Collective Game, Dragon Ball2019-04-22 1 
3453532Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #9With all of his teammates out of the fight, it is up to Eric to win the Tournament of Destroyers. Will he succeed?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-22 24 
3447116Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #14Izzy takes down a Pyramid Scheme!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-04-25 8 
May 2019
3479437Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #10After a hard earned victory at the tournament our hero returns to his place of birth for some relaxationDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-03 11 
3480240Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #15"Goldvoter isn't real, he can't hurt you." Peppa and fam go to Imecka to poke a dead body with a stick.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-05-04 16 
3517215Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #11With the celebrations over it's time our hero returned to the stars! What exciting new adventures await him?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-19 11 
3513564Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #16Gohan, Tapion, Minotia, and Zarid take on a demon from the past!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-05-25 15 
June 2019
3548878Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #12After the dark temptress Towa revealed herself Eric son of Earth was called to a strange place where he meets a very important personDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-02 10 
3560597Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #17Trouble on Tech-Tech as mechanical fiends run rampant, and a lead on Giru's origins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-06-15 16 
3587840Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #13With the intentions of Towa figured out Eric and his friends must prepare for what is to come!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-20 12 
3590951Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #18Taking down a Cult, a date with Cocoa, and sneaking around Planet M2!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-06-29 16 
July 2019
3634445Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #14A tale of Witches and KingsDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-07 10 
3628848Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #19Facing off against the Machine Mutants of M2 and Bringing about the end of Baby! ...Or is it?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-07-12 16 
3672639Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #15After his second journey through Hell, Eric finds himself recuperating at homeDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-19 10 
August 2019
3695511Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #20Izumi and Sachie save a Demon Fox!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-08-02 16 
3729740Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #16The tournament of Earth draws ever closer. And more things get revealedDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-07 11 
3734954Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #21Gohan trains with Vegeta and faces a bodysnatching invasion of Earth!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-08-15 16 
3702062Vegeta's Quest IA quest where we control Vegeta. We fight some bugs, get in a hot mess, find help, and interact with Earth.Vegeta, Dragon Ball, DBZ, KingQM,2019-08-17 28 
3771536Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #17The Saiyans arrived on Earth!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-23 10 
September 2019
3785102Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #22Battle for the Black Star Dragon Balls!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-09-06 16 
3805590Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #18Let the Tournament... BEGINDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-09-09 7 
3814491Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #23With Earth evacuated, the Tuffle Trio make their preparations to save the world from Baby!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-09-22 17 
October 2019
3851082Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #19As the fighting continues the mysteries surrounding it slowly unravel. Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-05 10 
3848948Body Horror Quest - 31st VeinA simple visit to Madam Yurei’s Mansion to talk about her proposal for the Crucible turned into a ballroom blitz of escalating violence.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, Ballroom Blitz, Violence, boss phases2019-10-05 12 
3850007Another Dragon Ball Quest #1A boy named Shoji begins his quest to get stronk, beat the bad guys, and save his dad.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, ADB Quest2019-10-11 -1 
3866760Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #24The Tuffle Trio returns to Earth to free the planet from Baby's control!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-10-19 18 
3879471Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #20Things are heating up as the strongest fighters start clashing!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-19 7 
3866927Another Dragon Ball Quest #2Shoji is enlisted by Pilaf and begins his journey to find the Fountain of Youth.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, ADB Quest2019-10-24 0 
November 2019
3905625Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #21Sam and Dominika clash! And the tranquil storm faces the Slayer!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-04 6 
3900996Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #25High above the Earth, Baby makes his last stand! The Battle against Baby comes to a close!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-11-10 21 
3944498Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #22The Quarterfinals begin! The end of Earth's tournament is nighDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-28 5 
December 2019
3936577Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #26As peace returns to Earth, the Tuffle Trio all head down their own paths of improvement!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-12-01 16 
3977075Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #23It's Eric vs Bruce Lee! The living and the undead legends clash! Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-12-18 10 
3967842Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #27Peppa and Cocoa go to the movies, Gohan trains in the Afterlife, and Izumi learns more about her Mahou form!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2019-12-22 16 
January 2020
4000302Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #28Gohan's training in the afterlife continues as Peppa taps into hidden strengths and Izumi tries... unorthodox lessons in MagicCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-01-11 16 
4015260Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #24With the Tournament over, our hero returns to his quiet life... But for how long?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-11 6 
4033213Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #29Peppa has a beach day with friends, as Izzy explores hidden ruins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-01-25 16 
4045867Dragonball Quest #181It's back! can't wait for Som to disappear for months after his shitty writing backs him into a corner once again.Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-01-29 -1 
4059096Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #25Cabba brings dire news which might cost him his life. A new adventure with Hit is about to begin!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-31 5 
February 2020
4040517Dragon Kazuma, a teenage delinquent from West City High is hired by Bulma to be her bodyguard on her journey to collect the mythical Dragon BallsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins,2020-02-02 12 
4059502Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #30Izumi faces ancient Knights and learns of a mystical new power, as Gohan's training in the afterlife continues!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-02-08 16 
4064909Dragon Ball Origins #2Bandit fighting along with bit of princess rescuing and disappointment in authority figure. You know ther regular delinquent stuff. Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins2020-02-19 8 
4109884Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #26With the Dark Sorceress taken care of Eric decides to hang out in the 7th UniverseDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-02-28 5 
March 2020
4104814Dragon Ball Origins Quest #3We arrive at a new village and meet a new threat, but unfortunate real life consequences sideline the thread.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins,2020-03-17 3 
4149201Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After visiting the neighbors our hero has some wacky adventuresDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-03-21 6 
4118066Dragonball Quest #184Som actively ensures that his archived threads have high scoresCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-03-24 -1 
April 2020
4168708Dragonball Quest 185: Earthbender Quest 23The next one might not be a joke... https://www.strawpoll.me/19460870Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius, Dralo, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball2020-04-01 0 
4186909Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After his adventures in Universe 7 our hero returns homeDcragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-04-10 5 
4169642Dragon Ball Reincarnation #1Yu Tatsumaki, a boy from another world is given a second chance at life as he reincarnates into the dragon ball world as Okazu Ryoma.Collective Game,Dragon Ball, AU, Shenron2020-04-16 1 
4170586Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery QuestGohan sets out to deliver some milk for Lime, or die (again) trying!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Milk Delivery, Not Kato2020-04-19 0 
4212300Vegeta Quest 2Vegeta deals with an invader of Earth and proves that he deserves the title of Prince, then meets with Capsule Corps to hear of their plans.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2020-04-27 25 
May 2020
4231777Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #28Trouble on the home front Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-02 5 
4203728Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Milk Delivery, Sword and Angry Power Hour, Coffee Shop AU, Sing-Along2020-05-10 -1 
4243032Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #31Unlocking Potential and a return to school lifeCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-05-17 17 
4229332Vegeta Quest 3We have a duel with Kakarot after talking about the history of the Saiyans. QM gets afflicted by the corona-curse.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2020-05-18 24 
4269476Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #30Hitman rebornDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-22 5 
June 2020
4257726Dragonball Quest #185The only joke here are your quests SomCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-06-04 0 
4282969Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #32Izzy prepares for the mission to Z'S as the Afterlife Tournament begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-06-09 15 
4304696Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The quarantine has been lifted and Eric is free once moreDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-06-13 5 
July 2020
4312902Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #33Gohan reaches the Afterlife Tournament's finals as Izumi and Peppa investigate the mysterious planet Z'S!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-07-04 15 
4373105Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The twins rush to save their father from the clutches of Dr Lychee Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-07-24 6 
August 2020
4373412Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #34The living dead escape from Hell, and the Tuffle Trio face off against them!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-08-08 17 
September 2020
4425979Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #35The malicious influence of Janemba is sealed away and peace returns to the universe, and a new Champion of the Heavens stands!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-09-12 17 
October 2020
4475810Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #36Gohan deals with a Majin menace while Izzy begins her crew's rehabilitation and Peppa's school days and training days continue!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-10-17 15 
November 2020
4532694Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #37Peppa trains with Keli, Izzy investigates the Furnace of Eight Divisions, and Gohan rocks out in the heavens and uncovers a mystery in Hell!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-11-26 15 
December 2020
4566272Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #38Gohan investigates a mysterious theft in Hell as Izzy reunites with a friend and gets a tag partner for the Mifan Tournament!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2020-12-24 17 
February 2021
4616457Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #39Peppa and Keli train at Yardrat, Peppa meets an eccentric therapist, and the Tuffle Trio have a reunion spar!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2021-02-06 15 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
April 2021
4701794Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #40The Pepparazzi plot unfolds!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2021-04-10 17 
June 2021
4810522Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #41Izzy and Pantea do some teambuilding exercises while Peppa and Cocoa spend time togetherCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2021-06-02 17 
August 2021
4912288Saiyan Awakening QuestRettace and his squad wake up to find that they have been frozen for years. Royalty and Gods are met.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-08-03 15 
80496327Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas.Anons help anons understand the system. Discussion of part rebalancing. Storytime of a prequel game to Aqen storytime.Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, parts, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas2021-08-03 0 
80640256Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas finishes.A storytime wraps up. Discussion of Space ship horror for the undead. Cat based humor.Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas, cat, space2021-08-08 -1 
September 2021
4943212Saiyan Awakening Quest 2Rettace's continuing efforts to destroy a time distorting space monster.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-09-07 13 
4970293Vegeta Quest 4After a year, Vegeta Quest is back. We make peace with the earthlings after a rough duel and our spaceship plan comes to fruition.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2021-09-11 23 
4975132Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #42Peppa and Izzy continue training for the Mifan Tournament, with Keli unlocking a new power and Izzy taking a trip to a strange, strange landCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2021-09-18 17 
October 2021
4991281Vegeta Quest 5We head off for our first space adventure and battle foes.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2021-10-12 24 
November 2021
4993283Saiyan Awakening Quest 3Rettace prepares for his final battle with LavosWukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-11-03 12 
December 2021
5046393Saiyan Awakening Quest 4Lavos is defeated at last, and Rettace becomes the legend.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-12-15 11 
5073765Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #43The Mifan Tournament begins!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2021-12-24 17 
January 2022
5086614Saiyan Awakening Quest 5Rettace finishes up some things on Temperus.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-01-24 10 
February 2022
5143832Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #44The Mifan Tournament continues, with new skills and powers revealed!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2022-02-19 17 
March 2022
5136498Saiyan Awakening Quest 6Ayla and Glenn return to their own times.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-03-11 6 
April 2022
5207972 Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #45Peppa and Keli claim victory in the first day of the Mifan Tournament, while Izzy and Pantea have their first match of the second day!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2022-04-20 17 
5191950Saiyan Awakening Quest 7Rettace begins preparing to fight Freeza, the quest goes on a break.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-04-25 1 
June 2022
5276883Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #46Izzy and Pantea continue to make their way through the rounds of the Mifan Tournament's second day!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2022-06-15 17 
August 2022
5356652Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #47The Mifan Tournament's Explosive Conclusion! Gohan's Rockin' Return to Life!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2022-08-20 17 
September 2022
5379347Capsule delivery Quest #1We create our protagonist, pick some fights, make some friends do as gomu does. We also accidentaly steal a top secret project.Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Capsule Delivery Quest, Collective Game.2022-09-27 7 
November 2022
5424174Capsule Delivery Quest #2We guide our protagonist in the ways of laying low, lucha, and love. We also make a friendly rival of Bulma Briefs and get a sweet jacket.Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Capsule Delivery Quest, Collective Game2022-11-16 6 
5434173Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #48Gohan and Buu check out some sights on Earth while Peppa and Cocoa host a Couples' Competition at Dream Land!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2022-11-22 18 
December 2022
5436238Vegeta Quest 6The new saiyans are jobbers, Piccolo provides Turles with his daily dose, Vegeta kicks Goku's ass once more, and the QM hibernates again.KingQM, Vegeta, DBZ, Dragon, Ball, Z, Quest, Saiyan2022-12-06 9 
January 2023
5489400Dragon Ball Origins # 1The Beginning Adventures of Konzen Douji as he embark on his warrior's journey. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle,2023-01-05 3 
February 2023
5532638Dragon Ball Origins #2Drafted into a partnership with the former lord of time Aeos, Douji finds his soulmate and starts finding something worth fighting for. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-02-06 3 
5522374Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #49Peaceful days are interrupted by a devious scheme from Towa and Dabura!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2023-02-12 22 
5545313Dragon Ball: Legacy #1Wyald Honta, 10 years old, sets out from home to explore the world. He meets Azalea, Barbar, and Harum. Bravely kills 5 evil beings, 1 dino./qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-02-17 13 
March 2023
5577138Dragon Ball: Legacy #2Honta trains under mutaito, mail-dates Love, freezes at Yunzabit, crushes Korin's training, disbands pirates, and breaks Baba's things!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-03-17 12 
5581367Dragon Ball Origins #3With the sudden appearance of the Demon Queen Mirayo, Douji does a risky move that lands a massive payoff on all fronts. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-03-18 4 
April 2023
5610471Dragon Ball: Legacy #3Honta wins Baba's fights, learns various things, meets a Kami, trains under and kills Garlic, sexes new fairy gf, acquires Paradise Herbs!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-04-12 7 
May 2023
5636950Dragon Ball Origins#4Koku disappeared and in his place the warriors of light came to being. Late April Fools gig. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-05-20 0 
5637254Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #45The trio resumes training as Peppa and Izzy plan out some new adventures!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2023-05-21 21 
5645493Dragon Ball: Legacy #4Honta distributes paradise herbs to friends and his family that he hasn't seen in 9 years. QM's life gets in the way, so it's a shorter o/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-05-31 6 
July 2023
5698020Dragon Ball: Legacy #5Honta trains under Kami, Piccolo makes a grave mistake and unleashes Evil upon the world, Garlic's spirit and Honta team up and save the da/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-07-31 3 
September 2023
5730099Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #51Peppa and pals head to metal world with inhabitants that may be more than meets the eye...Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2023-09-13 21 
5743643Dragon Ball: Legacy #6Honta hunts down the remaining treasures, reunites with Tento, learns about a mysterious statue, assembles a research team, doubts cyborg!/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-09-27 5 
October 2023
5773343Hotshot Hooper Quest #1You are Marcus Shields, a talented Point Guard drafted to the American Basketball League. Marcus makes a friend and loses his first game.Hotshot Hooper Quest, Collective Game, HoopsQM, Basketball2023-10-23 2 
December 2023
5818541Dragon Ball: Legacy #7Honta discovers strange energy eminating from cursed statue, goes to Otherworld to get expert opinion, meets pencil-pushers and dead enemies/qst/, Dragon Ball Legacy, Dragonball, Dragon Ball, DBZ, quest, collective game, GenkaiQM2023-12-14 5 
5827214Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #52Izzy and pals head to the depths in search of ancient magical artifacts, Nemurian Gin, and Dreamstone!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2023-12-17 25 
March 2024
5928713Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #53Gohan and co. help clear up a town's coal fire problem and worm infestation with a little help from a new, Mothy friendCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2024-03-12 21 
5953028Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Chocolat Noir Son Gohan has been injured, and as the Inspector on this case, you have to get the dirty details from one Son Peppa. Good luck!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-03-21 -3 
April 2024
5951757DB The Next Evolution #0 Enter our heroine Son Koku as we embark a journey of wonder through the sixth universe.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Martial Arts, Shonen, DBZ, DBEvolution, ProfessorQM2024-04-05 1 
May 2024
5991914Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Blanc QuestInspecter Momiji is getting closer to the truth, but will Son Peppa let her find it? Will they crack the case, or crack to pieces? Find out.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-05-02 -3 
June 2024
6023023Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #54Peppa and Cocoa hold hands without using protection, making the both of them pregnant. Then Izumi fights everyone's favorite new character,Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2024-06-22 21 
July 2024
6063050Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat PĂȘche QuestWill Peppa be able to weather the storm of the QM's OCs coming her way, or will they all reap the whirlwind?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-07-21 -3 
August 2024
6071595BEERUS THE DESTROYER'S INTERGALACTIC FOOD REVIEWSGod of Destruction Beerus judges the cuisine of Universe 7's inhabitants.Dragon Ball, drawquest, DBZ2024-08-13 29 
December 2024
6121388Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Sirop QuestYour QM attempts to get into the swing of running an investigation and then crashes into the worst couple of months, quest on hiatus! Sorry.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle Quest, Dragon Ball TQ Mystery, chocolat, AA, tbh most of the above tags don't figure in until way late2024-12-10 -1 
February 2025
6174671Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai #55More interdimensional adventures, where Izumi wins hard, Peppa does so-so, and Gohan loses but wins friendship, and that's all that mattersCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Daima, Dragon Ball Heroes, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Kai, Kato2025-02-14 9 
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