Thread Title Description Tags Added Score July 2009 5201813 Cell Quest 4 The "Heaven" Supercell/virus continues it's growth and has a moment of memory problem and schizophrenic arguing. Cell Quest 4 2009-07-19 11 5211159 Cell Quest 9 He's infectan and deflectan, and taking the turns, cause he's infectan, deflectan, and plotting infe-cccction Cell Quest 2009-07-20 9 5212919 Cell Quest 10 Oh god this again. Cell Quest , Collective Game 2009-07-20 8 5214644 Cell Quest 11 Moving right along. Cell Quest , Collective Game 2009-07-21 8 5225934 Cell Quest 12 SHTF, really this time Cell Quest , Collective Game 2009-07-22 6 5246705 Hell Quest 13 Stuff looks really and stuff you know for the 13th time and for serious Cell Quest , Collective Game 2009-07-24 6 January 2010 7430811 Interesting (and terrifying) facts Someone asks for random, peculiar facts. He gets them. They're good, at first, and then they remain good, but they also turn very terrifying. oh god no my eyes my eyes , miscellaneous facts 2010-01-05 5 March 2012 18389513 Be Excellent to Each Other: The RPG What started as a chicks-in-armor dump became a most righteous design for a Bill & Ted RPG! gnarly , righteous , excellent , bodacious , design 2012-03-20 20 January 2013 22611986 /tg/ discovers the trayzn theory what starts out as a binary message is decrypted and turns to a conversation about the newcrons which in turn turns into a discovery that has blown minds and caused fatal migraines warhammer40k ,necrons,cell theory,hitchikers guide to the galaxy 2013-01-16 11 January 2015 37535189 Kant-O-Celle Quest #1 We arrive after being transferred to the Yokosuka Naval Base. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-01-22 38 February 2015 37842641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #2 We get some breakfast, talk with a couple carriers, and get ready for our first mission. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-05 20 37979198 Kant-O-Celle Quest #3 We meet BURNING LOVE!, stick up for Willie D and start our first battle. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-11 18 38178889 DBZ Human Quest #74 Piccolo and Kaguya confront the creature that consumed Gingertown Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Piccolo , Vegeta , Frieza , Goku , Nappa , King , Cold , Gohan , Cell , Doctor , Gero 2015-02-20 10 38202498 DBZ Human Quest #76 Kaguya travels to the Lookout, and plans are made to train quickly Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Namek , Vegeta , Gohan , Goku , Trunks , Popo , Kami , Piccolo , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Hercule , Videl , Cell 2015-02-21 10 38225335 DBZ Human Quest #77 Kaguya travels to Kame House, and the Androids arrive, demanding to know where Goku is Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Namek , Piccolo , Tien , Krillin , Chiaotzu , Androids , Seventeen , Eighteen , Sixteen , Cell , Piccolo,Vegeta , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Videl 2015-02-22 9 38231156 DBZ Human Quest #78 Cell arrives, determined to reach his perfect form, and eliminate anyone who stands in his way Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Piccolo , Seventeen , Android , Eighteen , Tien , Cell 2015-02-22 8 38249230 DBZ Human Quest #79 After narrowly escaping from Cell, Kaguya returns from the Lookout, where plans are made to deal with the new threat Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Android , Sixteen , Seventeen , Eighteen , Cell , Piccolo , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Roshi , Goku , Gohan , Vegeta , Trunks , Videl , Piccolo 2015-02-23 8 38299062 DBZ Human Quest #81 Vegeta meets with a terrible fate at the hands of Cell, and Yamcha and Kaguya race to rescue Trunks from the same tragedy, and work to challenge Cell Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Vegeta , Cell , Tien , Trunks , Yamcha , Piccolo , Goku , Gohan , Android , Cyborg , Seventeen , Eighteen 2015-02-25 8 38316662 Kant-O-Celle Quest #4 Our first battle concludes with a violent point-blank slugfest between battleships. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-26 22 38362585 DBZ Human Quest #83 After making some wishes, Kaguya and Yamcha return to Earth, where training continues, and two guests chat with Kaguya Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Vegeta , Nappa , Android , Cyborg , Sixteen , Secenteen , Eighteen , Cell , Yamcha , Tien , Moori , Porunga , Dende , Piccolo , Popo 2015-02-28 10 March 2015 38380069 DBZ Human Quest #84 Cell comes for Kaguya, and the confrontation leads to some big changes and decisions. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Olibu , Videl , Vegeta , Piccolo , Tien , Krillin , Goku , Gohan , Yamcha , Android , Seventeen , Eighteen , Sixteen , Cyborg , Cell , Popo , Icarus , Bulma 2015-03-01 8 38387208 DBZ Human Quest #85 Kaguya does some training in the Pendulum Room, and comes up with some new techniques Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Cell , Videl , Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Tien , Krillin , Yamcha , Nappa 2015-03-01 7 38408966 DBZ Human Quest #86 After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training begins Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Saiyan , Namek , Piccolo , Popo , Krillin , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Gohan , Trunks , Nappa , Vegeta , Goku , Cell , Hyperbolic , Time , Chamber 2015-03-02 7 38436985 DBZ Human Quest #88 Cell and Kaguya meet in the ring, and exchange some words before the tournament. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Korin , Piccolo , Yajirobe , Cell , Videl , Hercule , Satan , Saiyans , Goku 2015-03-03 9 38451147 DBZ Human Quest #89 Kaguya returns to the farm and speaks with his parents, then spars with Haya and faces Cell in the Pendulum Room Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Piccolo , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Krillin , Gohan , Goku , Videl , Hercule , Android , 16 , Cell 2015-03-04 7 38473874 DBZ Human Quest #90 Kaguay trains in the Pendulum Room, watches TV, and heads far back in the past Collective Game , Quest , Cell , Videl , Krillin , Yamcha , Piccolo , King Kai , Bardock 2015-03-05 6 38500143 DBZ Human Quest #91 Kaguya meets the first Super Saiyan, and spars with Goku Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Gohan , Goku , Chi , Chi , Nappa , Videl , Piccolo , Yamcha , Cell 2015-03-06 8 38522803 DBZ Human Quest #92 A new day brings a new round of training, and some new ideas on how to do it Colelctive Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Super , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Icarus , Android , Sixteen , Cell , Videl 2015-03-07 9 38545721 DBZ Human Quest #93 Kaguya continues his new training, and Videl gives him some help Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Videl , Cell 2015-03-08 9 38657254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #5 Arizona recovers from the battle, but with a nasty surprise... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-12 18 38665330 Kant-O-Celle Quest #6 The aftermath of the first bloody engagement continues to play out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-13 18 38662574 DBZ Human Quest #97 Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule Corp Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Popo , Cell , Hyperbolic , Time , Chamber , Android , Cyborg , Eight , Sixteen , Seventeen , Eighteen , Doctor , Gero , Vegeta , Frieza , Tree , of , Might 2015-03-13 8 38680722 DBZ Human Quest #98 Kaguya does some reading, and trains on the farm Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Nappa , Cell , Gohan , Goku , Videl , Bulma , Gero , Android , Cyborg , Sixteen , Seventeen , Eighteen , Goku 2015-03-14 8 38712021 DBZ Human Quest #100 In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killers Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , Human , Android , 13 , 14 , 15 , Cell , Krillin , Gohan , Goku , Trunks , Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 38731399 DBZ Human Quest #101 Kaguya defeats Android 13, celebrates a friend's birthday, and prepares for the Cell Games Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Piccolo , Yamcha , Krillin , Nappa , Android , Sixteen , Fifteen , Fourteen , Thirteen , Goku , Gohan , Cell , Krillin , Chi , Chi , Nappa , Icarus 2015-03-16 8 38736171 DBZ Human Quest #102 The Cell Games begin Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Android , Pirozhki , Caroni , Hercule , Satan , Videl , Icarus , Nappa , 16 , Gohan , Goku , Yamcha , Cell , Junior 2015-03-16 11 38854099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #7 In which we have a depressing chat with Naka-Chan, "Idol of the Fleet," and meet a lunatic with an angle-grinder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-21 20 38862317 Kant-O-Celle Quest #8 Thread 7 continued. Goddamn anon posting so fast fillin up threads Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-22 20 April 2015 39074082 Kant-O-Celle Quest #9 Admiral Settle tries to head off a one-man Corgipocolypse and other stuff which I don't know because I haven't written the thread yet shit Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39080533 Kant-O-Celle Quest #10 In which a momentary slip in judgement has severe and dangerous consequences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39115179 Kant-O-Celle Quest #11 In which we finally meet the most terrifying ship to wage war on the high seas - SAMMY. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 39120266 Kant-O-Celle #12 In which the cutest DE unleashes her wrath on three unsuspecting cruisers. Settle's got his work cut out for him. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 May 2015 39673342 Kant-O-Celle Quest #13 In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Il Duce heard you were talking shit 2015-05-01 20 39696337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #14 In which we get woken up KONGOU STYLE. Also Arizona is very protective of us. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39702372 Kant-O-Celle Quest #15 In which Settle pours his heart out and did nothing wrong. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39854272 Kant-O-Celle Quest #16 Holy shit, the MPs managed to do what many greater could not - if only for a few hours, also we get asked out to dinner. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39860849 Kant-O-Celle Quest #17 In which we beat our head against a brick wall and speak with God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39921207 KANT-O-CELLE QUEST #18 We spend some more time with everyone's favorite Idol-chan and try to talk some sense into harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-13 20 40023556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #20 Debriefing after the air raid, then we get trolled by Goto. Again. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 20 40018616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #19 The Abyssals doing a Pearl Harbor? Not on our watch. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 18 40077773 Kant-O-Celle Quest #21 Going out to dinner with Shoukaku, totally not a date... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40081556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #22 Settling on the Gundam Cafe leads to a bombshell. Who's bright idea was this, anyway? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40136816 Kant-O-Celle Quest #23 In which we make Shoukaku cry. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40143472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #24 “Oh,” Hate says, his voice husky with lust. “Oh, god yes." Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Hate 2015-05-24 22 40147870 Kant-O-Celle Quest #25 In which Shoukaku and Settle make their escape. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40171703 Cell: A Quest for Perfection #1 We are larval Cell, Krillin fails to kill us, we drink Gero's brain and decide he's crazy, and we drink some goats Cell , Quest for Perfection , Collective Game , DBZ 2015-05-26 9 40186438 Cell: A Quest for Perfection #2 Cell attempts to gain a Bald friend Cell , Quest for Perfection , Collective Game , DBZ 2015-05-26 7 40246634 Kant-O-Celle Quest #26 In which we converse with Goto Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 40251867 Kant-O-Celle Quest #27 We talk with DesDiv6 and head out to the firing range Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 June 2015 40374667 Kant-O-Celle Quest #28 Range time with Arizona, Willie, and DesDiv 6. Willie just can't catch a break. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40380387 Kant-O-Celle Quest #29 Head problems and shouting matches in the library Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40434574 Kant-O-Celle Quest #30 Talking with Naka and dealing with Sammy. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-07 18 40721507 Kant-O-Celle Quest #31 In which we visit the Mikasa with Willie D and Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 20 40727081 Kant-O-Celle Quest #32 In which we look at some new equipment for Kongou and Arizona. Also donuts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 24 40804352 Kant-O-Celle Quest #33 The girls find out what modern AA looks like, Hornet gets a history lesson, and Settle has the mother of all migraines. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 29 40809479 Kant-O-Celle Quest #34 The Battle of Los Angeles. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 47 40865351 Kant-O-Celle Quest #35 In which we wake up with Arizona doing her best impression of a limpet mine on us. We also talk to Naka and Shoukaku Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 26 40871673 Kant-O-Celle Quest #36 We talk to REDACTED Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 23 July 2015 40953581 Kant-O-Celle Quest #37 In which Hornet is cute, Shoukaku is cute, and we report for duty while stoned on Vicodin. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 24 40959991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #38 In which we decide who to send into harm's way. Also, Harder can't even girl, or something. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 20 41035653 Kant-O-Celle Quest #39 Settle gives some advice to Harder concerning women and confirmations are made to the battle plan Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 24 41041258 Kant-O-Celle Quest #40 You are on a plane made entirely of the warmed leavings of a male cow, and on the horizon a fan looms. The hunt for the Abyssal carrier continues. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 33 41162212 Kant-O-Celle Quest #41 We thought "Chichi-jima is under attack" was as bad as the Battle of the Bonin Islands could get. WE WERE WRONG. Oh, God, how wrong could we be? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 22 41166835 Kant-O-Celle Quest #42 “How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things*, not understand what they *are* to us?” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 25 August 2015 41755686 Kant-O-Celle Quest #43 We're Harder, better, faster, stronger, now....Well, mostly Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 21 41759263 Kant-O-Celle Quest #44 We're still and playing a game of cat and mouse with a destroyer. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 22 41833819 Kant-O-Celle Quest #45 The attack is set in motion Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41840161 Kant-O-Celle Quest #46 We run silent and deep. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41875841 Kant-O-Celle Quest #47 The battle continues to unfold Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41879715 Kant-O-Celle Quest #48 The battle for Chichi Jima reaches a climax Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41883382 Kant-O-Celle Quest #49 We fight under the waves and above them. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41895094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #50 The battle is rejoined, this time above the waves with Bat Flight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41899843 Kant-O-Celle Quest #51 We go back under the water to the USS Oregon! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41916645 Kant-O-Celle Quest #52 The battle for the Bonin islands begins anew. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41923391 Kant-O-Celle Quest #53 The battle for the Bonin islands continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41927292 Kant-O-Celle Quest #54 The battle for the Bonin Islands concludes. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 25 42112899 Kant-O-Celle Quest #55 The aftermath of the Battle for the Bonin Islands. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42118218 Kant-O-Celle Quest #56 We talk to Goto over drinks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42175120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #57 We talk to Goto for a bit, then follow Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 42181049 Kant-O-Celle Quest #58 Arizona and doughnuts, an adorable combination. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 September 2015 42314991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #59 Interlude. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 17 42319398 Kant-O-Celle Quest #60 Interlude Pt2. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 18 42607182 Kant-O-Celle Quest #61 In which we attempt to daughteru the Shigure, and Northampton buys enough donuts and coffee to sink a battleship or three. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 17 42612180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #62 Tea Party...? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 18 42689268 Kant-O-Celle Quest #63 Press Conference! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 16 42693414 Kant-O-Celle Quest #64 A treed destroyer, what can possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 18 42743162 Kant-O-Celle Quest #65 A discussion with Hate. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 16 42747615 Kant-O-Celle Quest #66 An agreement is reached. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 17 October 2015 42821582 Kant-O-Celle Quest #67 We chase the Corgis and planefag flubs it! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-01 17 42874535 Kant-O-Celle Quest #68 Continuation/restart of the last thread, we're chasing rogue Corgis. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 17 42878743 Kant-O-Celle Quest #69 We finally corral the slippery little bastards. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 18 43007180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #71 A plan is hatched. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43002909 Kant-O-Celle Quest #70 A meeting to discuss the Abyssal Issue. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43203074 Kant-O-Celle Quest #72 The meeting concludes and we have a...discussion with Goto. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43208043 Kant-O-Celle Quest #73 We still don't understand the rules. Not even close. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43211561 Kant-O-Celle Quest #74 A short thread to round out the night. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43259853 Kant-O-Celle Quest #75 Never bring a baton or a tanto to a sword cane fight. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43265521 Kant-O-Celle Quest #76 Aftermath of the second Yakuza incident and our drunken rampage. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43337113 Kant-O-Celle Quest #77 Breakfast with Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 43342478 Kant-O-Celle Quest #78 “TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIME TEEEEEIIIIIITOOOOOKUUUUUUUU!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 November 2015 43470194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #79 We have a conversation with Kongou and offer her some advice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 17 43476029 Kant-O-Celle Quest #80 Harua is (not) alright? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 20 43526472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #81 We have a chat with Haruna in which we make a resolution. Then we act on that resolution Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43531474 Kant-O-Celle Quest #82 It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43534300 Kant-O-Celle Quest #83: Bonus Theater Edition A few writeups that weren't posted in the last thread for some reason. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43596658 Kant-O-Celle Quest #84 We deliver an AAR of the Yak beatdown to our superiors. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43601149 Kant-O-Celle Quest #85 We talk with Naka and find out that Arizona took matters into her own hands, as it were. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43711584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #86 We watch the destroyers practice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-19 18 43877304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87 Destroyer practice continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 43883304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87.5 Continuation of the last thread, ended early before anything could really happen...Hornet's got a crush! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 December 2015 43954376 Kant-O-Celle Quest #88 We take a dive and the thread ends early. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-03 18 44288201 Kant-O-Celle Quest #89 Settle flees the abomination and the quest claims its first life. RIP SCIENCE Anon Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Caffeine Poisoning , 2015-12-21 17 44293921 Kant-O-Celle Quest #90: Bonus Theater Electric Boogaloo Writeups to round off the previous thread Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-21 18 44348584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #91 Shoukaku vs a Coffee Maker! Fight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44352614 Kant-O-Celle Quest #92 We watch the news and hear of a ghost. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44412267 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93 The attack on Iwo Jima, with special guest [REDACTED. READ THE THREAD] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 19 44417884 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93.5 Bonus theater! end of the thread plus writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 18 44471196 Kant-O-Celle Quest #94 Continuation of the battle for Iwo Jima Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 44475150 Kant-O-Celle Quest #95 We prepare to introduce some of the girls to modern warfighting technology. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 January 2016 44612947 Kant-O-Celle Quest #96 The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-07 18 44673013 Kant-O-Celle Quest #97 We speak to Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44679008 Kant-O-Celle Quest #98 We talk with everyone's favorite Fleet Idol: Naka-chan~! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44757221 Kant-O-Celle Quest #99 We talk to Hamp about Hornet Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44762456 Kant-O-Celle Quest #100 YAKUZA INTERRUPT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44822118 Kant-O-Celle Quest #101 We are Admiral Ryan Settle, and, for once, we don't know what to do. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44828463 Kant-O-Celle Quest #102 MOTHERFUCKING TELEMARKETERS ALWAYS CALLING AT THE WORST TIME HOLY SHIT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44905410 Kant-O-Celle Quest #103 Drums, drums in the deep... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 18 44911256 Kant-O-Celle Quest #104 Writeups from the previous thread! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 17 44969641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #105 Wherein Settle’s ideas about shipgirl tactics get even *more* insane. (If that’s even humanly possible.) Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44973468 Kant-O-Celle Quest #106 “Please tell my ship that we haven't forgotten her and have no intention of giving up on her.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44979374 Kant-O-Celle Quest #107 We're in a closet with Naka! Also writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44996279 Cell Evo. Quest one Cell sets out to be the very cell that there ever was best ends up a toxic murderhobo with a gang but that's evolution. Collective Game , Cell Evo Quest , Evolution, 2016-01-25 1 45014538 Cell Evo. Quest 2 simple life develops and we end up in a new place Collective Game , Cell Evo Quest , Evolution, 2016-01-26 1 45056066 Kant-O-Celle Quest #108 Anon figures out that we can delegate tasks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45061156 Kant-O-Celle Quest #109 End of the thread and writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45117538 Kant-O-Celle Quest #110 We deal with the PT Corgi menace by giving them actual work to do! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 17 45124003 Kant-O-Celle Quest #111 In which planefag posts one story update and the entire rest of the thread is just anon talking Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 45126979 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 Two bombs wasn't enough, apparently Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 February 2016 45239485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 To sleep, perchance to dream... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45245099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #113 The battle for the Sunda Strait commences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45262288 Kant-O-Celle Quest #114 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45268334 Kant-O-Celle Quest #115 YASEN, MOTHERFUCKERS! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45346032 Kant-O-Celle Quest #116 THANK YOU BASED KTKM-SAMA Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 17 45349948 Kant-O-Celle Quest #117 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues to evolve as new elements are brought onto the stage Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 16 45403412 Kant-O-Celle Quest #118 The battle of the Sunda Strait continues...You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 45409767 Kant-O-Celle Quest #119 End of the previous thread and writeups because planefag crashed. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 March 2016 45824194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #120 Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war - Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45829229 Kant-O-Celle Quest #121 “SIC'EM, BOYS!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45906898 Kant-O-Celle Quest #122 Forward Chuuniboats! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45910836 Kant-O-Celle Quest #123 The battle for the Sunda Strait reaches a fever pitch Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45968564 Kant-O-Celle Quest #124 'This is not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning' Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 16 45976031 Kant-O-Celle Quest #125 --but when you speak again, your voice is steadier, harder... hotter. “I don't hear BB-3 laughing much, though.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 17 46207838 Kant-O-Celle Quest #126 After the battle for Sunda Strait, we visit a hospital. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46213120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #127 We speak briefly to Tatsuta and Willy Dee tells us that Kongou has a [SPOILER REDACTED] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46251542 Kant-O-Celle Quest #128 Kongo Bongos. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46256787 Kant-O-Celle Quest #129 Kongou runs a stream, and we get roped into playing Q&A along with Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46273254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #130 Q&A With Kongou, Settle, Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 15 46277895 Kant-O-Celle Quest #131 We speak with Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 13 46358832 Kant-O-Celle Quest #132 We prepare to speak to God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 11 46364656 Kant-O-Celle Quest #133 End of tonight's threads and some writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 12 April 2016 46401146 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134: SWQ Edition! Just a little April fooling around... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 8 46401180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134 I don't even know anymore... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46406917 Kant-O-Celle Quest #135(?) Hell if I know anymore, more April fools hijinks? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46507628 Kant-O-Celle Quest #136 'When the landslide has started, it's far too late for the pebbles to vote. There's no deflecting or dodging this, and you both know it.. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 12 46511616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #137 We receive orders from God (spelled CNO). Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 15 46550570 Kant-O-Celle Quest #138 We speak with Naka and Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 9 46554343 Kant-O-Celle Quest #139 Wrap up for the night and maybe writeups Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 7 46573094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #140 We pursue Willy Dee! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46578379 Kant-O-Celle Quest #141 Baking with Arizona and Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46655687 Kant-O-Celle Quest #142 We finish up a phone call and talk with Arizona some more. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46660337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #143 Wee Willy Dee wakes up. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46733329 Kant-O-Celle Quest #144 More dreams, and a dogfish interrupt. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46739108 Kant-O-Celle Quest #145 Continuation of last thread plus Q&A because planefag craps out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46799516 Kant-O-Celle Quest #146 We talk to Shoukaku some over tea. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46804480 Kant-O-Celle Quest #147 “... I know all about the faeries,” you say sternly. “And if it's where your planes come from, I don't-” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46949845 Kant-O-Celle Quest #148 After the events of last night, we wake up with Shoukaku on our lap... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 13 46955101 Kant-O-Celle Quest #149 Experiments in ballistic trajectories. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 9 May 2016 21205 Kant-O-Celle Quest #150 Kant-O-Celle Quest on the new board Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-01 15 130392 Kant-O-Celle Quest #151 We re-enact Down Periscope, Chinese-style. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-15 16 150592 Kant-O-Celle Quest #152 The continued operations of the 305 in the Sunda Strait. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-19 11 163980 Kant-O-Celle Quest #153 We speak to Parker. No, not Peter. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-22 13 182485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #154 We talk to Goto about the [SPOILERS BECAUSE I ARCHIVED IT EARLY] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-26 14 200524 Kant-O-Celle Quest #155 We converse with Goto on what to do about the Yakuza. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-30 14 June 2016 226262 Kant-O-Celle Quest #156 “A bald eagle,” you hiss, “named Colbert. Obama might've made pork fly, but I'll be thrice fucked before I let you fly that shit past ME!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-06-05 20 January 2017 1005656 Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate Gaiden Hate brings the German shipgirls back to base Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , GhostDivision 2017-01-04 13 1068336 Kant-O-Celle Quest #157 In which a certain Greek gets back into the groove after a long time of paying debts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1070641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #158 In which our intrepid Argie A-4 Skyhawk pilot continues his deadly dance in the sky. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1100688 Kant-O-Celle Quest #159 We follow Settle into the depths... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-29 10 June 2017 1578523 DC Cape Quest: Issue #5 PapaSlink doesn't like doing quests any more and the quest is put on indefinite hiatus PapaSlink,DC Cape Quest , Cancelled 2017-06-23 -1 February 2021 4606975 Ex-Fighter Chimera Quest #2 Our MC was beggining to head to a new mission with his new group, but unfortunately QM suffered the curse before we could properly start FlakemanCometh , FlakemanCometh QM , Hero , Chimera , Witch , Dungeon , Fantasy , Revenge , Date , Cancelled Quest 2021-02-05 2