Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2009 4196287 /ck/ recipes for fa/tg/uys A cooking anonymiss drops by /tg/ to deliver several recipes. They meet approval. This thread is archived for the purpose of holding onto these treats. /ck/ , Banana and Rose Petal smoothies , cookie tarts , EZ Caramel fudge , cooking , baking , food 2009-04-06 15 August 2009 5503797 Grimdark Kingdom Hearts What began as a dump of evil versions of the ladies of Disney took a very evil turn when someone brought up kingdom hearts, ideas got tossed around and some very scary thoughts brought up. Disney , Kingdom Hearts , Grimdark 2009-08-19 5 December 2009 7170900 Kingdom Hearts Homebrew System Some weaboo faggot shows up with a system for- HOLY SHIT I CAN BE A NINJA THAT KILLS EVEYONE USING ONLY A PEN AND GETS AN ASSLOAD OF EXTRA ACTIONS A TURN? Kingdom Hearts , Weaboo , Ninja , Homebrew , System 2009-12-17 0 January 2010 7546762 Exalted Kung Fu Hustle Anonymous discusses adapting Kung Fu Hustle, moves on to Exalted Modern. Exalted , Martial Arts , Awesome 2010-01-12 -2 April 2010 9403585 Tables for adding flavor to a campaign A huge resource of tables for DMs to use for their campaigns. Good material here for when your creativity got lost, or you need to speed up session creation. Tables , charts , DMing , 2e 2010-04-25 4 September 2010 12141617 DuskWood Hearts II Joseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus. story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-09-19 11 12161415 DuskWood Hearts III Joseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus. story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-09-21 9 12171225 DuskWood Hearts IV Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they storm the Red's stronghold and finally get Hart. story , dark heresy , Duskwood Hearts 2010-09-22 8 12236243 DuskWood Hearts V Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head! story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-09-27 7 October 2010 12317098 DuskWood Hearts VI Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged! story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-10-04 7 12400927 DuskWood Hearts VII Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?! story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-10-11 7 12481769 DuskWood Hearts VIII Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought! story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-10-18 7 November 2010 12717096 DuskWood Hearts IX Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes! story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-11-08 7 12798995 DuskWood Hearts X Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!? story , storytime , dark heresy , writefag , Duskwood Hearts 2010-11-15 8 January 2011 13435135 Arts and Crafts, take Deus. Arts and Crafts guy comes back for a second go.
/tg/ agrees is awesome, and then contributes nothing. More content is put forward. arts , crafts , oc 2011-01-08 1 13539834 Arts and Crafts part the third After a bit of a lengthy break, Arts and Crafts guy comes back to talk more about his setting/game/whatever.
Almost no response, due to his horrible timing. arts , crafts , oc 2011-01-16 0 March 2011 14422537 Muggle in the Triwizard Tournament Your have been chosen by the Goblet of Fire to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Since you do not posses any magical powers, you are allowed your choice of 'muggle contraption' to help you along the way. Choose wisely... Hogwarts 2011-03-31 2 July 2011 15539838 Iron Hearts A successor to the popular Skirmish Quest, raw recruits are put to the test against a ravenous army of undead. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-07-11 24 15561063 Iron Hearts 2: Battle of Norwood Having barely escaped with their lives at Sylvia, the HellGhast Unit is dispatched to Norwood Forest to halt the enemy advance. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-13 12 15572543 IRONHEARTS WAR COVERAGE Breaking News from the Front Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-14 7 15603823 Ironhearts Ch.3: Vengeance The team tries to liberate Stilemar on our first offensive, as well as recover one of our top engineers. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-17 7 15613453 IRONHEARTS:The Calm before Dawn The ragtag group of Ragnyllians pause to plot their next move. Also Vampires! Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-18 5 15629690 Iron Hearts 4: Liberation of Stilemar With some help from their new vampiric ally, the HellGhast unit manages to liberate Stilemar from the Voss, but not without losses. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-19 5 15652026 IRONHEARTS War Room: Stilemar Debrief Command has us sit down and decide out next move. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-21 5 15663594 IRONHEARTS Ch.5: BATTLE ON DANDELION Hellghast goes to rescue our trapped allies the elementalists. SkirmisSkirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Monday , Journal 2011-07-22 4 15678980 IronHearts General Rules explanations and random musings Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-24 4 15681780 Iron Hearts: Battle of Dandelion pt. 2 The HellGhast unit manages to last the night (and the werewolves) long enough to liberate part of the academy. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-24 2 15728822 Iron Hearts War Room: Operation Solstice Command informs us that the Voss are planning some sort of dark ritual, and have air superiority over our next objective. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-28 2 15739601 Iron Hearts 6: The Battle of Solstice The Hellghast begin their assault on the Voss-occupied city of Solstice. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-07-29 7 August 2011 15773489 Iron Hearts 7: The Battle of Solstice pt. 2 The HellGhast manage to liberate Solstice, but nearly lose a beloved squad member. What lengths will they go through to save her? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-01 6 15836211 RONHEARTS War Room: 3rd Takeback Operation Hellghast plans to free thier people but find unexpected resistance in the desert. SkirmisSkirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Monday, 2011-08-07 4 15848189 Iron Hearts 8: The Battle of 5 Finger Alley The Hellghast advances on Kolstec, but their biggest obstacle is a narrow valley filled with enemy armor. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-07 6 15895246 Iron Hearts War Room: Shadow Valley Checkpoint The Hellghast reorganizes its command structure after the horrific losses inflicted in the previous battle. Meanwhile, a decision must be made to either approach Kolstec from above or below. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-11 2 15907230 Iron Hearts Ch.8: Battle of Kolstec The Hellghast decide to liberate the undead-infested mines of Kolstec. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-12 7 15916112 Iron Hearts ch.8: Battle of Kolstec pt2 About half of the mines have been cleared, and the Hellghast have already had to face enemy armor and vampires. What else lies before them in the darkness? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-13 7 15926422 Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec Debrief We get new equipment and vehicles as a reward for liberating Kolstec. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-14 4 15964072 Iront Hearts Ch.9: Trust The Hellghast are forced to fight their own when a fellow Ragnyllian unit falls to lycanthropy. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-17 5 15983927 Iron Hearts War Room: Albane Airfields Briefing The Hellghast gain new recruits and make plans to attack Vosskon's final foothold in Ragnyll. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-19 3 15986569 Iron Hearts Ch.10: Battle of Albane The Hellghast push into the Voss' final foothold in Ragnyll in hopes of capturing it before the Voss can unleash their secret weapon. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-19 3 16016834 Iron Hearts War Room: Theatre Summary In the wake of the successful attack on Albane Airfields, the Ragnyallian Forces have decided to push back. Intel, upgrades, promotions, and secrets abound! Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-22 1 16041527 Iron Hearts War Room: Voss Counteroffensive We try to come up with defensive strategies in preparation for the Voss offensive, as well as receive even more new equipment. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-24 5 16067911 Iron Hearts ch.11: Hell NIght The Voss counteroffensive begins. Can the Hellghast hold them off? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-26 11 16087049 Ironhearts Ch.12: Dawn Hellghast mourns its fallen, and prepares for the coming storm. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-08-28 5 September 2011 16168534 Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec Predeployment The Hellghast gets ready for the Voss' next assault. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-09-04 5 16172270 Iron Hearts Ch.13: Battle For Kolstec The tables are turned when the Hellghast are forced to defend Kolstec from the Voss. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-09-04 11 16254954 Iron Hearts Ch 14: Battle of Fist The Unsung battle of Hallows Eve has transpired thus; a derelict detachment of an Aeon chapter has sought to intercept the Voss counter offensive only to find themselves drowning in their numbers. They escape here now, when Kolstec is under attack behind them. What truly happened here?
Who survived? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-09-11 11 16331713 Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion Pre-Amble Having survived the battle of Hallow's Eve, the Aeon contingent has joined forced with Hellghast. Discussion of team-building skirmish and the naming of the Aeon forces within. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci F 2011-09-19 6 October 2011 16486582 Iron Hearts Ch 15: Aeon vs Ragnyll In a show of good faith and cooperation, the Aeon Empire's Legio Aurora faces off against the Hellghasts in a 'friendly' skirmish. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-10-02 6 16635946 Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion Briefing The Hellghast plan their next move, which is an invasion into Vosskon itself. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-10-16 3 16639168 Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 1 Hellghasts perform a beach assault on a hostile shore Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-10-16 5 16774964 Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 2 The Hellghast are plagued by more losses, as well as a demonic ritual gone awry. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-10-30 5 November 2011 16796063 Iron Hearts War Room: Stallion Debrief The Hellghast receive more promotions and Ghoul specialty gear. Also, Mary Susan informs them about a slight bug problem in Hinzerhaus. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-11-01 5 16803917 Iron Hearts Ch 17: Battle of Hinzerhaus To celebrate the anniversary of Skirmish Quest, the Hellghast delve deep into the depths of Hinzerhaus to exterminate a certain species of bug... Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-11-01 3 16853181 Iron Hearts Ch. 17: Battle of Hinzerhaus pt. 2 The battle against the bugs infesting Hinzerhaus continues, and the Hellghast uncover more the secrets this mysterious house hides. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-11-06 6 16902577 IRONHEARTS War Room: HinzerHaus Debrief Secrets get revealed as the contents of Hinzenhaus are explored Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2011-11-11 5 17038921 Iron Hearts War Room: Phantom Train Briefing The Hellghast are tasked with using a salvaged Voss train to wreak havoc in the Voss rear. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-11-29 2 17052387 Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom Train The Hellghast drive deep behind enemy lines into the heart of the Voss homeland. Fortunately, they have a ridiculously well armed and armored train at their disposal. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-11-29 5 December 2011 17196408 Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom Train, pt 2 The Hellghast continue their mission into Voss territory, trying to evade suspicion from passing trains and checkpoint guards. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-12-13 5 17246526 Iron Hearts Chapter 18: The Phantom Train pt.3 As the Hellghast move deeper into Voss territory, they face deadlier enemies as ancient terrors are encountered. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2011-12-18 5 January 2012 17390414 Iron Hearts: The Storm War Room With the worst of their troubles behind them, the soldiers of the Hellghast Armored Unit take some much-needed time to reflect and prepare for the last leg of their journey. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-02 2 17396681 Iron Hearts Chapter 19: Vosskon Blossom The day of reckoning has finally arrived for the Hellghast, as they speed onward toward their destination, the dreaded Voss stronghold--the Black Fortress. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-02 3 17582311 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 1: The Battle of Nirvana With the fate of the Hellghast's final mission left unknown, we go now to the other side of the conflict, the Voss Empire, some time before the war between Ragnyll and Voss. We join the Voss on the field of battle, as they race to secure the last remaining heir of an ancient and powerful bloodline from the clutches of a savage cult. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-01-18 11 17640412 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 2: Battle of Armory Park The Terrible Children move to eliminate several nobles and conspirators that have planned against the newly-found Prince Vilkas. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-23 6 17650114 /tg/ Meta Quest 55 A lot of chaff gets thrown around, but we are able to figure out how to use the book that leads to the Kingdom Hearts world. There is a book there that will return our team, and we attempt, unsuccessfully, to get to it. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Kingdom Hearts 2012-01-24 10 17658513 2 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 3: Battle of Exodus Corridor The Terrible Children engage an Aeon force in protection of demi-human refugees. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-25 5 17664704 /tg/ Meta Quest 56 Our second attempt to get to the return-book is foiled by an incredibly low roll, and our team is captured. We go to Plan B, and wait for the S.U.E.'s to return back to the Baseline World then have Tosh and the others attempt to make their escape. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Kingdom Hearts 2012-01-25 10 17689085 Iron Hearts Warroom: Exodus Corridor Action Report The Terrible Children come together to teach the growing Prince Vilkas of shooting tanks, riding wolves, and playing chess, among other things. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-27 1 17730787 Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram Predeploy The Terrible Children get ready to extract a Special Forces team. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-30 2 17742614 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of Dagram The Terrible Children march to do war in the desert once again, moving to secure precious cargo. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-01-31 6 February 2012 17781794 TG Quest 57: The Subtitling SUEs get killed, ArchSUE comes out, we run. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Kingdom Hearts 2012-02-03 10 17794854 TG Quest 58: We turn around, we make a Plan, ArchSUE dies. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Sapphy , Kingdom Hearts , Holtz , DOSH , WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo 2012-02-04 15 17785546 Another TGquest planning thread archived so future readers can see our thought processes Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Sapphy , Kingdom Hearts , Holtz , DOSH , WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo , Orz , OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity 2012-02-06 6 17822307 Ironhearts Vol.2 Ch.4.2 Battle of Dagram The Terrible Children secured the cargo and took to conquering the rubble. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-02-06 6 17838457 Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram Action Report The Terrible Children rescued the priestess, learned the dark secret of the Kashir, and prepare to launch a final assault on the enemy's floating capital city. Also, Oderkonn's lab is completed, and research begins. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-02-08 2 17938541 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: The Battle of Heaven's Gate The Terrible Children begin their assault on the Kashir stronghold of Makkos Ra, a holy city floating in the sky Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-02-14 6 17982923 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of Heaven's Gate, Part 2 The Terrible Children press their attack, as dickery from Upper Command cuts off the Terrible Children from any sort of reinforcement from the Voss regular army. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2012-02-17 6 18035221 Iron Hearts Warroom: Heaven's Gate Action Report In the aftermath of breaching Heaven's Gate, the Terrible Children lick their wounds, upgrade their armaments, and yet again ready themselves for the next assault. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi 2012-02-21 4 18131279 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 6: Battle of Dar Village A fresh batch of recruits to The Terrible Children embark on a peacekeeping operation after bandits are sighted outside a village in newly conquered Voss territory. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-02-28 14 March 2012 18151339 Iron Hearts Warroom: Dar Village Action Report As the Terrible Children welcome the surviving recruits into the unit, more upgrades are had and the next assault is planned. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-01 8 18233660 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond The Terrible Children are tossed into the fray once more, fighting for control of a Kashir air base floating in the clouds. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-07 6 18280701 Hogwarts Quest Thale Hussein, the Glorious Meteor of the East, embarks on his quest to rid Hogwarts of its devilry and to bring those in it to the light and will of Allah's Justice. Hogwarts Quest , Selfus Explodus , Hussein , Western Whore , Collective Game 2012-03-11 30 18279217 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond, pt 2 The Terrible Children press their assault against the Kashir, all the while beating back attacks from both the land and the sky. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-11 6 18291787 Hogwarts Quest Thale Hussein makes his way through Diagon Alley, scolds the Djinn-slut, and begins the journey to Hogwarts. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Selfus Explodus , Thale Hussein , Hussein , Muslim , Western Whore , Collective Game 2012-03-12 24 18328384 Hogwarts Quest 3 Short continuation of the prior thread. The meteor is sorted. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Selfus Explodus , Thale Hussein , Hussein , Muslim , Western Whore , Collective Game 2012-03-15 20 18328385 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Heaven Pond Action Report In light of the unintended destruction of the airbase, the Terrible Children debate on their next course of action. Meanwhile, the Science division argues on what applications their newly discovered wonder metal can be used for. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-15 6 18361538 Hogwarts Quest 4 Thale Hussein begins his first class in the den of villainy and witchcraft. Hogwarts Quest , Islam , Thale Hussain , Crazy Hassan , Hufflepuff , Collective Game 2012-03-18 6 18411027 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 8: The Silvia Crisis As news reaches the Young Prince's ears of a Skyland having disappeared, the Kashir mount an offensive into Voss land. Will a detachment of regular army mooks, led by a handful of soldiers chosen from the Terrible Children, be able to hold back the assault? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-22 11 18460001 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Silvia Crisis Action Report Their defense of Silvia successful, the Terrible Children prepare to enter the tattered ruins of the crashed floating island. Varmach purchases are made, the first masterclass is unlocked, and the Captain gets into a catfight with the Marshal. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-03-29 7 April 2012 18544436 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 9: The Raid on Gorgon Fortress What dangers await the Terrible Children when they launch an assault on the Skyland fortress felled in the defense of Sylvia? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-04-04 6 18718548 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Gorgon Fortress Action Report In the aftermath of the near-crisis at Gorgon Fortress, the Terrible Children end up with a sizable amount of Ibonyte and a captured Death God, with nary an idea of what to do with either. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-04-17 8 May 2012 18941465 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Preparations and Predeploy The Terrible Children receive new and potentially devastating energy weaponry, and the decision is made to strike at the next of the Kashir Skylands, a floating island dominated by lush jungles and ferocious fauna. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-05 8 19020589 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Zanzibarland Offensive The Terrible Children find them bogged down in the jungle, beset on all sides by dinosaurs, bugs, and one very angry ape. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-09 11 19093083 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: Zanzibarland Offensive, pt 2 The Kashir make themselves known, and as the fight wears on, the Terrible Children find themselves dealing with dinosaurs and the undead. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-15 8 19131158 Chinaman Quest 17 year old Chinese kid arrives in America. /tg/ doesn't want any trouble. Collective Game , Chinaman , Don't want no trouble , Jackie Chan , Martial Arts 2012-05-17 27 19143286 Chinaman Quest #2 Continuing adventures of Louie the Chinaman Collective Game , Chinaman , Don't want no trouble , Jackie Chan , Martial Arts , barbarians 2012-05-18 22 19183546 Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Action Report After braving the terrors of the jungle, promotions are handed out, a new type of requisition form is introduced, and a group of skeletons decide to make a song. That last one does not end well. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-22 8 19198947 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Waterhol Incident A new Kashir commander, Alfya, makes an appearance and stages a raid on a Voss border outpost. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-23 8 19266096 Hogwarts Quest REDUX 2 Vivenne O'Mailley, daughter of a physicist and geneticist, arrives at the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardy. The Sorting Hat gets exposed to the TG Hivemind and becomes perplexed, we get Sorted into Slytherin, and find a fellow Pratchett fan. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Collective Game 2012-05-28 6 19279446 Hogwarts Quest REDUX 3 Vivienne goes to her first class, blows up a target. Meet some Gryfinndors, and might even be able to befriend a few of them. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Collective Game 2012-05-29 5 19279925 Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 11: The Battle of Kolstec The Terrible Children attack a town on the outskirts of Kashir territory, both to rescue a downed reconnaissance pilot and to attempt to capture a Kashir CO. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-05-29 7 June 2012 19319423 Hogwarts Quest REDUX 4 Vivienne learns spells like a boss, gets some leads on a Magic Theory class, and gets compared to a villain again. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Collective Game 2012-06-01 8 19352473 Hogwarts Quest REDUX 5 We impress our Transfiguration professor, then go to our History class. We end up taking a nap, and find ourselves in a very vivid dream. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Collective Game 2012-06-04 10 19413377 Hogwarts Quest REDUX 6 We make a deal with Merlins ghost, and receive an exploding lobster/turtle thing. Hogwarts Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Collective Game 2012-06-09 5 19474192 Ironhearts Clovis Intermission Chapter 1 A small Clovis special forces team is sent to extract a VIP being hunted by the Voss. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-06-14 12 19523221 Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 2: The Camel Jockey A Clovis special forces group teams up with the Kashir to route a crushing Voss offensive. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-06-18 10 19557997 Iron Hearts Intermission: Clovis Warroom The Clovis task force gains new intel on its next target, and a possible opportunity for when to carry out their next operation. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-06-22 10 July 2012 19690742 Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 3: The Peace Incident The members of the Exodus Eagles Cloven task force infiltrate the Voss Empire's capitol city to retrieve an high-value individual, all the while trying to keep their cool in the face of arrests, military parades, assassins, and sewer gators. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci-Fi 2012-07-02 7 19837963 Iron Hearts: Memorial In honor of the 1-year anniversary of Iron Hearts, a moment of reverence is given to the fallen. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-07-12 8 19897554 Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of Hel The Hellghast continue trying to find their way out of Hel and back into the world of the living. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-07-16 6 19941867 /tg/-Crafts A tabletop-related crafts thread with some tutorials from Esh-Esh and Hungarian LARPfag on how to make LED crystals, arts & crafts , /tg/ , Esh-Esh , hungarian LARPfag 2012-07-19 7 August 2012 20132509 Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of Hel 2 To fight to get out of Hel continues, with the situation growing more and more desperate. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-08-02 8 20190814 kung fu city /tag imagines what a city would be like if everyong knew Kung fu kung fu , city , martial arts , legends of the wulin 2012-08-05 10 20341656 Iron Hearts VVarroom: The Picnic All of the Voss bigshots gather together in order to decide the future direction of Voss as well as how to proceed with the war with Kashir. Also, there's the possibility of the Statesmen attempting to use this meeting to usurp the throne. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-08-18 6 September 2012 20747206 Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Iffram Campaign The Iron Hearts saga enters a new chapter with the entry of a new faction, Iffram. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-09-17 7 20758272 Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Graywind Fields Warroom Iffram rules are expanded on and more players are recruited. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-09-18 5 20765657 Iron Hearts Vol. 3, Chapter 1: Battle of Graywind Fields Iffram forces continue to defend the town of Graywind from invaders. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-09-18 5 20901100 Ironhearts Vol. 3: The Exploration of the Wylds Graywind sends out a scouting party to try and make contact with the surrounding towns. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-09-28 6 20912712 Martial Arts School, TG-Style OP wonder's what would happen if there was a school of martial art's Shit get's done... nostalgia is abound. video_games,Worldbuilding , martial_arts school 2012-09-29 5 20923276 Martial Art's School Round 2! The school get's a name, some details are fleshed out, and more crazy tales of badassery appear. Oh yeah, the chicks are hot. video_games , martial_arts , worldbuilding , school , anime , 2012-09-30 4 October 2012 20940410 Ironhearts Vol. 3 -Ch2.2 The Exploration of the Wylds Graywind's force's "Fort Slimebane" quickly takes shape in the Wyld, but who is that on the horizon? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-01 6 20940867 Martial Arts School Round 3! More write fagging gets done, some sage bombs here and there, discussion's and such abound wordbuilding , martial_arts , kung_fu , video_games , school 2012-10-01 2 20975826 Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 2.3 Battle of Wylds In which we continue to battle- *Undead Bolivians* from dusk till dawn Perpetrated by~ People in Black Clothes while... a cave is explored. Leading to High Chances of Death and Great Reward. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-03 6 21041846 Ironhearts vol.3 Chapter 2.4 Battle of the Wylds What Starts as a question becomes a continuation! The IRC Revealed, and the siege of unmen and undead continues! What awaits our heroes now? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-09 3 21142699 Ironhearts Vol3 Ch2.5 Battle of the Wylds Elderitch Horrors battle, minds melt, waters rise, ghouls nash. The end nears. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-16 3 21159859 Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of Serpico The connection between Greywind and Serpico has gotten off without a hitch- and with a few spare resources and some extra hands, we managed to create a town portal back to Greywind... Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-17 6 21248898 Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of Serpico Cont. Journies and quests in the city continue, but what lies behind the time locked doors of the Scholomance? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-10-23 3 November 2012 21380931 Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 3- The Avalon Scholomance Incident We start the storming of the scholomance - Ghoulified students, bugs, corruption, and one sleepy dog are encountered and fought despite planning a quiet start. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2012-11-02 3 21434972 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.2 Avalon Scholomance Incident Undead Bolivans threaten to make the very fabric of reality be torn assunder, or something, as the doomsday clock ticks down! Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2012-11-05 2 21559761 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.3 Avalon Scholomance Incident Iffram gets another chance, and after a tactical advance in the opposite direction they go toe to toe with Ragnyll in a fierce basement blitz. Giant monsters! Bitank Bisection! Castors on a rampage! Will our heroes prevail? Stay tuned to find out! Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2012-11-14 2 21647479 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.4 Avalon Scholomance Incident The exciting conclusion to the Scholomance Incident! What are the Black Deserters really after? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2012-11-20 3 December 2012 21874999 Iron Hearts: Armorfeight A side game where it's armor vs armor only. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-12-04 5 21989151 Ironhearts Special: PanzerKunst 01- Registrations and the Day After Something of an epilogue to the main Iron Hearts story. The Isara Military Academy is a multinational school dedicated to teaching its students the finer arts of blowing things up with very big tanks. The Academy begins recruiting for its PanzerKunst team. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2012-12-11 5 22140358 Ironhearts Vol. 3- In Historia... We play as a new faction, Kruss, which is trying to hold off a Voss offensive in the distant past. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2012-12-21 5 22248496 Iron Hearts in Historia: Battle of Melena Pt. 2 The tale of the desperate Krussian defense continues as the Voss march on. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi 2012-12-27 7 January 2013 22343531 Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyl "War-room" Monday decides to have a vote on what arc to complete, Ragnyl is chosen and the dead of yesteryear rise once more... Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective game , Sci Fi , fantasy 2013-01-05 5 22405694 Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyll: Ashleaf A meeting with an old CO turns nasty when the Hellghast are ambushed by an army of ghouls. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2013-01-05 3 22462018 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch4.2 Battle of Ashleaf The battle to retake Ashleaf from the dead continues, until the Hellghast are forced to face one of Iffram's feared Guardians. Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2013-01-08 6 February 2013 22982279 Martial Arts Quest In which our hero Zhou Qian uses his HUGE hands tor throw his first opponent around like a rag doll and wins his first bout in the tournament. Martial Arts Quest , Collective Game , Zhao Qian , Moon Fox 2013-02-05 10 23003965 Ironhearts: Vol. 3 Ch. 5 Intro - Ashleaf Reconstruction Without realizing it, the Hellghast have claimed the town of Ashleaf for Ragnyll. Caught between the Inquisitors of Aeon and the Queen of Iffram, can Ragnyll proper afford to support them? Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2013-02-07 6 23132118 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch5.2 - Battle of StormWood Battle rages against the ifframi rebels! Will our heroes survive? (Link to Ch5.1 linked from foolz in first post) Iron Hearts , Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Sci Fi , Fantasy 2013-02-13 5 23177176 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - Millicent leaves for Hogwarts and meets some new peeps. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts 2013-02-15 31 23178823 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2) Millie battles her fears, meets more peeps and gets sorted. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-15 24 23195523 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2.5ish) In which we make it through dinner at ravenclaw table then notice our sister sneaking out. SUDDENLY A WILD 4CHIN OUTAGE APPEARS and OP disappears. Archived to protect our progress. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-16 23 23211302 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (3) The first day of Millie's adventure draws to a close. Spells go wrong and the DICE GODS shine on us. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-17 22 23214333 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (4) Millie is fucking awesome at casting. Critically deals with her sis. And writes a letter home to pops. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-17 23 23232052 Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (5) We do awesome in our lessons. Build a stronger relationship with Olivia. And utterly fail to read a book in a library. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-18 22 23255224 Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (6) Millicent accepts Nathaniel (the ghost's) offer to enter the contest and build him a Mannequin. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-19 22 23275326 Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (7) Millicent gets a cold letter from her father. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-20 22 23296498 Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (8) Millie has care of magical creatures. Amongst other things. Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game 2013-02-21 22 23333921 Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (9) A mystery is afoot dear Nigel! Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game , Millicent Fauxly Quest 2013-02-23 24 23340997 Millicent Fauxley and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (10) Robert who? Harry Potter , Millicent , Wizard , Witch , Hogwarts , Harry Potter Quest , Collective Game , Millicent Fauxly Quest 2013-02-23 22 July 2013 25833414 Monsterhearts Quest In which the protagonist doesn't die, even when he was expecting to, and begins to discover his new life. Monstrosity Quest , Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Erotic , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-05 25 25840194 Akuma 13: The Ministry of Florin Faefnir familiarizes himself with the kindly members of Florin's clergy before embarking on an errand for Morgan with two of its sisters... Later in The Lady's Rest, Faefnir is introduced to the delicious flavor of a couple of tarts... Akuma Quest , D-grayman , Duke of Millenium , Family , Murder , Bakers , Faefnir , Demon , Mecha , Noah , Delicious Tarts 2013-07-06 38 25854859 Monsterhearts Quest 2 In which the protagonist is repeatedly cock-blocked by the universe. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-06 18 25872080 Monsterhearts Quest 3 In which the protagonist finds out some interesting things about himself and those around him. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-08 14 25911727 Monsterhearts Quest 4 In which the protagonist helps a friend and begins to attend a very unusual party. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-10 13 25953673 Monsterhearts Quest 6 In which the protagonist takes control and then loses control. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-11 13 25959701 Monsterhearts Quest 6.5 In which the protagonist deals with the consequences of a very poor decision. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-12 12 25974095 Monsterhearts Quest 7 In which the protagonist makes an important deal and begins to atone. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-13 13 26051339 Monsterhearts Quest 9 Thread 9 Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-16 12 26113952 Monsterhearts Quest 10 In which the protagonist uncovers more secrets under the surface of the normal world. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-19 12 26153255 Monsterhearts Quest 11 In which the protagonist's date goes both worse and better than he expected. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-22 12 26211999 Monsterhearts Quest 12 In which the protagonist has some very worrying dreams and some interesting conversations. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-24 12 26334046 Monsterhearts Quest 13 In which the protagonist investigates a teenage werewolf. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-07-30 12 August 2013 26373690 Monsterhearts Quest 14 In which the protagonist makes friends and influences people. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-02 12 26411405 Monsterhearts Quest 15 In which the protagonist deals with a new teacher and a gang of dysfunctional monster-hunters. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-04 11 26490479 Monsterhearts Quest 16 In which the protagonist has a further encounter with the monster-hunters and arrives just a moment too late. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-08 12 26509845 Monsterhearts Quest 17 In which the protagonist doesn't kill a werewolf and prepares for a Hunt. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-09 11 26546315 Monsterhearts Quest 18 In which the protagonist navigates a forest and the minefield of Fae politics. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-11 11 26602901 Monsterhearts Quest 19 In which the protagonist confronts a king of the Fae and survives. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-14 11 26642149 Monsterhearts Quest 20 In which the protagonist dissects a frog, and helps out a new teacher, who is extremely grateful. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-16 11 26734502 Monsterhearts Quest 21 In which the protagonist experiences trust, mistrust, paranoia, and more gratitude. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-21 11 26772705 Monsterhearts Quest 22 In which the protagonist has an extremely pleasant night in the company of three friends, and learns some things about religion. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-23 11 26861766 Monsterhearts Quest 23 In which the protagonist stares at his hands and introduces two people to each other who have already met. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-28 11 26899183 Monsterhearts Quest 24 In which the protagonist has several important things explained at last. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-08-30 11 September 2013 26989065 Esh-Esh Tutorials /tg/s favorite German girl teaches you things, other people eventually join in. Esh-Esh , arts and crafts , tutorial 2013-09-03 17 27006305 Monsterhearts Quest 25 In which the protagonist has several tense conversations, and is laughed at by himself. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-04 10 27044260 Monsterhearts Quest 26 In which the protagonist explains an important secret, and comforts a crying girl without dying. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-06 11 27144464 Monsterhearts Quest 27 In which we take an important step forward, chastise a bully, and are instrumental in setting up a date. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-11 10 27282268 Monsterhearts Quest 28 In which the protagonist discovers interesting things about himself and others, and notices a worrying absence. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-18 10 27316740 Monsterhearts Quest 29 In which the protagonist rescues two girls, asks for help from a distinctly untrusted source, and looks forward to the weekend. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-20 10 27401816 Monsterhearts Quest 30 In which the protagonist trades away a dream, acquires information, and goes to an important meeting with himself backing him up. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-25 10 27435810 Monsterhearts Quest 31 In which the protagonist finishes a negotiation by killing someone, makes a new ally, and has a long argument with himself. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-09-27 13 October 2013 27520642 Monsterhearts Quest 32 In which the protagonist discusses demons and angels, and makes plans against both. Mortal, Monster,Vampire, Werewolf,Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-02 11 27552238 Monsterhearts Quest 33 In which the protagonist investigates missing people. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-04 10 27644861 Monsterhearts Quest 34 In which the protagonist blames one murderer for another murderer's crimes, sets up an attack, and finds out about yet another disappearance. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-09 11 27679467 Monsterheart Quest 35 In which the protagonist is advised on politics and demons and launches an attack on a persistent foe. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-11 10 27759497 Monsterhearts Quest 36 In which the protagonist slays a demon, rescues an angel, locates two missing people, and speculates about gods. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-16 10 27883306 Monsterhearts Quest 37 In which the protagonist devises a scheme, and a judgement is delayed. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-23 8 27918234 Monsterhearts Quest 38 In which the protagonist and the players get some answers Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-25 7 28006424 Monsterhearts Quest 39 In which the protagonist experiments with magic, delivers some good news, and receives some bad news. Mortal, Monster, Vampire , Werewolf, Supernatural , Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest 2013-10-30 7 November 2013 28124268 Monsterhearts Quest 40 In which the protagonist is getting a little bit tired of people disappearing on him all the time. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-11-06 10 28251873 Monsterhearts Quest 41 In which the protagonist receives three prophecies and a warning, and braves a whirlwind and a cloud of knives. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-11-13 7 28380392 Monsterhearts Quest 42 In which the protagonist investigates a dead woman walking. Thread ended early due to technical difficulties. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-11-20 5 28400889 Monsterhearts Quest 43 In which the protagonist sees dead people. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-11-21 8 28512179 Monsterhearts Quest 44 In which the protagonist explains himself, improves himself, and prepares himself. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-11-27 6 December 2013 28636971 Monsterhearts Quest 46 In which the protagonist deals with an old foe and the dance concludes. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2013-12-04 5 28677830 Monsterhearts Quest 47 In which the protagonist is not going to go to Paris, an investigation begins, and the enemy speaks. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2013-12-07 5 28781474 Monsterhearts Quest 48 In which the protagonist has an inspired idea, which does not end well. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2013-12-11 5 28821934 Monsterhearts Quest 49 In which the protagonist, with a little help, escapes from potential fiery death and works out what to do next. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2013-12-13 5 January 2014 29392954 Monsterhearts Quest 50 In which the protagonist begins a rescue mission and avoids becoming snake food. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-01-10 3 29408308 Lights Out Gaming A storytime thread wherein OP begins to tell us about tabletop gaming with an excellent if socially maladjusted group. OP then dies of food poisoning. story time , vikings , homebrew , fate , fudge , arts and crafts , that guy , food poisoning 2014-01-12 10 29514204 Monsterhearts Quest 51 In which the protagonist is considered extremely useful. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-01-15 2 29735342 Monsterhearts Quest 52 In which the protagonist discovers another new problem and issues a challenge. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-01-24 2 29772158 Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword. OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues. psionics , pathfinder , path of war , tome of battle , swords , stat me , Fate/Stay Night , magic , galorion , mecha barbarians , martial arts , swordsage , monk , soulknife , dreamscarred press , preview , complete psionics , wilder , win , attempted derail , D&D , fluff , d20 2014-01-26 5 29853914 Monsterhearts Quest 53 In which the protagonist fights a king and meets a queen. Briefly. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-01-29 1 29904726 Monsterhearts Quest 54 In which the protagonist recovers from his injuries and plots revenge. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-01-31 2 February 2014 30171574 Monsterhearts Quest 55 In which the protagonist reclaims his soul. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-02-12 2 April 2014 31242317 Monsterhearts Quest 56 In which the protagonist receives slightly more backup than he was expecting, and has a polite chat with an enemy of all of reality. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2014-04-04 4 31713995 Swordless Sage Quest 1 Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it. Saucy , Swordless Sage Quest , Unarmed Swordsage , Martial Arts , Collective Game 2014-04-26 5 May 2014 32395306 Monsterhearts Quest 57 In which the protagonist kicks the ass of a particularly annoying recurring foe and prepares to interfere in a duel. Also much arguing. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2014-05-28 2 32426461 Hogwarts Quest Part 1 Shane Morris is a wizard, apparently. And sets off on his adventure of passive agressiveness through school. Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Hogwarts Quest 2014-05-29 5 32468268 Hogwarts Quest Part 2 Shane continues on his adventure and encounters an asshole pureblood who is defeated with the power of partying. Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Hogwarts Quest 2014-05-31 5 June 2014 32551527 Monsterhearts Quest 58 In which the protagonist saves the world with bullets. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2014-06-04 1 32556937 Hogwarts Quest Part 3 Shane gets out of the dungeons, then ends up having to go back for someone. Such is the life of a future hero. Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Hogwarts Quest 2014-06-04 5 32720875 Hogwarts Quest Part 4 Shane and Co. have a dreary day, and a terrifying night. Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Hogwarts Quest 2014-06-12 3 32906216 Hogwarts Quest Part 5 Shane makes nice with Lewis, against his will, an Arm is found, and Jenny is lost. Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Hogwarts Quest 2014-06-21 0 32981832 Monsterhearts Quest 59 In which the protagonist recovers some friends and finds that people disappearing is occasionally a good thing. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest , Excrucians 2014-06-25 2 July 2014 33130624 Monsterhearts Quest 60 In which the protagonist meets a friend's family and returns to his own at last. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-07-02 3 33277135 Monsterhearts Quest 61 In which the protagonist gives an explanation and receives the gift of freedom. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-07-09 0 33430410 Monsterhearts Quest 62 In which an old friend returns and the protagonist begins to plan for a party. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-07-16 2 33587107 Monsterhearts Quest 63 In which the protagonist focuses on the important things in life: throwing a party while your parents are away. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-07-23 0 August 2014 33917813 Monsterhearts Quest 64 In which the victory party gets into full swing. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-08-06 1 34090250 Monsterhearts Quest 65 In which the protagonist does not have a cup of tea with a dead woman, and everything is fine. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-08-13 1 September 2014 34934256 Monsterhearts Quest 66 In which the protagonist confronts a vampire and makes devious plans. Mortal , Monster , Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural , Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest 2014-09-18 2 35088910 Monsterhearts Quest 67 In which the protagonist makes a new friend with only a little bit of mind control, and considers the benefits of memory alteration vs blackmail. Mortal, Monster, Vampire , Werewolf , Supernatural, Monsterhearts Quest 2014-09-25 2 December 2014 36807813 International Wizard Schools Creation/discussion of various nations and their magical education facilities in the Harry Potter universe. Harry , Potter , Wizard , Wizarding , Magic , School , International , Nationalism , Fluff , creative , Hogwarts 2014-12-18 0 February 2015 38047298 DBZ Human Quest #65 Kaguya and friends enter the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , World , Martial , Arts , Tournament , Announcer , Yamcha , Goku , Videl , Gohan , Chi Chi 2015-02-14 11 May 2015 40160881 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 1 You are Shane Morris. You are, apparently, a wizard. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-05-25 14 40203298 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 2 Shane learns becomes embroiled in a blood conflict and tries to solve it with the power of friendship. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-05-27 9 40263239 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 3 Shane joins a club, encounters the Purebloods again, and learns about a secret society. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-05-30 8 June 2015 40330800 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 4 Shane learns spells, and secrets, then he descends. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-02 8 40374152 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 5 Shane and Co. trash a necromancer lair and save a damsel. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-04 10 40480648 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 6 Shane leaves the hospital and we finally get to Halloween. Spooky. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-09 10 40523699 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 7 Shane finally meets that girl he saved. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-11 7 40766952 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 9 Shane investigates another disappearance. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-23 6 40888471 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 10 Shane explores the gory death of Coralis Jone. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-06-29 8 40902167 Champion of the Key Quest #1 In which Chuckles and Eail made a Kingdom Hearts Quest, what could go wrong? Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-29 14 July 2015 41037828 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest 11 Shane ends his first year at hogwarts. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-07-06 6 41168570 Eail's Quest Discussion Thread In which QM Eail and his fans discuss current and possible future quests DBZ , DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest , Collective Game , Eail , Dragon Ball , DBZ Saiyan Quest , Saiyan , Chuckles , Metal Gear , Kingdom Hearts 2015-07-12 0 41198268 Champion of the Key Quest #3 We're archiving this one early, so who knows? Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-13 11 41204769 Champion of the Key Quest #3.5 HD REMIX In which our adventure continues Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-13 10 41347258 Champion of the Key Quest #4 Vasi walks through a long ass field in her pajamas, presumably other things happen too Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-20 10 August 2015 41630317 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 1 Shane spends the summer with his new benefactor Mr. Byrne. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-08-03 6 41649265 Champion of the Key Quest #6 In which early archive Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-03 12 41775083 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 2 Shane returns to Hogwarts, and catches up with some old friends. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-08-10 2 41917201 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 2 Shane and co participate in a tournament to see who gets to be in the dueling club. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-08-17 1 41951592 Champion of the Key Quest #8 In which we continue our adventures in Narnia Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-18 9 42201636 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 4 Shane does a lot of research about Jenny and prophecies. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-08-31 3 September 2015 42336566 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 5 Shane has a heart to heart with Lom. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-09-07 4 42483643 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 6 Christmas time brings a contest to Shane and the dueling club. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-09-14 2 42718074 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period #1 A young pureblood wizard is genned, and he (somehow) manages to keep his breakfast down on the Hogwarts Express. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Male Protagonist 2015-09-26 14 42736255 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period #2 First days at Hogwarts, and we already live up to the house stereotype and beyond. Dark Lord Buzzington is going to outlearn all you peons. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Male Protagonist , Quest , Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period , Gringott 2015-09-27 17 42765394 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 7 Shane takes a trip to the forest. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-09-28 3 42780534 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period III John continues with his classes and gets closer with his friends while learning abour her mother's past Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-09-29 12 October 2015 42832977 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period IV John continues his education in Hogwarts and aces his flying class. Gets closer with his friends and writes to his Mom. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-02 12 42851001 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period V John attends a Quidditch training, learns a new spell and Glenn makes a prophecy. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-03 11 42894456 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 2 Part 8 Shane and Jenny go on an adventure. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-10-05 2 42911014 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period VI John tries his luck with the Quidditch try outs and keeps researching on the Goblins. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-06 15 42923132 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period VII Glenn is attacked. John, Tim and Anya goes out wandering in the castle at night, encounter the strange Goblin again. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-07 10 42996778 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period VIII John plays his first Quidditch match, finishes semester and returns home for Christmas Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-11 12 43018495 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period IX John spends the Christmas holiday at home, meets with new people, a dramatic Quidditch game happens. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-12 10 43045702 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period X Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin Quidditch match, John thinks he saw something flying towards the Forest, end with a cliffhanger. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-13 8 43088874 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XI Another friend of John has been attacked and a very pleasant surprise for John happens... Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-16 6 43128133 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XII John checks the hidden room of her Mom, a confrontation happens between Slytherins and Gryffindors, THE QUIDDITCH CUP FINAL. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-18 11 43150085 Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest Year 3 Part 1 Shane talks to people a lot. Hogwarts Muggleborn Quest , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Quest , Hogwarts 2015-10-19 2 43312108 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XIII John confronts the horror that has been attacking the students, plot reveals, end of the first year, John Apise and the Bloody Bat. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-10-28 12 November 2015 43481887 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XIV Year 2 Year two starts, John enjoys his summer holiday, and accompanies his father in a trip to France Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-11-05 22 43754225 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XV John goes around at night in the streets of Bordeaux, writes some letters and practices Quidditch with his mom, meets with Tim. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-11-22 11 43889515 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XVI John attends to a friendly Quidditch match with Tim, returns to Hogwarts for the second year Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-11-30 5 December 2015 44444986 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XVI The Quidditch try-outs, DADA class with the new Professor and some researchs Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2015-12-30 6 January 2016 44641670 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XVIII John attends the Duelling Club, gets interviewed and some strange information on his aunt comes out. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-01-09 10 44750991 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XIX misarchiver can suck my fat cock Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-01-13 6 44839162 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XX: RIP Alan Rickman Edition Quidditch season starts, some fortune telling and then Gringott loses power due to a blizzard. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Harry Potter , Quest 2016-01-18 5 44900724 Monsterhearts Quest Blue #1 Character Creation, Eva helps Wanda. Collective Game , Monsterhearts Quest Blue 2016-01-21 1 45052649 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXI Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff Quidditch match, the school journal creates some chaos and more. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-01-28 8 45133662 Champion of the Key Quest #9 In which Vasi returns Chuckles , Eail , ChuckEails , Kingdom Hearts , KH , Keyblade , Champion of the Key Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-31 8 September 2016 557395 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXII Quest is resurrected after 9 months, we spend the Christmas back at Apise Manor. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-09-13 11 614060 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXIII John returns to Hogwarts for the second semester, Ravenclaw vs Slytherin Quidditch match, learned new spells, got injured and plot thickened Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-09-25 11 October 2016 672448 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXIV Many secrets revealed, Hogwarts under attack, death creeps in the corridors. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2016-10-09 22 753623 Saiyan Swordsman A 16 year-old low-class Saiyan warrior by the name of Kaido crash lands on a planet after narrowly escaping the destruction of Vegeta Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , DBZ , Saiyan , Anime , Sword , Martial Arts , Fighting, 2016-10-28 6 November 2016 794038 Sayan Swordsman Quest 2 Kaido spars with Kō of the three bat brothers, passes out, and wakes up in West City Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , DBZ , Saiyan , Anime , Sword , Martial Arts , Fighting, 2016-11-09 3 April 2017 1339983 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXV Year 3 John starts his third year in Hogwarts. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2017-04-08 12 May 2017 1436691 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXVI Classes start at Hogwarts, an old ghost reappears, John starts to develop romantic feelings and the Rowenna's Eagles meet. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2017-05-11 17 September 2017 1880941 Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period XXVII John and his friends try to find the meaning behind the prophecy and John returns home for Christmas to find even more secrets. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Gringott , Hogwarts Quest , Quest , Harry Potter 2017-09-25 11 October 2017 2000347 Kingdom Hearts Quest Quinn becomes a keyblade wielder, starts a game of hide and seek and gets DARKNESS Kingdom Hearts , Cereal , Darkness,Quinn 2017-10-23 15 November 2017 2026303 Kingdom Hearts Quest #2 Quinn meets a rival, goes hunting, and goes to the Other Side Kingdom Hearts , Into the Dark , thread 2 , 2017-11-06 6 2045881 Kingdom Hearts Quest #2.5 Quinn looks inside his heart, he goes to a spooky land and makes some money. Also Ford and Xehanort show up. Kingdom Hearts , Cereal , Darkness,Quinn , Into the Dark 2017-11-10 6 June 2018 2659994 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #1 Mick Frost gets made into a hologram, given a Keyblade, and has a lot of questions. Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-06-19 3 2667030 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #2 After nearly getting murdered by the animatronics at It's A Small World, Mick battles the Horned King. Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-06-24 2 July 2018 2708135 Keeper of the Kingdom Key Quest #3 Short thread. Mick gets a clue about what the Overtakers are looking for. The hunt for the decoder slates begins... Kingdom Hearts , Disney World , Kingdom Key Quest , DiZ 2018-07-10 1 October 2018 2925703 Iron Hearts 3: Bartham's Fall The sleepy border town of bartham falls to the first wave of Voss' new invasion of ragnyll, set 8 years after the end of the last chapter Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drake 2018-10-04 6 2940537 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Stallion The Ebon Drakes arrive at the town of Stallion just as Vossan forces begin an assult Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drake 2018-10-04 5 2967574 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Gran Lake. The history books ,should any of them survive, would refer to this as a singularly pivotal battle in Ragnyll's history. Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drake 2018-10-28 5 62669954 Craftworld Driag-Nahl Witness the birth of the unholy bastard of /k/, Vietcong, Noldor and Nagarythe. Eldar , Traps , Jungle , Masterwork Gear , PTSD , Arts and Crafts , Poor Iron Warriors 2018-10-30 6 November 2018 62760862 Driag-Nahl Thread # 3 Continued work on the /k/raftworld of Driag-Nhal. More work done on backstory and stuff Eldar , Warhammer , Craftworld , Arts and Crafts , /k/ , Traps , Avatar is mad 2018-11-03 5 3016279 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Bagram Express The gang takes the express and meets some civilians and a traveling clown troop. Zombies appear and chaos ensues. Honk Honk Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drake 2018-11-11 5 3043844 Ironhearts 3 - Battle of Bagram Express Infiltrators, pumpkins, ghouls, and insane voss warmachines round out the escape! Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drake 2018-11-19 3 December 2018 3079498 Ironhearts 3 - Nocturne Extraction The Ibon Drakes send a team to retrieve Mrs.Bartram from Nocturne but all hell breaks loose Skirmish Quest , Iron Hearts , Ragnyll , Ibon Drakes , Monday , Skirmish 2018-12-09 2 3118614 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1 A 15 year-old villager named Zhu Zhexian becomes a cultivator and begins his rise to glory with Zhaotian Kingdom. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2018-12-30 8 January 2019 3142801 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest Chapter #2 Zhu Zexian is promoted to a state-sponsored bounty hunter and returns to Blue Ridge City. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-01-10 5 3176091 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3 Zhu Zexian finishes the contract with Hu Qiang before taking on a contract that's more dangerous than he could have ever expected. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-01-27 5 February 2019 3210007 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5 Zhu Zexian travels to the capital and enrolls in the Royal Academy, a place where young elites from across Zhaotian Kingdom gather. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-02-09 5 3244332 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Actual Chapter 5 Zhu Zexian gets accustomed to the Royal Academy and prepares for a duel. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-02-20 2 March 2019 3278978 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6 Zhu Zhexian finishes a duel and attends some social events. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-03-06 2 3322617 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 7 Zhu Zhexian goes to Tan Xun's birthday and it takes an expected turn of events. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-03-19 1 April 2019 3361403 Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 8 The most exciting trial yet of Tan Xun's birthday begins and a battle begins with the whole city and beyond as the playing field. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Lost Tome , Fantasy 2019-04-02 1 June 2019 3572888 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1 Liu Zhu comes upon a lucky chance, trains with the Yu family, and after danger closes in on him he goes to the Northern Wastes for training. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus 2019-06-28 5 July 2019 3612415 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 2 Liu Zhu comes across a lucky chances, learns about gathering herbs, and competes to become an expert refiner's apprentice. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus 2019-07-11 5 67213231 Dramatic Dame Duelists OP presents the idea of a setting where honor duels among highborn ladies have evolved into dramatic spectacles of swordplay and pageantry. worldbuilding , brainstorming , nobles , royalty , swordplay , sword fighting , sport , martial arts , lady knights 2019-07-13 20 3648285 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3 Liu Zhu searches for treasure in the Black Swamp, arrives at Green City, ventures into the forest, and gets trapped in 12th Canyon. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus , Weak to Strong 2019-07-23 3 August 2019 3690462 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 4 Liu Zhu duels Duan Pin, is inaugurated as Highblood of Horned Island, makes a breakthrough, and trains under Refiner Long in Border City. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus , Weak to Strong 2019-08-06 2 3732685 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5 Liu Zhu returns to the Liu family, duels with his brother, and after several incidents kickstarts a new business plan. Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus , Weak to Strong 2019-08-16 1 3776424 Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6 F Collective Game , Quest , Xianxia , Xuanhuan , Wuxia , Martial Arts , Second Patriarch , Fantasy , QMWalrus , Weak to Strong 2019-08-29 0 September 2019 68162646 Nechronica thread with storytimes Two nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England. nechronica , storytime , story time , parts , guns , doll , system , england , british , japanese , america , portugal , atlantic , centipede 2019-09-08 5 January 2020 4009043 Xianxia Quest Báichī, self-taught warrior of the Furious Howling Gust style sets off to become the greatest cultivator the land has ever seen! Collective Game , Xianxia , Wuxia , Kung-Fu , Martial Arts 2020-01-16 1 April 2020 4161308 Hogwarts Quest: The Case of Finnegan-Smith A peculiar orphan begins his first week at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Harry Potter 2020-04-02 11 4170639 Hogwarts Quest: The Case of Finnegan-Smith #2 John and his new friends search for a missing student, and learn of a monster lurking in the castle dungeons. Collective Game , Hogwarts , Harry Potter 2020-04-10 9 October 2020 75185467 Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class released Translation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Protoca , Tachi , Class , Entombed , Red Planet , mars , space , parents , settings , custom , skills , parts 2020-10-07 2 December 2020 4553383 A Chunni in Hogwarts #1 SASHA SAGAN-STARBOUND is a muggleborn witch who dreams of spaceflight. The start of an AUTISTIC journey with shitty SPACE metaphors. A Chunni in Hogwarts , chunni , Harry Potter , Hogwarts , Pot QM , Sasha Sagan-Starbound , Collective Game , autism 2020-12-24 8 February 2021 4586159 A Chunni in Hogwarts #2 SASHA's plan to achieve spaceflight begins. A Chunni in Hogwarts , chunni , Harry Potter , Hogwarts , Pot QM , Sasha Sagan-Starbound , Collective Game , autism 2021-02-04 3 August 2021 4934964 Into the Va'at 1 K6BD inspired adventure w/ orignal art. Thomas gets his ass kicked. k6bd , art , demons , martial arts 2021-08-02 1 4912288 Saiyan Awakening Quest Rettace and his squad wake up to find that they have been frozen for years. Royalty and Gods are met. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2021-08-03 15 80496327 Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas. Anons help anons understand the system. Discussion of part rebalancing. Storytime of a prequel game to Aqen storytime. Nechronica , rules , advice , Storytime , Story Time , parts , Dallas , Feliz , Betty , Noel , 8-ball , Aqen , greentext , fire , DFW , America , Texas 2021-08-03 0 September 2021 4943212 Saiyan Awakening Quest 2 Rettace's continuing efforts to destroy a time distorting space monster. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2021-09-07 13 4957061 Sheep Cultivator Quest Xianxia quest following a sheep who joins a sect and rises from Outer to Inner Disciple. Quest , Fantasy , Chinese Fantasy , Xianxia , Cultivator Story , Progression Story , Martial Arts , Drawquest 2021-09-22 3 October 2021 4965870 IronSea A Naval Skirmish by Monday. Based on Ironhearts Naval , Skirmish , Monday , Ironhearts 2021-10-01 1 4969552 IronSea. Battle of Kon , Bagrahm, and 4 Finger A collection of battle scenes for IRON Sea Mission 1 Naval , Skirmish , Monday , Ironhearts , IronSEA 2021-10-05 1 November 2021 4993283 Saiyan Awakening Quest 3 Rettace prepares for his final battle with Lavos Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2021-11-03 12 December 2021 5046393 Saiyan Awakening Quest 4 Lavos is defeated at last, and Rettace becomes the legend. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2021-12-15 11 January 2022 5086614 Saiyan Awakening Quest 5 Rettace finishes up some things on Temperus. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2022-01-24 10 February 2022 83424106 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1. PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-02-23 2 March 2022 5136498 Saiyan Awakening Quest 6 Ayla and Glenn return to their own times. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2022-03-11 6 5180533 Late Stage Cultivator Quest Short one-shot quest following an immortal through yet higher states of cultivation. Quest , Fantasy , Chinese Fantasy , Xianxia , Cultivator Story , Progression Story , Martial Arts , Overpowered , One-Shot 2022-03-13 7 83635837 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2. An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , tokens , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-03-15 -2 5172067 Tournament Arc I Jack Carter, a wandering nomad and street boxer, is invited to a mysterious martial arts tournament. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-03-20 11 April 2022 5187088 Tournament Arc II Ayame Saito, a highschool senior from a prestigious martial arts family, is the next fighter recruited to the tournament. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-04-03 11 5191950 Saiyan Awakening Quest 7 Rettace begins preparing to fight Freeza, the quest goes on a break. Wukong , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Saiyan Awakening Quest , Martial Arts , Shonen 2022-04-25 1 May 2022 5217534 Tournament Arc III Ryoma Saito, brother of Ayame and rival-turned-friend of Jack Carter, travels to Canada to find his opponent in the tournament. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-05-14 9 July 2022 5301944 Tournament Arc IV Mariana Rosa, early MMA prodigy, is forced to take drastic action to protect her family. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-07-08 7 August 2022 5349953 Tournament Arc V Tao Yang, heir to one of Hong Kong's most powerful criminal organizations, tries to figure out who wants him dead. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-08-11 7 November 2022 5411624 Urist Fonderferson and the Slit of Secrets Uri Fonder is the Dwarf with a cursed cock! It's DnD meets Hogwarts, but raunchy! Smelty picks up after a flaker, but has no clue how to DM DnD , 5e , Fonderferson , Dwarf , Fae Smelter , Harry Potter , Hogwarts , r34 , Bootyholder , Myhernee 2022-11-14 -6 5417268 Tournament Arc VI Julia Fields, a detective in NYC, gets a lead on a mysterious international syndicate. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-11-16 6 December 2022 5470281 Tournament Arc VI 1/2 Julia's battle against an old enemy reaches its deciding moment. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2022-12-09 6 January 2023 5489400 Dragon Ball Origins # 1 The Beginning Adventures of Konzen Douji as he embark on his warrior's journey. Dragonball , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Origins , Collective Game , Martial Arts , Shonen , Tuffle, 2023-01-05 3 February 2023 5532638 Dragon Ball Origins #2 Drafted into a partnership with the former lord of time Aeos, Douji finds his soulmate and starts finding something worth fighting for. Dragonball , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Origins , Collective Game , Martial Arts , Shonen , Tuffle , KokuGM 2023-02-06 3 March 2023 5572116 Hogwarts Genesis Ep 1 We create Adrian Blackwell, go to Diagon alley and get school supplies, ride the Hogwarts express, meet students, get attacked on the train! Hogwarts , Harry Potter , WizardQM 2023-03-08 9 5581367 Dragon Ball Origins #3 With the sudden appearance of the Demon Queen Mirayo, Douji does a risky move that lands a massive payoff on all fronts. Dragonball , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Origins , DBZ , Collective Game , Martial Arts , Shonen , Tuffle , KokuGM 2023-03-18 4 5578776 Touhou ~ Virtual Impasse Paradox #1 Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame play a
strange computer game, setting off chain of events of universal scale... Touhou , Homestuck , PrinceofHearts 2023-03-27 4 April 2023 5602287 Kingdom Hearts Otherverse: /qst/ Edition Eglwyswrw (Egg) the Black Mage goes on a quest with his buddy Bronadon and Oswald the lucky rabbit to save the universe from the Darkness. Kingdom Hearts , Eglwyswrw , Egg , Bronadon , Oswald , Hectictude , World A supremacy 2023-04-27 -1 May 2023 5636950 Dragon Ball Origins#4 Koku disappeared and in his place the warriors of light came to being. Late April Fools gig. Dragonball , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Origins , DBZ , Collective Game , Martial Arts , Shonen , Tuffle , KokuGM 2023-05-20 0 July 2023 5674639 Tournament Arc VII Ramesh Khan, a former Kumite champion, lives an ordinary life, trying to forget the past. Tournament Arc , Martial Arts , Modern , Multiple Protagonists 2023-07-02 8 September 2023 5744433 Disappearing Hogwarts #1 Elliot has been studying in Hogwarts for six years when he discovers all records of his stay there vanished Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter 2023-09-02 36 5732922 Kengan Omicron #2 Billy starts training with Mokichi and discover clues to his mom's assassination. Ref QM , Ref , Colective Game , Martial Arts , Kengan Omicron Quest , Kengan Omicron , Kengan Asura , Kengan Omega 2023-09-22 6 October 2023 5753672 Zodiac Cultivation Quest An amnesiac drawn to the Rat Zodiac falls from the sky and starts to fight bandits before the QM Curse kicks in. Collective Game , Heavenly Sage , Cultivation , Martial Arts , 2023-10-10 2 5785510 Disappearing Hogwarts #2 Elliot goes on a date with Arty, wins a couple of battles and reaches Merlin's Last Light, discovering its secret and paying a high cost Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2023-10-21 33 5773888 Kengan Omicron #3 Billy defeats one of the assassins and leave him alive after getting more info on the case and now he's heading to the Kengan exam fight. Ref QM , Ref , Colective Game , Martial Arts , Kengan Omicron Quest , Kengan Omicron , Kengan Asura , Kengan Omega 2023-10-24 3 November 2023 5789853 Zodiac Cultivation Quest #1.5 The QM makes a brief return, as Shu the Rat Sage learns the Doctor's Arts and takes on two pupils in preparation for revenge on bandits. Collective Game , Heavenly Sage , Cultivation , Martial Arts 2023-11-20 0 December 2023 5824773 Kengan Omicron #4 Billy win his fight and passes the Kengan exam. Now he's heading to another one of the assassins looking for answers. Ref QM , Ref , Colective Game , Martial Arts , Kengan Omicron Quest , Kengan Omicron , Kengan Asura , Kengan Omega 2023-12-18 3 5831320 Disappearing Hogwarts #3 Elliot faces terrifying Dementors, kisses the girl and wins the final Battle of the year, earning a peek at the Mirror of Impossibility Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2023-12-27 30 February 2024 5877357 Disappearing Hogwarts #4 Elliot discovers who is the ghost in his head, has a nice Christmas with his girlfriend and fights a group of wizards hunting him down Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2024-02-08 30 March 2024 5920813 Third World Leader Quest (Ethiopia) "The Marshal" navigates the politics of Ethiopia, trying to avoid civil-war, and juggling various international superpowers triller , tom clancy , Africa , Ethiopia , Hearts of Darkness 2024-03-14 5 April 2024 5934243 Disappearing Hogwarts #5 To stop Salazar Slytherin from returning, Elliot learns how to cast the Dark Mark, steals the Deathly Hallows and delves deep into Avalon Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2024-04-01 28 5951757 DB The Next Evolution #0 Enter our heroine Son Koku as we embark a journey of wonder through the sixth universe. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Martial Arts , Shonen , DBZ , DBEvolution , ProfessorQM 2024-04-05 1 May 2024 5977239 Disappearing Hogwarts #5 Deeper into Avalon, Elliot faces its guardians and once more meets with Salazar Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2024-05-27 23 September 2024 6058730 Disappearing Hogwarts #7 Elliot faces Salazar in battle for the second time, and gives his girlfriend a gift she'll never forget Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2024-09-10 20 October 2024 6089315 Ilvermorny Quest 1 A pair of twins prepair to go on their trip to American wizard schoolfor a great adventure. Have a few other adventures on the way. Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Ilvermorny Quest , Adventure 2024-10-27 3 November 2024 6107189 Disappearing Hogwarts #8 After investigating the stranger parts of the world and spending a well deserved vacation with his family, Elliot hunts a dragon in Spain Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2024-11-24 15 December 2024 6122821 The Caretaker Quest #3 The new Hogwarts Caretaker and his companion battle the ghost of an Ancient Wizard and work on unraveling what is happening at the School Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Caretaker Quest , Adventure , Kektus , Caretaker , Mystery , Collective Game 2024-12-02 4 6129671 Ilvermorny Ques #2 A pair of magical twins and their adoptive little sister make it to America and begin their great adventure, discover a great secret. Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Ilvermorny , Ilvermorny Quest , Adventure , Collective Game 2024-12-14 2 February 2025 6159531 The Caretaker Quest - Part 4 We experience a POV shift, get to be a fit German girl after the MC lands in the hospital and continue to oppose the plots of a vile wizard. Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Caretaker Quest , Adventure , Kektus , Caretaker , Mystery , Collective Game 2025-02-09 2 6158641 Disappearing Hogwarts #9 Atlantis returns from beyond time's reach, and Elliot leads his friends to face the horrors within Disappearing Hogwarts , Harry Potter , HeadQM 2025-02-09 9 6169302 Ilvermorny Quest # 3 The twins and their adoptive sister likely save their friend, Jenn reveals a secret to a paranoid schizo, and bonds with her in bed. Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Ilvermorny , Ilvermorny Quest , Adventure , Collective Game , Twins , Magic 2025-02-11 1