/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2010
8055976Post a monster, get it flavoured mark 3/tg/ posts pics of various creatures and provides them suitable fluff. Good resource for GMs needing something new to put into a game.writefaggotry, fluff, refluff, awesome2010-02-13 2 
April 2010
8895534Wormhole Cyberpunk settingAliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel.scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight2010-04-01 2 
8995266Serenity RPG...is discussed, after a possible troll is gotten out of the way by the handy expedient of ignoring. Includes conversion of Firefly ships to Mongoose TravellerSerenity RPG, Mongoose Traveller, Firefly2010-04-06 -1 
9015413Elves gone awesome againSHARP. NARROW. POINTED. ANGULAR.elves, awesome, refluffing, Shit Got Done2010-04-06 7 
November 2010
12711995Bombardini: The Return (Also his shitty DM rages)Probably staged, but the DM of the game Bomb "Ruined" returns to bitch and whine, interesting things ensueBombardini, Vampirefaggotry, Shit DMs2010-11-07 16 
May 2011
14890671Random Class Refluffs!Hilarity ensues as the Internet Haet Machine(and a writefag or two) refluffs non-sensical Random Class combinations. Good for a laugh or two.Stupid, refluff, haberdasher, character creation, lollercoaster, internet hate machine, writefaggotry2011-05-12 1 
March 2012
18324998The God MachineA Delta Green/CoC GM comes to /tg/ with a disturbing idea he penned down at four in the morning, for an enormous torture machine. /tg/ convinces him he's not crazy, and gives ideas and advice.Delta Green, Call of Cthulhu, horror, creepy, machine, refinery, factory, torture, slaughter, abbatoir2012-03-15 25 
October 2012
21209912Company civWe open a moneylendering company on the docks and proceed to expand our buisinessCollective Game, Refreck Spine Snapper, Company,2012-10-21 6 
December 2012
21965124Company Civ #1The company hits the ground running, inventing a magical watch and nearly getting eaten by their puppy.Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-10 11 
21981382Company Civ #2The company invents a wet suit and gains a few more new employees.... also averts a... "end of the world" scenario.Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper 2012-12-11 16 
22043336Company Civ #3The company travels deep into the central bureaucracy, and secures a place trying to win the contract to fix the rails. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-15 9 
22074358Company Civ #4The group continues to work on their trains, and develops a new form of magical toys via golemancy. THe thread is a bit slow, hopefully better next time!Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-17 10 
22111596Late Night Hard Mode CivSo everyone starts out with slimes... no surprise they die horrible within the first few hours. However from the ashes rise tentacle monster... may god forgive usCollective Game, Late, Night, Hard, Mode, Slimes, Tentacles, Civ, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-19 2 
22114763Late Night Hard Mode Civ 2The tentacle monsters develop powerful magic, through the correct application of douchebaggery. Turns out if you act like jersey shore, you make a good civilization.Collective Game, Late, Night, Hard, Mode, Slimes, Tentacles, Civ, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-19 3 
22122722Company Civ #5The company secures the contract for the rails, but they still have a competitor. THe engineering guild, also they discover the problem with the bureaucracy is a lot worse than originally though. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper 2012-12-20 10 
22156617Company Civ #6The company expands once more, buying a new factory to house their train assembly line. Also they branch out to a new sector, opening a law firm inside their walls. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-22 12 
22234462Company Civ #7The company has to deal with the most terrifying time of the year for any business... the holiday seasons. Also some guy gets beaten up, fun times!Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-27 9 
March 2013
23828663A Grail War in ReflectionNicholas Ignatiavich summons Caster, traps a summoning circle, and discovers Assassin's Master.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night. A Grail War in Reflection, UmarChauhdry, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, 2013-03-23 6 
23949347A Grail War In Reflection 2We share war info, get threatened by Jack, Give Assassin a cup of Hot Cocoa, and get guns.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Umar Chauhdry, A Grail War In Reflection,2013-03-30 4 
April 2013
24078979A Grail War in Reflection 3We Build a Myr, Enter Monster's magical realm, Talk to Tomoko, and debate stealing the souls of little girls.Collective Game, A Grail War in Reflection, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, UmarChaudhry2013-04-06 0 
24211387A Grail War In Reflection Quest 4The dream sequence starts, Assassin stalks Archer-ko, We get advice from hobo-saber, Jack up and murders a woman, and We say goodbye to assassin. Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-04-13 2 
24345086A Grail War In Reflection Quest 5Assassin gets the shit beat out of her, Tomoko learns magic, and heals Assassin by taking everyone's bodily fluids at once.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-04-20 3 
24479886A Grail War In Reflection Quest 6"Monster" kills Archerko, and we have a talk with our Servant about what his former employment entailed.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection, We were such fools2013-04-27 2 
May 2013
24611310A Grail War In Reflection Quest 7We suck at teaching magic, we learn Monster kept Archerko in her magical realm, and we make good progress on becoming Roa.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-05-04 3 
24888735A grail war in reflection 8We test out the results of our Kyubey procedure. Do some spying and get confused.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Umar Chauhdry, A Grail War In Reflection,2013-05-18 -1 
25116709Succbus Lord Quest Part 36Join us as we reassure the noble girls about a nightmare then have a really big debate about firefighting for some reason!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, firefighting2013-05-30 20 
June 2013
25162842A Grail War In Reflection Quest 9We spring an ambush, get stabbed in the back, and Monster gets a Bad End.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-01 1 
25306475A Grail War In Reflection Quest 10Try and fail to screw Villain bugs, Find interesting leyline, Cubes summons magical girl Jeckyll, Old buddy John seems to be missing. Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-08 -1 
25441097A Grail War In Reflection 11We check out the leyline at the school, watch Rook gank our Familiar, and then fight him in a battle to the death.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-15 -1 
25571148A Grail War In Reflection 12Nicholas returns, We steal another body, change to a new base,Refuse a new alliance, See what Tomoko was up too lately, Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-06-22 -1 
July 2013
25820915A Grail War in Reflection 13Nicholas finds a sleeping hotel, sleeps with a psychopath, and talks about sleep with an eldritch abomination.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-07-05 1 
25978980A Grail War in Reflection 14Nicholas goes scuba diving, learns more about the war, and meets a new Servant.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2013-07-13 -1 
26135904Detergent Quest - UncappedBecause we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board.Collective Game, Bleach, A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime, recap episodes always suck2013-07-21 21 
November 2013
28460841Earth Survivor QuestOur hero, Rock, reclaims the Johnson Space Center and discovers the leftover mind of another survivor.Collective game, Eclipse Phase, Earth Survivor Quest, Post-Apoc, References2013-11-24 2 
January 2014
29776973A Grail War in Reflection 15The resumption of our quest, Nicholas creates some Mystic Codes and sends his Servants looking for others.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection2014-01-26 -1 
September 2015
42703222Yankii Reform Quest 1The day it beganCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-09-24 10 
42719285Yankii Reform Quest 2The Rep, the Sweater Chick, and the Delilama.Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-09-26 3 
42779162Yankii Reform Quest 3Enter the Princess and KohaiCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-09-29 3 
October 2015
42834336Yankii Reform Quest 4Teatime with the Princess and meeting Mono-girlCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-02 2 
42849735Yankii Reform Quest 5Nosebleed underlingCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-03 3 
42906315Yankii Reform Quest 6Advances REJECTED and the flustered neihbor girl Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-06 4 
42941058Yankii Reform Quest 7When you Rumble, throw 1's at the fight.Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-08 3 
42951096Military Q&A for your Stories/GamesAn army CPT answers questions about the military, its equipment, doctrine, tactics, and etc., to help you build more convincing military campaigns and stories.Reference, Q&A, Military, Army2015-10-08 10 
42960213Yankii Reform Quest 8Spanking the oppositionCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-09 4 
42976929Yankii Reform Quest 9Doing some book learningCollective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-10 2 
43052746Yankii Reform Quest 10Be our Boss!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-14 3 
43070393Yankii Reform Quest 11Clash! Rep throws down!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-15 3 
43106388Yankii Reform Quest 12Young Yankii; Escape From -him!-Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-17 4 
43163612Yankii Reform Quest 13Young Yankii (pt 2) and the "Warrior of Justice"!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-20 6 
43198178Yankii Reform Quest 14Young Yankii Chronicles pt.3: Time to Wake Up Now Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-22 4 
43235003Yankii Reform Quest 15Aftermath of the Fall - Status: Still Kickin'!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-24 4 
43332415Yankii Reform Quest 16Shooting the shit with Fangy and Leech; Brotime!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-10-29 3 
November 2015
43429178Yankii Reform Quest 17Rooftop thugs start round two! Leech dispenses Justice to some Cherry-boys!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-03 1 
43447349Yankii Reform Quest 18Leech goes on a hunt for the Nurse's Assistant! Steam turns up in the infirmary.Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-04 2 
43485497Yankii Reform Quest 19Ordeals with dealing with Giggles the dick-supreme! Teaching lifelong lessons with the Golden Lion!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-06 1 
43504026Yankii Reform Quest 20I can't believe my glasses senpai can be so... Cute? The Golden Lion gives Prez a talking to! Adorableness ensues. Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-07 1 
43591691Yankii Reform Quest 21Gettin' the FOODZ, inspiring the Prez to man up, and then gettin' into a fight! Just an ordinary day for Chitose Sonohara.Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-12 1 
43609659Yankii Reform Quest 22Wiping the floor with the King's Crew & Fangy's mission begins!Collective game, yankii reform quest2015-11-13 2 
December 2015
44107984Tyranid Reforms/tg/ comes together and makes some reforms to the 7th edition.Tyranid, Reforms,2015-12-11 -3 
44196461Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Shameless 80s references, drinking2015-12-16 1 
February 2016
45703703Quest: Blood Moon; Refrain. 1st Chapter.The beginning of the Fool's journey.Collective Game, Blood Moon, Blood Moon Refrain, Smiley2016-02-28 8 
August 2016
454161Yankii Reform Quest 1ReBoot: The delinquency begins again as asses are kicked and the journey begins Fresh. Rebooted from /tg/'s YRQ; new start new content.Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-08-08 4 
494290Starborn Quest 2: FireflyYou are Purps, you kicked a foxman's ass in a dance off. As a bodyguard you decide the best thing to do is ignore your missing principle.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Festival, Grinnsmon, Doc, Lexington, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Dancing Queen, Magic, Hona2016-08-21 6 
477919Yankii Reform Quest 2Brought Taro to Nurse's office were we caught up with his lil' sister 'n Tease-sensei before getting into a fight!Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-08-21 2 
506656Starborn Quest 3: Undercover OverloadPurps embraces her inner fight club as Anna. She knows when to hold 'em, but it's quiet.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-08-26 6 
515522Starborn Quest 4: Street SweeperPurps gets a confession rather easily. She then demonstrates what happens when emotionally crippled starborn fight normal people. Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-29 5 
518976Starborn Quest 5: There's No Turning BackEarly Archive; Purps and Hona return to Hona's home. Introspection and Snuggles occur.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Snuggles, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Terminator, Magic, Feelings2016-08-30 5 
September 2016
502078Yankii Reform Quest 3FUll Rage: Finally go full RAGE on some thugs and meet Red... the weirdo... then we finally get to class and meet Masumi.Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-09-10 1 
October 2016
661650Starborn Quest 14: Undercover OverloadWe finish the aftermath of Mr Black, talk to Tornin and retrieve TARDIS wagonCollective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Anna, Grinnsmon, Marie, Poker, Enigma, Firefly, Red eyes, Gambling, Magic, Disguise2016-10-06 2 
April 2017
52956802Saint Dracula and the Romanian ReformationVlad Tepes sells his soul for the power to drive off the Turkish invasion of Christendom and unintentionally starts a reformation.crusade, dracula, vlad tepes, vlad the impaler, reformation, theology, castlevania, faustian bargain,2017-04-29 13 
December 2017
2148023Metahuman Quest: Issue #8Morgan deals with a deluge of villains in Gotham's chilly night air.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Firefly, Mister Freeze, Man-Bat, High Roller, 2017-12-23 6 
December 2018
63270335Reforged Creation Thread #2More work is done, the Marines now have names and so do the KnightsReforged, Marines, Knights, Chaos, Cripple Fight2018-12-02 0 
February 2019
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
October 2019
3845477City of Reflections #1You are a professional duelist, working to uphold Sword Law and, more importantly, to find fame. Little of either ever happens. City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game2019-10-18 1 
January 2020
4026975City of Reflections Quest #2Your upcoming gallery looms in the distance, and you must find inspiration.City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game2020-01-24 0 
February 2020
4057724City of Reflections Quest #3The past comes back.City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game2020-02-01 0 
4073948I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #6 In which we save Scadam and rescued the citizens.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-02-28 23 
March 2020
4110431Trust a Goblin PART SEVENIn which we take in stock of what we've achieved so far and have a pleasant airship ride.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-03-13 23 
December 2021
5063260One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 1You are the Composer, a Mechanical marine by day and by night the mastermind of Hidden Justice. collective game, mynameismimikyu, one piece, marine protagonist, pulp action, one piece reflex, quest2021-12-10 1 
January 2022
5095927One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 2A One Piece Quest where vigilante marine officer, the cybernetic Composer, heads to Kano to recruit a doctor and perform a exorcism.collective game, mynameismimikyu, one piece, marine protagonist, pulp action, one piece reflex, quest2022-01-07 1 
5111353One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 3In the crime ridden West Blue you play Yorkshire Lickylick, the heiress turned vigilante serving the Composer. collective game, mynameismimikyu, one piece, marine protagonist, pulp action, one piece reflex, quest2022-01-25 0 
June 2023
5662571Space Merc Quest: Venutian RefugeeLife ain't easy on Venus. A peculiar tower appears in the wasteland and an old Corp rises from the dust as their pawns fight to survive...Space Merc Quest, Space Merc Quest: Venutian Refugee, Venutian Refugee, Collective Game, SpaceMercQM 2023-06-22 0 
September 2023
5732922Kengan Omicron #2Billy starts training with Mokichi and discover clues to his mom's assassination.Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-09-22 6 
October 2023
5773888Kengan Omicron #3Billy defeats one of the assassins and leave him alive after getting more info on the case and now he's heading to the Kengan exam fight. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-10-24 3 
December 2023
5824773Kengan Omicron #4Billy win his fight and passes the Kengan exam. Now he's heading to another one of the assassins looking for answers. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-12-18 3 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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